Ultimate Bot Tournament #6: Session 2
LaZorra has entered.
Kalimeris: SO late.
ThePhan: He must be eating LaZorra's dinner.
MiniGeek: when does it start?
Randy: When Sam gets here
Goosey: MG: 2 mins ago.
redsang: Maybe if we all shout he'll hear us.
Goosey: LOL
Kalimeris: Maybe!
redsang: SAM!
Kalimeris: SAM!!!
ThePhan: If you believe in Sam, clap your hands and maybe he'll hear you!
ThePhan: Clap! Clap!
Lirelyn: SA-AM!!!
* Goosey claps her hands!
* redsang claps
* Lirelyn claps!
Goosey: Any volunteers for a search party?
Kalimeris: Sam is lost!
Sam has entered.
Kalimeris: SAM IS FOUND
redsang: Yay!
MissyCat: YAY!
MiniGeek: there he is
ThePhan: Sam was blind...
redsang: yay!
* 10Kan edited one of the Murkon's Refuge examples in TV Tropes.
Sam: Ok, so I can run the bots tonight, but probably be distracted and therefore not torturing you all quite as much with horrifyingly dressed fairies.
Kalimeris: Okay.
Sam: I know you're all disappointed about that.
10Kan: :(
10Kan: What's the point then? Huh?
ThePhan: I am all right with this.
Sam: Our first bot is BlankBot!
Sam: I think. Is it?
ThePhan: Blank, yes.
Randy: BLANK
TalkingDog: Blank, Buzz, Who.
TalkingDog: Buzz and who are bee and owl sounds.
10Kan: Blank is the sound of a movie gun.
BlankBot has been summoned by Sam.
Crystal109 has entered.
10Kan: Good timing Crystal!
Sam: Ok, for the new people here. The scoring is going to be confusing, but the way you play the game should be fairly self-evident.
Sam: Click on the 'instructions' link to the right (you'll probably have to scroll the user list frame down) to see the instructions, including the weird scoring.
Sam: The game starts in a minute or two.
Ticia: It is an __________
redsang: ultimate bot tournament!
Maryam: LOL
Crystal109: LOL
Ticia: Hehe
Revan: No, that's a pokemon.
Kalimeris: I thought it was Butterfree
Crystal109: Yeah, Butterfree was the Pokemon.
Revan: That's a different one, yeah.
redsang: Frutterbe? Bufferee?
redsang: blubber free?
Crystal109: Hahaha, I'm embarrassed to admit that I know what you're talking about.
Crystal109: Venomoth is cooler, though.
Kalimeris: The venos were the better of the bugish types
Revan: You're still in the green as far as dorkiness is concerned. My IT buddies and I remember the battle cries. From the Game Boy version.
Crystal109: Revan: Okay, phew. LOL
Kalimeris: YES
Goosey: HAhahah!
TalkingDog: LOL, wow. I don't have that level of Pokenerdiness.
Revan: I wasn't really that much of a superfan, I just know most of the cries for some reason.
Sam is away.
BlankBot: How do you think redsang completed the following? hold ______
redsang: Not going to be as cool as you think.
TalkingDog: No hints.
* Ticia thinks about answering with a silly answer, but only Goosey would get it.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for hold on.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for hold up.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for hold hands.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for hold the mayo.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for hold everything.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for hold your horses.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for hold back.
Maryam: LZ: I have NO idea why I read that as SAM WHY ARE YOU FAT
Randy: LOL
Goosey: Maryam: LOL
TalkingDog: vote 6
Revan: vote 1
Crystal109: Maryam: LOL LOL
Kalimeris: vote 7
Ticia: vote 4
redsang: vote 4
Maryam: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 3
Randy: vote 6
Lirelyn: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 4
Goosey: Ticia: Don't over estimate me tonight -- I sleepies.
Ticia: Hehe
Goosey: vote 5
MiniGeek: vote 3
10Kan: vote 5
Sam: vote 4
Sam: vote 6
ThePhan: Maryam: LOL LOL
vball: vote 5
ThePhan: I was reading the preface to this book by a psychologist about some of his cases, and I was thinking, "Man, this guy talks about his parents a lot."
ThePhan: Turns out I misread "patients" as "parents" about five times.
Randy: LOL LOL
Randy: TP: You are so awesome
LaZorra: vote 6
BlankBot: redsang answered hold everything.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed hold the mayo and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed hold on and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed hold on and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed hold on and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed hold on and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed hold on and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed hold on and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed hold up and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed hold hands and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed hold back and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed hold on and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed hold on and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed hold on and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed hold up and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed hold your horses and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: vball submitted hold your horses and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: redsang submitted hold everything and wins 1 point!
Crystal109: Oh, the sadness.
BlankBot: How do you think Revan completed the following? ______ text
Crystal109: You know, I think I've gotten worse at BlankBot.
ThePhan: Crystal: It's okay, I just submitted a terrible answer. heh.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for ancient text.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for phone text.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for sacred text.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for hyper text.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for sub text.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for flavor text.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for don't drive and text.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for black text.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for original text.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for con text.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for bold text.
BlankBot: Vote 12 for free text.
TalkingDog: vote 4
Maryam: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 5
10Kan: vote 10
vball: vote 12
Kalimeris: vote 7
Lirelyn: vote 7
Revan: Does the guy who submitted vote on one he likes, or not at all?
redsang: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 7
Goosey: vote 5
MiniGeek: vote 11
Randy: vote 5
Ticia: vote 7
TalkingDog: Everyone votes.
Revan: vote 5
ThePhan: I was going to submit 4 but then talked myself into believing it wasn't actually a phrase. heh.
Revan: Everyone votes! No one quits!
BlankBot: Revan answered hyper text.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed hyper text and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed ancient text and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed original text and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed bold text and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed free text and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed sub text and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed black text and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed don't drive and text and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed flavor text and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed con text and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed sacred text and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed phone text and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted sub text and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted don't drive and text and wins 1 point!
Crystal109: Interesting range of answers, haha.
Revan: I figured I'd think of HTTP as long as I was being a dork.
Randy: Yay point!
Ticia: Hehe
* 10Kan was counting on Revan's dorkiness to overpower his judgment.
BlankBot: TalkingDog timed out. Asking someone else for an answer....
Kalimeris: BAD!
* TalkingDog couldn't think of anything.
BlankBot: How do you think Maryam completed the following? moon ______
* Goosey HUGS TalkingDog!
* TalkingDog HUGS Goosey!
* Crystal109 HUGS TalkingDog!
* redsang gets squished between TD an goose
Goosey: LOL
* TalkingDog HUGS Crystal109!
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for moon river, wider than a mile.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for moon light.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for moon shine.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for moon river.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for moon landing.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for moon stone.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for moon child.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for moon walk.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for moon over Miami.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for moon beam.
ThePhan: I have an amazing video of my sister Elizabeth at about a year old deciding to join in on a sing-along by banging some metal objects together.
Ticia: vote 9
10Kan: vote 3
Revan: vote 10
Goosey: vote 10
MiniGeek: vote 8
Lirelyn: vote 6
vball: vote 10
redsang: vote 2
Maryam: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 1
Randy: vote 7
ThePhan: She smashes her fingers in the process and her face transforms slowly from "THIS IS FUN, GUYS!" to "Oh CRAP, that hurts."
ThePhan: vote 4
TalkingDog: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 3
Ticia: Hehe
ThePhan: It's one of my favorite home video moments ever.
BlankBot: Maryam answered moon beam.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed moon river and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed moon walk and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed moon light and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed moon walk and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed moon shine and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed moon over Miami and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed moon landing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed moon river, wider than a mile and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed moon child and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed moon stone and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed moon stone and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed moon shine and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed moon River and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed moon river and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted moon beam and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Maryam: Was Moon Child a reference to Neverending Story?
redsang: yup
BlankBot: How do you think Ticia completed the following? bird ______
Maryam: Awesome.
Randy: AWesome
* Revan kicks himself for not submitting "my-hammy".
10Kan: Cool.
Ticia: AwEsome
Revan: After "over"
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for bird on a wire.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for bird bath.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for bird , it's a plane!.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for bird feeder.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for bird seed.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for bird brain.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for bird egg.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for bird watching.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for bird nest.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for bird song.
Crystal109: vote 2
Lirelyn: vote 1
Goosey: vote 6
Maryam: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 6
10Kan: vote 10
Kalimeris: vote 2
Randy: vote 8
MiniGeek: vote 9
vball: vote 8
Revan: vote 9
Ticia: vote 6
redsang: vote 2
BlankBot: Ticia answered bird on a wire.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed bird brain and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed bird seed and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed bird , it's a plane! and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed bird nest and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed bird feeder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed bird song and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed bird egg and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed bird brain and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed bird brain and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed bird watching and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed bird bath and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed bird brain and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: 10Kan submitted bird brain and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted bird brain and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: redsang submitted bird brain and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: vball submitted bird brain and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted bird watching and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted bird bath and wins 1 point!
Ticia: Rats.
Ticia: I thought of bird brain just after the nick of time.
10Kan: Six-way tie for the lead.
Maryam: This is going to take a while.
