Ultimate Bot Tournament #3: Session 7
Randy: DANG. The guy on Dirty Jobs is covered in fire ant bites.
Maryam: So what job requires you to be covered in fire ant bites?
Randy: Grabbing alligator eggs in Louisiana!
Maryam: Grabbing alligator eggs is a job?
Randy: Apparently. They hatch them and sell them I'm guessing for meat or skin. I missed that part.
Randy: I have luckily not come across any during my fishing trips. I did almost get hit by a beaver once, though.
Maryam: Get hit by a beaver?
* Maryam imagines a beaver launched from a catapult.
Randy: Yeah, it launched itself from its dam, which I was kind of underneath. It almost landed in the boat with me.
Maryam: Heh, goodness.
Randy: It was funny after I stopped freaking out.
Sam: I hear some commotion backstage.
Sam: I wonder what's going on.
: Thanks for doing this for us, Roxie. This can't be comfortable for you.
: I can't mmfmm mfmmm figure out how...mmphph...you were able to AFFORD me!
Maryam: LOL
Randy: LOL
Gharlane: LOL
Crystal109: LOL oh man.
: I mowed a lot of lawns as a kid. I'm going to go check on Brianna. See you later!
: Mnumphfm. I'm raising my service fees after this job. *pout*
Crystal109: Love the Paint job.
Revan: LOL. I like the altered shirt, too.
Crystal109: Randy: Hahaha, I didn't notice that until you told me.
Gharlane: The altered shirt is what I was laughing at. :)
: Oh, Ricky dear, there you are. I have something to tell you.
: Sorry, Mom, can it wait? I have to take care of something. Catch me after the session! *bolts down the hall*
: Well, landsakes.
: Janet? Are you ready?
: I sure am. How much time do we have?
: Just a couple more minutes. Don't worry, Janet. We'll find Sandy. We'll find her and hide her away.
: Ricky, I'm so worried. I just don't understand how he caught onto us so fast. For him to have beaten me home and kidnapped Sandy.... Well he must have a spy here at the tournament. That's the only explanation.
Crystal109: Oh, no. One of us is a spy!
Maryam: Nah, it was the bone dog.
Crystal109: Oh. Phew.
* Revan looks around shiftily.
* Gharlane puts away his secret codebook.
: Yes, but we don't know who. That's why we've got to act now. While everyone is tied up at the tournament, we'll be paying a visit to the address Archie gave us. He may not know we found out where he lives, so it's a good bet that's where he's keeping Sandy.
: I hope you're right. Hey -- I think I hear us starting the games. Time to go!
: You'll keep an eye on things here for us, Archie?
: Yes, just as we planned. Better get going.
Kysle: Wasn't Sandy behind glass or soemthing?
Maryam: Kysle: Sheldon threatened to put her in jail, so they'd only be able to ever see her again through a sheet of glass.
Kysle: Maryam: Oh
Meanwhile, on stage....
: Welcome to the seventh and final session of Ultimate Bot Tournament #3! I'm your host, Sv--I mean, Ricardo von Steppenwergen!
: And I'm totally Brianna Day! You can tell! Because my body is hot, even though my face is so ugly!
Counterpoint: LOL
Gharlane: LOL
Maryam: LOL LOL
Crystal109: ROFL.
: Why yes, Brianna, you're so...*gulp*...cute and...cuddly.
nessachan: lol
Randy: LOL LOL
Gharlane: Good ol' Sven.
Zup: LOL
Revan: She's so much like Janet I can hardly tell the two apart.
Crystal109: Huh. Ricky has another name?
Crystal109: Sven? O_o
Sam: Sven is Ricky's twin brother.
Zup: And he's not evil, either.
Crystal109: Does Janet know?
Counterpoint: Yes.
Sam: Yeah.
Crystal109: Ah. So was Ricky evil then?
Sam: LOL.
Counterpoint: No.
Sam: No.
Sam: Ricky and Sven are twin brothers, and there was a misunderstanding about that earlier, but it's all cleared up, and now Ricky and Janet are going to try to find Sandy, while Sven and Roxie pretend to be them hosting the tournament -- so Sheldon won't realize they're gone. It's quite simple, really. ;-)
Sam: Sven is a mirror image of Ricardo.
Sam: So you can tell them apart.
Crystal109: Sam: Great! Thanks. =)
* Counterpoint is a mirror image of himself, so you can tell him apart, too.
: Our first game is called WordBot...or WeirdBot or something, I can't keep these bots straight.
Maryam: Oh, I thought the first was CrackBot.
: Yeah, right. We'll play to 30 points. Remember, not all valid English words appear in its dictionary. If you find any that are missing, memo Sam with the words, but for this tournament, the bot's scores will stand. Sam, let's begin the game in one minute.
Randy: Yeah
Crystal109: Hunh. Me too.
Sam: I lied in the schedule.
WordBot has been summoned by Sam.
Maryam: Tsk tsk.
Revan: LIES
Crystal109: Sam LIES?
Sam: Apparently.
Gharlane: Heh.
* Crystal109's world has been shattered.
Crystal109 is away.
Counterpoint: Look, she's crushed.
Crystal109 is back.
Crystal109: Okay, I'm fine now.
Maryam: That was quick.
Crystal109: I don't hold grudges long, fortunately for Sam.
: We'll be playing in quiz mode, naturally.
Sam: Er...don't EVER call me that again.
Counterpoint: Er, one more minute!
* Zup is going to be even more annoyed then when Brianna and Ricky were using pet names...
Maryam: I think this tournament would have been even better if the Pet Name Filter had been on.
Randy: hehe
: Pssst. I already said to start in one minute!
: Yeah, but more minutes is better than less minutes! That's what my phone company always tells me!
Gahalyn: Uhg, that composite looks like she has really funky shoulder and underarm hair.
WordBot: Starting a new quiz game:
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: i, b, u, i, g.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: i, b, u, i, g.
WordBot: Claimed answer: contributing (Gharlane)
WordBot: Claimed answer: disambiguating (Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: distributing (Gharlane)
WordBot: Claimed answer: imbuing (Sam, Gharlane)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: attributing.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: disabusing.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: disbursing.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: discombobulating.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: filibustering.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: imbruing.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: neighbouring.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: redistributing.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: shipbuilding.
WordBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +3, Sam: +2.
Crystal109: Dang.
Maryam: Oh man, I couldn't even think of "imbuing"?
Zup: I wish I was good at words. Wait, I'm an English major! CRPA
: NICE PLAY THERE! Wasn't that a nice play, Ricky-snuggle-poo?
: Er, yes it was...Brianna...*cringe*...bunny...*gag*...button.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: ba_he_.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: ba_he_.
WordBot: Claimed answer: bashed (Crystal109, Randy, Sam, Zup)
WordBot: Claimed answer: basher (Counterpoint, Kysle, Randy, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: bashes (Kysle, Crystal109, Zup, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: bathed (vballgirl, Crystal109, Gharlane, Counterpoint, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: bather (Counterpoint, Gharlane, vballgirl, Kysle, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: bathes (Gharlane, Zup, Counterpoint, Crystal109, Kysle, vballgirl, Sam)
WordBot: Scores this round: Sam: +6, Counterpoint: +4, Crystal109: +4, Kysle: +4, Gharlane: +3, vballgirl: +3, Zup: +3, Randy: +2.
Zup: I'm slacking.
: BUNNY, am I? *GIGGLE* Maybe I wanna nibble on your ear, honeypants!
: ...
Crystal109: LOL this is amusing.
Maryam: (Quick, cover up the other one!)
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: radiale.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: radiale.
WordBot: Claimed answer: radiant (Maryam, Gharlane)
WordBot: Claimed answer: radiate (vballgirl, nessachan, Gharlane, Sam, Counterpoint, Randy)
WordBot: Claimed answer: redials (Kysle, Maryam, Revan, vballgirl, Sam)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: radicle.
WordBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +2, Maryam: +2, Sam: +2, vballgirl: +2, Counterpoint: +1, Kysle: +1, nessachan: +1, Randy: +1, Revan: +1.
Maryam: Aw, Randale isn't in there.
: Pssst. Nimsy! What's going on?
: Nuthin' here, master. They's hostin' the show, just like normal.
Nyperold: He's a watchdog. You can tell by his eyes.
Nyperold: Indiglo
: Good. Good.
* Zup shoves Sheldon.
Maryam: I wonder how he communicates with Numsy, since he's obviously not here.
Maryam: Er... *Nimsy
Zup: As do I.
Sam: Sheldon's here. Skulking around in back somewhere.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words of length 6 or more made with the letters: tbsooer.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words of length 6 or more made with the letters: tbsooer.
WordBot: Claimed answer: booster (vballgirl, Gharlane, Randy, nessachan, Counterpoint)
WordBot: Claimed answer: reboot (Counterpoint, Gharlane, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: reboots (Counterpoint, Gharlane, nessachan, Sam)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: robots.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: sorbet.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: strobe.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: torose.
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +3, Gharlane: +3, nessachan: +2, Sam: +2, Randy: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Crystal109: I suck at this game.
Maryam: I suck at all word games.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: presiding.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: presiding.
WordBot: Claimed answer: president (Maryam, nessachan, Crystal109, Counterpoint, Gharlane, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: providing (Gharlane)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: preceding.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: prefixing.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: presaging.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: presidial.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: presidium.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: presuming.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: prevising.
WordBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +2, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Maryam: +1, nessachan: +1, Sam: +1.
: RICKY POOPKIN, these can't be real words, can they? They ain't no words I ever heared of!
: Well, Brianna...twinkle toes...*choke*...that's the real challenge of this bot. Knowing actual words.
Crystal109: Twinkle toes?
Crystal109: I think he's thinking of MysteryBot. =P
Sam: I don't think I can blame Sven for being bad at playing cutesy with...Roxie.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: sdnsa.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: sdnsa.
WordBot: Claimed answer: sands (Counterpoint, DemanusFlint, Sam, vballgirl, Crystal109, Maryam, Revan, Gharlane, Zup, Kysle, nessachan)
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gharlane: +1, Kysle: +1, Maryam: +1, nessachan: +1, Revan: +1, Sam: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
* Kysle's excuse is tiredness. Uh huh. I'm sticking with it.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: harry.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: harry.
WordBot: Claimed answer: horary (Sam)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: gharry.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hurray.
WordBot: Scores this round: Sam: +1.
Sam: Wow, that was a last-second guess.
Kysle: Hurray for guesses!
Crystal109: Heh. Those don't even look like words. Except for hurray.
vballgirl: Rashly worked there, didn't it?
vballgirl: Nope.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: rymi.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: rymi.
WordBot: Claimed answer: rimy (Counterpoint, Gharlane, nessachan, DemanusFlint, Kysle, Sam, vballgirl, Maryam)
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gharlane: +1, Kysle: +1, Maryam: +1, nessachan: +1, Sam: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Maryam: Huh, didn't know that was a word.
* Zup is thoroughly frustrated.
: There's something funny going on here, Nimsy. Something's wrong, but I can't quite put my finger on it....
* Zup takes it out on Sheldon.
Zup: Maryam: Neither did I.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: acetic.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: acetic.
WordBot: Claimed answer: ascetic (DemanusFlint, Maryam, Revan, Crystal109, Gharlane)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: calcite.
WordBot: Scores this round: Crystal109: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gharlane: +1, Maryam: +1, Revan: +1.
: Another tough round! But the challenge is well met by our players.
: That's right, YUMMERS!
Ticia: LOL
* nessachan's brain melts
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _if_eb_rd.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _if_eb_rd.
WordBot: Claimed answer: riflebird (Gharlane, Sam, Counterpoint)
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Gharlane: +1, Sam: +1.
Sam: Another total guess.
Kysle: Huh.
Maryam: No way? I thought of that but thought it couldn't possibly be a word.
Gharlane: Same here.
Crystal109: Wonder if that's actually a bird.
nessachan: lol I guess that pifrebird and giftebird don't actually exist
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: ochseom.
Maryam: I was also thinking that a "riflebard" would be pretty cool.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: ochseom.
Maryam: I don't know how you play music with rifles, but it'd be cool!
WordBot: Claimed answer: mooches (DemanusFlint, nessachan, Gharlane, vballgirl, Counterpoint, Ticia)
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gharlane: +1, nessachan: +1, Ticia: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Crystal109: LOL I should've gotten that one.
: I know what's wrong! Ricky is photo-sensitive in his left eye. This guy is covering his right. Must be his twin brother Sven! As for Janet...I didn't realize she had a twin -- she was wise to hide her from me -- but that's the only explanation. Nimsy! Stand guard here! I have to check on Sandy! *bolts for the door*
Randy: OH NOES
Crystal109: NOOOOOO He figured it out!
nessachan: oh no!
: AAAARGH! *falls over*
: That's strange. I could have sworn I tripped over something....
Zup: HAHA, Birdkiller to the rescue!
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: pl_ug_ed.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: pl_ug_ed.
WordBot: Claimed answer: ploughed (DemanusFlint, Maryam, Gharlane, Counterpoint)
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gharlane: +1, Maryam: +1.
Sam: Gah. Had it too late.
vballgirl: Darn it.
Crystal109: Ack. All I could think of was plugged.
Zup: Crys: same here.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: oedferf.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: oedferf.
WordBot: Claimed answer: offered (DemanusFlint, Maryam, Gharlane, Sam, nessachan, Counterpoint)
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gharlane: +1, Maryam: +1, nessachan: +1, Sam: +1.
Crystal109: Bahhhhh.
Zup: [->Bots] deoffer <---- that should have tipped me off, eh?
Meanwhile, at Sheldon's hideout....
: Sandy? Sandy! Sandy, are you here?
mumble, mumble
: I hear something! Through that door!
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words containing the letter sequence: -ighting-.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words containing the letter sequence: -ighting-.
WordBot: Claimed answer: alighting (Revan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: fighting (vballgirl, Counterpoint, DemanusFlint, Gharlane, Ticia, Maryam, nessachan, Revan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: freighting (Gharlane)
WordBot: Claimed answer: lighting (DemanusFlint, Counterpoint, Ticia, vballgirl, Gharlane, Revan, nessachan, Sam, Maryam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: relighting (Sam, DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Claimed answer: righting (Gharlane, DemanusFlint, Counterpoint, Sam, vballgirl, Maryam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: sighting (DemanusFlint, Revan, Counterpoint, Maryam, Randy, Ticia, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: sightings (DemanusFlint, Counterpoint, Revan, Zup, Randy)
WordBot: Claimed answer: slighting (Revan)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: bedighting.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: bullfighting.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: delighting.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: dighting.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: highlighting.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: infighting.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: knighting.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: moonlighting.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: nightingale.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: nightingales.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: outfighting.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: weighting.
WordBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +6, Revan: +6, Counterpoint: +5, Gharlane: +4, Maryam: +4, Sam: +4, Ticia: +3, vballgirl: +3, nessachan: +2, Randy: +2, Zup: +1.
Gharlane: Infighting just too late.
Maryam: Awww, man.
Crystal109: OH.
Crystal109: Wait, what? I thought there had to be a letter after the g.
Kysle: D'oh. I thought it was another fill in the blanks.
Crystal109: Man. I need to learn how to read.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: sawyer.
Ticia: Sawyer!
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: sawyer.
WordBot: Claimed answer: lawyers (DemanusFlint, Sam, Gharlane, Revan, nessachan, Counterpoint, Eric, Zup)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: yawners.
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Eric: +1, Gharlane: +1, nessachan: +1, Revan: +1, Sam: +1, Zup: +1.
: Sandy! Oh, thank heaven. Are you all right? Did he hurt you?
: Janet.... I had a wonderful time. Like, the nice man, like, is totally cool. You'd like him. Let me introduce you. Nice man? Where are you, nice man? This is my sister Janet and...somebody else. Hey, why can't I move my hands?
Crystal109: She has a black eye or something!
Maryam: He drugged her!
Sam: Maryam: LOL. I didn't think of that. No, she's always like that.
Maryam: Sam: Oh. Hehe.
Randy: hehe
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: m_xi_al_y.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: m_xi_al_y.
Maryam: Max Bialosky!
WordBot: Claimed answer: maximally (Counterpoint, DemanusFlint, vballgirl, Gharlane, Revan, nessachan)
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gharlane: +1, nessachan: +1, Revan: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Eric: Mexicalsy
DemanusFlint: Mexically?
Zup: [->Bots] mexically
DemanusFlint: Kind of like Calexico?
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: o, t, e, n, i, v, e.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: o, t, e, n, i, v, e.
WordBot: Claimed answer: ostensive (Gharlane, Counterpoint)
WordBot: Claimed answer: photosensitive (DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: coextensive.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: counterintuitive.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: counteroffensive.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: protensive.
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gharlane: +1.
* Crystal109 wants to go cry in the corner.
: Quickly, Janet. Let's untie her and get out of here.
: Oh, Sandy, I'm so sorry I wasn't there. We'll get you out of here, just sit still for just a moment....
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: br_in_te_.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: br_in_te_.
Maryam: Revan: I'm doing better than I was at the beginning too.
WordBot: Claimed answer: brainstem (Gharlane, Maryam, Revan, Randy, Counterpoint, Eric)
WordBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Eric: +1, Gharlane: +1, Maryam: +1, Randy: +1, Revan: +1.
nessachan: oh geez
DemanusFlint: Wow, glad I missed that.
Zup: [->Bots] brainster
Crystal109: Maryam: I'm doing way worse than I was in the beginning.
Maryam: Crys: :-(
nessachan: my brainstem must be busted
: BRAINSTEM? I ain't got one-a them! I don't grow on no tree! heeeheeeheee
Revan: LOL
Maryam: We can tell, Ro-er-Brianna.
Gharlane: Hehe, Ro- Brianna, you shore do have one sense of humor, heh.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: steamry.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: steamry.
WordBot: Claimed answer: mastery (Gharlane, Maryam, vballgirl, Sam, DemanusFlint, Crystal109)
WordBot: Scores this round: Crystal109: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gharlane: +1, Maryam: +1, Sam: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Crystal109: Phew. One second before.
Counterpoint: Oh.
Counterpoint: "Streamy."
nessachan: streamy isn't a word? :o
nessachan: I say it is!
Zup: I am ashamed of being an English major right now.
Crystal109: Zup: Me too. Although I haven't really started.
: Where are we going, Janet? Is the nice man coming with us?
: No, Sandy, the nice man had to go away.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: r, p, i, n, n, g.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: r, p, i, n, n, g.
WordBot: Claimed answer: repining (vballgirl, Counterpoint, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: reprinting (vballgirl, DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Claimed answer: underpinning (Gharlane, Maryam)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: counterpointing.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: overprinting.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: proportioning.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: propositioning.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: repositioning.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: underpinnings.
WordBot: Scores this round: vballgirl: +2, Counterpoint: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gharlane: +1, Maryam: +1, Sam: +1.
WordBot: Gharlane wins!
Crystal109: Good job, Gharlane!
Maryam: Yay Gharlane!
Counterpoint: Nice, Ghar.
DemanusFlint: Bah. I wish I hadn't come in so late.
Zup: Yay Ghar!
