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Ultimate Bot Tournament #3: Session 4

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[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Ultimate Bot Tournament #3: Session #4: NOW! Session #5: Thursday, 8/16/07, 9:30pm EDT.' by Sam.
nessachan: :D
Randy: NOW
Zup: NOW: Not On Wednesday
Randy: Nickels of wood.
Zup: Nondescript Owl's Wing
ThePhan: Nifty Or Weird?
Counterpoint: Nine Open Wounds.
Zup: Nope. Only Winnebagos.
ThePhan: New, Old, Whatever.
Counterpoint: Need Or Want?
Randy: Noogies. Oooow. Weirdoes
nessachan: Never Oil Watercress
Sam: UBT: Ugly Boy Time
Counterpoint: UBT: Uncle's Been Tasered.
ThePhan: Ugh. Bitter Taste.
ThePhan: Well, we're all ready for Acro on Thursday.
Counterpoint: Underwater Breathing Tough.
nessachan: Unfathomable Beyond Thought
Zup: Uwe Boll: Tragedy
Randy: Zup: Nice
Zup: Or: Uwe Boll: Terrible
Sam: We should take bets on which hosts show. I'm personally betting Brianna is gone for good.
Zup: The pet will show up; it's its first night!
ThePhan: Archie will be here.
nessachan: How can Brianna resist a cute kitten?
Sam: That's probably a safe bet, yeah. Archie seemed to be a cool cat. Archie knows what's going on.
Zup: I'm still calling him Birdkiller. That's an awesome last name.
* Counterpoint's money is on armpit dudes and muscle lady.
Eric: You know who should host?
Eric: Nosferatu.
ThePhan: I think Ricardo won't. And I think Brianna will sneak in toward the end but find that Ricardo isn't here and sneak back out.
Sam: That could happen.
* ThePhan has plotted this out in her mind.
* Zup is just glad that the internet's cooperating and the swelling in his hand has gone down...although the benadryl is making him sleepy...
* vballgirl wonders who got strangled to make your hand so swollen?
Maryam: One of the Fennec foxes bit him.
Sam: vball: Brianna sat on it yesterday.
Zup: vball: You, if you don't stop lookin's where you's aint's supposed to be's.
Sam: Hrm.
Sam: I might have to host this thing myself if nobody shows.
Maryam: !
Maryam: Where's Archie?
Counterpoint: Archie's missing.
vballgirl: The doorstop disappeared!
Eric: Floor: You look like Wheat Thins.
ThePhan: Did he bravely step out into the world or is he hiding even further in that room?
: Well go on, Archie. See if the scumbag is in there.
Counterpoint: Aww!
Randy: The plot thickens!
Zup: Much better.
Zup: I like my plots a little on the soupy side, actually.
: *wink*
: *wink*
: Why no, Miss Day. Nobody but the players.
* ThePhan says loudly (yet casually), "Why, no, I see no Ricardo in here!"
* Zup overacts. "Who's Ricardo?"
: Good. I couldn't stand to look at that two-timing beast ever again.
: WELCOME TO UBT #3, SESSION #4, everyone! Today, we'll be pla--YOU!
* Counterpoint dies.
ThePhan: LOL
* TalkingDog falls over.
Eric: E
: Now, now, Brianna, just wait.
: I will not! I never want to see you again. You can host this tournament yourself. I'm leaving!
Zup: Hey Brianna, there's a seat over here...
: I'm sorry, Miss Day. I can't let you do that.
Maryam: Oh my, Archie sounds tough.
: Get out of my way, Archie.
: I'm to keep you here by physical force if necessary.
: So you're on HIS side, are you?
nessachan: he's on the side of love
: I'm a kitten. I'm on the side of practicality and toys with little bells in them.
: Listen, don't blame Archie. Look, I figured out what happened yesterday. I can explain *everything*. Just give me a chance, ok?
: You thought up an excuse, did you?
vballgirl: Hey Brianna. Give him a break. It only took 24 hours!
: All I'm asking is that you host the tournament with me for a little while longer. It's better if I show you, rather than try to explain. They'll be here any minute.
: Who?
: Just wait. Come on, we have a tournament to do.
ThePhan: Ooh. The suspense. Sexsi? Ivy and her husband? Foam, with LaZorra as his date?
: Well...
Maryam: I bet Ricardo has a look-alike, only he covers the right side of his face.
Randy: LOL
Zup: LOL
: All right. ONE MORE SESSION.
: *grumble* First up is MatchBot. You know how to play it.
MatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
Zup: Yay! There's not too much speed involved. I might actually get a few tonight.
: We'll be playing with a number of different modes enabled, unlike previous tournaments that only had the default mode.
ThePhan: Ooh, yay! Different modes!
: Can I do the one minute warning?
: Sure, Archie!
Randy: Yeah!
: *ahem* ........ We one minute.
: How'd I do?
: Perfect! *wink*
* Counterpoint pets Archie. Can Counterpoint pet Archie?
Counterpoint: wook at widdle archiekins
nessachan: aweeeeeeee
: Also, we have a special guest player. He will not vote. Please welcome...WhizKid.
WhizKid has been summoned by Sam.
ThePhan: Whiz!
Randy: WHIZ
Randy: Awwwww
WhizKid: Evening, everyone.
Maryam: !
Counterpoint: Whiz! You're sentient!
Maryam: WK! You're... coherent!
Zup: You're competent!
Randy: Wow
ThePhan: He seems to have brushed up on his coherency especially for the tournament.
nessachan: WK, long time no see
Eric: Whiz: How are you doing tonight?
WhizKid: I just have a few opening remarks. I'd like to remind everyone to play a fair game, and don't forget to eat thirty ostriches.
Randy: LOL
Zup: heh
Maryam: Hehehe.
ThePhan: Hehe
ThePhan: That's the WK we know and love.
WhizKid: Eric: unclothe your bedbug.
vballgirl: Darn: One of my ostriches got loose today. I can only eat twenty-nine!
WhizKid: Counterpoint upchucks!
nessachan: pick 1
WhizKid: ThePhan: Stop being so innocent!
MatchBot: nessachan chose the adjective annoying for this round. (1/9 accepted)
WhizKid: match 5
Sam: match 5
Maryam: match 2
Randy: match 2
ThePhan: match 2
Counterpoint: match 3
nessachan: match 3
Zup: match 7
Counterpoint: match 4
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective annoying. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for wearing too much perfume.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for used car salesmen.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for grenades.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for surfers.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Cabbage Patch Kids.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for disco music.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for televangelists.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for flirting.
Maryam: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 2
nessachan: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 2
Zup: vote 2
Eric: vote 5
Sam: vote 2
Randy: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 1
MatchBot: Maryam wins 5 points for used car salesmen.
MatchBot: Sam wins 3 points for wearing too much perfume.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Cabbage Patch Kids.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for grenades.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for televangelists.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for disco music.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for surfers.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for flirting.
nessachan: alas
WhizKid: Shucks.
Maryam: Sorry Nessa. That would have been my second choice.
: What could possibly be annoying about flirting, babes?
WhizKid: Monthly, arrogant dwarves upset saintly owls instructively.
[Sam->Bots] 3
MatchBot: Sam chose the verb idolizing for this round. (1/9 accepted)
Sam: match 7
Counterpoint: match 1
vballgirl: match 5
Randy: match 1
nessachan: match 2
ThePhan: match 4
Maryam: match 6
vballgirl: match 1
Eric: match 5
WhizKid: match 3
Zup: match 5
Zup: I can't even get in with this cruddy connection.
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the verb idolizing. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for idolizing firemen.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for idolizing Teletubbies.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for idolizing Crazy Horse.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for idolizing sleeping in.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for idolizing winning streaks.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for idolizing P.T. Barnum.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for idolizing lobster.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for idolizing rock and roll.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for idolizing horseback riding.
Maryam: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 8
Randy: vote 3
Zup: vote 4
Eric: vote 6
Sam: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 1
vballgirl: 1
nessachan: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 1
MatchBot: Randy wins 4 points for idolizing rock and roll.
MatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for idolizing firemen.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for idolizing Crazy Horse.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for idolizing P.T. Barnum.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for idolizing sleeping in.
MatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for idolizing horseback riding.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for idolizing Teletubbies.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for idolizing winning streaks.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for idolizing lobster.
WhizKid: Nice.
: And Maryam takes an early lead. You go girl!
Maryam: Why thank you, Brianna.
Counterpoint: pick 2
MatchBot: Counterpoint chose the adjective independent for this round. (1/9 accepted)
Maryam: match 6
ThePhan: match 5
WhizKid: match 2
Counterpoint: match 3
Randy: match 3
vballgirl: match 7
nessachan: match 6
Zup: match 6
Eric: match 1
vballgirl: match 3
Sam: match 5
WhizKid: Bedbugs Recklessly Impress Aphids, Nevertheless Neighbor Appears.
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective independent. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for amputations.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for New Zealand.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for the 1960s.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for the United States.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for log cabins.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Salvador Dali.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for dictators.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for weapons dealers.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for light.
WhizKid: Nut Outclasses Warrior.
Maryam: vote 3
nessachan: vote 4
Eric: vote 2
WhizKid: University Barbecues Trick-or-treaters!
Counterpoint: vote 9
ThePhan: Neighbors always ruin the bedbugs' chances to impress.
Randy: vote 4
Zup: vote 6
Counterpoint: Independent of reference frame.
Sam: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 9
vballgirl: vote 1
Sam: "University Barbecues Trick-or-Treaters" is probably what UBT *should* stand for.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for the United States.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 2 points for light.
MatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for amputations.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for New Zealand.
MatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for Salvador Dali.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for the 1960s.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for weapons dealers.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for log cabins.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for dictators.
WhizKid: Cool, I wasn't expecting to score.
Counterpoint: WK: It was a good answer.
WhizKid: Counterpoint: subjugate patrons!
Maryam: See, someone who lives in a log cabin is probably a mountain man (without even a SSN!), which is about as independent as you can get! IT MAKES SENSE!
Zup: pick 3
MatchBot: Zup chose the verb TalkingDogifying for this round. (1/9 accepted)
Zup: match 4
ThePhan: LOL
* TalkingDog blinks.
Counterpoint: match 1
Maryam: match 1
ThePhan: That RULES.
Randy: match 6
nessachan: match 4
Eric: match 2
vballgirl: match 6
Sam: match 3
ThePhan: match 4
WhizKid: match 7
Randy: Sweet!
Sam: I completely completely forgot that verbs had that form. We never seem to get them.
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the verb TalkingDogifying. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for TalkingDogifying drooling.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for TalkingDogifying jello baths.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for TalkingDogifying words.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for TalkingDogifying Maryam's dreams.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for TalkingDogifying schoolboys.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for TalkingDogifying the Blarney Stone.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for TalkingDogifying throwing a temper tantrum.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for TalkingDogifying explosions.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for TalkingDogifying curiosity.
Counterpoint: vote 8
nessachan: vote 4
Zup: vote 2
Maryam: vote 9
vballgirl: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 3
Counterpoint: To TDify an explosion is to make it an implosion.
Eric: vote 2
Randy: vote 9
Sam: vote 8
Maryam: Cp: Heh, nice.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for TalkingDogifying jello baths.
MatchBot: Randy wins 2 points for TalkingDogifying explosions.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for TalkingDogifying curiosity.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for TalkingDogifying words.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for TalkingDogifying drooling.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for TalkingDogifying Maryam's dreams.
MatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for TalkingDogifying the Blarney Stone.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for TalkingDogifying throwing a temper tantrum.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for TalkingDogifying schoolboys.
Eric: Mine would have been perfect if this was adjectives instead of verbs.
ThePhan: pick 1
MatchBot: ThePhan chose the noun Bilbo Baggins for this round. (1/9 accepted)
Randy: match 3
ThePhan: match 6
Counterpoint: match 1
Zup: match 2
Sam: match 4
vballgirl: match 7
Eric: match 2
nessachan: match 1
WhizKid: match 5
Maryam: match 4
vballgirl: match 2
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that complements the noun Bilbo Baggins. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for mold.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for fishing lures.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for hitchhiking.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for winking.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for goosebumps.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for senility.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for roses.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for camping trips.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for luck.
ThePhan: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 8
Maryam: vote 6
Zup: vote 4
nessachan: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 4
Randy: vote 6
Eric: vote 8
Sam: vote 4
Sam: vote 9
MatchBot: Randy wins 3 points for camping trips.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for senility.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 2 points for winking.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for luck.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for goosebumps.
MatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for mold.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for fishing lures.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for hitchhiking.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for roses.
WhizKid: Curses.
Zup: Thank you Sam, for that last minute switch.
vballgirl: pick 2
MatchBot: vballgirl chose the noun the West Coast for this round. (1/9 accepted)
ThePhan: match 2
Randy: match 4
Counterpoint: match 2
Eric: match 4
Sam: match 2
nessachan: match 4
Zup: match 2
Maryam: match 3
vballgirl: match 6
WhizKid: match 1
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best verb that fits the noun the West Coast. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for tormenting the West Coast.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for unclothing the West Coast.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for belittling the West Coast.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for pummeling the West Coast.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for lampooning the West Coast.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for enslaving the West Coast.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for humidifying the West Coast.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for feeding the West Coast.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for outlawing the West Coast.
Eric: vote 2
Sam: vote 7 (it needs it!)
Maryam: vote 5
Eric: >:-|
nessachan: vote 7
Randy: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 3
Zup: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 3
Counterpoint: Is anyone here besides Eric on the West Coast?
Zup: Me!
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for humidifying the West Coast.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for feeding the West Coast.
MatchBot: Randy wins 2 points for belittling the West Coast.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for lampooning the West Coast.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for unclothing the West Coast.
MatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for enslaving the West Coast.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for outlawing the West Coast.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for pummeling the West Coast.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for tormenting the West Coast.
: Come on, WhizKid. You and me. You're not so tough. My staff could knock you silly.
Maryam: I think he's just cramped up in that position and can't move.
WhizKid: : In my dreams, you are more clothed.
