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Re: ESM hopelssly lost again!
Posted By: Mzmills, on host
Date: Saturday, January 14, 2006, at 19:31:22
In Reply To: Re: ESM hopelssly lost again! posted by ScottieGirlC on Saturday, January 14, 2006, at 17:41:50:

> > I have beaker, blue paint, bottle cap, chain, chalk,Disk with virus,earthworm sample,eraser,glue stick,knock out drops,lighter,mirror,scalpel,soldering iron,spool of film,wire, wrench.
> > Have found alien, set the fire,looked at the files. Now I am going in circles again. can't get the keys or develop the film (I have been to the past to no avail)I also can't get the fire map. am missing something but just cant figure it out HELP!
> You already have what you need to develop the film... note how you have that option? You just need to find the right place to have it developed. Have you asked any of the teachers about it?
> (Of course, pictures of just some lame fashion show won't do you a lick of good. I'm assuming you're trying to develop the film because there's a picture on it that you really need.... right?)
> Once you develop the film, it should unfold a series of events to get you on the right track forward again.
> Scottie "Don't overthink this one" GirlC

Thank you I finally got it

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