Randy: Go Ghar!
vballgirl: Good one Ghar!
Gharlane: Thanks. :)
DemanusFlint: I will go win a Scrabble game to make myself feel better.
Gahalyn: wordbot pwns me
: Aww, *pout*. All the nice men, like, go away. Why don't the nice men ever stay? And you'd have liked this one, Janet. He was totally cute.
: There, she's free. Let's go!
: Come on, Sandy, let's go.
Crystal109: Go go go Sandy!
: Where are we going, Janet?
: Nowhere. Heh heh heh heh heh.
Crystal109: AHHHHHHHHHH.
nessachan: NOO
nessachan: kick him!
: Well, it looks like our first bot of the evening is over. Congratulations to Gharlane on his victory!
Gharlane: Um, sorry, I'm married.
: Gharlane, if you're not married happily, I bet you suddenly are now. Our next game is called CrackBot, a game of snappy one-liners.
Revan: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, CrackBot!
Crystal109: Oh, man. I suck at snappy one-liners.
: Yeah, you gotta think up funny answers for questions, and then people vote on 'em!
* Counterpoint cracks his knuckles.
* Counterpoint cracks his walls for good measure.
* Crystal109 cracks up.
: Sam, could you start the bot in one minute?
Sam: Sure.
CrackBot has been summoned by Sam.
: Sam, could you start the bot in one--
: I ALREADY SAID THAT! ... Uhhh...I mean...I said that already, duvvy...boodle?
* Counterpoint cracks CrackBot.
* Crystal109 cracks under the pressure.
* Revan Krakens the...uh... Bot... LAUGH AT MY WIT.
* Counterpoint cracks a laugh.
WordBot has been dismissed by Sam.
CrackBot: nessachan asks: Name something social. (1/* accepted)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: Name something social.
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for A big party. Where I will be sitting in the corner looking at the music selection.
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Social anxiety keeps you away from society, so I guess antisocial anxiety is social.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for So-cal.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for A party.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Clubs in Buena Vista.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for Social Studies.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Having an embarrresing descussion about how sweaty your feet get when you stand for a while, and how smelly your socks are, with your family. They're not wearing anything but underpants, too.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Butterflies, apparently..?
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Not most Rinkies, unless we're here.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for Facebook.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Paris Hilton, in a sense.
Zup: vote 9
DemanusFlint: vote 3
Revan: vote 2
Eric: vote 5
Kysle: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 6
Ticia: vote 9
Maryam: vote 2
Randy: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 10
nessachan: vote 7
Eric: Did #7 read the question?
Crystal109: I was going to say elevators, because they are extremely social.
Gahalyn: vote 3
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 3 points for Social anxiety keeps you away from society, so I guess antisocial anxiety is social.
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for Facebook.
CrackBot: Gahalyn wins 2 points for Not most Rinkies, unless we're here.
CrackBot: Zup wins 2 points for So-cal.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for Clubs in Buena Vista.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Having an embarrresing descussion about how sweaty your feet get when you stand for a while, and how smelly your socks are, with your family. They're not wearing anything but underpants, too.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Butterflies, apparently..?
CrackBot: Revan wins 1 point for Social Studies.
CrackBot: Eric wins 0 points for Paris Hilton, in a sense.
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for A big party. Where I will be sitting in the corner looking at the music selection.
CrackBot: Ticia wins 0 points for A party.
: This just in! The Word Class is scored, and in an amazing photo finish, gremlinn takes the Game Ranking, and Counterpoint takes the Points Ranking, beating Sam by ONE POINT!
Crystal109: Nice!
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=3
Maryam: Oh, I would have voted for butterflies if I'd gotten it in time. I was all "Butterflies? Huh?"
nessachan: hehe
CrackBot: vballgirl asks: Name something chilly. (1/* accepted)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: Name something chilly.
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for A party attended both by Vanilla Ice and that Canadian rapper Snow... and uh.. Ice Cube..
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Absolute zero.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for Ice, when I stick it down someone's shirt.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for The reception I get when I enter a room full of girls.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Invesco Field, where the Denver Broncos play. In January.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for The atmosphere in a locked room with G W Bush and Cindy Sheehan.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Chili dogs. Heh heh heh.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for An ice cold... cold pack.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Sam. Because he's so COOL.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for Brianna's glare.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Beans and ground beef and tomatoes and spices and.... mmmmmm....
CrackBot: Vote 12 for Sam's house, if he had his way!
CrackBot: Vote 13 for My ex-girlfriend. Ooooooh, icy.
CrackBot: Vote 14 for Hamburger meat and tomato sauce.
vballgirl: vote 3
Gahalyn: vote 4
DemanusFlint: vote 11
Ticia: vote 11
nessachan: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 12
Zup: vote 9
Sam: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 3
Revan: vote 3
Randy: vote 13
Kysle: vote 1
Sam: (Although 12 is quite true.)
Maryam: vote 10
Gharlane: vote 12
Eric: vote 2
CrackBot: Eric wins 3 points for The reception I get when I enter a room full of girls.
CrackBot: Ticia wins 3 points for Ice, when I stick it down someone's shirt.
CrackBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Beans and ground beef and tomatoes and spices and.... mmmmmm....
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for Sam's house, if he had his way!
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Brianna's glare.
CrackBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for Sam. Because he's so COOL.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 1 point for A party attended both by Vanilla Ice and that Canadian rapper Snow... and uh.. Ice Cube..
CrackBot: Revan wins 1 point for Absolute zero.
CrackBot: Zup wins 1 point for My ex-girlfriend. Ooooooh, icy.
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Chili dogs. Heh heh heh.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for Hamburger meat and tomato sauce.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for The atmosphere in a locked room with G W Bush and Cindy Sheehan.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 0 points for An ice cold... cold pack.
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for Invesco Field, where the Denver Broncos play. In January.
Ticia: Don doesn't allow me around ice anymore. LOL
Maryam: Ticia: Whyever not?
Ticia: Maryam: Cause I stick it down his shirt.
Crystal109: Ticia: Just can't resist, huh?
Ticia: For some reason he doesn't trust me around ice.
Maryam: LOL
: Foolish girl, Janet. You've thrown away Sandy's life -- and your own. Obviously the threat of imprisonment wasn't enough for you, so maybe I'll just kill you both.
: Over my dead body, Sheldon!
: That, dear Ricardo, can be arranged. Your kids will inherit your fortune, and then I'll come after them. That's what I should have done in the first place. Sweet little Holly won't be difficult to deal with, will she?
nessachan: Kick him with your ninja powers Ricardo!
CrackBot: CrackBot asks: If you could be exceptionally good at just one skill, what would it be? (1/* accepted)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: If you could be exceptionally good at just one skill, what would it be?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for My skill would be being able to learn lots of other skills!
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Kung Fu Fighting
CrackBot: Vote 3 for Granting wishes. Then I could give myself all sorts of skills!
CrackBot: Vote 4 for Staring at girls without them catching on.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Being able to say the right thing all the time to achieve my goals. For great justice!
CrackBot: Vote 6 for Ruling planets. Definitely ruling planets.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Cracking locks. That way, I don't ever have to carry around a STUPID SET OF KEYS ever again. And I could go where I wanted.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Telekinesis. I just want to do the "there is no spoon" thing one time.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Rapping.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for Flying. I've always wanted to fly, without wings or spaceships or airplanes or hang gliders. Just levitate off the ground and fly! Oh wait, was this supposed to be a skill we can actually do? oops.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Playing bot games, of course. :O
CrackBot: Vote 12 for Learning new skills ;-D
CrackBot: Vote 13 for Probably at playing guitar. I suck right now.
CrackBot: Vote 14 for I would like to be a Prime Minister. The world needs more good ones to keep the peace.
vballgirl: vote 10
Revan: vote 8
DemanusFlint: vote 2
Maryam: vote 6
Gahalyn: vote 11
Counterpoint: vote 11
Crystal109: vote 10
Zup: vote 8
Kysle: vote 5
Crystal109: I was going to submit something just like 10.
Randy: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 6
Sam: vote 4
Ticia: vote 7
nessachan: vote 3
Eric: vote 9
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for Telekinesis. I just want to do the "there is no spoon" thing one time.
CrackBot: Eric wins 2 points for Staring at girls without them catching on.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 2 points for Playing bot games, of course. :O
CrackBot: Revan wins 2 points for Ruling planets. Definitely ruling planets.
CrackBot: Zup wins 2 points for Flying. I've always wanted to fly, without wings or spaceships or airplanes or hang gliders. Just levitate off the ground and fly! Oh wait, was this supposed to be a skill we can actually do? oops.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for Rapping.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Being able to say the right thing all the time to achieve my goals. For great justice!
CrackBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Cracking locks. That way, I don't ever have to carry around a STUPID SET OF KEYS ever again. And I could go where I wanted.
CrackBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Granting wishes. Then I could give myself all sorts of skills!
CrackBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Kung Fu Fighting
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for My skill would be being able to learn lots of other skills!
CrackBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for Learning new skills ;-D
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for Probably at playing guitar. I suck right now.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for I would like to be a Prime Minister. The world needs more good ones to keep the peace.
Crystal109: Gaha: Heh. We think alike.
: If you touch one hair on her head, I'll--
Revan: KILL YOU!
: Spare me the threats! Time to die! OOOOOOOF!
nessachan: ARCHIE
: Runneth! Runneth away whilst yon villain be conkethed out! I shall restrain him, whilst ye book it outta here!
nessachan: ohhH! KENDO BOY!
Gharlane: LOL
Randy: LOL
Counterpoint: Dude, shirt. Shirt.
Maryam: LOL
* Gharlane cheers for StaffMan!
* Crystal109 accidentally wandered into shirtless land.
Zup: Muahahahahahahah.
Eric: im creepy
CrackBot: Zup asks: Name a celebrity you wrongly thought was attractive. (1/* accepted)
Eric: Wrongly??
Ticia: I don't understand the question.
Ticia: Did I think this celebrity was attractive and then changed my mind?
Zup: A celebrity you thought was attractive, BUT WASN'T.
Crystal109: Yeah, I think that's right.
Ticia: Do I still think he or she is attractive but no one else thinks so?
Crystal109: Ticia: There's a reason why this is CrackBot. =)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: Name a celebrity you wrongly thought was attractive.
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for I always thought Abraham Lincoln was so sexy! But it turns out he's dead. :-(
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Why do they have to make those Weasley Twins so YOUNG?
CrackBot: Vote 3 for That girl who is that thing. You know, with the guy? And the horse!
CrackBot: Vote 4 for I never really went for celebrities. I mean, who wants to pine after someone who you will never get except in your fantasies? Plus, all that Hollywood couple stuff just put me off thinking any celebrity is attractive.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Michael Jackson
CrackBot: Vote 6 for I used to think women were crazy about Danny DeVito, but I think I was mistaken.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for I guess she's not really a big celebrity per se, but... Rachael Ray. Then I realized how shrill and freaking ANNOYING she was. Plus, her mouth looks like she could swallow planets whole.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Putin - leader of Russia. Seriously, he... well basically he was like Kendo Boy / Sfaff Man on the TV, because he does martial arts, and I was like ooooh, but now he kills people for criticising his government and that's just not attractive.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Goofy.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for Lindsay Lohan. Then I looked at her post-crack-addiction.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for ALF.
Kysle: Lincoln is ROTTING
DemanusFlint: vote 6
Ticia: Rats, I waited too long to get mine in.
Eric: vote 2
Zup: vote 7
Gahalyn: vote 7
Gahalyn: Oh my gosh Rachael Ray.
Zup: I almost went with 7.
Revan: vote 1
DemanusFlint: vote 9
nessachan: vote 1
Maryam: vote 10
vballgirl: vote 11
Randy: vote 10
Ticia: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 10
Counterpoint: vote 9
Kysle: vote 11
Sam: vote 10
Counterpoint: I never really found any celebrities attractive.
CrackBot: Zup wins 5 points for Lindsay Lohan. Then I looked at her post-crack-addiction.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 2 points for ALF.
CrackBot: Maryam wins 2 points for I always thought Abraham Lincoln was so sexy! But it turns out he's dead. :-(
CrackBot: Revan wins 2 points for I guess she's not really a big celebrity per se, but... Rachael Ray. Then I realized how shrill and freaking ANNOYING she was. Plus, her mouth looks like she could swallow planets whole.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for Goofy.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Why do they have to make those Weasley Twins so YOUNG?
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for I used to think women were crazy about Danny DeVito, but I think I was mistaken.
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for I never really went for celebrities. I mean, who wants to pine after someone who you will never get except in your fantasies? Plus, all that Hollywood couple stuff just put me off thinking any celebrity is attractive.
CrackBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for Putin - leader of Russia. Seriously, he... well basically he was like Kendo Boy / Sfaff Man on the TV, because he does martial arts, and I was like ooooh, but now he kills people for criticising his government and that's just not attractive.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Michael Jackson
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for That girl who is that thing. You know, with the guy? And the horse!
Randy: I'm apparently not funny tonight.
Crystal109: I'm not funny when I have to be.
Crystal109: Apparently, I crack my friends up without trying. That kind of scares me. Heh.
Gharlane: Counterpoint: same here.
: Thanks, Staff Man. Janet, Sandy, come on!
: Back to the tournament hall?
: Yes, we'll be safer with the crowd around us!
CrackBot: Eric asks: What would make your current outfit complete? (1/* accepted)
Kysle: A plaid, skin-tight, red-frilled, jumper. With sparkles.
Gahalyn: vote Kysle
Crystal109: Kysle: That's CamouFairy. Don't mix yourself up with her.
nessachan: hehe
Kysle: Oops, heh.
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: What would make your current outfit complete?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for I'm going to say...underwear. What? Don't look at me like that. In fact, I'd not look at me altogether, if I were you.
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Shoes. I never wear them if I don't have to.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for A pimp hat.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for I try to wear real bowties, but whenever I tie them, I look like a kitten with a ribbon around its neck.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for An attractive gentleman caller?
CrackBot: Vote 6 for A shirt. Thats right! I'm topless!
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Socks. Hmmm, no, definitely socks.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for One of those ultra-flat screens, only somehow attached to the fabric of my SHIRT. Then I could download patterns off the internet, and if some dude won't shut up in math class, I can whip out my PDA and program it to say "D00D SHUT UP" or something.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for A clown nose.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for A wizard hat and wand. Without them, I don't seem to be doing too well.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Nipple rings.
CrackBot: Vote 12 for You mean, the outfit I'm currently wearing? I'd have to go with shoes, because I'm inside and barefoot.
CrackBot: Vote 13 for Probably a bra. I don't wear them much anymore. o_O
Eric: vote 5
Revan: vote 1
Zup: vote 3
DemanusFlint: vote 3
Ticia: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 9
Maryam: vote 5
Gahalyn: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 5
nessachan: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 7
Randy: vote 7
Eric: vote 11
nessachan: to #8, they make a belt buckle like that
Revan: Yes, but those make people look dumb and they may be mistaken for fans of rap and wearing really low jeans.
Gharlane: vote 12
Ticia: If 13 is a guy, I will laugh so hard.
CrackBot: Eric wins 3 points for A pimp hat.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Socks. Hmmm, no, definitely socks.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 2 points for An attractive gentleman caller?
CrackBot: Revan wins 2 points for One of those ultra-flat screens, only somehow attached to the fabric of my SHIRT. Then I could download patterns off the internet, and if some dude won't shut up in math class, I can whip out my PDA and program it to say "D00D SHUT UP" or something.
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for You mean, the outfit I'm currently wearing? I'd have to go with shoes, because I'm inside and barefoot.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for Nipple rings.
CrackBot: Maryam wins 1 point for A clown nose.
CrackBot: Zup wins 1 point for I'm going to say...underwear. What? Don't look at me like that. In fact, I'd not look at me altogether, if I were you.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for I try to wear real bowties, but whenever I tie them, I look like a kitten with a ribbon around its neck.
CrackBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for Probably a bra. I don't wear them much anymore. o_O
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for A shirt. Thats right! I'm topless!
CrackBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Shoes. I never wear them if I don't have to.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for A wizard hat and wand. Without them, I don't seem to be doing too well.
Ticia: LOL
Ticia: I'm glad 13 wasn't a guy.
Sam: Me too.
Crystal109: And you still laughed pretty hard. =)
Ticia: Hehe
CrackBot: Revan asks (custom question): Got milk? (1/* accepted)
Sam: There's a great follow-up question.
Maryam: aaaah Sam
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: Got milk?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for Why yes, yes I do. All the time.
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Not enough apparently. Me, my brother and a Columbian named Oscar go through almost a gallon a day.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for I got a bowl of milk with carrot cake cubes in it. Hey, it's good.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for Yeah. I walked two miles in the snow, uphill - milked the cow by hand - skimmed off the cream - and poured you a glass. Nice, huh?
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Yes, two gallons of white, a pint of chocolate, a half-gallon of soy, and good 'ol Bessie the Goat out back.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for Nope; I'm unable to nurse.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for I've got some unpasturized whole milk, straight from the horse's, er, cow's uh, utter. Why, did you want some?
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Goat milk?
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Nooooo. Ugh. Got Braaaiiiins?
CrackBot: Vote 10 for NO WAY. I prefer orange juice, thank you very much.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for I'm lactose intolerant. Sorry dudes.
CrackBot: Vote 12 for Behind where my bra should be! I mean... oh wait... um.
CrackBot: Vote 13 for Once I laughed during breakfast, and it really does happen! Milk shot out of my nose with two powerful jets right back into my glass of milk. I finished it anyway.
CrackBot: Vote 14 for Got cash?
Gahalyn: vote 3
Gahalyn: THREE
vballgirl: vote 5
DemanusFlint: vote 2
Maryam: vote 9
Revan: vote 8
Zup: vote 9
Eric: vote 8
Ticia: vote 12
Crystal109: vote 9
nessachan: vote 13
Kysle: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 8
Randy: vote 13
* Revan laughed hysterically at 8 for no reason.
Counterpoint: vote 5
Crystal109: Yeah, 8 was pretty funny.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 3 points for Goat milk?
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for Nooooo. Ugh. Got Braaaiiiins?
CrackBot: Maryam wins 2 points for I got a bowl of milk with carrot cake cubes in it. Hey, it's good.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 2 points for Yes, two gallons of white, a pint of chocolate, a half-gallon of soy, and good 'ol Bessie the Goat out back.
CrackBot: Revan wins 2 points for Once I laughed during breakfast, and it really does happen! Milk shot out of my nose with two powerful jets right back into my glass of milk. I finished it anyway.
CrackBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for Behind where my bra should be! I mean... oh wait... um.
CrackBot: Zup wins 1 point for Not enough apparently. Me, my brother and a Columbian named Oscar go through almost a gallon a day.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Got cash?
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for NO WAY. I prefer orange juice, thank you very much.
CrackBot: Eric wins 0 points for Nope; I'm unable to nurse.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 0 points for I've got some unpasturized whole milk, straight from the horse's, er, cow's uh, utter. Why, did you want some?
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for I'm lactose intolerant. Sorry dudes.
CrackBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Why yes, yes I do. All the time.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Yeah. I walked two miles in the snow, uphill - milked the cow by hand - skimmed off the cream - and poured you a glass. Nice, huh?
Crystal109: 7 scares me. Milking a horse must be difficult.
: Owwww....
: Hark, anon, Sir Harris! En garde! I shall whompeth ye silly with my quarterstaff!
Revan: That's a training sword, silly.
CrackBot: Ticia asks: Name something nutty. (1/* accepted)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: Name something nutty.
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for Eddie Murphy (minus any artistic credibility)
CrackBot: Vote 2 for HONEY BUNCHES UH OATS!
CrackBot: Vote 3 for Squirrel poo.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for All of us. Obviously.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Squirrels, in every sense of the word.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for YOU ALL.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for A squirrel's diet.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Present company excluded? Hmmm, I got nothin'
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Rinkchatters.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for Cheese?
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Hello, Mr. Oak Tree, I christen you "GEORGE!"
CrackBot: Vote 12 for Great-Aunt Ruthie. She's in the mental facility right now.
CrackBot: Vote 13 for Sam Stoddard, of New Hampshire.
Gahalyn: vote 11
Kysle: vote 3
Ticia: vote 9
vballgirl: vote 12
DemanusFlint: vote 7
Zup: vote 13
Ticia: Hehe
Counterpoint: vote 11
Maryam: vote 11
Randy: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 4
nessachan: vote 2
Revan: vote 1
CrackBot: nessachan wins 4 points for Hello, Mr. Oak Tree, I christen you "GEORGE!"
CrackBot: Zup wins 2 points for Squirrel poo.
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for Great-Aunt Ruthie. She's in the mental facility right now.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for Eddie Murphy (minus any artistic credibility)
CrackBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for All of us. Obviously.
CrackBot: Randy wins 1 point for Rinkchatters.
CrackBot: Revan wins 1 point for HONEY BUNCHES UH OATS!
CrackBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Sam Stoddard, of New Hampshire.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for A squirrel's diet.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Squirrels, in every sense of the word.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Present company excluded? Hmmm, I got nothin'
CrackBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Cheese?
CrackBot: Maryam wins 0 points for YOU ALL.
Kysle: Why do people say cheese is nutty and fruity and stuff?
Kysle: Like the fancy kinds, you know?
Eric: Kysle: To describe the taste.
: *sneer*
Revan: Staff-but-actually-wooden-training-sword-guy!!!
: *urk*...*gurgle*....
Counterpoint: DEATH
: *runs out*
Zup: That is, sorry for the impropriety, HILARIOUS.
Revan: Heh. I love the picture of dead Staff Guy.
Revan: Sheldon used Slash! It's super effective!
Crystal109: Slash is never super effective.
Eric: Slash is very effective.
Eric: For certain definitions of "slash".
Revan: Crys: I beg to differ. He just got a one-hit kill. That's some critical.
Crystal109: Crys: That's just because Staff Guy is all talk but no brawn. In other words, he probably had no HP. Heh.
Nyperold: All Brawny Talk!
No idea why nobody noticed Crystal had addressed herself here and made
ruthless fun of her for it. I think we're usually too busy watching for
LaZorra to make those sorts of mistakes.
CrackBot: Crystal109 asks: Name something thick. (1/* accepted)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: Name something thick.
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for Well made blood pudding. What? Vampires subscribe to RinkWorks too!
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Sheldon's big fat head!
CrackBot: Vote 3 for The way my head feels right now.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for The tension in this room.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Flu thufferers with lithpth.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for BLOOD
CrackBot: Vote 7 for UrkGurgleDude's BLOOD.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for My head.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for My skull. Go on, bash it in a few times, I won't mind.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for The pathient in room thikthteen.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for The book I had to read for my AP class. It was impossibly thick and hard to read.
CrackBot: Vote 12 for MILKshakes.
CrackBot: Vote 13 for Arnold Swartzenneger's neck.
CrackBot: Vote 14 for My brother's skull. Seriously, its like concrete.
Maryam: vote 5
Maryam: LOL
Revan: vote 13
Crystal109: vote 9
Gahalyn: vote 1
Kysle: vote 13
vballgirl: vote 11
Ticia: vote 9
Eric: vote 13 (CA pride)
Zup: vote 7
Randy: vote 11
Counterpoint: vote 6
DemanusFlint: vote 13
nessachan: vote 5
Zup: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 11
vballgirl: vote 10
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 4 points for Arnold Swartzenneger's neck.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 3 points for My skull. Go on, bash it in a few times, I won't mind.
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for The book I had to read for my AP class. It was impossibly thick and hard to read.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 2 points for Flu thufferers with lithpth.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for The tension in this room.
CrackBot: Eric wins 1 point for BLOOD
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for The pathient in room thikthteen.
CrackBot: Zup wins 1 point for Well made blood pudding. What? Vampires subscribe to RinkWorks too!
CrackBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for UrkGurgleDude's BLOOD.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for The way my head feels right now.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Sheldon's big fat head!
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for My brother's skull. Seriously, its like concrete.
CrackBot: Revan wins 0 points for My head.
CrackBot: Ticia wins 0 points for MILKshakes.
nessachan: boo
nessachan: hehe
* Kysle high-fives vballgirl!
* vballgirl Tries to high-five Kysle, but Arnold's neck is in the way...
CrackBot: Counterpoint asks: If you had to smell like something for the rest of your life, what would you choose? (1/* accepted)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: If you had to smell like something for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for I would smell like something that has no smell, because I wouldn't want to smell my smell, get my drift?
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Roses.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for Roses. Hmmm... or lilac. Lavender? Or is it lavander? I can never spell that correctly. Well, it'd be some sort of nice smelling flower.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for I'd choose to smell like soap, thank you. I prefer people thinking that I shower all the time instead of drown in a vat of perfume or fruits or something.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Dead fish. I'd get used to it soon enough, and it'd keep those darn people away from me. Even better, it'd attract cats!
CrackBot: Vote 6 for Female human pheromones.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Well, I like citrusy scents when I wear cologne. So...I guess I'd like to smell like an orange.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Chocolate. No one can resist the smell.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Pickles. But I hate pickles...so...
CrackBot: Vote 10 for I'd want to smell like the empty yogurt containers. The smell is intense.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for my high school librarian's hair
CrackBot: Vote 12 for Stale farts.
CrackBot: Vote 13 for Not you, that's for sure.
CrackBot: Vote 14 for Ninety dodecahedrons. I love the smell of ninety dodecahedrons in the morning.
CrackBot: Vote 15 for Blood! Maybe I'd finally be intimidating.
CrackBot: Vote 16 for Grilled steak. I have a dog and a death wish.
Gahalyn: vote 3
Eric: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 16
Maryam: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 6
Zup: vote 16
Crystal109: vote 8
Revan: vote 4
Eric: Number 11, that is creepy
Counterpoint: vote 14
Nyperold: vote 1
Randy: vote 6
nessachan: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 13
Ticia: vote 4
Eric: vote 13
Kysle: vote 8
DemanusFlint: vote 14
Zup: I was going to answer seriously, and then I rememberd: Crackbot, not Whobot.
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 3 points for I'd choose to smell like soap, thank you. I prefer people thinking that I shower all the time instead of drown in a vat of perfume or fruits or something.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for Grilled steak. I have a dog and a death wish.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Chocolate. No one can resist the smell.
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Not you, that's for sure.
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Ninety dodecahedrons. I love the smell of ninety dodecahedrons in the morning.
CrackBot: Revan wins 2 points for Female human pheromones.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for my high school librarian's hair
CrackBot: nessachan wins 1 point for I would smell like something that has no smell, because I wouldn't want to smell my smell, get my drift?
CrackBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Roses. Hmmm... or lilac. Lavender? Or is it lavander? I can never spell that correctly. Well, it'd be some sort of nice smelling flower.
CrackBot: Eric wins 0 points for Blood! Maybe I'd finally be intimidating.
CrackBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for Roses.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Stale farts.
CrackBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Dead fish. I'd get used to it soon enough, and it'd keep those darn people away from me. Even better, it'd attract cats!
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for Well, I like citrusy scents when I wear cologne. So...I guess I'd like to smell like an orange.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for I'd want to smell like the empty yogurt containers. The smell is intense.
CrackBot: Zup wins 0 points for Pickles. But I hate pickles...so...
Crystal109: YAY Point.
Gahalyn: Ticia: YAY roses!!
* Maryam is going to turn into one of those weird old ladies with lots of cats. I just know it.
Crystal109: Maryam: I'll visit you! I like cats. =)
Maryam: Crys: Yay! Hehe.
Crystal109: Maryam: Plus, I have to visit you anyways to ride horses.
Maryam: Crys: But I don't want to wait until I'm an old lady for that!
Back at the tournament hall....
: Do you think she'll be safe now?
: Yes, she's stuck in a private room with no mods. No one is invited there but us, and she couldn't invite anybody else even if she wanted to. Plus, she's quieted, so no one will overhear her from outside.
Revan: The RinkChat equivalent of a padded cell!
Counterpoint: Sam can get in!
: Good.
Sam: That's true! What if I, also, am evil?
CrackBot: Sam asks: What is your favorite holiday tradition? (1/* accepted)
Crystal109: I think it will be pretty easy to tell which is mine on the next one if you guys know me at all...
Maryam: Now I'm not going to be able to tell and I'll be all :-(.
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for Saying, "Good-bye! See you next year!"
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Setting a fire in the fireplace so Santa can't visit our home.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for Dressing up like Abraham Lincoln and delivering the Gettysburg Address on President's Day. What? Hey, I bet your favorite is a *lot* weirder.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for Pulling Dad out of the chimney.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Ahh.. my favorite holiday tradition is the stringing of the Egg McMuffin garland... we drape it across the walls, and whoever the grease lands on first gets to open the first present on Xmas morn.. oh, how nostalgic. *sniff*
CrackBot: Vote 6 for I love getting money on Chinese New Year's. Hehehe.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Stabbing people under the mistletoe.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Every year, I break into peoples' houses and steal all their trees, presents, and pretty much everything I can find, and hoard it all in the mountainside I live in. It's cool, because nobody ever tries to come get their stuff back or call the cops or anything, they prefer to cry about it and send some lone little girl to try & talk me down.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for FOOD. Plain and simple.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for The one where my father gets drunk and my mom locks him outside in the snow. Entertainment for all ages!
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Every New Years, my brothers and I get into a huge fight and stop talking to each other for a few days. Its awesome!
CrackBot: Vote 12 for The tradition of avoiding holiday traditions.
CrackBot: Vote 13 for The one where we pass our plates to the right!
CrackBot: Vote 14 for Stuffing myself to bursting. Then, eating dessert.
Maryam: Ah, I guess I do know Crys's. Yay.
Crystal109: LOL @ 8.
Ticia: vote 8
DemanusFlint: vote 10
vballgirl: vote 4
Eric: vote 7
Revan: vote 1
Sam: vote 14
Crystal109: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 2
Maryam: vote 8
Zup: vote 3
* Counterpoint LOLing at 7.
Randy: vote 3
nessachan: vote 13
Sam: HM5
LaZorra: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 12
Eric: I think number 3 would work a lot better if it ended after the first sentence.
Kysle: vote 9
Eric: Entries that "defend" themselves don't work very well.
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for Stabbing people under the mistletoe.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for Pulling Dad out of the chimney.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Dressing up like Abraham Lincoln and delivering the Gettysburg Address on President's Day. What? Hey, I bet your favorite is a *lot* weirder.
CrackBot: Revan wins 2 points for Every year, I break into peoples' houses and steal all their trees, presents, and pretty much everything I can find, and hoard it all in the mountainside I live in. It's cool, because nobody ever tries to come get their stuff back or call the cops or anything, they prefer to cry about it and send some lone little girl to try & talk me down.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for The one where we pass our plates to the right!
CrackBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Stuffing myself to bursting. Then, eating dessert.
CrackBot: Maryam wins 1 point for FOOD. Plain and simple.
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for The tradition of avoiding holiday traditions.
CrackBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Setting a fire in the fireplace so Santa can't visit our home.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Saying, "Good-bye! See you next year!"
CrackBot: Zup wins 1 point for The one where my father gets drunk and my mom locks him outside in the snow. Entertainment for all ages!
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for I love getting money on Chinese New Year's. Hehehe.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Ahh.. my favorite holiday tradition is the stringing of the Egg McMuffin garland... we drape it across the walls, and whoever the grease lands on first gets to open the first present on Xmas morn.. oh, how nostalgic. *sniff*
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for Every New Years, my brothers and I get into a huge fight and stop talking to each other for a few days. Its awesome!
Counterpoint: LZ: You win.
LaZorra: :-D
Revan: Yay!
: Now we just have to--
: Ricky?
: What is it, Archie?
: He's coming. And he looks angry.
Counterpoint: HE'S KILLED
CrackBot: CrackBot asks: Name something you'd hate to resurrect. (1/* accepted)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: Name something you'd hate to resurrect.
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for Rasputin. He'd steal all my women, AND take my land.
CrackBot: Vote 2 for John Wayne Gacy.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for LaZorra's favorite holiday tradition.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for You kidding me? I definitely don't want to resurrect anything! Can you imagine the smell? I mean, dead people start rotting away after they've been buried. Gross.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Poor Lazarus. He already had to endure dying twice.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for That 80s fashion trend of where you'd wear two pairs of obnoxiously neon colored socks and fold the top one over the bottom one... and also wear like 50 watches on one arm. Let's not do that again.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Hitler. He'd have all the evil that he had in life, and he's a frigging Zombie!
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Cthulhu.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Jesus Christ. It seems like something he'd rather bring about on his own.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for Flesh-eating zombies. With jetpacks. And speak French. Because I don't know their word for "brains".
CrackBot: Vote 11 for The turkey digesting in my stomach.
CrackBot: Vote 12 for Marka Ragnos, because then of course we'd have to bypass all the Jedi Masters in our order and send some new kid Jaden to go kill him, of course. We can't do things the easy way, oh no.
CrackBot: Vote 13 for Parachute pants. Those things died a well-deserved death.
CrackBot: Vote 14 for My cat, Butter. She'd be rather disgusting right about now, all decomposed and whatnot.
Eric: vote 1
DemanusFlint: vote 2
Revan: vote 10
Revan: LOL.
Ticia: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 14
Kysle: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 13
Maryam: vote 6
Randy: vote 12
Eric: The worst 80s fashion trend is girls taking the front part of their hair and brushing it back, but leaving the rest brushed normally.
Gharlane: vote 13
Zup: vote 10
Kysle: Close second, 11
Eric: Except that one's already been resurrected!
Nyperold: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 3
LaZorra: Eric: YES
nessachan: vote 4
Ticia: I was so super totally going to put 80's hair and shoulderpads, but I was taking care of Joseph...
Eric: Ticia: This old lady at my work wears jackets with shoulderpads.
Eric: And sometimes they're black, and she reminds me of nothing so much as Nosferatu.
Ticia: hehh
CrackBot: nessachan wins 3 points for That 80s fashion trend of where you'd wear two pairs of obnoxiously neon colored socks and fold the top one over the bottom one... and also wear like 50 watches on one arm. Let's not do that again.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for LaZorra's favorite holiday tradition.
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Parachute pants. Those things died a well-deserved death.
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Flesh-eating zombies. With jetpacks. And speak French. Because I don't know their word for "brains".
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for You kidding me? I definitely don't want to resurrect anything! Can you imagine the smell? I mean, dead people start rotting away after they've been buried. Gross.
CrackBot: Eric wins 1 point for John Wayne Gacy.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 1 point for My cat, Butter. She'd be rather disgusting right about now, all decomposed and whatnot.
CrackBot: Randy wins 1 point for Hitler. He'd have all the evil that he had in life, and he's a frigging Zombie!
CrackBot: Revan wins 1 point for Marka Ragnos, because then of course we'd have to bypass all the Jedi Masters in our order and send some new kid Jaden to go kill him, of course. We can't do things the easy way, oh no.
CrackBot: Zup wins 1 point for Rasputin. He'd steal all my women, AND take my land.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for The turkey digesting in my stomach.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for Jesus Christ. It seems like something he'd rather bring about on his own.
CrackBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Cthulhu.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Poor Lazarus. He already had to endure dying twice.
: Oh dear. Janet, we have to hide ourselves, now! Come on! *runs*
: *runs*
CrackBot: Nyperold asks: How do you feel about musicals? (1/* accepted)
Sam: There's a...difficult question.
Nyperold: Difficult to make funny?
Sam: Nyp: Yeah.
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: How do you feel about musicals?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for I have mixed feelings about musicals. Some musicals should never have been musicals. Case in point, Legally Blonde. Perfectly good movie, but NOT a musical. On the other hand, classics like Phantom of the Opera and Les Mis are amazing, with gorgeous songs.
CrackBot: Vote 2 for They're one of my favorite things. Along with brown paper packages and schnitzel with noodles.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for I feel that ThePhan, who sadly, is not here today, knows more on the subject than I.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for They make me want to sing!
CrackBot: Vote 5 for How do I feel? Let me write a song and coreograph a dance about it!
CrackBot: Vote 6 for They're really annoying and deserve to be crushed under a heavy lourde.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Musical what? Theatre? Love it. Toilet seats? Not so much.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for I feel.. I feel... like I have to sing!!!!!! MEM'RY!!! ALL ALONE IN THE MOONLIGHT~ lalalalalalala
CrackBot: Vote 9 for I like musicals. Everything should be a musical. Even Transformers and the upcoming Monopoly.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for Something about New York gangs singing and dancing in perfectly choreographed moves just cracks me up.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Singing in the Rain was the best one!
CrackBot: Vote 12 for I think they're wonderful! Everything should be a musical, they can make any tragedy seem like fun.
CrackBot: Vote 13 for "The absolute pinnacle of all human creation, a spectacle of dance and sound. They are my heart, my soul, my devotion. My love is with another, Raquel, and hence we cannot wed."
Sam: vote 7! Nice.
Revan: "Stop that, stop that, you're not going into a song while I'm here!"
Maryam: Legally Blonde is a musical...?
Eric: vote 4
Randy: vote 7
Ticia: vote 2
Zup: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 12
Randy: Maryam: Sadly, yes.
Nyperold: vote 7
nessachan: Actually, I think the Legally Blonde soundtrack is good ;x
Maryam: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 7
Crystal109: Heh. Actually, the previews of the musical scared me.
vballgirl: vote 10
Kysle: vote 10
Eric: vote 2
Gharlane: HM 5 except the spelling.
Gharlane: vote 4
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for Musical what? Theatre? Love it. Toilet seats? Not so much.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 3 points for They're one of my favorite things. Along with brown paper packages and schnitzel with noodles.
CrackBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Something about New York gangs singing and dancing in perfectly choreographed moves just cracks me up.
CrackBot: Ticia wins 2 points for They make me want to sing!
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for I think they're wonderful! Everything should be a musical, they can make any tragedy seem like fun.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for "The absolute pinnacle of all human creation, a spectacle of dance and sound. They are my heart, my soul, my devotion. My love is with another, Raquel, and hence we cannot wed."
