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Re: esm
Posted By: d13, on host
Date: Thursday, January 5, 2006, at 10:51:38
In Reply To: Re: esm posted by msmills on Wednesday, January 4, 2006, at 23:29:16:

> > > Please, Please give me a hint. I am going in circles! I have batteries,blue paint, bottle,chain,chalk, cheese,coffee filter,demerit,glasses,glue stick,grass,leaf,lighter,mop head,perma-tie,scapel,soldering iron,syringe,wire and wrench. I think I've tried everything but am missing something
> >
> >
> > try giving things to the loner and other poeple. explore everywhere you can and do every thing you can. plus how did you get the lighter? everbody has it but i can't find it
> For the life of me I can't remember Im sorry

thats ok. you got the stuff to do the artists little misson. you also have the stuff to get the acid for the potion in the chemistry lab. for the nitrochalk well......... i'm still working on that but talk to the chess boys agian if you haven't already. for the to poeple in the computer lab. sorry if i'm rambling on and on but i hope you don't mind if i tell you some more hints but the amount of hints is limeted since i'm not that far into the game.

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