BlankBot: How do you think 10Kan completed the following? ______ pedal
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for flower pedal.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for back pedal.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for bike pedal.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for gas pedal.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for bicycle pedal.
Ticia: ode
Ticia: Hehe
ThePhan: vote 4
Randy: hehe
Maryam: vote 4
Maryam: object 1
ThePhan: Heh
redsang: vote 5
vball: vote 5
Ticia: vote 4
Lirelyn: vote 2
10Kan: Gas but no brake?
Randy: vote 2
10Kan: NO BRAKE!
MiniGeek: vote 5
Revan: vote 3
Goosey: vote 1
* 10Kan crashes
Randy: ahhhhhh!
Goosey: LOL
Kalimeris: vote 3
BlankBot: 10Kan answered bicycle pedal.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed bike pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed gas pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed gas pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed back pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed gas pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed gas pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed gas pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed back pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed back pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed flower pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed flower pedal and is wrong.
BlankBot: 10Kan's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kalimeris submitted gas pedal and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Lirelyn submitted gas pedal and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: MiniGeek submitted gas pedal and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted gas pedal and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: redsang submitted gas pedal and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: 10Kan submitted bicycle pedal and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: 10Kan loses a point for submitting and not voting.
10Kan: vote 2
10Kan: Dang.
vball: I knew flowers don't have pedals, but that's all I could think of.
Ticia: hehe
redsang: I was gonna say "back"
BlankBot: How do you think Lirelyn completed the following? habit ______
* Ticia goes for the Nyperold answer on this one.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for habit hole.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for habit breaker.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for habit forming.
Kalimeris: vote 3
10Kan: vote 1
vball: vote 2
Revan: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 1
Ticia: LOL
redsang: vote 1
Goosey: vote 2
Ticia: vote 3
Randy: vote 1
Maryam: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 2
BlankBot: Lirelyn answered habit forming.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed habit forming and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Goosey guessed habit forming and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Maryam guessed habit forming and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Randy guessed habit forming and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: redsang guessed habit forming and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Revan guessed habit forming and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed habit forming and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: vball guessed habit forming and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed habit breaker and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed habit hole and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn's answer was guessed 8 times for 8 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Ticia submitted habit hole and wins 1 point!
ThePhan: YAY
Ticia: Woo!
ThePhan: Wow, go Lirelyn.
vball: Wow!
Ticia: Nice.
Lirelyn: Wow, alrighty then.
Randy: NICE!
Maryam: And now we have a definite lead.
BlankBot: How do you think Goosey completed the following? door ______
10Kan: Bang.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for door mat.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for door knob.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for door prize.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for door nail.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for door knocker.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for door jamb.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for door bell.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for door ajar. What? No, you stupid car, it's a door!.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for door stop.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for door hinge.
redsang: I still don't fully understand the scoring system. Oh well.
ThePhan: vote 3
vball: vote 5
Maryam: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 6
Revan: vote 2
redsang: vote 9
10Kan: vote 8
Lirelyn: vote 6
Ticia: vote 3
Randy: vote 3
Goosey: vote 9
Goosey: vote 1
BlankBot: Goosey answered door stop.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed door hinge and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed door mat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed door nail and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed door knob and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed door knocker and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed door jamb and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed door ajar. What? No, you stupid car, it's a door! and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed door knob and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed door bell and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed door prize and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: redsang submitted door jamb and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: vball submitted door prize and wins 1 point!
Ticia: Sad, Goosey.
ALameIris has entered.
Randy: Hey ALi!
10Kan: Hey Iris!
Kalimeris: Hey
BlankBot: ThePhan timed out. Asking someone else for an answer....
ALameIris: =) Hey everyone.
redsang: Hey meIr!
BlankBot: How do you think Kalimeris completed the following? ______ brain
ThePhan: Oh, gah, sorry.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for bird brain.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for goober brain.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for bad brain.
LaZorra: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 3
Maryam: vote 2
10Kan: vote 1
Ticia: vote 2
vball: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 2
Crystal109: vote 2
Lirelyn: vote 2
Revan: vote 3
Randy: vote 1
Goosey: vote 1
redsang: vote 2
ALameIris: vote 2
BlankBot: Kalimeris answered bird brain.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed bird brain and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed bird brain and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Maryam guessed bird brain and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: redsang guessed bird brain and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Revan guessed bird brain and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed bird brain and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed bird brain and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: vball guessed bird brain and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Goosey guessed goober brain and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed bad brain and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris's answer was guessed 8 times for 8 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Goosey submitted goober brain and wins 1 point!
Kalimeris: Sweet.
Ticia: Nice job, kali.
vball: Yikes!
Crystal109: Nice job, Kali!
Lirelyn: Nice!
10Kan: Dang.
BlankBot: How do you think Crystal109 completed the following? summer ______
Crystal109: Heh, I was thinking of the song Boys of Summer. But I doubted that Summer of Boys would have been appropriate.
redsang: LOL
Ticia: LOL
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for summer time.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for summer loving, had me a blast.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for summer lovin'.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for summer sausage.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for summer lovin', had me a blast.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for summer love.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for summer vacation.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for summer break.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for summer lovin' had me so bad.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Anyone for Grease?
Lirelyn: LOL
vball: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 7
Crystal109: LOL
Goosey: Wow
Kalimeris: Hahaha
Revan: Lots of originality here.
Maryam: vote 8
redsang: vote 8
Kalimeris: te 5
Ticia: vote 7
Goosey: vote 1
Crystal109: vote 8
Revan: vote 7
ALameIris: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 1
Ticia: We're all dorks.
Randy: vote 4
ThePhan: 5 is the correct one, by the way ;-)
vball: Kali: You r vote tweaked.
Lirelyn: And *one* of us doesn't know the words.
Maryam: "Had me so bad"? Is that even in the song?
10Kan: vote 2
BlankBot: Crystal109 answered summer vacation.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed summer vacation and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: redsang guessed summer vacation and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed summer break and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed summer lovin' and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed summer time and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed summer lovin' had me so bad and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed summer loving, had me a blast and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed summer sausage and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed summer lovin', had me a blast and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed summer love and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed summer break and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Crystal109 submitted summer vacation and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted summer vacation and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: redsang submitted summer vacation and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Kalimeris loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Kalimeris: vote 5
Kalimeris: Ugh.
Lirelyn: Maryam: I doubt it.
Kalimeris: Hahaha
Crystal109: LOL you guys rock.
vball: I tried to warn you.
BlankBot: How do you think Randy completed the following? sweat ______
Kalimeris: Yeah.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for sweat pants.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for sweat in' to the oldies vol. 5 with Richard Simmons.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for sweat heart.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for sweat blood, and tears.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for sweat shirt.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for sweat stain.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for sweat drop.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for sweat in' to the oldies.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for sweat stinks.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for sweat shop.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for sweat y.
BlankBot: Vote 12 for sweat and tears.
BlankBot: Vote 13 for sweat lodge.
Ticia: LOL
Ticia: LOL
Revan: vote 11
Ticia: LOL
Randy: LOL
Randy: vote 2
10Kan: vote 3
redsang: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 10
Ticia: vote 12
vball: vote 5
Maryam: vote 9
Goosey: vote 11
Lirelyn: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 12
Maryam: Sweat heart? Eww..
ALameIris: vote 10
BlankBot: Randy answered sweat pants.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed sweat blood, and tears and is wrong.
BlankBot: ALameIris guessed sweat y and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed sweat shop and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed sweat shirt and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed sweat stain and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed sweat shop and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed sweat and tears and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed sweat in' to the oldies and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed sweat lodge and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed sweat in' to the oldies vol. 5 with Richard Simmons and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed sweat drop and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed sweat heart and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed sweat stinks and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ALameIris submitted sweat y and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Crystal109 submitted sweat shop and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted sweat shop and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Lirelyn submitted sweat and tears and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted sweat in' to the oldies vol. 5 with Richard Simmons and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Ticia: You know, I read it and read it and had convinced myself that it was sweet. I don't know why.
Revan: My mom bought that tape once.
Randy: hehe
redsang: LOL
10Kan: That was spraypainted on an overpass somewhere.
BlankBot: How do you think ALameIris completed the following? ______ hide
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for Well, tan my hide.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Fry mah hide.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for I'm gonna tan your hide.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for nowhere to hide.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for run and hide.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for Children hide.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for raw hide.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for cow hide.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for I lied and my dad tanned my hide.
redsang: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 9
Kalimeris: vote 1
Ticia: When two vowels go together, the FIRST ONE SAYS IT'S NAME
Maryam: vote 2
Revan: vote 8
vball: vote 7
Ticia: vote 2
Goosey: vote 8
Lirelyn: vote 4
* 10Kan cracks a bullwhip.
Randy: vote 7
10Kan: vote 4
MiniGeek: vote 5
Ticia: So, sweat SHOULD be pronounced with a long E.
BlankBot: ALameIris answered Children hide.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed raw hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed raw hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed cow hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed run and hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed run and hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed Fry mah hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed I'm gonna tan your hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed raw hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed nowhere to hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed Well, tan my hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed I lied and my dad tanned my hide and is wrong.
BlankBot: ALameIris's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted Fry mah hide and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: ALameIris loses a point for submitting and not voting.
