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Re: School
Posted By: unipeg, on host
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999, at 12:22:54
In Reply To: Re: School posted by [Spacebar] on Saturday, July 17, 1999, at 17:56:20:

> > Arrrg... all the things 1st grade teachers teach you that end up having to be untaught.... you can't add negative numbers. you can't divide by a number larger than the one being divided. you can't take the square root of a negative. arrg. of course, my first grade teacher didn't teach me anything, but that's another story...
> Unfortunately, it's not just the first grade that has to be unlearned.
> Science isn't bad, once you get into high school. By then, you're used to the fact that everything they teach you is a half-truth. (Particle theory in grade 9 - atomic theory in grade 10 - quantum theory in 11 and 12 - I don't know what they're going to teach me next...). A big problem is that these are developing fields so much of what you learn is out of date within about 2 years.

Of course, then there's always the stuff that they teach you that they SAY is true but some people don't agree with. I personally am a creationist, but biology last year was taught from the point of view that of COURSE evolution is right, what kind of silly-head wouldn't believe that? arrrg.
> If you ever want to do any real physical exercise (or physical anything for that matter), you have to forget eveything you learned in physical education classes (at least, elementary/junior high school level classes). First, nothing you do in these classes is actually challenging enough to significantly improve your physical ability. Second, the marks they give you tend to reduce your self esteem about your body. Third, phys ed is no fun, whereas excercise can be lots of fun (but not if you take it with a phys ed attitude).

I always hated phys ed. This year i luckily got to take swimming, which was a tad better, but not much. Because of p.e., I always thought I hated physical activity. About a week and a half ago, though, I started mad biking because I'm going on a 400 mile bike trip in 2 weeks, and I discovered that it's a whole lot of fun. Go figure.
> If you disagree with the above point (ie. if you like phys ed), it must be because you never had to take "social" dancing. If you ever want to scare away your boyfriend/girlfriend, the 200-year-old dances they teach you in anti-social dancing classes is the way to go.

The only people I ever met who like p.e. are the ones who are alreaqdy good at sports who enjoy laughing at the ones who aren't.
> Second languages are fine. They normally don't lie to you. The only problem is that, even if you've passed a second language course in school, that doesn't mean you're really fluent in that language.

Thank you second languages for not lying to us. hip hip hooray. of course, my first three years i had awful teachers so when this year i took an immersion course i was lost. but i caught up fast. right.
> English class is terrible. If you ever want anyone to read anything you ever write, DON'T write like you're supposed to in English classes. Write the way you do on this formum instead. A well written novel, professional memo, textbook, instruction manual, or just about anything is accessible and easy to read. A well written English essay is inaccessible and just about impossible to read by someone who isn't trained to decode it; as well such an essay is structured in an annoying and highly artificial manner.

I personally love writing - just not essays. I like the stuff the essays make you think about, i Just don't like writing them. I love creative writing. Just let me get an idea and I'm off. I write good poetry, according to some. They just don't help you out with that stuff in english class. sigh

uni"an essay? aGAIN???"peg

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