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Re: Creationism in Schools
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999, at 00:00:41
In Reply To: Re: Creationism in Schools posted by unipeg on Tuesday, July 20, 1999, at 12:54:07:

> C.S. Lewis's book "Miracles" has a good explanation of how evolution just doesn't work in, like chapter 4 or so, based on human intelligence. and, right, there's no way such complex organs as the heart for example could evolve from 2-3-4 chambered. there would have to be some point where it just didn't work, at some point during the evolution, so everything would die.

Gotta watch out for C.S. Lewis - he's a philosopher. When you bring philosophy into a discussion on scientific proof, it voids the integrity - philosophy and science are two completely different means of approaching a problem. Conclusions can be arrived at philosophically that can be and that cannot be arrived at scientifically, and vice versa, but mixing them tends to lead to gobbletygook and big debates between two groups of balding men, neither of which contains a single member who knows what he's talking about.

Oh, and, by the way, "Mere Christianity" is generally considered Lewis' greatest philosophical work, even though it isn't really a book. :-}

Dar "Philosophers 3, Pigs 8" ien

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