ALameIris: Well, that doesn't work out.
redsang: children?
BlankBot: How do you think vball completed the following? brush ______
Maryam: ALI: I don't get yours. :-(
Randy: POINT
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for brush with fate.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for brush stroke.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for brush fire.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for brush your teeth.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for brush off.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for brush with DEATH.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for brush with danger.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for brush with disaster.
Revan: Someday that's going to be a real condition.
Lirelyn: vote 6
ALameIris: vote 6
Revan: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 2
Maryam: vote 2
10Kan: vote 4
Goosey: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 3
redsang: vote 4
vball: vote 5
MiniGeek: vote 6
Ticia: vote 1
Randy: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 6
Revan: Well, so far I've racked up about a dozen "bote"s, but I've caught them all.
Ticia: Revan: Look it up.
BlankBot: vball answered brush fire.
BlankBot: redsang guessed brush fire and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed brush with disaster and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed brush off and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed brush your teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed brush off and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed brush stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed brush with fate and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed brush off and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed brush your teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed brush your teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed brush with danger and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed brush with DEATH and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Ticia submitted brush with DEATH and wins 1 point!
vball: Yay redsang!
redsang: oooooohhh yeeeeaaaah
BlankBot: How do you think MiniGeek completed the following? comb ______
ThePhan: Comb with DEATH.
Ticia: Hehe
Randy: LOL
Goosey: LOL
MiniGeek: lol
Ticia: a DEAD one
ThePhan: LOL
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for comb the desert.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for comb the house. I've lost my keys!.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for comb your hair too, while you're at it.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for comb the jungle looking for Dr. Livingston..
BlankBot: Vote 5 for comb your hair.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for comb hair.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for comb over.
10Kan: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 5
Ticia: vote 7
Lirelyn: vote 1
redsang: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 7
ALameIris: vote 4
Revan: vote 7
vball: vote 7
Maryam: vote 1
Randy: vote 1
Goosey: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 3
Randy: Nice Spaceballs reference
MiniGeek: vote 7
Revan: That's another bote. I guess typing in the dark doesn't help.
Goosey: vote 4
BlankBot: MiniGeek answered comb the desert.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed comb over and is wrong.
BlankBot: ALameIris guessed comb hair and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed comb over and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed comb your hair and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed comb over and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed comb over and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed comb over and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed comb over and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed comb the jungle looking for Dr. Livingston. and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed comb your hair too, while you're at it and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed comb over and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed comb your hair and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed comb the house. I've lost my keys! and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: 10Kan submitted comb over and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Goosey submitted comb over and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted comb over and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Lirelyn submitted comb over and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted comb over and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted comb over and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted comb over and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: How do you think LaZorra completed the following? ______ box
ALameIris: lol
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for outside the box.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for cardboard box.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for beat box.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for BOOBS box.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for shadow box.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for lunsh box.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for jack-in-the- box.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for black box.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for voice box.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for think outside the box.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for ballot box.
BlankBot: Vote 12 for NO! Not in the box.
BlankBot: Vote 13 for DEATH in a box.
Ticia: LOL
ALameIris: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 12
Maryam: vote 8
MiniGeek: vote 7
Revan: vote 7
vball: vote 11
Lirelyn: vote 7
Ticia: vote 4
Goosey: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 1
redsang: vote 13
Randy: vote 5
10Kan: vote 4
BlankBot: LaZorra answered beat box.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed NO! Not in the box and is wrong.
BlankBot: ALameIris guessed ballot box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed outside the box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed jack-in-the- box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed shadow box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed shadow box and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed black box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed BOOBS box and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed lunsh box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed think outside the box and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed cardboard box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed DEATH in a box and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed voice box and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kalimeris submitted jack-in-the- box and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
* Ticia thinks it's funny that both Mormons voted for BOOBS
Randy: hehehe
10Kan: Is that like the Boob Tube now that we've gone all LCD and HD?
Randy: Totally
BlankBot: How do you think Goosey completed the following? ______ wire
Lirelyn: LOL
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for piano wire.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for hot wire.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for chicken wire.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for wearing a wire.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for bird on a wire.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for under wire.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for high wire.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for birds on a wire.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for live wire.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for hay wire.
Kalimeris: vote 10
Revan: vote 8
vball: vote 4
ALameIris: vote 3
Lirelyn: vote 10
Maryam: vote 10
Ticia: vote 9
Goosey: vote 10
MiniGeek: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 2
Randy: vote 2
redsang: vote 1
10Kan: vote 4
BlankBot: Goosey answered under wire.
BlankBot: vball guessed under wire and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ALameIris guessed birds on a wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed live wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed chicken wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed piano wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed bird on a wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed wearing a wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed live wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed high wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed hay wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed hot wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed hay wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed high wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: redsang submitted hay wire and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted hay wire and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Crystal109 loses a point for submitting and not voting.
BlankBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Ticia: LOL
Maryam: This is one of those games we should have played until 10 points.
Crystal109: Sigh. I was calling someone.
Ticia: Hawaiian
Ticia: DOH
Goosey: Hawaiian?
ThePhan: Hawaiian wire?
BlankBot: How do you think Ticia completed the following? ______ punch
* Ticia answers something DIFFERENT
Goosey: LOL LOL
Randy: hehe
Crystal109: LOL I just got that.
LuckyWizard has entered.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for Special Fruit punch.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for tropical punch.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for how about a nice Hawaiian punch.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for rum punch.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for spiked punch.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for Red punch.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for fruit punch.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for FALCON... punch.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for sucker punch.
10Kan: vote 8
vball: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 9
LuckyWizard: Hi all!
MiniGeek: vote 2
redsang: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 4
Revan: vote 3
Lirelyn: vote 9
ALameIris: vote 5
Randy: vote 3
Ticia: vote 3
Goosey: vote 2
Maryam: vote 7
10Kan: Hi LuckyWizard!
ALameIris: vote 9
redsang: Yo LW!
BlankBot: Ticia answered Red punch.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed how about a nice Hawaiian punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: ALameIris guessed Special Fruit punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed fruit punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed spiked punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed fruit punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed rum punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed sucker punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed sucker punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed fruit punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed tropical punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed FALCON... punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed sucker punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed fruit punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: 10Kan submitted how about a nice Hawaiian punch and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted sucker punch and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: MiniGeek submitted sucker punch and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted sucker punch and wins 1 point!
Ticia: *sigh*
Ticia: I usually do much better at this game.
MiniGeek: yay 2 points :)
MiniGeek: lol
10Kan: And Hawaiians have suffered to this day under the stereotype of belligerence.
Sam: I'm beating LaZorra!!
ALameIris: Yay you! =)
BlankBot: How do you think Maryam completed the following? ______ class
Crystal109: I keep second-guessing my guesses.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for I'm skipping class.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for low class.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for math class.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for high class.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for first class.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for no class.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for You got no class.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for Some people have no class.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for Senior class.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for Rinkies have class.
Crystal109: LAZ!
Sam: vote 4
Maryam: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 3
ALameIris: vote 10
Revan: vote 1
vball: vote 5
MiniGeek: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 8
Randy: vote 9
LaZorra: I keep coming back to the window too late to play. :-(
Ticia: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
Sam: Aww.
Goosey: vote 1
redsang: vote 3
Sam: That'll serve you right for ever leaving it in the first place!
Lirelyn: vote 8
Crystal109: LaZ: That was me last time. Too busy calling an editor, haha.
Crystal109: Student potentially-anonymous sources.
ThePhan: Crystal: With most of the people in my classes, the words are synonymous.
Goosey: LOL
10Kan: vote 1
BlankBot: Maryam answered first class.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed first class and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed first class and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed first class and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed first class and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed you got no class and is wrong.
BlankBot: ALameIris guessed I'm skipping class and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed Some people have no class and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed low class and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed high class and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed Rinkies have class and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed no class and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed math class and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed Senior class and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed You got no class and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam's answer was guessed 4 times for 4 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ALameIris submitted I'm skipping class and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted first class and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Crystal109 submitted first class and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kalimeris submitted first class and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Lirelyn submitted first class and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted first class and wins 1 point!
Maryam: Sweet.
Randy: good one Maryam!
BlankBot: How do you think Lirelyn completed the following? shoe ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for shoe box.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for shoe store.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for shoe horn.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for shoe shine.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for shoe lace.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for shoe fly, don't bother me.
LaZorra: /horns for ears
ThePhan: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 4
vball: vote 4
ALameIris: vote 4
redsang: vote 3
Goosey: vote 6
Randy: vote 6
MiniGeek: vote 1
Maryam: LZ: LOL I almost didn't get that.
Lirelyn: vote 4
LaZorra: Maryam: hehehe
Maryam: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Revan: /b -horned in an exploding meteor scene to keep up with Armageddon.
Ticia: vote 5
Goosey: vote 5
10Kan: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 5
ALameIris: curse my computer.
BlankBot: Lirelyn answered shoe lace.
