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Ultimate Bot Tournament #2: Session 1

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Zup: Is Rinkchat slow for anyone else tonight?
Randy: nope
vballgirl: I'm going to use that as my excuse, anyway...
Sam: Well howdy.
Zup: UBT ahoy!
ThePhan: Whee!
* Zup thinks that there should be celebrity-styled interviews of past winners before we start.
vballgirl: I think we should send Gremlinn out for pizza.
gremlinn: Okay, I'll go get pizza.
gremlinn is away.
LaZorra: :-.
vballgirl: And still win, right?
Zup: E-pizza!
LaZorra: Of course.
BlitzBot has been summoned by Sam.
FAQBot has been summoned by Sam.
Nyperold: 3.14159 seconds later...
Sam: Ok, there is at least one FAQBot question about Blitz. Check that out by hitting FAQBot's instructions.
Sam: BlitzBot will be played in speed mode. In the event that an answer is not credited to a player when it should be (for example, if the player gives an answer with a different wording than the bot recognizes), then it is the responsibility of that player to call a timeout and claim the point. If a timeout is called, the bot will be paused (after any round in progress has completed), and Sam will make a determination of whether or not the point should be awarded. If so, the score will be adjusted. If the answer was incorrectly credited to a player who answered later, that player will lose the point. If, however, the bot credits an answer to a player incorrectly (that is, if a player says one thing, and the bot recognizes it as a valid...
Zup: I might have a chance this time, with my new internet connection...
Sam: ...wording of a totally different answer) then the scoring will stand.
Randy: I love the question about WordBot and gremlinn.
LaZorra: Hee.
LaZorra: So are we playing?
Sam: Starting in 60 seconds...
* Zup notices a significantly smaller number of participants.
* LaZorra has itchy fingers.
* Zup therefore has a greater chance. Maybe. Slightly.
* Sam scratches LaZorra's fingers.
LaZorra: Thanks.
Randy: edward g robinson
Randy: oops
Randy: just seeing how long it would take to type that.
flyingcats: You're early.
BlitzBot: Starting a new speed game:
BlitzBot: 721. Flower parts.
iwpg: petal
LaZorra: petal
Zup: pistil
Kysle: petal
Nyperold: stamen
flyingcats: petal
Randy: stem
Kysle: stem
LaZorra: stamen
iwpg: stamen
flyingcats: stamen
Randy: pistil
Zup: stem
LaZorra: anther
Kysle: pestel
flyingcats: pisttil
Nyperold: pistil
iwpg: leaf
Kysle: pestal
Randy: seed
ThePhan: bugs
vballgirl: iris
LaZorra: stem
ThePhan: laef
flyingcats: leaves
ThePhan: leaf
flyingcats: pollen
ThePhan: bud
iwpg: thorn
LaZorra: pollen
vballgirl: root
ThePhan: stem
Zup: pollen
Randy: root
flyingcats: roots
Kysle: root
Zup: seeds
ThePhan: seed
LaZorra: bract
Nyperold: stomata
Zup: roots
vballgirl: pestil
LaZorra: roots
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer petal.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer pistil.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer stamen.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer anther.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: sepal.
flyingcats: chlorophyll
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: filament.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: nectary.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: stigma.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: style.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: ovary.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: ovule.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: receptacle.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: pedicel/stalk.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +1, LaZorra: +1, Nyperold: +1, Zup: +1.
LaZorra: Dangit. I should have gotten more of those.
Zup: I got one! I got one!
ThePhan: I should have gotten... um, maybe one.
* LaZorra hangs her head in shame.
BlitzBot: 675. Large cats.
Randy: tiger
Zup: lion
flyingcats: lion
LaZorra: lion
ThePhan: lynx
iwpg: lion
Kysle: lion
flyingcats: tiger
ThePhan: tiger
Randy: puma
Zup: panther
iwpg: tiger
flyingcats: panther
ThePhan: lion
LaZorra: panther
Kysle: cougar
iwpg: ocelot
Nyperold: civet
vballgirl: cougar
ThePhan: puma
flyingcats: puma
ThePhan: jaguar
LaZorra: cheetah
Kysle: jaguar
Zup: jaguar
flyingcats: mountain lion
ThePhan: ocelot
Randy: jaguar
flyingcats: liger
vballgirl: mountain lion
Kysle: panther
LaZorra: bobcat
ThePhan: panther
vballgirl: cheeta
ThePhan: big mean housecat
Zup: cougar
Nyperold: cheetah
Randy: saber toothed tiger
TalkingDog has left.
Zup: hyena
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer tiger.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer lion.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer lynx.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer mountain lion/puma/panther/cougar.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer ocelot.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer jaguar.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer cheetah.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer bobcat.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: leopard.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +2, Randy: +2, ThePhan: +2, iwpg: +1, Zup: +1.
iwpg: giant kitty fiend
Zup: griffin!
LaZorra: Sweet.
Randy: Good one
LaZorra: I my new connection.
* Zup loves his new connection too.
Sam: LaZ: YAY!
vballgirl: Great job.
Randy: ditto
BlitzBot: 99. Lollipop flavors.
LaZorra: orange
ThePhan: orange
flyingcats: cherry
ThePhan: grape
LaZorra: grape
vballgirl: chery
ThePhan: green apple
Kysle: raspberry
Nyperold: lemon
iwpg: strawberry
vballgirl: cherry
flyingcats: lemon
ThePhan: cherry
Kysle: blueberry
vballgirl: oragne
Randy: pineapple
flyingcats: lime
Sam: Kid
ThePhan: raspberry
Kysle: chocolate
LaZorra: watermelon
vballgirl: arange
Nyperold: lime
Zup: banana
iwpg: sour
ThePhan: watermelon
Randy: cactus
ThePhan: strawberry
Zup: rainbow
ThePhan: chocolate
Randy: orange
ThePhan: banana
ThePhan: lemon
ThePhan: lime
Randy: blueberry
flyingcats: blue
Kysle: wild berry
vballgirl: watermelon
Nyperold: good ship
Zup: strawberry
ThePhan: cotton candy
ThePhan: bubble gum
Randy: oj
vballgirl: blueberry
Zup: marion berry
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer orange.
BlitzBot: flyingcats wins a point with answer cherry.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer grape.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer lemon.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer strawberry.
BlitzBot: flyingcats wins a point with answer lime.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: flyingcats: +2, iwpg: +1, LaZorra: +1, Nyperold: +1, ThePhan: +1.
ThePhan: pineapple
Randy: coconut
Zup: papaya
vballgirl: blackberry
flyingcats: :-D
Nyperold: I actually saw "Marion Berry" flavor a while back.
LaZorra: Yay fc!
Zup: Oregon is awesome.
BlitzBot: 481. Characters from The Duel of the Ages or The Game of the Ages.
Zup: sam
iwpg: darius
Zup: dave
Randy: blood drops
LaZorra: death
Sam: Get these right.
vballgirl: blood drops
Nyperold: Not saying it should be an answer...
Nyperold: wyrgna
vballgirl: soothsayer
Randy: darius longshore
iwpg: the sage
Zup: the main character
Kysle: death
Sam: You're missing my favorite character.
Nyperold: dayer drintine
Randy: googlehonk sisters
iwpg: jaquelinos
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer Sam.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer Darius Longshore.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer Dave.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer Blood Drops.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer Grim Reaper.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer Wyrgna.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer The Sage.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Rink.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Jacquillinos.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Garandel.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Marion.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Dayer Dryntine.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Poppy Selt.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Daerleena.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Gestald.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Jalt.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Hank Aaron.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +2, Zup: +2, LaZorra: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1.
vballgirl: darlaeena
iwpg: (No idea if that's spelled right.)
Zup: YES! 2!
LaZorra: Man, it's been years since I read that.
Sam: Kinegar Kyer...uh, except he's not in them. Well, a cameo in the secret area of GOAT.
Randy: Yeah, me too.
Nyperold: Eh. Misspelled "Dryntine".
BlitzBot: 595. Things people oil.
iwpg: Hmm, I was close.
Zup: cars
ThePhan: tin man
Kysle: car
LaZorra: pans
ThePhan: cars
iwpg: black gold
vballgirl: wheel
Randy: lights
Kysle: engine
Zup: bicycle
vballgirl: door
Kysle: door
Randy: car
vballgirl: hinge
LaZorra: furniture
LaZorra: leather
flyingcats: clocks
Kysle: bowling lanes
Randy: fittings
Zup: bread
Zup: salad
vballgirl: brake
Nyperold: salad
flyingcats: bicycle chains
LaZorra: hinges
iwpg: Oh, I thought it said "call oil".
Randy: lips
flyingcats: skin
vballgirl: skin
Kysle: bikes
LaZorra: bodies
flyingcats: hair
Kysle: tires
Randy: cahins
Randy: chains
Nyperold: sub sandwiches
Kysle: computers
LaZorra: squeaky things
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer car.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer frying pan.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer bicycle.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer hinge.
BlitzBot: flyingcats wins a point with answer body.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: motorcycle.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: fan.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Zup: +2, flyingcats: +1, LaZorra: +1, vballgirl: +1.
vballgirl: pan
Zup: chest
vballgirl: popcorn
* Zup is fairly happy.
LaZorra: Motorcycle's in there but not furniture?
Nyperold: Actually, I'm surprised I spelled "Wyrgna" right...
BlitzBot: 806. Words or phrases that end in "aid."
LaZorra: band
ThePhan: band-aid
flyingcats: aid
Zup: lemonaid
iwpg: band aid
Kysle: kool aid
flyingcats: first aid
Zup: maid
Randy: band
Nyperold: bandaid
iwpg: live aid
ThePhan: come to the aide
Zup: paid
LaZorra: first
Randy: first
Kysle: first aid
ThePhan: koolaid
ThePhan: lemonade
Zup: said
Kysle: maid
LaZorra: give
iwpg: diad
ThePhan: well paid
Randy: health
Kysle: said
Zup: arcaid
flyingcats: paid
Nyperold: raid
Randy: liad
Zup: aid
Randy: laid
flyingcats: said
iwpg: plain
ThePhan: mellonade
Kysle: aid
iwpg: plaid
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer Band-Aid.
BlitzBot: Kysle wins a point with answer Kool-Aid.
BlitzBot: flyingcats wins a point with answer first aid.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: hearing aid.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: foreign aid.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: flyingcats: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1.
Randy: said
Zup: Wow.
iwpg: D'oh, diad is iad, not aid.
BlitzBot: 215. Things people reach for once they're in bed.
ThePhan: glasses
LaZorra: light
vballgirl: clock
Kysle: glasses
iwpg: alarm clock
ThePhan: water
Randy: lights
vballgirl: light
Nyperold: spouse
ThePhan: lights
Kysle: alarm
Zup: alarm clock
LaZorra: water
Randy: covers
Kysle: covers
LaZorra: cat
iwpg: partner
Zup: brush
Randy: sheets
vballgirl: people
ThePhan: blankets
Kysle: nightcap
Zup: ipod
LaZorra: pill0ow
iwpg: tedyd
LaZorra: pillow
Randy: wife
Zup: toothbrush
iwpg: teddy
ThePhan: pillow
vballgirl: book
ThePhan: cell phone
Randy: book
Zup: sheets
Sam: corpse
ThePhan: calendar
vballgirl: work
Kysle: night light
ThePhan: organizer
Kysle: lamp
Nyperold: stuffed toy
Randy: water
LaZorra: computer
ThePhan: food
vballgirl: cat
Nyperold: truck
Kysle: spouse
ThePhan: remote control
iwpg: light switch
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer light.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer alarm clock.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer water.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer spouse.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer book.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer telephone.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer remote control.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3, vballgirl: +2, LaZorra: +1, Nyperold: +1.
Randy: bible
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: Sam: Stop spying on my bedtime rituals.
Sam: You do that too??