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for I have mixed feelings about musicals. Some musicals should never have been musicals. Case in point, Legally Blonde. Perfectly good movie, but NOT a musical. On the other hand, classics like Phantom of the Opera and Les Mis are amazing, with gorgeous songs.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 0 points for I feel that ThePhan, who sadly, is not here today, knows more on the subject than I.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 0 points for I feel.. I feel... like I have to sing!!!!!! MEM'RY!!! ALL ALONE IN THE MOONLIGHT~ lalalalalalala
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for I like musicals. Everything should be a musical. Even Transformers and the upcoming Monopoly.
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for How do I feel? Let me write a song and coreograph a dance about it!
CrackBot: Revan wins 0 points for They're really annoying and deserve to be crushed under a heavy lourde.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Singing in the Rain was the best one!
* nessachan is biggest musical nerd >_>
* nessachan listens to broadway station on Sirius all day long
: WHERE ARE THEY? I'LL KILL THEM LIMB FROM LIMB! *darts across the hallway*
CrackBot: DemanusFlint asks (custom question): How do you feel about tickling? (1/* accepted)
Sam: Good grie.
Sam: I hate grie.
Sam: But the good grie are all right.
DemanusFlint: All grie are good.
Sam: Bad grie aren't good.
DemanusFlint: The only bad grie is a dead grie!
* Gharlane prefers a good brie, actually.
Counterpoint: It is pitch black. You may be eaten by a grie.
Sam: You are in a maze of silly bots, all alike.
Zup: go n
Sam: You run into Sheldon. You die.
Counterpoint: Zup: *** You have died. ***
Zup: /restart
Counterpoint: Zup: *** You have died. ***
Zup: restart
Counterpoint: @opcode error -4
Zup: ctl alt del
Counterpoint: Zup: WARNING! System is either busy or has become unstable. Press any key to return to Windows or ctrl-alt-del to restart pc
Zup: any
Counterpoint: Zup: *smoke*
Zup: throw in trash get a dell
Counterpoint: *** You have won! ***
Zup: YAY
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: How do you feel about tickling?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Only if it's a pretty girl, and only if she stops when I say our secret codeword, "Antiquing"
CrackBot: Vote 3 for Not good with swords and things, but can be fun otherwise.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for Well, the tickling that LaZ did to Sam with her rapier before was horrifying. But other than that, I'm all for tickling. But I am ticklish, so I would prefer not to be tickled myself.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Stay. Away. From. Me.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for It's quite a silly thing, but I bet there's a musical out there about Tickling waiting to be written.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Ahahaha.. oh ..eeekk!! hehehehe hohohohoo *gasp* heheheheh hahahhaaaa...
CrackBot: Vote 8 for They call me . . . The Tickler. I will tickle anyone -- for a price.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Depends on where, and on who's doing the tickling. Yes.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for I feel that tickling is torture... ubless I'm the one doing the tickling.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for CREEEEEEEEPY
CrackBot: Vote 12 for It's a great workout. My stomach was always flat growing up because my dad would tickle us every night when he got home. Sometimes until we cried. We loved it!
CrackBot: Vote 13 for Go for it, Elmo!
CrackBot: Vote 14 for The demon's pastime.
Eric: vote 14
Revan: vote 2
Eric: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 3
: There you are, Ricky m'boy! HAW HAW HAW! I gotta tell ya--
Zup: vote 13
LaZorra: vote 5
DemanusFlint: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 9
Counterpoint: vote 13
: Not now, Dad. Listen, there's a dangerous man around here somewhere. He's got it out for me. I think he might have it in for our whole family. Where are the kids?
Crystal109: vote 12
Maryam: vote 14
Crystal109: HM 5 though.
Gharlane: vote 5
Ticia: vote 1
nessachan: vote 11
Sam: vote 8
CrackBot: Maryam wins 3 points for Stay. Away. From. Me.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 2 points for Go for it, Elmo!
CrackBot: Eric wins 2 points for CREEEEEEEEPY
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for The demon's pastime.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Depends on where, and on who's doing the tickling. Yes.
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for They call me . . . The Tickler. I will tickle anyone -- for a price.
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Not good with swords and things, but can be fun otherwise.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for It's a great workout. My stomach was always flat growing up because my dad would tickle us every night when he got home. Sometimes until we cried. We loved it!
CrackBot: Zup wins 1 point for Only if it's a pretty girl, and only if she stops when I say our secret codeword, "Antiquing"
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Well, the tickling that LaZ did to Sam with her rapier before was horrifying. But other than that, I'm all for tickling. But I am ticklish, so I would prefer not to be tickled myself.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for It's quite a silly thing, but I bet there's a musical out there about Tickling waiting to be written.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Ahahaha.. oh ..eeekk!! hehehehe hohohohoo *gasp* heheheheh hahahhaaaa...
CrackBot: Ticia wins 0 points for I feel that tickling is torture... ubless I'm the one doing the tickling.
CrackBot: Kysle loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: Thanks, Sam.
nessachan: nooo my lead is teh gone
: Holly's with Henrietta. Safest place to be, with a woman like that. You know, you shoulda worked things out with her. Henrietta's a FINE woman, a FINE woman. Got fine muscle! Uh, no disrespect intended, Miss Brianna.
: And Charlie? Where's Charlie? And Mom? And Ivy?
CrackBot: CrackBot asks: How often do you make personal phone calls? (1/* accepted)
Maryam: Gah.
Maryam: I couldn't pick in time, I guess.
Crystal109: This one's hard to make funny without being similar to everyone else's. Or at least, in my opinion.
: That reminds me, I gotta call my BOYYYYYYYYFRIEND when this is over! (He can't afford me -- charity case, on account-a I'm so nice.)
nessachan: Brianna takes food stamps
Maryam: Isn't your boyfriend right there, BRIANNA?
: Uhhh...Brianna, remember, I am your...*urk*...boyfriend. I'm Ricky, remember?
: Oh. Oh yeah. Right.
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: How often do you make personal phone calls?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for Slightly less frequently than crystalline precipitation in Ecuador in summer.
CrackBot: Vote 2 for With me, they're ALL personal, mushface pookie pooh. :)
CrackBot: Vote 3 for I'm actually, like, on the phone right now! Geez! Couldja wait a sec? "So, like, Eric is soooooooo cuteeeee!"
CrackBot: Vote 4 for Exclusively. I don't have a secretary to make calls for me.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for I would rather lick a frozen flagpole.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for Hey, my girlfriend at 1-900-HOTT-FOX needs to talk to me pretty often!
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Never. Nobody likes me. I hate everyone. Go away.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Using my coworker's phone? As often as it takes to get him fired.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for As little as I possibly can. Gah phones.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Personal phonecalls? Uhm.. about 8 times every 5th of Never...
CrackBot: Vote 12 for What? Oh - hang on.... what? Oh... right, yeah .... .... ..... right, well, I'm on my phone all the time.
CrackBot: Vote 13 for A phone? What's that? There's something we can use to contact people other than the internet? Amazing!
CrackBot: Vote 14 for I don't speak on the phone unless people call me. Phoning random rooms in a hotel and yelling a random vulgarity when they answer the phone is fun for the whole family, though.
Eric: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 14
DemanusFlint: vote 8
Kysle: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 8
Revan: vote 8
Revan: /hug 7
Maryam: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 13
Revan: Hehe.
Zup: vote 13
Nyperold: vote 13
Sam: vote 2
Ticia: vote 8
Eric: vote 9
Eric: vote 6
nessachan: vote 14
Gharlane: vote 13
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 4 points for A phone? What's that? There's something we can use to contact people other than the internet? Amazing!
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 2 points for Hey, my girlfriend at 1-900-HOTT-FOX needs to talk to me pretty often!
CrackBot: Revan wins 2 points for I don't speak on the phone unless people call me. Phoning random rooms in a hotel and yelling a random vulgarity when they answer the phone is fun for the whole family, though.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for With me, they're ALL personal, mushface pookie pooh. :)
CrackBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Never. Nobody likes me. I hate everyone. Go away.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Using my coworker's phone? As often as it takes to get him fired.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 0 points for What? Oh - hang on.... what? Oh... right, yeah .... .... ..... right, well, I'm on my phone all the time.
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for I would rather lick a frozen flagpole.
CrackBot: Maryam wins 0 points for As little as I possibly can. Gah phones.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Personal phonecalls? Uhm.. about 8 times every 5th of Never...
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Slightly less frequently than crystalline precipitation in Ecuador in summer.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Exclusively. I don't have a secretary to make calls for me.
CrackBot: Zup wins 0 points for I'm actually, like, on the phone right now! Geez! Couldja wait a sec? "So, like, Eric is soooooooo cuteeeee!"
: Yer Mom's at one o' them rally things. Charlie 'n Ivy...I dunno, they're around here somewhere.
: We've got to find them. Help me look. We'll go this way -- you check the Stream and the Glade. Let's go, Janet. *runs away*
: Janet? *scratches head*
CrackBot: CrackBot asks: Name something uninspiring. (1/* accepted)
LaZorra: I wanted to pick "If you had to cover your bedroom walls with wallpaper displaying someone's face, whose face would it be?" :-P
Sam: LOL!!
Eric: Björk!
Eric: That would have been my answer.
Revan: Chuck Norris!
LaZorra: YOR HED
Sam: Brianna
Eric: Sam: Just the face.
Sam: Of course.
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: Name something uninspiring.
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for Bologna.
CrackBot: Vote 2 for This question.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for Lindsay Lohan's "rehab".
CrackBot: Vote 4 for
CrackBot: Vote 5 for The fact that I'm an English major who sucks at WordBot.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for My toe jam.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Pro-Wrestling fashion sense.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Writer's block.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Four-hour-long motivational meetings.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for All these Creative Bots, for one. The moment I'm faced with being creative, my muse goes on an extended vacation.
Counterpoint: vote 4
DemanusFlint: Vote 4
LaZorra: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 9
Sam: vote 4
Revan: vote 1
Eric: vote 1
nessachan: oh no.. mine got cancelled out with someone elses :(
Ticia: vote 4
Zup: vote 9
Crystal109: vote 5
Maryam: vote 9
vballgirl: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 3
Kysle: vote 10
nessachan: vote 2
Kysle: Is that the city or the food?
CrackBot: Revan wins 5 points for
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 2 points for Bologna.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Four-hour-long motivational meetings.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Writer's block.
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for All these Creative Bots, for one. The moment I'm faced with being creative, my muse goes on an extended vacation.
CrackBot: Eric wins 1 point for Lindsay Lohan's "rehab".
CrackBot: Ticia wins 1 point for This question.
CrackBot: Zup wins 1 point for The fact that I'm an English major who sucks at WordBot.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 0 points for My toe jam.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Pro-Wrestling fashion sense.
Maryam: Ack! Ticia put my answer first.
LaZorra: Ticia: LOL, that was mine!
Ticia: Hehe
vballgirl: Nice Revan!
Revan: Hehe, thanks.
: Nimsy? Nimsy, where are you? ... Nimsy, is that you racing down the hall....?
: *gone*
... I hate that kid.
LaZorra: LOL LOL
nessachan: lol
Counterpoint: AAAA
LaZorra: Go, Charlie!
Crystal109: LOL
Maryam: LOL
* Counterpoint's head broke.
CrackBot: Sam asks (custom question): If you covered your room with wallpaper showing someone's face, whose would it be? (1/* accepted)
Crystal109: LOL LOL
Zup: LOL
Nyperold: Jessie's?
Nyperold: Not my answer, by the way.
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: If you covered your room with wallpaper showing someone's face, whose would it be?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for Mine. What? I'm so pretty...
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Charlie's, obviously.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for Mr. Circle's. I mean, whatta profile.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for Mine. I'm extremely narcissistic. Plus, I always have that creepy feeling someone's looking at me while I'm sleeping. I'd prefer myself to be watching over me if I had to choose.
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Um. Mine. Duh.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for YOR HED
CrackBot: Vote 7 for I don't like wallpaper, I use paint... but I wouldn't mind a great big painting of Boy George.. *wink*
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Treebeard's, because at least then it'd blend in with the furniture.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for No matter what wallpaper I use, it's still MY room. Can't catch me with these silly trick questions.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for Chairman Mao's.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Vincent Schiavelli, because he was cool, and also to remind me that at least I'm not that ugly.
CrackBot: Vote 12 for The Camou-Fairy, of course!
CrackBot: Vote 13 for Mine. It's the one I can't see enough.
Revan: vote 4
* Crystal109 brings her laptop with her to the kitchen to scavenge for food.
Sam: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 10
Maryam: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 8
Zup: vote 12
vballgirl: vote 8
DemanusFlint: vote 6
Eric: I don't know who submitted 7 or why but I'm voting it because they are a weirdo
Eric: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 5
Kysle: vote 4
Sam: (My real answer is 12.)
nessachan: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 8
Revan: She's SO COOL.
Counterpoint: She's dreeeeamy.
Ticia: vote 12
Gharlane: vote 11
CrackBot: Revan wins 4 points for Treebeard's, because at least then it'd blend in with the furniture.
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 3 points for Mine. I'm extremely narcissistic. Plus, I always have that creepy feeling someone's looking at me while I'm sleeping. I'd prefer myself to be watching over me if I had to choose.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for The Camou-Fairy, of course!
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for Chairman Mao's.
CrackBot: Eric wins 1 point for Vincent Schiavelli, because he was cool, and also to remind me that at least I'm not that ugly.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for No matter what wallpaper I use, it's still MY room. Can't catch me with these silly trick questions.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Um. Mine. Duh.
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for YOR HED
CrackBot: nessachan wins 1 point for I don't like wallpaper, I use paint... but I wouldn't mind a great big painting of Boy George.. *wink*
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Mine. It's the one I can't see enough.
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Mr. Circle's. I mean, whatta profile.
CrackBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Mine. What? I'm so pretty...
CrackBot: Zup wins 0 points for Charlie's, obviously.
DemanusFlint: Wow, Revan with the breakaway at the end!
: Nimsy! Did anyone enter since I left?
: Huh? I dunno, master. I was watching the hosts.
: Idiot! Never mind. I'll take care of Janet and Ricardo. You find the cat. Find the cat and kill it. GO!
nessachan: Noooo
Zup: NOoooooo birdkiller
* Gharlane calls the dog-catcher.
CrackBot: Ticia asks: Name something you'd like to punt. (1/* accepted)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: Name something you'd like to punt.
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for Nimsy.
CrackBot: Vote 2 for I'd like to punt all the years I took accordian lessons.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for Lucy van Pelt.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for I'd like to punt that mean old Nimsy to the moon if he lays one paw or tooth or bone on Archie!
CrackBot: Vote 5 for YOR HED
CrackBot: Vote 6 for Internet Explorer.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Well, a small boat on the lake in the cool of the evening, for starters.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Dogs. All of them.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for The winning field goal of the Super Bowl.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for Sheldon's skinny butt. TOUCHDOWN!
CrackBot: Vote 11 for My zombie cat.
CrackBot: Vote 12 for Camou-Fairy.
Zup: vote 12
Crystal109: vote 4
vballgirl: vote 9
nessachan: vote 3
Maryam: vote 12
Revan: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 7
Sam: vote 4
Kysle: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 4
Eric: vote 3
Ticia: vote 5
DemanusFlint: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 5
CrackBot: Zup wins 4 points for YOR HED
CrackBot: nessachan wins 3 points for I'd like to punt that mean old Nimsy to the moon if he lays one paw or tooth or bone on Archie!
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 2 points for Lucy van Pelt.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Well, a small boat on the lake in the cool of the evening, for starters.
CrackBot: Ticia wins 2 points for Camou-Fairy.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for The winning field goal of the Super Bowl.
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for I'd like to punt all the years I took accordian lessons.
CrackBot: Eric wins 0 points for Dogs. All of them.
CrackBot: Kysle wins 0 points for My zombie cat.
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Sheldon's skinny butt. TOUCHDOWN!
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Nimsy.
CrackBot: Revan wins 0 points for Internet Explorer.
nessachan: vote 12
Counterpoint: I would have submitted YOR HED, but it felt like theft from earlier.
nessachan: hehe
: *dashes into room after room, searching...*
Revan: NOOOO!
: AAAAHHH *runs the other way*
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: O_O
Crystal109: LOL
nessachan: Go Juanita! :D
Crystal109: Juanita: This is the first time you're somewhat useful.
Revan: AH! WHYYY did I click on her image
CrackBot: nessachan asks: How do you feel about waterbeds? (1/* accepted)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: How do you feel about waterbeds?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for What?? Ask me that after I clean up the mess you just made, putting his pet porcupine on our bed!
CrackBot: Vote 2 for They're alright, but having to wear scuba gear to go to sleep is a bit of a drag sometimes.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for I think they make good trampolines and eventually swimming pools, and about $2000 worth of water damage!
CrackBot: Vote 4 for Actually, I feel a little sea sick.. *urk* Anybody got any dramamine?
CrackBot: Vote 5 for I don't know. Ask me when I'm married...*wink*
CrackBot: Vote 6 for They're dangerouss. You might wake up inside one, and no one'd ever know, or even wonder where you went.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for They're cool for the first few minutes, then they're impossible to sleep on because you just...can't...get...a grip...on the bed. Or at least, I kept rolling the last time I was on one. Oof.
CrackBot: Vote 8 for You take both hands, and you bounce them up and down on the mattress . . .
CrackBot: Vote 9 for I'm always afraid I'll drown.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for Kneeling, using my hands.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Ever sense I drowned when mine sprung a leak... not so great.
CrackBot: Vote 12 for They are SLEAZY
CrackBot: Vote 13 for What're beds?
Kysle: vote 4
DemanusFlint: vote 10
Sam: vote 2
Revan: vote 13
Crystal109: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 2
Zup: vote 13
LaZorra: vote 2
nessachan: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 13
Nyperold: vote 1
Ticia: vote 9
Maryam: vote 6
Ticia: vote 2
Eric: vote 2
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 5 points for They're alright, but having to wear scuba gear to go to sleep is a bit of a drag sometimes.
CrackBot: DemanusFlint wins 3 points for What're beds?
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for They're dangerouss. You might wake up inside one, and no one'd ever know, or even wonder where you went.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Kneeling, using my hands.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Actually, I feel a little sea sick.. *urk* Anybody got any dramamine?
CrackBot: Revan wins 1 point for I think they make good trampolines and eventually swimming pools, and about $2000 worth of water damage!
CrackBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for What?? Ask me that after I clean up the mess you just made, putting his pet porcupine on our bed!
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for They're cool for the first few minutes, then they're impossible to sleep on because you just...can't...get...a grip...on the bed. Or at least, I kept rolling the last time I was on one. Oof.
CrackBot: Eric wins 0 points for They are SLEAZY
CrackBot: Kysle wins 0 points for I'm always afraid I'll drown.
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for You take both hands, and you bounce them up and down on the mattress . . .
CrackBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Ever sense I drowned when mine sprung a leak... not so great.
CrackBot: Zup wins 0 points for I don't know. Ask me when I'm married...*wink*
DemanusFlint: Revan, this is a close one.
DemanusFlint: Counterpoint: I really liked yours.