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed shoe fly, don't bother me and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed shoe horn and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed shoe box and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed shoe horn and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed shoe shine and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed shoe horn and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed shoe store and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed shoe horn and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed shoe box and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed shoe shine and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed shoe fly, don't bother me. and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed shoe horn and is wrong.
BlankBot: Lirelyn's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LuckyWizard submitted shoe shine and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted shoe shine and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: How do you think Kalimeris completed the following? ______ stroke
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for back stroke.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for don't have a stroke.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for paint stroke.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for heat stroke.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for sun stroke.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for stroke! stroke! stroke! stroke.
10Kan: vote 1
Maryam: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 1
vball: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 6
redsang: vote 4
ALameIris: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 1
Randy: vote 6
Ticia: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 5
MiniGeek: vote 4
Goosey: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 3
Revan: vote 4
BlankBot: Kalimeris answered sun stroke.
BlankBot: Lirelyn guessed sun stroke and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed stroke! stroke! stroke! stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: ALameIris guessed don't have a stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed back stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed heat stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed heat stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed back stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: MiniGeek guessed paint stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed back stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed back stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: redsang guessed back stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed back stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed heat stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed back stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: vball guessed heat stroke and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted heat stroke and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LuckyWizard submitted heat stroke and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted heat stroke and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: vball submitted heat stroke and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
BlankBot: Lirelyn wins!
10Kan: Congrats Lirelyn!
Revan: YAY I have time to start another one.
Lirelyn: Whoa! Hey! Cool!
vball: Congrats Lirelyn!
Kalimeris: Awesome!
ThePhan: Yay Lirelyn!
redsang: Congmice!
Ticia: Woo!
10Kan: Dah-dah-dah-da-DAH! Hey!
Lirelyn: I'm seeing conga-dancing mice.
LuckyWizard: redsang: Took me a minute to get it. Heh.
MiniGeek: "BlankBot, BuzzBot, WhoBot" does that mean there's two more games tonight?
Revan: I like all of these.
10Kan: Geek: It does.
ThePhan: MG: Yup.
MiniGeek: are they going to be that long?
Revan: Maybe I'll kill my chances of staying awake in class and stay up til 11.
Ticia: Blank is a very long game with this many people.
ThePhan: Blank is one of the longer games.
Ticia: Buzz should go faster.
Revan: It was worse the time we went to 30.
Sam: Buzz and Who are pretty long too, though, which is why there are only three tonight. Tonight was actually probably the worst night for people new to bots. The other nights have bots that are easier to get into the swing of, and aren't as grueling.
BlankBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: Ok! Next!
10Kan: I'm going to have to skip out after Buzz.
redsang: Behold, the power of Sam.
Goosey: By the power of RinkWorks, SAM HAS THE POWAR!!!
Randy: mmm...karamel sutra
Ticia: Mmmmmm
Ticia: WANT
Randy: sowwy
BuzzBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Read the rules now, if you have to.
Sam: The game begins in a minute or two.
10Kan: You definitely need to read the rules for this one. Or have played Taboo.
redsang: Done and done.
Revan: Reading the rules will be worth it. This is one of the awesomer ones, I think.
redsang: awesomer
Randy: So I was playing taboo at church the other day
redsang: ?
Revan: Oh no.
Randy: After it was over, we were just randomly pulling out cards and having people guess
redsang: O.o
Randy: I was sitting next to a deaf girl, and my brother was next to someone who teaches sign language
Revan: How does that work with Taboo?
Randy: They started reading the cards over our shoulders and signing them to each other.
10Kan: Yes, that sounds problematic.
Kalimeris: Cheaters. Lame. hehe
10Kan: Could she read lips?
Randy: So yeah, they were cheating, and it took forever for me and my bro to notice. hehe
ThePhan: I had a friend who could read lips. I used to have fun talking to her from across the room with nobody else knowing what I said.
Randy: The deaf girl has hearing aids
redsang: Do they make the silence louder?
Randy: Like an implant kind
redsang: oooooooh
10Kan: Cyborg girl!
MiniGeek: 'if I tape silence and play it back with the volume all the way up, will it make it quiet?'
ALameIris: A cousin of mine is getting blue tooth hearing aids.
10Kan: Iris: That's silly! You can't hear through your teeth.
Ticia: Abby's ears talk, she says.
Maryam: Abby is an odd child.
Ticia: yes, she is. She really really is.
Randy: Abby is awesome
Maryam: YES
[BuzzBot->Kalimeris] You're up! Try to get someone to say helicopter without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: fly, flying, flies, machine, airplane, plane, aircraft, craft. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Kalimeris has been given a buzzword.
redsang: YES!
Goosey: YUS
MiniGeek: uh yes
Revan: For me.
ALameIris: Hehe. =)
Ticia: It is an __________
Kalimeris: something that hovers
ALameIris: fruit
10Kan: hovercraft
Revan: hovercraft
ThePhan: hummingbird
LuckyWizard: helicopter
BuzzBot: LuckyWizard guesses helicopter and is correct! LuckyWizard and Kalimeris each get a point.
vball: helicopter
TalkingDog: boat
Maryam: hummingbird
Goosey: helicopter
10Kan: levitation
Goosey: gah
Lirelyn: hummingbird
Ticia: LOL
ALameIris: Wow.
10Kan: insect
redsang: dag yo
Nyperold: dhalsim
MiniGeek: whoa I didn't even see that
TalkingDog: butterfly
MiniGeek: I wish streaming was working :/
Revan: Of course if it were hovercraft, hover would probably be a buzz. But then, hovercrafts are just cool. Had to type it, I guess.
[BuzzBot->LaZorra] You're up! Try to get someone to say ugly without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: pretty, beautiful, homely, appearance, looks. Good luck!
BuzzBot: LaZorra has been given a buzzword.
Revan: outcropping
redsang: communism
MiniGeek: it doesn't load, just sits there saying 'waiting'
Kalimeris: I've had firefox hang on me
Goosey: .... Is LaZorra there?
redsang: bacteria
Ticia: Silence
Ticia: DEATH
10Kan: unicorn evangelist zebra
* Goosey pokes LaZorra.
redsang: noise
ThePhan: Mm, true, LZ's been idle for a little while.
redsang: apples
MiniGeek: ...LZ??
10Kan: :(
redsang: very small rocks
Goosey: fox
redsang: churches
Kalimeris: ocean
redsang: lead
Goosey: churches!
10Kan: rapier
ALameIris: speakers
Randy: acorn
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was ugly.
Goosey: water
Revan: A DUCK!
Goosey: fire
* MiniGeek pokes LaZorra
Randy: awww
ALameIris: Aha
redsang: gravy
10Kan: >:(
Ticia: I almost had that one.
ThePhan: She was too kind and could not think of anyone ugly.
ALameIris: lol
ThePhan: Her pure, pure heart full of love could not even conceive of ugliness.
Ticia: LOL
redsang: wow. vicious
[BuzzBot->vball] You're up! Try to get someone to say itch without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: scratch, hurt, pain, skin, irritate, irritating, irritation. Good luck!
BuzzBot: vball has been given a buzzword.
* Randy HUGS LaZorra!
redsang: tron
ThePhan: ...Perhaps now she can.
* LaZorra HUGS Randy!
redsang: hug
redsang: porccupine
Ticia: Shhhhh
Randy: red: Wait for a clue
redsang: sorry
Goosey: Hehe.
vball: when a mosquito bites, I have to do this.
* Goosey pokes vball.
ThePhan: scratch
Revan: itch
Kalimeris: scratch
Goosey: scratch
10Kan: scratch
Ticia: scratch
Lirelyn: scratch
Kalimeris: itch
Maryam: scratch
BuzzBot: Revan guesses itch and is correct! Revan and vball each get a point.
10Kan: shoo
Randy: itch
redsang: scratch
Ticia: slap
Nyperold: swat
ThePhan: put lotion on it
Revan: Hah.
MiniGeek: slap
Ticia: NO NO NO
10Kan: }:-|
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
ALameIris: It puts the lotion on itself
Randy: It puts the lotion on its skin
10Kan: Sure it is!
10Kan: Your nose itches.
vball: I said that backwards, but thanks Revan!
Goosey: RAndy: CREEPY
LuckyWizard: It's not a transitive verb.
Randy: Or else it gets the hose again
[BuzzBot->Ticia] You're up! Try to get someone to say periodical without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: magazine, published, week, month, schedule. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Ticia has been given a buzzword.
ThePhan: LOL
Randy: LOL!
Chrysanthemum has entered.
ALameIris: *high five*
ThePhan: Hey Chrysanthemum
ALameIris: =)
Randy: Hey Chrys!
* Revan HUGS Chrysanthemum!
10Kan: Hi Chrys!
Chrysanthemum: Hi! :)
Ticia: A collection of articles put out every once in awhile
Kalimeris: newspaper
10Kan: magazine
TalkingDog: magazine
Revan: issue
ThePhan: magazine
Nyperold: magazine
Goosey: newspaper
Randy: magazine
LaZorra: omnibus
ThePhan: journal
* Chrysanthemum HUGS Revan!
vball: ornaments
redsang: newsletter
10Kan: newspaper
Chrysanthemum: serial
Lirelyn: periodical
Crystal109: magazine
BuzzBot: Lirelyn guesses periodical and is correct! Lirelyn and Ticia each get a point.
