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Poa You Guys Are Super Thanks All
Posted By: Lisa, on host
Date: Friday, December 28, 2001, at 18:47:04

I did it I solved poa. I want to thank everyone for their help. My two worse problems were the conduits and I forgot in the sand caverns to follow that cart although that wasn't hard compared to how hard the conduits were. so thanks to those who had patience with me for that after I got that conduit problem solved i realized just how close I was to solving that before the hints and then you try to make things more complicated then they are which is what I did lol.

On the second follow that cart it was just a matter of a brain crammp thanks to those who got me back on track with that lol. sometimes I play at like 2 or 3 in the morning when i'm tired and don't think lol so thanks guys for getting me back on track with follow the cart two.

Again thanks Gremlin and everyone else for their help you guys are super.

I'm worried though Gremlin poor Ken's sister is still floating out their aimlessly in space lol.

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