About Sinbad Translation Party
Sinbad Translation Party consists of the normal Sinbad Comic strips with the dialogue translated by the Translation Party web site, which uses Google's translation tools to translate text back and forth between Japanese and English until the text stops changing. This process usually produces translations that are wildly, hilariously, unrecognizably different from the original text.
If you are new to Sinbad Comic, we highly recommend that you read the unaltered Sinbad Comic strips first, before seeing how computerized translation tools mangle them.
Sinbad Translation Party #15: Marriage of Convenience [ Jump To Comments ] [ Compare With Original Version ]

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Comments (9)
Date: Wed, 8/25/2010, 20:00:52
Or a Startrek spoof.
Or, or, or... Put a poll on the home page and vote about next decade's comic! (You don't plan on abandoning this after another year, right? I worship these like [s]my soaps[/s] my PS3! No, really, these comics are just like my last relationship. They're helping me deal with the trauma. You're *way* better than some lousy therapist, Sam! Thanks!)
Date: Fri, 3/5/2010, 18:51:35
EEEEEE You offend me!
Date: Tue, 12/15/2009, 00:12:54
Date: Mon, 12/14/2009, 17:04:52
The first 60 Sinbad Party comics are all in the bag at this point; as I progressed through the series, I started trying each line multiple times, varying the capitalization and punctuation and picking the best result. (Capitalizing a single letter or leaving off an ending punctuation mark can produce dramatically different results.)
I just tried that particular line a bunch of different ways and couldn't get it. But there are a lot of different permutations; three of the words can be capitalized or not ("You'll," "Prince," and "Ali"), and the ending punctuation mark can be a period, an exclamation mark, or missing (or a comma or question mark, but I doubt I would have gone that far).
Either I didn't get the exact permutation when trying to recreate it just now, or the translation algorithm has been tweaked in the last three months. *shrug*
Date: Mon, 12/14/2009, 16:37:24
Date: Mon, 12/14/2009, 15:45:47
Date: Mon, 12/14/2009, 12:14:29
Date: Mon, 12/14/2009, 10:54:11
Date: Mon, 12/14/2009, 09:57:22
Wait, who's her father?
Wait, who married Ali besides Alina?
*my head a splode*
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