BlitzBot: 11. Sports car brands.
flyingcats: ohmy
Sam: Small world!
iwpg: ferrari
flyingcats: corvette
LaZorra: ferrari
iwpg: porche
flyingcats: ferrari
Kysle: speedy
LaZorra: corvette
Nyperold: lambroghini
Zup: gm
Randy: porsche
vballgirl: corvette
ThePhan: unknown by me
Zup: chevrolet
Randy: z car
Kysle: nissan
Randy: ford
Nyperold: chevette
Zup: lambourgini
Randy: mustang
Kysle: mustang
* LaZorra doesn't know cars.
vballgirl: lambourginni
Zup: mercedes
Nyperold: jaguar
Zup: nissan
LaZorra: Except for trucks.
Zup: datsun
Randy: firebird
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer Ferrari.
BlitzBot: flyingcats wins a point with answer Corvette.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer Porsche.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Lamborghini.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: flyingcats: +1, iwpg: +1, Randy: +1.
iwpg: Gah, spelling.
Zup: Argh! Spelled it wrong!
Nyperold: BORG
Nyperold: That should help.
Randy: chevette?
Sam: Three different spellings, and nobody got it right.
Zup: Borg hini?
BlitzBot: 100. Movie genres.
ThePhan: action
LaZorra: horror
iwpg: horror
Zup: noir
ThePhan: horror
flyingcats: comedy
Kysle: road
ThePhan: comedy
iwpg: comedy
flyingcats: horror
Kysle: travel
LaZorra: muscal
iwpg: drama
Zup: fantasy
ThePhan: musical
Randy: noir
LaZorra: musical
Kysle: comedy
flyingcats: romantic comedy
Zup: epic
vballgirl: romance
ThePhan: drama
iwpg: sci-fi
flyingcats: noir
Zup: slasher
iwpg: fantasy
Randy: horror
LaZorra: romance
Kysle: screwball comedy
ThePhan: kids
Nyperold: noir
ThePhan: animated
Kysle: gangster
flyingcats: sci fi
ThePhan: anime
vballgirl: country
Randy: neo noir
LaZorra: drama
flyingcats: thriller
flyingcats: drama
LaZorra: noir
Kysle: romance
flyingcats: romance
ThePhan: romantic comedy
Zup: French New wave
Randy: french
ThePhan: b-movie
Kysle: romantic comedy
ThePhan: sci-fi
LaZorra: anime
vballgirl: black and white
Zup: neorealistic
iwpg: period
Sam: the kind with Jaffar (it's a genre of its own)
ThePhan: fantasy
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer action.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer horror.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer film noir.
BlitzBot: flyingcats wins a point with answer comedy.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer drama.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer science fiction.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer animated.
BlitzBot: flyingcats wins a point with answer thriller.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: mystery.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: western.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: flyingcats: +2, iwpg: +2, ThePhan: +2, LaZorra: +1, Zup: +1.
LaZorra: bad
Randy: foreign language
ThePhan: bad bad bad bad movie
Nyperold: german expressionissm
Zup: Yay Noir!
vballgirl: Country was close...
Randy: ME TOO
Sam: LOL
BlitzBot: 804. Things that are bad for your skin.
LaZorra: sun
Zup: sun
Sam: eating it
vballgirl: sun
iwpg: sun
ThePhan: chocolate
Randy: dirt
Kysle: alcohol
Randy: sand
ThePhan: greaes
iwpg: scratching
Sam: ironing it
LaZorra: makeup
ThePhan: greasy finegrs
Zup: candy
vballgirl: fire
flyingcats: grass
Randy: air
Zup: acid
LaZorra: picking it off
Randy: hot air
vballgirl: glue
flyingcats: cancer
Sam: ripping it up
Kysle: sandpaper
ThePhan: flame
flyingcats: fire
LaZorra: dry air
Randy: honey
Zup: oil
ThePhan: death
iwpg: chafing
Zup: mud
Kysle: fire
Randy: water
vballgirl: pins
ThePhan: decomposing
Nyperold: bees
flyingcats: grease
Sam: flying into the sun
Kysle: bugs
flyingcats: swords
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer sun.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer chocolate.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer dirt.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer make-up.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer oil.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: wind.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +2, Randy: +1, ThePhan: +1, Zup: +1.
Randy: oil
flyingcats: acid
Nyperold: nukes
LaZorra: Nyp: That would be bad, yeah.
Kysle: I thought chocolate baths were good...
Sam: peeling it off
LaZorra: Peeling it off should so be in there.
vballgirl: Bad for teens
BlitzBot: 87. Gardening tools.
LaZorra: I do that. :-.
Zup: spade
Kysle: Ohh
LaZorra: hoe
iwpg: spade
ThePhan: Decomposing is definitely bad for teh skin.
Zup: hoe
iwpg: rake
LaZorra: shovel
Randy: hoe
vballgirl: shovel
Kysle: rake
LaZorra: rake
iwpg: hoe
vballgirl: fork
Nyperold: trowel
Kysle: spade
Randy: trawl
iwpg: trowel
LaZorra: pick
vballgirl: rake
Zup: shovel
ThePhan: trowel
Randy: awl
Kysle: hose
ThePhan: rake
vballgirl: lawn mower
LaZorra: seeder
ThePhan: spade
Kysle: watering can
Randy: rake
Kysle: tin
ThePhan: tractor
vballgirl: blower
Zup: sprikler
Randy: pick axe
ThePhan: kids
vballgirl: trimmer
Zup: sprinkler
iwpg: fork
Kysle: gloves
ThePhan: seed planter
LaZorra: nippers
vballgirl: wheel barrow
Kysle: hand saw
ThePhan: gloves
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer spade.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer hoe.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer rake.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer shovel.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer trowel.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: wheelbarrow.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: tiller.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +2, iwpg: +1, Nyperold: +1, Zup: +1.
Nyperold: dynamite
vballgirl: gloves
Randy: scissors
LaZorra: Spades, shovels, and trowels are each different things? I did not know this.
flyingcats: gah.
ThePhan: Nor I.
flyingcats has left.
BlitzBot: 753. Things belly dancers wear.
LaZorra: nothing
ThePhan: But then I don't garden.
Zup: beads
vballgirl: Wheelbarrow is one word. I did not know this.
Randy: jewels
iwpg: makeup
Kysle: beads
ThePhan: bellies
LaZorra: coins
Zup: pants
Randy: scarves
Kysle: clothes
Kysle: shoes
Sam: Trowels are little short scoops.
vballgirl: jewels
Kysle: hats
iwpg: earrings
Kysle: makeup
LaZorra: sheer things
Randy: dresses
Zup: veils
Nyperold: smiles
Kysle: earings
vballgirl: scarf
Kysle: jewlery
Randy: perfume
LaZorra: things that make noise
Zup: necklace
Kysle: scarf
vballgirl: smile
LaZorra: hand cymbals
Randy: cymbad
iwpg: glitter
Nyperold: pearls
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer jewelry.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer bells.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer veil.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer sash/scarf.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: belt.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: skirt.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: caftan.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: tassels.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: castanet/zild.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Randy: +1, ThePhan: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
LaZorra: bellybutton rings
Nyperold: beads
* ThePhan cracks up.
BlitzBot: vballgirl's score has been incremented by 1 point.
LaZorra: Augh, so close to castanet.
ThePhan: I said "bellies" and it counted it as "bells."
Sam: vball: Close enough on wheelbarrow.
Randy: heh
ThePhan: Hurrah for getting points for being a goon.
vballgirl: Thanks a LOT!!!
Sam: TP: They're practically teh same thing.
iwpg: TP: heh.
BlitzBot: 216. Words that mean "scream."
ThePhan: My belly is not very much like a bell.
LaZorra: yell
ThePhan: shriek
Zup: yell
iwpg: yell
Kysle: yell
ThePhan: howl
LaZorra: holler
ThePhan: wail
Randy: yell
iwpg: shout
Kysle: hollar
ThePhan: cry
Zup: shout
iwpg: scream
Kysle: holla
ThePhan: holler
vballgirl: yell
LaZorra: yelp
Kysle: holler
ThePhan: shout
LaZorra: wail
Kysle: yodal
Zup: make a racket
Kysle: yodel
vballgirl: holler
Randy: yodel
Zup: yodel
ThePhan: yell
Kysle: wail
Nyperold: screech
vballgirl: bellow
Randy: scream
ThePhan: freak out
LaZorra: rend the air
Zup: pour out your soul
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer yell.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer shriek.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer holler.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer wail.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer shout.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer cry.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer screech.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: roar.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: caterwaul.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3, LaZorra: +2, iwpg: +1, Nyperold: +1.
vballgirl: sing
LaZorra: I love that word.
Kysle: ululation?
ThePhan: I love when it gets to the point where we've all run out of answers and are throwing out nonsense.
LaZorra: hehe, yeah.
BlitzBot: 46. Classic board games.
ThePhan: monopoly
Randy: heh
Zup: scrabble
iwpg: chess
LaZorra: chess
ThePhan: clue
iwpg: risk
LaZorra: go
vballgirl: chess
Kysle: parchesi
ThePhan: chess
Zup: monopoly
ThePhan: checkers
Randy: monopoly
LaZorra: scrabble
vballgirl: monopoly
Nyperold: backgammon
ThePhan: boggle
Randy: risj
Kysle: checkers
Zup: risk
iwpg: draughts
LaZorra: bingo
Randy: risk
Kysle: scrabble
vballgirl: cribbage
ThePhan: lief
ThePhan: life
ThePhan: candyland
Kysle: jingo
LaZorra: sorry
Zup: cluedo
vballgirl: checkers
Randy: mahjohng
iwpg: snakes and ladders
Randy: clue
ThePhan: aggravation
Zup: battleship
ThePhan: chinese checkers
Kysle: dinomyte
LaZorra: pictionary
vballgirl: bingo
iwpg: go
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Monopoly.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer Chess.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Clue.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer Risk.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer Go.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Checkers.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer Backgammon.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Life.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Candyland.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer Sorry!.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Parcheesi.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Othello.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Stratego.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +5, iwpg: +2, LaZorra: +2, Nyperold: +1.
Sam: That's why BlitzBot just doesn't work in quiz mode. Half the fun of the game is reading what people submit.
ThePhan: Whoa. Can you tell I play a lot of board games?
Sam: And ThePhan pulls into the lead!
Randy: yeah
Nyperold: Yeah, I was thinking that.
BlitzBot: 326. Things that are floppy.
ThePhan: disks
vballgirl: ears
LaZorra: disks
iwpg: disks
Kysle: disks
Randy: ears
Zup: trunks
ThePhan: bunnies
Nyperold: fish
Kysle: ears
vballgirl: breast
iwpg: towels
ThePhan: hands
LaZorra: stuffed animals
Kysle: bunnies
Randy: tails
ThePhan: feathers
iwpg: cloth
vballgirl: hands
Kysle: mad scientists
Zup: paper
iwpg: hair
LaZorra: towels
ThePhan: sad people
Randy: rear ends
vballgirl: dog ears
Kysle: half-melted chocolate bars
Kysle: springs
LaZorra: muscles that need working out.
Zup: dog
iwpg: clothes
Randy: mattress
vballgirl: cottontail
Randy: fat
Zup: tongue
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer floppy disk.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer rabbit ear.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer paper.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: slippers.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: noodles.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: banana peels.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: worms.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
Randy: flab
vballgirl: bracelet
Kysle: grass
Sam: vball: Breast??
Sam: LOL
Zup: LOL
vballgirl: Sorry...
ThePhan: LOL
vballgirl: Not mine of course.
Nyperold: Although I suppose if you're going to give a silly answer, you could always "forget" to use /b...
BlitzBot: 405. Parts of the body people love to have massaged.
