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Re: esm
Posted By: msmills, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2006, at 23:29:16
In Reply To: Re: esm posted by d13 on Wednesday, January 4, 2006, at 18:32:25:

> > Please, Please give me a hint. I am going in circles! I have batteries,blue paint, bottle,chain,chalk, cheese,coffee filter,demerit,glasses,glue stick,grass,leaf,lighter,mop head,perma-tie,scapel,soldering iron,syringe,wire and wrench. I think I've tried everything but am missing something
> try giving things to the loner and other poeple. explore everywhere you can and do every thing you can. plus how did you get the lighter? everbody has it but i can't find it
For the life of me I can't remember Im sorry

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