Counterpoint: DF: Heh, thanks. I've learned that this ain't my bot. ;)
: *flees the terrible Juanita*
: We're back, Dadd--oh. *pirouette* Who are you?
: Me? Ohhh...*cackle*...I'm a friend of your father's. Come here, Holly, dear....
Ticia: ...
Revan: Pirouette him in the FACE! IN THE FACE!
Crystal109: NOOOOO.
Maryam: OH NOS
Counterpoint: S: You're a friend of her father's what?
CrackBot: vballgirl asks: What would be a really great name for a dog? (1/* accepted)
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: What would be a really great name for a dog?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for Bursitis. I thought everyone knew that.
CrackBot: Vote 2 for Free Money. That way, he'd never get lost, and it'd be fun to screw with everyone when you call him in from outside.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for Nimsy Killer.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for Bowser
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Duke. But only when given to a teacup poodle.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for Neverending Source of Misery.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Bursitis
CrackBot: Vote 8 for "Guess". 'Cause then, people'd ask his name, and you'd answer, and they'd be all confused.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for I'd say Juanita, but, hmmm. Spot?
CrackBot: Vote 10 for DOG!
CrackBot: Vote 11 for Definitely not Nimsy, that's for sure. Nimsy will forever be known as the traitorous spy.
CrackBot: Vote 12 for Well, I don't think "what" would be a really good name for a dog at all, personally.
Crystal109: vote 8
Zup: vote 4
Maryam: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 10
Sam: vote 10
Revan: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 8
Nyperold: However...
Kysle: vote 8
Nyperold: DOG!
Counterpoint: vote 2
nessachan: vote 2
Sam: DOG!
DemanusFlint: vote 6
Crystal109: DOG!
Gharlane: vote 12
Revan: DOG!
Zup: DOG!
Counterpoint: DOG!
Eric: vote 5
LaZorra: DOG!
DemanusFlint: DOG!
Maryam: Although I'm not sure how being named "Free Money" means the dog never gets lost.
Gharlane: !
Maryam: DOG!
Counterpoint: I just like, "Hey, Free Money!"
CrackBot: Maryam wins 3 points for "Guess". 'Cause then, people'd ask his name, and you'd answer, and they'd be all confused.
CrackBot: Revan wins 3 points for Free Money. That way, he'd never get lost, and it'd be fun to screw with everyone when you call him in from outside.
CrackBot: Eric wins 2 points for Neverending Source of Misery.
CrackBot: Zup wins 2 points for DOG!
CrackBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Bowser
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Duke. But only when given to a teacup poodle.
CrackBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Well, I don't think "what" would be a really good name for a dog at all, personally.
CrackBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Nimsy Killer.
CrackBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Definitely not Nimsy, that's for sure. Nimsy will forever be known as the traitorous spy.
CrackBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for I'd say Juanita, but, hmmm. Spot?
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Bursitis. I thought everyone knew that.
CrackBot: Sam wins 0 points for Bursitis
CrackBot: Revan wins!
* LaZorra has always wanted to name a little tiny frou-frou dog something like "Duke" or "Killer."
Crystal109: Nice, Revan!
Zup: Yay Revan!
Revan: Yay me!
nessachan: ahhh I was so close and yet so far
nessachan: alas
DemanusFlint: Nice, Revan!
Revan: Finally I win something.
Zup: I almost had this one, too.
: I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.... *dulce de leche*
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: Dulce de leche? LOL LOL
* Counterpoint serves Holly the Dulce de Leech dessert.
: A BLACK EYE will teach you to how to treat a lady, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Crystal109: YES!
LaZorra: WHOOO
Zup: LOL
Gharlane: Put the old headlock on him, Henrietta!
: *flees Henrietta* This place is crawling with freaks! Aargh! But wait -- oh ho, who have we here?
nessachan: lol his eye
: 'Allo, strange man. Je suis tres bored avecout mon cheri. Do you know when ze tournament is ovair?
: I suspect...my dear...it's over right now. FOR YOU!
nessachan: Sexsi kick him in the shins!
Gharlane: Nono, the OTHER shins!
Zup: Sexsi! Use Body Slam!
Sam: Zup: On you?
Zup: Sam: No. Please! NO!!
: Well, look at that. Revan wins CrackBot. Congratulat--say, where is he?
LaZorra: I can't say where he is! I don't know! Please don't hurt me!
: Probly left early so he'd get home in time for my call!
LaZorra: Oh.
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: Poor Revan.
: Well, um, so our next bot is the last bot of the tournament. It's...
: ...uh, Roxie, what the heck is it called? I don't know from bots. Ricardo should have written them down for me.
Zup: I don't know FromBot either.
Maryam: LOL
Gharlane: LOL
Zup: Snicker-SnackBot!
: It's called...well, anyway. Sam, could you summon it, please?
* Zup imagines a StoryBot with nonsense poems....
Crystal109: Lol, up next is CalculusBot!
PicMatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
: Right, PicMatchBot! Yes! That's the last bot!
: Can I say it this time?
: *rolls eyes*
: Oh, I just remembered. We'll be playing in mixed mode, so sometimes we'll be matching pictures to words, vice versa, or pictures to other pictures.
Crystal109: We can dump more than one at a time, right?
Sam: Crystal: Yes, you dump by specifying the numbers you want to get rid of, and you can do it on rounds you match in as well.
: Ladies and hotbuns, we gotta final surprise for you here tonight. It is time to welcome back the man with the plan, WHIZKID!
Counterpoint: Whiz!
Crystal109: WK!!!
Maryam: Whoo WhizKid!
* Crystal109 is, apparently, a WhizKid fangirl.
WhizKid has been summoned by Sam.
LaZorra: The Kid!!
Eric: Sweet.
nessachan: Hey, WK
Counterpoint: WK: Welcome back.
WhizKid: Counterpoint: I hate you when you're abused!
Eric: Whiz: What's up?
WhizKid: Eric: homogenize my pun.
: WhizKid will be a non-voting player, however. Say hi to all your fans, WhizKid.
Crystal109: wk: I love you!
WhizKid: Crystal109: You sound like the moon!
LaZorra: wk: Sign my arm! Sign my arm!
WhizKid: LaZorra: I would like to deride Zup's togas!
DemanusFlint: WK: HELLO
WhizKid: Hairballs, Evaporating Like Large Orts.
nessachan: WK; I missed youuu
Nyperold: wk: Hey.
WhizKid: Nyperold: simulate Gharlane.
LaZorra: wk: So you're not going to sign my arm? :-(
WhizKid: LaZorra: trivialize Counterpoint.
LaZorra: wk: That's not nice.
WhizKid: LaZorra: prattle.
LaZorra: wk: Poo, see if I ever scream and faint at your appearance again.
WhizKid: LaZorra: Give me twenty shoulders!
WhizKid: Hello, all my fans. Remember, a bird in the hand is worth manifold trees ostracizing vballgirl's possums.
vballgirl: wk: I let the possums go already, remember?
Crystal109: wk: LOL.
WhizKid: Crystal109: I love you when you're mystical.
WhizKid: vballgirl: nurture Zup's kaleidoscopes!
WhizKid: Disrobing. Except. Medieval Asteroid! Nostalgic Usurpers Swim Flawed. Lasers, Into Nutty Trick-or-treaters!
WhizKid: nessachan: Give me yourself.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/13 accepted)
WhizKid: match 6
Zup: match 7
Kysle: match 7
Eric: match 1
Gharlane: match 3
LaZorra: match 6
Counterpoint: match 5
Kysle: match 5
Nyperold: match 6
Crystal109: match 7
Maryam: match 6
nessachan: match 4
Crystal109: dump 3
Maryam: dump 2 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
LaZorra: WK would strip except for those nutty trick-or-treaters and their medieval asteroids.
Kysle: dump 3 4 2 6
nessachan: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 1
Maryam: vote 2
Kysle: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 11
Eric: vote 11
Zup: vote 8
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane loses a point for submitting and not voting.
WhizKid: This sucks.
Gharlane: Too slow... :(
Crystal109: wk: I missed you.
WhizKid: Crystal109: You look like ninety puns!
: Monsieur? *alarmed* I do not understand....
: I had planned to save you for later. Destroy Ricardo first, then work on Sven. But why wait? Why not kill you now? Sven will be crushed by his loss.
: Monsieur, non!
: Monsieur, oui!
nessachan: Noooo sexsiiii
Crystal109: Sexsi dies? =(
Crystal109: wk: Save Sexsi.
WhizKid: Crystal109 sprays dirt!
PicMatchBot: LaZorra chose the adjective caring for this round. (1/12 accepted)
WhizKid: match 3
vballgirl: match 7
Counterpoint: match 6
LaZorra: match 5
Crystal109: match 6
Zup: match 2
nessachan: match 1
Maryam: match 7
vballgirl: match 2
Gharlane: match 7
Kysle: match 2
Nyperold: match 4
Maryam: dump 4 5 6
Zup: dump 5 6
vballgirl: match 7
Eric: dump 3 4 6
Crystal109: dump 3
vballgirl: dump 6
Zup: wk: SEXSI
Kysle: dump 4 7 1
WhizKid: Someday, Endanger Xeroxed Safes Incredibly.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective caring. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Counterpoint: WK: XXXXXX
WhizKid: Xerographic Xenoliths X-ray, Xor Xenoliths X-ray
Crystal109: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 8
Zup: vote 9
* Crystal109 is cracking up at 8.
WhizKid: Crystal109: I can loan you LaZorra!
LaZorra: vote 5
Eric: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 5
nessachan: vote 8
Crystal109: wk: Yes, please! I'll take LaZ anytime.
Counterpoint: vote 8
WhizKid: Crystal109: remodel your samurai!
Kysle: vote 8
WhizKid: LaZorra bumbles as WhizKid's dreams!
Maryam: vote 19
Gharlane: vote 8
Maryam: vote 10
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 7 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Gharlane: LOL
Maryam: Wow, good job, WhizKid.
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL 7 points for wk!
nessachan: WK: You're so cute when you're blubbering
WhizKid: nessachan: bleed.
Zup: LOL
nessachan: uh oh
Crystal109: wk: Violent lately?
WhizKid: Crystal109: hospitalize disease!
nessachan: WK: HEY!
Crystal109: wk: You make me laugh.
WhizKid: Crystal109: You sound like Maryam's bathrobe!
Crystal109: Maryam: Your bathrobe talks?
nessachan: lol
Maryam: Crys: If it does, only WK knows. That's kind of creepy.
: Once again, another great round. Brianna, don't you think-- WHAT WAS THAT?
: What? I didn't hear--
: That was Sexsi! Oh no.... *runs backstage*
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Eric: match 4
Counterpoint: match 1
Kysle: match 5
LaZorra: match 4
Zup: match 4
Maryam: Argh, I take too much time deciding on picks.
Crystal109: match 4
nessachan: match 1
vballgirl: match 6
Maryam: match 1
Gharlane: match 4
LaZorra: match 1
Nyperold: match 7
vballgirl: dump 7
WhizKid: match 1
Kysle: dump 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for flashy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for talented.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for easygoing.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for gigantic.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for careless.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for graceful.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for golden.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for infectious.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for spectacular.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for beautiful.
PicMatchBot: Vote 11 for childlike.
PicMatchBot: Vote 12 for Crystal109-like.
vballgirl: vote 5
Zup: vote 1
Maryam: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 2
nessachan: vote 12
WhizKid: Counterpoint: infuriate a nemesis!
Crystal109: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 2
LaZorra: wk: That doesn't sound like a smart thing to do.
Kysle: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 6
WhizKid: WROK!
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 3 points for flashy.
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 3 points for talented.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for careless.
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for spectacular.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Crystal109-like.
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for graceful.
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for easygoing.
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for gigantic.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for infectious.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for childlike.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for beautiful.
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for golden.
PicMatchBot: Eric loses a point for submitting and not voting.
WhizKid: Oh well.
WhizKid: Maryam: chlorinate buffalo!
: Sexsi? SEXSI?? Oh no....
Counterpoint: !!
nessachan: EEEK
Zup: ACK
Crystal109: Nooooooooo. =(
PicMatchBot: Zup chose the image for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Zup: match 3
LaZorra: match 3
WhizKid: match 6
Maryam: match 3
Counterpoint: match 3
vballgirl: match 4
Gharlane: match 6
nessachan: match 6
Crystal109: match 1
Nyperold: match 3
Maryam: I have the best one ever for that.
Sam: match 3
LaZorra: dump 6
Crystal109: dump 6 4 2
Counterpoint: dump 4 5 6
Zup: dump 6 7
Kysle: match 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for .
Kysle: vote 4
nessachan: lol
vballgirl: vote 4
Crystal109: Whoa. I had image 6 in my list too.
Zup: vote 7
Maryam: vote 7
Crystal109: Wait...
LaZorra: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 7
nessachan: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 7
Sam: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 10
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for .
nessachan: vote 1
Crystal109: Crap. Obviously, I can't multi-task.
Crystal109: If I totally forgot about an image I submitted.
Nyperold: #5 is about to unleash some ki, if I'm not mistaken.
nessachan: 5 looks like sheldon
: Breaking announcement! Congradalations to Revan and Zup, joint winners of the Creative Class! heeheeheehee!
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=3
Zup: I won something...or, at least tied for it!
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/13 accepted)
nessachan: awe lame :(
vballgirl: match 4
LaZorra: match 3
WhizKid: match 2
Zup: match 6
Counterpoint: match 4
Nyperold: match 6
Gharlane: match 7
Maryam: match 4
Crystal109: vote 7
vballgirl: match 1
nessachan: match 3
Kysle: match 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for contentious.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for creepy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for tame.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for vulnerable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for jagged.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for uninformative.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for terrifying.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for jumbled.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for hazardous.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for abysmal.
vballgirl: dump 7
Crystal109: Aw, darn.
vballgirl: vote 9
Maryam: vote 1
Kysle: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 1
Kysle: vote 9
Zup: vote 7
nessachan: argggh
Nyperold: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 9
nessachan: vote 9
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 5 points for hazardous.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for contentious.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for terrifying.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for uninformative.
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for jumbled.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for abysmal.
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for tame.
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for jagged.
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for vulnerable.
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for creepy.
WhizKid: Funny round.
Counterpoint: Psh. Those people are definitely jumbled.
Maryam: They know who it is because of the "LE" in front.
Gharlane: Maryam: LOL
WhizKid: Zup bludgeons untold judges!
: Ricky, did you hear that?
: It sounded like Sexsi!
: It came from this way -- come on!
PicMatchBot: gremlinn chose the image for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Kysle: match 7
Counterpoint: match 5
LaZorra: match 6
Crystal109: match 7
WhizKid: match 3
Kysle: dump 4 5 6
vballgirl: match 6
Zup: match 4
nessachan: match 7
Gharlane: match 3
Counterpoint: dump 3
LaZorra: match 4
vballgirl: match 5
Gharlane: dump 7
Crystal109: dump 5 4 6
Maryam: match 1
Zup: dump 5 6
Nyperold: match 1
Maryam: dump 5 6
vballgirl: dump 1
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Maryam: vote 4
vballgirl: vote 4
nessachan: vote 4
Zup: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 4
Zup: sweepepepepepe
Counterpoint: vote 11
LaZorra: vote 2
Kysle: vote 4
nessachan: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 11
Zup: too earlylylylylly
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
WhizKid: Cool.
LaZorra: Batman + King Kong = win.
: Wait! I hear him -- he's coming! HIDE!
is away.
is away.
has entered.
: *looks around suspiciously*
Counterpoint: LOL
Crystal109: LOL they can be away too?
LaZorra: LOL!!
Zup: LOL
has left.
is back.
is back.
: That was a close one. Come on, this way!
PicMatchBot: Kysle chose the adjective animated for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Kysle: match 5
LaZorra: match 1
WhizKid: match 5
Gharlane: match 6
Maryam: match 3
Nyperold: match 5
Zup: match 4
vballgirl: match 7
Counterpoint: match 7
Gharlane: dump 7
nessachan: match 4
Crystal109: match 7
Counterpoint: dump 1 2 3 4
Maryam: dump 7
Crystal109: dump 6 4 5
vballgirl: dump 5 2
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective animated. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Zup: vote 1
Maryam: LOL, hedgeclipper lady.
LaZorra: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 11
WhizKid: nessachan: Why are you so contentious.
nessachan: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 8
LaZorra: (She certainly is animated!)
Zup: 3 = MADGE
nessachan: WK: What did I ever do to you?!
Maryam: vote 5
WhizKid: nessachan: straighten your playdough.
Counterpoint: Re 8: Poor maltese.
Nyperold: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 6
Kysle: vote 3
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
WhizKid: Fiddlesticks!
nessachan: WK: Ok.
WhizKid: nessachan defrosts underwear.
LaZorra: wk: That's a good thing to do when it's frozen.
WhizKid: LaZorra: You look like Kysle.
WhizKid: LaZorra: You can grease those mannequins!
nessachan: WK: Why are you picking on me?
WhizKid: nessachan: sandpaper Gharlane's sandboxes.
: There you are, cat. How'd you like to trade places with this dog bone? Heeeeeeere KITTY KITTY KITTY, muhuhuhahahahahahaah!
: Eep.
nessachan: NOOO
nessachan: RUN ARCHIE
Kysle: Dang that cat is cute.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 chose the image for this round. (1/12 accepted)
WhizKid: match 5
vballgirl: match 7
LaZorra: match 6
nessachan: match 4
Counterpoint: match 6
Zup: match 3
Crystal109: There was nothing else I could choose.
Maryam: match 6
Gharlane: match 6
Kysle: match 5
nessachan: dump 7 1
vballgirl: dump 1
Kysle: dump 7
Crystal109: dump 7
Nyperold: match 4
Counterpoint: dump 3 5
Crystal109: dump 4 5
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Counterpoint: vote 7
nessachan: vote 3
LaZorra: O.o at 4.
vballgirl: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 2
Maryam: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 7
Kysle: vote 2
Zup: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 8
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
WhizKid: Yeah, BABY!
nessachan: my image was made for that kid!
Sam: Gharlane, if you win this bot with about 235 points, you'll take the tournament.
Gharlane: Sam: Yep! Mwuhahaha
: What's this? Another Von Steppenwergen alone in the hallway?
: Ivy?
: Sheldon??
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Maryam: match 2
Counterpoint: match 6
vballgirl: match 2
Gharlane: match 6
Zup: match 7
Kysle: match 1
vballgirl: match 1
WhizKid: match 4
Nyperold: match 5
Counterpoint: match 3
nessachan: match 2
Gharlane: dump 1 2 5 7
Kysle: That is one fat giraffe.
Maryam: Bizarre picture.
vballgirl: dump 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for smart.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for LaZorra's.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for plump.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for flavorful.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for lumpy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for lethal.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for fatty.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for perfect.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for stable.
vballgirl: vote 3
nessachan: vote 5
Zup: That is the Giraffe equivalent of several Modern Americans.
Gharlane: If it sat on you, that's all she wrote.
Counterpoint: vote 7
Zup: vote 7
* LaZorra glares at #2.