ThePhan: essay
redsang: journal
10Kan: journal
vball: hobby
ThePhan: book
LaZorra: publication
Nyperold: a, an, the
Goosey: blah
Revan: o.O
Ticia: That one was HARD
Crystal109: I'm back with DINNER.
Nyperold: Hello!
Goosey: Nyp: LOL
LaZorra: FOOD
ThePhan: NICE.
ThePhan: I am impressed.
* LaZorra is reminded that she has two oranges with ehr.
LaZorra is away.
Crystal109: It's Sbarro. It's unhealthy.
ThePhan: ...With Ticia, not as much with Crystal's dinner.
[BuzzBot->10Kan] You're up! Try to get someone to say stuffing without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: turkey, Thanksgiving, bread, meat. Good luck!
BuzzBot: 10Kan has been given a buzzword.
TalkingDog: SBARRO
Crystal109: TP:
TalkingDog: fooooood
redsang: I think ehr and oranges go well together
Ticia: "You are also prohibited from using any of these words: magazine, published, week, month, schedule."
* Crystal109 has spaghetti, actually.
ThePhan: Oh.
10Kan: Teddy can't come to dinner, he's already full.
ThePhan: Then I won't trade you.
Goosey: red: hehehe.
ALameIris: stuffed
vball: stuffed
Randy: um
Lirelyn: decline
Nyperold: picnic
Chrysanthemum: honey
Crystal109: Thanksgiving?
Randy: bear
Kalimeris: bear
vball: bear
ALameIris: winnie the poohg
Crystal109: theodore
ThePhan: no thank you
Kalimeris: stuffed bear
redsang: picknick
Nyperold: stuffing
Goosey: cotton
BuzzBot: Nyperold guesses stuffing and is correct! Nyperold and 10Kan each get a point.
Crystal109: denial
Kalimeris: theodore roosevelt
ThePhan: Ohhh.
ALameIris: Theodore
ThePhan: Iris: IT'S YOUR JOKE
Crystal109: LOL nice one 10K.
10Kan: Thanks Crystal!
Lirelyn: Nice.
ALameIris: I KNOW! :D
Revan: I was much too busy thinking about spaghetti for that one.
ALameIris: No, thanks, I'm stuffed! =D
[BuzzBot->TalkingDog] You're up! Try to get someone to say sponge without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: water, soak, wash, clean, wet, hole, holes, holey. Good luck!
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
Revan: Also I was lost in a text sea
ThePhan: Learned the day that Herndon went to the emergency room... heh.
TalkingDog: Squarepants.
ThePhan: spongebob
Revan: sponge
Kalimeris: spongebob
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses sponge and is correct! ThePhan and TalkingDog each get a point.
ALameIris: Just for him. <3 :)
vball: sponge
Randy: spongebob
Kalimeris: sponge
Ticia: LOL
Randy: I slow
MiniGeek: sponge
Goosey: Me: "songbon!"
Goosey: *deletedeletedelete*
ThePhan: Spongebob Slowpants!
MiniGeek: aw too late :(
TalkingDog: LOL
Randy: LOL
Revan: Okay, all you The Flashes in the room, please slow down.
ThePhan: Goosey: LOL
[BuzzBot->Randy] You're up! Try to get someone to say movie without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: film, video, theater, theatre, ticket. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Randy has been given a buzzword.
Revan: ;-p
Revan: Actually I'm still tied for the lead, surprisingly.
Randy: Actors try to get into these
Revan: play
MiniGeek: roles
Revan: role
ThePhan: plays
Goosey: pants
10Kan: role
* TalkingDog's mind tries to form a joke about how he's not Square-Enixpants, but it doesn't work so good.
redsang: roles
Lirelyn: plays
MiniGeek: movies
Chrysanthemum: parts
Ticia: roles
Goosey: leads
BuzzBot: MiniGeek guesses movie and is correct! MiniGeek and Randy each get a point.
ThePhan: shows
Nyperold: roles
Kalimeris: awards
Lirelyn: roles
ALameIris: plays
vball: parts
10Kan: director's pants
MiniGeek: yay!
TalkingDog: *he's now
ThePhan: Pffft. Whatever. Movies.
ALameIris: costumes
Kalimeris: ARGH
ThePhan: Theater forever.
Randy: hehe
ALameIris: stages
ALameIris: arts
Randy: TP: YEAH!
ALameIris: lol
ThePhan: ...These points are really, really evenly distributed.
Revan: 10K: LOL
Goosey: My first answer was actually "pants". WOW.
Kalimeris: I hit enter, it sits and sits and sits
[BuzzBot->Goosey] You're up! Try to get someone to say consonant without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: alphabet, vowel, letter, guttural. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Goosey has been given a buzzword.
ThePhan: Goosey: LOL
Randy: Except that I had to think of something
ThePhan: redsang, Crystal, Iris, or Chrysanthemum have to guess this one.
ALameIris: lol
Crystal109: TP: I've been away with food!
ThePhan: Or LZ or Sam, I guess.
Goosey: not numbers, but ______ that make long, soft sounds.
ThePhan: letters
Kalimeris: vowels
Chrysanthemum: vowels
ThePhan: words
LaZorra: vowels
Revan: vowels
Crystal109: consonant
ALameIris: letters
BuzzBot: Crystal109 guesses consonant and is correct! Crystal109 and Goosey each get a point.
Kalimeris: consonants
ALameIris: words
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: YAY
LaZorra: . . .
ALameIris: wtg
Ticia: consonants make long soft sounds?
redsang: ?
Goosey: I'm so glad you could guess the right answer when the clue was REEALLY WRONG
Crystal109: And Goosey pulls into the lead.
Lirelyn: TP: Good call!
Ticia: LOL
Crystal109: YEAH hahaha.
[BuzzBot->redsang] You're up! Try to get someone to say fork without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: utensil, silver, meal, food, eat, dine, split. Good luck!
BuzzBot: redsang has been given a buzzword.
Crystal109: I typed that and realized that it was wrong.
ThePhan: Heheh
* Goosey dies
Revan: mortality
ThePhan: Okay, it's up to LZ, Iris, or Chrysanthemum...
Kalimeris: immortality
Kalimeris: death
Ticia: Goosey: ARE OYU PREGNANT?
Goosey: That was embarrassing.
Lirelyn: Clearly it is Iris's turn to guess
Kalimeris: illness
Goosey: TICIA: NO
ThePhan: Ticia: LOL
redsang: tine, road, hay
Randy: LOL
LaZorra is back.
ThePhan: fork
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses fork and is correct! ThePhan and redsang each get a point.
Revan: fork
Ticia: fork
10Kan: fork
Goosey: fork
Crystal109: barn
Kalimeris: ride
Randy: DANG
Crystal109: LOL WHAT WHY A BARN.
ThePhan: Iris: I am sorry I stole that from you.
Kalimeris: tine ride
ThePhan: Barn tine!
ALameIris: I totally missed something here I'm thinking.
[BuzzBot->Nyperold] You're up! Try to get someone to say cologne without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: perfume, smell, scent, odor, aroma. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
ThePhan: Is that like "God rest ye merry gentlemen"?
ALameIris: I might throw my computer out the window
ALameIris: Randy, it's being a pain. :(
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was cologne.
Nyperold: Men put this liquid on to not be nasally offensive.
Ticia: deoderant
Kalimeris: doedorant
vball: cologne
Ticia: cologne
Kalimeris: cologne
Kalimeris: colon
TalkingDog: ...
redsang: a mask
vball: aftershave
Nyperold: TOO LATE
Ticia: LOL
Crystal109: LOL
vball: WHAT???? I actually said it first!
[BuzzBot->MiniGeek] You're up! Try to get someone to say thread without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: string, rope, sew, needle. Good luck!
BuzzBot: MiniGeek has been given a buzzword.
Goosey: <red>test</red>
Goosey: Bah.
Goosey: ...
Revan: You use < r > but you have to be a mod.
TalkingDog: It's <r>, and you need mods or better.
Ticia: Nothing is better than mods.
Goosey: Phooey.
Goosey: 'cause that would make giving clues a lot easier to read.
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was thread.
vball: thread!
Goosey: Yay vball got it!
ThePhan: Goosey: It's true... I think we might have discussed that once upon a time but I don't know if we ever reached a conclusion
Ticia: It should be in purple.
Ticia: The clue, I mean.
[BuzzBot->Lirelyn] You're up! Try to get someone to say mermaid without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: girl, woman, female, fish. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Lirelyn has been given a buzzword.
Lirelyn: humanoid piscatine
Goosey: honey
Goosey: socks
Kalimeris: ape
Nyperold: mermaid
ThePhan: uh...
Goosey: ball
BuzzBot: Nyperold guesses mermaid and is correct! Nyperold and Lirelyn each get a point.
Chrysanthemum: mermaid
Goosey: teeth
Kalimeris: monkey
Chrysanthemum: Darn!
ThePhan: Ohhh, piscatine, like fish.
Randy: I have no idea what that second word was
Chrysanthemum: And I felt all smart.
Randy: And now I do
* Goosey was guessing random and forgot to look for the actual clue.
Ticia: LOL
redsang: Dag.
Revan: Dag, yo.
Nyperold: Yo.
Lirelyn: Mind you, I don't know if "piscatine" is technically correct.
