Ultimate Bot Tournament #6: Session 7
10Kan has entered.
* 10Kan declares him self king, KING of the UBT room!
Kalimeris has entered.
Sam has entered.
jaime has entered.
MissyCat has entered.
Lirelyn has entered.
Randy has entered.
* 10Kan welcomes the guests to his kingdom.
Goosey has entered.
* Lirelyn hopes the king has furnished a feast.
Randy: FEAST
jaime: Porkchops and hamburguers for all!
* Kalimeris declares war on 10Kan's kingdom
Randy: hey, what are we playing tonight?
Sam: Word, Jumble, Chain, Stack, and their ilk.
Sam: With Caption at the end.
Lirelyn: Trying to figure out the object of StackBot just by looking at game transcripts was a fun exercise.
Sam: Lirelyn: Oooh, yeah, I can see how that would be confusing.
Lirelyn: All the other bots were pretty obvious, but that one took me a while.
Sam: If you didn't realize, you can do "/bots" and get instructions for all of them.
Lirelyn: Sam: I didn't realize! But I was having fun working them out on my own.
: weLLLLL HOWdy folks how aRE YOU TOdaYYYY??? EERK! OUCH! EEK! our fIRST BOt is chAIIIIIIIIIIIInbot *whimper* oof
10Kan: Sam, you monster!
: we plAY THIS In free-for-AUUUUUUUUUUUUGH mode, *cry*
Goosey: This is the most twisted host yet...
* Goosey groans at her own joke.
Randy: GROAN
: AFTEr the uuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-THAT-HURTS-bt, visIT MY WEB PAGE http://www.rinkworks.com/nightmare/
ChainBot has been summoned by Sam.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Rules: Continue chains with change, add, remove, swap, anagram. Can't add/remove trailing S.' by ChainBot.
ChainBot: Rules: Continue chains with change, add, remove, swap, anagram. Can't add/remove trailing S.
Revan: ChainBot Rules!
: tHE GAme beginS IN #) SECOnds.......i wanna advil
Kalimeris: I am hoping all the scrabble on facebook has helped my word skills
ChainBot: Starting a new free-for-all game.
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'crushers'.
Goosey: rushers
Revan: crushed
Kalimeris: crashers
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word crashers and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'crashers'.
Goosey: rashers
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word rashers and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'rashers'.
Randy: rashes
ChainBot: Randy continues the chain with the word rashes and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Randy, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'rashes'.
Revan: Oh, wait. Now I remember how to play. lol
Kalimeris: rushers
Goosey: ashes
jaime: ashes
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word ashes and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'ashes'.
Lirelyn: lashes
Revan: rashes
ChainBot: Lirelyn continues the chain with the word lashes and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'lashes'.
Revan: lashed
Kalimeris: slashes
10Kan: lushes
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word lashed and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'lashed'.
Goosey: slashed
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word slashed and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'slashed'.
10Kan: splashed
Revan: sloshed
Randy: slushed
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word splashed and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'splashed'.
MissyCat: splashes
Revan: splasher
Kalimeris: splashe
ChainBot: MissyCat ends the chain (length 10) with the word splashes and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
10Kan: splasher?
Revan: Aw.
Goosey: WOOO
Revan: Better than nothing.
Randy: Yay!
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'rimous'.
Kalimeris: rimour
jaime: well, i didnt understand but
Kalimeris: limous
10Kan: ruimous
Goosey: rimou
jaime: primous
Kalimeris: trimous
Randy: trimous
10Kan: sirmon
Randy: bimous
Goosey: timorus
Randy: rimouse
ChainBot: Time's up! The chain is broken. All possible continuations: ramous, simous.
Goosey: trimous
Randy: hehehe
Kalimeris: Yay
Revan: Awesome.
Goosey: gha
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'orally'.
10Kan: ramous is when you run away, knocking down a door.
Randy: morally
Lirelyn: morally
Goosey: rally
ChainBot: Randy continues the chain with the word morally and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Randy, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'morally'.
Goosey: mortally
ChainBot: Goosey ends the chain (length 3) with the word mortally and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
Randy: nice
10Kan: imortally
jaime: morally
Randy: two m's
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'muddler'.
Sam: Nice.
Revan: muddled
Sam: muddled
Kalimeris: mudder
Randy: middler
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word muddled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'muddled'.
MissyCat: huddler
Goosey: muddle
Kalimeris: puddled
10Kan: puddled
Sam: fuddled
ChainBot: Sam continues the chain with the word fuddled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'fuddled'.
Revan: fiddled
Kalimeris: fiddled
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word fiddled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'fiddled'.
Goosey: fiddle
10Kan: fiddler
Randy: fiddlers
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word fiddle and wins 1 point!
Kalimeris: feddle
ChainBot: 10Kan ends the chain (length 6) with the word fiddler and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
Randy: shoot
Goosey: wow
Revan: COMBO!
10Kan: A fiddler on the chain! Is strange, no?
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'baldness'.
Revan: badness
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word badness and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'badness'.
Kalimeris: sadnes
10Kan: baldness
Kalimeris: sadness
Goosey: sadness
ChainBot: Kalimeris ends the chain (length 3) with the word sadness and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
jaime: sadness
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'milline'.
Kalimeris: madness
Revan: millins
Randy: milliner
Lirelyn: milliner
jaime: millined
ChainBot: Randy continues the chain with the word milliner and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Randy, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'milliner'.
Goosey: malliner
10Kan: molliner
10Kan: rilliner
Kalimeris: malliner
Kalimeris: tilliner
Goosey: pilliner
10Kan: mulliner
jaime: silliner
Lirelyn: midliner
Goosey: millinder
10Kan: millionaire
jaime: millinet
ChainBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the chain from the word 'milliner'.
Goosey: illiner
Randy: millsner
Revan: millinger
Goosey: limliner
Kalimeris: millsiner
Goosey: linlimer
jaime: malliner
Goosey: rillime
* Revan waits.
Lirelyn: millinger
Randy: rimilliner
10Kan: mallinger
ChainBot: Time's up! The chain is broken. All possible continuations: millinery.
Goosey: GAH
Kalimeris: Oh.
Lirelyn: OH
Randy: aww
10Kan: OH DUH
Kalimeris: Really?
Kalimeris: Wow.
Revan: I will not stand for this MILLINERY
Goosey: *bonk*
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'localize'.
Randy: hehe
jaime: linermil
Revan: localized
Randy: localized
10Kan: vocalize
Goosey: focalize
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word localized and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'localized'.
Goosey: vocalized
10Kan: vocalized
Randy: vocalized
MissyCat: localizer
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word vocalized and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'vocalized'.
Goosey: PHEW
jaime: slow pc
Lirelyn: vocalize
Kalimeris: vocalizer
10Kan: votalized
10Kan: vocalised
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word vocalised and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'vocalised'.
Kalimeris: covalised
Revan: vocaliser
10Kan: Thank you, U.K.!
jaime: vocalise
ChainBot: jaime continues the chain with the word vocalise and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except jaime, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'vocalise'.
Goosey: vocaliser
Lirelyn: vocalise
10Kan: focalise
Revan: socialise
Revan: vocalised
Revan: Oh, duh.
10Kan: localise
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word localise and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'localise'.
Revan: localised
MissyCat: localiser
ChainBot: Revan ends the chain (length 7) with the word localised and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
jaime: localised
Goosey: localized
10Kan: LOL
Goosey: um
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'rowelled'.
Kalimeris: trowelled
Goosey: trowelled
10Kan: trowelled
Revan: One of those spellings needs to die.
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word trowelled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'trowelled'.
jaime: towelled
MissyCat: vowelled
Goosey: DARN YOU
ChainBot: jaime continues the chain with the word towelled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except jaime, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'towelled'.
Revan: towelled
10Kan: troweller
Revan: toweller
10Kan: toweller
Goosey: toweller
10Kan: towerled
Randy: stowelled
Goosey: towled
Goosey: toweled
10Kan: towelles
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word toweled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'toweled'.
Revan: toweles
Lirelyn: twelled
Kalimeris: troweled
Revan: ...
jaime: towered
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word troweled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'troweled'.
Lirelyn: fleh
Revan: troweler
Kalimeris: groweled
10Kan: traveled
Revan: traweled
Revan: stroweled
Goosey: troveled
10Kan: groweled
jaime: troveled
Randy: groweled
Goosey: roweled
ChainBot: Goosey ends the chain (length 6) with the word roweled and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
10Kan: trowled
Goosey: Ooh, that was a guess! LOL
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'greaten'.
Revan: greater
Goosey: greater
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word greater and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'greater'.
Randy: reaten
Goosey: grated
Kalimeris: grater
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word grater and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'grater'.
Goosey: grated
MissyCat: grate
jaime: grate
10Kan: groated
Goosey: rater
Revan: crater
Randy: gyrater
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word rater and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word crater and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'crater'.
Kalimeris: cater
jaime: rater
10Kan: crates
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word cater and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'cater'.
Revan: caters
jaime: rater
Goosey: caker
MissyCat: carte
Goosey: caler
Revan: caper
Goosey: caber
10Kan: caver
Goosey: caner
ChainBot: MissyCat continues the chain with the word carte and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'carte'.
10Kan: tarte
Randy: carts
jaime: cart
Goosey: larte
Revan: cartel
10Kan: corte
ChainBot: Randy continues the chain with the word carts and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Randy, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'carts'.
Goosey: arte
Kalimeris: marts
10Kan: tarts
MissyCat: darts
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word marts and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'marts'.
Revan: parts
Goosey: tarty
10Kan: morts
Goosey: marty
Lirelyn: smarts
Randy: mats
Goosey: trams
Revan: malts
ChainBot: Lirelyn continues the chain with the word smarts and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'smarts'.
MissyCat: marsh
Revan: smart
10Kan: smart
Randy: smuts
Revan: smarks
10Kan: smarms
jaime: marts
Kalimeris: sarts
Goosey: smarms
jaime: starts
Goosey: smorts
MissyCat: trams
Kalimeris: snarts
Goosey: smares
10Kan: smarks
10Kan: smares
Revan: strams
Randy: smitts
ChainBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the chain from the word 'smarts'.
Goosey: starms
Kalimeris: smarty
Goosey: strams
Revan: smelts
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word smarty and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'smarty'.
MissyCat: stars
jaime: trams
Randy: smarmy
ChainBot: Randy ends the chain (length 12) with the word smarmy and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
Goosey: smorty
Goosey: man
Randy: yeah!
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'caldron'.
MissyCat: cauldron
jaime: cauldron
Randy: cauldron
ChainBot: MissyCat ends the chain (length 2) with the word cauldron and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
Revan: I hate when it gets to where we're playing three, four continuations in advance before it even refreshes.
Goosey: I know.
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'torula'.
Randy: tortula
jaime: morula
Kalimeris: tortula
Goosey: toruly
Revan: torulae
ChainBot: jaime continues the chain with the word morula and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except jaime, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'morula'.
Goosey: morala
MissyCat: moral
Kalimeris: modula
Goosey: morela
Revan: formula
Goosey: morule
10Kan: moruls
Goosey: moruma
Revan: loruma
Goosey: moruga
Kalimeris: morul
10Kan: morulae
Revan: moruls
ChainBot: 10Kan ends the chain (length 3) with the word morulae and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
Kalimeris: morsul
Goosey: morufa
10Kan: WOOT
jaime: thanks biology
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'snicking'.
10Kan: Latin regina.
Revan: snacking
jaime: sticking
Goosey: snacking
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word snacking and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'snacking'.
Kalimeris: snacking
MissyCat: knicking
Lirelyn: nicking
Goosey: sacking
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word sacking and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'sacking'.
Kalimeris: sacking
Kalimeris: packing
Revan: stacking
MissyCat: hacking
10Kan: slacking
Lirelyn: stacking
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word packing and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'packing'.
Randy: slacking
10Kan: pocking
Goosey: picking
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word pocking and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'pocking'.
Kalimeris: rocking
jaime: pecking
Revan: spocking
Goosey: porking
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word porking and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'porking'.
10Kan: forking
Revan: forking
Kalimeris: forking
MissyCat: corking
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word forking and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'forking'.
jaime: parking
Goosey: fording
Revan: forming
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word fording and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'fording'.
Randy: forging
Revan: folding
10Kan: fooding
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word folding and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'folding'.
jaime: forting
Kalimeris: holding
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word holding and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'holding'.
Goosey: soling
MissyCat: molding
Lirelyn: molding
10Kan: colding
Revan: vote 10K
jaime: molding
10Kan: LOL
Goosey: hotllting
Goosey: holting
Randy: helding
Kalimeris: halding
10Kan: holeling
jaime: sholding
Goosey: halding
10Kan: holing
Revan: hilding
Randy: holfing
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word hilding and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'hilding'.
10Kan: olding
jaime: hotding
Kalimeris: hiding
Goosey: hiding
Lirelyn: hiding
jaime: milding
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word hiding and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'hiding'.
10Kan: biding
jaime: heding
Goosey: hidding
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word biding and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'biding'.
Randy: binging
Kalimeris: siding
Goosey: bidding
Revan: biting
Lirelyn: abiding
Randy: gah
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word bidding and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'bidding'.
MissyCat: riding
Kalimeris: bedding
10Kan: bodding
Revan: birding
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word bedding and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'bedding'.
Randy: bodding
Lirelyn: wedding
10Kan: redding
MissyCat: wedding
Goosey: fedding
Sam: botting
ChainBot: Lirelyn continues the chain with the word wedding and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'wedding'.
Goosey: weeding
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word weeding and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'weeding'.
Revan: weldingh
10Kan: wending
jaime: woeding
10Kan: weening
MissyCat: needing
10Kan: It's scots dialect!
Kalimeris: weedin
Revan: weeking
10Kan: woeding
Sam: weeing
10Kan: weeling
Randy: hehe
10Kan: weeking
Kalimeris: wheeding
Randy: wheding
ChainBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the chain from the word 'weeding'.
Sam: tweeding
Goosey: weeping
jaime: weeming
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word weeping and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'weeping'.
Kalimeris: weezing
Sam: Ooh.
Revan: seeping
10Kan: peeping
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word seeping and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'seeping'.
Lirelyn: sweeping
Randy: sweeping
Kalimeris: sleeping
ChainBot: Lirelyn continues the chain with the word sweeping and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'sweeping'.
10Kan: seaping
Sam: sweepings
Kalimeris: sweeling
Goosey: swepping
Randy: sweeting
ChainBot: Randy continues the chain with the word sweeting and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Randy, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'sweeting'.
Kalimeris: sweating
Randy: LOL!
10Kan: tweeting
Lirelyn: tweeting
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word sweating and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'sweating'.
Revan: sweating
Goosey: sweating
10Kan: seating
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word seating and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'seating'.
Goosey: swatting
jaime: tweating
Goosey: eating
Kalimeris: eating
MissyCat: setting
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word eating and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'eating'.
Revan: beating
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word beating and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'beating'.
10Kan: bleating
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word bleating and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'bleating'.
Lirelyn: bearing
Goosey: baiting
jaime: seating
Revan: bloating
Kalimeris: pleating
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word bloating and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'bloating'.
10Kan: floating
Randy: boating
Lirelyn: floating
Goosey: blothing
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word floating and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'floating'.
jaime: froating
Revan: florting
Kalimeris: footing
Kalimeris: flooting
Goosey: floaming
Lirelyn: foaling
Goosey: floting
Lirelyn: flating
Goosey: flooting
jaime: floasing
ChainBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the chain from the word 'floating'.
jaime: floatings
10Kan: floeting
10Kan: foeting
Randy: feoating
10Kan: forting
MissyCat: loafing
Goosey: flouting
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word flouting and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'flouting'.
Revan: afloating
Goosey: YES!
jaime: fooating
Randy: nice!
Kalimeris: louting
Lirelyn: fluting
jaime: louting
ChainBot: Lirelyn continues the chain with the word fluting and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'fluting'.
Kalimeris: luting
10Kan: gluting
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word luting and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'luting'.
Revan: fluming
Goosey: lating
Randy: luing
MissyCat: glutin
Goosey: loting
10Kan: puting
jaime: lusing
Goosey: tuling
10Kan: loting
MissyCat: muting
Randy: luting
ChainBot: MissyCat continues the chain with the word muting and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'muting'.
jaime: lutingy
Goosey: muting
10Kan: mutiny
Randy: mutiny
Lirelyn: mating
ChainBot: 10Kan ends the chain (length 33) with the word mutiny and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
Kalimeris: outing
Goosey: mating
10Kan: That was an awesome chain.
Lirelyn: Nice1
Randy: er, Round
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'scooper'.
10Kan: scooped
Revan: scooped
MissyCat: cooper
Randy: cooper
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word scooped and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'scooped'.
jaime: scoopes
Goosey: scoped
Lirelyn: scoped
Revan: slooped
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word scoped and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'scoped'.
10Kan: coped
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word coped and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'coped'.
Kalimeris: coped
Revan: scaped
Randy: coper
Kalimeris: copped
ChainBot: Randy continues the chain with the word coper and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Randy, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'coper'.
Lirelyn: copied
Goosey: coed
jaime: scopes
10Kan: popped
MissyCat: cooped
Revan: FAST
Kalimeris: copper
10Kan: coker
Kalimeris: roper
jaime: cope
Lirelyn: copier
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word copper and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'copper'.
Goosey: copper
Goosey: popper
10Kan: popper
Randy: copter
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word popper and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'popper'.
MissyCat: copier
10Kan: plopper
Randy: pepper
Lirelyn: pepper
Kalimeris: mopper
ChainBot: Randy continues the chain with the word pepper and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Randy, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'pepper'.
Revan: popped
Kalimeris: peppery
Goosey: peeper
ChainBot: Kalimeris ends the chain (length 9) with the word peppery and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'compiled'.
Revan: complied
Lirelyn: complied
10Kan: complied
Goosey: compile
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word complied and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'complied'.
jaime: compile
Randy: complier
ChainBot: Randy ends the chain (length 3) with the word complier and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
10Kan: complier
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'fetches'.
10Kan: fletches
Revan: fetched
Randy: fetched
Goosey: retches
Kalimeris: etches
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word fletches and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'fletches'.