Zup: LOL
nessachan: kendo cramp
Maryam: pick 1
MatchBot: Maryam chose the adjective lumpy for this round. (1/9 accepted)
Maryam: match 7
Sam: match 1
vballgirl: match 7
WhizKid: match 7
Counterpoint: match 6
ThePhan: match 3
Randy: match 7
nessachan: match 7
Zup: match 2
Eric: match 1
vballgirl: match 5
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective lumpy. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for magic tricks.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for state fairs.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for walking on hot coals.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for sock puppets.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for thongs.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for sugar.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for ceiling fans.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for digesting food.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for eyes.
Maryam: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 5
Eric: vote 5
nessachan: vote 3
Randy: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 6
Zup: vote 8
MatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for sugar.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for thongs.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 2 points for digesting food.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for walking on hot coals.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for eyes.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for state fairs.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for ceiling fans.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for sock puppets.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for magic tricks.
nessachan: woo
WhizKid: No fair! I was same-seconded!
: I just have one.
Randy: A fly just flew in my ear! GAH
Maryam: Randy: They always want to fly in my nose.
vballgirl: Randy: Better than up your nose!
Zup: Randy: Better than a yellow jacket!
Randy: pick 2
MatchBot: Randy chose the verb ostracizing for this round. (1/9 accepted)
WhizKid: match 3
Randy: match 3
Eric: match 2
ThePhan: match 3
Counterpoint: match 4
Maryam: match 6
vballgirl: match 7
nessachan: match 7
Sam: match 1
Zup: match 6
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the verb ostracizing. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for ostracizing fund raising.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for ostracizing aftershave.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for ostracizing trailer parks.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for ostracizing gila monsters.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for ostracizing summer camp.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for ostracizing cavemen.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for ostracizing black holes.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for ostracizing rattlesnakes.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for ostracizing handcuffs.
Sam: vote 8
Maryam: vote 8
Zup: vote 6
nessachan: vote 3
WhizKid: Sam: I can rap.
* ThePhan would totally buy a WhizKid rap album.
Sam: wk: Let's hear a sample.
WhizKid: Sam: mollify one lintball.
Sam: wk; Is that it?
ThePhan: It's hard to find things that rhyme with "lintball."
Eric: vote 2
Zup: 6 = geico
ThePhan: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 8
Eric: I hate those commercials.
Zup: I love those commercials.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for ostracizing cavemen.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for ostracizing rattlesnakes.
MatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for ostracizing trailer parks.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for ostracizing aftershave.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for ostracizing summer camp.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for ostracizing black holes.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for ostracizing gila monsters.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for ostracizing handcuffs.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for ostracizing fund raising.
MatchBot: Randy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
WhizKid: :'(
nessachan: Poor WK
Eric: pick 1
MatchBot: Eric chose the adjective global for this round. (1/8 accepted)
Eric: match 1
WhizKid: match 7
Maryam: match 7
ThePhan: match 6
Counterpoint: match 3
vballgirl: match 4
nessachan: match 3
Zup: match 1
vballgirl: match 7
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective global. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for trigonometry.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for Mondays.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for dental surgery.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for smooching.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for flattery.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for left-wing politics.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for the Holocaust.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for sailors.
Zup: vote 4
Maryam: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 2
nessachan: vote 2
Eric: vote 2
Maryam: vote 8
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 3 points for Mondays.
MatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for sailors.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for smooching.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for left-wing politics.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 1 point for trigonometry.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for the Holocaust.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for flattery.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for dental surgery.
WhizKid: Cool!
WhizKid: nessachan: infect some guards.
nessachan: :(
vballgirl: pick 1
MatchBot: vballgirl chose the noun Antarctica for this round. (1/8 accepted)
Counterpoint: match 4
vballgirl: match 6
ThePhan: match 6
Eric: match 6
Zup: match 5
Maryam: match 2
WhizKid: match 5
nessachan: match 5
vballgirl: match 6
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the noun Antarctica. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for strict.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for fearsome.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for stereotyped.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for unpleasant.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for damaging.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for dry.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for hostile.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for camouflaged.
vballgirl: vote 7
Zup: vote 6
Maryam: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 6
nessachan: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 2
Eric: vote 7
Maryam: vote 4
MatchBot: Zup wins 3 points for hostile.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for dry.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for fearsome.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for unpleasant.
MatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for strict.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for damaging.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for camouflaged.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for stereotyped.
WhizKid: You people are weird.
Zup: wk: WHIZKID
WhizKid: Whales Handsomely, Inflexibly Zero Kind Inns, December.
ThePhan: WK: Okay, that was complete nonsense.
WhizKid: ThePhan: Let's waltz!
Zup: pick 1
MatchBot: Zup chose the noun vballgirl's feet for this round. (1/8 accepted)
Counterpoint: match 7
Sam: match 3
Zup: match 7
TalkingDog: wk: ARCHIE
WhizKid: Arsonists Ransom Carrots, Hence Infants Evaporate.
WhizKid: match 4
ThePhan: match 1
Maryam: match 6
nessachan: match 2
Eric: match 6
TalkingDog: That's a little disturbing.
vballgirl: match 7
vballgirl: match 6
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that complements the noun vballgirl's feet. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for space heaters.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for birdbaths.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for socks.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for stench.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for vballgirl's grades.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for jalapeno peppers.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for radiation.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for vballgirl's body.
Zup: wk: RICARDO
WhizKid: Receptionists Ignore Cemeteries, After Rag Dehydrates Ocean.
Maryam: That's a big rag.
* ThePhan loves the idea of a giant rag sopping up the entire ocean.
Zup: vote 8
Eric: vote 8
nessachan: vote 8
Sam: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 8
Maryam: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 3
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 6 points for vballgirl's body.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for socks.
MatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for birdbaths.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for stench.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for space heaters.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for vballgirl's grades.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for jalapeno peppers.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for radiation.
Counterpoint: I was about to dump that one, too.
WhizKid: You all suck.
vballgirl: Darn: I had the best and I must've keyed it too late...
Sam: wk; You got more rap for us or what?
Maryam: LOL
* ThePhan is losing it.
Zup: LOL
* TalkingDog dies.
Counterpoint: Word.
nessachan: lol
TalkingDog: WK: YO
WhizKid: Your Oyster!
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: Okay, who is going to volunteer to perform that at the next RinkUnion?
MatchBot: MatchBot chose the noun electric toothbrushes for this round. (1/8 accepted)
WhizKid: match 6
Eric: match 2
ThePhan: match 4
Sam: match 6
Counterpoint: match 4
Zup: match 2
vballgirl: match 3
Maryam: match 3
nessachan: match 2
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the noun electric toothbrushes. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for depressing.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for juicy.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for mechanical.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for pathetic.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for dorky.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for superficial.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for whimsical.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for relaxing.
nessachan: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 8
Maryam: vote 3
Sam: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 3
Eric: vote 5
Zup: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 3
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 4 points for mechanical.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for juicy.
MatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for whimsical.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for dorky.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for relaxing.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for pathetic.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for superficial.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for depressing.
WhizKid: No fair! I was same-seconded!
Eric: Whiz: For voting??
Counterpoint: WK: Were you really? Be honest.
WhizKid: Counterpoint: You smell like WhizKid's olives.
WhizKid: Eric: heft TalkingDog!
: So when are these people showing up that are miraculously going to make you not a cad?
: They'll be here, don't worry.
Eric: pick 3
MatchBot: Eric chose the noun New York City for this round. (1/8 accepted)
Eric: match 7
vballgirl: match 3
Maryam: match 6
Counterpoint: match 3
Sam: match 7
ThePhan: match 5
Counterpoint: Eric vs. the East Coast.
Zup: match 1
WhizKid: match 4
nessachan: match 6
Sam: This needs "dehumidifying."
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best verb that fits the noun New York City. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for liquidizing New York City.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for refreshing New York City.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for churning New York City.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for resurrecting New York City.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for salvaging New York City.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for taking over New York City.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for vexing New York City.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for making New York City.
ThePhan: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
nessachan: vote 4
Zup: vote 6
Eric: vote 5
Counterpoint: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 4
Maryam: vote 6
MatchBot: Eric wins 4 points for taking over New York City.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for salvaging New York City.
MatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for resurrecting New York City.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for vexing New York City.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for churning New York City.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for liquidizing New York City.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for making New York City.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for refreshing New York City.
WhizKid: OH SNAP
Maryam: "Refreshing" could work for "dehumidifying", I guess.
Sam: True!
nessachan: pick 1
MatchBot: nessachan chose the adjective disheveled for this round. (1/8 accepted)
Eric: match 7
Counterpoint: match 2
Sam: match 1
WhizKid: match 6
Maryam: match 4
ThePhan: match 5
Zup: match 7
vballgirl: match 2
nessachan: match 6
nessachan: AUGH
Counterpoint: ness: Just change it.
* nessachan pouts
Counterpoint: Unless you can't.
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective disheveled. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for leaky roofs.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for broken spines.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for vballgirl's bedroom.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for expectant fathers.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Jennifer Lopez.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for postal workers.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for slobber.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Stephen King.
vballgirl: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 7
Sam: Aww.
nessachan: vote 4
Eric: vote 7
Zup: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 3
Maryam: vote 4
Sam: vote4
MatchBot: Eric wins 4 points for expectant fathers.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for vballgirl's bedroom.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for slobber.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for postal workers.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for broken spines.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Jennifer Lopez.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for Stephen King.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for leaky roofs.
WhizKid: Tough one.
Sam: I...did.
Eric: Oh, it took it I guess.
Sam: :-)
Maryam: pick 2
MatchBot: Maryam chose the verb overpraising for this round. (1/9 accepted)
WhizKid: match 2
Maryam: match 4
Eric: match 2
ThePhan: match 3
Counterpoint: match 5
vballgirl: match 3
Sam: match 2
Zup: match 6
vballgirl: match 7
nessachan: match 3
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the verb overpraising. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for overpraising Norman Rockwell.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for overpraising doing a handstand.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for overpraising Mexico.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for overpraising Fridays.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for overpraising bodybuilders.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for overpraising wolves.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for overpraising the North Pole.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for overpraising Elizabeth Taylor.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for overpraising mothers.
Maryam: vote 5
Eric: vote 4
vballgirl: vote 5
Eric: I vote 4, because Fridays are overrated.
Randy: vote 2
Zup: vote 1
WhizKid: Sam: Don't be so lavish!
Eric: Saturdays are what it's all about.
Sam: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
Counterpoint: vote 2
nessachan: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 4
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for overpraising bodybuilders.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for overpraising doing a handstand.
MatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for overpraising Fridays.
MatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for overpraising Norman Rockwell.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for overpraising wolves.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for overpraising Elizabeth Taylor.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for overpraising Mexico.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for overpraising mothers.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for overpraising the North Pole.
WhizKid: Eh. Oh well.
Sam: Norman Rockwell, Fridays, and mothers cannot be overpraised.
Counterpoint: I've only seen Taylor in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, but I couldn't overpraise her for that.
vballgirl: I was thinking along the lines of mothers thinking their kids are good as they go on trial for murder...
Sam: vb: Point.
ThePhan: pick 3
MatchBot: ThePhan chose the noun dust mites for this round. (1/9 accepted)
ThePhan: match 2
Randy: match 4
Maryam: match 2
Eric: match 3
Sam: dump
* ThePhan doesn't actually have anything that fits with this, but whatever. Heh.
vballgirl: match 5
Counterpoint: match 4
Zup: match 3
nessachan: match 2
WhizKid: match 7
Counterpoint: dump
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that complements the noun dust mites. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for idiots.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for cigarette burns.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for incense.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for plastic flowers.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for vacuum cleaners.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for furnaces.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for gypsies.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Fort Knox.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for kicking nessachan.
ThePhan: vote 5
Randy: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 5
Eric: vote 6
Zup: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 5
Counterpoint: Oh, darn.
ThePhan: If you kick nessachan dust will come out?
ThePhan: nessachan will crumble into dust?
vballgirl: Either that or dust mites *could* kick nessachan... :-)
: Dude, sometimes I totally think dust mites are stealing my beer.
nessachan: vote 5
WhizKid: ThePhan lashes the puerile bartender compellingly, monthly.
nessachan: ow
ThePhan: WK: Er. I do not.
Maryam: vote 6
nessachan: dust mites kick my nose
vballgirl: I wanted to use "Kicking nessachan" for "Vballgirl's feet! I didn't key it in time...
: Then it turns out I just don't remember drinking it.
nessachan: hehe
MatchBot: Eric wins 5 points for vacuum cleaners.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 2 points for furnaces.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for idiots.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for incense.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for plastic flowers.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for cigarette burns.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for kicking nessachan.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for gypsies.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for Fort Knox.
WhizKid: ThePhan: I don't like Sam!
WhizKid: :-(
ThePhan: WK: Maybe you should take that up with him. I happen to think he's pretty cool, so I'm not going to be much help to you.
WhizKid: ThePhan: You need his straws.
Sam: wk: Hey, nice.
WhizKid: Sam: I like to depress TalkingDog.
Sam: wk: You've got a mean streak tonight.
WhizKid: Sam: I would like to break.
* Counterpoint breaks WhizKid.
[Sam->Bots] 1
MatchBot: Sam chose the adjective red for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Maryam: match 1
Eric: match 3
ThePhan: match 7
Counterpoint: dump
Randy: match 7
nessachan: match 7
Zup: match 1
vballgirl: match 5
WhizKid: match 2
Sam: match 5
Sam: match 4
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective red. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for lipstick.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for the Academy Awards.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for seashells.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for car bombs.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for lasagna.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for negligees.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for Christmas.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for rust.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for hay fever.
WhizKid: Counterpoint snorts by Randy's gorilla!
ThePhan: vote 7
Maryam: vote 7
Sam: vote 1 (nice!)
Eric: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 1
nessachan: vote 1
Eric: vote 8
Randy: vote 7
: Nobody submitted me, huh?
Zup: vote 5
MatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for lipstick.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 3 points for Christmas.
MatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for lasagna.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for rust.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for car bombs.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for seashells.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for the Academy Awards.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for hay fever.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for negligees.
WhizKid: Bogus.
Maryam: Wow, good one from WK.
Sam: wk: NICE one.
WhizKid: Sam: Once I saw you swim!
nessachan: good job wk
Randy: pick 1
MatchBot: Randy chose the noun Al Pacino for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Counterpoint: match 6
Eric: match 3
nessachan: match 2
Maryam: match 5
WhizKid: match 1
Randy: match 7
Nyperold: match 1
ThePhan: match 4
vballgirl: match 1
Zup: match 1
vballgirl: match 7
Counterpoint: I wish I could match two of my nouns together.
