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Re: Murkon's Refuge: Monsters and Experience (some spoilers)
Posted By: sting, on host
Date: Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 22:16:21
In Reply To: Re: Murkon's Refuge: Monsters and Experience (some spoilers) posted by commie_bat on Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 20:17:02:

> Why are you on a dragon level with such a weak party? You need to level up in a big way.

I was hoping that by fighting the tougher monsters I would get more XP and level up quicker. It's working, too.
> Part of the problem is that casters can't use much armour. Anyway, if RAZORS is the best you have, you shouldn't be fighting anything that big for two or three more levels.

I've got a better spell now. And, I never realised that there's a better AC spell than CONCEAL!

> I finished the game with just a single Sorceress-turned-Druid, without ever equipping a weapon or selecting "Fight" in combat. It wasn't really that tedious, except for the guardians. Would have gone quicker with three casters, cause they could have cured each other's paralysis. Do you have any idea how long it takes to get a Druid up to 65 AC?

Nope. I didn't even know Druids gain AC. Like Assassins?
> ^v^:)^v^
> F"beating Murkon the Max Power way"B

What does FB stand for? Flying Bat? Fruit Basket? Or, possibly, your name, which might seem the more logical thing. But hey, with me, logic not an issue.

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