Revan: fletched
jaime: fletches
ChainBot: Revan ends the chain (length 3) with the word fletched and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
Randy: fletcher
Goosey: fletched
Goosey: bah.
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'dicker'.
10Kan: fetched?
Kalimeris: sicker
Revan: sicker
10Kan: docker
Goosey: ticker
jaime: docker
Randy: dickery
MissyCat: wicker
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word sicker and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'sicker'.
jaime: ducker
Goosey: slicker
10Kan: snicker
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word slicker and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'slicker'.
Revan: socker
Randy: slicked
Kalimeris: slacker
Revan: slacker
10Kan: slinker
ChainBot: Randy continues the chain with the word slicked and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Randy, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'slicked'.
jaime: slycker
Revan: slacked
10Kan: licked
Lirelyn: slacked
Kalimeris: slacked
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word slacked and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'slacked'.
Randy: slacker
jaime: slices
MissyCat: lacked
10Kan: lacked
Kalimeris: lacked
ChainBot: MissyCat continues the chain with the word lacked and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'lacked'.
Revan: flacked
10Kan: packed
Lirelyn: locked
Randy: hacked
Kalimeris: lackes
Goosey: packed
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word packed and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'packed'.
Randy: picked
jaime: racked
Goosey: packer
Revan: pocked
Lirelyn: pocked
MissyCat: paced
ChainBot: Randy continues the chain with the word picked and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Randy, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'picked'.
Kalimeris: picked
10Kan: pinked
Revan: picker
Goosey: sicked
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word picker and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'picker'.
Revan: picket
Goosey: pinker
Kalimeris: sicker
10Kan: sicker
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word pinker and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'pinker'.
Goosey: ticket
Revan: sinker
Kalimeris: sinker
10Kan: inker
jaime: miker
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word sinker and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'sinker'.
Kalimeris: sanker
Lirelyn: stinker
Randy: slinker
10Kan: sonker
jaime: sincker
Goosey: sinner
ChainBot: Lirelyn continues the chain with the word stinker and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'stinker'.
10Kan: singer
jaime: snicker
Kalimeris: sinner
MissyCat: tinker
Goosey: stinger
Revan: stinked
10Kan: stinger
Revan: stinger
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word stinger and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'stinger'.
MissyCat: stinkier
Randy: stinged
Revan: stingier
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word stingier and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'stingier'.
Goosey: tingier
MissyCat: stinkier
Randy: stungier
jaime: stingied
10Kan: stringier
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word stringier and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'stringier'.
Goosey: stringier
jaime: syringier
Revan: strinkier
Goosey: stringer
MissyCat: stringer
Randy: sringer
Revan: stringied
Revan: stringies
jaime: stringiery
Goosey: strongier
Kalimeris: stringer
jaime: strangier
Brick has entered.
Randy: striniget
ChainBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the chain from the word 'stringier'.
Revan: springier
Goosey: strangier
Kalimeris: strangier
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word springier and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'springier'.
jaime: astringier
jaime: springer
ChainBot: jaime continues the chain with the word springer and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except jaime, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'springer'.
10Kan: sprongier
Kalimeris: springer
Revan: splinger
Kalimeris: springed
Goosey: springed
Revan: springed
Randy: pringer
10Kan: springed
Goosey: sproinger
Revan: plunger
10Kan: aspringer
Revan: springed
Kalimeris: spriger
Brick: stringer
10Kan: sprunger
Randy: spranger
Goosey: sprinner
Kalimeris: spriner
10Kan: spongier
Revan: splinger
ChainBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the chain from the word 'springer'.
Goosey: sprinter
Kalimeris: springey
jaime: springery
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word sprinter and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'sprinter'.
10Kan: printer
Revan: splinter
MissyCat: printer
Brick: printer
Kalimeris: printer
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word printer and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'printer'.
Randy: sprinted
Revan: printed
Kalimeris: pinter
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word printed and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'printed'.
Goosey: pranter
jaime: printes
Revan: sprinted
10Kan: sprinted
Randy: pronted
ChainBot: 10Kan ends the chain (length 21) with the word sprinted and wins 2 points! (No known continuations.)
Goosey: wooooooo
10Kan: How did I get that and not revan?
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'antler'.
Goosey: anter
Kalimeris: anter
Revan: ankler
MissyCat: relant
Brick: bantler
Kalimeris: mantler
Goosey: rantle
10Kan: angler
Revan: antlery
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word angler and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'angler'.
Brick: rantler
Brick: rangler
Revan: angled
Goosey: rangler
MissyCat: dangler
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word angled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'angled'.
10Kan: tangled
Goosey: fangled
Kalimeris: tangled
Lirelyn: dangled
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word tangled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'tangled'.
Goosey: tanged
Kalimeris: tingled
Randy: tangles
Brick: mangled
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word tingled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'tingled'.
MissyCat: tangle
Goosey: tingler
10Kan: tinkled
Randy: tingles
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word tinkled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'tinkled'.
MissyCat: tingle
jaime: wut
MissyCat: tinkle
ChainBot: MissyCat continues the chain with the word tinkle and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'tinkle'.
Randy: twinkled
Goosey: tickled
10Kan: tinkles
Revan: tickle
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word tickle and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'tickle'.
10Kan: twinkle
Goosey: tickle
Goosey: tickled
jaime: tinkler
Brick: pickle
Kalimeris: sickle
Randy: fickle
Kalimeris: suckle
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word tickled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'tickled'.
10Kan: ickle
Lirelyn: stickler
jaime: tickler
Revan: pickled
Kalimeris: suckled
10Kan: stickled
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word pickled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'pickled'.
Goosey: pickle
10Kan: prickled
Randy: prickled
ChainBot: 10Kan continues the chain with the word prickled and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'prickled'.
Revan: pricked
Goosey: pockled
Sam: prickler
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word pricked and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'pricked'.
Goosey: prickle
MissyCat: prickle
Kalimeris: ricked
Goosey: ricked
Goosey: pracked
10Kan: prinkled
Brick: pricker
jaime: ricked
Revan: racked
ChainBot: Brick continues the chain with the word pricker and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Brick, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'pricker'.
Goosey: cricked
Revan: fricker
MissyCat: picker
10Kan: picker
Goosey: picker
ChainBot: MissyCat continues the chain with the word picker and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'picker'.
Revan: prinker
Goosey: packer
Randy: tricker
Brick: bicker
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word packer and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'packer'.
jaime: prickery
10Kan: sicker
10Kan: lacker
Revan: packed
Brick: sacker
Kalimeris: sacker
jaime: pocker
Kalimeris: racker
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word packed and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'packed'.
Kalimeris: sacked
Goosey: lacked
10Kan: sacked
Brick: sacked
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word sacked and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'sacked'.
Goosey: socked
10Kan: socked
ChainBot: Goosey continues the chain with the word socked and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'socked'.
Lirelyn: socked
Kalimeris: rocked
jaime: soaked
10Kan: socker
Revan: soaked
ChainBot: jaime continues the chain with the word soaked and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except jaime, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'soaked'.
Kalimeris: socker
Randy: soaker
Revan: soaker
MissyCat: oaked
10Kan: soaled
Goosey: .pourge
Kalimeris: soaped
Brick: coaked
ChainBot: Kalimeris continues the chain with the word soaped and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'soaped'.
Revan: soaper
MissyCat: soaper
Revan: scaped
Randy: sloaped
Goosey: escaped
jaime: soapes
Goosey: sapped
Revan: apesod
10Kan: slaped
Goosey: sopped
Brick: sloaped
10Kan: saped
ChainBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the chain from the word 'soaped'.
Brick: seaped
Goosey: snaped
10Kan: soape
jaime: espado
Revan: paedos
Randy: snaped
Kalimeris: oaped
Sam: shaped
Kalimeris: hoaped
10Kan: loaped
ChainBot: Sam continues the chain with the word shaped and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'shaped'.
Goosey: staped
Randy: shaper
10Kan: shaper
Brick: shapes
ChainBot: Randy continues the chain with the word shaper and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except Randy, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'shaper'.
Kalimeris: shaded
Revan: shaper
jaime: chaped
Revan: shaker
Kalimeris: shader
Goosey: shalper
ChainBot: Revan continues the chain with the word shaker and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Revan wins!
MissyCat: shaker
Revan: WOOT
jaime: shapes
Kalimeris: Nice Revan!
Goosey: SO CLOSE
* 10Kan applauds!
jaime: woops
Revan: That was really close.
Lirelyn: Yay Revan!!
* Goosey high-fives Revan and 10Kan
* Brick earned 1 point!
* Revan high-fives everybody.
10Kan: That was a close one. I didn't know I could do that.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=6
Randy: woo!
* 10Kan high-fives Revan with his hideous long ear.
Revan: I was hoping for anything but last place, honestly.
Goosey: You guys are fantasticopponents for this game. That wasa rush.
Goosey: My space bar is not complying with my demands.
Revan: For the last 7 or 8 points, I wasn't even looking at the red words or the scores.
10Kan: Goosey, are you drunk on bots?
Goosey: 10Kan: OH YEAH
10Kan: "One hundred bot-games of UBT on the wall, one hundred bot games of UBT..."
Goosey: ew -- and my wrist rest is all sweaty. Gross.
Randy: TMI
Revan: That is a very frenetic game. I need to get some water, heh
* Goosey stretches.
* Brick imagines himself stretching
: Hi. Hi.
Randy: uh
Brick: Shower says what?
Goosey: Hi . . . shower.
jaime: hi twower
10Kan: The small image looks like one of those aliens from Sesame Street smoking a pipe.
Goosey: Great, now I REALLY have to use the bathroom. BE RIGHT BACK NO START WITHOUT ME
: We are the shower. We are the shower. Our next game is StackBot. Our next game is StackBot.
: Let it not me said that this UBT is surreal, oh no. Let it not be said that this UBT is surreal, oh no.
Lirelyn: LOL
Randy: shower: Hi
Randy: Shower: hi
* Brick can say things twice too! Brick can say things twice too!
: After StackBot, after StackBot, we will have a comic preview, we will have a comic preview, and then later, and then later, we will have ANOTHER surprise, we will have ANOTHER surprise.
Kalimeris: YAY Surprises.
jaime: surprises!
: Stop repeating everything I say. Stop repeating everything I say.
10Kan: These things: http://www.spape.org/wp-content/uploads/yipyip_lg.jpg
Brick: LOL LOL
MissyCat: LOLOL
Revan: 10K: I loved those things!
10Kan: Revan: Me too!
10Kan: Yip-yip...
Lirelyn: yipyipyipyipyipyip
MissyCat: yippppy
Revan: They looked less sock-puppety back then.
TalkingDog: **++++
Randy: LOL LOL
Lirelyn: LOL
ChainBot has been dismissed by Sam.
StackBot has been summoned by Sam.
: Rumor has it Sam will be going for his fourth win in a row. Rumor has it Sam will be going for his fourth win in a row.
jaime: hah!
: The game begins in 30 seconds. The game begins in 29 seconds.
10Kan: LOL
StackBot: Starting a new free-for-all game.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: P R O G R A M S
StackBot: R E V O L V E R
StackBot: D O U B T F U L
Sam: absolute
Sam: positive
10Kan: submarine
Randy: i suck major at this
Sam: abstruse
Sam: deconked
Goosey: integrate
Revan: revolves
Randy: obstruse
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: aardwolf, abashing, abducent, abducing, abelmosk, abeyance, abidance, abjectly, abrading, abrasion, abrasive, abruptly, abscissa, absentia, absently.
Sam: Ok, so we suck at 8s.
Brick: aardwolf
Sam: LOL
10Kan: *APOGEE
Goosey: EEK! A POGGE!
* Goosey jumps on a chair
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: L U N A
StackBot: G A O L
StackBot: E L M S
Sam: peep
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with peep and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L U N A
StackBot: G A O L
StackBot: E L M S
StackBot: P E E P
jaime: moon
Brick: show
Goosey: fiar
Kalimeris: mode
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with mode and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L U N A
StackBot: G A O L
StackBot: E L M S
StackBot: P E E P
StackBot: M O D E
Goosey: fire
Lirelyn: loam
10Kan: gilt
Sam: sock
Brick: blip
Sam: sick
10Kan: silt
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with sick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L U N A
StackBot: G A O L
StackBot: E L M S
StackBot: P E E P
StackBot: M O D E
StackBot: S I C K
Goosey: ords
Brick: pill
Kalimeris: arts
Brick: cram
StackBot: Brick continues the stack with cram and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Brick, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L U N A
StackBot: G A O L
StackBot: E L M S
StackBot: P E E P
StackBot: M O D E
StackBot: S I C K
StackBot: C R A M
jaime: mine
Lirelyn: drag
Kalimeris: acte
MissyCat: lump
Goosey: nuty
Sam: hobo
Randy: dumb
Kalimeris: aced
Goosey: brat
Goosey: brut
Goosey: blut
MissyCat: mark
Goosey: beat
Randy: slut
Kalimeris: acid
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with acid and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L U N A
StackBot: G A O L
StackBot: E L M S
StackBot: P E E P
StackBot: M O D E
StackBot: S I C K
StackBot: C R A M
StackBot: A C I D
jaime: acid
Sam: ando
Sam: icky
Goosey: I'm so not good at this game
Randy: indo
Sam: inky
MissyCat: dice
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with inky and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L U N A
StackBot: G A O L
StackBot: E L M S
StackBot: P E E P
StackBot: M O D E
StackBot: S I C K
StackBot: C R A M
StackBot: A C I D
StackBot: I N K Y
Randy: into
Brick: butt
* 10Kan isn't either.
MissyCat: pink
Brick: blur
MissyCat: king
Brick: shun
Brick: chun
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: L U N A
StackBot: G A O L
StackBot: E L M S
StackBot: P E E P
StackBot: M O D E
StackBot: S I C K
StackBot: C R A M
StackBot: A C I D
StackBot: I N K Y
jaime: trut
Sam: thug
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with thug and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L U N A
StackBot: G A O L
StackBot: E L M S
StackBot: P E E P
StackBot: M O D E
StackBot: S I C K
StackBot: C R A M
StackBot: A C I D
StackBot: I N K Y
StackBot: T H U G
Goosey: luge
Kalimeris: syre
Goosey: huge
Goosey: hage
Randy: hang
MissyCat: lugs
Brick: nnnn
Kalimeris: mory
Goosey: ugly
Brick: zzzz
MissyCat: gums
Goosey: ugle
jaime: osti
Randy: does
Goosey: uglt
Brick: ogle
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: L U N A
StackBot: G A O L
StackBot: E L M S
StackBot: P E E P
StackBot: M O D E
StackBot: S I C K
StackBot: C R A M
StackBot: A C I D
StackBot: I N K Y
StackBot: T H U G
Sam: odor
jaime: odur
MissyCat: door
Kalimeris: acru
Sam: I checked the list like four times for an O in the third column, and there wasn't one until just now. Right there at the top.
Goosey: LOL
Kalimeris: Yeah, you know, something similar happened to me with the 2nd column.
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: hypo, otto, umbo.
jaime: otro
Randy: Did you set it to umbo?
Sam: Umbo oup is delicious.
Revan: Klattu barada nicto!
10Kan: What's an umbo? I used to know.
Sam: Hicken umbo oup.
10Kan: Oh, right. It's the metal bump on the middle of a shield.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: O L E A N D E R
StackBot: B U N G L I N G
StackBot: C H A R T E R S
Sam: abstruse
Brick: 8s
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with abstruse and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: O L E A N D E R
StackBot: B U N G L I N G
StackBot: C H A R T E R S
StackBot: A B S T R U S E
Sam: YAY
Sam: I'll turn 8s off after this.
Brick: blankets
Randy: leather
Kalimeris: hypnosis
Goosey: dunderit
Sam: leathers
MissyCat: pleasant
Kalimeris: hypnotic
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with hypnotic and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: O L E A N D E R
StackBot: B U N G L I N G
StackBot: C H A R T E R S
StackBot: A B S T R U S E
StackBot: H Y P N O T I C
Goosey: feathers
Brick: psychics
Sam: pleasant
Brick: phonetic
Goosey: feldany
Sam: straight
Brick: teletype
Goosey: felicity
Goosey: darn, one off.
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: O L E A N D E R
StackBot: B U N G L I N G
StackBot: C H A R T E R S
StackBot: A B S T R U S E
StackBot: H Y P N O T I C
Sam: mountain
Sam: cougars
Sam: panthers
MissyCat: marooned
Brick: yellowed
Goosey: mourners
Goosey: mourning
Goosey: mouther
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: dalesman, daylight, decigram, delegacy, delicacy, demijohn, democrat, deviancy, dihedral, diocesan, dogfight, dormancy, driveway, efficacy, emblazon.
StackBot: Game is paused.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: C H I P S
StackBot: I L E A L
StackBot: W E L C H
Brick: Demijohn!
Sam: dowel
Sam: downs
Sam: downy
Kalimeris: snack
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with downy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C H I P S
StackBot: I L E A L
StackBot: W E L C H
StackBot: D O W N Y
Kalimeris: snark
Goosey: flack
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with snark and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C H I P S
StackBot: I L E A L
StackBot: W E L C H
StackBot: D O W N Y
StackBot: S N A R K
Brick: bored
Goosey: trace
Goosey: ravel
Brick: bared
MissyCat: erase
Goosey: travel
StackBot: Brick continues the stack with bared and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Brick, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C H I P S
StackBot: I L E A L
StackBot: W E L C H
StackBot: D O W N Y
StackBot: S N A R K
StackBot: B A R E D
Goosey: raves
Goosey: raver
Kalimeris: raven
Goosey: rover
MissyCat: never
Kalimeris: robin
Kalimeris: rubin
Sam: truck
Goosey: ruvyd
Sam: truce
Lirelyn: ascot
StackBot: Lirelyn continues the stack with ascot and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C H I P S
StackBot: I L E A L
StackBot: W E L C H
StackBot: D O W N Y
StackBot: S N A R K
StackBot: B A R E D
StackBot: A S C O T
Sam: trump
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with trump and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C H I P S
StackBot: I L E A L
StackBot: W E L C H
StackBot: D O W N Y
StackBot: S N A R K
StackBot: B A R E D
StackBot: A S C O T
StackBot: T R U M P
Goosey: ruvyn
MissyCat: goose
Brick: flann
MissyCat: juice
Kalimeris: store
Kalimeris: stoke
Brick: revan
Brick: jaime
MissyCat: joust
Brick: 10kan
Kalimeris: choke
MissyCat: juror
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: C H I P S
StackBot: I L E A L
StackBot: W E L C H
StackBot: D O W N Y
StackBot: S N A R K
StackBot: B A R E D
StackBot: A S C O T
StackBot: T R U M P
Goosey: sotke
Goosey: stoke
jaime: party
MissyCat: curry
jaime: curly
Brick: newty
Goosey: etoke
MissyCat: chump
Kalimeris: osaka
Sam: ingot
Sam: augur
Brick: flint
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: emote, epode, ethic, evoke, fidge, fudge, fugle, fugue, fundi, fungi, fungo, gumbo, gusto, gutta, hinge.