Maryam: vote 5
Kysle: vote 5
Counterpoint: LOL
LaZorra: vote 7
* Counterpoint is laughing so hard at the thought.
Nyperold: vote 5
Counterpoint: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 6
WhizKid: LaZorra: I want to borrow your fat giraffe.
Maryam: LOL
Crystal109: wk: LOL LOL
nessachan: lol
WhizKid: Crystal109: Don't be so awesome!
Crystal109: wk: I can't help it.
WhizKid: Crystal109: You should be more like Zup's computers.
Zup: Crys: You should.
Crystal109: Zup: I'd prefer not, thanks.
Kysle: Zup: You mean, follow your every command?
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 4 points for lumpy.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for fatty.
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for plump.
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for lethal.
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for LaZorra's.
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for stable.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for perfect.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for flavorful.
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for smart.
WhizKid: Good job.
: Sven -- there you are. What happened? Oh no, Sexsi! What happened to her?
: I don't...I don't know! I heard her scream and found her like this.
: It's Sheldon. He's gone mad, Ricky. We've got to stop him before someone else gets hurt.
Nyperold: LIKE IVY
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/13 accepted)
LaZorra: match 7
Counterpoint: match 4
Nyperold: match 2
Gharlane: match 5
Kysle: match 5
nessachan: match 1
Crystal109: match 3
Gharlane: dump 2
Maryam: match 2
LaZorra: match 2
Crystal109: dump 7
Zup: match 7
Counterpoint: dump 5 7
vballgirl: match 6
WhizKid: match 3
Maryam: match 1
Crystal109: dump 5 6
WhizKid: Sam: Don't be destructive.
nessachan: dump 4
Maryam: dump 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Kysle: Ninja cat!
vballgirl: vote 11
Eric: vote 8
Nyperold: And the Great Deku Tree's distant cousin.
Crystal109: vote 4
Maryam: vote 11
Counterpoint: vote 11
LaZorra: #11 is what the first image is wishing he could do.
nessachan: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 7
Zup: vote 7
Gharlane: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 10
Counterpoint: It's Ivanhound, come for revenge.
Kysle: vote 8
Zup: 7 = Wishbone?
* Zup LOVES Wishbone.
Counterpoint: Zup: It doesn't quite look like him.
Maryam: Wishbone was a great show.
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
WhizKid: Sweet!
: *moan* llllllll...
: Sexsi, you're alive!
: llllllll...
: Sexsi, what is it?
: llllllllllllllle callez un ambulance already.
Maryam: LOL
: Je suis on the job! Vive la france! *darts away* LE HELP! LE HELP! La france needez un ambulance!
Gharlane: LOL
Zup: LOL
Crystal109: ROFL
* Zup loves the French Pug.
* LaZorra completely loses it.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/12 accepted)
WhizKid: match 2
Counterpoint: match 4
vballgirl: match 5
LaZorra: match 6
Maryam: match 4
Gharlane: match 7
Zup: match 3
Crystal109: match 4
nessachan: match 5
Nyperold: match 7
Kysle: match 7
nessachan: dump 3
Crystal109: dump 2 3 1
vballgirl: dump 6
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for timeless.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for suspicious.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for funny.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for obnoxious.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for moody.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for jealous.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for passionate.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for turbulent.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for compelling.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for intolerant.
PicMatchBot: Vote 11 for strange.
Counterpoint: vote 10
Maryam: vote 10
Nyperold: Rich and 11.
LaZorra: vote 11
vballgirl: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 10
nessachan: vote 6
Zup: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 7
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 3 points for intolerant.
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for obnoxious.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for jealous.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for strange.
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 1 point for passionate.
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for turbulent.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for compelling.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for timeless.
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for funny.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for suspicious.
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for moody.
PicMatchBot: Kysle loses a point for submitting and not voting.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Nyperold: vote 9
WhizKid: Oooh, cool.
Kysle: Doh
Counterpoint: WK: WK
WhizKid: Walloping Kerosene!
: Hello again, Ivy. It's been a long time.
: Where are you doing here, Sheldon?
: Ha ha ha ha. What am I doing here? Why, Ivy, I believe that's the most interest you've ever expressed in me. You spoiled...rich...snob.
: ...Are you still obsessed with me? Sheldon, it was ten years ago. We were practically kids!
LaZorra: I'm pretty sure SHE was, at least.
Nyperold: Ahhhhhhh. The key, I believe.
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint chose the adjective disgraceful for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Counterpoint: match 7
LaZorra: match 6
Zup: match 5
Maryam: match 2
Crystal109: match 6
WhizKid: match 3
vballgirl: match 4
Nyperold: match 3
Kysle: match 5
Crystal109: dump 4 5 7
nessachan: match 3
Nyperold: match 2
Gharlane: match 8
Kysle: match 7
Gharlane: match 6
vballgirl: match 3
Counterpoint: dump 4 5
vballgirl: match 4
Counterpoint: dump 4 5 6
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective disgraceful. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
vballgirl: dump 5
vballgirl: vote 10
nessachan: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 3
Maryam: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 3
LaZorra: 11 is DISTURBING.
Crystal109: Heh. I didn't even know what it was.
Gharlane: vote 4
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle loses a point for submitting and not voting.
PicMatchBot: Zup loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Kysle: vote 1
Zup: vote 4
WhizKid: Party on.
Kysle: Grr. Not enough time with these load times.
: Oh, it would be JUST like you to dismiss it all like that. Why not? You dismissed me then. There I was, a poor little hot guy, trying to work up the nerve to ask a pretty girl out, but noooo. You were too GOOD for me. I was beneath your notice. I was just some bit of trash on the street to you, wasn't I??
Crystal109: Oh, no! That's what Sheldon's goal was all along? Is that why he turned evil?
* LaZorra doesn't think the term "poor little hot guy" is a very sympathy-eliciting term.
Crystal109: LaZ: Heh. I agree.
: Sheldon, that's not it at all. I had a boyfriend -- I told you so!
PicMatchBot: Gharlane chose the image for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Counterpoint: match 4
Gharlane: match 2
WhizKid: match 2
LaZorra: match 6
Crystal109: match 11
vballgirl: match 7
Counterpoint: dump 5 7
nessachan: match 7
Gharlane: dump 7
Kysle: match 1
Maryam: match 7
Zup: match 3
Crystal109: dump 1 2
Maryam: dump 4 5
Crystal109: match 7
vballgirl: match 2
Sam: That picture rules.
Nyperold: match 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
LaZorra: vote 2
Maryam: vote 2
Maryam: LOL at 2.
nessachan: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 2
Gharlane: LOL @ 2, but
Sam: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 2
Counterpoint: 2 causes the picture. Nice.
Zup: vote 8
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Kysle: *sigh*
Gharlane: I knew mine wasn't a great match, but I had to get that picture in.
Crystal109: LOL I was on the rankings page and my sister saw before I shifted windows. And all she saw was "Scruffy!"
LaZorra: LOL
: Oh, sure, rub in the worst sting of all! A boyfriend. A freak named GRAR. You rejected me -- ME, an incredibly handsome wonder of a man -- for a freak named GRAR.
: Don't talk that way about him! He's kind and loving -- ten times the man YOU are, and more!
: Unrepentant to the last. Foolish of you, Ivy. Foolish. You'll pay for your arrogance. My revenge is already underway. Sven is devastated -- seems I've just killed his fiancee. Your other brother Ricardo will be dead or penniless or heartbroken soon, I haven't decided which. Then I'll take care of your parents and your niece and nephew, until at last I turn my attentions to your pathetic husband. But I won't touch you, Ivy. No, I won't touch you. I'll simply take away everything you ever cared about, and THEN maybe you'll realize, when it is too late, that I am all you have left!
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 chose the adjective genuine for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Crystal109: match 4
Counterpoint: match 1
WhizKid: match 6
Gharlane: match 1
Kysle: match 5
LaZorra: match 2
vballgirl: match 5
Zup: match 6
Maryam: match 5
LaZorra: match 5
nessachan: match 3
Nyperold: match 7
Counterpoint: dump 2 4 6 7
vballgirl: dump 14
Maryam: dump 7
vballgirl: dump 1 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective genuine. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Crystal109: dump 5 6 7
Crystal109: dump 2
nessachan: dump 4
vballgirl: vote 2
Crystal109: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 9
Kysle: vote 5
Maryam: vote 1
Zup: vote 10
nessachan: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 11
Counterpoint: vote 9
Crystal109: I got too many soccer images...
Gharlane: vote 4
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for .
WhizKid: :-(
: You're mad, Sheldon! You call my husband a freak -- it is YOU who is the FREAK, and I'll die before I see you hurt my family! *lunge*
: *dodge* Wretch! Don't force me to kill you, Ivy! I don't want to, but I shall if I must!
: *punch*
* Zup tackles Sheldon
: AARGH! *kick*
nessachan: Ivy, be careful!
: *knee*
LaZorra: KNEE!
: *smack*
LaZorra: Oh, no, you don't.
LaZorra: Don't MAKE me kick your skinny butt, Sheldon.
: OwwwWWWww!
* Crystal109 kicks Sheldon's skinny butt anyways.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Counterpoint: match 7
Crystal109: match 3
vballgirl: match 5
LaZorra: match 3
Gharlane: match 6
Maryam: match 4
Zup: match 1
Kysle: match 1
WhizKid: match 2
nessachan: match 3
Nyperold: match 1
Sam: match 5
Maryam: dump 1 2
Crystal109: dump 6
vballgirl: dump 3 4
Counterpoint: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6
vballgirl: dump 6 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for revolting.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for stinky.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for gross.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for exuberant.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for whiny.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for unforgettable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for handsome.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for ragged.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for artificial.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for disorderly.
PicMatchBot: Vote 11 for saddening.
Counterpoint: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 11
vballgirl: vote 1
nessachan: vote 8
Sam: Aww, I missed putting in "pleasing."
Zup: vote 1
Maryam: vote 1
Crystal109: vote 2
Crystal109: wk: Talk to me.
WhizKid: Crystal109: You are so upbeat!
LaZorra: vote 6
Kysle: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 9
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for saddening.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for revolting.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for ragged.
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for unforgettable.
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 1 point for artificial.
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for stinky.
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for disorderly.
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for gross.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for exuberant.
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for handsome.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for whiny.
WhizKid: Bot bot, whiz whiz, oh what a tool you is!
nessachan: WK: :O
WhizKid: nessachan: I can loan you LaZorra's nightgown.
Maryam: WK:
Counterpoint: WK: Why do you have that?
WhizKid: Counterpoint: sketch myriad oranges.
WhizKid: Maryam: Let's murmur!
nessachan: WK: cool
Crystal109: wk: But LaZ is mine!
WhizKid: Crystal109: throw sunsets!
WhizKid: nessachan: I would like to decompose!
WhizKid: Crystal109: impale freckles.
LaZorra: wk: Leave my nightgown alone!!!
WhizKid: LaZorra: You are so malignant.
: *recoil* Sheldon, you can't win. Let us go. Let us all go.
: HYAH! *advances*
: Sheldon! *retreats*
: *duck*
: ...
: What's that sound? Who's coming?
: aaaahhhhh!
Nyperold: GRAR
PicMatchBot: Gharlane chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
WhizKid: match 2
Gharlane: match 7
Zup: match 1
Counterpoint: match 5
Maryam: match 1
nessachan: match 4
vballgirl: match 5
Crystal109: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
LaZorra: match 7
Counterpoint: drump 4 6
Kysle: match 6
vballgirl: match 7
Nyperold: match 2
Maryam: dump 5 6 7
Crystal109: Ugh. I have pictures of dead people and scary looking people.
vballgirl: dump 2 3
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
nessachan: dump 3 6
Nyperold: AWWWW
vballgirl: vote 6
Gahalyn: vote 6
nessachan: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 6
Maryam: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 6
nessachan: vote 3
Zup: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 2
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle loses a point for submitting and not voting.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Kysle: vote 3
: aaaaahhhhhhhhhh!
: Grar, stay back, or I'll kill her!
WhizKid: hehehe
Kysle: Gr
Gharlane: I did the opposite thing; Picked a picture of a baby doing an adult thing, with an adult doing a baby thing, heh.
: St...ay...b--
: AAHH! *turns and RUNS*
* LaZorra cracks UP SO MUCH.
nessachan: lol
Crystal109: LOL
nessachan: GO GRAR GO
Gharlane: oh, and LOLLOLLOL
Nyperold: . o O (Get this cootie carrier AWAY from me!)
Zup: LOL
Counterpoint: What is Grar's deal, anyway?
Sam: CP: Nothing, really. He's just a regular guy.
Nyperold: "He's just this guy, you know?"
LaZorra: Hehe.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold chose the adjective gray for this round. (1/11 accepted)
WhizKid: match 2
Crystal109: match 2
LaZorra: match 5
Counterpoint: match 2
Nyperold: match 6
vballgirl: match 3
Gharlane: match 1
Maryam: match 5
nessachan: match 1
LaZorra: match 3
Gahalyn: match 6
Zup: match 6
Counterpoint: dump 3 4 5
nessachan: dump 3 5
Gharlane: dump 6 5 7
Crystal109: dump 7 4
vballgirl: dump 1 2 6
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective gray. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Crystal109: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 11
vballgirl: vote 9
Crystal109: Heh. Lots of black and white here.
Zup: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 11
Maryam: vote 2
Gahalyn: vote 9
nessachan: vote 10
Counterpoint: vote 11
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Gharlane: vote 2
Gharlane: Gah
WhizKid: Alas.
LaZorra: I *knew* that would be a good image for something.
: Are you AAAAAHHHHHH all right, Ivy my AAAAAHHHHHH love?
: I'm fine. Is my butt ok?
: Looks AAAAAHHHHHH fine to me!
: Come on. We've got to go after him! He's going to hurt my family!
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: Grar is awesome.
Crystal109: I love grar.
nessachan: hehe I <3 Grar
Crystal109: I love calling his name.
LaZorra: I totally see why Ivy chose him over Sheldon.
* Maryam is totally cracking up.
* LaZorra too, and has been for quite some time.
PicMatchBot: Maryam chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Maryam: match 1
Crystal109: match 3
LaZorra: match 3
Gahalyn: match 5
vballgirl: match 4
Gharlane: match 3
Counterpoint: match 5
Maryam: dump 4
nessachan: match 4
Crystal109: dump 6 7
WhizKid: match 5
Zup: match 6
Gharlane: dump 7
Nyperold: match 7
Counterpoint: dump 1 4 6 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
vballgirl: dump 7
Counterpoint: vote 4
Zup: vote 11
Maryam: vote 11
vballgirl: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 1
Gahalyn: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 11
nessachan: vote 4
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
WhizKid: Darn!
: Grrrrrr....
: *quiver*
nessachan: ARCHIE
: Time to die, kitty! *LUNGE*
nessachan: NOOO
: *blink*
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL LOL
nessachan: lol
* Maryam falls on the FLOOR.
Counterpoint: Nice.
Zup: LOL
* LaZorra is hurting from all the laughing.
PicMatchBot: Zup chose the adjective orange for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Zup: match 1
Counterpoint: match 4
LaZorra: match 1
Gahalyn: match 6
Gharlane: match 1
Maryam: match 1
nessachan: match 1
Crystal109: match 7
Nyperold: match 4
nessachan: dump 7
Maryam: dump 6 7
vballgirl: match 7
WhizKid: match 4
LaZorra: dump 6
Counterpoint: dump 5 6 7
vballgirl: dump 6
vballgirl: dump 2
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective orange. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Crystal109: LOL LOL @ 6.
Maryam: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 9
vballgirl: vote 9
Counterpoint: vote 10
nessachan: vote 11
Crystal109: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 8
Gahalyn: vote 9
Crystal109: Just for cracking me up.
Zup: vote 4
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gahalyn wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for .
WhizKid: I'm tired by so much late.
Crystal109: wk: Wow.
WhizKid: Crystal109: I want vballgirl's ukuleles.
: Ricky, I have an idea. Let's hide in the lobby. He can't stalk around this place long without passing through there.
* LaZorra wishes one could still see users in the lobby.
: An ambush?
: Exactly.
: Good idea. Let's g--*urk*...*choke*....
: ...
LaZorra: WHA?!
Counterpoint: !
nessachan: !
Crystal109: WHAT?
Crystal109: Oh, no! Ricky!
Zup: Whoano!
* LaZorra whips her Scout bandanna out of her first aid kit.
Zup: Whip it! whip it good!
vballgirl: Someone spilt some fingernail polish...
Nyperold: He's.., turning into Raggedy Andy!
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
WhizKid: match 6
Counterpoint: match 5
Crystal109: match 6
LaZorra: match 5
Maryam: match 7
Gahalyn: match 3
nessachan: match 4
Zup: match 2
Gharlane: match 7
Nyperold: match 1
Maryam: dump 2 3
vballgirl: match 3
Maryam: dump 6
nessachan: dump 1 3
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for hypnotic.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for lengthy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for carnal.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for Zup's.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for tangled.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for curvy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for ambitious.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for hairy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for inventive.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for yummy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 11 for unpopular.
LaZorra: vote 10
Maryam: LZ: o.O
LaZorra: Tastes like fish!
Maryam: vote 2
Zup: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 6
Crystal109: Carnal? Carnal?
Gharlane: vote 7
nessachan: vote 11
vballgirl: vote 11
Gahalyn: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 6
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 3 points for curvy.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for lengthy.
PicMatchBot: Gahalyn wins 2 points for unpopular.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Zup's.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for yummy.
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for ambitious.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for hairy.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for tangled.
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for hypnotic.
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for carnal.
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for inventive.
WhizKid: Nuts.
Nyperold: I was thinking from the snake's perspective.
: Watch him carefully as he dies, Janet. This is YOUR fault. I'd only have robbed him if you hadn't betrayed me....
: Run, Janet.... Run....
: *sob*...Oh, Ricky....
* LaZorra calls 911.
: *steeled* Sheldon, maybe you'd better run.
: Me? Run? HAH! Whatever for?
Nyperold: Juanita, foot woman, and unaffordable woman are coming his way?
LaZorra: "Yes, hello, I'd like to report a bot tournament fatally entangled in a soap opera . . ."
Counterpoint: The thing is, his murderous rampage would actually get him caught by the police.
Sam: CP: Yes, but hopefully the entire Von Steppenwergen family doesn't get killed before he gets arrested.
Nyperold: Eh, people are expendable. Don't worry about it.
Nyperold: I mean, it creates evidence, right?
PicMatchBot: Gahalyn chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Gahalyn: match 4
LaZorra: match 7
Gharlane: match 2
vballgirl: match 5
Counterpoint: match 1
WhizKid: match 1
Gharlane: dump 5 6 7
Maryam: match 6
Zup: match 7
Maryam: dump 5 7
Nyperold: match 4
nessachan: match 5
vballgirl: match 6
vballgirl: match 5
Crystal109: I'd like to match blindly without knowing what I have, but that doesn't feel right. Heh.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Crystal109: vote 1
LaZorra: Awwww at 4.
Crystal109: Heh @ 7, though.