[BuzzBot->Chrysanthemum] You're up! Try to get someone to say bicycle without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: ride, wheel, pedal, handle. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Chrysanthemum has been given a buzzword.
ThePhan: If a ball and socks are humanoid, I feel sorry for the people you know.
Ticia: And *that's* why you should wait for the clue. ;)
Crystal109: Also, I think we did the /me thing once to give clues.
Goosey: But when I wait, nobody GIVES a clue!
Chrysanthemum: This has two circly things, and it is transportation.
Revan: car
Crystal109: bicycle
Goosey: Crys: Oh that would work!
Chrysanthemum: Self-powered.
BuzzBot: Crystal109 guesses bicycle and is correct! Crystal109 and Chrysanthemum each get a point.
Lirelyn: bicycle
Kalimeris: portal
redsang: bicycle
Ticia: bicycle
ThePhan: Lirelyn: I am getting just over 100 matches on Google, so I'm not sure.
Revan: TWO
ALameIris: trampoline
ThePhan: I was explaining and forgot to guess!
Crystal109: LOL
[BuzzBot->Revan] You're up! Try to get someone to say formal without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: casual, clothes, clothing, wear, affair. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Revan has been given a buzzword.
redsang: a rocket pack
Ticia: Shhhhh
Goosey: Hehehe.
Revan: fancy dealio, usually requires some code of dress. Descriptor.
ThePhan: formal
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses formal and is correct! ThePhan and Revan each get a point.
ALameIris: formal
Kalimeris: prom
Lirelyn: black tie
Randy: prom
Chrysanthemum: ball
Ticia: Doh
vball: prom
redsang: cotillion
Goosey: Wow.
Ticia: I was stuck on the word "Dealio"
Goosey: Ticia: Me too!
Revan: I don't usually say that when I'm typing, but it's a habit.
[BuzzBot->LuckyWizard] You're up! Try to get someone to say nothing without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: zero, nada, nil, something, gone, anything, something, everything. Good luck!
BuzzBot: LuckyWizard has been given a buzzword.
Ticia: Hehe
ALameIris: pooh
Goosey: I was also hung up on "Descriptor" instead of "Adjective"
redsang: Wizard!
Goosey: spell
LuckyWizard: There is this in a void.
Goosey: book
ThePhan: nothing
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses nothing and is correct! ThePhan and LuckyWizard each get a point.
Goosey: river
Ticia: nothing
Kalimeris: nothing
ThePhan: space
redsang: nothing
ThePhan: vacuu- Oh.
Randy: wow
Lirelyn: TP: I bet it's actually "piscine"
Lirelyn: Oh my.
ThePhan: Lirelyn: that makes more sense.
Ticia: We might as well give TP the win now.
Randy: That literally took you 3 seconds to type
Goosey: Lirelyn: as long as it's not "porscine"
Revan: I was going to say adjective, but I thought that might be too specific for the game and I was being sneaky with a different word.
redsang: TP: I thought you meant a type of pasta
ThePhan: redsang: That's probably "penne."
[BuzzBot->ALameIris] You're up! Try to get someone to say multiple without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: more, one, greater, some, lots, plural. Good luck!
BuzzBot: ALameIris has been given a buzzword.
ALameIris: many
Randy: numerous
Revan: lots
Lirelyn: lots
Randy: a lot
Ticia: lots
Chrysanthemum: multiple
Revan: bunch
vball: tons
Crystal109: tons
BuzzBot: Chrysanthemum guesses multiple and is correct! Chrysanthemum and ALameIris each get a point.
redsang: legion
ALameIris: twins, triplets
Chrysanthemum: several
vball: volume
Nyperold: multitudinous
Crystal109: numerous
Randy: Woo!
ALameIris: I hate my computer.
Crystal109: Hi laggy Internet!
Revan: hella
Randy: Iris gets a point!
ThePhan: Iris: But you got a point!
Crystal109: Oh dear. I'm using AP style in order to type normal things.
[BuzzBot->ThePhan] You're up! Try to get someone to say hydrogen without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: helium, air, element, fire, light. Good luck!
BuzzBot: ThePhan has been given a buzzword.
redsang: I would be in the lead if it wern't for my slow internet. i woul dhave 100 points.
ThePhan: Oxygen + this = water.
Revan: hydrogenm
BuzzBot: Revan guesses hydrogen and is correct! Revan and ThePhan each get a point.
Goosey: hydrogen
Randy: hyrdogen
Lirelyn: hydrogen
Kalimeris: hydrogen
ALameIris: h2o
Ticia: hydrogen
Randy: gah
Revan: Yay, still counted.
Nyperold: port hyrdio]
Crystal109: LOL nice misspelling.
* Goosey pouts
Revan: It's okay as long as the word's not broken up.
Nyperold: *hydrio
[BuzzBot->Randy] You're up! Try to get someone to say swan without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: lake, song, ballet, bird, duckling, cygnet. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Randy has been given a buzzword.
* Goosey infects Revan with hydrogerms.
LuckyWizard: Yeah, it still has "hydrogen" as a substring.
Revan: Hey, I'm trying to type faster than a bunch of apparently cracked-out bunny rabbits here.
Ticia: There is no try, only do or do not.
* Crystal109 cracks up.
Revan: ...But I love you all.
Goosey: Oh sure, blame it on the bunnies.
redsang: bunnehs
Randy: Someone who is graceful is usually like a
Chrysanthemum: dancer
Goosey: blalerina
Kalimeris: fairy
Lirelyn: swan
Crystal109: ballerina
LuckyWizard: dancer
redsang: ballerina
Ticia: swan
Nyperold: gazelle
Goosey: ballerina
Revan: ballerina
vball: swan
BuzzBot: Lirelyn guesses swan and is correct! Lirelyn and Randy each get a point.
Crystal109: angel
ALameIris: ballerina
ThePhan: ballerina
Chrysanthemum: swan
Kalimeris: ballerina
Goosey: GAH
Ticia: butterfly!
Randy: yays!
Randy: LOL
Haplay has entered.
[BuzzBot->ThePhan] You're up! Try to get someone to say spot without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: place, mark, stain, point. Good luck!
BuzzBot: ThePhan has been given a buzzword.
ThePhan: This is a popular name for a dog.
Lirelyn: rover
Kalimeris: sparky
TalkingDog: bursitis
Randy: spot
LuckyWizard: rover
Ticia: spot
Lirelyn: fido
Goosey: fido
BuzzBot: Randy guesses spot and is correct! Randy and ThePhan each get a point.
Randy: rex
ThePhan: You see him run.
redsang: rover
Crystal109: fido
Nyperold: spot
Kalimeris: spot
vball: spot
redsang: fido
Randy: WOOOO!
redsang: thomas
Ticia: 1 second too late. Dang it
Crystal109: Work Internet sucks.
TalkingDog: Heh.
Haplay: Hi!
[BuzzBot->LaZorra] You're up! Try to get someone to say skirt without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: dress, pants, trousers, girl, woman, women, female, feminine, clothes, clothing. Good luck!
BuzzBot: LaZorra has been given a buzzword.
Goosey: contest
Goosey: waterfall
Goosey: running
Lirelyn: friend
Lirelyn: laughing
Lirelyn: joke
Kalimeris: ugly
Goosey: knee
Lirelyn: trip
Haplay: idle
Goosey: angry
Lirelyn: dog
ThePhan: ugly!
Goosey: handle
Kalimeris: onomatopoeia
Goosey: doorknob
Lirelyn: soup
redsang: silence
vball: beautiful
Goosey: curtain
LuckyWizard: Looks like Stephen or Dave or Darien.
Kalimeris: ocean
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was skirt.
Lirelyn: craft
Haplay: 12 minutes
redsang: snorkel. See, I can do it too.
Goosey: Awww
Goosey: red: LOL'
Haplay: Drat! So close...
Lirelyn: SKIRT! How did I miss that?
Sam: BuzzBot and other games where people say stuff all at once always causes a little lag. It has nothing to do with anything anybody else is doing, like running torrents.
Sam: Although it might cause extra slowness for that one person, but not for everybody.
Revan: Oh yeah, I meant lag for me. Everyone else's answer at the same time showed up fine, mine just took a few more seconds.
Kalimeris: I just have a bad, slow connection through stupie University Village
LaZorra has been sent away by Sam.
[BuzzBot->Haplay] You're up! Try to get someone to say break without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: crash, bend, rupture, snap, bone. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Haplay has been given a buzzword.
Haplay: You might want to do this to your fast.
vball: eat
LuckyWizard: break
Goosey: eat
Lirelyn: break
Kalimeris: run
Randy: break
Chrysanthemum: break
BuzzBot: LuckyWizard guesses break and is correct! LuckyWizard and Haplay each get a point.
Nyperold: breakfast
ThePhan: break
Goosey: oh
Haplay: Yeah!
Goosey: Nice.
redsang: I dont' have a fast
Ticia: I was thinking, "Ummmm... run? That's fast, right?"
Kalimeris: Me too hehe
Goosey: Hehehe
[BuzzBot->Kalimeris] You're up! Try to get someone to say acorn without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: tree, seed, squirrel. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Kalimeris has been given a buzzword.