10Kan: zingo
Sam: Gah. I blanked. We could have done better on that one.
Brick: fudge
Goosey: EVOKE
jaime: yoggoths fungi
Kalimeris: Okay thanks.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: A T O P
StackBot: P O S E
StackBot: W A D S
Sam: idyl
Goosey: past
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with idyl and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A T O P
StackBot: P O S E
StackBot: W A D S
StackBot: I D Y L
Goosey: last
Randy: smot
MissyCat: swam
StackBot: MissyCat continues the stack with swam and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A T O P
StackBot: P O S E
StackBot: W A D S
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: S W A M
Brick: plop
Goosey: hart
jaime: rets
Goosey: hort
Goosey: hord
Sam: rung
Lirelyn: drew
Brick: flit
Goosey: herd
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with rung and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Lirelyn continues the stack with drew and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Brick continues the stack with flit and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Goosey continues the stack with herd and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A T O P
StackBot: P O S E
StackBot: W A D S
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: S W A M
StackBot: R U N G
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: F L I T
StackBot: H E R D
Kalimeris: dike
Goosey: YAY
Sam: Wow, four new entries in one refresh!
Brick: pink
MissyCat: word
Sam: onto
Kalimeris: kick
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with onto and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A T O P
StackBot: P O S E
StackBot: W A D S
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: S W A M
StackBot: R U N G
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: F L I T
StackBot: H E R D
StackBot: O N T O
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with kick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A T O P
StackBot: P O S E
StackBot: W A D S
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: S W A M
StackBot: R U N G
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: F L I T
StackBot: H E R D
StackBot: O N T O
StackBot: K I C K
Brick: samm
jaime: phan
Goosey: urge
Sam: upon
Kalimeris: snub
Goosey: ugly
Brick: fear
StackBot: Goosey continues the stack with ugly and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A T O P
StackBot: P O S E
StackBot: W A D S
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: S W A M
StackBot: R U N G
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: F L I T
StackBot: H E R D
StackBot: O N T O
StackBot: K I C K
StackBot: U G L Y
jaime: tren
Sam: umbo
Sam: oryx
Kalimeris: snub
Sam: onyx
Sam: etch
Brick: tsur
MissyCat: czar
Sam: czar
Goosey: tyme
Kalimeris: hypo
MissyCat: care
jaime: brow
Brick: zack
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: A T O P
StackBot: P O S E
StackBot: W A D S
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: S W A M
StackBot: R U N G
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: F L I T
StackBot: H E R D
StackBot: O N T O
StackBot: K I C K
StackBot: U G L Y
Kalimeris: type
Goosey: tyld
MissyCat: typo
Goosey: typd
MissyCat: open
Brick: ~~~~
Sam: thug
jaime: blun
jaime: brun
Goosey: baaa
Kalimeris: crud
Goosey: blat
Lirelyn: gyps
Brick: 42
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: chub, cyma.
jaime: poun
Brick: cyma! of course!
Sam: Not bad!
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I L E S
StackBot: V E R T U
StackBot: R A V I N
Sam: nymph
Brick: stick
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with nymph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Brick continues the stack with stick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Brick, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I L E S
StackBot: V E R T U
StackBot: R A V I N
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: S T I C K
Goosey: napes
Lirelyn: alive
Sam: oxbow
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with oxbow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I L E S
StackBot: V E R T U
StackBot: R A V I N
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: S T I C K
StackBot: O X B O W
jaime: piles
MissyCat: trout
Kalimeris: idyll
StackBot: MissyCat continues the stack with trout and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I L E S
StackBot: V E R T U
StackBot: R A V I N
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: S T I C K
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: T R O U T
StackBot: I D Y L L
Brick: brunt
Goosey: fleem
Sam: thugs
jaime: trout
jaime: fhew
Goosey: meh
Sam: rouge
Brick: blitz
Sam: couch
MissyCat: flyer
Lirelyn: clasp
StackBot: Lirelyn continues the stack with clasp and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I L E S
StackBot: V E R T U
StackBot: R A V I N
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: S T I C K
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: T R O U T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: C L A S P
Brick: zaire
jaime: meeks
MissyCat: flown
Brick: quick
Kalimeris: rocks
MissyCat: gowns
Sam: booth
Brick: quart
jaime: abade
Sam: booty
MissyCat: owned
Brick: quite
Sam: booby
Revan: Ravin?
jaime: abode
LuckyWizard has entered.
Goosey: orbit
Brick: quest
jaime: abide
Kalimeris: mocke
jaime: abede
Sam: ephah
Sam: empty
Goosey: crowd
Kalimeris: morge
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I L E S
StackBot: V E R T U
StackBot: R A V I N
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: S T I C K
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: T R O U T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: C L A S P
jaime: hyphe
MissyCat: error
Brick: manic
Brick: minoc
MissyCat: liver
Sam: ethic
Kalimeris: modge
jaime: morph
Sam: abysm
10Kan: goute
Brick: mensa
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: abeam, acerb, agene, ahead, ameba, amend, angry, antae, antra, antre, aquae, assai, assay, azure, boggy.
jaime: worms
Brick: munch
Brick: suckage
Kalimeris: Sorry if it posts hodge 7 times
Kalimeris: hodge
jaime: i suck at this
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y E
StackBot: M A
StackBot: G O
MissyCat: on
Sam: on
Brick: at
jaime: me
StackBot: MissyCat continues the stack with on and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Brick continues the stack with at and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Brick, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y E
StackBot: M A
StackBot: G O
StackBot: O N
StackBot: A T
Sam: it
10Kan: LOL
Kalimeris: at
LuckyWizard: er
Lirelyn: by
StackBot: Lirelyn continues the stack with by and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y E
StackBot: M A
StackBot: G O
StackBot: O N
StackBot: A T
StackBot: B Y
Brick: my
Sam: us
jaime: ni
10Kan: ie
Kalimeris: is
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with us and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y E
StackBot: M A
StackBot: G O
StackBot: O N
StackBot: A T
StackBot: B Y
StackBot: U S
MissyCat: up
Brick: ca
Kalimeris: id
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with id and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y E
StackBot: M A
StackBot: G O
StackBot: O N
StackBot: A T
StackBot: B Y
StackBot: U S
StackBot: I D
LuckyWizard: em
10Kan: si
Sam: nu
Kalimeris: ye
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with nu and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y E
StackBot: M A
StackBot: G O
StackBot: O N
StackBot: A T
StackBot: B Y
StackBot: U S
StackBot: I D
StackBot: N U
MissyCat: me
jaime: to
Brick: en
jaime: it
Kalimeris: oi
Sam: hi
Brick: et
jaime: tu
Brick: el
Kalimeris: hi
10Kan: yg
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with hi and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y E
StackBot: M A
StackBot: G O
StackBot: O N
StackBot: A T
StackBot: B Y
StackBot: U S
StackBot: I D
StackBot: N U
StackBot: H I
jaime: te
Kalimeris: ix
Sam: Thief. :-)
Brick: pa
jaime: id
LuckyWizard: hm
Goosey: en
Goosey: ed
Sam: eh
Goosey: es
MissyCat: oz
jaime: hy
Lirelyn: em
LuckyWizard: el
Sam: el
jaime: ip
Sam: ew
Brick: qz
jaime: po
MissyCat: er
Sam: er
Sam: eb
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y E
StackBot: M A
StackBot: G O
StackBot: O N
StackBot: A T
StackBot: B Y
StackBot: U S
StackBot: I D
StackBot: N U
StackBot: H I
Brick: aa
Brick: ee
jaime: pu
Brick: ii
Brick: oo
Brick: uu
MissyCat: uu
Revan: It's like the tower of Babel.
Sam: sh
MissyCat: te
Brick: eg
Kalimeris: my
jaime: na
Brick: ef
MissyCat: by
Brick: eh
Kalimeris: ss
jaime: ag
Sam: e_ is all that's left for words with vowels.
Brick: er
LuckyWizard: ex
StackBot: LuckyWizard ends the stack with ex (no valid continuations) and wins 4 points!
jaime: eg
Sam: NICE.
Kalimeris: Nice.
StackBot: Game is paused.
10Kan: Wow.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: R U T
StackBot: M A C
StackBot: C H I
Sam: sex
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with sex and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R U T
StackBot: M A C
StackBot: C H I
StackBot: S E X
jaime: mot
MissyCat: him
StackBot: MissyCat continues the stack with him and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R U T
StackBot: M A C
StackBot: C H I
StackBot: S E X
StackBot: H I M
Kalimeris: rye
LuckyWizard: eke
Lirelyn: are
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with eke and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R U T
StackBot: M A C
StackBot: C H I
StackBot: S E X
StackBot: H I M
StackBot: E K E
Kalimeris: nye
Brick: bin
jaime: cut
Sam: end
Sam: and
Brick: ban
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with and and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R U T
StackBot: M A C
StackBot: C H I
StackBot: S E X
StackBot: H I M
StackBot: E K E
StackBot: A N D
LuckyWizard: its
jaime: bis
Kalimeris: sod
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with its and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R U T
StackBot: M A C
StackBot: C H I
StackBot: S E X
StackBot: H I M
StackBot: E K E
StackBot: A N D
StackBot: I T S
Brick: bon
Brick: bun
Sam: ump
jaime: sod
Kalimeris: not
Lirelyn: awl
Sam: odd
Brick: aaa
jaime: pop
Lirelyn: owl
Kalimeris: now
Brick: eee
StackBot: jaime continues the stack with pop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Lirelyn continues the stack with owl and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R U T
StackBot: M A C
StackBot: C H I
StackBot: S E X
StackBot: H I M
StackBot: E K E
StackBot: A N D
StackBot: I T S
StackBot: P O P
StackBot: O W L
MissyCat: owl
Brick: iii
Sam: ode
Brick: ooo
Brick: uuu
Kalimeris: now
Brick: url
MissyCat: lop
MissyCat: leg
Brick: bro
Sam: fly
MissyCat: lag
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with fly and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R U T
StackBot: M A C
StackBot: C H I
StackBot: S E X
StackBot: H I M
StackBot: E K E
StackBot: A N D
StackBot: I T S
StackBot: P O P
StackBot: O W L
StackBot: F L Y
jaime: ust
10Kan: wug
LuckyWizard: bra
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with bra and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R U T
StackBot: M A C
StackBot: C H I
StackBot: S E X
StackBot: H I M
StackBot: E K E
StackBot: A N D
StackBot: I T S
StackBot: P O P
StackBot: O W L
StackBot: F L Y
StackBot: B R A
MissyCat: log
jaime: usd
10Kan: YAY
jaime: usa
Kalimeris: ugo
Brick: que
jaime: use
Kalimeris: uso
Lirelyn: gnu
jaime: usi
Brick: ufo
Kalimeris: asi
MissyCat: the
10Kan: psi
Kalimeris: azi
jaime: eso
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: R U T
StackBot: M A C
StackBot: C H I
StackBot: S E X
StackBot: H I M
StackBot: E K E
StackBot: A N D
StackBot: I T S
StackBot: P O P
StackBot: O W L
StackBot: F L Y
StackBot: B R A
Kalimeris: uzi
jaime: sto
10Kan: git
Brick: udu
jaime: tre
MissyCat: lye
Kalimeris: ray
Brick: und
Kalimeris: ryo
jaime: tso
Kalimeris: gyo
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: ugh.
Sam: Ugh.
Kalimeris: UGH
MissyCat: UGH
Lirelyn: Ugh.
jaime: tlu
Brick: UGH!!!
jaime: UGH
Brick: tla
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
Sam: ugh
MissyCat: ugh
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with ugh and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
StackBot: U G H
Brick: cat
Kalimeris: ray
StackBot: Brick continues the stack with cat and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Brick, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
StackBot: U G H
StackBot: C A T
10Kan: cup
Kalimeris: rye
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with rye and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
StackBot: U G H
StackBot: C A T
StackBot: R Y E
LuckyWizard: eke
10Kan: sup
Sam: dud
MissyCat: arc
Brick: fur
StackBot: 10Kan continues the stack with sup and wins 1 point!
StackBot: MissyCat continues the stack with arc and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
StackBot: U G H
StackBot: C A T
StackBot: R Y E
StackBot: S U P
StackBot: A R C
Sam: bug
Sam: bur
* 10Kan got his point.
Sam: the
Kalimeris: pup
Sam: thy
Kalimeris: pus
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with thy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
StackBot: U G H
StackBot: C A T
StackBot: R Y E
StackBot: S U P
StackBot: A R C
StackBot: T H Y
Sam: shy
Sam: cry
Brick: end
LuckyWizard: its
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with its and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
StackBot: U G H
StackBot: C A T
StackBot: R Y E
StackBot: S U P
StackBot: A R C
StackBot: T H Y
StackBot: I T S
MissyCat: err
Brick: ens
Sam: rot
Lirelyn: eno
Kalimeris: arc
Kalimeris: arm
Sam: lot
MissyCat: log
Brick: odd
MissyCat: led
Sam: ell
Lirelyn: elk
Brick: ods
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with ell and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
StackBot: U G H
StackBot: C A T
StackBot: R Y E
StackBot: S U P
StackBot: A R C
StackBot: T H Y
StackBot: I T S
StackBot: E L L
LuckyWizard: emu
Bryn has entered.
Kalimeris: ony
Brick: dsl
Kalimeris: ont
Kalimeris: ons
Brick: kan
MissyCat: oar
Bryn: Finally made it!
Lirelyn: pro
LuckyWizard: osi
Sam: Yay!
MissyCat: old
Sam: owl
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
StackBot: U G H
StackBot: C A T
StackBot: R Y E
StackBot: S U P
StackBot: A R C
StackBot: T H Y
StackBot: I T S
StackBot: E L L
Sam: off
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with off and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
StackBot: U G H
StackBot: C A T
StackBot: R Y E
StackBot: S U P
StackBot: A R C
StackBot: T H Y
StackBot: I T S
StackBot: E L L
StackBot: O F F
jaime: mas
Brick: phd
MissyCat: zzz
Kalimeris: sty
Brick: qqq
MissyCat: dry
Brick: afd
Lirelyn: gnu
StackBot: Lirelyn continues the stack with gnu and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M I D
StackBot: K E A
StackBot: B O G
StackBot: U G H
StackBot: C A T
StackBot: R Y E
StackBot: S U P
StackBot: A R C
StackBot: T H Y
StackBot: I T S
StackBot: E L L
StackBot: O F F
StackBot: G N U
Brick: woi
Brick: dlk
Brick: abi
Sam: flu
Brick: wek
jaime: lol
Brick: nwe
Brick: agi
Brick: sok
Brick: wql
Brick: opi
Brick: alk
Brick: iba
Brick: nwk
LuckyWizard: psi
Brick: qoi
StackBot: LuckyWizard ends the stack with psi (no valid continuations) and wins 4 points!
Brick: iba
Brick: nqk
jaime: luz
Sam: Nice!
Lirelyn: Yay!
StackBot: Game is paused.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
Sam: idyll
Brick: brain
Kalimeris: idyll
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
MissyCat: error
StackBot: MissyCat continues the stack with error and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E R R O R
Kalimeris: mocks
Brick: groin
Sam: addax
LuckyWizard: movie
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with movie and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E R R O R
StackBot: M O V I E
Sam: affix
Brick: revan
Brick: brick
jaime: kates
Brick: randy
Brick: jaime
MissyCat: think
Brick: 10kan
Kalimeris: sands
jaime: kills
Sam: offal
MissyCat: train
LuckyWizard: bless
Revan: I think it only works with real words.
Lirelyn: avers
Sam: nymph
StackBot: Lirelyn continues the stack with avers and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E R R O R
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: A V E R S
Brick: abyss
Kalimeris: sacks
Sam: occur
jaime: jamal
jaime: jamas
Kalimeris: tarte
Brick: sucks
MissyCat: slump
StackBot: MissyCat continues the stack with slump and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E R R O R
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: A V E R S
StackBot: S L U M P
jaime: jamat
Brick: stear
Brick: steer
Lirelyn: oaten
Brick: plate
Kalimeris: tamer
jaime: phans
Brick: flint
Brick: front
Bryn: banda
Sam: tampa
LuckyWizard: fussy
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E R R O R
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: A V E R S
StackBot: S L U M P
jaime: here's a fuzzy fork
Sam: hypha
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with hypha and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E R R O R
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: A V E R S
StackBot: S L U M P
StackBot: H Y P H A
MissyCat: oaken
Brick: zzzzz
jaime: mothra
Sam: pffft
Brick: block
MissyCat: burro
Lirelyn: gamut
MissyCat: bumpy
StackBot: Lirelyn continues the stack with gamut and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Lirelyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E R R O R
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: A V E R S
StackBot: S L U M P
StackBot: H Y P H A
StackBot: G A M U T
Sam: uncap
Brick: bands
Brick: fiend
jaime: flyer
Sam: uncat
Brick: feint
jaime: fried
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E R R O R
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: A V E R S
StackBot: S L U M P
StackBot: H Y P H A
StackBot: G A M U T
Brick: footy
MissyCat: fungi
jaime: filed
Sam: adyta
Brick: grout
jaime: fosile
Brick: jason
Sam: kudzu
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with kudzu and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E R R O R
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: A V E R S
StackBot: S L U M P
StackBot: H Y P H A
StackBot: G A M U T
StackBot: K U D Z U
MissyCat: lumpy
jaime: cheat
Brick: nerdy
MissyCat: heard
Kalimeris: cloak
jaime: fool
Brick: opted
Sam: There's gotta be an un--- word
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: L E A C H
StackBot: C H I E F
StackBot: P I N K Y
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E R R O R
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: A V E R S
StackBot: S L U M P
StackBot: H Y P H A
StackBot: G A M U T
StackBot: K U D Z U
Brick: uncad
LuckyWizard: unsad
jaime: unsad
MissyCat: unfed
jaime: ha
Brick: unzip
gremlinn has entered.