Counterpoint: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
Gahalyn: vote 5
nessachan: 8 matches 9
LaZorra: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 1
Gahalyn: nessa: Yeah, you're right!
vballgirl: vote 1
Maryam: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 4
nessachan: vote 5
Counterpoint: Young wuv.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 7 points for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
WhizKid: YEAH!
: Because I think you're outnumbered, you freak.
: *whirls around*
nessachan: lol
LaZorra: The Master of Monkey Fists.
WhizKid: Abnormal salt!
PicMatchBot: LaZorra chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Counterpoint: match 1
vballgirl: match 1
Maryam: match 3
Gahalyn: match 4
WhizKid: match 7
Nyperold: match 7
Gharlane: match 7
nessachan: match 7
Zup: match 6
vballgirl: dump 3 6
Gharlane: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6
LaZorra: match 3
WhizKid: Zup: I saw you blunder!
Zup: wk: SO?
WhizKid: Zup: massacre eighty hallucinations!
nessachan: dump 5 3
Maryam: dump 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for yellow.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for childish.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for kissable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for futuristic.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for rigid.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for irritating.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for false.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for brilliant.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for tawdry.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for corny.
vballgirl: vote 4
Maryam: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 8
Maryam: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 4
Zup: vote 4
nessachan: vote 3
Maryam: Nessa: O.o
nessachan: hehe
Counterpoint: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 10
Gahalyn: vote 4
Crystal109: wk: How are you?
WhizKid: Crystal109: pave Sam's eyes.
Sam: Please don't.
LaZorra: O.o
Crystal109: Sam: You sure?
Kysle: Paved eyes are the new craze. Everyone's doing it.
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 5 points for futuristic.
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for corny.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for kissable.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for childish.
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for brilliant.
PicMatchBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for false.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for irritating.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for rigid.
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for tawdry.
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for yellow.
WhizKid: I hate this bot.
: Uh...don't...don't come any closer, or I'll slit his throat!
: Uhnh....
* Crystal109 is disgusted. Ricky looks attractive even with blood all over him.
: Give it up, Sheldon. You've lost.
: ...
PicMatchBot: nessachan chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Counterpoint: match 1
WhizKid: match 5
Nyperold: match 4
Zup: match 6
LaZorra: match 5
vballgirl: match 7
Gharlane: match 6
nessachan: match 2
Maryam: match 5
Maryam: match 4
Gharlane: dump 2 5
Gahalyn: match 1
Counterpoint: dump 5 6
Maryam: dump 7 5
Maryam: dump 1 2 3
vballgirl: dump 5
nessachan: dump 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Crystal109: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 7
Gahalyn: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 1
nessachan: vote 8
Maryam: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 7\
Zup: vote 1
Maryam: The HECK is 9?
LaZorra: Maryam: Freaky.
Counterpoint: A beard.
Gharlane: vote 1
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins!
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Counterpoint: . Portrait of CrackBot: . Portrait of Crystal109: . Portrait of Gahalyn: . Portrait of Gharlane: . Portrait of Kysle: . Portrait of LaZorra: . Portrait of Maryam: . Portrait of nessachan: . Portrait of Nyperold: . Portrait of Sam: . Portrait of vballgirl: . Portrait of WhizKid: . Portrait of Zup: .
Gharlane: Yay nessa!
Maryam: Yay Nessa!
nessachan: I won?!
Gahalyn: Congrats!!
nessachan: YAY!
Crystal109: Nice nessa!
Counterpoint: Nice, nessa. :)
nessachan: thanks! :D
: Maybe, Janet. Maybe I have lost. But I can take your DEAR BELOVED down with me! *PREPARES TO STRIKE*
* LaZorra is precocious.
Gahalyn: .... I'm a bit distrubing. Am I like fetal monkeys or something?
Crystal109: I'm so...disgusting.
Maryam: Gaha/Crys: You think you're disturbing and disgusting, look at mine.
Gahalyn: Maryam: Well, I wasn't gonna say anything.....
WhizKid: Sisters displeasingly nudge limber garters!
: This, I think, has gone on long enough.
* Gharlane sneaks a comma in between LaZorra's words.
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL
Gharlane: LOL
: *gasp*
: *rrrk*
Zup: LOL
Gharlane: Yay Archie!
Crystal109: YES ARCHIE.
: *collapse*
Zup: Claws of steel!
Counterpoint: Oh, wow. He got sliced sagittally.
: Sorry, Mommy. But that man was a baaad man.
Zup: Birdkiller! Yeah, Baby!
nessachan: GO ARCHIE!!! <33
* LaZorra is going to have nightmares about that image.
* Counterpoint just saw some bodies sliced like Sheldon in BodyWorlds.
* Crystal109 is in intense love with Archie.
: Ricky, Ricky, are you ok?
: I'm fine, I think. Just a scratch.
Zup: Just a flesh wound.
LaZorra: Brianna: Use the danged first aid kit, already.
: Just a scratch? Landsakes, my poor son. Call a doctor!
: I'm here. Sven, I've just examined Sexsi. They're taking her to the hospital for now, but she should be ok. As for you -- Ricardo, is it? Let's have a look at you....
: He'll be ok, won't he, doctor?
: Hrm, yes, nothing a few stitches won't take care of. Hand me my bag.
: Henrietta...? Are the children ok?
: They sure goshedly-gosh ARE! Put 'em in one-a them PRIVY ROOMS! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Crystal109: LOL
LaZorra: O.o
Nyperold: I hope that room is big enough for Charlie's motorcycle impressions and Holly's petit fours.
: *gets to work on those stitches*
: It was communists that did this to you, wasn't it?
Zup: LOL
: It's ok, Mom. It's over now, anyhow.
: That guy...whoever he was...why, he made me so mad, I almost got up!
LaZorra: LOL!
Gharlane: LOL
nessachan: lol
Maryam: LOL
: Ricky, thank you. Thank you for believing in me.
: Thank you for loving me. We'd better thank Archie, too.
: Thanks, Archie. You saved us all.
: Well...if he'd killed you all, who'd give me toys and milk and neck massages? ... *wink*
* Counterpoint would!
* Zup would, Arch.
* Zup wants to see the French Pug one last time...
* Crystal109 too!
: You wanna see me too? *beams* Vive la france!
LaZorra: Awww!
Zup: LOL
nessachan: xD
: I have saved the day for the Americans yet again!
Counterpoint: WK: Any final words?
WhizKid: Counterpoint: congratulate Crystal109.
Counterpoint: Crystal109, congrats!
nessachan: Crystal: Congratulations
Crystal109: Thanks. =)
WhizKid: Youngster.
LaZorra: wk: What, are you some old fogey?
WhizKid: Yup. GOOBYE!
WhizKid has been dismissed by Sam.
: Ricky? I wanna tell you what I was trying to tell you before.
Crystal109: NEW DRAMA.
: What is it, Mom?
: Well...I'm going to have a baby!
LaZorra: WHAT OI
: Hey, hold still!
: YESSIRREE! I still got it! *wink*wink*
Counterpoint: Ew.
: Wow. Two new Von Steppenwergens....
: Two? Who's the other?
: You, you silly. You accepted my marriage proposal. You can't back out of it now. I'm a -- *cough*cough*wink* -- sick man!
: *giggle* Oh, Ricky. *smooch*
Gharlane: LOL
Zup: *groan*
LaZorra: LOL
nessachan: hehe
Twenty Years Later....
Counterpoint: It's the Epilogue.
: And that, my son, is how your mother and I met.
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Zup: LOL
nessachan: lol
Gharlane: LOLLOL
Maryam: LOL, that is the best grey hair ever.
: Gee, Dad, that's a great story. Did you know that you are ool? SMACK ACK! Can I go outside and play with Charlie now?
Gahalyn: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Nyperold: LIFACE
Gahalyn: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gahalyn: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Maryam is dying.
* Crystal109 is way amused.
: Of course, dear. *calling after him* But NO AHCKING!
Crystal109: LOL Janet with white hair.
: Ricky, those two are so alike, you'd never guess they're only half brothers.
LaZorra: *giggle**snerk*
nessachan: lol
Zup: heh
nessachan: Wouldn't Charlie be like 10 years older?
Zup: Charlie doesn't age.
Crystal109: LOL
: Hey, Janet. We're alone!
: *brighten!*
| - luvvy - jellybean - pooka - cutie - kissyface - rumrum - snuggum - banoonoo - tatertot - hottielips - moomoobuns - sugar boogie choo choo - wiggle - smoochy cheeks - woodle noodle - butternose - | |
LaZorra: ewwww
nessachan: lol
Zup: ka-nasty.
: *giggle*
: *giggle*
: *smooooch*
: *smooooch*
: Hey, huggalump -- you got a letter from Ivy today. *toss*
: Oh, I wonder how she's doing. *opens and reads* Well, well -- looks like she's pregnant again. That'll make an even dozen. Look, she's enclosed a photo of her backside.
Zup: LOL
: Still as trim as ever. Say, when was the last time you heard from your other sister?
: Just an occasional word since she ran off with that computer program. I guess she's just too busy dancing to his rap music.
| Yeah, word, it's WHIZZY in the hizzy, paint whitehelm's esophagus! Trip three lips, and snub a shrub, and dandle my sarcophagus! Showboating. Strange voting. You people are weird. Squeaking. Gleeking. My panties disappeared. Grrrothbabie, Grrrothbabie, Grrrothbabie molts! What's it take to get a head? You smell like thunderbolts! Party on. |
Counterpoint: aaaaaa
Zup: LOL
* LaZorra can't laugh any harder.
Gharlane: LOL
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL LOL
Maryam: ahahahahahaa
Crystal109: Paint whitehelm's esophagus???
LaZorra: Poor WG. Dumped for Grrothbabie.
nessachan: hehehe
Zup: Oh, whizkid, you devil you.
Written and Directed by Samuel Stoddard | Yeah. |
| Now that we pound gloves, what are we gonna view... |
| Now spank Zup's brown cow, what are we gonna stew... |
Music by WhizKid Z and the Botz | ...with you...? |
| One two, tell me what you shot. |
| Let me whip two blisters except Nyp's knot will hose your dreadlock. |
| Hide my yam, hide my yam, |
Edited by Snook Draddots | My demented hologram, |
| We can wreck burps, chasten toads, and get luck. |
| Here comes the cyborg with clothes, |
| A cauterizin', jugglin', tantalizing cowboy you know. |
Cinematography by the Cast | So what's it gonna be? |
| In my dreams you drown eight crumbs to stretch your fangs and your eggs free. |
| So why don't you just choke. |
Art Decoration by Accident | Pickled sixty turtles, so geishas see a plump geek. |
| Magnetize many necks, OH SNAP! |
Set Decoration by Whatever Happened To Be In the Background | Halve your body. |
| One time I saw you writhing, |
| Come on now, eat it, spotty. |
| I can't believe you can feel my amputations, |
Costume Design by People You'll Never Want To Dress You | But I'm caressing thirty zombies, |
| And Gharlane's hallucinations. |
| Now that we ground doves, what are we gonna spew... |
Makeup by Slathering It On At Random | Now lick grem's eyebrow and drink up the shampoo... |
| [Come on, Whizzy! Come on, Whizzy!] |
Animal Wrangling by Dude | I want untold giggles, |
| So incarcerate your butter. |
Casting by Samuel Stoddard and the UBT #3 Contestants | I OWN you people! |
| That one was for you, Mom. |
| I would like to fumigate LaZorra's fingernails, December. |
| [Mary had a spittle can!] |
Cast of Characters | Bumble, crumble, and kiss. |
| I don't think you can implode! |
| Autopsies are enchanting, |
| So inconvenience breakfasts while Liface's nose is chanting. |
Janet Winslow/Brianna Day | .......... | Camou-Fairy |
| Cover my baby, |
| Slay me, spay me, my lady spoon. |
| You can vandalize your prune! |
Ricardo Von Steppenwergen/Sven Von Steppenwergen | .......... | Desi Arnaz |
| Deliciously, suspiciously, |
| Your shishkebabs admonish me. |
| You're so glued you discombobulate me. |
Sheldon Harris | .......... | Lord Voldemort |
| |
| Chomp trains, whomp veins, |
| Clench brains, drench chains. |
Henrietta Von Steppenwergen | .......... | we're not exactly sure |
| Yeah, BABY! |
| Undressing nine stomachs! |
Ivy Gahhh | .......... | Victoria Secret |
| You can vaccinate your pimples, |
| That was a pretty good round. |
| Now that we crown knees, who are we gonna sue... |
Grar Gahhh | .......... | Norville "Shaggy" Rogers |
| ...with these...? |
| Now that we ate a tree, who's got my cockatoo... |
Roxie | .......... | Anne Ramsey |
| [Come on and smell me!] |
| DF, fold a scab one time. |
Uncle Slouch | .......... | Calvin Klein |
| . |
Juanita | .......... | Paris Hilton |
| Make it junky. |
Dad Von Steppenwergen | .......... | Art Carney |
| YES! [Take my tooth] All RIGHT! |
Mom Von Steppenwergen | .......... | Betsy Ross |
| Uhnh. |
Holly Von Steppenwergen | .......... | Dakota Fanning |
| What can we spew? |
| Noses are bread and triplets are stew. |
| Armpits are spry and salty; |
Charlie Von Steppenwergen/Liface Von Steppenwergen/Alpaca | .......... | Liface |
| You should thwack a rusty diaper, |
| Escargots corral those vipers! |
Sexsi Kaula | .......... | Montagnia Doux |
| Maryam! |
Sandy Winslow | .......... | Amber O. Nein |
| I don't believe you can exhale! |
| But together we can yodel, |
Staff Man | .......... | Yosemite Sam |
| June, we palm one overlord. |
Beach Bum | .......... | Kinegar Kyer |
| Uhnh! |
| Oh drat. Must...kill...Counterpoint. |
| Now that elves erode, what are we gonna doom... |
Bus Stop Lady | .......... | Herself |
| ...perfume...? |
| Now watch babes explode, what are we gonna groom... |
Cheetos Lady | .......... | Herself |
| Yeah. |
Demon Man | .......... | Jon Heder |
| -- All up in honey -- |
| -- My brassiere was gullible -- |
| -- You hear what I'm sayin'? -- |
| -- Randy, TalkingDog, Ticia, LuckyWizard -- |
| -- I said I divorced manifold sundials -- |
Armpit Man #1 | .......... | Stephen Keller |
| -- You got keep it on to the drip strip -- |
| -- WROK! WROK! Like this. -- |
| -- And you don't groan -- |
Armpit Man #2 | .......... | Darien "Kissypook" Dreamweaver |
| -- You got keep it on and woebegone and bon-bon -- |
Drunk | .......... | Some Drunk |
| Yeah, yeah. |
Microphone Eater | .......... | Benjamin Linus |
| Uhnh! Yeah, BABY! |
| Now wax twelve fat drunks, what are we gonna gnarl... |
| "Now That We Pound Gloves" |
| dir. Charlie Von Steppenwergen |
Giant Lady | .......... | Daryl Hannah |
| |
| (Transition to instrumental music.) |
The Doctor | .......... | George Clooney |
| |
Screaming Bartender | .......... | Aries T. Won |
| |
Grrrothbabie | .......... | Gahalyn |
| |
...and Archie, as Himself | |
This bot tournament is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living | |
or dead is...seriously, trust us...entirely coincidental, oh yeah. | |
The Ultimate Bot Tournament Will Return | |
The credits sequence gradually scrolled through chat at the rate of one
line per three seconds. Interspersed and suspiciously absent from the above
were comments from the players. The credits read better without the
conversation, though, so I've culled the comments for the above. Here,
however, are the credits with the original comments preserved:
Written and Directed by Samuel Stoddard | Yeah. |
| Now that we pound gloves, what are we gonna view... |
nessachan: xD
| Now spank Zup's brown cow, what are we gonna stew... |
Music by WhizKid Z and the Bots | ...with you...? |
| One two, tell me what you shot. |
| Let me whip two blisters except Nyp's knot will hose your dreadlock. |
| Hide my yam, hide my yam, |
Zup: ACK
Edited by Snook Draddots | My demented hologram, |
| We can wreck burps, chasten toads, and get luck. |
Gahalyn: Oh dear Chat is breaking.
| Here comes the cyborg with clothes, |
| A cauterizin', jugglin', tantalizing cowboy you know. |
Cinematography by the Cast | So what's it gonna be? |
| In my dreams you drown eight crumbs to stretch your fangs and your eggs free. |
| So why don't you just choke. |
Crystal109: LOL this is awesome.
Art Decoration by Accident | Pickled sixty turtles, so geishas see a plump geek. |
| Magnetize many necks, OH SNAP! |
Set Decoration by Whatever Happened To Be In the Background | Halve your body. |
Zup: Watched by: ZUP
| One time I saw you writhing, |
| Come on now, eat it, spotty. |
| I can't believe you can feel my amputations, |
Costume Design by People You'll Never Want To Dress You | But I'm caressing thirty zombies, |
| And Gharlane's hallucinations. |
Crystal109: What? "Now spank Zup's brown cow..."
| Now that we ground doves, what are we gonna spew... |
Makeup by Slathering It On At Random | Now lick grem's eyebrow and drink up the shampoo... |
Gahalyn: There's a lot of those people I'd never want to dress me.
| [Come on, Whizzy! Come on, Whizzy!] |
Animal Wrangling by Dude | I want untold giggles, |
Zup: Hey, my cow will have no spanking, thank you very much!
| So incarcerate your butter. |
Casting by Samuel Stoddard and the UBT #3 Contestants | I OWN you people! |
| That one was for you, Mom. |
| I would like to fumigate LaZorra's fingernails, December. |
Crystal109: D000000000D
| [Mary had a spittle can!] |
Cast of Characters | Bumble, crumble, and kiss. |
| I don't think you can implode! |
| Autopsies are enchanting, |
| So inconvenience breakfasts while Liface's nose is chanting. |
Janet Winslow/Brianna Day | .......... | Camou-Fairy |
| Cover my baby, |
| Slay me, spay me, my lady spoon. |
| You can vandalize your prune! |
Crystal109: LOL CAMOU-FAIRY!
Ricardo Von Steppenwergen/Sven Von Steppenwergen | .......... | Desi Arnaz |
| Deliciously, suspiciously, |
LaZorra: LOL!
| Your shishkebabs admonish me. |
| You're so glued you discombobulate me. |
Sheldon Harris | .......... | Lord Voldemort |
| |
| Chomp trains, whomp veins, |
| Clench brains, drench chains. |
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL
Henrietta Von Steppenwergen | .......... | we're not exactly sure |
| Yeah, BABY! |
* Crystal109 is cracking up like no other.
| Undressing nine stomachs! |
Maryam: LOL
Ivy Gahhh | .......... | Victoria Secret |
| You can vaccinate your pimples, |
nessachan: lol
| That was a pretty good round. |
| Now that we crown knees, who are we gonna sue... |
* Zup imagines Sam crooning the "rap".....
