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In the path of a volcano...
Posted By: dingdong, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2001, at 10:42:21

I was watching the news tonight, and I noticed a little section on a volcanic eruption in Sicily, Mt Etna. (Volcanoes have always fascinated me).

On this news report, they were showing trenches built to stop the lava flow, and aeroplanes dropping water to cool it, none of this having any effect at all, of course.

And then I got to thinking: Why should they have to do that anyway? What could possibly possess someone to live near an active volcano? Not only can they be surprisingly unpredictable in eruption, but also in the crack development, so you don't even know where the lava is coming from!!!

I just don't understand...

ding"volcano-less country abider"dong

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