LuckyWizard: unwan
jaime: unzap
Bryn: unhad
Sam: Hey grem.
LuckyWizard: unban
gremlinn: Hi.
jaime: unzis
MissyCat: unuse
Brick: unban
Sam: Ooooh, unban would work.
jaime: uzzis
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: ogham.
Kalimeris: under
Sam: Nice, LW.
Sam: ...but I guess I was wrong.
Kalimeris: I don't know what an ogham is.
Brick: unban is not recognized...
jaime: wt...
Kalimeris: So I'm okay with that.
Revan: I don't know how you didn't remember that one.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: N E I G H
StackBot: P I N T S
StackBot: K U D Z U
LuckyWizard: Some sort of runes, isn't it?
Sam: I should have guessed ogham. There are a dozen words or so that tend to be useful in this game.
Bryn: ogham
StackBot: Bryn continues the stack with ogham and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Bryn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: N E I G H
StackBot: P I N T S
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: O G H A M
Lirelyn: It's the name of an ancient Celtic script... or something like that.
Kalimeris: draft
Brick: ogham
MissyCat: glues
LuckyWizard: event
Sam: nymph
Bryn: YES
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with draft and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: N E I G H
StackBot: P I N T S
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: O G H A M
StackBot: D R A F T
Sam: idyll
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: N E I G H
StackBot: P I N T S
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: O G H A M
StackBot: D R A F T
StackBot: I D Y L L
MissyCat: glued
Brick: brick
StackBot: MissyCat continues the stack with glued and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except MissyCat, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: N E I G H
StackBot: P I N T S
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: O G H A M
StackBot: D R A F T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G L U E D
Sam: tamps
Sam: testy
Brick: randy
jaime: super
LuckyWizard: movie
Brick: horny
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with movie and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: N E I G H
StackBot: P I N T S
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: O G H A M
StackBot: D R A F T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G L U E D
StackBot: M O V I E
Sam: latch
Sam: shock
MissyCat: error
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with shock and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: N E I G H
StackBot: P I N T S
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: O G H A M
StackBot: D R A F T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G L U E D
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: S H O C K
jaime: soaps
Sam: empty
Brick: slave
Brick: black
Brick: white
jaime: tools
Brick: ranch
MissyCat: clove
Brick: honor
Brick: books
Brick: zebra
MissyCat: never
Brick: zibra
Brick: zobra
Brick: zabra
Kalimeris: baton
Brick: zubra
MissyCat: burst
StackBot: Kalimeris continues the stack with baton and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Kalimeris, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: N E I G H
StackBot: P I N T S
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: O G H A M
StackBot: D R A F T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G L U E D
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: S H O C K
StackBot: B A T O N
Sam: enemy
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with enemy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: N E I G H
StackBot: P I N T S
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: O G H A M
StackBot: D R A F T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G L U E D
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: S H O C K
StackBot: B A T O N
StackBot: E N E M Y
gremlinn: I hate those shock baton enemies!
Brick: leach
Brick: leech
Brick: chief
Sam: grem: They're not real. They're only in the movies.
Brick: pinky
gremlinn: You'd know, being glued to movies.
MissyCat: photo
Brick: brown
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: N E I G H
StackBot: P I N T S
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: O G H A M
StackBot: D R A F T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G L U E D
StackBot: M O V I E
StackBot: S H O C K
StackBot: B A T O N
StackBot: E N E M Y
Kalimeris: acrux
Brick: ivory
Sam: adyta
Brick: ebony
LuckyWizard: recur
Sam: oxbow
Brick: aaaaa
MissyCat: crush
Brick: eeee
Brick: eeeee
Brick: iiiii
Brick: ooooo
Brick: uuuuu
MissyCat: clued
jaime has left.
Kalimeris: clues
Sam: umbra
Bryn: avant
StackBot: Sam ends the stack with umbra (no valid continuations) and wins 4 points!
StackBot: Sam wins!
gremlinn: byssa
Sam: Ooooh!
Randy: Yay sam!
LuckyWizard: Wow.
Kalimeris: Yay Sam!
Brick: grrr...
Bryn: Nice!
Lirelyn: Oy! I should have gotten that!
Lirelyn: Yay Sam!
MissyCat: corngrats sam
10Kan: Congratulations!
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=6
TalkingDog: YOU'RE WINNER!
gremlinn: A winner is you.
Bryn: Heheh.
TalkingDog: I actually tried that Big Rigs game once. It was awful.
10Kan: TD: Did it live down to your expectations?
TalkingDog: And then some.
jaime has entered.
: Hi there! I'm the Evil Filthy Spirit of the Legion of Death, here to present the third and final preview of Sam's forthcoming webcomic, entitled, 'The Evil Filthy Spirit of the Legion of Death Web Comic, Co-Starring Sinbad.'
Bryn: Hooray!
Brick: Written by CamouFairyBot
10Kan: Yay!
Brick: Directed by Quentin Tarantino
: Pardon me, good man. I hate to be pedantic, but *I* am the Evil Filthy Spirit of the Legion of Death. You're just the King of the Dead.
: Oh yeah.
Goosey: LOL
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/sneak_preview_one_niner.html
Revan: It's preview one-niner!
Randy: LOL LOL
Goosey: LOL LOL
Goosey: "Attack one at a time!"
MissyCat: LOL
Lirelyn: LOL
TalkingDog: Nice.
10Kan: LOL
Bryn: Hehe. Cool.
StackBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Randy: Love "I'm supposed to be on break"
Sam: hehehe
Sam: That's probably my favorite line in that one, too.
Lirelyn: I love the wicked cunning of "attack one at a time."
Brick: "Eeep!"
jaime: funny funny
Sam: You might (or not) be wondering why I chose comics 1, 5, and 19 to preview, as that's sort of random. Basically I was looking for ones that didn't give away the plot changes I'm doing. Those three seemed pretty self-contained.
Randy: I hope against all hope there are jokes about Sinbad throwing his sword away during every stupid fight.
Sam: Randy: Yes, but probably not what you're expecting.
Revan: It's looking really well-done. I can't wait for the webcomic to start already!
Sam: I wonder where the next UBT host is. We got a game to play.
Revan: It's the triple-headed bathroom plunger!
Bryn: Oh hoooooooosstt... Where are yoooooouuuuu...
: Hi. *completely unseducing seductive antics* Our next game is WordBot!
Goosey: LOL
* Revan is completely mesmerized.
* Bryn's eyes spin into a knot.
WordBot has been summoned by Sam.
: 30 seconds!
10Kan: 8-P...
Brick: Spinning........................
Sam: It's a Rolling Babe.
Randy: LOL
* 10Kan is completely unseductively seduced.
WordBot: Starting a new quiz game:
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words containing the letter sequence: -ptuo-. (6 answers)
Sam: quiz
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words containing the letter sequence: -ptuo-. (6 answers)
Sam: You can submit multiple answers on one line in this.
WordBot: Claimed answer: contemptuous (Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: contemptuously (Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: presumptuous (Revan, LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Claimed answer: sumptuous (LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Claimed answer: voluptuous (Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, Lirelyn)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: presumptuousness.
WordBot: Scores this round: LuckyWizard: +3, Sam: +2, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, Revan: +1.
Randy: oh, hey we're playing
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: asfisly. (1 answer)
Bryn: Oh, that's right. I'm bad at word games. Completely forgot.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: asfisly. (1 answer)
WordBot: Claimed answer: salsify (Sam)
WordBot: Scores this round: Sam: +1.
Sam: Sometimes if you can get the suffix, you can stumble into the rest.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: threat. (7 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: threat. (7 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: thread (gremlinn, Sam, LuckyWizard, Bryn, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: threes (10Kan, Sam, gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: thresh (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: throat (Brick, gremlinn, Revan, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, Lirelyn, Sam, Randy)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: threap.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: thrift.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: thrust.
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +4, Sam: +3, 10Kan: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Brick: +1, Bryn: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, Randy: +1, Revan: +1.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: argble. (2 answers)
TalkingDog: blearg
Randy: hehe
MissyCat: LOL
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: argble. (2 answers)
10Kan: blaerg
TalkingDog: BARGLE
WordBot: Claimed answer: gabler (gremlinn, Lirelyn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: garble (Sam, gremlinn, Revan, Brick, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, MissyCat, Bryn, Randy, Lirelyn, Goosey, 10Kan)
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +2, Lirelyn: +2, 10Kan: +1, Brick: +1, Bryn: +1, Goosey: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, MissyCat: +1, Randy: +1, Revan: +1, Sam: +1.
Sam: Snargleblomp
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: incloses. (7 answers)
Brick: lol
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: incloses. (7 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: enclosed (gremlinn, Sam, LuckyWizard, Brick)
WordBot: Claimed answer: encloses (gremlinn, LuckyWizard, Sam, 10Kan, Lirelyn, MissyCat)
WordBot: Claimed answer: inclines (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: inclosed (gremlinn, Kalimeris, Randy, Bryn, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: includes (gremlinn, jaime)
WordBot: Claimed answer: unclosed (Goosey, LuckyWizard, Randy)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: incenses.
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +5, LuckyWizard: +3, Sam: +3, Randy: +2, 10Kan: +1, Brick: +1, Bryn: +1, Goosey: +1, jaime: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, MissyCat: +1.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: v_si_at_on. (1 answer)
Bryn: Oh, enclosed. of course.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: v_si_at_on. (1 answer)
WordBot: Claimed answer: visitation (gremlinn, Sam, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, Goosey, 10Kan, Brick, Randy, Revan, MissyCat, jaime)
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Brick: +1, Goosey: +1, gremlinn: +1, jaime: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, MissyCat: +1, Randy: +1, Revan: +1, Sam: +1.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words of length 6 or more made with the letters: oocuiosrsh. (5 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words of length 6 or more made with the letters: oocuiosrsh. (5 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: choirs (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: scours (Brick)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: chorus.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: isochroous.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: orchis.
WordBot: Scores this round: Brick: +1, gremlinn: +1.
gremlinn: curios
Sam: I have a hard time visualizing those.
10Kan: No curios?
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: enclosure. (2 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: enclosure. (2 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: exclosure (Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: inclosure (gremlinn, Sam, Kalimeris, 10Kan, Bryn, Brick)
WordBot: Scores this round: Sam: +2, 10Kan: +1, Brick: +1, Bryn: +1, gremlinn: +1, Kalimeris: +1.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: sy_pa_hi_s. (1 answer)
Brick: syphilis
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: sy_pa_hi_s. (1 answer)
WordBot: Claimed answer: sympathies (gremlinn, Sam, LuckyWizard, Randy, 10Kan, Lirelyn, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, gremlinn: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1.
Brick: crap
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words containing the letter sequence: -armer-. (12 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words containing the letter sequence: -armer-. (12 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: armer (jaime)
WordBot: Claimed answer: armers (jaime, Randy)
WordBot: Claimed answer: charmer (Sam, Brick, gremlinn, Randy)
WordBot: Claimed answer: charmers (10Kan, Sam, Brick, Randy, Lirelyn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: farmer (gremlinn, Randy, Sam, Brick)
WordBot: Claimed answer: farmers (gremlinn, MissyCat, Randy, Bryn, Sam, Brick, Lirelyn, 10Kan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: warmer (gremlinn, Kalimeris, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: warmers (Lirelyn)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: farmerette.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: gendarmerie.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: gendarmery.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: schwarmerei.
WordBot: Scores this round: Randy: +5, Sam: +5, Brick: +4, gremlinn: +4, Lirelyn: +3, 10Kan: +2, jaime: +2, Bryn: +1, Kalimeris: +1, MissyCat: +1.
Sam: LOL! Just jaime got "armer".
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _we_ke_. (1 answer)
Sam: farmerette??
* 10Kan schwarms himself from the schwarmerei.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _we_ke_. (1 answer)
WordBot: Claimed answer: tweaked (gremlinn, Sam, Bryn, Lirelyn)
WordBot: Scores this round: Bryn: +1, gremlinn: +1, Lirelyn: +1, Sam: +1.
Randy: Gah! same seconded
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: gnomon. (3 answers)
Sam: This is where gremlinn pulls ahead.
Randy: gnom gnom gnom!
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: gnomon. (3 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: gnomes (gremlinn, MissyCat, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Brick, jaime)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: gammon.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: gnomic.
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Brick: +1, gremlinn: +1, jaime: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, MissyCat: +1.
Sam: Oh, duh.
Bryn: Yeah.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: eloped. (5 answers)
Brick: By gnomes!
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: eloped. (5 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: develop (Brick, LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Claimed answer: explode (Lirelyn, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: deplore.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: lopseed.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: peopled.
WordBot: Scores this round: Brick: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, LuckyWizard: +1.
Revan: Man, if WordBot scored, we'd be in trouble.
Sam: Yeah. If you set the bot to score for missed answers, it's nearly impossible to win, even with a lot of people playing.
Sam: ...although it's possible if you restrict it to certain question types.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: c_nu_dr_ms. (1 answer)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: c_nu_dr_ms. (1 answer)
10Kan: Gee, this one's a real stumper.
Brick: crap crap crap!!!!
WordBot: Claimed answer: conundrums (gremlinn, Sam, Kalimeris, 10Kan, Revan, MissyCat, LuckyWizard, Randy, Brick, Lirelyn)
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Brick: +1, gremlinn: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, MissyCat: +1, Randy: +1, Revan: +1, Sam: +1.
Brick: ez
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: r, e, i, d, u. (14 answers)
Bryn: Spelt it wrong! Embarrassing.
* Revan isn't really playing too much but he feels smart when he fills in the easy ones.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: r, e, i, d, u. (14 answers)
Brick: reindeer university
WordBot: Claimed answer: residual (gremlinn, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: residue (Kalimeris, gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: residues (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: residuum (gremlinn)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: praesidium.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: presidium.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: presidiums.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: reintroduce.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: reintroduced.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: reintroduces.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: reintroducing.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: remindful.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: residua.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: residuary.
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +4, Kalimeris: +2.
Sam: I had reintroduction. Gah.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: bsptay. (1 answer)
Sam: Can I buy a vowel?
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: bsptay. (1 answer)
jaime has left.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: bypast.
Brick: spybat
Sam: Brick: Sounds like an awesome Saturday morning cartoon.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: c, a, n, k, d. (2 answers)
Brick: na na na na na na na na na na na na Spybat!
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: c, a, n, k, d. (2 answers)
gremlinn: lycanthropekind
Sam: Nice!
WordBot: Claimed answer: clanked (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: cranked (LuckyWizard, gremlinn, Randy, Bryn, 10Kan)
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +2, 10Kan: +1, Bryn: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Randy: +1.
* Sam smacks himself.
Brick: Curse you gremlinn!!!
Bryn: Just got it in time!
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words of length 5 or more made with the letters: uhbsamnu. (8 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words of length 5 or more made with the letters: uhbsamnu. (8 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: ambush (LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Claimed answer: human (gremlinn, MissyCat, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: humans (gremlinn, MissyCat, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: numbs (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: subhuman (gremlinn)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: bushman.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: humus.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: manus.
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +4, Kalimeris: +2, MissyCat: +2, LuckyWizard: +1.
WordBot: gremlinn wins!
Randy: Yay grem!
Kalimeris: Yay gremlinn!
Sam: Wow. I crashed and burned after gnomon.
* 10Kan applauds.
Bryn: Nice one!
MissyCat: good wrok grem
gremlinn: Thanks.
10Kan: The gnomon cast a shadow over your abilities.
Kalimeris: GNOMES
Revan: Man, I really want to have time to CaptionBot, but I don't think I can be here for two more bots before it.
Sam: Ok, 5 minute break as I add the words found to be missing from the dictionary.
WordBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Brick: like "lycanthropekind"?
Sam: Not that.
gremlinn: It would become a word if we had real werewolves.
Sam: They'd be all politically correct about it, too.
Sam: "Whut up, mah werewolf?"
Sam: But that's lycanthropekind to you, bub.
gremlinn: Discrimination leads to evisceration.
Kalimeris: Hahaha
Revan: I would just use Kingdom of Loathing slang.
Revan: Call 'em warwelfs or something.
: Say, is this the half time show?
: Why it sure it is, Jean.
: That's great! Shall we do a little act?
: Ok, Jean! Say, who was that man I saw you with last night?
: I don't know.
: ...
: ...
Goosey: LOL
: Maybe we should have thought up a script before we went on.
: Yeah.
10Kan: LOL
Randy: Wow.
Revan: NICE
Randy: The fairies stink at improv
* Kalimeris claps
* Bryn also applauds.
* Revan bets CamouFairy is better at it, since she is, like, totally awesome.
Bryn: That is so true.
gremlinn: Did CaptionBot get put on today because another day was too full? It doesn't seem to belong.
Sam: grem: Yeah, the "creative bots day" was really long even without it.
: Our next bot is JumbleBot!
Kalimeris: JUMBLE
Goosey: HI Matt!
Maryam has entered.
* Maryam pops in to say hi.
* gremlinn hops in to say pi.
: After JumbleBot, we will be having a SPECIAL SURPRISE! And no, I don't mean what Goosey and I are gonna get up to later.
10Kan: TMI
MissyCat: Is it pie?
Brick: No... cake!
Sam: Maryam: How long of a "saying hi" are you here for?
Maryam: I don't really know. Until I leave1
Maryam: Which might be soon because I;m on the tiny keyboard again.
Sam: How about you stay for 15 minutes (at least)?