Randy: foot
iwpg: skin
LaZorra: back
Zup: back
iwpg: back
ThePhan: back
Randy: back
Kysle: feet
Zup: shoulder
ThePhan: feet
LaZorra: foot
vballgirl: back
ThePhan: legs
vballgirl: head
Randy: butt
Kysle: neck
LaZorra: head
Zup: neck
vballgirl: face
ThePhan: neck
Randy: temlples
ThePhan: arms
ThePhan: hands
Kysle: calves
Randy: templed
ThePhan: head
Zup: ankle
Kysle: spines
Nyperold: temples
Randy: temples
ThePhan: shoulders
LaZorra: neck
Zup: Ear
ThePhan: thighs
Kysle: fingers
Randy: neck
LaZorra: ears
ThePhan: stomach
LaZorra: nose
iwpg: SPINES
Zup: face
LaZorra: cheeks
ThePhan: spleen
Randy: stomach
LaZorra: thighs
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer back.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer shoulders.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer scalp.
BlitzBot: Kysle wins a point with answer neck.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
LaZorra: fingers
* LaZorra giggles at Sam.
vballgirl: No feet?
BlitzBot: 34. Desserts.
Zup: Sam: Why not?
ThePhan: ice cream
Randy: ice cream
LaZorra: cake
iwpg: trifle
vballgirl: cake
ThePhan: cake
Kysle: ice cream!
vballgirl: pie
Randy: pie
LaZorra: chocolate
Randy: cake
iwpg: cheesecake
ThePhan: meringue
vballgirl: pudding
LaZorra: trifle
Kysle: chocolate
vballgirl: jello
Zup: parfait
Kysle: mousse
LaZorra: truffle
ThePhan: trifle
ThePhan: brownie
Nyperold: cobbler
vballgirl: fruit
Zup: candy
Kysle: sugar
iwpg: blamange
LaZorra: tirimisu
Zup: lollipop
ThePhan: yogurt
Kysle: brownies
Randy: apple turnover
LaZorra: pie
Kysle: sprinkles
vballgirl: doughnut
LaZorra: cookie
Kysle: whipped cream
vballgirl: truffle
ThePhan: candy
Kysle: cake
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer ice cream.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer cake.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer pie.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer cheesecake.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer pudding.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer gelatin.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer fruit.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer candy.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer cookies.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: tarts.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: vballgirl: +4, LaZorra: +2, iwpg: +1, ThePhan: +1, Zup: +1.
ThePhan: sunade
Kysle: truffles
Nyperold: xanga
Sam: We know who has the sweet tooth.
vballgirl: Alright!
LaZorra: hehe
Sam: And LaZorra ties it up.
vballgirl: Sam: Where's gremlinn...
iwpg: Getting pizza.
LaZorra: Whoa, I didn't realize I was that close to TP.
Sam: Probably still getting that pizza.
BlitzBot: 196. Places you go to relax.
ThePhan: park
LaZorra: beach
Randy: bed
Zup: spa
Kysle: park
iwpg: park
ThePhan: room
LaZorra: spa
Kysle: bed
ThePhan: spa
Zup: pool
Nyperold: risa
Randy: Vegas
Kysle: couch
iwpg: garden
Kysle: zoo
ThePhan: house
vballgirl: bed
LaZorra: bed
Randy: couch
ThePhan: garden
Kysle: heaven
vballgirl: vacation
LaZorra: RinkChat
Zup: home
ThePhan: greenhouse
Randy: tv room
ThePhan: library
vballgirl: deck
Randy: sleep
Zup: california
vballgirl: picnic
LaZorra: horsey barn
Zup: sauna
ThePhan: hotel
Kysle: library
Randy: hammock
iwpg: temple
Kysle: church
vballgirl: water
LaZorra: library
vballgirl: bath
Zup: waterfall
vballgirl: bathe
Zup: nature
Kysle: home
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer park.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer beach.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer home.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer spa/bath.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer pool.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer sauna.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: woods.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: movies.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: cemetery.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Zup: +3, LaZorra: +1, Randy: +1, ThePhan: +1.
LaZorra: lake
Randy: pool
Sam: I hope he gets back soon, too. I'm hungry.
LaZorra: hehe
Sam: The tie holds.
Nyperold: (Risa)
* Zup is waiting for some e-pizza.
vballgirl: I sent him, but I was joking.
Zup: Cemetary?
Zup: To relax?
ThePhan: I wonder if "theater" would have counted for "movies."
BlitzBot: 471. Words or phrases containing "key."
LaZorra: Cemeterys are cool.
Randy: No one talks back there.
ThePhan: monkey
LaZorra: phrase
iwpg: monkey
ThePhan: donkey
iwpg: donkey
ThePhan: key chain
Randy: turnkey
Kysle: portkey
LaZorra: hole
ThePhan: key ring
Zup: keyring
Nyperold: key largo
vballgirl: monkey
Randy: turkey
ThePhan: hold the key
ThePhan: hidden key
iwpg: keychain
LaZorra: to the puzzle
ThePhan: lock and key
Nyperold: florida keys
Randy: florida keys
LaZorra: turn the
ThePhan: key to the heart
Kysle: key
Zup: map key
vballgirl: keyport
ThePhan: turkey
LaZorra: word
Kysle: keyboard
ThePhan: funky
Zup: key lime pie
vballgirl: key to my heart
Kysle: key bank
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer monkey.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer donkey.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer turnkey.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer key ring.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer turkey.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer Florida Keys.
BlitzBot: Kysle wins a point with answer keyboard.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer key lime pie.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: house key.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: car key.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: keystone.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: keystroke.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: keynote.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: latch key.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: key to the city.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: key in.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3, Randy: +2, Kysle: +1, Nyperold: +1, Zup: +1.
LaZorra: florida
LaZorra: Dang.
vballgirl: Now we know who has the biggest key ring.
BlitzBot: 809. Michael Crichton novels.
Sam: And ThePhan reclaims the lead.
Zup: prey
LaZorra: Oh, crap.
Zup: lost world
ThePhan: jurassic park
Nyperold: enemy of teh state
Randy: jurassic park
ThePhan: congo
Kysle: jurassic park
iwpg: andromeda strain
Zup: jurassic park
ThePhan: timeline
Randy: prey
Zup: enemy of the state
Randy: rainmaker
Nyperold: enemy of the state
Kysle: time machine
ThePhan: a bunch of books I didn't read
Kysle: truth machine
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Jurassic Park.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Congo.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Timeline.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Andromeda Strain.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Terminal Man.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Great Train Robbery.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Eaters of the Dead.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Sphere.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Rising Sun.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Disclosure.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Lost World.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Airframe.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3.
LaZorra: LOL
Sam: LOL
Zup: What?
ThePhan: LOL!
iwpg: Grr, needs "the"?
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: Good job, Phan.
Randy: LOL! You rule Phan!
BlitzBot: Zup's score has been incremented by 1 point.
* ThePhan doesn't even READ Michael Crichton.
vballgirl: Good job.
Sam: Zup said "Lost World."
Zup: Thank you.
ThePhan: iwpg said "Andromeda Strain."
BlitzBot: 185. Bad 1990s action movie sequels.
Kysle: rockey
Zup: batman and robin
Nyperold: highlander ii
LaZorra: Crap again.
ThePhan: batman 2
Randy: Die Hard 2
Randy: lethal weapon 2
Kysle: Oh.
Randy: highlander 2
Randy: rockey V
vballgirl: back to future 2
Zup: terminator 2
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer Batman & Robin.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer Highlander II: The Quickening.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Speed II: Cruise Control.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Robocop 3.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Robocop 2.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Beverly Hills Cop 3.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Nyperold: +1, Zup: +1.
Randy: Rocky V
iwpg: Sam: I said "andromeda strain" in the last round.
Sam: So you did.
BlitzBot: 450. Things people don't like about their jobs.
BlitzBot: iwpg's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Zup: boss
LaZorra: hours
iwpg: boss
vballgirl: pay
LaZorra: pay
Zup: time
iwpg: hours
Randy: pay
vballgirl: boss
Randy: hours
vballgirl: hours
Kysle: times
LaZorra: coworkers
Nyperold: conditions
Randy: location
iwpg: coworkers
Zup: dental
Randy: job
Kysle: food
LaZorra: getting hit on
ThePhan: work
ThePhan: pay
vballgirl: so-worker
Zup: medical
ThePhan: location
vballgirl: s
Randy: benefits
ThePhan: co-workers
ThePhan: boss
Sam: benefits
LaZorra: vacation time
Zup: sexual
ThePhan: paperwork
vballgirl: co-worker
Randy: treatment
ThePhan: break
ThePhan: benefits
Randy: harrasment
Kysle: benifits
Nyperold: catbert
ThePhan: retirement plan
vballgirl: benefits
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer boss.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer hours.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer salary.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer co-workers.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer the work.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: commute.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: parking space.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: stress level.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +2, Randy: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
LaZorra: paperwork
ThePhan: commuting
vballgirl: travel
LaZorra: is a BAD THING
Sam: YES
Randy: Yes it is
BlitzBot: 40. Mark Twain novels.
ThePhan: huckleberry fin
Zup: huckjleberry finn
LaZorra: huckleberry finn
Sam: the prince and the pauper
ThePhan: prince and the pauper
ThePhan: tom sawyer
Zup: tom sawyer
LaZorra: tom sawyer
Kysle: a tale of two cities
ThePhan: connecticut yankee
Nyperold: joan of arc
Randy: The story of adam and eve
Zup: jumping frog of calaveras county
ThePhan: other stuff I didn't read
gremlinn is back.
iwpg: PIZZA
LaZorra: Uh . . .
ThePhan: something about siamese twins
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer The Prince and the Pauper.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +2, LaZorra: +1, Sam: +1.
vballgirl: Welcome. That pizza smells good!
Sam: I FINALLY SCORED!!!!!!!!!!!
gremlinn: First pizza to be named by three different players wins. Go!
Sam: wHEW.
Sam: pepperoni
Zup: MMMMMMM, Pizza!
Nyperold: cheese
Sam: hawaiian
Randy: peppeoni
LaZorra: pepperoni
ThePhan: I love that two people misspelled Huck Finn before LaZorra got it.
Zup: taco
ThePhan: cheeseburger
gremlinn: pepperoni
vballgirl: Pepperoni
BlitzBot: 486. Monopoly playing pieces.
LaZorra: hat
Randy: car
ThePhan: thimble
Zup: shoe
iwpg: dog
vballgirl: shoe
ThePhan: horse
Kysle: hat
Zup: dog
iwpg: hat
Randy: dog
LaZorra: car
ThePhan: shoe
vballgirl: horse
Randy: hat
Kysle: top hat
Nyperold: battleship
LaZorra: horse
Kysle: car
vballgirl: iron
iwpg: boat
ThePhan: car
Kysle: shoe
Zup: battleship
ThePhan: top hat
Nyperold: cannon
LaZorra: cannon
Zup: horse
Randy: ship
Kysle: thimble
vballgirl: car
iwpg: iron
Zup: moneybag
vballgirl: hat
LaZorra: shoe
vballgirl: boot
Nyperold: lead pipe
LuckyWizard has entered.
vballgirl: battleship
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer top hat.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer racecar.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer thimble.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer shoe.
BlitzBot: iwpg wins a point with answer dog.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer horse and rider.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer battleship.
BlitzBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer iron.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +2, iwpg: +1, LaZorra: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins!
Kysle: Hi, LW!
LaZorra: YAY!!
Randy: Yay Phan!
Kysle: Nice!
LuckyWizard: Hi all!
Zup: WOO TP!
Sam: 5 minute break as I tally the scores.
Zup: Hey LW!
BlitzBot has been dismissed by Sam.
vballgirl: Congrats!
Nyperold: Huzzah!
ThePhan: Whee!
* Zup wishes he could be here for all of the games this time. Oh well.
Nyperold: Now for... the Moles.
LaZorra: Ergh.
vballgirl: Thought I got them burnt off...
Zup: I forgot that the moles werre tonight.
Nyperold: Ah well, Buzz is after. :)
Zup: It is an ______
vballgirl: Want them on your pizza gremlinn?
Randy: Luckily, Chrysanthemum isn't here.
gremlinn: I would like a mole of pepperonis.
vballgirl: Red or black?