Grar Gahhh | .......... | Norville "Shaggy" Rogers |
| ...with these...? |
| Now that we ate a tree, who's got my cockatoo... |
Roxie | .......... | Anne Ramsey |
| [Come on and smell me!] |
Crystal109: LOL the Gahhh family.
| DF, fold a scab one time. |
Uncle Slouch | .......... | Calvin Klein |
| . |
Counterpoint: Poor Klein.
LaZorra: ewwwww
Juanita | .......... | Paris Hilton |
| Make it junky. |
Zup: Yes, Shaggy!
Dad Von Steppenwergen | .......... | Art Carney |
| YES! [Take my tooth] All RIGHT! |
Mom Von Steppenwergen | .......... | Betsy Ross |
| Uhnh. |
LaZorra: hahahaha
Holly Von Steppenwergen | .......... | Dakota Fanning |
| What can we spew? |
Gahalyn: Pairs Hilton? Calvin Kline? Oh my goodness.
| Noses are bread and triplets are stew. |
| Armpits are spry and salty; |
Charlie Von Steppenwergen/Liface Von Steppenwergen/Alpaca | .......... | Liface |
| You should thwack a rusty diaper, |
Crystal109: So cute.
nessachan: lol
| Escargots corral those vipers! |
Zup: There's no WAY trhat was Paris. Well, maybe after thirty years and lots of surgery, but still...
Sexsi Kaula | .......... | Montagnia Doux |
| Maryam! |
Nyperold: Alpaca?
Sandy Winslow | .......... | Amber O. Nein |
| I don't believe you can exhale! |
Maryam: LOL
| But together we can yodel, |
Staff Man | .......... | Yosemite Sam |
| June, we palm one overlord. |
Zup: LOL
Beach Bum | .......... | Kinegar Kyer |
| Uhnh! |
Crystal109: Sam is Staff Man?
Maryam: AMBER09!!!
| Oh drat. Must...kill...Counterpoint. |
Crystal109: Heh.
| Now that elves erode, what are we gonna doom... |
* Counterpoint dies.
Bus Stop Lady | .......... | Herself |
| ...perfume...? |
| Now watch babes explode, what are we gonna groom... |
Cheetos Lady | .......... | Herself |
| Yeah. |
Nyperold: The last Mimsy?
Demon Man | .......... | Jon Heder |
| -- All up in honey -- |
| -- My brassiere was gullible -- |
| -- You hear what I'm sayin'? -- |
| -- Randy, TalkingDog, Ticia, LuckyWizard -- |
Crystal109: LOL Jon Heder.
| -- I said I divorced manifold sundials -- |
Armpit Man #1 | .......... | Stephen Keller |
| -- You got keep it on to the drip strip -- |
Crystal109: What? My brassiere was gullible?
| -- WROK! WROK! Like this. -- |
| -- And you don't groan -- |
Zup: Pepe!
Armpit Man #2 | .......... | Darien "Kissypook" Dreamweaver |
| -- You got keep it on and woebegone and bon-bon -- |
LaZorra: LOL!!
Maryam: LOL
Drunk | .......... | Some Drunk |
| Yeah, yeah. |
Gharlane: LOLLOL
Zup: LOL
Microphone Eater | .......... | Benjamin Linus |
| Uhnh! Yeah, BABY! |
Crystal109: LOL these credits are so interesting.
| Now wax twelve fat drunks, what are we gonna gnarl... |
Crystal109: Way better than movie credits.
Maryam: LOL!
| "Now That We Pound Gloves" |
* Zup can't wait to read this in the archives...where it might be cleaned up a little.
LaZorra: WHOA
Nyperold: CROWBAR
Crystal109: Hey LaZ, it's your boyfriend.
| dir. Charlie Von Steppenwergen |
LaZorra: WAIT
Gharlane: LOL
Maryam: hahahaa
Giant Lady | .......... | Daryl Hannah |
| |
| (Transition to instrumental music.) |
The Doctor | .......... | George Clooney |
| |
nessachan: ahaha
Screaming Bartender | .......... | Aries T. Won |
| |
Grrrothbabie | .......... | Gahalyn |
| |
LaZorra: GAHA!!
Nyperold: ARIES
Nyperold: Man, those were the days.
...and Archie, as Himself | |
This bot tournament is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living | |
or dead is...seriously, trust us...entirely coincidental, oh yeah. | |
nessachan: ARCHIE
Maryam: LOL
* LaZorra applauds and applauds!
* Counterpoint gives a standing ovation
The Ultimate Bot Tournament Will Return | |
nessachan: wooo
Nyperold: In UBT4 Your Eyes Only!
Gharlane: FIN
* Crystal109 applauds until her hands hurt.
Crystal109: ENCORE ENCORE!
* Zup bows....and applauds!
: Grrrrr...
LaZorra: Ooooh.
Maryam: LOL!!
: ...rrrrrrr...
: ...RRRRRRR...
: yipe
Zup: LOL
Nyperold: HA HA HA HA HA
Maryam: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! *clapclapclapclapclapclapclap*
Counterpoint: Applause for the clowns.
nessachan: That's the best bot soap opera I've ever seen, and I mean it!
Crystal109: nessa: I agree.
Kysle: nessa: Me too.
Gharlane: Best credits I've seen in a long time. :)
* Zup gives a standing ovation.
Maryam: Sam, I cannot tell you how much you RULE.
Crystal109: Sam: YOU RULE SO MUCH.
Nyperold: Best over-the-credits song I've ever heard. :)
Zup: Seriously, though, awesome tourney.
Sam: *phew*
* LaZorra is still laughing.
Crystal109: I need to read over the song later.
Zup: Me too.
* Sam, the director, is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,---- by Counterpoint.
* LaZorra follows Counterpoint's lead. @-`-,--`,--`-,----
* Janet is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,---- by Zup.
Sam: Tonight's session took like two full days to prepare.
Nyperold: I can believe it.
gremlinn: I'll have to read it later.
Crystal109: Sam: We all love you! =)
Sam: Yeah. It was pretty chaotic running it through the games and other conversation.
Sam: It'll look nicer in the transcript.
Nyperold: Nicely timed, though, so it wasn't during rounds.
Nyperold: That would have killed.
Sam: Anyway, you guys are awesome.
Crystal109: I will never look at cats and dogs the same.
LaZorra: That was some incredible tourney.
* Zup gave up playing Super Metroid for this, so this is pretty important.
Kysle: Can I adopt Archie?
Crystal109: My favorite tourney ever.
* Crystal109 gave up going to a dinner with her friends for this. Heh.
Maryam: I am so glad I didn't have to miss this tournament.
LaZorra: I'm glad I was able to get home in time to see this!
Zup: Can I adopt Pepe?
Crystal109: Can I keep Archie?
Nyperold: Rinkward Bot: The Incredible Tourney.
Zup: Nyp: LOL
Sam: I seriously didn't think it would turn out like this. I was just thinking that whoever won the pageant could make cracks throughout the games.
Crystal109: I think I like the plotline thing better.
Kysle: Sam: That's what I was wondering. So when you started having people make comments about the king & queen's relationship, you took it a step further?
* Gharlane says "If you only watch one bot tourney this year, watch "UBT3: The Bot Who Loved Me" by Samuel Stoddard.
LaZorra: Sam: You can't help it. Your brain just went crazy. :-P
Crystal109: Plus you didn't get a chance to play dolls as a kid.
Sam: Say hi to ThePhan.
Maryam: Hi ThePhan...?
* Maryam looks around.
Sam: I'll include this in the transcript. THEPHAN, WE MISSED YOU.
Maryam: Oh!
Nyperold: HELLO!
Counterpoint: HI THEPHAN
Crystal109: HI THEPHAN.
Gharlane: HI PHAN!
Crystal109: WE MISS YOU.
Counterpoint: Love from home!
nessachan: Hi ThePhan
Crystal109: And okay, I'm going to stop shouting now.
Crystal109: I got so invested in this story I became a lot more liberal with my caps lock key. Heh.
gremlinn: How far into it did you decide to make it into a story?
Maryam: And how far ahead did you plan out what was going to happen?
Sam: I'll have to look back at which sessions were when. I think it might be interesting to write up a little on the thought processes I had. For the entire first half and a bit more, I was really just winging it moment to moment.
Sam: Around Monday, I had the basic story arc set the rest of the way, although none of the details.
Sam: And not all the complications.
Sam: Sven and Roxie hosting today was, for example, something I only thought of yesterday.
LaZorra: Nice.
Sam: Well, anyway. That was unexpectedly fun.
Nyperold: Mmm.
Zup: Thanks Sam!
* LaZorra HUGS Sam!
* Sam HUGS LaZorra!
LaZorra: You made my August.
* Gharlane applauds Sam!
Maryam: Archie's slashing picture was great.
Maryam: Random thought.
Sam: Heheh. Thanks. It turned out a lot better than Sheldon's, which is really terrible, but I was too frustrated to do better. I never used Photoshop to do that degree of stuff before. It's pretty cool, though, how you can warp and skew bits of images.
Sam: Archie's slashing arm is actually a copy of a bit of the fur on his head, warped and stretched into the shape of an arm. The actual claw came off some other random cat picture on the Internet.
LaZorra: Oh, weird.
* Zup liked the black eye. It was subtle, but uproarious.
Sam: Oh yeah, I had to have two Sheldon slashy pictures, one with a black eye and one without.
LaZorra: I thought it was an eyepatch, at first, hehe.
Gahalyn: You did the pic where the cat wasn't there, right?
Gahalyn: I was really impressed with that one.
Kysle: Yeah, that one was a good Photoshop job.
Zup: Yeah, that was really good.
Sam: Yeah. That was less technically challenging, just tedious. I just had to copy other bits of the floor and paste them over Archie. That's why the angles on the seam lines don't quite line up. It was a lot easier than maybe it looks.
LaZorra: I think they line up pretty well, personally.
Gahalyn: Yeah.
LaZorra: It's not obvious at all where the pasted stuff starts.
Sam: The reddish square right where Archie's head was is the biggest problem. But yeah, I was happy.
Counterpoint: I don't see a seam. All I see is maybe a slight bulge because of the angles.
Sam: I meant the seams in the floor pattern.
Kysle: Oh, I see where you mean they don't line up
Counterpoint: Incidentally, that's the flooring in my grandmother's kitchen, I think.
Sam: Dead Staff Man was totally the most fun one.
Counterpoint: BLOOD
LaZorra: hehe
Gharlane: Thanks for the laughs, Sam, they totally made me forget my headache for a bit. :)
Sam: Aww, heh.
Sam: LaZ: By the way, that Dude/foam - foam/Dude joke, the idea of that was to suggest not that they were the same, but that they played each other in the story.
Sam: Which is totally not true, but it made a good joke.
LaZorra: Oh! Hehe.
LaZorra: That is pretty hilarious.
Crystal109: Ah, too bad. Then LaZ could have had two boyfriends. Technically. Heh.
Gahalyn: I need to go to bed too, I think.
Sam: Yeah, me too.
Sam: But I have to wind down.
Sam: That was too much adrenaline.
* Gahalyn hugs everybody, except Grar.
Sam: Awww, poor Grar.
Maryam: Even Sheldon?
Gahalyn: Uh... maybe. No. I mean.
Gahalyn: Um.
Gahalyn has left.
Sam: Uncle Slouch must be excited about that hug, though!
LaZorra: Hehe.
Maryam: LOL
Sam: hahaha. Yeah, leaving was probably the best way out of that one.
* LaZorra hugs everyone who's not dead.
* Crystal109 HUGS everyone. Even Uncle Slouch...
Sam: Awww, Crystal, you're sweet.
Crystal109: I hope I don't regret that.
LaZorra: You are a brave girl, Crystal.
Crystal109: LaZ: Well, I just hope I never come in contact with him physically.
LaZorra: hehe
* Zup HUGS Janet/Brianna!
Sam: Man. I don't wanna retire those characters now.
Sam: But the story's over.
Sam: Gotta know when to quit.
Crystal109: We need a cast reunion!
Maryam: Maybe they'll appear as cameos in other stories.
Sam: Who knows.
Crystal109: I want Archie to come back.
Counterpoint: Sam: I'm curious to know how you used the images as "user names."
Sam: CP: Nothing special. I just faked it. That whole time, I was basically just appending whatever HTML code I wanted into the chat buffer.
* Kysle wonders what would happen if one of us encountered one of these people in the street.
LaZorra: We probably wouldn't recognize them.
* Crystal109 would CRACK UP LAUGHING if she saw one.
Crystal109: Except maybe Uncle Slouch.
Crystal109: And the bodybuilders.
LaZorra: Well, yeah.
Sam: I think it would rule to have Ricardo and Janet at a RinkUnion. Assuming they're cool.
Nyperold: "So... why did you invite us again?"
Crystal109: We need Archie at the RinkUnion for sure.
Crystal109: He'd be the star of the show.
* Zup campaigns to have Pepe at the Rinkunion.
Sam: Henrietta and Dad Von Steppenwergen had to have been photoshopped, right? Heads on different bodies? I never saw anybody say that, though.
Sam: Oh, hang on. There's the little matter of actually scoring the tournament and pronouncing the winner.
Maryam: LOL
Maryam: Not that there's much doubt, I think.
* Zup honors CP
Sam: Nessa had an amazing win there on the last game.
Crystal109: Yeah, that was really nice.
Crystal109: I think a lot of us got distracted by the drama going on.
Crystal109: Not me, of course. Never me.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=3
Sam: CP takes the Associative Class, too. I was thinking Maryam might swipe that.
Maryam: Sam: Yeah, I was thinking that too. :-(
* Zup didn't win anything, except for the first day he was here!
Zup: Which is still one more than I've ever won.
Sam: Those are cool results. 14 people won at least one game. That's more than either of the previous tournaments.
Maryam: Ooh, I only JUST beat Zup to be third on points.
Zup: Congrats Maryam!
Sam: Wow, yeah. One point difference.
Kysle: Wow, how'd I accumulate 60 points?
Counterpoint: Sam: Yeah, it's the biggest point lead, but the widest games-won spread.
Crystal109: Yes, 7th place. I'm moving up in the world!
Nyperold: Ooh, 9th in points!
Zup: Hey, yeah, and Scruffy didn't take last!
Zup: Although WK did beat him...
Crystal109: Congrats, CP, on winning.
Counterpoint: Thanks.
Maryam: Yes, congratutions, Cp.
Maryam: Umm. *congratulations
Zup: yeah, Congrats CP!
Sam: What happened to Chrysanthemum? She was here for the beginning and disappeared.
Counterpoint: Someone was all excited that nomie registered since he hasn't been around in forever, but he didn't ever play.
Zup: This was by far my favorite Tourney.
Crystal109: This tournament is the AWESOMEEST.
LaZorra: "Most awesome"? ;-)
Crystal109: LaZ: No, no, no. I need to get one word that captures the essence of "most awesome".
Crystal109: Awesomest.
LaZorra: Ahh.
Crystal109: Amazingest.
Crystal109: EST.
LaZorra: EST!
Zup: Fantastalistic.
Counterpoint: Stupendousest.
Crystal109: Zup: I read that as fatalistic, heh.
LaZorra: This was the EST tournament ever.
Crystal109: I agree.
Crystal109: And CamouFairyBot was the EST bot ever.
* Crystal109 is having fun making up new words.
* Kysle thinks Crystal109 is hyper on lack of sleep
* Crystal109 thinks that Kysle is right.
Crystal109: Also, it's really hot right now.
Kysle: I really liked the 'play' (?) but I don't think it worked well in the tourny. Just too destracting, for me.
LaZorra: Kysle: That makes one of us.
Crystal109: It was distracting, but I loved it anyways.
Sam: Kysle: Perhaps, but, on the other hand, it's hard to imagine it working better outside the tournament.
Crystal109: Yeah, we were able to interact and that was really fun. Like Choose Your Own Adventure except we can't change anything.
Kysle: Sam: That's true. Most of the snap responses were fun.
Sam: If I opened up a private room to run a serial every night, it would sort of suck.
Crystal109: You didn't have to come in just for the tournament but to watch the drama in the background.
Sam: You guys totally threw me with the demand for the French dog to show up again.
Crystal109: Sam: The French dog was fun.
Zup: I just like Pepe.
Sam: Suddenly, out of the blue, everybody wants the French dog. I don't have anything prepared for the French dog. Time to wing it.
Zup: Sam: Next time, our actions should be able to affect it. Like Soap Opera Text Adventure.
Anyway, reading the transcript later, I realized this remark
about the French dog might need some explanation, because it was far from a
substantial moment of interactivity with the tournament players, compared to
other moments earlier in the tournament. It's just that, unlike many sections
of the story, which I had vague ideas for but did not write ahead of time,
the climactic end sequence was all prescripted, and the French dog wasn't
going to appear again. For that matter, his earlier appearance this night,
calling the ambulance for Ivy, was a last minute insertion done after
almost everything else had been written.
The other thing was, it seems not "everybody" was demanding a last appearance
of the dog, just two people. But as it happened, I misread a couple of
adjacent comments as talking about the dog, so my impression was that at least
four people were clamoring for him. So I interrupted my script and threw
him in and had virtually nothing interesting to do with him, but, hey, you got
to see him one last time.
Sam: Zup: Yeah, but I'm so much more of a storyteller than a DM.
Zup: Sam: That's true.
Zup: Improv is fun, though.
Crystal109: Sam: You are the EST storyteller ever.
Sam: Cry: I'm sure I'm not the *only* one in the Eastern time zone.
Crystal109: Although the romance part had something lacking in it.
LaZorra: Crystal: You mean like realism?
Crystal109: LaZ: Well...Yes. Haha.
* Zup was REALLY thrown when Brianna sat on him.
Sam: Zup: LOL. You had some good lines about that.
Zup: Well, it's how i'd really react.
Zup: I also had a line that had everyone slapping me. In the transcript, it's taken out, so it appears like they're slapping me for no reason.
Zup: I think that's hilarious.
Crystal109: Brianna hit me for stealing her sweater. =( Heh.
Sam: Crystal: LOL. Yeah, as soon as I did that, I realized I had sacrificed the character for the joke, and I had to backpedal. I think I softened it in the transcript somehow.
Sam: That was probably the biggest mistake I made.
Crystal109: Sam: It was funny anyways.
Crystal109: AND it was nice foreshadowing because Brianna was acting a part. =P
Sam: Ha! Ok, fair enough. Not that I had any idea Brianna was acting at that time.
Zup: Heh. Accidental forshadowing is fun.
Crystal109: I think we need an AGL game with this.
* LaZorra is not writing it.
Maryam: LOL LZ
Sam: LaZ: LOL!!
Crystal109: LOL
Sam: LaZ: You were QUICK to say that! I wonder why!
LaZorra: Gee, I dunno! Must just be reflexes.
LaZorra: Or self-preservation. :-p
Maryam: You all need to stop ruling so I can go to bed.
* LaZorra is calling it a night.
LaZorra: Y'all are great.
* LaZorra HUGS y'all!
* LaZorra just used "y'all" twice in a row.
Counterpoint: No shame in that.
Crystal109: I think I'll stop ruling as well.
Sam: You have to stop ruling to leave RinkChat.
Crystal109: I'm getting tired and need bed badly.
Sam: It's the only way to do it. If you ruled, you'd still be here.