Maryam: Ok, I can try that.
: Thanks to Maryam, we shall do the SPECIAL SURPRISE right now!
Maryam: Ooh1
10Kan: Thanks Maryam!
Randy: wooo!
: It seems that Sam was holding out on everybody, and there's actually a new bot to play.
Randy: oh no
10Kan: !!!
Maryam: This shift key is terribly positioned.
Brick: !
: It goes in the Dreeeeamy Class.
10Kan: !!!!
TalkingDog: Uh-oh.
Maryam: Oh dear.
Goosey: NEW BOT!!!
Bryn: Gasp
Brick: ! x2
HotSuitGuyBot has been summoned by Sam.
Maryam: LOL LOL
Randy: LOL LOL
10Kan: LOL
* Randy dies
Goosey: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! yes hot suit guy
Kalimeris: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! CODY Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
HotSuitGuyBot: Starting a new speed game:
HotSuitGuyBot: 1/11. asks: "What is Hot Suit Guy's nickname?"
Randy: cody?
TalkingDog: cody
TalkingDog: sweaty fox
10Kan: Cody Baxter
Bryn: Hot Suit Guy
Brick: Cody
Maryam: .... Hot Suit Guy?
HotSuitGuyBot: TalkingDog wins a point with answer Sweaty Fox.
HotSuitGuyBot: Scores this round: TalkingDog: +1.
Randy: that probably
Maryam: o.O
Maryam: Sweaty Fox?
Sam: Maryam: You never saw the Sweaty Fox picture? I'll show you momentarily.
HotSuitGuyBot: 2/11. asks: "Who did Hot Suit Guy come to the island to find?"
Maryam: Matt spilk
TalkingDog: spilk
Randy: matt spilk
Goosey: mr. spilk
HotSuitGuyBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Mr. Spilk.
HotSuitGuyBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +1.
Brick: Twue Wuv...
Maryam: Oh right, Mr.
Goosey: Hey, it worked.
Randy: DEATH
HotSuitGuyBot: 3/11. asks: "What is Hot Suit Guy's team number?"
TalkingDog: 8
10Kan: 31
Bryn: Man, I remember absolutely nothing about this.
Goosey: 11
TalkingDog: 13
Kalimeris: 6
Kalimeris: 9
Brick: 42
Goosey: 1939
Randy: 42
MissyCat: 42
10Kan: 10
Goosey: 42
HotSuitGuyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer 6.
HotSuitGuyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
Randy: 31
Bryn: 13
Kalimeris: 12
* TalkingDog can't remember.
TalkingDog: Ahhh.
Goosey: HIKE
Randy: GO LONG
: Maryam: Here's my Teee!
Maryam: LOL
Sam: Didn't want to show you that picture before the number question came up.
Maryam: What's the story behind that?
Sam: Maryam: I don't think there is one, honestly. I just figured I'd take the suit off the suit guy.
Maryam: Sam: Oh, heh, ok
Maryam: argh
* Maryam MEANT to say "Sam: Oh, heh, ok."
Sam: Maryam: That's an understandable typo.
Maryam: Sam: Some kind of key combo I accidentally hit sometimes switches input to Unicode or something.
HotSuitGuyBot: 4/11. asks: "Of the five male main characters of <em>Danger On Paradise Island</em>, Hot Suit Guy was the _________ to arrive."
TalkingDog: first
Kalimeris: first
Maryam: first
TalkingDog: 1st
Bryn: first
10Kan: first
Kalimeris: second
10Kan: second
Randy: second
Sam: Er. Italics problem there.
Bryn: second
Brick: second
10Kan: third
MissyCat: third
10Kan: fourth
Brick: last
10Kan: fifth
TalkingDog: 2nd
Bryn: fifth
Kalimeris: fifth
TalkingDog: 3rd
HotSuitGuyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer second.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: cutest (except for Jay).
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: hottest (except for Jay).
HotSuitGuyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
10Kan: 1st
TalkingDog: LOL
10Kan: LOL
Randy: LOL
Bryn: LOL
HotSuitGuyBot: 5/11. asks: "What is Hot Suit Guy's full name?"
TalkingDog: cody baxter
HotSuitGuyBot: TalkingDog wins a point with answer Cody Baxter.
HotSuitGuyBot: Scores this round: TalkingDog: +1.
Maryam: cody baxter
10Kan: Cody Baxter
10Kan: No middle name.
* Bryn floats in a sea of ignorance.
10Kan: Bryn: Sounds blissful.
HotSuitGuyBot: 6/11. asks: "What words describe Hot Suit Guy's suit?"
Kalimeris: black
Randy: hot
Bryn: black
Maryam: hot
Kalimeris: hot
10Kan: stylish
Brick: Black
Kalimeris: sexy
10Kan: inappropriate
Bryn: smooth
10Kan: formal
Kalimeris: suit
Brick: origina
TalkingDog: stolen
10Kan: serious
Kalimeris: casual
10Kan: expensive
Brick: original
Bryn: male
Kalimeris: amazing
Maryam: attempt at making up for a deprived childhood
Kalimeris: fantastic
Bryn: inspiring
Randy: buried in
HotSuitGuyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer black.
HotSuitGuyBot: Randy wins a point with answer hot.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: single-breasted.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: pinstriped.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: handsome.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: oh my goodness oh my goodness.
HotSuitGuyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, Randy: +1.
10Kan: not bulletproof
Kalimeris: not plaid
Sam: "Stolen." NICE.
Bryn: sharp
Maryam: LOL at Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Brick: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
HotSuitGuyBot: 7/11. asks: "What colors are Hot Suit Guy's tie?"
Bryn: red
10Kan: red
TalkingDog: white
Brick: hot
10Kan: black
TalkingDog: black
LuckyWizard: burgundy
10Kan: navy
Bryn: mauve
10Kan: yellow
Bryn: black
10Kan: goldenrod
Bryn: grey
LuckyWizard: light red
10Kan: brick
HotSuitGuyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer red.
HotSuitGuyBot: TalkingDog wins a point with answer white.
HotSuitGuyBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer black.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: maroon.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: oh my goodness oh my goodness.
HotSuitGuyBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Bryn: +1, TalkingDog: +1.
Goosey: red black white
Bryn: blue
10Kan: LOL
Kalimeris: red
Bryn: Hooray!
Kalimeris: gold
Kalimeris: black
Brick: [RinkChat] The following message is thought to be a botched attempt at a private message. If it was truly meant to be a public message, you can copy and paste the following /nobd command into the input box and submit that. /nobd Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
HotSuitGuyBot: 8/11. asks: "How old is Hot Suit Guy?"
TalkingDog: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
10Kan: 15
Kalimeris: 19
Randy: 21
Bryn: 21
Brick: 29
10Kan: 14
Bryn: 22
LuckyWizard: 19
Brick: 99
Bryn: 23
MissyCat: 25
Bryn: 24
Maryam: 20
TalkingDog: 12
Bryn: 25
Kalimeris: 22
TalkingDog: 17
10Kan: too young for Crystal
Bryn: 26
HotSuitGuyBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer 15.
HotSuitGuyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer 19.
HotSuitGuyBot: Randy wins a point with answer 21.
HotSuitGuyBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer 14.
HotSuitGuyBot: TalkingDog wins a point with answer 17.
HotSuitGuyBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +2, Kalimeris: +1, Randy: +1, TalkingDog: +1.
Maryam: 15
10Kan: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL LOL
Maryam: LOL
Kalimeris: hahahaha
Kalimeris: HE IS MY AGE LOLZ
Sam: Those are all accurate.
Bryn: Multiple ages? Wow.
Brick: he's 15-19-21-14-17 years old
10Kan: That's a lot of birthdays.
HotSuitGuyBot: 9/11. asks: "What do girls shout when Hot Suit Guy is near?"
TalkingDog: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
10Kan: Guess he knows what his Powerball lucky numbers are.
Kalimeris: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Maryam: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Brick: Happy birthdays to you...
10Kan: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Brick: omd
Bryn: Swoom
Kalimeris: hey baby
10Kan: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! hot suit guy
Kalimeris: AHHHH
Brick: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Maryam: hot suit guy!
Bryn: Love you
Maryam: squee
TalkingDog: marry me
Maryam: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Kalimeris: they don't, they faint
Bryn: handsome
Brick: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Kalimeris: HE IS MINE
Bryn: swoon
10Kan: drool
Brick: hot
Maryam: red bean paste buns.
Bryn: sqweeeeeeeeeeee
Kalimeris: HOT SUIT GUY
Sam: Maryam: LOL LOL
Kalimeris: SWEATY FOX
Goosey: yes hot suit guy
Brick: 6
Goosey: CODY
Bryn: 6
Kalimeris: 7
MissyCat: 8
Brick: 9
10Kan: "take me now, you suit-wearing viking!"
Goosey: LOL this is the best bot ever.
Brick: 10Kan: lol
10Kan: Even he's sick of it.
TalkingDog: nice pants
Bryn: Niiiiiiiicceee pants!
HotSuitGuyBot: TalkingDog wins a point with answer OH MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS.
HotSuitGuyBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer AHH HOT SUIT GUY.
HotSuitGuyBot: Maryam wins a point with answer YAY CODY'S SUITS!.
HotSuitGuyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer MINE MINE MINE.
HotSuitGuyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer *swoons*.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: SUITGUY = HOTT.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: *falls in love*.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: NOT YOURS BACK OFF. Hmph.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: WE WERE MEANT TO BE!.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: YEAH WELL HE'S AN ARIES LIKE ME SO THERE.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: CODY AND I HAVE THE SAME HAIR COLOR.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: We're obviously meant for each other!.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: HE'S TOO OLD FOR YOU BOTH. HE'S MINE I SAY..
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: HE WANTS MEEEEEE.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: It'd be naughty if he didn't have a suit and tie..
HotSuitGuyBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Bryn: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Maryam: +1, TalkingDog: +1.
Bryn: Yay swoon!
10Kan: LOL
Kalimeris: ... did we all say this at some point?
Sam: Kali: Yes.
10Kan: I recall most of those.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Kalimeris: I vaguely remember someone saying something about his hair color
Randy: LOL LOL
Maryam: hahaha
Randy: girls are silly
HotSuitGuyBot: 10/11. asks: "How many times does Hot Suit Guy's picture appear in the UBT #4 transcripts?"
TalkingDog: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
10Kan: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Kalimeris: 100
Bryn: 20
Randy: 5000
Maryam: .. dude
Brick: 42
Bryn: 50
Maryam: 68
TalkingDog: 40
10Kan: not enough
TalkingDog: 39
Kalimeris: 200
Bryn: 51
TalkingDog: 38
Maryam: 45
LuckyWizard: 500
Kalimeris: too much
TalkingDog: 37
MissyCat: 77
Bryn: 99
TalkingDog: 36
Brick: 1
TalkingDog: 35
Brick: 2
Maryam: 37
Brick: 3
TalkingDog: 34
Brick: 4
Brick: 5
TalkingDog: 33
LuckyWizard: 420
Bryn: 113
10Kan: 144
Brick: 7
Maryam: 40
Brick: 8
TalkingDog: 41
TalkingDog: 43
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: 328.
TalkingDog: 44
Randy: eleventy billion
Bryn: 267
Maryam: 41
Brick: 328
TalkingDog: Oh, way too low.
Kalimeris: hahahaha
Sam: Sheesh.
Maryam: O.o
Goosey: AWw, my answer should have counted.
Kalimeris: I love that.
Bryn: I would have got there.
TalkingDog: Wow.
Maryam: Wow.
Sam: I'll add "not enough." That's good.
Randy: Phan loves the idea of this bot.
Goosey: Yay!
10Kan: Thanks!
HotSuitGuyBot: 11/11. asks: "What words or phrases describe Cody's feet?"
TalkingDog: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Kalimeris: hot
Bryn: handsome
10Kan: hypothetical
Brick: hot
TalkingDog: invisible
Maryam: His FEET?
TalkingDog: hidden
10Kan: sandy
10Kan: sweaty
Randy: cold and clammy and dead
Bryn: manly
Goosey: Yay feet
LuckyWizard: unseen
10Kan: webbed
Kalimeris: beautiful
Goosey: foxy
10Kan: cute
Bryn: feet-shaped
LuckyWizard: two
Kalimeris: many
Brick: soft
10Kan: hairy, like a hobbit's
HotSuitGuyBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer webbed.
HotSuitGuyBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer hairy.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: purple.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: green.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: hooved.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: braided.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: nesting grounds for endangered birds.
HotSuitGuyBot: Unclaimed answer: nakers.
HotSuitGuyBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +2.
HotSuitGuyBot: 10Kan wins!
Maryam: LOL 10K
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: LOL LOL
10Kan: LOLOL
Randy: LOL
Sam: Wow. I can't believe anybody scored on that.
Kalimeris: Hahahaha
Randy: Congrats, 10K.
Kalimeris: Nice.
Sam: Well, 10Kan, you're the official first winner of the HotSuitGuyBot. I'm not sure what that says.
Bryn: Yay 10Kan!
10Kan: This is a...dubious honor.
Maryam: Ok, I can see most of those describing SOME sort of feet, but... braided?
10Kan: Aw, what the heck. Elsewhere in the transcripts, I said that Raphael painted the Sistine Chapel.
10Kan: I got no pride no more.
Goosey: Sam, you are brilliant.
Maryam: That was hilarious. I'm glad I dropped in just now.
Kalimeris: That was amazing.
Sam: Kalimeris remains the winner of the Dreeeemay Class, however. http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=6
TalkingDog: Bah. I was the only one who voted save for Cody every time. I'm the only true fan. Except for the fact that I wanted him to be the killer.
HotSuitGuyBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: Maryam: Me too.
Sam: Although we were missing a certain something without Crystal, LaZorra, and asterism.
Maryam: True.
10Kan: Yeah.
Bryn: I wish I'd been at that tournament.
: We now continue with JumbleBot! 30 seconds!
Randy: Aster is in New Zealand or something. I think
Brick: Cody!
10Kan: Well, I've broken my old record for games-won-during-a-UBT.
Maryam: Ok, I'm off again. Have fun!
10Kan: Seeya!
Brick: Bye!
Bryn: Bye!
Maryam has left.
Sam: I actually wrote that bot while you were all playing Chain.
Bryn: Cool.
10Kan: Sam: You counted the pictures?
Sam: Yeah. Well, not by hand.
LuckyWizard: LOL at HotSuitGuyBot's instructions.
* 10Kan missed the instructions.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/bots/HotSuitGuyBot.cgi http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/bots/CamouFairyBot.cgi
10Kan: LOL
Kalimeris: <3 Cody
Kalimeris: *heart* !!!
Bryn: Hehe.
JumbleBot has been summoned by Sam.
JumbleBot: Starting a new quiz game:
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (5 answers)
JumbleBot: R E B R E
JumbleBot: S N O U T
JumbleBot: C U R C H
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (5 answers)
JumbleBot: R E B R E
JumbleBot: S N O U T
JumbleBot: C U R C H
Sam: reout snout
Kalimeris: snout
Bryn: snout
Goosey: Um, it SAYS use /b
[Bryn->Sam] snout
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: curch (Bryn)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: snore (Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: snort (Brick)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: snout (Goosey, 10Kan, Brick, Lirelyn, Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Unclaimed answer: rebut.
JumbleBot: Scores this round: Brick: +2, Kalimeris: +2, 10Kan: +1, Bryn: +1, Goosey: +1, Lirelyn: +1.
Sam: Crap. I didn't even realize that I submitted that publicly.
Bryn: Whoops. Posted to Sam instead of bots!
Sam: Bryn: Thanks for the PM.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (3 answers)
JumbleBot: S T U U E S
JumbleBot: P I Q M P D
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (3 answers)
JumbleBot: S T U U E S
JumbleBot: P I Q M P D
Lirelyn: piqued
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: piqued (MissyCat, 10Kan, Sam, Brick, Bryn, Randy)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: piques (Kalimeris, Sam, Randy, 10Kan, Brick)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: stumps (MissyCat, Kalimeris, 10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Sam)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +3, Brick: +3, Sam: +3, Bryn: +2, Kalimeris: +2, MissyCat: +2, Randy: +2.
Lirelyn: BAH
Lirelyn: sorry
10Kan: We need to have the "Slashed-Bee" trophy for whoever does that the most.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (7 answers)
JumbleBot: R A L
JumbleBot: I C E
JumbleBot: H W O
JumbleBot: A H S
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (7 answers)
JumbleBot: R A L
JumbleBot: I C E
JumbleBot: H W O
JumbleBot: A H S
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: ace (Goosey, LuckyWizard, Kalimeris, Sam, Bryn, Brick, MissyCat)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: awe (Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Sam, 10Kan, Brick)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: awl (MissyCat)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: hae (Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: has (10Kan, Kalimeris, MissyCat, Sam, Lirelyn, Brick, LuckyWizard, Bryn, Goosey, Randy)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: ice (MissyCat, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, 10Kan, Goosey, Lirelyn, Bryn, Randy, Sam, Brick)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: rho (Sam, Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: Sam: +6, Kalimeris: +5, Brick: +4, MissyCat: +4, 10Kan: +3, Bryn: +3, Goosey: +3, Lirelyn: +3, LuckyWizard: +3, Randy: +2.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (8 answers)
JumbleBot: E D D Y
JumbleBot: L E W K
JumbleBot: S O U R
JumbleBot: N L O D
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (8 answers)
JumbleBot: E D D Y
JumbleBot: L E W K
JumbleBot: S O U R
JumbleBot: N L O D
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: eddy (Bryn, LuckyWizard, 10Kan, Lirelyn, Randy, Kalimeris, Sam, Goosey, Brick)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: lewd (Lirelyn, Sam, MissyCat, LuckyWizard, Goosey, Brick)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: look (10Kan, LuckyWizard, Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: loud (Randy, Bryn, Goosey)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: lour (Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: nook (Sam, LuckyWizard)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: slur (Lirelyn, Sam, Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: sour (MissyCat, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, Bryn, 10Kan, Lirelyn, Randy, Sam, Brick, Goosey)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: Sam: +7, LuckyWizard: +5, Goosey: +4, Lirelyn: +4, 10Kan: +3, Brick: +3, Bryn: +3, Kalimeris: +3, Randy: +3, MissyCat: +2.