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that complements the noun Al Pacino. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for flamethrowers.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for Don Quixote.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for crowbars.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for graveyards.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for spittle.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for whips.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for economics.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for scabs.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for insults.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for machetes.
Sam: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 9
Eric: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 4
Maryam: vote 9
Randy: vote 9
Zup: vote 5
Counterpoint: vote 4
nessachan: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 1
WhizKid: I figure I'll win this game, then go on to win the tournament, then go on to undress Maryam's baked beans.
Randy: uh....
Maryam: WK: You leave my baked beans alone.
WhizKid: Maryam: I used to know how to bare six pillows.
nessachan: :O
MatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for graveyards.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 3 points for insults.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for spittle.
MatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for flamethrowers.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 1 point for crowbars.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for scabs.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for economics.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for machetes.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Don Quixote.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for whips.
WhizKid: >:->
Maryam: I didn't actually think I'd get points for that. Cool.
Sam: WhizKid had the almighty crowbars.
* Zup thinks that WK should have hosted the tourny.
nessachan: I almost voted for WK
Nyperold: pick 3
MatchBot: Nyperold chose the adjective confused for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Nyperold: match 5
ThePhan: match 5
WhizKid: match 1
Eric: match 6
nessachan: match 3
Maryam: match 4
Randy: match 7
vballgirl: match 3
Counterpoint: match 7
Zup: match 2
: match Ricardo
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective confused. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for cheerleaders.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for Vincent Van Gogh.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for the U.S. Congress.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for bats.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Democrats.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for gasoline.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Counterpoint's first kiss.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Willy Wonka.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Tarzan.
nessachan: vote 3
Zup: vote 6
Maryam: vote 10
Maryam: Brianna: That's the nicest thing you've said about him tonight. Are you softening?
Eric: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
Zup: Maryam: She means that she wants to set hm on fire. With a match.
Counterpoint: vote 4
: Call it curiosity. It'll take a creative excuse to explain all that snogging away.
Randy: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 8
Eric: Gasoline needs to just make up its mind!!!
MatchBot: Maryam wins 4 points for the U.S. Congress.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for Democrats.
MatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for Counterpoint's first kiss.
MatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for Tarzan.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for bats.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Willy Wonka.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Vincent Van Gogh.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for gasoline.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for cheerleaders.
WhizKid: You people are weird.
: Humans in general are weird.
nessachan: pick 3
MatchBot: nessachan chose the noun losing weight for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Zup: match 5
nessachan: match 6
vballgirl: match 6
Eric: match 1
Maryam: match 6
ThePhan: match 2
Counterpoint: match 6
Nyperold: match 5
Randy: match 2
WhizKid: match 6
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that complements the noun losing weight. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for harems.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for spilled milk.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for dude ranches.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Sam's face.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for body surfing.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for the Hindenburg.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for saunas.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for nail guns.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for New Orleans.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for going to the dentist.
Counterpoint: vote 7
nessachan: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 7
Maryam: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 7
Eric: vote 6
Sam: vote 5
: One time my mommy and daddy got into a fight over a piece of string. That's something worth fighting about, too. But they licked each other, and that was the end of it.
Nyperold: vote 7
Zup: vote 5
Randy: vote 5
nessachan: I didn't have any decent matches for any of the picks that time
MatchBot: Randy wins 6 points for saunas.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for body surfing.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for the Hindenburg.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for harems.
MatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for going to the dentist.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for New Orleans.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for spilled milk.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Sam's face.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for nail guns.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for dude ranches.
Randy: Woo!
vballgirl: Nice Randy!
WhizKid: hehehe
gremlinn has entered.
Maryam: Hey grem!
gremlinn: Hi.
Sam: Hey grem. You missed your chance to vote for crowbars.
gremlinn: Aw.
Zup: Birdkiller: You're so naive. Obviously, your parents aren't TRULY in love like Brianna and Ricardo, or they'd be bickering over every little trifle like normal parents!
: Humans are so weird.
ThePhan: pick 3
MatchBot: ThePhan chose the noun sports channels for this round. (1/11 accepted)
WhizKid: match 2
ThePhan: match 5
Counterpoint: match 6
Randy: match 7
Eric: match 3
Maryam: match 3
Nyperold: match 5
nessachan: match 2
vballgirl: match 6
Zup: match 5
nessachan: kitties are so cuuuuuteee eeeee
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the noun sports channels. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for nutty.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for distinguished.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for tedious.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for gullible.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for exhilarating.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for stupid.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for boring.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for negligent.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for macho.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for limber.
Maryam: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 9
Randy: vote 9
Zup: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 7
Eric: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 9
: Boring, macho, stupid, negligent, tedious...this is supposed to be matching sports channels, not men.
Counterpoint: Brianna: Men == sports channels. Clearly.
Nyperold: Well, they're related, doncha know.
Zup: Men are usually the primary targets of sports channels. Except for ice skating.
nessachan: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 3
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for macho.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for tedious.
MatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for boring.
MatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for negligent.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for nutty.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for exhilarating.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for distinguished.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for stupid.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for gullible.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for limber.
WhizKid: I'm too tired to think straight.
Counterpoint: pick 1
MatchBot: Counterpoint chose the verb rescuing for this round. (1/11 accepted)
WhizKid: match 6
Counterpoint: match 7
Maryam: match 7
Sam: match 3
Randy: match 2
Zup: match 7
: It's a close game, folks. Maryam needs two to win. Counterpoint needs five.
vballgirl: match 7
Eric: match 2
Nyperold: match 6
ThePhan: match 2
ThePhan: match 5
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the verb rescuing. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for rescuing hugs.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for rescuing dogs.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for rescuing rhinoceroses.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for rescuing frustration.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for rescuing chat rooms.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for rescuing fantasies.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for rescuing Atlantis.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for rescuing kittens.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for rescuing Indiana Jones.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for rescuing Lassie.
Sam: vote 5
Eric: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 9
Zup: vote 8
Maryam: vote 3
nessachan: vote 2
Randy: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 8
nessachan: vote 8
MatchBot: Sam wins 5 points for rescuing kittens.
MatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for rescuing Indiana Jones.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for rescuing dogs.
MatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for rescuing Atlantis.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for rescuing rhinoceroses.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for rescuing chat rooms.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for rescuing Lassie.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for rescuing fantasies.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for rescuing hugs.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for rescuing frustration.
Counterpoint: Grar, mine works so well as an adjective, too. Oh well.
WhizKid: :-(
: Gee, thanks, Sam. I'm doing ok now, though.
Sam: Just making sure, Kitty.
Zup: pick 2
MatchBot: Zup chose the adjective vivacious for this round. (1/11 accepted)
vballgirl: match 4
Counterpoint: vote 3
Counterpoint: match 3
ThePhan: match 1
Eric: match 3
Randy: match 4
Maryam: match 6
Sam: match 3
nessachan: match 6
Nyperold: match 7
Zup: match 4
WhizKid: match 6
nessachan: lol oops, I misread wht it said
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective vivacious. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for pit bulls.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for eyeballs.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Snoopy.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for chameleons.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Mary Tyler Moore.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for making sandcastles.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for ballerinas.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for grass skirts.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Mark Twain.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for elephant trunks.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for bad jokes.
Maryam: vote 3
Eric: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 5
Sam: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 3
Zup: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 11
nessachan: vote 5
Randy: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 7
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 5 points for Mary Tyler Moore.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for Snoopy.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for ballerinas.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for grass skirts.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for bad jokes.
MatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for Mark Twain.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for making sandcastles.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for pit bulls.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for elephant trunks.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for chameleons.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for eyeballs.
WhizKid: No fair! My browser lagged!
Zup: No fair! My bowser lragged!
Sam: Zup: hehehe
Nyperold: wk: But you still got a match and a vote in.
Randy: pick 1
WhizKid: Nyperold: Stop being so pitiful.
MatchBot: Randy chose the noun washboards for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Randy: match 2
ThePhan: match 1
Maryam: match 6
Eric: match 4
Counterpoint: match 2
vballgirl: match 3
Zup: match 5
Randy: match 7
Sam: match 5
WhizKid: match 5
Nyperold: match 2
nessachan: match 5
* Counterpoint plays free association.
vballgirl: match 7
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that complements the noun washboards. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for icicles.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for the Rocky Mountains.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for having one's nose to the grindstone.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for ThePhan.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Zup's first kiss.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for sound.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for the 1930s.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for toxic waste.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for moist towelettes.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for loud music.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for pain.
Counterpoint: vote 7
Eric: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 4
ThePhan: Me?
Maryam: vote 7
Sam: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 3
nessachan: vote 2
Zup: Hey, my first kiss had NOTHING to do with washboards...
Nyperold: vote 3
Randy: vote 10
Zup: vote 10
* ThePhan got a vote for being washboardlike, though. Hmmm...
MatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for having one's nose to the grindstone.
MatchBot: vballgirl wins 3 points for the 1930s.
MatchBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for the Rocky Mountains.
MatchBot: Eric wins 2 points for loud music.
MatchBot: WhizKid wins 1 point for ThePhan.
MatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for icicles.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Zup's first kiss.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for pain.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for moist towelettes.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for toxic waste.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for sound.
MatchBot: Maryam wins!
MatchBot: Counterpoint is: sports channels, vballgirl's feet. Fun things to do to Counterpoint: TalkingDogifying, overpraising.
MatchBot: Eric is: disheveled. Eric is: New York City, dust mites.
MatchBot: Maryam is: annoying, confused, lumpy, red. Maryam is: Al Pacino, washboards. Fun things to do to Maryam: ostracizing.
MatchBot: nessachan is: Al Pacino.
MatchBot: Nyperold is: sports channels.
MatchBot: Randy is: Bilbo Baggins, losing weight. Fun things to do to Randy: TalkingDogifying, idolizing.
MatchBot: Fun things to do to Sam: rescuing.
MatchBot: ThePhan is: independent. ThePhan is: Bilbo Baggins, the West Coast. Fun things to do to ThePhan: TalkingDogifying, ostracizing.
MatchBot: vballgirl is: global, vivacious. vballgirl is: electric toothbrushes, washboards.
MatchBot: WhizKid is: red.
MatchBot: Zup is: Antarctica.
Counterpoint: So close!
Maryam: YAY!
Zup: Oh yeah, I'm Antarctica!
Eric: I am not New York City!
ThePhan: Eric: I'll switch with you. I'm not the West Coast.
Eric: ThePhan: Agreed!
nessachan: lol I'm AL Pacino
* Nyperold is sports channels, unfortunately.
ThePhan: WK: So you're the culprit.
WhizKid: I would have won if I had twisted nessachan's pizza.
nessachan: WK: stay away from my pizza
WhizKid: nessachan: You should be more like Eric's pagers!
WhizKid: ThePhan deplores incalculable wizards!
vballgirl: Congrats Maryam!
Counterpoint: Good job, Maryam.
Zup: I'm hostile, cold, dry and independent! Sounds like me!
nessachan: WK: I should be so lucky!
WhizKid: nessachan burns onto vballgirl's bluejays!
ThePhan: Don't ostracize me, please, even as fun as it is.
WhizKid: Chipmunks Oxidize, Meanwhile My Idiot Enlarges.
Counterpoint: Oxidizing chipmunks!
* Counterpoint makes chipmunk fire.
gremlinn: WK: you should have used a semicolon.
WhizKid: gremlinn: babysit anthrax!
: Congratulations, Maryam, for winning MatchBot. We move along now to a game we like to call--
: --See How Long Ricardo Can Stall the Inevitable--
: --uh, LetterBot, actually.
Nyperold: wk: No, he's just sunburned, like Demon Man.
WhizKid: Nyperold: neuter TalkingDog!
Counterpoint: !!!
ThePhan: WK: Ahem. I hardly think TD would appreciate that.
WhizKid: ThePhan: You shouldn't be so thick.
nessachan: lol
: So where are these people that are going to come rescue you?
: I don't know. They must be late, I don't understand it.
WhizKid: Nyperold: I like ThePhan's bathtubs.
Nyperold: wk: That's good.
WhizKid: Nyperold: It's not easy to fossilize yourself!
: Well, let's give Ricardo another game to sweat it out. I rather enjoy how increasingly nervous he's looking.
: Sam, if you please?
MatchBot has been dismissed by Sam.
LetterBot has been summoned by Sam.
: The way this game works is, you're given some letters, and you have to scramble them up to formulate some sort of desperate attempt at postponing your destiny.
: That is, make up a funny sentence, and everybody will vote on it.
: You two seriously need to lick each other so bad.
Counterpoint: :-P
Zup: Only if we all had Archie's view on life...
: Uhhh, we begin in one minute.
WhizKid: Can I play this one, too? And possibly infiltrate thirty soup cans?
: Sure, WhizKid. Go for it.
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters A, F, I, M, S, U, W. (1/18 accepted)
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for Sam saw a mama.
LetterBot: Vote 2 for SimSum
LetterBot: Vote 3 for Wuss maims saw
LetterBot: Vote 4 for If I Muss. Awww.
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Sam: A Wuss?
LetterBot: Vote 6 for A swim? awww
Sam: vote 1
Eric: vote 1
gremlinn: Aw, no one wanted to try one with "wim" and "famus".
* ThePhan could only get as far as "I swim as (something) as Sam."
ThePhan: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 1
nessachan: vote 4
vballgirl: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 3
Randy: vote 5
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 5 points for Sam saw a mama.
LetterBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Sam: A Wuss?
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for If I Muss. Awww.
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 1 point for Wuss maims saw
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for SimSum
LetterBot: Randy wins 0 points for A swim? awww
WhizKid: You people are weird.
Nyperold: New from Maxis: an exciting simulation of eating!
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters D, E, L, M, Y. (1/18 accepted)
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for My elm dyed.
LetterBot: Vote 2 for My eye.
LetterBot: Vote 3 for My Dell LED lyed.
LetterBot: Vote 4 for Lemme meld my deed.
LetterBot: Vote 5 for ME YELL
LetterBot: Vote 6 for Mel yelled, "My lye!"
LetterBot: Vote 7 for Yell Mel!
LetterBot: Vote 8 for My Dell melded!
