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Re: stuck on Fantasy Quest pleeeeease help! :(
Posted By: Adena, on host
Date: Sunday, November 11, 2001, at 15:35:48
In Reply To: stuck on Fantasy Quest pleeeeease help! :( posted by Kediri on Sunday, November 11, 2001, at 06:52:15:

> i've been thru the volcano and the north fortress seen everyone!
> 1)do i need what's under the rug that the couch is on in the south fortress?
> 2)do i need leaves?
> i have;
> sack, carrot, branch, rope, hook, silver & gold key, sword, shovel, scroll, hammer, nails, bow, arrow, fishing pole, club, ticket, winter coat, pass & float rings, sunstone & oil.

First off, what can you think of that needs oil?
You don't need either of things you mentioned. Go through the north fortress again. You need to pay close attention to any *turns and ends* that you may have missed.

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