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Re: Murkon's Refuge: My characters are slowing down in their old age
Posted By: commie_bat, on host
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2002, at 04:12:52
In Reply To: Murkon's Refuge: My characters are slowing down in their old age posted by sting on Wednesday, June 12, 2002, at 19:58:43:

> Spoilers for Levels 9 and 10
> S
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> In my all-Sorcerer party, the 2nd and 3rd characters have Speeds of 11, and the first character has Speed 15. They're hitting at 12 ish times for damage of 300+, which I think is fairly good considering that they're equipped with Staff +2 and WC of 5.
> Strangely, though, when they try to hit the Grim Reaper (300 is better than 128) they get slowed down, and can only hit 4 times or less.
> I thought maybe it was something to do with Death and all, but, no, because when fighting Murkon, they were slowed down even further, hitting only 1 time for 24 damage. So I resigned myself to clicking. Spell--Throttle, Spell--Throttle, 6 times per combat round, for about 20 combat rounds (lost count after the first 4)
> Is there a reason why my Sorcerers are getting slowed down by Murkon and the Grim Reaper? I wonder if they just smell bad, and the sensible people don't want to get too close (and so hit less...) but I didn't notice any such problems when my other party, (with a Knight, Assassin and Rogue in the front three spots) handled Murkon and the Grim Reaper.
> Come to think of it, the slowing down may have happened for the Leviathan on Level 9, only they weren't fully leveled up with base Speed 10, Items of Sorcery, and all attributes 30+. And I used spells only.
> So what's happening to my characters, anyone know? Is it the badness of Murkon that puts them off? Or are they just slowing down in their old age?

I remember a reference earlier to some combat modifier number that relates to how well characters handle their weapons in combat, and it varies between classes. Maybe it's most important when facing special monsters, or ones that are super-agile.

Anyway, I'd never send a Sorcerer to swing a staff at the Reaper. That's just so wrong.

F"when I beat the game with only a caster, she never equipped a weapon at all"B

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