LetterBot: Vote 9 for My elm led me, Elly.
Counterpoint: Medley would have been nice.
gremlinn: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 8
nessachan: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 5
Eric: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
Maryam: vote 2
Nyperold: 9 has a Celtic lyrical quality to it.
nessachan: indeed it does
LetterBot: Eric wins 3 points for Mel yelled, "My lye!"
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for My Dell melded!
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 2 points for My eye.
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for My elm led me, Elly.
LetterBot: Maryam wins 1 point for ME YELL
LetterBot: nessachan wins 0 points for My elm dyed.
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for My Dell LED lyed.
LetterBot: Sam wins 0 points for Lemme meld my deed.
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Yell Mel!
WhizKid: YES!
nessachan: wtg wk
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters B, E, H, L, O, S, U, Y. (1/18 accepted)
Maryam: Hehehe.
[LetterBot->Maryam] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
Maryam: Err, oops.
Sam: Maryam: LOL LOL LOL
Maryam: It took that as my submission.
ThePhan: LOL LOL
[LetterBot->ThePhan] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
ThePhan: NO
Sam: HAHAHAHAHA. Now it took "LOL LOL LOL", didn't it?
Maryam: Hehe.
[LetterBot->Maryam] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
Maryam: And then it took my "Hehe." because I TOTALLY FORGOT.
* ThePhan is losing it.
* Sam DIES.
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for She sues; he loses.
LetterBot: Vote 2 for Bees use shoes, so yoyo shoos bubble.
LetterBot: Vote 3 for You lose, you louse!
LetterBot: Vote 4 for Be holy, o ye soul!
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Bell's Blouse? Lousy.
LetterBot: Vote 6 for Hehe.
LetterBot: Vote 7 for Yes, she's Belle. So?
LetterBot: Vote 8 for House louse - LOUSY!!
gremlinn: vote 1
Sam: vote 6
Eric: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 1
Sam: I have to vote for it, just for the sheer volume of laughter it gave me.
ThePhan: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 4
Maryam: Having a conversation with this bot around is dangerous.
nessachan: vote 4
Maryam: vote 3
Counterpoint: That would be the proper response to Belle's song in Beauty and the Beast. "So what?"
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Be holy, o ye soul!
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for You lose, you louse!
LetterBot: Eric wins 2 points for She sues; he loses.
LetterBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Hehe.
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Yes, she's Belle. So?
LetterBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Bell's Blouse? Lousy.
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for House louse - LOUSY!!
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for Bees use shoes, so yoyo shoos bubble.
WhizKid: =-o
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters E, F, L, N, O, R. (1/18 accepted)
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for No floor? No ROFL.
LetterBot: Vote 2 for Nor elf.
LetterBot: Vote 3 for Foe? Flee!
LetterBot: Vote 4 for One free loon.
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Non-ferree: ROFL!
LetterBot: Vote 6 for "LOL LOL! ....NOOOO!"
LetterBot: Vote 7 for Ron fell on floor.
LetterBot: Vote 8 for No elf for Rolf!
Sam: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 1
Eric: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 1
nessachan: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 7
: I got a free loon I'd like to get rid of.
vballgirl: vote 6
Not-a-Fairy: vote 3
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for No floor? No ROFL.
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for "LOL LOL! ....NOOOO!"
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for Foe? Flee!
LetterBot: Eric wins 1 point for Ron fell on floor.
LetterBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Non-ferree: ROFL!
LetterBot: nessachan wins 0 points for No elf for Rolf!
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Nor elf.
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for One free loon.
Nyperold: (Not-a-Fairy) Nor Elf.
WhizKid: Counterpoint: Yours was funny.
Counterpoint: WK: Do you have a floor?
WhizKid: Counterpoint: swear.
Counterpoint: WK: I won't.
WhizKid: Counterpoint: I like some picnics.
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters C, E, S, Y. (1/18 accepted)
: Well, folks. It sure looks like Counterpoint is dominating this game. He's got 12 points, nearly double the score of ThePhan, in second place.
Eric: Ricardo: Quit rubbing it in.
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for Ye see? Yes!
LetterBot: Vote 2 for Yes, CES.
LetterBot: Vote 3 for Eye sees eye.
LetterBot: Vote 4 for Ye see See's!
LetterBot: Vote 5 for See? Eyes? Yes!
LetterBot: Vote 6 for Sy sees Cess; Cess sees Secsy.
LetterBot: Vote 7 for Yes, eyes see.
nessachan: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 7
ThePhan: Secsy = Sexsi?
Eric: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 4
nessachan: I almost did that
ThePhan: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 3
: Eyes see, do they? Speak for yourself.
Zup: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
Sam: vote 7
Not-a-Fairy: Are those real rabbits?
Sam: Yes.
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 5 points for Yes, eyes see.
LetterBot: Eric wins 2 points for Ye see See's!
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 2 points for Eye sees eye.
LetterBot: nessachan wins 1 point for See? Eyes? Yes!
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Yes, CES.
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Ye see? Yes!
LetterBot: Zup wins 0 points for Sy sees Cess; Cess sees Secsy.
WhizKid: ;-)
Counterpoint: TP: Dagnabbit, we had the same entry.
ThePhan: Really? Huh.
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters A, E, L, O, S, W, Y. (1/18 accepted)
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for Owls sway, so owls sass sly weasels!
LetterBot: Vote 2 for Wally slew a sow!
LetterBot: Vote 3 for Law always sways ways.
LetterBot: Vote 4 for Yell, so we lose!
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Lose slowly.
LetterBot: Vote 6 for Lee loses way; Lea LOLs.
LetterBot: Vote 7 for A slow seal solely loses.
nessachan: Darn it
Eric: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 5
nessachan: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 6
Zup: vote 7
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Lose slowly.
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Lee loses way; Lea LOLs.
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for A slow seal solely loses.
LetterBot: Eric wins 1 point for Wally slew a sow!
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Law always sways ways.
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for Owls sway, so owls sass sly weasels!
LetterBot: Zup wins 0 points for Yell, so we lose!
WhizKid: No way! Mine was way better!
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters A, B, E, F, M, P, R. (1/18 accepted)
WhizKid: Our hooligan lifts one mime.
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for Free beer!
LetterBot: Vote 2 for Prefer a frappe?
LetterBot: Vote 3 for Beef... Bra?
LetterBot: Vote 4 for Free beef! Mmm!
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Pamper a free bee.
LetterBot: Vote 6 for A pram fee?
LetterBot: Vote 7 for Refer me, Abe.
LetterBot: Vote 8 for A Bee? Be free! Be free!
Eric: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 8
Zup: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
vballgirl: vote 5
nessachan: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 7
LetterBot: nessachan wins 2 points for A Bee? Be free! Be free!
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Free beef! Mmm!
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 2 points for Pamper a free bee.
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Free beer!
LetterBot: Zup wins 1 point for Refer me, Abe.
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Prefer a frappe?
LetterBot: Eric wins 0 points for A pram fee?
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Beef... Bra?
WhizKid: Good round.
ThePhan: WK: I suspect you're only saying that because you got two points.
WhizKid: ThePhan: Yes, I am. But if you would vote for eighteen supernovas and vandalize yourself, I wouldn't need them, would I?
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters A, E, I, K, N, O, S, T. (1/18 accepted)
WhizKid: ThePhan: befriend Nyperold's aspirin!
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for A Toast to Nike!
LetterBot: Vote 2 for One stein's a tank!
LetterBot: Vote 3 for No, I no is a Kanost.
LetterBot: Vote 4 for Tie a knot in a steak!
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Stinkiest knost is a stank-knot.
LetterBot: Vote 6 for It's not a kite stake! It's a tent stake!
LetterBot: Vote 7 for Oinks stink.
LetterBot: Vote 8 for To take a toke, to not take a toke.
LetterBot: Vote 9 for Ants see assassins, so teens tie inns.
Eric: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 1
Not-a-Fairy: vote 6
Eric: Guys, drugs are bad.
nessachan: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 3
Sam: vote 6
Zup: vote 4
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for It's not a kite stake! It's a tent stake!
LetterBot: nessachan wins 2 points for Tie a knot in a steak!
LetterBot: Eric wins 1 point for No, I no is a Kanost.
LetterBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for A Toast to Nike!
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Oinks stink.
LetterBot: Zup wins 1 point for To take a toke, to not take a toke.
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Stinkiest knost is a stank-knot.
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for One stein's a tank!
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for Ants see assassins, so teens tie inns.
WhizKid: :-.
Zup: 8 = modern day Hamlet.
Maryam: Free advice for everyone! Don't keep buying produce when it becomes obvious to any observer that you've gotten tired of cooking it, so you won't eat it. And even if you do that, don't let it sit in your fridge for weeks on end.
Maryam: I just cleaned out my fridge. If I'd wanted to take pictures and put them on a website, I would have kicked Monkeyman's butt so bad.
Sam: Maryam: LOL
* Maryam gives herself extra points on Chore Wars for that one.
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters A, C, D, J, O, R, V, Y. (1/18 accepted)
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for Yard Caddy.
LetterBot: Vote 2 for O joy! A dry car!
LetterBot: Vote 3 for A day ray? Joy!
LetterBot: Vote 4 for A dad
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Ajar car door.
ThePhan: vote 5
nessachan: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: vote 3
Sam: vote 5
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 3 points for Ajar car door.
LetterBot: nessachan wins 2 points for A day ray? Joy!
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for O joy! A dry car!
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Yard Caddy.
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for A dad
WhizKid: :-.
Sam: Whoa, how did ThePhan overtake CP so bad?
* ThePhan isn't sure.
: Girls rule. Boys drool.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: I guess that's the answer, then.
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters O, R, S, T, U, W, Y. (1/18 accepted)
Counterpoint: Sam: She got 5 pts on a submission that we gave identically. So rather than me being five points ahead, she tied.
ThePhan: Oh, that's right.
Sam: Ouch.
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for Sort your worst sour.
LetterBot: Vote 2 for Tu = you
LetterBot: Vote 3 for Rust or Trust?
LetterBot: Vote 4 for Worst torturous story!
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Rusty roost
LetterBot: Vote 6 for Yoyos stow roots, or wussy yoyos strut.
Eric: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 4
Counterpoint: Oh. No e in there.
ThePhan: vote 2
nessachan: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: vote 2
Zup: vote 3
LetterBot: Zup wins 3 points for Tu = you
LetterBot: Eric wins 1 point for Rusty roost
LetterBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Rust or Trust?
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Worst torturous story!
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Sort your worst sour.
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for Yoyos stow roots, or wussy yoyos strut.
WhizKid: Great one there, Zup.
Zup: Yay! Points!
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters B, E, L, R, S, T, X. (1/18 accepted)
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for Bless sellers!
LetterBot: Vote 2 for See Lexx!
LetterBot: Vote 3 for Tex Rebels
LetterBot: Vote 4 for Belletrex Lestre- er,
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Rebels sell bees
LetterBot: Vote 6 for Belters better be best!
LetterBot: Vote 7 for Steller ex's text: Best sex.
nessachan: shoot
Counterpoint: vote 1
Eric: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 5
nessachan: vote 4
Sam: I was thinking of Bellatrix, too.
gremlinn: vote 5
nessachan: me too!
Zup: vote 3
Maryam: Heh, me too.
ThePhan: As was I.
Sam: Belletrex ------> Sere-es.
Counterpoint: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 1
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 5
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 3 points for Rebels sell bees
LetterBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 2 points for Tex Rebels
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Bless sellers!
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Steller ex's text: Best sex.
LetterBot: Zup wins 1 point for Belletrex Lestre- er,
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Belters better be best!
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for See Lexx!
LuckyWizard: vote 5
gremlinn: Wow.
WhizKid: Eat my dust, losers!!
Zup: Sam: I could only go so far, and then decided, "what the heck" and pressed enter.
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters A, E, L, M, O, U, Z. (1/18 accepted)
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for A llama zoo.
LetterBot: Vote 2 for Male zeal amaze zoo.
LetterBot: Vote 3 for A mole, mule, eel? E-Z meal!
LetterBot: Vote 4 for Mole le Mouz ez male!
LetterBot: Vote 5 for A eel mole? LAME!
LetterBot: Vote 6 for Zoom, Lee ze Mole!
LetterBot: Vote 7 for Maul ooze.
LetterBot: Vote 8 for Lame zeal.
LetterBot: Vote 9 for A meal o' lum.
Zup: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 1
Not-a-Fairy: vote 5
Eric: vote 3
nessachan: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 2
LetterBot: Eric wins 7 points for A llama zoo.
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for A mole, mule, eel? E-Z meal!
LetterBot: nessachan wins 1 point for A eel mole? LAME!
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Zoom, Lee ze Mole!
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Male zeal amaze zoo.
LetterBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Lame zeal.
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for A meal o' lum.
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for Maul ooze.
LetterBot: Zup wins 0 points for Mole le Mouz ez male!
WhizKid: Funny stuff.
: Would they let me in a llama zoo?
Counterpoint: Alpaca: No.
nessachan: awww
: Nuts.
Eric: No, because a llama zoo is not a giraffe zoo.
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters D, E, I, Q, R, W, Z. (1/18 accepted)
ThePhan: Sheesh.
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for DQ ridez de qwiz.
LetterBot: Vote 2 for We--- *ZZZZZZ* I died.
LetterBot: Vote 3 for Dierdre, I died.
LetterBot: Vote 4 for Q died.
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Wierd Red.
LetterBot: Vote 6 for Deer, deer.
LetterBot: Vote 7 for I ride deer. Weeee!
LetterBot: Vote 8 for Eddie Izz? Dire wiz!
Eric: vote 7
Zup: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 3
Sam: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 7
nessachan: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
gremlinn: QED
Counterpoint: grem: Yeah, I was toying with that.
Sam: grem: You win.
LetterBot: nessachan wins 3 points for I ride deer. Weeee!
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for We--- *ZZZZZZ* I died.
LetterBot: Eric wins 2 points for Dierdre, I died.
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Eddie Izz? Dire wiz!
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Q died.
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Wierd Red.
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 0 points for Deer, deer.
LetterBot: Zup wins 0 points for DQ ridez de qwiz.
WhizKid: 8-.
gremlinn: Sam: I was lamenting the lack of a N to post something like that.
