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Golf, Cars, and Business Travel
Posted By: Ferrick, on host
Date: Monday, August 28, 2000, at 21:49:53

Well, it has been an interesting weekend and beginning of a new week. I feel like I haven't been on Rinkworks in a long time which must mean that I am spending a lot of time here, now, but it is a comfortable friend to come back to, especially when on the road.

Saturday started off wonderfully. I won a round of golf for 2 and a cart through a local radio station's website (KNBR). It was a Father's Day contest but I didn't take my dad. Is that taboo? Last year I won a similar contest from them and did take him and my father-in-law (and family) to a Giants game in a catered luxury box so I should be even. But the weather was beautiful, the course was superb, and even though I stink worse than morning breath, I actually won the most skins (they gave me a shot per hole). I more than doubled Tiger's score from last Friday.

Over the last year, my wife has wanted to get me a new car cuz she wanted me to be in a bigger, safer car. I was fine in my '89 Corrola but it wasn't the best car for me because it was a little small. I figured we could handle it since it got good gas mileage and because it was paid for. During the last few months, though, it became evident that I would be moving to a new building in our company and doubling my commute time so we started to seriously consider getting a new car. We narrowed our choices down to a Subaru Legacy Outback and a Volvo Wagon. I thought I wanted the Subaru and I loved the options the Limited version came with. Now, I ask you, why are car dealers such slime? They try to be your friend and say they are working for you, but that is such bull. I learned a lot the last time we bought a car and I wasn't going to be pushed around this time but it doesn't make the experience any more pleasant. We were pre-approved for the loan and had figured out what numbers would work for us and every time we told the Subaru sales guy this, he tried to push them higher. "Oh, well, that's only $20 more a month." "No one would buy your trade-in for more than 200-300 bucks, if at all." They tried every trick. We ended up walking out and saying forget it. There would be another car just like it at another dealership. Long story short (too late), we bought a Volvo wagon for a lot less and it is only a little different than the Subaru and probably better in the long run. And who cares if we own a station wagon and don't have kids!!! The car is SWEET!

Finally, I'm on my first business trip and that is strange. Today was a travel day from Oakland to Pittsburgh with a stop in Dallas. I didn't feel real well on the plane so that sucked. On the way to Dallas, I sat next to a man who was 90 (I would have guessed 70 at most) who had spent 6 weeks driving all over the Western States with a 70 year old. That's cool. On the other side of me was a girl about my age from Oakland who was going back to her hometown of New Orleans for her brother's wedding. We talked about the types of stereotypes that cities get and how they often have truth in them but aren't the only truth. Pittsburgh, Dallas, New Orleans, and Oakland all evoke images in my head whether I've been there or not.

Pittsburgh is gorgeous and green with tons of trees. I went to a Pirates game tonight as soon as I got my rental car. I got a great seat and wondered how I would be treated wearing my Giants cap (I love that the Giants are in town with me). No one said a word about it. The Giants won and I was amused by a 13 or 14 year old boy sitting across the aisle from me who spent two thirds of the time looking back up the section. I figured he was looking at a girl and I think I spotted who it was. I was so tempted to say something to him about it (nothing mean, but rather encouraging) but I thought he might respond defensively or be really embarrased about it and I didn't want to put him through either because I've been in that seat before.

I've rambled on enough for you all. Hope to see you around.

Fer"going to bed"rick

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