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Re: Greetings from Europe!
Posted By: Zarniwoop, on host
Date: Sunday, July 22, 2001, at 16:34:58
In Reply To: Greetings from Europe! posted by Sosiqui on Sunday, July 22, 2001, at 14:41:11:

Having fun? Good.

A couple of good places to visit:

1). Tate Modern. It's free. And it's a RULING art gallery as well. If only the Dome had been given the Tate's projected visitor numbers...

2). Shakespeare's Globe. At least take the tour. Theatre like it was supposed to be :-)
If you can get in to see something, I recommend Macbeth or Cymbeline - avoid King Lear unless it's a last resort. As the last performance of Cymbeline was in about 1966, it's not too well known, and so should be easy to get tickets for. The character list runs to about forty - the cast is about eight - they all double up, and quite superbly too. One last thing - if you do go, get groundling tickets. Standing maybe, but standing about half an inch from the actors at times.

Of course, if going to the theatre isn't too popular with you...I've just wasted a lot of time. Ah well, need to kill some anyway.


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