Randy: Takes forever to get kick Chrysantemum out.
gremlinn: They come in black?
Sam: We were 5 minutes faster at playing that than in UBT #1.
gremlinn: Fewer players.
ThePhan: Yeah, we had approximately a bajillion people last time.
vballgirl: With a good imigination, grem, they come polka dotted.
vballgirl: *imagination
gremlinn: Who wants ice cream?
ThePhan: Yum. Me.
Randy: Yeah
gremlinn: Okay. I'll go out and get some. Back later.
ThePhan: (Say it quickly and you get "Yummy.")
LaZorra: But I haven't had dinner yet. :-(
gremlinn is away.
Nyperold: I wonder if there's frozen yogurt left here.
Randy: You Scream, I scream, we all scream for MOLEBOT
* iwpg nearly wrote "SINNER" there.
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: Ice cream is a sinner's food.
MoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
Randy: Then forgive me, for I will sin again.
Sam: Remember, this is a trilogy of MoleBots, all run back-to-back. MoleBot, SinbadBot, and KickMoleBot, all in a row.
LaZorra: whack molebot
Zup: That 3rd place won't last long.
vballgirl: Darn, didn't look at last two.
Sam: I guess not in that order. Kick is second. Anyway, from the rules: MoleBot/KickMoleBot/SinbadBot: As they are all variants of the same basic game, will be considered a single game for tournament purposes. Each of the three games will be played to 10 points. The winner of the game will be the person with the highest total score across all three games. Note that this could potentially be someone who did not win either of the three individual games.
Sam: *either->any
LaZorra: *any, not either.
LaZorra: LOL
Randy: hehe
Zup: *correction here
Randy: whack randy
Randy: doh
Sam: MoleBot begins in 60 seconds...
FAQBot has been dismissed by Sam.
* LaZorra cleans off her glasses.
MoleBot: LaZorra has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack lazorra
MoleBot: ThePhan beats up LaZorra with a watermelon. Score!
Zup: whack lazorra
iwpg: whack lazorra
MoleBot: ThePhan has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
MoleBot: ThePhan escapes safely underground.
Kysle: whack thephan
Randy: whack thephan
ThePhan: whack thephan
LaZorra: whack thephan
Sam: ThePhan is such a tease.
MoleBot: gremlinn has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: ThePhan skins gremlinn in the neck with a steam engine. Score!
LuckyWizard: whack gremlinn
Zup: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: Kysle has popped out of the ground.
iwpg: whack kysle
LaZorra: whack kysle
MoleBot: iwpg thwacks Kysle in the jaw with a vat of battery acid. Score!
Randy: whack kysle
ThePhan: whack kysle
Kysle: whack randy
Zup: whack kysle
LuckyWizard: whack kysle
MoleBot: LaZorra has popped out of the ground.
MoleBot: LaZorra escapes safely underground.
Kysle: Ouch!
ThePhan: whack lazorra
Zup: whack lazoora
MoleBot: Randy has popped out of the ground.
Kysle: whack luckywizard
Zup: whack randy
LuckyWizard: whack randy
Randy: whack randy
MoleBot: Zup whacks Randy in the neck with Nyperold. Score!
iwpg: whack randy
ThePhan: whack randy
LaZorra: whack randy
Sam: "skins gremlinn in the neck with a steam engine" I can't quite visualize that, but it sounds painful.
MoleBot: LuckyWizard has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack LuckyWizard
MoleBot: ThePhan pummels LuckyWizard with Randy's head. Score!
Nyperold: whack LuckyWizard
LuckyWizard: whack LuckyWizard
iwpg: whack luckywizard
MoleBot: ThePhan has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack thephan
Randy: whack thephan
Zup: whack thephan
LaZorra: whack thephan
iwpg: whack thephan
MoleBot: ThePhan whonks ThePhan with a straight razor. Ouch!
MoleBot: iwpg has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack iwpg
MoleBot: ThePhan crushes iwpg with a steel girder. Score!
iwpg: whack iwpg
MoleBot: Kysle has popped out of the ground.
LaZorra: whack iwpg
Zup: whack iwpg
LuckyWizard: whack iwpg
ThePhan: whack kysle
MoleBot: ThePhan thwacks Kysle with biosolids. Score!
iwpg: whack kysle
Randy: whack kysle
MoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground.
Randy: whack sam
LaZorra: whack sam
Zup: whack sam
MoleBot: Randy slams Sam with a moose. Score!
ThePhan: whack sam
iwpg: whack sam
LuckyWizard: whack asma
LuckyWizard: whoa.
MoleBot: vballgirl has popped out of the ground.
Sam: A moose. How appropriate.
LaZorra: Whack a Sma!
ThePhan: whack vballgirl
Randy: whack vballgirl
Zup: whack vballgirl
iwpg: whack vballgirl
Kysle: whack vballgirl
MoleBot: ThePhan pummels vballgirl with a lug wrench. Score!
LuckyWizard: whack vballgirl
MoleBot: Nyperold has popped out of the ground.
Zup: whack nyperold
Randy: whack nyeprold
ThePhan: whack nyperold
iwpg: whack nyperold
LuckyWizard: whack nyperold
LaZorra: whack nyperld
MoleBot: Zup belts Nyperold in the neck with a refrigerator. Score!
vballgirl: whack zup
vballgirl: whack zup
MoleBot: iwpg has popped out of the ground.
LuckyWizard: whack ipwg
Zup: whack iwpg
ThePhan: whack iwpg
LaZorra: whack iwpg
MoleBot: Zup socks iwpg in the gut with a TV. Score!
iwpg: whack iwpg
Randy: whack iwpg
MoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground.
Zup: whack sam
LuckyWizard: whack sam
LaZorra: whack sam
iwpg: whack sam
ThePhan: whack sam
MoleBot: Zup slugs Sam with Kysle's head. Score!
Randy: whack sam
MoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack sam
LuckyWizard: whack sam
iwpg: which sam
MoleBot: ThePhan pops Sam in the face with a lug wrench. Score!
Zup: whack sam
Randy: whack sam
MoleBot: gremlinn has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
ThePhan: whack gremlinn
Randy: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: ThePhan smashes gremlinn with LuckyWizard's teeth. Bonus score!
MoleBot: gremlinn has popped out of the ground.
iwpg: whack gramlin
ThePhan: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: ThePhan whacks gremlinn with sheet rock. Score!
MoleBot: ThePhan wins!
LuckyWizard: whack gremlinn
Zup: Yay TP!
iwpg: ...
Randy: DANG
Kysle: Fast. Nice, again!
Randy: Good one, Phan!
vballgirl: Wow.
iwpg: Seriously, are you playing directly on the server or something?
ThePhan: Heh.
vballgirl: Take a bow.
Sam: Stand by as I tally the scores.
* ThePhan is playing on a wireless connection that, thank goodness, has not yet died on her.
MoleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
KickMoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: In the meantime, read the rules for KickMole if you need to.
Nyperold: The mole is kicked when whacked. That sums it up nicely.
Sam: Starting in 60 seconds...
Sam: vball: Basically, the game is identical to MoleBot, except you get kicked if somebody whacks you, so you have to be preapred to be booted out to the lobby and re-enter.
Sam: It's pretty crazy sometimes.
Sam: *all the time
LaZorra: Crap, and I have dinner. I'll come back later, y'all.
vballgirl: I bet.
LaZorra has left.
iwpg: Sam: you ought to go /away, if you're not playing, no?
Sam: Doesnt' matter when I schedule these bot tournaments. LaZorra always has dinner during them.
Randy: heh
Sam: Whether it's 7:20 PST, or midnight PST, she's got dinner.
Sam: iwpg: I'm a glutton for punishment.
KickMoleBot: vballgirl has popped out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: vballgirl escapes safely underground.
ThePhan: whack vballgirl
iwpg: whack vballgirl
LuckyWizard: whack vballgirl
KickMoleBot: Nyperold has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
ThePhan: whack nyperold
Nyperold: whack nyperold
iwpg: whack nyperold
Kysle: whack nyperold
LuckyWizard: whack nyperold
Zup: whack nyperold
Zup: whack nyperold
Sam: Hrm. The bot crashed.
Zup: whack nyperold
Zup: whack nyperold
ThePhan: Oops.
Zup: whqack nyperold
iwpg: whack kickmolebot
Sam: Pause while I fix this.
Zup: whack pause
iwpg: LOL
Zup: Pause escapes safely undergound!
* Nyperold sits ready to take the "medicine", as it were.
Randy: There should be a KickBanMoleBot.
Zup: BanIPMoleBot
Zup: One winner!
Nyperold: Set crash_in_middle_of_tourney to "false". ;-)
ThePhan: Hehe.
gremlinn is back.
Sam: Ok, I think I fixed it. Weird.
Nyperold: Or "no", whichever.
Sam: Restarting in 60 seconds...
gremlinn: Sorry I'm late. I got into an accident with a steam engine.
Sam: Nyp: That was it, actually.
vballgirl: grem: Got sppons for the ice cream?
vballgirl: *spoons
Sam: grem: How's your neck?
gremlinn: I skinned it up a bit.
[RinkChat] User Nyperold has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan crushes Nyperold with a noodle. Bonus score!
Nyperold has left.
Nyperold has entered.
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack luckywizard
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan slams LuckyWizard with a frozen side of beef. Score!
LuckyWizard has left.
Zup: whack luckywizard
iwpg: whack luckywizard
Kysle: whack luckywizard
LuckyWizard has entered.
* gremlinn starts passing out the ice cream.
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard has popped out of the ground.
Nyperold: Steam engines are bad for your skin.
LuckyWizard: whack LuckyWizard
ThePhan: whack luckywizard
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard pummels LuckyWizard in the face with an ugly stick. Ouch!
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack luckywizard
Zup: whack luckywizard
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan busts LuckyWizard with some rotten meat. Score!
iwpg: whack luckywizard
LuckyWizard has left.
LuckyWizard has entered.
Sam: The bot hates you, LW.
KickMoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Zup: whack asam
ThePhan: whack sam
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan whacks Sam in the jaw with a moose. Bonus score!
Randy: whack sam
Sam has left.
iwpg: whack sam
Kysle: whack sam
LuckyWizard: whack sam
Sam has entered.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack thephan
iwpg: whack thephan
KickMoleBot: ThePhan skins ThePhan with a shovel. Ouch!
Kysle: whack thephan
Zup: whack thephan
Nyperold: Moose'd Jaw!
KickMoleBot: gremlinn has popped out of the ground.
gremlinn has left.
KickMoleBot: gremlinn escapes safely underground.
ThePhan: whack gremlinn
Sam: whack gremlinn
Randy: whack gremlinn
Kysle: whack gremlinn
Zup: whack gremlin
LuckyWizard: whack gremlinn
KickMoleBot: Nyperold has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
gremlinn has entered.
Sam: Same second exit.
ThePhan: whack nyperold
iwpg: whack nyperold
LuckyWizard: whack nyperold
Randy: whack nyeprold
Zup: whack nyperold
[RinkChat] User Nyperold has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan beats up Nyperold with a rock. Bonus score!
Sam: whack thephan
Nyperold has left.
KickMoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground.
Nyperold has entered.
ThePhan: whack sam
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan slaps Sam with a furnace. Score!
iwpg: whack sam
LuckyWizard: whack sam
Sam has left.
Randy: whack sam
Kysle: whack sam
Zup: whack sam
Sam has entered.
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack luckywizard
LuckyWizard: whack LuckyWizard
Randy: whack luckwizard
Kysle: whack luckywizare
Sam: whack luckywizar
Zup: whack luckywizard
iwpg: whack luckywizard
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan smacks LuckyWizard with a block of dry ice. Score!
KickMoleBot: ThePhan wins!
LuckyWizard has left.
Sam: Holy crap.
LuckyWizard has entered.
iwpg: ...
Kysle: Nice... !
