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Re: Outlaws of the Sierra Nevada: No money?
Posted By: salana, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 09:13:04
In Reply To: Outlaws of the Sierra Nevada: No money? posted by Arawn89 on Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 03:15:43:

> Have managed to get really stuck here...
> In my Inventory I have:
> 8 Dollars
> Matches
> Hannibal
> Altar Cloth
> Hat Pin
> Feather
> Key
> Playing Cards
> Cord
> Map
> Spittoon
> I've met Delhi Shanks and received the quest to find him a pair of boots, though I lack 16 Dollars. I've played the piano, met the indians and the goat-man, fought the bar-fight AND the barn-fight, sold the gun...
> What have I missed?
> A hint would be appreciated!
> // Arawn

When you had the fight at the bar did you get something? You should have received a bag with $30.00 in it. The gun gives you $15.00 Two silver dollars from the farmer. $14.00 for playing piano. One dollar in the knife. You need $24.00 for the boots. Go back to the saloon. It seems to be where you missed something.I thin when you had the bar fight you didn't go back and talk to the guys you were playing cards with.

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