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Re: What's wrong with the Big Bang theory?
Posted By: Kwirq, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999, at 14:21:38
In Reply To: Re: Creationism in Schools posted by Morris Cecil Glalet on Tuesday, July 20, 1999, at 09:53:13:

> The Big Bang theory has been disproved, evolution has been disproved, [SNIP]

I'm sorry, when was the Big Bang theory disproved? This must be fairly recent news, but I'm afraid I don't keep as up to date as I should. Last I heard, the theory was alive and well, and the scans of the Cosmic Microwave Backgroung returned by the COBE satellite were something of a vote in the theorie's favour.

If, as you say, the Big Bang theory is invalid, does this also require that, contrary to over a century of observation and some recent, rather entertaining disputes over exact measurements released by that Astronomer's Convention, that the Universe is not expanding? Or do you prefer to say that the steady-state theory is more correct?

((Really, I'm not attacking, I'd like to know if there's evidence that I've not heard of. Thanks.))

Kw "obviously talking off the top of my head" irq