Zup: Nice one TP. Sweep!
ThePhan: Oy. Heh.
iwpg: ThePhan is the new gremlinn.
Sam: 3 second break while I tally the scores.
Randy: Gee, that'll be hard
Randy: hehe
KickMoleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
SinbadBot has been summoned by Sam.
ThePhan: No, I just type fast. I can't think fast. :-)
Sam: The game is the same, but the verbs are different. We "budge" instead of "whack."
* vballgirl is enjoying her ice cream. Yum!
Randy: budge!
LaZorra has entered.
gremlinn: They were out of chocolate, sorry.
Sam: LaZ: You VERY conveniently timed dinner to skip KickMole.
gremlinn: And vanilla and strawberry and just about everything else.
LuckyWizard: Whoa.
LaZorra: O:-)
Sam: I was all prepared to score my one point for the game booting you out, too.
Nyperold: In the name of all that is evil... fudge!
vballgirl: Chocolate chip mint.
Sam: Starting in 60 seconds...
gremlinn: LZ: bile or earwax?
LaZorra: Actually, dinner isn't quite ready yet.
LaZorra: grem: Ooh, tough choice.
LaZorra: Out of human flesh, are we?
gremlinn: Yeah, someone took the whole gallon.
LaZorra: Dangit.
Nyperold: Bertie Bott's makes ice cream?
Sam: Bile and earwax are ok, but nothing tastes as good....
LaZorra: I guess I'll just have a cookie.
SinbadBot: Kysle glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge kysle
iwpg: budge kysle
LaZorra: budge kysle
LuckyWizard: budge kysle
Zup: budge kysle
Randy: budge kysle
SinbadBot: ThePhan budges Kysle with mental powers. ThePhan is WINNING!
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge gremlinn
Sam: budge gremlinn
LuckyWizard: budge gremlinn
Zup: budge gremlinn
LaZorra: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: ThePhan displaces gremlinn with a shout. ThePhan is WINNING!
iwpg: budge gremlinn
Randy: budge gremlinn
LaZorra: Dangit. I type fast enough, I just don
SinbadBot: Zup glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge zup
SinbadBot: ThePhan dislodges Zup with a spell. ThePhan is WINNING!
Zup: budge zup
vballgirl: budge randy
LuckyWizard: budge zup
Sam: budge zup
iwpg: budge zuip
Randy: budge zup
LaZorra: *don't have the reflexes.
SinbadBot: LaZorra glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: LaZorra remains safely in place.
Sam: budge lazorra
ThePhan: budge lazorra
iwpg: budge lazorra
LuckyWizard: budge lazorrar
Randy: budge lazorra
LaZorra: HAH
ThePhan: Sam beat me that time, too. Heh.
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
* Zup's hands are injured...that might affect the speed of his typing...
Nyperold: budge luckywizard
Sam: budge nyperodl
iwpg: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: Nyperold remains safely in place.
LaZorra: budge nyperold
ThePhan: budge nyperold
Randy: budge nyeprold
SinbadBot: Zup glitters and makes weird noises.
LuckyWizard: budge zup'
Zup: budge zuo
SinbadBot: Zup remains safely in place.
ThePhan: budge zup
LaZorra: budge zup
Randy: budge zup
SinbadBot: iwpg glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge iwpg
iwpg: budge iwpg
SinbadBot: ThePhan propels iwpg with melodramatic supplication. ThePhan is WINNING!
LuckyWizard: budge iwp
LaZorra: budge iwpg
Zup: budge iwpg
Randy: budge iwpg
Sam: budge iwpg
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge gremlinn
Sam: budge gremlin
LaZorra: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: ThePhan transports gremlinn with melodramatic supplication. ThePhan is WINNING!
iwpg: budge gremlinn
LuckyWizard: budge gremlin
Randy: budge gremlinn
* Zup glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: Gah.
Sam: I need ONE point.
SinbadBot: LuckyWizard glitters and makes weird noises.
Kysle: budge luckywizard
LuckyWizard: budge LuckyWizard
SinbadBot: Kysle moves LuckyWizard with the winds of utter destruction. Kysle is WINNING!
iwpg: budge luckywizard
Zup: budge luckywizard
Randy: budge luckywizard
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: ThePhan relocates gremlinn with melodramatic supplication. ThePhan is WINNING!
Sam: budge gremlinn
gremlinn: Kysle: did you pretype that?
Kysle: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
iwpg: budge nyperold
Sam: budge nyperodl
Randy: budge nyeprold
Kysle: grem: Yes
LuckyWizard: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: iwpg displaces Nyperold with no help from Soukra. iwpg is WINNING!
ThePhan: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: ThePhan glitters and makes weird noises.
LaZorra: budge thephan
Sam: budge thephan
ThePhan: budge thephan
Zup: budge thephan
LuckyWizard: budge thephan
SinbadBot: LaZorra dislodges ThePhan with long fingernails. LaZorra is WINNING!
LaZorra: HA!
SinbadBot: Randy glitters and makes weird noises.
iwpg: budge randy
ThePhan: budge randy
Sam: budge randy
LaZorra: budge randy
LuckyWizard: budge randy
Randy: budge randy
vballgirl: budge randy
Zup: budge randy
SinbadBot: iwpg nudges Randy with long fingernails. iwpg is WINNING!
SinbadBot: Kysle glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge kysle
Sam: budge kysle
Zup: budge kysle
LaZorra: budge ksyle
iwpg: budge kysle
Kysle: budge kysle
LuckyWizard: budge kysle
Randy: budge kysle
SinbadBot: ThePhan displaces Kysle with a spell. ThePhan is WINNING!
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: ThePhan moves Nyperold with evil. ThePhan is WINNING!
Sam: budge nyeprodl
Kysle: budge nyperold
LuckyWizard: budge nyperold
Sam: LOL
Randy: budge nyperodl
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: ThePhan moves Nyperold with a yell. ThePhan is WINNING!
Randy: budge nyeprold
iwpg: budge nyperold
Kysle: budge nyperold
LaZorra: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Sam: budge sam
LuckyWizard: budge sam
Randy: budge sam
Zup: budge sam
iwpg: budge sam
LaZorra: budge sam
ThePhan: budge sam
SinbadBot: Sam propels Sam with the winds of utter destruction. Bonus HA!
Kysle: budge sma
gremlinn: Bonus HA!
LaZorra: Bonus, HA! LOL
SinbadBot: iwpg glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: iwpg remains safely in place.
LuckyWizard: budge iwpg
Zup: budge iwpg
iwpg: budge iwpg
Randy: budge iwpg
SinbadBot: iwpg glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge iwpg
Zup: budge iwpg
Sam: budge iwpg
iwpg: budge iwpg
SinbadBot: ThePhan removes iwpg with evil. ThePhan is WINNING!
SinbadBot: ThePhan wins!
Randy: budge iwpg
LuckyWizard: budge iwpg
Sam: GAh.
Zup: Woohoo TP!
LaZorra: Man.
Sam: Well, now I don't feel like I have to score an obligatory one point per game.
Kysle: Well done, ThePhan
vballgirl: Impressive.
iwpg: Indeed.
ThePhan: And those are all the bots I will win the entire tournament. Heh.
* LuckyWizard must go.
Sam: 5 minute break
LaZorra: Sam: Didn't you get a point for budging yourself?
Sam: TP: Nah.
ThePhan: All the speed ones are over.
ThePhan: Well, not the speed ones.
LuckyWizard has left.
ThePhan: But the ones where typing fast is supergood.
vballgirl: Buzz is speed, right?
Randy: Good job, Phan. That was crazy.
LaZorra: "SinbadBot: Sam propels Sam with the winds of utter destruction. Bonus HA! " didn't give you a point?
gremlinn: Not so much as having played enough to know what the buzzwords are.
iwpg: Heh, a couple of times in that I had to stop myself from typing "zalorra".
Sam: LaZ: No, I was saving myself. No scores for that.
LaZorra: Aww.
Sam: iwpg: The training is good for you.
Sam: The results so far! It's a close race for first place, with the top four players all having roughly the same score.
Zup: LOL
Sam: Congratulations, ThePhan. Good start.
Zup: Yeah, TP. Awesome job so far.
ThePhan: Holy chicken.
ThePhan: Well, that's fun.
Zup: I can't believe I'm in the top three at ALL, pointwise.
Sam: ThePhan: you should be able to take SnagBot home.
Zup: I won't stay there, of course, since I can't be here on Thursdays.
SinbadBot has been dismissed by Sam.
BuzzBot has been summoned by Sam.
ThePhan: Oh, that's right, I forgot SnagBot. I'm pretty good at that.
gremlinn: Not if we give you the negatives.
Sam: From the tournament rules: BuzzBot: For BuzzBot only, strategic dishonest play, in this case refusing to answer during a leading player's round, is permitted. While permitted, however, note that such play is unlikely to be fruitful, as it only takes one single player to answer correctly to overturn a strategic boycott. Players are therefore encouraged to play each round to win. Also note that telling other players your answer is not considered "strategic dishonest play"; it's outright cheating and will result in disqualification from the entire tournament. Also note that BuzzBot will only be played to the customary 10 points; however, each player's score will be multiplied by three for the Points Ranking. For example, if you...
Sam: ...scored 7 points in BuzzBot, your score for BuzzBot in the tournament will be 21.
Zup: Yay x3!
gremlinn: What about acronym clues?
Kysle: :( 0X3 is still 0
LaZorra: Oh, crap. I totally forgot I have to work a horse show tomorrow.
LaZorra: Sorry, I know that was random.
Sam: LOL
iwpg: And "phrase containing the _____"?
gremlinn: butterfly
LaZorra: Sam: :-p
Zup: "It is an _____"
Nyperold: iwpg: It's the same one, but one permits passing and the other disallows.
Sam: Zup: Those clues are legal.
iwpg: Nyp: ah.
Nyperold: Or something.
Zup: Not that that particular one is helpful in any way.
gremlinn: Will this be the fastest session to date?
Sam: Ok, these are good points to clarify. From the rules: Things you're not allowed to do: describe the letters or word structure of the buzzword, state words that rhyme with it, or that sort of thing. You also can't use derived words or abbreviations of the buzzword or forbidden words. So, acronyms are not allowed. Underlines representing where the buzzword is missing within a phrase, are fine.
* LaZorra's eyes bleed.
Sam: grem: I set it up so that each session would hover around two hours. I think this was what I projected to be the shortest, though, yeah.
ThePhan: Best clue ever in this sort of game was given by a great-uncle of mine. We were playing Taboo and his clue was, "I have one! You have one! Everyone has one!"
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: Incidentally, the answer was "opinion."
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Zup: LOL
Sam: That was my guess!
Randy: LOL
Sam: I was thinking that.
gremlinn: Dang, I had it, but I typed /b instead.
Sam: LOL
Zup: lol
LaZorra: You people make me laugh.
Sam: Any further questions on what types of clues are allowed? Or anything else?
Zup: Iie!
LaZorra: Let's go.
ThePhan: I am set.
Zup: That means no!
Zup: I am ready!
Sam: Starting in 30 seconds...
[BuzzBot->Zup] You're up! Try to get someone to say nuclear without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: radioactive, waste, glow, explosion, bomb. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Zup has been given a buzzword.
Zup: Wars are not fought conventioanlly anymore because of this threat.
Sam: nuclear
iwpg: nuclear
Kysle: peace
BuzzBot: Sam guesses nuclear and is correct! Sam and Zup each get a point.
ThePhan: nuclear war
Nyperold: bomb
vballgirl: atom bomb
* Zup is taking a History of Modern War class.
LaZorra: I was totally typing "nucular." Kill me now.
[BuzzBot->ThePhan] You're up! Try to get someone to say bulb without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: light, round. Good luck!
BuzzBot: ThePhan has been given a buzzword.
* Sam skins LaZorra in the neck with a steam engine.
gremlinn: LZ: I tried already, believe me.
vballgirl: That's why I went with atom bomb.