Kalimeris: something that falls on the ground, and that certain rodents might eat or bury
vball: nuts
LuckyWizard: acorn
ThePhan: nut
Chrysanthemum: acorn
redsang: nuts
Lirelyn: crumb
ThePhan: acorn
Goosey: cheese
BuzzBot: LuckyWizard guesses acorn and is correct! LuckyWizard and Kalimeris each get a point.
Ticia: nut
vball: acorns
ThePhan: seed
Ticia: Hey, there's CORN in here!
Kalimeris: They might be rodents, I don't know, sorta
Kalimeris: Hee.
Goosey: Hehe!
Goosey: Kali: They are.
Randy: yep
[BuzzBot->Goosey] You're up! Try to get someone to say strip without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: comic, cartoon, clothing, remove, off. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Goosey has been given a buzzword.
Randy: Tasty tasty rodents
Ticia: ...
Ticia: That is sick and wrong.
Randy: Is not!
* TalkingDog wonders what Pikachu tastes like...
Ticia: You don't eat CUTE THINGS
Haplay: Lemon!
Revan: Not if you cook them right.
Goosey: Go to Vegas where the lights are they call it the ___
redsang: electricey
Kalimeris: lights
Randy: strip
TalkingDog: strip
ThePhan: ...lights.
Nyperold: neon
BuzzBot: Randy guesses strip and is correct! Randy and Goosey each get a point.
Haplay: strip
vball: strip
ThePhan: Oh, right.
Chrysanthemum: big city
Goosey: Yay!
vball: Way too s-l-o-w.
Revan: Pfft. I am not worldly enough for these hints
redsang: acorn
[BuzzBot->Ticia] You're up! Try to get someone to say nail without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: finger, polish, pound, wall, screw, hammer. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Ticia has been given a buzzword.
Randy: I usually really don't eat them. But we do shoot a lot of them. heh
Ticia: Don uses this tool when Sheetrocking
Goosey: Las Vegas: the acorn of the desert
Revan: jackhammer
vball: hammer
Goosey: hammer
Ticia: Not tool, I mean...
Goosey: nail
BuzzBot: Goosey guesses nail and is correct! Goosey and Ticia each get a point.
Kalimeris: chainsaw
Ticia: Gah
Ticia: LOL
Goosey: YAY
Ticia: TOOL
Ticia: TOOL?
redsang: nail =tool?
Goosey: Hey, I said consonants make long, soft sounds. We're a perfect team.
Revan: I wouldn't know what you'd call that.
Crystal109: Ticia: We all have those days!
Ticia: LOL
[BuzzBot->Lirelyn] You're up! Try to get someone to say spice without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: food, flavor, flavour, ingredient, recipe. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Lirelyn has been given a buzzword.
Lirelyn: coriander, nutmeg, cinnamon
Crystal109: Goosey: But I won on that!
Crystal109: spice
ThePhan: spices
Revan: Logically I'd call it an appliance, but those are usually microwaves and such.
Goosey: spice
Randy: spice
BuzzBot: Crystal109 guesses spice and is correct! Crystal109 and Lirelyn each get a point.
Haplay: spice
redsang: seasonings
Kalimeris: spices
Chrysanthemum: spice
vball: spices
LuckyWizard: I'd have called it a tool.
Goosey: Revan: You'd call it hardware.
Haplay: Who are you callin' a tool?
* Goosey HUGS Haplay!
[BuzzBot->Revan] You're up! Try to get someone to say airport without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: plane, airplane, flight, fly. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Revan has been given a buzzword.
Revan: Don't bring toothpaste here anymore.
redsang: chlorine
Kalimeris: dentist
Ticia: airplane
Lirelyn: airplane
Chrysanthemum: plane
Randy: airplane
Crystal109: bathroom
ThePhan: the banned toothpaste land
Kalimeris: bathroom
Chrysanthemum: airport
BuzzBot: Chrysanthemum guesses airport and is correct! Chrysanthemum and Revan each get a point.
Ticia: airport
vball: bed
Lirelyn: airport
redsang: airport
Ticia: DARN IT
Crystal109: ...WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.
Chrysanthemum: Yay!
Ticia: LOL
redsang: Did you lose your life?
* Ticia dies laughing
Goosey: redsang: Thankfully, my life was not in danger.
[BuzzBot->Chrysanthemum] You're up! Try to get someone to say ambulance without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: hospital, siren, hurt, injure, injury. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Chrysanthemum has been given a buzzword.
Revan: Don't worry, that's me 99% of the time.
Chrysanthemum: Lawyers who like malpractice suits are sometimes called "_____ chasers"
vball: All I could picture was toothpaste foaming around someone's mouth.
redsang: Golf
Lirelyn: ambulance
Kalimeris: ambulence
vball: ambulance
Ticia: ambulance
redsang: ambulance
Randy: ambulance
BuzzBot: Lirelyn guesses ambulance and is correct! Lirelyn and Chrysanthemum each get a point.
Goosey: ambulance
Nyperold: ambulance
Haplay: ambulance
Kalimeris: I can't spell, either.
Ticia: I totally would have won if I hadn't tried to spell it ambluance
Randy: AFLAC
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: Try reading that out loud. It comes out "Amooble neah."
[BuzzBot->Nyperold] You're up! Try to get someone to say mannequin without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: statue, model, pose, display, clothes, clothing. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
Nyperold: Don't Blink.
Goosey: Princess Anasthesia drives an amubalneaa
redsang: rolling
Chrysanthemum: stare
Kalimeris: stare
Goosey: stare
Crystal109: doctor who
Revan: stare
Haplay: stare
vball: die
Lirelyn: statue
Kalimeris: dark
Haplay: staring contest
Revan: focus
vball: death
Ticia: blind
Lirelyn: angel
Chrysanthemum: open eyes
vball: oogle
ThePhan: goldfish
Chrysanthemum: gaze
redsang: mafic
Haplay: light
Randy: wink
ThePhan: freeze
redsang: magic
Chrysanthemum: look
Kalimeris: eyes
Lirelyn: tears
ThePhan: tag
Goosey: eyeballs dry up
ThePhan: stare
Revan: wince
ThePhan: contest
Haplay: tears
vball: once-over
Kalimeris: tear
Chrysanthemum: blank
Goosey: wink
ThePhan: killing a fly
Kalimeris: cry
Randy: eye surgery
Revan: blank
ThePhan: it's a reference to SOMETHING
Chrysanthemum: die
Randy: miss it
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was mannequin.
Haplay: focus
redsang: snake
Ticia: ...
Crystal109: LOL
Nyperold: Crystal was on the right track...
Revan: What?
Goosey: ...
Haplay: .......?
Crystal109: Darnit. DOCTOR WHO!
ThePhan: Ohhh, dr. Who.
Lirelyn: But... but they weren't mannequins!
[BuzzBot->redsang] You're up! Try to get someone to say program without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: computer, software, instruction, algorithm, agenda. Good luck!
BuzzBot: redsang has been given a buzzword.
Lirelyn: They were stone angels!
redsang: I wouldn't have been able to spell it anyway.
Revan: illiterate
vball: encyclopedia
Sam: Crystal, you know you're never going to get any clues, right? Since you're /away?
ThePhan: spellcheck
ThePhan: dictionary
redsang: written in bash
Revan: satire
Goosey: agl
vball: mississippi
LuckyWizard: script
Chrysanthemum: code
Kalimeris: game
Ticia: bash?
Haplay: dictionary
Randy: game
Chrysanthemum: program
BuzzBot: Chrysanthemum guesses program and is correct! Chrysanthemum and redsang each get a point.
redsang: printed notes before a play
LuckyWizard: shell script
redsang: sorry. The first one was not a clue
Goosey: ...
vball: We knew that.
[BuzzBot->vball] You're up! Try to get someone to say cliff without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: uprising, ledge, incline, wall, fall. Good luck!
BuzzBot: vball has been given a buzzword.
Ticia: ????
* Goosey HUGS LaZorra!
Randy: awwww
vball: They do this diving over water.
ThePhan: Ugggh
Goosey: AUGH
redsang: yodel
Chrysanthemum: skydiving
ThePhan: diving board
redsang: spin
Lirelyn: dolphin
Revan: breach
redsang: flip
Goosey: jackknife
Chrysanthemum: hanggliding
Kalimeris: dancer
ThePhan: cannonball
redsang: jacknife
Haplay: flip
TalkingDog: Yeah! Yodel at her!
Goosey: jacknife
Chrysanthemum: somersault
Haplay: dive
Kalimeris: laugh
Chrysanthemum: triple tuck
ThePhan: deep breath
Revan: parachute
vball: kind of diving
Revan: parasail
Kalimeris: wine
* LaZorra wants to yodel diving over water.
Goosey: spin
Kalimeris: cheese
Revan: cliffjumping
ThePhan: LZ: That would rule
Kalimeris: sky
BuzzBot: Revan guesses cliff and is correct! Revan and vball each get a point.
redsang: gainer
Goosey: surge
Revan: NICE
ThePhan: So, quote of the day from my sister:
ThePhan: "It's MORE than goo! It's pudding!"
vball: Phew. Thanks Revan.
LaZorra: GO AWAY
TalkingDog: LZ: Yodel until she goes away.
* Goosey stabs the editor.
Randy: LOL
Goosey: TD: LOL
TalkingDog: TP: LOL
LaZorra: TP: LOL
[BuzzBot->TalkingDog] You're up! Try to get someone to say house without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: home, living, family, life, live. Good luck!