* 10Kan's posting frame is on the fritz.
Brick: I had nook, too
Bryn: Wow, Sam's raking it in.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (5 answers)
JumbleBot: A O N A L
JumbleBot: T B O T H
JumbleBot: F R O D E
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (5 answers)
JumbleBot: A O N A L
JumbleBot: T B O T H
JumbleBot: F R O D E
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: abode (Randy, Lirelyn, MissyCat, LuckyWizard, Sam, Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: froth (Bryn, Lirelyn, MissyCat, LuckyWizard, Sam, 10Kan, Goosey)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: tonal (Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Sam, Randy, LuckyWizard, Goosey, MissyCat)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: tooth (MissyCat, Randy, Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: troth (Lirelyn, Goosey)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: Lirelyn: +4, MissyCat: +4, Goosey: +3, Kalimeris: +3, LuckyWizard: +3, Randy: +3, Sam: +3, 10Kan: +1, Bryn: +1.
Brick: crap
10Kan: Yeah, technical difficulties.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (3 answers)
JumbleBot: E N H E N E
JumbleBot: S P R O O T
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (3 answers)
JumbleBot: E N H E N E
JumbleBot: S P R O O T
Randy: snroot
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: enroot (Goosey, MissyCat, LuckyWizard, 10Kan, Brick, Lirelyn)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: sphene (LuckyWizard, Brick, Kalimeris, 10Kan)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: sprent (10Kan, Goosey)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +3, Brick: +2, Goosey: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, MissyCat: +1.
10Kan: Those are words?!
Goosey: Sprent is a word? cool.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (10 answers)
JumbleBot: M E N
JumbleBot: I A G
JumbleBot: S K I
JumbleBot: F N Z
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (10 answers)
JumbleBot: M E N
JumbleBot: I A G
JumbleBot: S K I
JumbleBot: F N Z
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: fan (Kalimeris, 10Kan, Sam, MissyCat, Brick, Goosey, LuckyWizard)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: fen (Goosey, Lirelyn)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: fez (Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: inn (Sam, Brick, Randy, MissyCat, 10Kan, Goosey)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: mag (10Kan, LuckyWizard, Bryn)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: man (MissyCat, Bryn, Goosey, Sam, LuckyWizard)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: men (MissyCat, Kalimeris, 10Kan, Goosey, LuckyWizard, Bryn, Lirelyn, Randy, Sam, Brick)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: sag (Lirelyn, Kalimeris, Goosey, Randy, LuckyWizard, MissyCat, Sam, 10Kan)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: sen (Goosey)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: ski (Bryn, Kalimeris, 10Kan, MissyCat, Lirelyn, LuckyWizard, Goosey, Sam, Randy, Brick)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +8, 10Kan: +6, LuckyWizard: +6, MissyCat: +6, Sam: +6, Kalimeris: +5, Brick: +4, Bryn: +4, Lirelyn: +4, Randy: +4.
Goosey: Woo!
10Kan: Go Goosey Go!
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (2 answers)
JumbleBot: T E R C N
JumbleBot: J A P A E
Randy: NICE!
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (2 answers)
JumbleBot: T E R C N
JumbleBot: J A P A E
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: japan (Kalimeris, MissyCat, Randy, Lirelyn, Brick, Goosey, Sam, 10Kan, Bryn, LuckyWizard)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: terce (Brick, Sam, Randy, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, Bryn)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +2, Brick: +2, Bryn: +2, Kalimeris: +2, Lirelyn: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Randy: +2, Sam: +2, Goosey: +1, MissyCat: +1.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (11 answers)
JumbleBot: S O S P
JumbleBot: M A A H
JumbleBot: E E R S
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (11 answers)
JumbleBot: S O S P
JumbleBot: M A A H
JumbleBot: E E R S
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: ears (MissyCat, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Bryn, 10Kan, Randy, Brick)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: mars (Kalimeris, Randy, 10Kan, MissyCat, Brick, LuckyWizard)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: mash (Bryn, 10Kan, MissyCat, Goosey, Lirelyn, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, Randy, Brick, Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: mass (Goosey, LuckyWizard)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: mesh (Goosey)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: mess (Goosey)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: moss (Goosey)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: sash (Kalimeris, Bryn)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: sass (Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: seas (10Kan)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: soap (Kalimeris, MissyCat, 10Kan, Bryn, LuckyWizard, Lirelyn, Randy, Brick, Sam, Goosey)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +6, Kalimeris: +6, 10Kan: +5, Brick: +4, Bryn: +4, LuckyWizard: +4, MissyCat: +4, Randy: +4, Lirelyn: +3, Sam: +2.
Randy: no mosh? hehe
Brick: no sars either
10Kan: That's an acronym.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (3 answers)
JumbleBot: Y O L K
JumbleBot: S E L L
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (3 answers)
JumbleBot: Y O L K
JumbleBot: S E L L
Brick: And that's game.
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: sell (Kalimeris, Bryn, Goosey, Lirelyn, MissyCat, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, Brick, Randy, Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: yell (Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, 10Kan, Brick, LuckyWizard, Randy, Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: yolk (Goosey, 10Kan, MissyCat, Lirelyn, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, Bryn, Brick, Randy, Sam)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +3, Brick: +3, Goosey: +3, Kalimeris: +3, Lirelyn: +3, LuckyWizard: +3, MissyCat: +3, Randy: +3, Sam: +3, Bryn: +2.
JumbleBot: It's a tie! The winners are: Sam, Kalimeris.
10Kan: Yay!
Lirelyn: Wooo tie!
Bryn: Oh, yell.
Randy: YAY Samilermis!
Randy: Goosey: SO CLOSE
Bryn: Yay Kalimerisam!
Goosey: LOL
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=6
Brick: 11th Place!
Goosey: 7th place! for everything!
Brick: Goosey. Eternally 7th.
10Kan: Lucky 7.
JumbleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Kalimeris: I AM HUNGRY
: Confucius say, No time to say sayings. Next game 30 seconds!
* Brick says "sayings".
MissyCat: SayingsBot
* 10Kan grits his teeth.
VocaBot has been summoned by Sam.
VocaBot: Starting a new game:
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of rust? (1) thorough, (2) selflessness, (3) hilarious, (4) corrode, (5) contaminated, (6) splendor.
Sam: Dang it. I always forget to turn off the easy questions.
LuckyWizard: Heh.
Brick: Wooo! Free point!
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: thorough
VocaBot: Answer: selflessness
VocaBot: Answer: hilarious
VocaBot: Answer: corrode [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, LuckyWizard, MissyCat, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: contaminated
VocaBot: Answer: splendor
VocaBot: Game is paused.
VocaBot: All question types will be used.
* Goosey cries
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of impolitic? (1) imbibe, (2) vicarious, (3) detritus, (4) wise, (5) vaporous, (6) platyhelminth.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: imbibe
VocaBot: Answer: vicarious
VocaBot: Answer: detritus (Kalimeris, Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: wise [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Lirelyn, LuckyWizard, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: vaporous
VocaBot: Answer: platyhelminth (MissyCat)
Randy: oh
VocaBot: Question: What word means walk? (1) nauseating, (2) sate, (3) prose, (4) swivel, (5) perambulate, (6) oracle.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: nauseating
VocaBot: Answer: sate
VocaBot: Answer: prose
VocaBot: Answer: swivel
VocaBot: Answer: perambulate [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, LuckyWizard, MissyCat, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: oracle
Bryn: Not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the boots of ascension.
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of costrel? (1) flask, (2) dig, (3) very sad, (4) pertaining to right angles, (5) associate, (6) avid follower.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: flask [+1] (Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: dig
VocaBot: Answer: very sad
VocaBot: Answer: pertaining to right angles
VocaBot: Answer: associate (10Kan, Bryn)
VocaBot: Answer: avid follower (Brick, Goosey, Randy, Sam)
Goosey: Darn it.
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of crabbed? (1) annotate, (2) happy, (3) lascivious, (4) levigate, (5) inhumation, (6) modesty.
Bryn: That would have been my second guess.
TalkingDog: Wow. My brother bought me a 7-11 hotdog. This bun is at least three times the volume of the hotdog.
Randy: hehe
TalkingDog: Maybe four.
10Kan: Big bun, tiny hotdog, or both?
Goosey: LOL
TalkingDog: Big bun.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: annotate
VocaBot: Answer: happy [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: lascivious (Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: levigate
VocaBot: Answer: inhumation (MissyCat)
VocaBot: Answer: modesty
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of prorogue? (1) exegesis, (2) perilous, (3) lunge, (4) adjourn, (5) pallor, (6) rite.
Randy: a conrouge, duh
Sam: hehehe
Goosey: Randy: SYNonym
Randy: oh
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: exegesis (10Kan, Brick, MissyCat, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: perilous (Goosey)
VocaBot: Answer: lunge
VocaBot: Answer: adjourn [+1] (Kalimeris)
VocaBot: Answer: pallor (Bryn, Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: rite (Lirelyn, Sam)
Kalimeris: Yay guessing
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of expurgate? (1) commencement, (2) salvo, (3) colony, (4) budge, (5) permit, (6) nomad.
Randy: I should, maybe, read the question
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: commencement
VocaBot: Answer: salvo
VocaBot: Answer: colony
VocaBot: Answer: budge (Brick, Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: permit [+1] (10Kan, Bryn, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: nomad
Sam: Gah, too late.
Brick: fail
Bryn: budge 10Kan
* 10Kan is levitated with a shout! Bryn is WINNING.
Randy: LOL
Randy: or should I say
Randy: HA!
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of paradisiacal? (1) clearness, (2) utopian, (3) meantime, (4) fellowship, (5) on land, (6) brush.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: clearness
VocaBot: Answer: utopian [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: meantime (MissyCat)
VocaBot: Answer: fellowship
VocaBot: Answer: on land
VocaBot: Answer: brush
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of confute? (1) confirm, (2) ration, (3) petty, (4) atmosphere, (5) gruesome, (6) dissipate.
Brick: no clue. total guess.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: confirm [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: ration
VocaBot: Answer: petty
VocaBot: Answer: atmosphere
VocaBot: Answer: gruesome
VocaBot: Answer: dissipate (Randy)
Brick: O.O
10Kan: That would've been my second guess.
Randy: I disagree with the bot. I'm always right
VocaBot: Question: What word means familiarity? (1) egression, (2) froward, (3) imitation, (4) conversance, (5) judicious, (6) advisable.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: egression
VocaBot: Answer: froward (Goosey, Kalimeris)
VocaBot: Answer: imitation (Brick)
VocaBot: Answer: conversance [+1] (10Kan, Bryn, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: judicious
VocaBot: Answer: advisable
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of emend? (1) discern, (2) gainsay, (3) rousing, (4) mar, (5) plentiful, (6) listless.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: discern (Brick, Kalimeris)
VocaBot: Answer: gainsay (Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: rousing
VocaBot: Answer: mar [+1] (10Kan, Bryn, Goosey, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: plentiful
VocaBot: Answer: listless
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of gabble? (1) error, (2) blab, (3) permanence, (4) thaumaturge, (5) ravel, (6) rupture.
Bryn: Wow, this game is testing my limits.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: error
VocaBot: Answer: blab [+1] (10Kan, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: permanence
VocaBot: Answer: thaumaturge (Brick)
VocaBot: Answer: ravel
VocaBot: Answer: rupture
Bryn: Except for maybe that one.
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of acerbity? (1) liverish, (2) starveling, (3) mildness, (4) unbecoming, (5) bibliopole, (6) divagate.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: liverish
VocaBot: Answer: starveling
VocaBot: Answer: mildness [+1] (10Kan, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: unbecoming
VocaBot: Answer: bibliopole
VocaBot: Answer: divagate (Brick)
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of gewgaw? (1) alloy, (2) knickknack, (3) raffle, (4) legerity, (5) conducive, (6) tangible.
Sam: Georgia
Randy: On my mind
TalkingDog: LOL
10Kan: Thank you, Kingdom of Loathing.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: alloy
VocaBot: Answer: knickknack [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: raffle
VocaBot: Answer: legerity (Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: conducive
VocaBot: Answer: tangible
Lirelyn: Seesaw!
VocaBot: Question: What word means lie? (1) coeval, (2) prevaricate, (3) vexation, (4) brine, (5) mass, (6) lei.
Brick: My lei lies.
Sam: Oooh, tricky. Is it the anagram?
10Kan: My lei lies on the lee, Leah.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: coeval
VocaBot: Answer: prevaricate [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Sam)
VocaBot: Answer: vexation (TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: brine
VocaBot: Answer: mass
VocaBot: Answer: lei
TalkingDog: Arg.
TalkingDog: And Lirelyn takes the lead.
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of gewgaw? (1) learned knowledge, (2) depict, (3) crazy, (4) trinket, (5) calmness, (6) bright.
TalkingDog: ...
Bryn: Slightly different.
10Kan: What are the odds of that happing to UBTs in a row?
10Kan: *two.
Sam: 4
[VocaBot->Sam] Your answer was not accepted because it was posted publicly. Please submit your answer privately, with the /b command.
Sam: Er. Ignore that.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: learned knowledge
VocaBot: Answer: depict
VocaBot: Answer: crazy
VocaBot: Answer: trinket [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: calmness
VocaBot: Answer: bright
Kalimeris: So. That was a silly round.
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of vacillate? (1) respond, (2) sate, (3) expurgate, (4) remain, (5) petticoat, (6) queen.
Goosey: It's so LATE AAAAHHHHH
Sam: It's picking from a pool of 2000 words, with what difficulties I have enabled right now. Weird.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: respond (10Kan, Kalimeris, Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: sate (MissyCat)
VocaBot: Answer: expurgate
VocaBot: Answer: remain [+1] (Bryn, Goosey, Lirelyn, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: petticoat
VocaBot: Answer: queen (Brick)
10Kan: Aww.
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of innervate? (1) exemplify, (2) discombobulated, (3) fritter, (4) bemoan, (5) eliminate, (6) galvanize.
Bryn: Wow, changed to the wrong one too late. Lucky.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: exemplify (Brick, MissyCat)
VocaBot: Answer: discombobulated (Bryn)
VocaBot: Answer: fritter
VocaBot: Answer: bemoan
VocaBot: Answer: eliminate
VocaBot: Answer: galvanize [+1] (10Kan, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of direful? (1) snare, (2) endeavor, (3) favorable, (4) nestle, (5) beget, (6) alumnus.
Sam: Alumnus is a synonym.
Brick: Straits.
10Kan: LOL
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: snare (MissyCat)
VocaBot: Answer: endeavor
VocaBot: Answer: favorable [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: nestle
VocaBot: Answer: beget
VocaBot: Answer: alumnus
Lirelyn: And snare is an unclenym.
10Kan: I am when they bug me for donations too often.
Sam: I am when they bug me at all. I spent more money on that institution than I will probably ever spent on anything (other than a house) in my entire life. Why would I want to donate more?
Randy: Thats what I like about being a dropout...no almuni associations
VocaBot: Question: What word means teach? (1) devoid, (2) ruse, (3) assist, (4) inculcate, (5) disport, (6) guerrilla.
Brick: 6
[VocaBot->Brick] Your answer was not accepted because it was posted publicly. Please submit your answer privately, with the /b command.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: devoid
VocaBot: Answer: ruse
VocaBot: Answer: assist (Brick, Bryn)
VocaBot: Answer: inculcate [+1] (10Kan, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: disport
VocaBot: Answer: guerrilla
Bryn: Doh.
Brick: Doh. Also.
* TalkingDog thanks the AMT blooper.
Sam: TD: That's how I know it!
10Kan: TD: LOL
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of complaisant? (1) concord, (2) habiliment, (3) contrary, (4) disseminate, (5) sunken, (6) motile.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: concord
VocaBot: Answer: habiliment
VocaBot: Answer: contrary [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Lirelyn, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: disseminate
VocaBot: Answer: sunken (Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: motile (Kalimeris, MissyCat)
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of jilt? (1) covenant, (2) gory, (3) succumb, (4) somnolence, (5) convex, (6) reject.
* Brick is aiming for 15!
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: covenant
VocaBot: Answer: gory
VocaBot: Answer: succumb (MissyCat, Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: somnolence
VocaBot: Answer: convex
VocaBot: Answer: reject [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of rebato? (1) degrade, (2) betroth, (3) predictive, (4) grateful, (5) girdle, (6) lace collar.
Sam: Domo arigato.
Goosey: LOL
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: degrade (Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: betroth
VocaBot: Answer: predictive
VocaBot: Answer: grateful (Brick)
VocaBot: Answer: girdle (MissyCat, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: lace collar [+1] (10Kan, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Sam)
TalkingDog: That will bug me forever. It should be Roboto-san.
Randy: TD: LOL!
VocaBot: Question: What word means muscular? (1) comestible, (2) carnivorous, (3) disprove, (4) globose, (5) toddler, (6) mesomorphic.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: comestible
VocaBot: Answer: carnivorous
VocaBot: Answer: disprove
VocaBot: Answer: globose (10Kan, Bryn, Goosey)
VocaBot: Answer: toddler
VocaBot: Answer: mesomorphic [+1] (Brick, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
Kalimeris: CHAT WHITED OUT ON ME Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! WHERE'D EVERYONE GO
Kalimeris: Hi. Okay it's okay again.
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of redoubtable? (1) intermittent, (2) circumlocution, (3) excruciating, (4) superannuated, (5) regretful, (6) formidable.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: intermittent
VocaBot: Answer: circumlocution (Brick)
VocaBot: Answer: excruciating
VocaBot: Answer: superannuated
VocaBot: Answer: regretful (Kalimeris, MissyCat, Randy, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: formidable [+1] (10Kan, Bryn, Goosey, Lirelyn, Sam)
Brick: As if it wasn't doubtable enough the first time...