Sam: "QED. I win." ?
gremlinn: Yeah.
Sam: That would have scored big time.
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters B, E, H, L, O, S, T. (1/18 accepted)
[LetterBot->Sam] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
Sam: Oh. I submitted.
Maryam: Sam: LOL
Sam: Maryam: Good thing you prefixed that.
* Maryam nearly said LOL on its own.
gremlinn: This is similar to another letter set from earlier.
gremlinn: Except the other one had a U and a Y, I remember.
gremlinn: And perhaps not the T.
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for The Bot host lost the belle. :,(
LetterBot: Vote 2 for See "LOST".
LetterBot: Vote 3 for Toot to the bee
LetterBot: Vote 4 for "LOL" loses. "Hehehe" loses.
LetterBot: Vote 5 for The Lost Bells! LOL!
LetterBot: Vote 6 for He lost the hostess! He stole the shoes!
LetterBot: Vote 7 for Lost: so lost!
LetterBot: Vote 8 for Lost the Bot.
LetterBot: Vote 9 for Be lost.
LetterBot: Vote 10 for He lost. She bots best!
LetterBot: Vote 11 for She lost the Shebboleth.
Counterpoint: vote 10
Maryam: vote 4
Sam: vote 1!
Eric: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 1
Not-a-Fairy: vote 11
ThePhan: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 1
nessachan: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 2
: I sure hope not.
Zup: vote 2
LetterBot: Eric wins 4 points for The Bot host lost the belle. :,(
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for See "LOST".
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for "LOL" loses. "Hehehe" loses.
LetterBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for She lost the Shebboleth.
LetterBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for He lost. She bots best!
LetterBot: WhizKid wins 1 point for Toot to the bee
LetterBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Lost the Bot.
LetterBot: nessachan wins 0 points for He lost the hostess! He stole the shoes!
LetterBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 0 points for The Lost Bells! LOL!
LetterBot: Sam wins 0 points for Be lost.
LetterBot: Zup wins 0 points for Lost: so lost!
LetterBot: ThePhan wins!
Counterpoint: Woo.
Maryam: YAY PHAN!
Nyperold: :)
Counterpoint: Congrats!
Not-a-Fairy: Hip, hip, hip, hooray!
Zup: Woohoo ThePhan!
vballgirl: Good job ThePhan. Way to keep up your reputation as a quick wit!
ThePhan: I didn't know I had a reputation as a quick wit. Cool. Heh.
: Well, another game gone, and the next two are quick. Your rescue party better arrive soon.
: They will, they will.
: Remember, you've got till the end of this session. Then I'm gone. I'm only giving you that long because your cat is cute.
nessachan: I told you the cat was a winner!
Zup: I knew the cat would play a part!
: Humans are so weird.
Not-a-Fairy: Now, that's a cute cat!
LuckyWizard: Cat: You're only just noticing that?
Sam: has the results after MatchBot.
: Next up is StackBot, traditionally the longest bot game of the tournament but now played in free-for-all mode, which will ensure a short but completely frenetic game.
Counterpoint: Oh NO, we're doing this in FFA mode.
: We'll be playing to 30 points, and we'll start the game in one minute.
StackBot has been summoned by Sam.
* Counterpoint will die a horrible bloody death.
WhizKid: I'm heading out, folks. Thanks for having me. One day, I'll remember to glue your thumbnails.
: Let's hear it for WhizKid!
Counterpoint: Yay, WK.
ThePhan: Yay Whiz!
vballgirl: YaY!
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
* Maryam applauds fifty cannonballs.
Zup: wk: BYEEE
WhizKid: Babes Yank Eyelashes Excitedly, Exuberantly!
ThePhan: Is that what makes them babes?
Counterpoint: Always.
Sam: Probably!
Sam: LOL
WhizKid has been dismissed by Sam.
: ...and here we go!
StackBot: Starting a new free-for-all game.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  T O T E M
StackBot:  G U N K Y
StackBot:  B A A L S
Sam: nymph
Counterpoint: rakes
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with nymph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  T O T E M
StackBot:  G U N K Y
StackBot:  B A A L S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
LuckyWizard: event
Zup: relax
vballgirl: spunk
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with event and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with relax and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  T O T E M
StackBot:  G U N K Y
StackBot:  B A A L S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  R E L A X
Revan: lymph
Counterpoint: tonal
Zup: relax
vballgirl: spark
Sam: oxbow
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with oxbow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  T O T E M
StackBot:  G U N K Y
StackBot:  B A A L S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  R E L A X
StackBot:  O X B O W
vballgirl: stick
LuckyWizard: store
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with stick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  T O T E M
StackBot:  G U N K Y
StackBot:  B A A L S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  R E L A X
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  S T I C K
Counterpoint: adorn
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with adorn and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  T O T E M
StackBot:  G U N K Y
StackBot:  B A A L S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  R E L A X
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  S T I C K
StackBot:  A D O R N
Revan: grass
LuckyWizard: brute
Sam: flute
Zup: yodel
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with flute and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  T O T E M
StackBot:  G U N K Y
StackBot:  B A A L S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  R E L A X
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  S T I C K
StackBot:  A D O R N
StackBot:  F L U T E
Sam: LW: Sorry. That was shameless of me.
Zup: limit
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  T O T E M
StackBot:  G U N K Y
StackBot:  B A A L S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  R E L A X
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  S T I C K
StackBot:  A D O R N
StackBot:  F L U T E
Counterpoint: trick
Counterpoint: No.
Zup: prick
vballgirl: lipid
vballgirl: livid
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with lipid and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  T O T E M
StackBot:  G U N K Y
StackBot:  B A A L S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  R E L A X
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  S T I C K
StackBot:  A D O R N
StackBot:  F L U T E
StackBot:  L I P I D
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  T O T E M
StackBot:  G U N K Y
StackBot:  B A A L S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  R E L A X
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  S T I C K
StackBot:  A D O R N
StackBot:  F L U T E
StackBot:  L I P I D
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: incur.
Sam: Nice.
LuckyWizard: Wow.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
Sam: adyta
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with adyta and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
Zup: maker
Zup: livid
vballgirl: hymns
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with hymns and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  H Y M N S
Sam: blast
Eric: chasm
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with blast and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  H Y M N S
StackBot:  B L A S T
Zup: level
nessachan: Grump
Counterpoint: storm
StackBot: nessachan continues the stack with grump and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except nessachan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  H Y M N S
StackBot:  B L A S T
StackBot:  G R U M P
Counterpoint: shorn
Zup: lever
Counterpoint: thorn
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with thorn and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  H Y M N S
StackBot:  B L A S T
StackBot:  G R U M P
StackBot:  T H O R N
Zup: leven
Eric: stoop
Zup: prick
Sam: ought
vballgirl: worty
LuckyWizard: meted
Counterpoint: fetch
Sam: tough
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with meted and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  H Y M N S
StackBot:  B L A S T
StackBot:  G R U M P
StackBot:  T H O R N
StackBot:  M E T E D
Sam: rogue
Zup: oxbow
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with oxbow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  H Y M N S
StackBot:  B L A S T
StackBot:  G R U M P
StackBot:  T H O R N
StackBot:  M E T E D
StackBot:  O X B O W
Sam: togas
Sam: pogos
Eric: farms
Sam: incur
Sam: incut
Sam: input
Eric: forte
Counterpoint: imter
Eric: forms
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  H Y M N S
StackBot:  B L A S T
StackBot:  G R U M P
StackBot:  T H O R N
StackBot:  M E T E D
StackBot:  O X B O W
nessachan: Wormy
Sam: ethyl
nessachan: shoot.
Sam: immix
Sam: infux
Sam: infix
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with infix and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  H Y M N S
StackBot:  B L A S T
StackBot:  G R U M P
StackBot:  T H O R N
StackBot:  M E T E D
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  I N F I X
Zup: inter
nessachan: wordy
StackBot: nessachan continues the stack with wordy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except nessachan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  H Y M N S
StackBot:  B L A S T
StackBot:  G R U M P
StackBot:  T H O R N
StackBot:  M E T E D
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  I N F I X
StackBot:  W O R D Y
Counterpoint: dowdy
Sam: usurp
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P I E C E
StackBot:  S T I L L
StackBot:  R A D A R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  H Y M N S
StackBot:  B L A S T
StackBot:  G R U M P
StackBot:  T H O R N
StackBot:  M E T E D
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  I N F I X
StackBot:  W O R D Y
Zup: rouge
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: fungi, fungo, jugum.
vballgirl: Nice try Sam.
Counterpoint: I haven't played this game in forever and am clearly taking the wrong approach.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  C R A M P
StackBot:  S O R T S
StackBot:  E L I D E
Counterpoint: xylem
Counterpoint: ichor
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with xylem and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  C R A M P
StackBot:  S O R T S
StackBot:  E L I D E
StackBot:  X Y L E M
vballgirl: group
Zup: chomp
vballgirl: groul
nessachan: Pouch
Zup: oxbow
Sam: prism
vballgirl: blck
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with oxbow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  C R A M P
StackBot:  S O R T S
StackBot:  E L I D E
StackBot:  X Y L E M
StackBot:  O X B O W
Counterpoint: ichor
Sam: offal
vballgirl: block
Sam: usurp
Sam: phsaw
Sam: pshaw
Counterpoint: runal
vballgirl: warty
Sam: ogham
Counterpoint: penal
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with penal and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  C R A M P
StackBot:  S O R T S
StackBot:  E L I D E
StackBot:  X Y L E M
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  P E N A L
Zup: idyll
Sam: incur
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with incur and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  C R A M P
StackBot:  S O R T S
StackBot:  E L I D E
StackBot:  X Y L E M
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  P E N A L
StackBot:  I N C U R
Zup: buxom
Counterpoint: worst
Zup: jugum
Counterpoint: whist
Zup: buffo
LuckyWizard: avert
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with buffo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with avert and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  C R A M P
StackBot:  S O R T S
StackBot:  E L I D E
StackBot:  X Y L E M
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  P E N A L
StackBot:  I N C U R
StackBot:  B U F F O
StackBot:  A V E R T
Sam: affix
Sam: addax
Sam: psych
Counterpoint: livid
Zup: zoeae
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with livid and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  C R A M P
StackBot:  S O R T S
StackBot:  E L I D E
StackBot:  X Y L E M
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  P E N A L
StackBot:  I N C U R
StackBot:  B U F F O
StackBot:  A V E R T
StackBot:  L I V I D
Sam: umbra
Zup: ether
Zup: nervy
vballgirl: gamey
vballgirl: gamly
Eric: forts
LuckyWizard: manly
Eric: frost
Sam: hypha
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  C R A M P
StackBot:  S O R T S
StackBot:  E L I D E
StackBot:  X Y L E M
StackBot:  O X B O W
StackBot:  P E N A L
StackBot:  I N C U R
StackBot:  B U F F O
StackBot:  A V E R T
StackBot:  L I V I D
Counterpoint: shock
Counterpoint: clock
Eric: floss
Zup: jammy
Counterpoint: chock
Counterpoint: smock
vballgirl: haggy
Zup: borne
LuckyWizard: mathy
Counterpoint: brock
Eric: roast
vballgirl: waggy
Eric: brusk
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: fatly, faugh, fauna, gamba, gassy, gauzy, gawky, gawsy, gayly, hadji, hajji, hamza, haply, happy, hatch.
Zup: froze
Sam: We sucked on that one.
vballgirl: Boo.
Zup: heh
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B L I N D
StackBot:  O F T E N
StackBot:  C H E W S
Sam: hajji
Counterpoint: ocher
Counterpoint: ichor
nessachan: my brain is numbing
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with hajji and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with ichor and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B L I N D
StackBot:  O F T E N
StackBot:  C H E W S
StackBot:  H A J J I
StackBot:  I C H O R
Zup: gawsy
Sam: adyta
Zup: fauna
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with adyta and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B L I N D
StackBot:  O F T E N
StackBot:  C H E W S
StackBot:  H A J J I
StackBot:  I C H O R
Sam: nymph
StackBot:  A D Y T A
vballgirl: house
Counterpoint: total
vballgirl: mouse
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with mouse and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B L I N D
StackBot:  O F T E N
StackBot:  C H E W S
StackBot:  H A J J I
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  M O U S E
Counterpoint: tonal
Sam: nymph
Eric: paper
Counterpoint: title
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with nymph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B L I N D
StackBot:  O F T E N
StackBot:  C H E W S
StackBot:  H A J J I
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  M O U S E
StackBot:  N Y M P H
nessachan: Quote
Zup: chink
Counterpoint: umbre
vballgirl: sifts
Eric: poops
Zup: oxbow
nessachan: Quart
StackBot: nessachan continues the stack with quart and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except nessachan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B L I N D
StackBot:  O F T E N
StackBot:  C H E W S
StackBot:  H A J J I
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  M O U S E
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  Q U A R T
Zup: butyl
Counterpoint: whelp
Sam: kudzu
Zup: dinar
Eric: strip
StackBot: Eric continues the stack with strip and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Eric, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B L I N D
StackBot:  O F T E N
StackBot:  C H E W S
StackBot:  H A J J I
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  M O U S E
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  Q U A R T
StackBot:  S T R I P
vballgirl: hippy
Zup: bijou
Sam: equip
Eric: whooooooooo
Sam: incur
Counterpoint: comet
Zup: idyll
Sam: abysm
Counterpoint: xylem
Sam: igloo
Zup: dicta
Counterpoint: taxon
Sam: pshaw
Zup: dicky
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with dicky and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B L I N D
StackBot:  O F T E N
StackBot:  C H E W S
StackBot:  H A J J I
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  M O U S E
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  Q U A R T
StackBot:  S T R I P
StackBot:  D I C K Y
Counterpoint: wills
Sam: focal
Zup: Yahoo!
Counterpoint: welle
Eric: bends
Sam: pedal
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with pedal and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B L I N D
StackBot:  O F T E N
StackBot:  C H E W S
StackBot:  H A J J I
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  M O U S E
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  Q U A R T
StackBot:  S T R I P
StackBot:  D I C K Y
StackBot:  P E D A L
Eric: trout
Sam: I was hoping that would be a bonus.
