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Re: Invisibility!
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Thursday, August 24, 2000, at 05:44:13
In Reply To: Re: Invisibility! posted by Ticia on Wednesday, August 23, 2000, at 11:35:16:

> Dr. Laura said she practically got whiplash getting out of the theater...

As in Dr. Laura Schlessinger?

> And, if you follow the link, here is what has to say about "Hollow Man"
> Ti'recommends if you want to know *why* a movie is rated what it's rated, but not if you don't want spoilers'cia

OH! Er, um...well, I definitely *won't* be seeing that. It would probably be horrible even after they edit it for TV. Oh well. The special FX looked cool, though.


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