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Posted By: Lisa, on host
Date: Friday, November 30, 2001, at 12:46:52

Ok now we're at the krux of the problem there are 2 buttons North and south directions. You say I need to hook them up North south after I do north all the way across. However when i do say like 6E North on the north pannel and 6E South on the south button it will make the number the same on both north button pannel and south button pannel it doesn't let you change the numbers so it always 6E south or north on what ever pannel you put it on both of them so south and north buttons will both say 6 E south. You see what i'm saying if I put in the north button pannel 6E south and in the south button panner 6E north it doesn't say that it takes one number like 6E north and puts it like that in both pannels.

No matter what nmbers i put in the north and south button pannels its the same in both.

thanks I hope your understanding what i'm saying.

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