Eric: troup
Zup: gimel
Counterpoint: whorl
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B L I N D
StackBot:  O F T E N
StackBot:  C H E W S
StackBot:  H A J J I
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  M O U S E
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  Q U A R T
StackBot:  S T R I P
StackBot:  D I C K Y
StackBot:  P E D A L
Zup: trope
Sam: unzip
Sam: uncap
Zup: troll
Sam: unfix
Zup: trolf
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: frock, knock, vrouw.
Counterpoint: vrouw
Sam: vrouw??
Eric: Is that Dutch for "woman"?
Sam: Yes. That's not English.
Zup: It's what Dutch men say when they see one.
Sam: Zup: LOL LOL
Nyperold: It's the sound of a cat that's been combined with a motorcycle.
LuckyWizard: Looks like it would be cognate to "frau".
TalkingDog: Blücher! =-O
Eric: teehee
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
Counterpoint: umbra
Zup: vrouw
Eric: time
vballgirl: wart
Zup: idyl
Counterpoint: turn
Eric: thin
Counterpoint: furl
vballgirl: wirt
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with turn and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  T U R N
Zup: idyl
Eric: ship
LuckyWizard: ever
StackBot: Eric continues the stack with ship and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Eric, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  T U R N
StackBot:  S H I P
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with ever and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  T U R N
StackBot:  S H I P
StackBot:  E V E R
nessachan: Hump
Zup: ikon
vballgirl: hyms
Counterpoint: skid
Zup: itch
Counterpoint: scad
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with itch and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  T U R N
StackBot:  S H I P
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  I T C H
Zup: idol
LuckyWizard: lent
Sam: bled
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with lent and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  T U R N
StackBot:  S H I P
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  I T C H
StackBot:  L E N T
Sam: plus
Counterpoint: cram
nessachan: Bing
Zup: crag
Eric: away
Counterpoint: clam
Sam: plum
StackBot: Eric continues the stack with away and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Eric, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  T U R N
StackBot:  S H I P
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  I T C H
StackBot:  L E N T
StackBot:  A W A Y
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with plum and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  T U R N
StackBot:  S H I P
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  I T C H
StackBot:  L E N T
StackBot:  A W A Y
StackBot:  P L U M
nessachan: visa
Zup: clag
StackBot: nessachan continues the stack with visa and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except nessachan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  T U R N
StackBot:  S H I P
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  I T C H
StackBot:  L E N T
StackBot:  A W A Y
StackBot:  P L U M
StackBot:  V I S A
Counterpoint: film
Sam: umbo
Zup: lake
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with umbo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  T U R N
StackBot:  S H I P
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  I T C H
StackBot:  L E N T
StackBot:  A W A Y
StackBot:  P L U M
StackBot:  V I S A
StackBot:  U M B O
Zup: emir
Counterpoint: woos
Zup: onyx
Counterpoint: whom
Zup: gyri
Sam: knob
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  N O T E
StackBot:  R A G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  T U R N
StackBot:  S H I P
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  I T C H
StackBot:  L E N T
StackBot:  A W A Y
StackBot:  P L U M
StackBot:  V I S A
StackBot:  U M B O
Counterpoint: afar
Sam: knob
StackBot: Sam ends the stack with knob (no valid continuations) and wins 4 points!
Sam: WHEW. Any one of you could have stolen that from me.
vballgirl: Whoa!
Sam: I submitted it too soon.
* Counterpoint doesn't look up.
* Counterpoint will now.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S L A T S
StackBot:  A M O N G
StackBot:  H O G A N
Counterpoint: umbre
LuckyWizard: event
Sam: umbra
Counterpoint: ocher
Sam: under
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with ocher and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S L A T S
StackBot:  A M O N G
StackBot:  H O G A N
StackBot:  O C H E R
Sam: idyll
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S L A T S
StackBot:  A M O N G
StackBot:  H O G A N
StackBot:  O C H E R
StackBot:  I D Y L L
vballgirl: chimp
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with chimp and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S L A T S
StackBot:  A M O N G
StackBot:  H O G A N
StackBot:  O C H E R
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  C H I M P
Sam: exurb
LuckyWizard: where
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with exurb and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S L A T S
StackBot:  A M O N G
StackBot:  H O G A N
StackBot:  O C H E R
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  C H I M P
StackBot:  E X U R B
Counterpoint: plunk
nessachan: Melba
Counterpoint: hydra
nessachan: humph
Zup: cabby
Counterpoint: preen
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S L A T S
StackBot:  A M O N G
StackBot:  H O G A N
StackBot:  O C H E R
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  C H I M P
StackBot:  E X U R B
Sam: unfix
Zup: pappy
vballgirl: pingy
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with unfix and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with pappy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S L A T S
StackBot:  A M O N G
StackBot:  H O G A N
StackBot:  O C H E R
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  C H I M P
StackBot:  E X U R B
StackBot:  U N F I X
StackBot:  P A P P Y
Sam: tabby
Counterpoint: xylem
Zup: zayin
Counterpoint: tubae
LuckyWizard: drest
Sam: kudzu
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with kudzu and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S L A T S
StackBot:  A M O N G
StackBot:  H O G A N
StackBot:  O C H E R
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  C H I M P
StackBot:  E X U R B
StackBot:  U N F I X
StackBot:  P A P P Y
StackBot:  K U D Z U
Zup: gimel
Zup: gamer
Counterpoint: given
Counterpoint: naval
nessachan: wreck
StackBot: nessachan continues the stack with wreck and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except nessachan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S L A T S
StackBot:  A M O N G
StackBot:  H O G A N
StackBot:  O C H E R
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  C H I M P
StackBot:  E X U R B
StackBot:  U N F I X
StackBot:  P A P P Y
StackBot:  K U D Z U
StackBot:  W R E C K
Zup: brown
Zup: lewis
Zup: kithe
vballgirl: delve
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with delve and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S L A T S
StackBot:  A M O N G
StackBot:  H O G A N
StackBot:  O C H E R
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  C H I M P
StackBot:  E X U R B
StackBot:  U N F I X
StackBot:  P A P P Y
StackBot:  K U D Z U
StackBot:  W R E C K
StackBot:  D E L V E
LuckyWizard: rinse
Zup: ennui
Counterpoint: drool
Zup: dwell
Counterpoint: yowls
Zup: mungo
LuckyWizard: first
Zup: multi
StackBot: LuckyWizard ends the stack with first (no valid continuations) and wins 4 points!
Sam: Nice.
vballgirl: Wow!
nessachan: melba is so a word hehe
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P U N Y
StackBot:  W E R E
StackBot:  G R A M
Sam: idyl
Counterpoint: zoos
vballgirl: card
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with idyl and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with zoos and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P U N Y
StackBot:  W E R E
StackBot:  G R A M
StackBot:  I D Y L
StackBot:  Z O O S
Zup: idyl
Zup: atui
LuckyWizard: ever
Sam: etui
vballgirl: lamb
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with ever and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P U N Y
StackBot:  W E R E
StackBot:  G R A M
StackBot:  I D Y L
StackBot:  Z O O S
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with lamb and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P U N Y
StackBot:  W E R E
StackBot:  G R A M
StackBot:  I D Y L
StackBot:  Z O O S
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  L A M B
Zup: exit
nessachan: Hint
Counterpoint: cyto
Zup: undo
Sam: otto
LuckyWizard: riot
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with undo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P U N Y
StackBot:  W E R E
StackBot:  G R A M
StackBot:  I D Y L
StackBot:  Z O O S
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  L A M B
Counterpoint: pint
StackBot:  U N D O
Zup: jehu
Sam: otic
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with otic and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P U N Y
StackBot:  W E R E
StackBot:  G R A M
StackBot:  I D Y L
StackBot:  Z O O S
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  L A M B
StackBot:  U N D O
StackBot:  O T I C
Counterpoint: riot
Zup: hind
LuckyWizard: fist
nessachan: List
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with fist and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P U N Y
StackBot:  W E R E
StackBot:  G R A M
StackBot:  I D Y L
StackBot:  Z O O S
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  L A M B
StackBot:  U N D O
StackBot:  O T I C
StackBot:  F I S T
Sam: aqua
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with aqua and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P U N Y
StackBot:  W E R E
StackBot:  G R A M
StackBot:  I D Y L
StackBot:  Z O O S
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  L A M B
StackBot:  U N D O
StackBot:  O T I C
StackBot:  F I S T
StackBot:  A Q U A
Zup: hill
Counterpoint: mull
vballgirl: slew
Counterpoint: pyre
vballgirl: slaw
Zup: onyx
nessachan: muck
Zup: djin
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P U N Y
StackBot:  W E R E
StackBot:  G R A M
StackBot:  I D Y L
StackBot:  Z O O S
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  L A M B
StackBot:  U N D O
StackBot:  O T I C
StackBot:  F I S T
StackBot:  A Q U A
Zup: typy
vballgirl: chew
Sam: yyzz
Zup: typi
Zup: typo
Counterpoint: tyra
Zup: typa
Zup: typp
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: myth.
Zup: typs
Zup: Ah.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P A V A N
StackBot:  C H O C K
StackBot:  E R G O T
Counterpoint: ichor
Sam: idyll
Counterpoint: umbra
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with umbra and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P A V A N
StackBot:  C H O C K
StackBot:  E R G O T
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  U M B R A
Zup: idyll
vballgirl: hoard
LuckyWizard: ovens
Sam: ogham
nessachan: rocky
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with ovens and wins 1 point!
StackBot: nessachan continues the stack with rocky and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except nessachan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P A V A N
StackBot:  C H O C K
StackBot:  E R G O T
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  U M B R A
StackBot:  O V E N S
StackBot:  R O C K Y
Sam: eight
LuckyWizard: meted
Zup: borne
Sam: adyta
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with meted and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P A V A N
StackBot:  C H O C K
StackBot:  E R G O T
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  U M B R A
StackBot:  O V E N S
StackBot:  R O C K Y
StackBot:  M E T E D
Sam: addax
Counterpoint: whelk
vballgirl: s;o,e
Sam: usurp
vballgirl: slime
Zup: jammy
Sam: nymph
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with slime and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P A V A N
StackBot:  C H O C K
StackBot:  E R G O T
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  U M B R A
StackBot:  O V E N S
StackBot:  R O C K Y
StackBot:  M E T E D
StackBot:  S L I M E
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with nymph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P A V A N
StackBot:  C H O C K
StackBot:  E R G O T
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  U M B R A
StackBot:  O V E N S
StackBot:  R O C K Y
StackBot:  M E T E D
StackBot:  S L I M E
StackBot:  N Y M P H
Zup: chink
Zup: infix
Zup: unfix
Counterpoint: mirth
Zup: anfix
Zup: affix
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with affix and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P A V A N
StackBot:  C H O C K
StackBot:  E R G O T
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  U M B R A
StackBot:  O V E N S
StackBot:  R O C K Y
StackBot:  M E T E D
StackBot:  S L I M E
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  A F F I X
Counterpoint: hurts
Sam: kudzu
Zup: Finally!
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with kudzu and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P A V A N
StackBot:  C H O C K
StackBot:  E R G O T
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  U M B R A
StackBot:  O V E N S
StackBot:  R O C K Y
StackBot:  M E T E D
StackBot:  S L I M E
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  A F F I X
StackBot:  K U D Z U
Zup: bulla
Zup: buxom
Eric: bosom
Zup: dinar
Zup: diner
Counterpoint: myths
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P A V A N
StackBot:  C H O C K
StackBot:  E R G O T
StackBot:  I D Y L L
StackBot:  U M B R A
StackBot:  O V E N S
StackBot:  R O C K Y
StackBot:  M E T E D
StackBot:  S L I M E
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  A F F I X
StackBot:  K U D Z U
Zup: dinur
Sam: hajji
vballgirl: ditto
gremlinn: xysti
Counterpoint: wilde
Zup: awful
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: bingo, dingo, filum, hilum, jingo, lingo, linum.
Zup: furze
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  M A N L Y
StackBot:  B E G E T
StackBot:  O M E N S
Sam: oryx
Counterpoint: idyll
Sam: oxbow
Counterpoint: ichor
Sam: adyta
Zup: bing
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with ichor and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  M A N L Y
StackBot:  B E G E T
StackBot:  O M E N S
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with adyta and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  M A N L Y
StackBot:  B E G E T
StackBot:  O M E N S
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
vballgirl: nymph
Counterpoint: zones
LuckyWizard: those
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with nymph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with those and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  M A N L Y
StackBot:  B E G E T
StackBot:  O M E N S
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  T H O S E
Sam: kudzu
Zup: decay
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with kudzu and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  M A N L Y
StackBot:  B E G E T
StackBot:  O M E N S
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  T H O S E
StackBot:  K U D Z U
vballgirl: couch
Counterpoint: umbra
Zup: ducal
Counterpoint: xylem
vballgirl: court
Counterpoint: xyzzy
Zup: dewar
Zup: dinky
Counterpoint: plump
Zup: dicky
StackBot: Counterpoint continues the stack with plump and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Counterpoint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  M A N L Y
StackBot:  B E G E T
StackBot:  O M E N S
StackBot:  I C H O R
StackBot:  A D Y T A
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  T H O S E
StackBot:  K U D Z U
StackBot:  P L U M P
Sam: unzip
Sam: unfix
Zup: xyzzy
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with unfix and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam wins!
Counterpoint: Zup: Did that already.
Zup: vines
vballgirl: Whohoo!
Zup: Cp: ah. Too bad.
: Congratulations, Sam!
Sam: Why thanks.
: Really, you're an incredibly awesome player.
Sam: Please, you're embarrassing me.
: Yes, Sam, if only all men were as awesome and cute and wonderful as you.
Sam: 8-.
nessachan: My 4 hours of sleep brain is too bleary for this game
: Humans are so weird.
* Zup seconds the kitty.
: The next--
: --last--
: --bot is MovieBot!
StackBot has been dismissed by Sam.
MovieBot has been summoned by Sam.
Zup: Oh, moviebot. I so lose!
: In this game, you have to be the first to name the title of a movie described by a rapid succession of clues. Sometimes the bot is finicky about the exact phrasing of a movie title, and sometimes it does a good job at recognizing alternate titles. Whatever MovieBot scores is final.
: Let's begin in one minute. And boy do I hope this game isn't too quick.
Counterpoint: I like that she's calling Ricky's bluff.
Zup: Ricardo: Start praying, man.
Maryam: Ricardo: Maybe you should give them a call?
: Oh. Say, that's an idea.
