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Re: Murkon's Refuge (MR) Challenge - must-read for MR veterans
Posted By: commie_bat, on host
Date: Monday, July 15, 2002, at 04:31:07
In Reply To: Re: Murkon's Refuge (MR) Challenge - must-read for MR veterans posted by knivetsil on Monday, July 15, 2002, at 04:15:36:

> > > 14)beat the game running from battle as much as possible
> > >
> > 14 - this one is ill-defined. What's as much as possible? It's impossible to beat the game without leveling up, so you have to fight someone. How high is the minimum you have to level up?
> What I meant by as much as possible is whenever the enemy allows you to. Aren't there enemy characters that you can't escape from, such as escorts or Murkon?
So... What you mean is beating the game without actually fighting anyone but the four Guardians and the Royal Escorts?

That's basically equivalent to never leveling up, plus the added inconvenience of having to keep running from enemies till you manage to get past them.

Not only will the first breather kill your entire party with one puff, but the Escorts would have you paralyzed in two rounds anyway. All this, of course, charitably assumes that you could even get as far as a deep level. Running doesn't always work no matter how high your stats are, and as soon as a level 0 character tries to run from a snake or a swarm of flies, he'll be poisoned and he'll die in 12 steps.

But hey, if you want to try it, good luck!

F"you gotta be kidding me!"B

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