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of cogitate? (1) subservient, (2) transubstantiate, (3) salutary, (4) carping, (5) roam, (6) forget.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: subservient
VocaBot: Answer: transubstantiate
VocaBot: Answer: salutary
VocaBot: Answer: carping (MissyCat)
VocaBot: Answer: roam
VocaBot: Answer: forget [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of napery? (1) functional, (2) permeable, (3) boast, (4) introduction, (5) table linen, (6) patience.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: functional
VocaBot: Answer: permeable
VocaBot: Answer: boast
VocaBot: Answer: introduction (Brick)
VocaBot: Answer: table linen [+1] (10Kan, Bryn, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: patience
Sam: napery = napkin + drapery?
Bryn: That was kinda my train of thought.
10Kan: It's low humor and pranks played with napkins.
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of enfranchise? (1) nil, (2) enslave, (3) secluded, (4) abridgment, (5) cuisine, (6) pennant.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: nil
VocaBot: Answer: enslave [+1] (10Kan, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: secluded (Brick)
VocaBot: Answer: abridgment
VocaBot: Answer: cuisine
VocaBot: Answer: pennant
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of monocracy? (1) purulent, (2) venal, (3) betrothal, (4) vilify, (5) tyranny, (6) malcontent.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: purulent
VocaBot: Answer: venal (MissyCat)
VocaBot: Answer: betrothal
VocaBot: Answer: vilify
VocaBot: Answer: tyranny [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: malcontent
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of voluble? (1) drunk, (2) advancement, (3) embezzlement, (4) friendly, (5) ambition, (6) talkative.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: drunk (Brick)
VocaBot: Answer: advancement
VocaBot: Answer: embezzlement
VocaBot: Answer: friendly (Sam)
VocaBot: Answer: ambition (Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: talkative [+1] (10Kan, Bryn, Goosey, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, MissyCat, TalkingDog)
Sam: I kept wanting to change to talkative, but I figured, eh, if I change, it'll be wrong.
Lirelyn: Sam: I always think of it as friendly AND talkative... so yeah.
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of pendulous? (1) emolument, (2) competent, (3) hodgepodge, (4) draconian, (5) droopy, (6) overcast.
Bryn: Lirelyn is about to win.
Randy: I love the word hodgepodge.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: emolument
VocaBot: Answer: competent (Sam)
VocaBot: Answer: hodgepodge
VocaBot: Answer: draconian (Kalimeris, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: droopy [+1] (10Kan, Brick, Bryn, Goosey, Lirelyn, MissyCat, Randy)
VocaBot: Answer: overcast
VocaBot: Lirelyn wins!
Randy: WOOO!
10Kan: Yay Lirelyn!
Randy: Yay Lirelyn!
* 10Kan will accept second place.
Bryn: Nice one!
* Brick accepts 9th place.
Bryn: Equal 3rd! Best I've ever come, I think.
Randy: Seriously? wow
Lirelyn: We have some serious vocab nerds here.
Lirelyn: I love it.
Bryn: It was fun, in that I ended up guessing based on parts of the word.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=6
Brick: Still 11th!
Sam: Kali: You're doing great this time. I don't think you'd ever even been close before.
Kalimeris: No. I was third last time... but, by a long shot.
Sam: Oh yeah. But, only fifth in the game rankings chart, because you'd only won one game.
Kalimeris: And the time before that, I was somewhere in the middleish of the pack.
Kalimeris: Yeah.
Kalimeris: Camoufairy!
VocaBot has been dismissed by Sam.
CaptionBot has been summoned by Sam.
Brick: If MissyCat doesn't beat me by 10 in this next game, I'll keep my 11th place.
Bryn: I can hope to make 18th, and that's probably it. Since LaZorra isn't here.
Lirelyn: I'm sad I missed so much of the Wordsmith games. I think those will wind up being my favorites.
CaptionBot: Sam chose the next image. (2/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
* TalkingDog blinks.
Bryn: I don't think I've done this game either.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for She mustn't break concentration. She is well on her way to breaking the world record ball-on-boob balancing record!
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Horror films for laundry people.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Meditation is key...
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for A Gatorade ad before the coloration.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Missy Wa and her WonderBoobs!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for A recent photo of ThePhan.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Look Ma! No hands!
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Writhing in agony, Camille was shocked to discover an alien rupturing from her chest.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Can she catch a cannonball, Billy Boy, Billy Boy? Can she catch a cannonball with her boobies?
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for When Lisa plays basketball, no-one wants to get the ball off her.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for A way to make soccer more appealing to Americans. Yow
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Dirty, dirty girl.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for This is how we play volley ball in Micronesia!
Bryn: vote 7
Goosey: vote 7
Sam: vote 1
MissyCat: vote4
Kalimeris: vote 3
10Kan: vote 9
MissyCat: vote 4
Randy: vote 1
Brick: vote 13
Lirelyn: vote 8
CaptionBot: Brick wins 2 points for Look Ma! No hands!
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for She mustn't break concentration. She is well on her way to breaking the world record ball-on-boob balancing record!
CaptionBot: Brick wins 1 point for Meditation is key...
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Can she catch a cannonball, Billy Boy, Billy Boy? Can she catch a cannonball with her boobies?
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for This is how we play volley ball in Micronesia!
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for A Gatorade ad before the coloration.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Writhing in agony, Camille was shocked to discover an alien rupturing from her chest.
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for Dirty, dirty girl.
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for Horror films for laundry people.
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 0 points for When Lisa plays basketball, no-one wants to get the ball off her.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Missy Wa and her WonderBoobs!
CaptionBot: MissyCat wins 0 points for A recent photo of ThePhan.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for A way to make soccer more appealing to Americans. Yow
CaptionBot: The search keyword was funny women.
CaptionBot: Brick chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: LOL. Sheesh.
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Mrityunjay Darji's ingenious disguise.
Sam: Bah.
Sam: When collecting images for PicMatch/Caption, it was kind of hard, because some of the images are good for one bot but bad for the other. This one is good for PicMatch.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The pizza girl of Sam's dreams.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for "Are you sure this isn't a bit too scandalous? I could lose the ears."
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for This is the future of anime conventions. And thats not really a bad thing
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for "Where are my furry mittens?"
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for CamouFairyBot, eat your heart out!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for I am NOT MissyCat!
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for It's bad enough you made me wear this outfit; did you have to make me do the Twist?
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for The Mickey Mouse Fan Club changes its official uniform.
Bryn: vote 2
MissyCat: vote 1
10Kan: vote 1
Sam: vote 8
Lirelyn: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 6
Brick: vote 3
Randy: vote 8
Goosey: vote 8
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 4 points for The Mickey Mouse Fan Club changes its official uniform.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 2 points for The pizza girl of Sam's dreams.
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for "Are you sure this isn't a bit too scandalous? I could lose the ears."
CaptionBot: MissyCat wins 1 point for I am NOT MissyCat!
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for This is the future of anime conventions. And thats not really a bad thing
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for CamouFairyBot, eat your heart out!
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for "Where are my furry mittens?"
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for It's bad enough you made me wear this outfit; did you have to make me do the Twist?
CaptionBot: The search keyword was costumes.
Bryn: Yay, briefly ahead again!
CaptionBot: Goosey chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: The 1st Annual Thinking Exhibition proves a disappointment for spectators.
[Sam->Bots] /B /B
Sam: /B /B /B
Randy: LOL
Randy: Somebody's tiwed
Kalimeris: EHell. A place where people go when they forget to /b
Sam: I want to thank the Rinkies for this great honor.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The Lullaby Leage Championship panel of judges confer before reaching a final decision.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for /B /B
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for The new sport of the boardroom: synchronized sleeping.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Switching the coffee to decaf was not the best idea for the government workers.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Businessmen during an insomnia seminar.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for So they get a lot done at those UN meetings, right?
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Good to see politicians world wide are so concerned about the crappy economy.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Recess at the town council meeting.
Goosey: LOL
Brick: lol 2
Randy: LOL LOL
MissyCat: vote 2
Lirelyn: LOL LOL LOL
Kalimeris: hahahahaha
Goosey: vote 2
Bryn: vote 3
Brick: Hmmm... I wonder which one is Sam's...
10Kan: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 2
Lirelyn: vote 1
* Bryn grins.
Randy: vote 6
Sam: vote 1
Brick: vote 4
Goosey: vote 4
MissyCat: LOL
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for The Lullaby Leage Championship panel of judges confer before reaching a final decision.
CaptionBot: Brick wins 2 points for So they get a lot done at those UN meetings, right?
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 2 points for Switching the coffee to decaf was not the best idea for the government workers.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 2 points for /B /B
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for The new sport of the boardroom: synchronized sleeping.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Recess at the town council meeting.
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Businessmen during an insomnia seminar.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for Good to see politicians world wide are so concerned about the crappy economy.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was interesting.
Sam: The problem is that I set my drop-down to *Bots for the word games, and now it's off. So I just figure I can type out captions without the /b. Gah. Those two captions were good ones, too.
CaptionBot: 10Kan chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: 5 3
Goosey: LOL
Sam: ...
Sam: I actually typed "/p 5 3" there. You know, so it would go to the bots.
* Sam commits webmastercide.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for CamouFairy's twin daughters.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for MGA decided to release their Vampire Bratz character early this year...
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Before and After: When good girls go BAD.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Hayley and Genevieve action figures! Yay!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for An artist's rendering of the course of human evolution over the next 2 million years. The one on the right is the male.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Now we present the Hailey and Julie dolls. Only from RinkToys.com!
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for In just a few short decades, we've gone from hourglass blondes to big-headed freaks. Woo.
Kalimeris: vote 5
Bryn: vote 1
MissyCat: vote 3
Sam: vote 5
Brick: vote 7
Goosey: vote 8
Lirelyn: vote 3
Randy: vote 3
10Kan: vote 7
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 2 points for Hayley and Genevieve action figures! Yay!
CaptionBot: Randy wins 2 points for Now we present the Hailey and Julie dolls. Only from RinkToys.com!
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for In just a few short decades, we've gone from hourglass blondes to big-headed freaks. Woo.
CaptionBot: MissyCat wins 1 point for CamouFairy's twin daughters.
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for An artist's rendering of the course of human evolution over the next 2 million years. The one on the right is the male.
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for MGA decided to release their Vampire Bratz character early this year...
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Before and After: When good girls go BAD.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was costume.
Sam: They're still hourglass figures. It's just that the narrow part has moved up to the neck.
10Kan: Sam: LOL
Sam: I want Paradise Island action figures.
Goosey: LOL
CaptionBot: Lirelyn chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Lirelyn: Aw nuts. I meant 3.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for And finally, after weeks of searching, the LoveMime was caught red-handed.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for The life of a mime is a lonely one. Please, show compassion.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Your Guide To Attracting Harassment Suits.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for *++
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Mimes can't talk, but they sure can hug the heck out of onlookers.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Uh...I don't want to be hugged by a scary mime thing, thanks.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for "The Embrace of the Mime" wasn't going to replace "The Tears of a Clown" anytime soon.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Have I hugged my mime lately? NO.
MissyCat: vote 8
Bryn: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 7
10Kan: vote 1
Randy: vote 3
Brick: vote 6
Sam: vote 2
Goosey: vote 2
Goosey: vote 7
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for "The Embrace of the Mime" wasn't going to replace "The Tears of a Clown" anytime soon.
CaptionBot: Brick wins 2 points for Have I hugged my mime lately? NO.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 2 points for And finally, after weeks of searching, the LoveMime was caught red-handed.
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 1 point for The life of a mime is a lonely one. Please, show compassion.
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for Your Guide To Attracting Harassment Suits.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for Uh...I don't want to be hugged by a scary mime thing, thanks.
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Mimes can't talk, but they sure can hug the heck out of onlookers.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for *++
CaptionBot: The search keyword was hugged.
Brick: vote 4
Sam: You gotta admit, though, mine was hilarious.
Goosey: Sam: Totally.
Lirelyn: Sam: It was my second choice.
Sam: Also, I submitted it properly.
Brick: GASP!!!
* 10Kan gives Sam a gold star.
Kalimeris: Bonus points!
CaptionBot: Bryn chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for After his fall, Jeremy would lose his ability to spell forever.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for White male, 29, died from the shock of glimpsing Camou-Fairy out of the corner of his eye.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for lolclerks took a little longer to catch on.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Office worker fall down go BOOM!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Stairs: friendly vertical movement facilitator, or MERCILESS KILLER? The answer may surprise you, tonight at 11.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Help. I've fallen, and I can't get up.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for I bet somewhere nearby, a cat is lol'ing. Evil cats...
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for I HAS LOST MI GRAMR SKILLZ.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Wow, I stmbeld swe muchez, I lst al abilititiy tew spel.
10Kan: vote 3
Bryn: vote 5
MissyCat: vote 1
Brick: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 4
Goosey: vote 5
Lirelyn: vote 7
Randy: vote 5
Sam: vote 3
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 4 points for Stairs: friendly vertical movement facilitator, or MERCILESS KILLER? The answer may surprise you, tonight at 11.
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for lolclerks took a little longer to catch on.
CaptionBot: Brick wins 1 point for Office worker fall down go BOOM!
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 1 point for After his fall, Jeremy would lose his ability to spell forever.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for I bet somewhere nearby, a cat is lol'ing. Evil cats...
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 0 points for Wow, I stmbeld swe muchez, I lst al abilititiy tew spel.
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Help. I've fallen, and I can't get up.
CaptionBot: MissyCat wins 0 points for I HAS LOST MI GRAMR SKILLZ.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for White male, 29, died from the shock of glimpsing Camou-Fairy out of the corner of his eye.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was rinkworks.
Sam: RinkWorks??
Lirelyn: Huh?
* 10Kan shrugs.
10Kan: Maybe it just got the works part.
TalkingDog: At least he's safe from the terrible secret of space.
10Kan: TD: LOL
CaptionBot: Randy chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Soon the ugly little duckling grew up to be Godzilla, wherein he crushed all the mean ducks. The End.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Yo son, that ain't cool.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for "I wanna swim with/ the gangstas/ but they all say that I'm to white and ducky..."
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Sup, mah homies?
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Oh I get it, its a black thing, and I don't understand. Well FINE
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for You guyses TANS look so GREAT!
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Guys! Guys! Why didn't you let ME roll in the ashes too? Guys?
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for CUTE OVERLOAD: The newest danger.
Sam: vote 5
10Kan: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 6
Bryn: vote 5
Randy: vote 6
Goosey: vote 7
Brick: vote 7
Lirelyn: vote 3
MissyCat: vote 7
Brick: Awww... no one voted for mine :(
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 3 points for Guys! Guys! Why didn't you let ME roll in the ashes too? Guys?
CaptionBot: Randy wins 3 points for Oh I get it, its a black thing, and I don't understand. Well FINE
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 2 points for You guyses TANS look so GREAT!
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for "I wanna swim with/ the gangstas/ but they all say that I'm to white and ducky..."
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for Soon the ugly little duckling grew up to be Godzilla, wherein he crushed all the mean ducks. The End.
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 0 points for CUTE OVERLOAD: The newest danger.
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Yo son, that ain't cool.
CaptionBot: MissyCat wins 0 points for Sup, mah homies?
CaptionBot: The search keyword was caption contest.
10Kan: Aargh the typo! And I wanted to change "ducky" to "downy" at the last minute.
Randy: ducky works
Lirelyn: Yeah, I think "ducky" is better anyway.
Randy: I was gonna say HM to that one
CaptionBot: MissyCat chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
10Kan: "Pardon me madam, have you seen my sister's Bratz doll? Its head was about yea big on its shoulders."
10Kan: DANGIT.
Sam: You did it too!
Bryn: It's catching...
10Kan: We'll have to share the trophy.
Sam: No way! I'm not giving up my trophy. I did it three rounds in a row, the third after ranting about forgetting the /b.
10Kan: Okay, okay. You're the champ.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Four hours of teaching, and she STILL couldn't get him to master even the fundamentals of 'Walk like an Egyptian.'
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for "Pardon me madam, have you seen my sister's Bratz doll? Its head was about yea big on its shoulders."
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Sheesh. Since they haven't been hugged enough, these mimes aren't even trying anymore.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for I'm sorry, I don't believe in intergalactic relationships.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for CamouFairyBot's friends royally failed at walking like an egyptian.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Goosey's attempt at cloning herself.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for OOH ee, ooh AH AH, TING tang, walla-walla BING bang! Your face is now cured!
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Interpretive Dance: 'The Window To The Soul'
Sam: vote 1
Bryn: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 1
Randy: 1
10Kan: vote 8
Brick: vote 3
Lirelyn: vote 2
Goosey: 4
Bryn: Even though I know who wrote it.
Goosey: vote 4
MissyCat: vote 8
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for "Pardon me madam, have you seen my sister's Bratz doll? Its head was about yea big on its shoulders."
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 2 points for Interpretive Dance: 'The Window To The Soul'
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for Four hours of teaching, and she STILL couldn't get him to master even the fundamentals of 'Walk like an Egyptian.'
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for I'm sorry, I don't believe in intergalactic relationships.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for Sheesh. Since they haven't been hugged enough, these mimes aren't even trying anymore.
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for CamouFairyBot's friends royally failed at walking like an egyptian.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for OOH ee, ooh AH AH, TING tang, walla-walla BING bang! Your face is now cured!
CaptionBot: MissyCat wins 0 points for Goosey's attempt at cloning herself.
CaptionBot: Randy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was performance art.
Randy: CRAP
10Kan: Misery, company, etc.
Randy: Forgot the word vote
CaptionBot: Kalimeris chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: My trash stinks.
Sam: Chili's take-out boxes seem to get smellier than most other trash when it sits in the can for long enough.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Curious George and his friends, huge fans of Danger On Paradise Island, re-enact the climactic knife fight.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for What DonTheMonkeyMan has been up to lately.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for The man in the yellow hat never knew how lucky he was to have run across George first.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for "Hello? HBO? Have I got a pitch for you..."
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for I STABBETH THEE!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Knife Fight! You're gonna fight for your life! Knife Fight! You're gonna fight with a knife!
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Curious George got into trouble during his teen years. Ended up in a street fight with Punk Rock Capuchin
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Tired of always posing, some of the wise monkeys decided to try this 'evil' they'd heard so much about not doing, seeing, or hearing.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for SFX = OOH ee, ooh AH AH, TING tang, walla-walla BING bang!