LaZorra: grem: :-.
ThePhan: Oh no! It is dark in my house! Something's burned out!
gremlinn: But you took the cookie.
Sam: light
gremlinn: candle
Sam: bulb
Kysle: light
LaZorra: bulb
BuzzBot: Sam guesses bulb and is correct! Sam and ThePhan each get a point.
Sam: lightbulb
Randy: light
iwpg: fuse
LaZorra: grem: LOL
LaZorra: They weren't arsenic cookies?
[BuzzBot->gremlinn] You're up! Try to get someone to say limbo without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: low, stick, dance, nothing, empty. Good luck!
BuzzBot: gremlinn has been given a buzzword.
gremlinn: Not in hell quite yet.
Zup: purgatory
ThePhan: purgatory
Sam: purgatory
LaZorra: purgatory
vballgirl: purgatory
ThePhan: limbo
Randy: limbo
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses limbo and is correct! ThePhan and gremlinn each get a point.
LaZorra: ARGH
LaZorra: Good clue.
* Randy high fives ThePhan
* ThePhan high fives Randy
[BuzzBot->vballgirl] You're up! Try to get someone to say linoleum without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: floor, tile, kitchen, bathroom. Good luck!
BuzzBot: vballgirl has been given a buzzword.
Sam: floppy
Randy: LOL
vballgirl: This is what you walk on where chefs work.
Zup: lol
Sam: kitchen
ThePhan: tile
Sam: linoleum
LaZorra: floor
iwpg: floor
Sam: tile
BuzzBot: Sam guesses linoleum and is correct! Sam and vballgirl each get a point.
Kysle: mats
Zup: cutting
Kysle: rubber mats.
[BuzzBot->Nyperold] You're up! Try to get someone to say lichen without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: rock, grow, moss. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
vballgirl: Good job Sam.
Sam: Thanks.
vballgirl: Good thing you could spell it.
Nyperold: I have an affinity for this plant growth.
BuzzBot: Nyperold said the forbidden word grow. No score. The answer was lichen.
Zup: tree
vballgirl: fern
Nyperold: Bleh.
vballgirl: Bummer.
Zup: Hehe, good clue though.
[BuzzBot->iwpg] You're up! Try to get someone to say fission without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: nuclear, physics, split, atom, fusion. Good luck!
BuzzBot: iwpg has been given a buzzword.
Nyperold: Yeah, I'll have to refine it.
iwpg: A way of generating power from radioactive materials.
Sam: nuclear
gremlinn: fission
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses fission and is correct! gremlinn and iwpg each get a point.
Sam: fusion
LaZorra: splitting
gremlinn: fusion
Sam: fission
Kysle: nuclear power
Nyperold: turbine
LaZorra: I love my technological term. :-p
gremlinn: Sam: we had reverse orders.
Zup: "Cutting in half"
Randy: hehe
[BuzzBot->Sam] You're up! Try to get someone to say thief without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: robber, burglar, steal, rob, money. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sam has been given a buzzword.
Sam: In Murkon's Refuge, it's now called a rogue.
gremlinn: thief
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses thief and is correct! gremlinn and Sam each get a point.
Zup: thief
iwpg: thief
ThePhan: Pfft. That doesn't help me.
ThePhan: Heh.
vballgirl: Lag.
[BuzzBot->Randy] You're up! Try to get someone to say pinnacle without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: top, height. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Randy has been given a buzzword.
Sam: I can't remember if it was "rogue" in the 1995 ASCII version of the game, or if it was still "thief," but it was "thief" throughout most of the development.
Randy: You are the best of the best
gremlinn: elite
ThePhan: superlative
gremlinn: pro
LaZorra: champion
gremlinn: professional
Zup: professional
Kysle: top
Sam: ultimate
Zup: god
ThePhan: number one
Sam: quintessential
ThePhan: champion
iwpg: marine
ThePhan: winner
Zup: top
Sam: superior
vballgirl: ace
gremlinn: ultimate
iwpg: army
LaZorra: marine
ThePhan: numero uno
iwpg: soldier
Sam: perfect
Kysle: suprime
Zup: champion
ThePhan: rulingest
Randy: highest of the high
Sam: spreme
gremlinn: master
Sam: supreme
LaZorra: god
gremlinn: god
Zup: king
LaZorra: king
LaZorra: ruler
Sam: lord
Zup: lord
vballgirl: professional
Sam: king
LaZorra: master
Sam: president
Kysle: lordly
Sam: genius
gremlinn: creator
Sam: ingenious
Kysle: cream of the crop
LaZorra: supreme
LaZorra: diana ross
Zup: greatest
iwpg: ThePhan at the MoleBots.
vballgirl: top dog
ThePhan: ThePhan
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was pinnacle.
Sam: the man
Nyperold: top dog
LaZorra: Ah.
Sam: Sam
ThePhan: Ah.
* Randy is not imaginative, sorry.
LaZorra: LOL
Sam: Tough one.
[BuzzBot->Kysle] You're up! Try to get someone to say waterfall without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: river, canyon, cliff, flow. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Kysle has been given a buzzword.
Randy: I couldn't use top or height.
ThePhan: Yeah, that one would be hard.
Kysle: Opposite: dripping upwards
Sam: stalactites
Zup: falling
vballgirl: downward
LaZorra: stalagmite
ThePhan: rain
Sam: stalagmites
gremlinn: stalagmites
Zup: downwards
ThePhan: down
gremlinn: icicles
Zup: spiraling
Nyperold: ooze
Sam: flying
ThePhan: falling downwards
Randy: falling
ThePhan: gravity
Kysle: You don't want to go off the edge of this.
gremlinn: evaporation
ThePhan: cliff
LaZorra: cliff
gremlinn: cliff
vballgirl: gravity
Randy: fall
Zup: splashing
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was waterfall.
Sam: cliffs of insanity
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: Waterfalls kind of do a little more than drip.
* Zup wants to make an AGL game called "Cliffs of Insanity"
vballgirl: I had that buzzword once. It didn't get guessed then either.
Kysle: LaZ: Opposite
Nyperold: bog of everlasting stench
[BuzzBot->LaZorra] You're up! Try to get someone to say postpone without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: delay, schedule, reschedule, later. Good luck!
BuzzBot: LaZorra has been given a buzzword.
Randy: hehe
gremlinn: That's close to the name of a place in SOAT before I changed the name to something else.
LaZorra: What I do with my homework by coming in Chat.
Sam: does things like forget to work in a horse show
ThePhan: procrastinate
iwpg: avoid
Zup: procrastinate
gremlinn: procrastinate
ThePhan: postpone
Sam: procrastinate
Randy: calualtor
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses postpone and is correct! ThePhan and LaZorra each get a point.
Zup: don't
iwpg: delay
Sam: postpone
vballgirl: study
vballgirl: procrastinate
LaZorra: Sam: LOL :-p
Kysle: grem: I didn't get my ice cream, yet.
[BuzzBot->gremlinn] You're up! Try to get someone to say income without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: money, tax, wage, wages, earn, earnings, job. Good luck!
BuzzBot: gremlinn has been given a buzzword.
LaZorra: Kysle: You missed it.
gremlinn: Kysle: I don't make enough ___ to get you any.
ThePhan: mnoey
Sam: money
ThePhan: money
LaZorra: money
iwpg: money
Zup: moneyt
Randy: money
Sam: ice cream
vballgirl: money
iwpg: cash
Zup: cash
vballgirl: dough
iwpg: dough
Zup: bucks
Sam: cash
Kysle: dough
LaZorra: milke
Sam: bread
Zup: greenbacks
LaZorra: milk
Randy: dough
Kysle: milk
ThePhan: moolah
Zup: capital
vballgirl: milk
iwpg: ice-cream
Zup: prfot
LaZorra: cash
Nyperold: dairy
Sam: AGL games
Kysle: moulah
Zup: profit
Randy: time
LaZorra: pay
Zup: moola
ThePhan: trips to the store
vballgirl: salary
gremlinn: You were all close.
gremlinn: vb is close.
ThePhan: bucks
Zup: wampum
Sam: bucks
ThePhan: dairy
Nyperold: currency
Sam: dollars
Kysle: pizza
Randy: cows
Sam: cents
LaZorra: paycheck
ThePhan: wages
Sam: pounds
iwpg: cream
iwpg: ice
vballgirl: sanity
Zup: rupees
ThePhan: pay
ThePhan: payment
Zup: coins
Kysle: lira
Nyperold: bahts
vballgirl: wages
Sam: checks
ThePhan: paycheck
Sam: credit
iwpg: of it
Sam: debit
Zup: quarters
Zup: pennies
Nyperold: lira
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was income.
Kysle: time
Sam: Wow.
Kysle: Ohh
LaZorra: AUGH
vballgirl: :-(
* gremlinn laughs at everybody.
gremlinn: And himself.
Sam: How'd we possibly miss that? On the plus side, now I know there are approximately 158 synonyms of that word.
Randy: LOL
[BuzzBot->Kysle] You're up! Try to get someone to say telephone without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: cord, dial, call, hello, speaker. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Kysle has been given a buzzword.
Kysle: Bell's invention
Sam: phone
gremlinn: telephone
LaZorra: telephone
Zup: telephone
iwpg: telephone
Randy: phone
Sam: telephoen
ThePhan: phone
Sam: telephone
Zup: telegram
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses telephone and is correct! gremlinn and Kysle each get a point.
LaZorra: hearing aid
LaZorra: horse racing
LaZorra: spilling acid on himself
LaZorra: Oh.
gremlinn: Did he?
Randy: horse racing?
Zup: stealing from other inventors
Sam: He didn't invent it, you know. He's credited with it because he stole the patent application from the real guy and submitted it under his own name.
[BuzzBot->Randy] You're up! Try to get someone to say cotton without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: material, fabric, shirt, shrink, soft. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Randy has been given a buzzword.
Kysle: Huh.
LaZorra: Randy: Heh, I just pulled that out of my hat.
Sam: Yeah. I learned taht just recently.
gremlinn: Neat.
Ticia has entered.
Randy: My mom used to pick this when she was a little girl on a farm.
LaZorra: TICIA
Zup: Hey ticia
Kysle: Hey, Ticia1
gremlinn: flowers
Sam: nose
Zup: flowers
Kysle: flowers
Zup: corn
Sam: ear
LaZorra: peas
vballgirl: cherry
Ticia: corn
vballgirl: e
ThePhan: corn
iwpg: daisy
Nyperold: dandelions
LaZorra: beans
Zup: beans
ThePhan: wheat
Randy: In the south.
Kysle: daisies
vballgirl: orange
ThePhan: flowers
vballgirl: peach
Ticia: beets
Sam: apples
LaZorra: fruit
Kysle: husks
iwpg: strawberries
ThePhan: beans
vballgirl: grape
LaZorra: corn
Sam: blueberries
LaZorra: apples
Sam: strawberries
gremlinn: wheat
vballgirl: lfower
LaZorra: oranges
Sam: strawberry
gremlinn: cotton
vballgirl: flower
Nyperold: black-eyed peas
Kysle: apples
Randy: Can make a lot of things out of it.
Zup: grass
Sam: blueberry
ThePhan: southern fruit
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses cotton and is correct! gremlinn and Randy each get a point.
Kysle: oranges
LaZorra: strawberries
Sam: blackberry raspberry
ThePhan: Oh. Heh.
ang_nic has entered.
vballgirl: Tough job.
Sam: What are you cotton?
[BuzzBot->ang_nic] You're up! Try to get someone to say school without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: education, educate, learn, teach, teacher, child, children. Good luck!
BuzzBot: ang_nic has been given a buzzword.
Zup: Cot-on? Cot-off?
Randy: It's not so bad.
Ticia: Heh
gremlinn: Yarn not funny.
Randy: LOL
Sam: grem: Are you threading me?
Nyperold: Wool I thought it was.
