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Re: TOA -- Bombs and Parkinglots -- Please help me. :*-(
Posted By: JoshColvin, on host
Date: Saturday, November 29, 2003, at 15:49:40
In Reply To: TOA -- Bombs and Parkinglots -- Please help me. :*-( posted by KingGramJohnson on Monday, August 11, 2003, at 06:37:40:

> Hello,
> I was reading though old messages about the bombs and I found that someone wrote:
> "The nerd parking lot is P6 on the Elkland Map, on the Southeastern corner of campus. Start there and work your way around in a circle, ending at P3 in the Northeastern lot. You should have just enough moves."
> Well I did that, and it helped a little and I mapped it out on some paper. This is what I came up with: (key: N=North, S=South, E=East, W=West SE=Southeast, NE=Northeast, AB= Activate Bomb.)
> AB, W, W, W, AB E, N, N, AB, N, N, AB, SE, NE, AB, E, N, E, AB
> Ok, that got me to P3, but just one move to slow. getting into the parking lot took up my last move. I wasn't able to activate the bomb. Can someone tell me what I did wrong? Please.

You are almost right, but after the second bomb, go north, then east to save yourself one move.

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