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Re: Cloning mutants
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 8, 2001, at 02:06:19
In Reply To: Re: Cloning posted by Loser on Tuesday, August 7, 2001, at 23:05:14:

> Also, what if something goes wrong and some mutant form of humans are created?

Oh cool! Mutant spider-monkey humans. That would rock.

And besides, about half the population on the planet are technically mutants. Noticable mutations tend to be aborted long before the mother even knows she's pregnant. Accidentally creating a mutant that you could recognise as a mutant would be like a tornado ripping through a junkyard and building a fully functional passenger jet.

> We won't even know who's who anymore. If they find a way to clone the brain and its memories along with the body, you won't even know if YOU'RE a clone or not. Seeing as the clone's brain will be the exact same brain as right before you were cloned. Think of the crimes that can be committed. Someone can just kill you, take a blood sample and replace you with an exact duplicate.

Someone can kill you, and then replace you with an exact duplicate - body and mind - of yourself? Umm... OK, but why? They could just kill the clone and have the exact same effect.

Sure, you could steal someone's car and use that to have an exact duplicate made (same keys, everything), trash the original and put the duplicate back where you found it. You could do it, but it seems like a huge waste of effort to me.

> Just like in The Sixth day. There will be someone to replace your whole life. Your wives and husbands and children wouldn't even notice. I think we shouldn't even think about it.

If they can't notice, then what's the problem? If the clone has been brainwashed (about the only reason I can think of for doing this), then it probably will be noticed. And it would be easier and cheaper to brainwash the original.

> Just don't do it and help preserve our race. The next thing you'll know they'll be a backup copy of everyone in the world, kept in a storage facility. If there weren't so many dangers that came with cloning...sure...I'd be all for it. Even animal cloning should be kept to a minimum. AHH I'm getting that Planet of the Apes type of feeling. Its scary.

How does avoiding cloning technology "help preserve our race"? All it does it to create more members of the race. Not quite the same as the current type of pregnancy, but close enough (IMHO).

winter"A spare body? That could come in handy"mute