LaZorra: Sam: At least it's not a bot pounce hug.
vballgirl: Needling you.
ang_nic: Right now I am a student at this
iwpg: college
ThePhan: college
Sam: college
gremlinn: university
Randy: college
ThePhan: university
Zup: university
vballgirl: math
Sam: unviersity
Nyperold: university
Sam: university
LaZorra: chemistry
Sam: school
vballgirl: school
Zup: high school
LaZorra: math
BuzzBot: Sam guesses school and is correct! Sam and ang_nic each get a point.
ThePhan: school
Sam: LOL. We all skipped the easy one.
Ticia: heh
ang_nic: Hah.
gremlinn: Thought I had it because I remembered university is in there. But I may be wrong.
[BuzzBot->Ticia] You're up! Try to get someone to say overlord without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: Normandy, boss, overseer, superior, evil. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Ticia has been given a buzzword.
Sam: By the way, the first session's bots are not random. Blitz, Mole, and Buzz, in that order, were the first three bots.
vballgirl: Seldom.
Kysle: butterfly
Sam: grem: I think it is.
Ticia: Stephen thinks he is one of these.
gremlinn: dictator
LaZorra: hot dude
Sam: cool guys
ang_nic: genius
Zup: great guy
ThePhan: god
Randy: funny
iwpg: ruler
Kysle: stud
Zup: stud
LaZorra: king
gremlinn: ruler
Sam: radio disc jockey
iwpg: human
Sam: tyrant
Ticia: Opposite of UnderLady.
gremlinn: overlord
Randy: journalist
Sam: king
vballgirl: smart
LaZorra: supreme dictator
Sam: president
Sam: lord
iwpg: overlord
Randy: writer
ThePhan: overlord
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses overlord and is correct! gremlinn and Ticia each get a point.
Zup: king
Sam: earl
LaZorra: overlord
Sam: baron
gremlinn: Took me a while to think of the word.
Ticia: Heh
* LaZorra LOLs at UnderLady.
[BuzzBot->Nyperold] You're up! Try to get someone to say sword without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: weapon, blade, knife, fight, duel, metal, iron, fence, fencing. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
LaZorra: That would be a great username.
Nyperold: The .... in the Stone.
Ticia: Ha. Totally.
Sam: sword
ThePhan: sword
Randy: sword
Zup: sword
gremlinn: sword
BuzzBot: Sam guesses sword and is correct! Sam and Nyperold each get a point.
iwpg: sword
LaZorra: sword
Ticia: sword
Zup: s-word!
Ticia: Man, I am slow.
ang_nic: Me too Tciia!
gremlinn: First thought: "Rolling".
LaZorra: LOL
ang_nic: sorry, *Ticia.
[BuzzBot->Zup] You're up! Try to get someone to say cool without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: neat, sweet, temperature, hot, warm, cold, chilly. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Zup has been given a buzzword.
* Zup is going to pronounce "sword" the way it's spelled.
Ticia: No problem.
Sam: Her name's Caiti.
Ticia: Hee!
Zup: Awesome. Nice.
iwpg: good
Ticia: neet
iwpg: cool
gremlinn: congratulations
Ticia: cool
iwpg: great
ang_nic: Compliment
BuzzBot: iwpg guesses cool and is correct! iwpg and Zup each get a point.
Zup: He's a real froody guy.
iwpg: neat
gremlinn: compliment
LaZorra: teriffic
ThePhan: Whoa. I missed that that was a clue.
ThePhan: LOL
Randy: yeah
Sam: LOL. I didn't know "Awesome. Nice." was a clue.
LaZorra: TP: Me too.
Zup: Heh.
gremlinn: I figured it was.
Nyperold: A hoopy frood, you say?
Ticia: Awww, cool was my first guess.
gremlinn: But it didn't help much.
Zup: A really hoopy frood.
[BuzzBot->Sam] You're up! Try to get someone to say germ without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: bacteria, disease, little, small, tiny. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sam has been given a buzzword.
Ticia: Not my first guess, my first thought.
Randy: zebra acorn leather
Sam: What kids get when they don't wash their hands.
ThePhan: dirty
gremlinn: lice
ang_nic: germs
Zup: dirty
Randy: dirty
gremlinn: germs
iwpg: dirty
ang_nic: sick
Randy: sick
Zup: germy
BuzzBot: ang_nic guesses germ and is correct! ang_nic and Sam each get a point.
ThePhan: germs
Kysle: germesa
LaZorra: sick
ThePhan: sick
iwpg: germs
Zup: sick
Kysle: germse
Nyperold: outcropping
vballgirl: salmanila
Sam: ang_nic: Apparently we're a team. High five!
gremlinn: spanking!
gremlinn: TIMEOUT
Sam: LOL
vballgirl: dirty look
ang_nic: Hah yes, Sam!
LaZorra: hehe
[BuzzBot->iwpg] You're up! Try to get someone to say dresser without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: clothes, clothing, towel, sock, underwear, drawer, cabinet, wardrobe. Good luck!
BuzzBot: iwpg has been given a buzzword.
flyingcats has entered.
Randy: fc!
Zup: Hey fc!
flyingcats: Halllo
ThePhan: Hey fc.
iwpg: Someone who puts liquid parts on salad might be called this.
Sam: dressing
ThePhan: dresser
vballgirl: chef
flyingcats: dresser
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses dresser and is correct! ThePhan and iwpg each get a point.
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: Hehe.
Zup: lol
Sam: LOL. Niiiice.
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Kysle: silly
ang_nic: What a creative clue, LoL!
Sam: You two were QUICK with that.
Nyperold: hemophiliac
ThePhan: Awesome. Nice.
Randy: LOL
iwpg: ang_nic: thanks!
Zup: A spurter!
[BuzzBot->LaZorra] You're up! Try to get someone to say abandon without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: leave, behind. Good luck!
BuzzBot: LaZorra has been given a buzzword.
Ticia: It is an _________
gremlinn: I was thinking it was a "water" + something clue.
Zup: A gusher
Zup: Ticia: Ha!
iwpg: Everything related to clothes was forbidden....
Sam: Ti: That's so great.
LaZorra: An old, unused building.
gremlinn: tenement
Sam: building
Randy: condemmend
ThePhan: abandoned
Kysle: warehouse
Zup: decrepit
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses abandon and is correct! ThePhan and LaZorra each get a point.
iwpg: derelict
Nyperold: diapidated
LaZorra: Sam: Good guess.
Kysle: D'oh
Ticia: building, sam?
Sam: Well it IS.
ThePhan: LOL
Ticia: But she SAID building.
[BuzzBot->vballgirl] You're up! Try to get someone to say mildew without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: bathroom, tile, grow, mold. Good luck!
BuzzBot: vballgirl has been given a buzzword.
Zup: LOL
ang_nic: HAH!
Sam: But it's still a building!
Ticia: You are a nut.
Sam: You don't stop being a building just because nobody lives in you anymore.
gremlinn: almond
ThePhan: I do.
vballgirl: Something black that causes allergies in the lavatory.
Ticia: :-P
Zup: pepper
Randy: mold
Sam: poo
ThePhan: mold
ThePhan: fungus
LaZorra: Um . . .
Randy: fungus
Ticia: mouse droppings
Nyperold: mildew
BuzzBot: Nyperold guesses mildew and is correct! Nyperold and vballgirl each get a point.
Zup: pollen
Kysle: mildew is black?
LaZorra: Yeah, can be.
Sam: Man. It was all I could think of, and I was pretty sure I didn't put that in the word list.
Kysle: What's the green stuff, then?
[BuzzBot->flyingcats] You're up! Try to get someone to say elf without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: ears, fairy, magic, fantasy, Tolkien. Good luck!
BuzzBot: flyingcats has been given a buzzword.
Zup: Sam: Is poo in there??
Kysle: algae?
LaZorra: Mold.
gremlinn: Sam: it was one more than I could think of.
Kysle: Oh.
flyingcats: These come in lots of types, wood, dark, light, high ...
Zup: table
ang_nic: Chair
LaZorra: varnishes
vballgirl: wood
Sam: furniture
Randy: paints
Kysle: piano
gremlinn: deck
Zup: finishes
iwpg: chair
LaZorra: veneer
gremlinn: roof
vballgirl: flooring
Nyperold: chocolate
ang_nic: Table
Zup: glaze
Ticia: ball
Zup: wall
Zup: wallpaper
Kysle: buildings
Nyperold: quark
ang_nic: Desk
vballgirl: ceiling
Sam: picture
Zup: paneling
Sam: fram
Sam: frame
Kysle: floors
Randy: frames
Zup: floors
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was elf.
Sam: wall
vballgirl: furniture
Sam: floor
Ticia: LOL
gremlinn: Ohh.
Kysle: Hehe
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Randy: ELF! LOL!
flyingcats: My brain just died, too, and I couldn't remember what'shisname.
iwpg: Ohhhhhh.
Randy: That's great
Sam: One of us might have said "shelf" and gotten it.
ThePhan: LOL!
vballgirl: Trying for shelf?
iwpg: Sam: heh.
Zup: Totally, totally wrong train of thought.
gremlinn: Sam: that'd have been great.
Nyperold: High elf.
[BuzzBot->ThePhan] You're up! Try to get someone to say shade without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: light, dark, block, sun. Good luck!
BuzzBot: ThePhan has been given a buzzword.
Sam: vball: No, elf. High elf, light elf, dark elf, etc.
Randy: Those are all types of elves.
Zup: Groupthink, apparently.
ThePhan: A tree would give you this if you sat under it.
Zup: shadd
iwpg: shade
flyingcats: apple
gremlinn: shade
Randy: shade
Kysle: acorn
Ticia: shadee
Sam: But we were pretty close to shelf.
Ticia: shade
BuzzBot: iwpg guesses shade and is correct! iwpg and ThePhan each get a point.
Kysle: leaves
Zup: shadow
Kysle: needles
Ticia: Heh, typos.
vballgirl: Sam: Right, wanted us to say shelf to get elf.
[BuzzBot->Kysle] You're up! Try to get someone to say holly without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: Christmas, Xmas, holiday, decoration, decorate, green. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Kysle has been given a buzzword.
Sam: vball: No, she was going for "elf." Proximity to "shelf" was an accident.
flyingcats: No, I was going for elf.
Ticia: butterfly!
flyingcats: Shelf would have been lucky.
gremlinn: outcropping
Randy: acorn
vballgirl: Huh.
Randy: leather
gremlinn: zebra
Zup: food
Ticia: LOL
Zup: cake
Sam: Hey, that's not allowed in the tournament games.
Kysle: This is a plant used during the religious season for... something.
Randy: sorry
gremlinn: holly
Sam: mistletoe
Zup: holly
flyingcats: holly
LaZorra: holly
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses holly and is correct! gremlinn and Kysle each get a point.
vballgirl: fern
Zup: oregon grape
Kysle: What is it used for?
Sam: I forgot to say so, though, but yeah, no guessing before the clue's given.
gremlinn: Sam: sorry, wasn't aware.
Ticia: Decoration.
Randy: Decoration.
vballgirl: To hold the mistletoe.
ThePhan: Oh. Heh. I thought you meant it was used in like religious rituals or something.
ang_nic: decorating?
Ticia: Sorry, Sam.
gremlinn: Mainly just for joking around, not strategical.
[BuzzBot->Sam] You're up! Try to get someone to say sandbox without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: sand, box, play, playground, bucket, shovel. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sam has been given a buzzword.
Sam: No, don't apologize.
ThePhan: I couldn't think of many plants with religious significance.
Kysle: Oh. OK
Sam: My fault.
Ticia: No, I AM SORRY..
Zup: Rinkworks
gremlinn: san andreas
ThePhan: LOL
flyingcats: LOL
Ticia: Hehe
iwpg: LOL
* LaZorra cracks up.
Randy: LOLOL
Sam: In the yard, a square area delimited by wood to keep out the grass.