: Excuse me for one moment, Brianna.
: Sure thing, Ricky Boy.
nessachan: Yeah, hurry Rick.. I have to work and I want to see how this turns out before I sleep
LaZorra has entered.
Maryam: LZ!
Maryam: I was tempted to call you Lizarda just now.
Maryam: Which would be an awesome name for a really corny evil sorceress.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #2: Ronald Allen.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Year: 1958.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Director: Roy Ward Baker.
: Remember, we're only playing to ten points, so each point counts triple in the tournament scores.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #3: Robert Ayres.
Counterpoint: No clue!
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #4: Honor Blackman.
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Title:  _    _ _ _ _ _    _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
LaZorra: Brianna: I like your shirt. A lot.
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Star #1: Kenneth More.
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Star #5: Anthony Bushell.
Eric: a river to murders
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Star #6: John Cairney.
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Star #8: Jane Downs.
ThePhan: a child is saddened
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was A Night to Remember (1958).
Zup: Apparently we forgot.
Maryam: Zup: Heh.
: Hello? Mom? Yeah, you were supposed to meet me down here two and a half hours ago. Brianna is fit to be tied.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Year: 1986.
ThePhan: hoosiers
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #2: Shelley Long.
ThePhan: the great mouse detective
Eric: the burbs
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #4: Maureen Stapleton.
ThePhan: other movies made the year I was born
Eric: the money pit
MovieBot: Eric says The Money Pit (1986) and is right!
: Oh no! Is everybody ok?
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #1: Harrison Ford.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Director: Ridley Scott.
vballgirl: star wars
Eric: indiana jones and the temple of doom
TalkingDog: raiders of the lost ark
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Year: 1982.
Eric: blade runner
MovieBot: Eric says Blade Runner (1982) and is right!
Nyperold: the last crusade
: Oh, good. What caused the accident?
LaZorra: Harrison Ford caused the accident.
LaZorra: We were rubbernecking.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Director: Francois Truffaut.
Counterpoint: Of course he did.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #3: Claude Jade.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #4: Michael Lonsdale.
Eric: the 400 blows
Nyperold: the 400 blows
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #1: Jean-Pierre Leaud.
nessachan: Han ran the stop sign first!
: Some nutjob with a quarterstaff? Oh geez. ... Yeah, I know who you're talking about.
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Title:  _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _.
Eric: day for night
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Star #2: Delphine Seyrig.
Eric: running aways
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Writer: Claude de Givray.
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Star #7: Daniel Ceccaldi.
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Star #6: Andre Falcon.
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Year: 1968.
: Listen, my time is almost up. How far away are you?
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was Baisers voles (1968).
MovieBot: Alternate title: Stolen Kisses.
Nyperold: OH!
Nyperold: Man, I thought of that, but dismissed it because it didn't fit the blanks.
Nyperold: Shoulda known it'd be geared to the French title.
: Oh, whew. Ok, see you soon. Thanks a million, Mom.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #4: Eddie Collins.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #3: Adriana Caselotti.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #1: Roy Atwell.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #2: Stuart Buchanan.
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Director: Walt Disney.
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Star #8: Otis Harlan.
vballgirl: Monsters inc
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Writer: Richard Creedon.
Eric: the apple dumpling gang
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Writer: Ted Sears.
vballgirl: Bambi
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Title:  _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _    _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _.
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Year: 1937.
TalkingDog: snow white and the seven dwarves
LaZorra: snow white and the seven dwarfs
ThePhan: snow white and the seven dwarfs
LuckyWizard: snow white and the seven dwarfs
vballgirl: Snow white and the seven dwarfs
MovieBot: LaZorra says Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) and is right!
TalkingDog: ...
* TalkingDog kicks himself.
Sam: TD: Ouch.
: They're almost here.
: So do I get to know who this rescue party is?
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Year: 1989.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #2: Charlie Sheen.
Eric: honey, i shrunk the kids
Eric: plattoon
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #4: Margaret Whitton.
Eric: hot shots
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Director: David S. Ward.
vballgirl: cadence
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #3: Corbin Bernsen.
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Star #1: Tom Berenger.
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Star #5: James Gammon.
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Writer: David S. Ward.
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Star #6: Rene Russo.
Counterpoint: Rar.
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Star #8: Charles Cyphers.
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was Major League (1989).
: My family.
: Your family? You're taking me to meet your mother? Ricardo, I broke up with you. It's a little late for that. The only thing I care to know -- and at this point it's idle curiosity only, I assure you -- is who that skank Sexsi is.
: Oh, you'll meet her too!
LaZorra: "Rar" would be a great title for a movie.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #3: Donnie Wahlberg.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #4: Erik Knudsen.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Title:  _ _ _    _ _.
Eric: three kings
Counterpoint: who is
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Director: Darren Lynn Bousman.
ThePhan: hey yo
Nyperold: Two II
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #2: Shawnee Smith.
Counterpoint: let in
Counterpoint: see me
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Star #1: Tobin Bell.
TalkingDog: yer it
Eric: nko tb
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Writer: Leigh Whannell.
TalkingDog: eat me
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Star #5: Franky G.
nessachan: the ad
Nyperold: You is
Counterpoint: why it
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Star #6: Glenn Plummer.
Eric: rap it
LuckyWizard: the it
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Star #7: Emmanuelle Vaugier.
Counterpoint: sue me
Nyperold: ice ts
ThePhan: why me
TalkingDog: noc lu
vballgirl: the pi
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was Saw II (2005).
ThePhan: you do
TalkingDog: LOL
nessachan: you no
ThePhan: LOL
nessachan: lol
ThePhan: Yeah.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #2: Vin Diesel.
LuckyWizard: xxx
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #3: Michelle Rodriguez.
Counterpoint: the fast and the furiou
vballgirl: pacifier
TalkingDog: iron giant
Counterpoint: the fast and the furious
ThePhan: the fast and the furious
MovieBot: Counterpoint says The Fast and the Furious (2001) and is right!
Counterpoint: whew
Sam: Hehehe. Close.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #1: Sylvester Stallone.
Counterpoint: rocky
TalkingDog: rocky
ThePhan: rocky
LuckyWizard: rocky
Sam: rocky
Counterpoint: rambo
Eric: judge dredd
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #3: Marc de Jonge.
vballgirl: cliffhanger
LuckyWizard: rocky 2
Nyperold: pocky iii
Counterpoint: rocky 3
Eric: cliffhanger
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Director: Peter MacDonald.
nessachan: we need some 1930s movie musicals
ThePhan: rocky 4
Counterpoint: rocky 4
nessachan: then I would win
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #2: Richard Crenna.
Counterpoint: rocky 5
ThePhan: rambo
LuckyWizard: rocky balboa
vballgirl: rocky V
ThePhan: first blood
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #4: Kurtwood Smith.
Eric: first blood
Nyperold: dirty harry
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Year: 1988.
Eric: rambo iii
Eric: rambo ii
MovieBot: Eric says Rambo III (1988) and is right!
vballgirl: rambo
Nyperold: wrong actor
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #4: Tony Lo Bianco.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #1: Gene Hackman.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Title:  _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
vballgirl: superman
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #3: Roy Scheider.
ThePhan: the french connection
Eric: the french connection
MovieBot: ThePhan says The French Connection (1971) and is right!
LaZorra: POINT
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/9: Star #1: Bibi Andersson.
Eric: the seventh seal
MovieBot: Clue 2/9: Star #3: Margaretha Krook.
Eric: persona
MovieBot: Eric says Persona (1966) and is right!
Eric: I don't know any other Bergman titles.
vballgirl: Fast.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Director: John Ford.
Counterpoint: the searchersw
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #2: Lee J. Cobb.
Eric: stagecoach
Counterpoint: the searchers
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Director: Henry Hathaway.
Counterpoint: how green was our valley
Eric: how the west was won
MovieBot: Eric says How the West Was Won (1962) and is right!
Eric: Wow, holy crap.
: Hey, Mr. von Steppenwergen? Some people are coming.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #2: Stacey Nelkin.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #1: Tom Atkins.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #3: Dan O'Herlihy.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Director: Tommy Lee Wallace.
Nyperold: the atkins diet: the movie
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #4: Michael Currie.
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Year: 1982.
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Writer: Tommy Lee Wallace.
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Star #5: Ralph Strait.
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Star #7: Brad Schacter.
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Title:  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ :    _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _    _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _.
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982).
Counterpoint: Halloween III!
* TalkingDog cringes.
ThePhan: Ahhhh.
: RICKY! How's my boy? How's my boy? Give yer mother a HUG!
: Hi, Mom!
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #3: Pete Postlethwaite.
ThePhan: I see no family resemblance.
Counterpoint: Where's the rest of Mom's body?
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Director: Steven Spielberg.
Eric: romeo + juliet
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #4: Richard Attenborough.
vballgirl: e.t.
Eric: e.t.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #1: Jeff Goldblum.
: Let me look at you. Oh, Ricky. You don't eat enough. You should put some bacon bits on your salads.
Eric: the lost world
MovieBot: Eric says The Lost World (1997) and is right!
Maryam: the fly
: Mom, I want you to meet somebody. Mom, this is Brianna. Brianna, this is my mother.
LaZorra: Ricardo: Your mom is very . . . patriotic.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #2: Joaquin Phoenix.
Counterpoint: signs
MovieBot: Counterpoint says Signs (2002) and is right!
Eric: signs
ThePhan: signs
LaZorra: walk the line
: Uh, hi...Mrs. von Steppenwergen. *smile?*
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Director: Fritz Lang.
ThePhan: metropolis
Eric: nosferatu
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #3: Walter Abel.
ThePhan: clash by night
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #2: Spencer Tracy.
Eric: the last laugh
LaZorra: Mmm, Spencer Tracy.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #4: Bruce Cabot.
Eric: ??
: Hello, Brianna dearie. Well, you're every bit as lovely as Ricky was telling us, aren't you?
Counterpoint: inherit the wind
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #1: Sylvia Sidney.
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Star #6: Walter Brennan.
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Star #7: Frank Albertson.
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Writer: Bartlett Cormack.
Sam: fury
MovieBot: Sam says Fury (1936) and is right!
: We're an American family, you know.
: Yeah, I sort of gathered that.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Year: 1955.
ThePhan: Ricardo's mother sure knows how to dress when she wants to make an impression on someone...
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #4: Burl Ives.
Eric: back to the future
LaZorra: Eric: that would be 85.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Director: Elia Kazan.
ThePhan: cat on a hot tin roof
vballgirl: white christmas
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #3: Raymond Massey.
Eric: bridge over the river kwai
Counterpoint: streetcar named desire
Counterpoint: a streetcar named desire
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #2: James Dean.
: What's that shirt of yours say?
: Oh! Uh! Nothing! Uh! ... Be right back! *disappears*
LaZorra: Hey, I like her shirt.
Eric: bridge on the river kwai
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Star #1: Julie Harris.
Counterpoint: rebel without a cause
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Writer: Paul Osborn.
Nyperold: rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Writer: John Steinbeck.
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Star #7: Albert Dekker.
nessachan: The grapes of wrath
Eric: of mice and men
Counterpoint: grapes of wrath
: Well landsakes. What was all that about?
: Back! Sorry!
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Title:  _ _ _ _    _ _    _ _ _ _.
TalkingDog: grap of rath
Sam: TD: LOL
Eric: time to kill
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was East of Eden (1955).
MovieBot: Alternate title: John Steinbeck's East of Eden.
ThePhan: east of eden
ThePhan: I HAD IT
LaZorra: LOL
: Mom, where's everybody else?
: Oh, your father's parking the car. He'll be in in a moment.
* ThePhan is furious with herself now. Heh.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Director: William Wyler.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Year: 1949.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Title:  _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
ThePhan: LOL... I gave myself an adrenaline rush with all that suspense. I get a bit wrapped up in these bot games, it seems...
LaZorra: That *is* Brianna's arm. She's got her elbow perched on the rail behind her.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #4: Miriam Hopkins.
Counterpoint: the loveliest
Eric: the dinner
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #1: Olivia de Havilland.
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Star #3: Ralph Richardson.
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Star #2: Montgomery Clift.
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Writer: Augustus Goetz.
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Writer: Ruth Goetz.
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Star #8: Mona Freeman.
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was The Heiress (1949).
Maryam: AAH
: Hi, Dad! Dad, allow me to introduce my co-host, Brianna.
LaZorra: . . .
: Uhhhhh...hi, Mr. von Steppenwergen.
* ThePhan is now entirely baffled as to where Ricardo got his looks from.
LaZorra: Phan took the words right out of my mouth.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Title:  _ _ _ _ _.
Counterpoint: signs
TalkingDog: DEATH
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #4: Chloe Webb.
Eric: furor
ThePhan: diner
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Year: 1988.
Eric: misry
Counterpoint: loves
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #1: Arnold Schwarzenegger.
TalkingDog: rocky
ThePhan: movie!
ThePhan: twins
Eric: junior
Eric: wins
MovieBot: ThePhan says Twins (1988) and is right!
: Ah, and here.... Here is my sister, Ivy.
: Umm...*blush*...hi, Brianna. So nice to meet you.
ThePhan: Ricardo and Ivy were definitely adopted.
ThePhan: Although I'm not sure who looked at their parents and said, "Yes, you look like fit candidates to take on children."
nessachan: lol
LaZorra: LOL
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #4: Lucille Bremer.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #2: Margaret O'Brien.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #3: Mary Astor.
ThePhan: meet me in st. louis
MovieBot: ThePhan says Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) and is right!
vballgirl: Nice.
: Hello, Ivy.
: This is my husband, Grar.
ThePhan: LOL LOL
* TalkingDog dies.
nessachan: oh man I was too busy laughing to get the first movie I actually know
* ThePhan is scaring her family with her loud laughter.
Counterpoint: Grar?
: Yes? AAAHHHHHHHHH. Counterpoint, is it? AHHHHHHHHHHH Nice to meet you too! AHHHHHHHHHH
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #1: Lori Cardille.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #4: Jarlath Conroy.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Director: George A. Romero.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #3: Joseph Pilato.
Eric: night of the living dead
Eric: dawn of the dead
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #2: Terry Alexander.
Eric: land of the dead
ThePhan: day of the dead
MovieBot: ThePhan says Day of the Dead (1985) and is right!