10Kan: Whatever you do, just don't let them have guns or the next thing you know they'll be blowing up the Statue of Liberty or something.
Bryn: vote 1
Sam: vote 3
Lirelyn: vote 8
Brick: vote 8
10Kan: vote 8
Goosey: vote 3
Kalimeris: vote 9
Randy: vote 3
MissyCat: vote 1
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 3 points for Tired of always posing, some of the wise monkeys decided to try this 'evil' they'd heard so much about not doing, seeing, or hearing.
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 3 points for The man in the yellow hat never knew how lucky he was to have run across George first.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 2 points for Curious George and his friends, huge fans of Danger On Paradise Island, re-enact the climactic knife fight.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 1 point for SFX = OOH ee, ooh AH AH, TING tang, walla-walla BING bang!
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for "Hello? HBO? Have I got a pitch for you..."
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for Knife Fight! You're gonna fight for your life! Knife Fight! You're gonna fight with a knife!
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for I STABBETH THEE!
CaptionBot: MissyCat wins 0 points for What DonTheMonkeyMan has been up to lately.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for Curious George got into trouble during his teen years. Ended up in a street fight with Punk Rock Capuchin
CaptionBot: The search keyword was fight.
Randy: 10K: Those maniacs! And I thought the humans did it...
* 10Kan suspects that image came from some horrible Curious George fanfiction.
CaptionBot: CaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Seriously!?! Oh noes! I should unplug my network cable right n
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Pfft. If I was scared of my computer blowing up I wouldn't have this Toshiba power supply.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Don't let this tragedy happen to you! For just $39.95, you can have the explosion-proof case. If you order in the next 15 minutes, we'll throw in a free miniature keyboard, for FREE! Call now!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for But what if my home computer is already a bomb?
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for The command to be wary of? *++
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for More after the apocalypse...
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for 'This reporter spotted clear evidence when observing a Mac, which clearly displayed a bomb symbol on the screen.'
Sam: vote 2
Bryn: vote 3
Sam: HM1
MissyCat: vote 3
10Kan: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 2
Lirelyn: vote 8
Goosey: vote 5
Randy: vote 5
Brick: vote 5
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 3 points for The command to be wary of? *++
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for Pfft. If I was scared of my computer blowing up I wouldn't have this Toshiba power supply.
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for Don't let this tragedy happen to you! For just $39.95, you can have the explosion-proof case. If you order in the next 15 minutes, we'll throw in a free miniature keyboard, for FREE! Call now!
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 1 point for 'This reporter spotted clear evidence when observing a Mac, which clearly displayed a bomb symbol on the screen.'
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for Seriously!?! Oh noes! I should unplug my network cable right n
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for But what if my home computer is already a bomb?
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for YUO'VE BEEN AHCKED! YOR CMOPUTRE IS A BOM!
CaptionBot: MissyCat wins 0 points for More after the apocalypse...
CaptionBot: The search keyword was rinkworks.
Bryn: Huh?
Randy: Weird
MissyCat: computer stupidities
Bryn: RinkWorks gets lots of interesting results.
Sam: That one could easily have been a web page that linked to CS and also had that image.
Lirelyn: I get that one.
10Kan: RinkWorks is carefully nestled throughout the web. We are everywhere.
CaptionBot: Sam chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: This was hilarious, but seemed like it would produce too narrow a range of captions: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/botimages/pool/images/cute_funny_bd63991b29e1eebab3267ae02a34e956.jpg
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: LOL LOL
Sam: Of course, now I can't think of anything for this.
Sam: I shouldn't run CaptionBot late.
Goosey: I do the same thing.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Loo loo, skip to my loo, loo loo, skip to my loo, loo loo, skip to my loo, skip to my loo and poo poo
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for All Rights Reserved. Content (c) 2009 Sam Stoddard. Viewing this webpage implies consent to search and seizure.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for On its third national tour, the acclaimed Dance of the Tricycle.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Ballet + segways = no audience
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Interpretive Dance: 'The Pram'
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for The postmodernists rebelled against all standards, but the deconstruction of ergonomics caused some to have second thoughts.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Two grecian urn . . .
Lirelyn: vote 7
Bryn: vote 4
MissyCat: vote 3
Kalimeris: vote 5
10Kan: vote 3
Brick: vote 4
Goosey: vote 6
Randy: vote 6
Sam: vote 4
CaptionBot: Randy wins 3 points for Ballet + segways = no audience
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for The postmodernists rebelled against all standards, but the deconstruction of ergonomics caused some to have second thoughts.
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for On its third national tour, the acclaimed Dance of the Tricycle.
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 1 point for Interpretive Dance: 'The Pram'
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Two grecian urn . . .
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for All Rights Reserved. Content (c) 2009 Sam Stoddard. Viewing this webpage implies consent to search and seizure.
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Loo loo, skip to my loo, loo loo, skip to my loo, loo loo, skip to my loo, skip to my loo and poo poo
CaptionBot: The search keyword was dance.
Goosey: Lirelyn: Thank you for your vote!
Goosey: I'm glad SOMEbody got the reference.
Lirelyn: Goosey: It was the best!
Brick: Mine made no sense, because I couldn't really see the image.
Sam: That can be a benefit in this game. You make a caption that defines the image.
Sam: You don't have to see what the picture is, only what it looks like.
CaptionBot: MissyCat chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for NOM NOM NOM
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Charlie, in 5 years, yakking up the playdough he swallowed as an infant.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for THEES YOR HED. I EET YOR HED."
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Guys! Guys come here! I can shove this whole plate of mashed potatoes in my face!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Michael Phelps decides to become the next host of Animal Planet The Next Steve Irwin.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for 'And over here, we have what appears to be a man eating a soccer ball...'
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for I could've been a hot suit guy, but I NOM NOM I LOVE ICE CREAM have a problem.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for When the restaurant told Jim he had to wash dishes to pay his bill, they neglected to mention that they didn't have a sink or running water.
Bryn: vote 3
Kalimeris: vote 1
MissyCat: vote 3
10Kan: vote 7
Randy: vote 7
Brick: vote 6
Lirelyn: vote 7
Goosey: vote 7
Sam: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 6
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 4 points for I could've been a hot suit guy, but I NOM NOM I LOVE ICE CREAM have a problem.
CaptionBot: Brick wins 2 points for THEES YOR HED. I EET YOR HED."
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 2 points for 'And over here, we have what appears to be a man eating a soccer ball...'
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for When the restaurant told Jim he had to wash dishes to pay his bill, they neglected to mention that they didn't have a sink or running water.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 1 point for NOM NOM NOM
CaptionBot: MissyCat wins 0 points for Michael Phelps decides to become the next host of Animal Planet The Next Steve Irwin.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for Guys! Guys come here! I can shove this whole plate of mashed potatoes in my face!
CaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for Charlie, in 5 years, yakking up the playdough he swallowed as an infant.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was eating contest.
Brick: Wooo! 10 points!
Bryn: Hooray!
CaptionBot: Bryn chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The flexible parking meter, designed to prevent dents and dings, was about to send Fifi flying like a catapult.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for When the security camera finally caught this footage of a parking meter being bent (solving the mystery), the city council realized they ought to make their poles out of a material stronger than cardboard.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Peshy the Wonder Poodle struggled valiantly against his restraints.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for PULL! PULL!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Is that bacon in that car? BACONBACONBACONBACON!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Mr. Meter takes his dog out for a walk. Someday he'll train her to heel.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Poodle vs. Parking Meter: A sudden twist in the game
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for A chance photo taken seconds before sheds light on the mysterious Sidewalk Unearthing of 2007.
10Kan: vote 5
Lirelyn: vote 6
Bryn: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 1
Randy: vote 1
Brick: vote 5
Sam: vote 8
Goosey: vote 5
CaptionBot: Randy wins 3 points for Is that bacon in that car? BACONBACONBACONBACON!
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for The flexible parking meter, designed to prevent dents and dings, was about to send Fifi flying like a catapult.
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for A chance photo taken seconds before sheds light on the mysterious Sidewalk Unearthing of 2007.
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for When the security camera finally caught this footage of a parking meter being bent (solving the mystery), the city council realized they ought to make their poles out of a material stronger than cardboard.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Mr. Meter takes his dog out for a walk. Someday he'll train her to heel.
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for PULL! PULL!
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 0 points for Poodle vs. Parking Meter: A sudden twist in the game
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Peshy the Wonder Poodle struggled valiantly against his restraints.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was funny animals.
Randy: Peshy?
Sam: I don't think we can fit into 7 sessions anymore.
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: LOL
Sam: I got nothing.
* Sam sleeeeeepy.
TalkingDog: IT IS A PUPPY
Sam: TD: That's a good caption.
Sam: 7
Brick: dump 2 4 5 7 8
TalkingDog: whack frodo
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for In later years, he would look back fondly on the days when his food bowl seemed to fill the whole world.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for PuppyNom - for your widdle champion!
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for His owners thought that was good enough for the day. How wrong they were...how very very wrong.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Introducing new BACONBACONBACONBACON dog food! For dogs!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for "If I can climb on top of this, maybe I can dislodge enough of this dog food to reach the prize at the bottom!"
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for IT IS A PUPPY
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for My kibble has a first name, it's OM NOM NOM NOM NOM.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for If Chauncey didn't act fast, the self-replicating kibbles would soon engulf the world. He sprung into action!
Lirelyn: vote 8
Randy: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 8
Brick: TD: Which one's yours? ;)
Sam: vote 6
Sam: HM7
10Kan: vote 3
TalkingDog: vote 8
Bryn: vote 2
Randy: I taught my brother how to read with a book called "I am a Puppy"
Brick: vote 1
Goosey: vote 8
Sam: HM8
Goosey: vote 6
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for If Chauncey didn't act fast, the self-replicating kibbles would soon engulf the world. He sprung into action!
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for IT IS A PUPPY
CaptionBot: Brick wins 1 point for My kibble has a first name, it's OM NOM NOM NOM NOM.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 1 point for PuppyNom - for your widdle champion!
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for In later years, he would look back fondly on the days when his food bowl seemed to fill the whole world.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for His owners thought that was good enough for the day. How wrong they were...how very very wrong.
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 0 points for Introducing new BACONBACONBACONBACON dog food! For dogs!
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for "If I can climb on top of this, maybe I can dislodge enough of this dog food to reach the prize at the bottom!"
CaptionBot: The search keyword was puppy.
Goosey: HM 7,8
Sam: 8 gets a vote AND an HM? That's a new high.
CaptionBot: Kalimeris chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Knut, Knut, dir geht's richtig gut! meh.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Pbbbbt!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Yiiichh! Polar bearsth don't like honey!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Is not!!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Bleah! This environmentalist tastes like patchouli!
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for I taste good. Do you?
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for This is what a true polar bear thinks of those stupid alcohol ads with that guy in the polar bear suit.
Goosey: OH NOES
Lirelyn: vote 6
Sam: vote 7
Goosey: VOTE 1
10Kan: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 4
Lirelyn: HM 4
Bryn: vote 7
Randy: vote 4
Goosey: vote 3
Kalimeris: What is 1?
Brick: vote 8
Sam: A smiley, I suspect.
Goosey: 1 =
LuckyWizard: vote 4
* Goosey pouts.
Randy: awwww
* Randy HUGS Goosey!
CaptionBot: Sam wins 3 points for Yiiichh! Polar bearsth don't like honey!
CaptionBot: Brick wins 2 points for I taste good. Do you?
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for Bleah! This environmentalist tastes like patchouli!
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 1 point for This is what a true polar bear thinks of those stupid alcohol ads with that guy in the polar bear suit.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 1 point for
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for Pbbbbt!
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Knut, Knut, dir geht's richtig gut! meh.
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for Is not!!
CaptionBot: The search keyword was silly.
Sam: Kali: What did yours mean?
Kalimeris: It's part of a song
Kalimeris: The Knut song, for that polar bear in the zoo in Germany,
Kalimeris: Kind of, "For you things are good" or something
CaptionBot: Brick chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Bryn: The latest indoor sport: Table Slamming
Bryn: Doh.
Bryn: You didn't see that.
* Sam doesn't give his award to Bryn, either.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Frank was careful to keep his "secret family techique" for staining wood a mystery to his customers.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for *boing**boing**boing**SNAP**thud* owwwww...
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for They all told Hal that a carpenter would never be the one to invent an antigravity device. At last, his day had come.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Mark had gotten really good at his groin-lifts.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for I UFF need GAH a little C'MON help here!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for The latest indoor sport: Table Bouncing
10Kan: vote 2
Randy: vote 2
Brick: vote 1
Bryn: vote 1
Goosey: vote 5
Lirelyn: vote
[CaptionBot->Lirelyn] Your vote was not correctly formed.
Lirelyn: vote 2
Lirelyn: What, you want an actual number bot? Pickyyy.
LuckyWizard: vote 1
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for Frank was careful to keep his "secret family techique" for staining wood a mystery to his customers.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 3 points for *boing**boing**boing**SNAP**thud* owwwww...
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for I UFF need GAH a little C'MON help here!
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for Mark had gotten really good at his groin-lifts.
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 0 points for The latest indoor sport: Table Bouncing
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for They all told Hal that a carpenter would never be the one to invent an antigravity device. At last, his day had come.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was idiot.
Bryn: You gotta get that RinkWorks Mind Reader device installed already.
Lirelyn: Bryn: I really should. This is such a drag.
CaptionBot: CaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: It occurs to me that, for my Sinbad comic, I'm essentially playing CaptionBot with EVERY FRAME.
Randy: LOL
Bryn: Heh.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Hey, that's my sister! Anyone who makes fun of her will face my ETERNAL WRATH.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Sally and Jessie wanted nothing more to be drawn as Bratz dolls. One day, their dreams came true.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for PICK ME!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Shh..smile now. We can throw away this horrible drawing that makes us look like Bratz dolls later.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for LOOK WE'RE TWINS WITH OUR PICTURE! Teehee! *giggle*
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for "Look everybody! That charicature artist made us a picture of two complete strangers! Isn't this awesome?"
Lirelyn: vote 4
10Kan: vote 4
Bryn: vote 2
Randy: vote 6
Sam: That's really what it feels like, sometimes. If I have an idea for a scene ahead of time, no. But if I'm absolutely stuck and just have to capture some images and arrange them somehow, that's exactly what it is.
Sam: vote 6
Brick: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 6
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for "Look everybody! That charicature artist made us a picture of two complete strangers! Isn't this awesome?"
CaptionBot: Randy wins 2 points for Shh..smile now. We can throw away this horrible drawing that makes us look like Bratz dolls later.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 1 point for LOOK WE'RE TWINS WITH OUR PICTURE! Teehee! *giggle*
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for Sally and Jessie wanted nothing more to be drawn as Bratz dolls. One day, their dreams came true.
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for PICK ME!
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 0 points for Hey, that's my sister! Anyone who makes fun of her will face my ETERNAL WRATH.
CaptionBot: Goosey loses a point for submitting and not voting.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was caricature.
Goosey: vote 6
Goosey: sleeepy . . .
Randy: awww
* A pillow is given to Goosey by Randy.
Sam: vote sleeeepy
Bryn: 10Kan almost has the victory.
10Kan: I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that Goosey and her sleepy!
CaptionBot: Randy chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Randy: hehe http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/botimages/pool/images/funny_people_4c6f76c2cd41ade5de2c22163f515d4a.jpg
10Kan: LOL
Goosey: LOL
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for 7
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for By day, I am just an ordinary dog. But by night, I am... SuperPooch! Chasing the car of justice!
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Ahhhhhh!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for I wonder if when he barks it makes that cool echo sound. Where you sound like Darth Vader. DARTH DOGGIE!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Just the thing for dogs whose owners won't let them hang out the window.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Long ears, side of the boat. (It's a speedboat!)
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Work it, baby, work it!
Bryn: vote 5
Goosey: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 4
10Kan: vote 4
Sam: vote 5
Brick: vote 4
Randy: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 2
CaptionBot: Randy wins 4 points for I wonder if when he barks it makes that cool echo sound. Where you sound like Darth Vader. DARTH DOGGIE!
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for Just the thing for dogs whose owners won't let them hang out the window.
CaptionBot: Bryn wins 1 point for By day, I am just an ordinary dog. But by night, I am... SuperPooch! Chasing the car of justice!
CaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for 7
CaptionBot: Brick wins 0 points for Long ears, side of the boat. (It's a speedboat!)
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Ahhhhhh!
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Work it, baby, work it!
CaptionBot: The search keyword was funny animals.
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins!
Randy: Yay 10K!
Bryn: Yay 10Kan!
Kalimeris: WOOO
Lirelyn: Yay 10Kan!
10Kan: Oh my gosh, I won five games this UBT!
10Kan: Thanks, everybody!
Sam: THE FINAL SCORES! http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=6
: Congratulations, Kali!
Kalimeris: WOO
* Bryn cheers for Kalimeris.
10Kan: YAY!
Randy: ahhh!
Kalimeris: WOO! hehehe
Kalimeris: Thanks guys!
Bryn: Short shorts!
Randy: I was gonna say
* Kalimeris eats chocolate.
Lirelyn: Yay Kalimeris!
Randy: YAY KALI!
Goosey: Kali: You've been congratulated by a man in his undershorts.
Kalimeris: We probably just woke him up with all the ruckus!
: Ok.
Kalimeris: hahahaha
Bryn: LOL
Sam: Lirelyn is only 3 points ahead of 10Kan on the points chart.
Sam: Oh. I suppose this is the part where I'm supposed to have a grand finale of end credits and stuff.
10Kan: 10Kan as HIMSELF
Sam: I kinda don't.
Sam: So, uh.
TalkingDog: Archie!
: Meow.
Sam: There.
Kalimeris: Aww!
TalkingDog: Wow, did I call it or what?
Randy: ARCHIE!
Goosey: TD: NICE
Sam: TD: hahahaha. Awesome.
10Kan: That's the only time a cat comes when it's called.
10Kan: Without using a can opener.
Randy: hehe
WhizHal: Bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock bock.
LuckyWizard: All right, this room ceases to exist in 5...4...33...2...2...1...3...
LuckyWizard has left.