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Re: TOA-key
Posted By: knivetsil, on host
Date: Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 12:54:50
In Reply To: Re: TOA-key posted by macrinus7 on Wednesday, May 29, 2002, at 21:54:48:

> > I mean Stefansen's task.
> You should have time to complete the task. If it's Saturday night, maybe you should sleep on it.
Okay, but how do I sleep? If you mean in Halcyon Hall, I keep thinking about Hennus and can't fall asleep.

> > I've gotten into the abandoned shack, but how can I make it across the chasm?
> Did you visit your brother?

He's not at GSIP yet.
> > Oh, and what does the silly putty do?
> Anything you want it to, I guess. Seriously, though, I don't recall any Silly Putty. Maybe that will become clear later on.
> mac "been through this game twice and don't remember THAT" rinus7

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