Ticia: yard
Sam: that kids can be in it.
ang_nic: sandbox
ThePhan: sandbox
flyingcats: sandbox
gremlinn: sandbox
LaZorra: sandbox
BuzzBot: ang_nic guesses sandbox and is correct! ang_nic and Sam each get a point.
Ticia: sandbox
Kysle: fire pit
ThePhan: play area
Nyperold: sandbox
Zup: sandbox
Sam: ang_nic: AGAIN! ROCK ON!!
gremlinn: That took a while to read.
Zup: Cage
ang_nic: Hah, we win again!
vballgirl: Too bad it doesn't keep out the cats.
Sam: heheeh
[BuzzBot->LaZorra] You're up! Try to get someone to say lava without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: volcano, flow, red, hot, erupt, crater, burn. Good luck!
BuzzBot: LaZorra has been given a buzzword.
Ticia: It does if you chain your dog up in it.
vballgirl: LOL
LaZorra: Cool sixties lamps have this in them.
iwpg: lava
Randy: lava
Kysle: lava
ThePhan: lava
Sam: lava
gremlinn: neon
ang_nic: lava
flyingcats: lava
Zup: lava
gremlinn: lava
BuzzBot: iwpg guesses lava and is correct! iwpg and LaZorra each get a point.
Ticia: lav...
vballgirl: lava
Kysle: lights
Zup: weed
Randy: so close
Ticia: Yeah, I am so not winning.
iwpg: Zup: heh.
ThePhan: Ticia: You can do it!
Zup: Iwpg: It was the sixties...
vballgirl: I'm grateful to be on the board.
Ticia: I see the clue and someone has already answered!
[BuzzBot->ang_nic] You're up! Try to get someone to say sculpture without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: sculpt, carve, statue, figure. Good luck!
BuzzBot: ang_nic has been given a buzzword.
Sam: I'll get this one for you
Ticia: My connection is just not good enough for this game.
Ticia: But it's still way fun, so oh well.
Zup: i'm just not good enough for this game.
Ticia: :)
ang_nic: You can see these at a museum, but they aren't a painting
gremlinn: dinosaur
iwpg: sculpture
Ticia: statue
gremlinn: fossils
Zup: stsatue
Randy: sculpture
Sam: sculpture
Sam: statue
BuzzBot: iwpg guesses sculpture and is correct! iwpg and ang_nic each get a point.
vballgirl: statue
Zup: sculpture
vballgirl: guard
Sam: Aargh!
Ticia: Hmmph
Nyperold: knighy
Zup: Ole people
Sam: Broke our streak.
ThePhan: Sam: Your BuzzBot partner has been stolen from you.
Nyperold: knight
Zup: Sam: I read thqat as "Broke our steak"
[BuzzBot->Nyperold] You're up! Try to get someone to say raisin without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: food, fruit, grape, vine, wrinkle. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
Zup: And I was confused.
ang_nic: LOL! steak.
Ticia: :-P
Kysle: Steak is no laughing matter
ThePhan: Breaking steak isn't that big a problem. You can't really eat it unbroken.
Zup: Staked steak is the best.
Randy: hehe
Nyperold: A Californian singinging group composed of snacks.
Ticia: Hehe
gremlinn: raisins
Zup: raisina
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses raisin and is correct! gremlinn and Nyperold each get a point.
Ticia: raisin
Zup: raisins
ang_nic: man
vballgirl: raisin
Nyperold: *singing
ang_nic: Great clue!
ThePhan: Singinging?
iwpg: O.o
Ticia: Now I'm gonna have that song in my head.
gremlinn: I'd have said "Better than bran?" if it was allowed.
LaZorra: I used to have all sorts of California Raisins stuff, heh.
Sam: grem: LOL
LaZorra: grem: LOL
ang_nic: "I heard it through the grapevine"...
Zup: LOL
iwpg: Heh, never heard of that.
[BuzzBot->Ticia] You're up! Try to get someone to say noise without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: sound, cacophony, hear, listen, loud. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Ticia has been given a buzzword.
Kysle: Ohhhhh
Kysle: Took me a minute.
Ticia: Abby makes a lot of this when I just want her to be quite!
Randy: They totally ruined that song. Good thing CCR still rocks it.
gremlinn: noise
iwpg: noise
gremlinn: fuss
Kysle: no;ise
Ticia: *quiet
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses noise and is correct! gremlinn and Ticia each get a point.
ThePhan: noise
gremlinn: tantrum
Randy: noise
Kysle: noise
Sam: Quite what?
ThePhan: Wow. I was forever late.
ang_nic: CCR! WOO
Ticia: :-P
Ticia: I am typing in the dark, here.
Randy: Them and Tina Turner.
[BuzzBot->Zup] You're up! Try to get someone to say paper without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: write, pencil, pen, print, word, news. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Zup has been given a buzzword.
ang_nic: Lol, you should get a handicap.
Zup: Floppy!
gremlinn: disk
Sam: breast
Randy: disk
vballgirl: disc
Sam: paper
BuzzBot: Sam guesses paper and is correct! Sam and Zup each get a point.
Kysle: drive
Sam: Oooh.
Ticia: Sam!
flyingcats: o.O
Nyperold: I have to go to the neighbors so I can find out how to stop spelling "recommendation". ;-)
Zup: Sam: LOL
Sam: Ticia: It was vballgirl, actually.
Ticia: Woo
* LaZorra nearly chokes on her enchilada at Sam.
ThePhan: Ticia: That was an earlier submission in BlitzBot.
Sam: The transcript will prove it.
[BuzzBot->ThePhan] You're up! Try to get someone to say glue without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: paste, adhesive, stick, sticky, stuck, cement, viscoelastic. Good luck!
BuzzBot: ThePhan has been given a buzzword.
Randy: Enchilada!
Sam: I'm innocent.
LaZorra: Sam: SO NOT
Zup: Sam? Innocent? Prepostrous!
ThePhan: When you have to put stuff back together, you might use this.
gremlinn: staplers
Randy: glue
Sam: glue
iwpg: glue
ang_nic: glue
Sam: paste
iwpg: tape
Kysle: wrench
Zup: glue
LaZorra: glue
Sam: staples
BuzzBot: Randy guesses glue and is correct! Randy and ThePhan each get a point.
Zup: tape
Sam: tape
iwpg: staples
Kysle: tape
LaZorra: staples
flyingcats: tape
vballgirl: Just got it...
Kysle: duck tape
Nyperold: blueprint
Randy: SWEET
Kysle: *duct
Sam: Three "glue" answers on the same second.
gremlinn: Mine was longer and first, heh.
Ticia: So, I totally broke a tooth tonight at my parent's house at dinner.
[BuzzBot->gremlinn] You're up! Try to get someone to say hook without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: fish, water, catch, rope, addict. Good luck!
BuzzBot: gremlinn has been given a buzzword.
Ticia: So not cool.
Sam: Ow.
vballgirl: Glue it
Ticia: Speaking of broken things.
Randy: Ouch
ang_nic: LOL!
gremlinn: A pirate captain.
Sam: hook
Zup: hook
BuzzBot: Sam guesses hook and is correct! Sam and gremlinn each get a point.
BuzzBot: It's a tie! The winners are: gremlinn, Sam.
ThePhan: hook
iwpg: hook
Sam: jack sparrow
Randy: blackbeard
ThePhan: I typed it and it wouldn't SEND.
Sam: Rock on.
Ticia: Wooh!
Nyperold: roberts
Kysle: Yay1
Zup: Congrats guys!
LaZorra: YAY!
ang_nic: Good job!
gremlinn: I tied in Buzz last time too.
vballgirl: Good game.
ThePhan: Good job. :-)
Sam: Ok, we're done for tonight, but stick around if you want to see the scores.
Zup: Great job everyone tonight!
* Zup waves to the recording machine...again.
flyingcats: night night
flyingcats has left.
TalkingDog has entered.
Zup: LOL
Randy: TD!
Zup: Hi TD.
iwpg: TD: too slow.
TalkingDog: Ha.
Zup: A little late.
Sam: The updated scoreboard:
Zup: Hey man, at least you're here.
Sam: Stick around a little further still, for the transcript.
iwpg: Oh, right, this one is tripled.
iwpg: And SECOND YAY.
Ticia: Go, ThePhan!
Sam: ThePhan has a HIGHLY tenuous lead.

The tenuous lead was 82 points to iwpg's second place score of 36 points.

LaZorra: Wow, I'm still in third? Amazing.
Zup: Wow, iwpg, great job shooting up there.
iwpg: Zup: thanks!
Zup: I'm one behind third, that's amazing for me.
Nyperold: I am tied with vballgirl in total points, it seems.
Randy: Who is "Scruffy"?
gremlinn: Who's Scruffy looking?
Zup: I stayed the same in Buzz, but jumped up 4 in Mole.
Zup: I might be able to match or beat my score from last time. That'd be sweet.
LaZorra: Wow, I just realized second, third, and fourth places are all separated by one point.
Nyperold: Okay, so Tuesday night is The State Who Lettered Me. Um, Caption.
Zup: The Captioned State Who Lettered Me.
LaZorra: Man, Tuesday I'll hardly be home in time to play.
* ThePhan is going to be The Suck on Tuesday. And then The Probably Pretty Good on Thursday.
Zup: I'm not too worried about missing Thursdays any more. I shouldn't miss out too much.
LaZorra: And Thursday, for that matter.
Nyperold: And then A Match Snag to a Stack.
LaZorra: Who should hopefully be a little better this time.
* iwpg will miss all the Tuesday and Thursday sessions. :-(
LaZorra: *WhoBot, that is.
LaZorra: Since there are fewer people playing.
ThePhan: Yeah.
Zup: Yeah. Whobot is fun with a small group.
* ThePhan might actually be able to score a little bit in WhoBot this time, seeing as how she knows some people.
Nyperold: Maybe next year we can have On Her Matchesty's Stackret Wordice.
Sam: Nyp: What did your comment "(Risa.)" mean?
Nyperold: Oh, it's a place in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Nyperold: Picard was sent there for a vacation.
vballgirl: Hey Randy: For "pinnacle" - "I was at the _________ of my success.
Randy: That maybe could work.
gremlinn: Sounds like "pinochle"?
gremlinn: But that'd be a cheat.
Randy: heh
gremlinn: Pinhead cracks his _____s to get ready.
Randy: heh
ThePhan: LOL! I was trying to get to Facebook, but I've clearly been in here too long, because I typed "FaceBot."
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Kysle: LOL
Sam: The transcript for Buzz is cool, because you can see all the forbidden words.
Sam: Holy moly. MoleBot took three minutes to play.
ThePhan: Whoa.
Kysle: TP: you rock
ThePhan: That is crazy.
Randy: Nice
gremlinn: For "Words or phrases that end in 'aid'" it seems like the "words" part shouldn't even be there, if no single words are answers anyway.
gremlinn: Looked a bit misleading.
Sam: grem: I changed it from "words" to "terms" after noticing that.
gremlinn: Ah, okay.
Sam: UBT#1's MoleBot times were 11 minutes, 7 minutes, and 8 minutes. This time it was 3, 6, and 4.
ThePhan: Eeesh.
Sam: BuzzBot was mercifully shortened from 55 minutes to 36.
Zup: Wow.
Sam: I also added "feet" to the massage question.
gremlinn: Sam split some of the points in Moles last time, it appears.
Sam: Yeah.
Sam: IIRC, ThePhan won two of the three.
gremlinn: But that wouldn't account for 11 -> 3.
gremlinn: Having many other players was the other factor.
Sam: Yeah. That's really the big one.
Sam: Weirdly, KickMoleBot was tonight's longest MoleBot variant, and that's the one that was won most efficiently, by having nobody but one person score.
ThePhan: Yeah. Less players really cut down on playing time.
Zup: Awesome. I just noticed I have the first line in the transcript. Yay for pointeless victories!
gremlinn: Sam: longer delay between rounds, or what?
gremlinn: More "escapes"?
gremlinn: I managed to escape once.
Sam: I guess.

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