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Really Bad Jokes

Page 33


  • What's the richest kind of air?
  • A millionaire.


  • What do you call a slow hurricane?
  • A slowicane.


  • Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?
  • To make up for a bad summer.


  • What time would it be if five elephants were chasing you?
  • Five after one.


  • Why was the belt thrown in jail?
  • He held up a pair of pants.


  • What do you get if you cross a pig with a karate expert?
  • A pork chop.


  • Why did the fly fly?
  • Because the spider spied her.


  • Why is the letter E like London?
  • Because it is the capital of England.


  • Why did the nickel jump off the building but the dime didn't?
  • The dime had more cents.


  • How do you make a hot dog stand?
  • Take away its chair.