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Really Bad Jokes

Page 44


As I rowed my little boat
Toward the river shore,
A small black bird kept me from landing,
Quoth the raven, "never moor."


  • What did the aliens say, when they came to earth in search of soda pop?
  • Take me to your liter!


  • What's yellow and 1454 feet tall?
  • The Empire State Banana.


  • Why are doctors sued for malpractice at the beach?
  • Because they are judged by a jury of their piers.


  • What did the girl mushroom say about the boy mushroom?
  • He's a real fun-guy.


Two vultures boarded an airplane, each carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looked at them and said, "I'm sorry, gentlemen, only one carrion per passenger is allowed."


  • Did you hear that NASA recently put a bunch of Holsteins into low earth orbit?
  • They called it the herd shot 'round the world.


  • Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal?
  • He wanted to transcend dental medication.


  • Why did the traffic light turn red?
  • Because it saw the other one changing!


  • What does an attorney wear to work?
  • A law suit.