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Re: Summer Vacation...
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2000, at 06:34:35
In Reply To: Re: Homework: Good or bad? posted by Dave on Wednesday, August 30, 2000, at 14:52:49:

> But, getting back to the point, hell, in High School, you get three friggin months off in the summer to do whatever the hell you want to. Do you know what I'd do for 3 months paid vacation EVERY SINGLE YEAR, with no possibility of being called in to work (when have they ever decided they had to have an emergency week of school in July?) I'd probably willingly and happily work 80 hour weeks every week for that kind of vacation policy. I guess I should be a High School teacher. And I would, if teachers were alowed to beat students still. That's the only thing I can think of that might make being a High School teacher bearable.
> -- Dave

However, you won't get paid during the summer months if you were a high school teacher. I've got some relatives who teach. I believe they have to put enough away in savings each year to get them through the summer. (However, I might be mistaken about this. Maybe Howard can confirm what I just typed.)

-Faux "I know I'm setting myself up for a bad joke" Pas

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