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Re: volvos. . .
Posted By: Ferrick, on host
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2000, at 14:38:19
In Reply To: volvos. . . posted by shadowfax on Tuesday, August 29, 2000, at 20:37:48:

While we were out purchasing our Volvo with helpful salespeople, the Subaru dealer called to offer us another "deal." He still didn't get it that when we say what our budget is, that means he should go *lower*! What a loser. He called again the other day and my wife had the pleasure of telling him that we had bought another car and it wasn't a Subaru and it wasn't from him. We bought the car he said we couldn't possibly afford!

Sweet irony,

> are very cool. Even back in the days when they basically looked like a brick on wheels, somehow Volvo managed to pull the look off, and pull it off with class. I've driven a few Volvos, and they're a lot more car than a family station wagon has any right to be. You don't normally associate the words "station wagon" and "quick" in the same sentence, but the volvo (and to be fair the audi) has managed to do it.
> Personally, I find the volvo wagons to be much better than the subaru outbacks, both in looks and in performance. (sorry, it's NOT a "sport" utility wagon) (and I just can't go for all the holes in the hood. It looks like they took a can opener to it ;)

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