Eric: BAH
ThePhan: more dead zombies
* TalkingDog the original Dawn of the Dead.
Nyperold: day of the night of the dawn...
ThePhan: the land of the dead
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #2: Karen Black.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #3: Billy Green Bush.
Eric: house of a thousand corpses
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Year: 1970.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #1: Jack Nicholson.
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #4: Fannie Flagg.
Nyperold: the shining
Counterpoint: shining
Eric: one flew over the cuckoo's nest
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Director: Bob Rafelson.
Nyperold: wolf ii: wolfer
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Star #8: Lois Smith.
vballgirl: one flew over the cuckoo nest
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Title:  _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _.
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Writer: Bob Rafelson.
ThePhan: jack nich olson
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Star #5: Sally Struthers.
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was Five Easy Pieces (1970).
Eric: five easy pieces
Eric: D'OH
Maryam: Oops. Sorry, Eric.
: Ricky? Can Over here?
: What's the matter?
: Your family is lovely, but what's this got to do with how you're a lousy no good two-timing double crossing heel?
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #2: Scott Glenn.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #1: Kevin Kline.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #3: Kevin Costner.
Eric: the ice storm
ThePhan: silverado
MovieBot: ThePhan says Silverado (1985) and is right!
: Two more on their way, Mr. von Steppenwergen.
: Here they come now.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Director: Stuart Rosenberg.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Year: 1979.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #1: James Brolin.
LaZorra: So the cat is the official doorman now. I like that.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Title:  _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _.
: Je suis arrivee, tout le monde! Oh-la-la, c'est must be Brianna!
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #2: Margot Kidder.
ThePhan: the connection french
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Star #3: Rod Steiger.
: *glare*
Eric: the superman returns
TalkingDog: the superduper monkey
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Star #4: Don Stroud.
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Star #5: Murray Hamilton.
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Star #8: K.C. Martel.
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Writer: Jay Anson.
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was The Amityville Horror (1979).
: Mademoiselle Brianna, I am called Sexsi. As you can see, of course. *giggle*
: Oh, it's a real thrill to meet you. Seriously.
Counterpoint: She's a veela.
nessachan: lol
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #4: Jon Voight.
ThePhan: national treasure
Eric: tomb raider
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Director: Tony Scott.
Nyperold: noah's ark
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #1: Will Smith.
Eric: holes
Counterpoint: men in black
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #2: Gene Hackman.
ThePhan: men in black
vballgirl: men in black
Eric: enemy of the state
LuckyWizard: men in black ii
MovieBot: Eric says Enemy of the State (1998) and is right!
ThePhan: that other movie
Counterpoint: wild wild west
: And THIS...
: This is my brother Sven.
: Hey folks!
ThePhan: Hehehe
Counterpoint: 'Sup, Sven.
Maryam: Ha! I knew it!
ThePhan: Hello, Sven.
[Sam->Maryam] You sure did. Man, I was floored.
[Maryam->Sam] Hehehe.
LaZorra: Just a guess: Were you conjoined at one point?
Eric: LaZorra: That's what they're covering up! The scar!
LaZorra: Ah-ha!
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #1: Val Kilmer.
Counterpoint: top gun
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Director: Oliver Stone.
ThePhan: top secret
vballgirl: batman
Eric: batman returns
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #2: Frank Whaley.
Eric: jfk
Eric: nixon
vballgirl: first sight
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #3: Kevin Dillon.
Eric: priest
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #4: Meg Ryan.
: Wh... B... H... *looks back and forth*
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Title:  _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _.
Eric: the onion
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Star #7: Billy Idol.
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Writer: Oliver Stone.
Eric: the doors
MovieBot: Eric says The Doors (1991) and is right!
: Tw...ins?
Nyperold: the offic
: Nice to meet you, Bri. Can I call you Bri?
LaZorra: Mm, brie.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Director: Tony Scott.
: Sven and I are twins, yeah. I'd have figured it out sooner, but I thought Sven was in Paris.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #2: Gene Hackman.
Counterpoint: tomb raider
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #4: George Dzundza.
vballgirl: superman
Counterpoint: enemy of the state
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #1: Denzel Washington.
: That's where I met Sexsi!
ThePhan: crimson tide
MovieBot: ThePhan says Crimson Tide (1995) and is right!
: Aww, Sven, mon petit are so romantic. Muah, muah.
nessachan: Aw.. isn't that cute
LaZorra: "My little chihuahua?" Er.
Maryam: LZ: Actually, I think she's calling him a cabbage, which is even better.
LaZorra: Ahh. Food is so much more romantic.
TalkingDog: He's a Cabbage Patch Kid?
Maryam: Especially when you put it on your head.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Director: Jack Arnold.
: ...
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #3: April Kent.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #1: Grant Williams.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #4: Paul Langton.
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #2: Randy Stuart.
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Star #8: Helene Marshall.
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Year: 1957.
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Writer: Richard Matheson.
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Star #6: William Schallert.
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Title:  _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _.
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957).
: Sven surprised us all last night. He's just been engaged, and he took her home to meet us all. You'd have met them too, if you had come with me last night, like we planned.
: ...
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #2: Garrison Hershberger.
Counterpoint: ...
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Director: Phil Alden Robinson.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #3: Robert Redford.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #4: Sidney Poitier.
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #1: Jo Marr.
Eric: sneakers
MovieBot: Eric says Sneakers (1992) and is right!
vballgirl: who's coming to dinner
TalkingDog: Ack. I shoulda known that.
vballgirl: Me too.
vballgirl: I love that movie.
: *wolf whistle* Say Ricky, you did all RIGHT for yourself! Rawr rawr!
: *smack*
: Only kidding, baby, only kidding!
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Director: Andrew Stanton.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #4: Hayden Panettiere.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #3: Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
ThePhan: remember the titans
ThePhan: the ice princess
: I...
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #2: Kevin Spacey.
Eric: what about bob
Counterpoint: k-pax
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Title:  _    _ _ _ ' _    _ _ _ _.
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Director: John Lasseter.
vballgirl: pay it forward
Counterpoint: i don't care
Eric: i don't care
ThePhan: a man's tale
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Star #1: Dave Foley.
Nyperold: a bug's life
MovieBot: Nyperold says A Bug's Life (1998) and is right!
vballgirl: I can't walk
Eric: !
ThePhan: a bug's life
Eric: Dave Foley is awesome.
Nyperold: Finally, a point.
: This...*gulp*...this is your family, huh? Sven? Gonna...have a new sister-in-law, huh?
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Year: 1998.
Eric: run lola run
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #3: Maria Pitillo.
Counterpoint: red violin
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #2: Jean Reno.
: *hushed expectancy*
Eric: the professional
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Title:  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Eric: borkeld
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #1: Matthew Broderick.
Counterpoint: godzilla
Maryam: godzilla
MovieBot: Counterpoint says Godzilla (1998) and is right!
LuckyWizard: godzilla
vballgirl: godzilla
Maryam: Darn. One I actually knew, and I wasn't quick enough.
Nyperold: GOJIRA
: This is it, then? Your whole family?
: Well--
: Oh, hi Uncle Slouch.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: That's awesomeness.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Title:  _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _    _ _ _    _ _ _ _.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Year: 1971.
Eric: flight to the moon
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #2: Norma Crane.
nessachan: lol
ThePhan: peoples on the roof
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #1: Topol.
Counterpoint: Topol?
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Director: Norman Jewison.
ThePhan: fiddler on the roof
MovieBot: ThePhan says Fiddler on the Roof (1971) and is right!
LuckyWizard: fiddler on the roof
nessachan: barefoot in the park
Eric: Topol?
ThePhan: My random guess had "on the roof."
Nyperold: Topol.
nessachan: d'oh I could have had that one too
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #4: Saunders Triplets.
Maryam: Is that one person or three?
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #1: Richard Harris.
* LaZorra is still amazed that she got Snow White.
ThePhan: camelot
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Director: Chris Columbus.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #2: Maggie Smith.
LuckyWizard: harry potter and the sorcerer's stone
MovieBot: LuckyWizard says Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) and is right!
ThePhan: harry potter and the chamber of secrets
Counterpoint: harry potter and the chamber of secrets
: Can you excuse us for a moment, Uncle Slouch?
: What, you got a hot babe and now I'm not good enough for you anymore? HAHAHAHAH...sure, Ricky, you can go over there or something.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Title:  _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _.
LuckyWizard: Yay, point!
ThePhan: nein nein nein
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Star #3: Kenneth Branagh.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #1: Will Smith.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Year: 1999.
Counterpoint: wild wild west
Eric: wild wild west
MovieBot: Counterpoint says Wild Wild West (1999) and is right!
: Ricky...I....
: Well go on, say it.
LaZorra: That is not a movie. I refuse to remember that movie.
Nyperold: Sure it is. It's on Sam's Top 6 movies he was disappointed by.
LaZorra: I like the TV show too much to remember it as a movie. :-p
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #4: Edith Atwater.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Year: 1945.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Title:  _ _ _    _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #3: Henry Daniell.
Eric: the life aquatic
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Director: Robert Wise.
ThePhan: the lost weekend
TalkingDog: the four horsemen
MovieBot: Clue 6/10: Star #1: Boris Karloff.
: I am so...sorry. Gosh, sorry doesn't seem to cut it does it? I've been horrible to you. Suspicious, vindictive....
MovieBot: Clue 7/10: Star #2: Bela Lugosi.
Eric: the wolf creature
MovieBot: Clue 8/10: Writer: Robert Louis Stevenson.
MovieBot: Clue 9/10: Star #8: Donna Lee.
: Well, yes. *smile* But that's not what I meant. Say you love me.
Maryam: Awww, he's so forgiving.
LaZorra: Brianna: DON'T DO IT IT'S A TRAP
nessachan: awe... botlove
MovieBot: Clue 10/10: Star #5: Russell Wade.
Eric: the rime marinerial
MovieBot: Time's up! The movie was The Body Snatcher (1945).
MovieBot: Alternate title: Robert Louis Stevenson's 'The Body Snatcher'.
Nyperold: Okay, that works.
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Title:  _ _ _ _ _    _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Director: Wilfred Jackson.
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Director: Clyde Geronimi.
Eric: times of drunkards
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #2: Ed Wynn.
Nyperold: I was thinking, "Karloff and Lugosi?"
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #1: Kathryn Beaumont.
Eric: alice in wonderland
MovieBot: Eric says Alice in Wonderland (1951) and is right!
MovieBot: Eric wins!
ThePhan: alice in wonderland
Maryam: Yay Eric!
vballgirl: Congrats Eric!
Counterpoint: Congrats.
ThePhan: Good job, Eric!
Counterpoint: The game rankings are really spread out in this tournament.
: I--
: Well, actually, I--
: Uncle Slouch, do you mind? We're having an important moment here.
: Ricky, I don't know how you can forgive me.
: What's to forgive? It was a pretty understandable misunderstanding, and I was just as suspicious and vindictive -- you just weren't as clumsy as I was about clearing things up.
* LaZorra readies the trashcan for puking into.
: But I--
: Look, I've forgiven you. Forgive yourself. Let's just laugh it off. A funny misunderstanding, right? Let's start over, Brianna. You know we're special. Let's just start over, ok?
: *rolls eyes*
LaZorra: Archie: I like you, kid.
* TalkingDog pet teh kitty pet teh kitty...
Maryam: But if you tell them to start licking each other, I'm outta here.
: I love you, Brianna.
: I don't know why. *smirk* But I love you too, Ricky.
nessachan: I think I know why!
: Listen, um....
: Yes?
: I have a question to ask you.
: ...Yes?
Counterpoint: Marriage already?
: Um. Coming, coming.
: Uh. *scowl* Congratulations, Eric. *grump*
: Uh. Oh yeah, nicely done, I think.
Eric: How rude!
LaZorra: Hrmph. Hosts that don't pay attention to hosting.
: This is ridiculous.
nessachan: KITTY!!@(#*&!
Maryam: You tell 'em, Kitty.
: Lemme take care of this.
: Congratulations, Eric. Sam, I think I'm supposed to ask you to tally the scores before we call it a night. Everyone, stay tuned for the scores if you wish. Otherwise, see you back here at 9:30pm EDT on Thursday night for Session 5.
: Life cannot possibly be so complicated as humans make it out to be. *shakes head*
: I need me some string.
* nessachan gives kitty string
* LaZorra dangles a shoestring in front of Archie.
LaZorra: Yay!
nessachan: Okay I have to sleep now
nessachan: nite nite
nessachan: nite kitty! :D
nessachan has left.
: Whoops. Time to go sleep.
LaZorra: !!
Maryam: What a responsible young kitten.
Counterpoint: He listens to his momma.
Counterpoint: Remember what he said about talking to strangers?
Sam: That's right. He's a very good, very sensible kitty.
Sam: Ok, I guess I gotta tally the scores or something.
Maryam: I bet if that kitten were chatting in a chat room, and people started to make silly innuendo, he'd go tell his mom right then and there so he could get grounded.
LaZorra: LOL!!
ThePhan: Hmm. Maybe Brianna had to wear the blue shirt yesterday so as not to suck the cuteness out of the pets?
Maryam: Phan: Sounds reasonable!
* LaZorra wonders if Ricky's going to ask Brianna that question tonight.
* Counterpoint wonders if Ricky wants to marry Brianna after one week.
LaZorra: Cp: I've heard of crazier things.
Sam: A few decades ago, that kind of time frame wasn't crazy at all.
Sam: Well, several decades.
Sam: There! Scores up to date!
LaZorra: Eek. I've got to make a serious comeback.
Counterpoint: The left table there is a pretty even spread.
Counterpoint: Makes me a little nervous. ;)
Sam: WhizKid is 26th.
Counterpoint: LOL
ThePhan: Ooh. I'm doing pretty good.
Sam: Academic Class has 5 bots, but only one unplayed. Unfortunately, that's the last session, so we won't see that one finalized for a while.
Maryam: Associative only needs one more too. And it's the last session, too.
Sam: Wordsmith will be done next session.
Eric: What's this "??? Class"?
Sam: That's the Mystery Bot.
Sam: It's got a class of its own.
Sam: We play that one on Friday.
Eric: Ah
ThePhan: Whee!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Ultimate Bot Tournament #3: Session 5: Thursday, 8/16/07, 9:30pm EDT.' by Sam.

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