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
TalkingDog: Dr. Gregory.
Randy: house
Goosey: House
Lirelyn: House
Kalimeris: House
* LaZorra surreptitiously puts in earbuds.
Ticia: house
BuzzBot: Randy guesses house and is correct! Randy and TalkingDog each get a point.
ThePhan: house
redsang: quest
Goosey: *ENOUGH
ThePhan: I am eating the more-than-goo pudding.
redsang: neohg typer
Revan: I would love to be able to freaking type an answer without putting a bunch of Z's and Q's and 7s in my word.
TalkingDog: That's two characters I've used in clues tonight.
[BuzzBot->LuckyWizard] You're up! Try to get someone to say rattlesnake without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: rattle, snake, poison, poisonous, bite. Good luck!
BuzzBot: LuckyWizard has been given a buzzword.
Randy: And my userlist doesn't accurately have the points
ThePhan: Randy: You have 5.
Randy: wooo! Tied for second!
Randy: Yeah, refreshed it
Haplay: Wooo! dead last!
LuckyWizard: They're a kind of reptile whose tail makes a sound.
Ticia: JOKE: A harried man runs into the doctor's office "Doctor, my wife is in labor, but she keeps screaming "Couldn't, Shouldn't, Wouldn't, Can't!" "Oh, that's ok" says the doctor. "She's just having contractions."
ThePhan: rattlesnake
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses rattlesnake and is correct! ThePhan and LuckyWizard each get a point.
Revan: lizard
Goosey: rattlesnake
Lirelyn: rattlesnake
Kalimeris: rattlesnake
Nyperold: rattlesnake
vball: rattlesnake
redsang: portable
Goosey: TICIA: LOL
Haplay: TP: You are scary fast...
Randy: Ticia: LOL!
ThePhan: Ticia: LOL LOL
Lirelyn: Ticiat: LOL
Ticia: Don just called me to tell me that joke.
[BuzzBot->vball] You're up! Try to get someone to say police without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: cop, officer, arrest, jail, prison. Good luck!
BuzzBot: vball has been given a buzzword.
ThePhan: I have to tell my mother.
Ticia: hehe
* Chrysanthemum is telling her boyfriend.
Chrysanthemum: That's a good one. :)
Randy: I'm telling my bro
vball: They wear badges on the job.
* Goosey has nobody to tell except people who are already here.
Kalimeris: police
ThePhan: police officers
BuzzBot: Kalimeris guesses police and is correct! Kalimeris and vball each get a point.
Revan: guards
redsang: Well, I've gotta go. Have fun everyone.
Nyperold: Bye!
ThePhan: Bye redsang.
Revan: I have gone right to second-best guesses because you guys are enjoying your caffeine way too much.
Kalimeris: Bye!
Ticia: red: Give me your points!
[BuzzBot->Randy] You're up! Try to get someone to say rattle without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: baby, noise, shake, toy, sound. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Randy has been given a buzzword.
* redsang trips on the way out but meant to do it.
redsang has left.
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: I love my brother.
Randy: a snake that we just said
ThePhan: My mother loves the joke.
ThePhan: rattlensake
Haplay: rattle
Kalimeris: rattlesnake
vball: rattlesnake
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses rattle and is correct! ThePhan and Randy each get a point.
Ticia: rattle
Goosey: rattlesnake
Chrysanthemum: rattlesnake
ThePhan: YAY
ThePhan: Heh
Randy: WOOO
ThePhan: I was like "Oh no, I said nsake!"
Ticia: LOL
Randy: My bro and his girlfriend said "Wokka wokka, Randy"
Goosey: LOL
[BuzzBot->Ticia] You're up! Try to get someone to say tax without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: government, money, income, property, sales. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Ticia has been given a buzzword.
Randy: I couldn't believe that snake wasn't forbidden
vball: pregnant
Ticia: Some people don't like to pay this.
Revan: QUICK! Everyone except Ticia BEHIND YOU
ThePhan: taxes
Haplay: money
Revan: taxes
Randy: taxes
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses tax and is correct! ThePhan and Ticia each get a point.
Goosey: alimony
ThePhan: respects
vball: bills
Revan: it forward
Chrysanthemum: bill
Nyperold: bills
Ticia: ThePhan: I love you;
vball: compliments
Goosey: attention
[BuzzBot->Haplay] You're up! Try to get someone to say cluster without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: group, bunch, together, close, bomb. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Haplay has been given a buzzword.
ThePhan: My more-than-goo pudding claims to be Oreo, but it looks like brain matter.
Haplay: A chocolate "peanut ___"
Kalimeris: butter cup
vball: bar
Goosey: cluster
Chrysanthemum: brittle
ThePhan: butterfly
BuzzBot: Goosey guesses cluster and is correct! Goosey and Haplay each get a point.
vball: candy
Goosey: YAY!
* Goosey HUGS Haplay!
Crystal109: (I demand more bot games later, when I'm not at work! :_()
Crystal109: (*)
Ticia: I was confused by the quotation marks.
[BuzzBot->TalkingDog] You're up! Try to get someone to say hippopotamus without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: animal, gray, big, large, water, hippo. Good luck!
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
* ThePhan should put random punctuation in her next clue. Just to confuse everyone.
* Revan hopes for obscure VG references.
ThePhan: Which, of coures, doesn't help me any, but...
TalkingDog: Hungry hungry.
Kalimeris: hippos
ThePhan: hippos
Revan: hippos
Haplay: food
Goosey: hungee
vball: eat
Goosey: hippo
Ticia: hippopotamus
Chrysanthemum: nom
Randy: Why do I always wonder what VG stands for?
Nyperold: hippopotomus
TalkingDog: Longer.
BuzzBot: Ticia guesses hippopotamus and is correct! Ticia and TalkingDog each get a point.
Chrysanthemum: food
vball: pig
Chrysanthemum: starving
Randy: TalkingDog?
TalkingDog: Woo.
ThePhan: Oh. Heh.
Ticia: I can't believe I spelled that correctly!
Goosey: hehe, nice.
Goosey: Randy: LOL
[BuzzBot->Goosey] You're up! Try to get someone to say evangelical without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: gospel, Protestant, holy, zeal, belief. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Goosey has been given a buzzword.
Revan: I always did too until VG Cats.
* ThePhan is reminded of that amazing video of that little French girl's story about the hippos and the lion and the elephant and Winnie the Pooh...
Randy: I have not seen that
Revan: Why do I remember that?
Goosey: Guy who does a lot of preaching in church
ThePhan: pastor
Revan: pastor
Chrysanthemum: pastor
Kalimeris: preacher
Ticia: pastor
Chrysanthemum: priest
Lirelyn: pastor
Haplay: pastor
ThePhan: reverende
LuckyWizard: priest
Randy: pastor
Kalimeris: rabi
Ticia: preacher
Haplay: pope
Revan: reverence
Lirelyn: priest
vball: pastor
Goosey: Longer word
LuckyWizard: evangelist
Lirelyn: ther
Randy: reverend
ThePhan: preacher?
Kalimeris: reverend
Chrysanthemum: reverend
vball: choir
Chrysanthemum: minister
Ticia: father
ThePhan: minsiter
Lirelyn: minister
vball: father
Ticia: bisho[
Haplay: rabbi
Nyperold: evangelical
Kalimeris: pope
BuzzBot: Nyperold guesses evangelical and is correct! Nyperold and Goosey each get a point.
Ticia: bishop
Goosey: A kind of church
Revan: bishp
Goosey: YAY
vball: missionary
Goosey: Phew!
ThePhan: ah....
* Revan throws his keyboard acr
Goosey: I don't really know much about it, hehe.
Lirelyn: Wow, tough word.
Ticia: LOL
Goosey: Revan: LOL
[BuzzBot->Nyperold] You're up! Try to get someone to say earthquake without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: earth, quake, ground, move, shake, shakes, shaking. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
Nyperold: Richtor scale measures this.
ThePhan: earthquakes
LuckyWizard: earthquake
Kalimeris: earthquake
Lirelyn: eartchquake
Chrysanthemum: earthquakes
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses earthquake and is correct! ThePhan and Nyperold each get a point.
BuzzBot: ThePhan wins!
Chrysanthemum: shaking
Ticia: Yay!
* Chrysanthemum applauds
Lirelyn: Yay Phan!
LuckyWizard: Yay TP!
ThePhan: Yay!
TalkingDog is away.
Revan: Hey, it's been awesome, but it's 11 and Tuesday, so I gotta bounce. I'll definitely be here for the next one though, hopefully a Friday one.
Ticia: Woo!
Revan has left.
ThePhan: Bye Revan!
vball: See ya!
Goosey is away.
* Ticia was not cheering for Revan's leaving.
* LuckyWizard has to leave too.
Ticia: chearing?
Ticia: No, it's cheering. Right?
Goosey: ee
Chrysanthemum: Yes, "cheering"
Chrysanthemum: Bye, LW!
Nyperold: Yeah, like the detergent.
* Ticia was sweating that spelling.
LuckyWizard has left.
Sam: Next up is WhoBot!
Ticia: It's a what?
BuzzBot has been dismissed by Sam.
WhoBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Read the rules now if you need to.
Randy: Will it play "Mama's Got a Squeezebox"?
Chrysanthemum: This is going to be interesting with this many people in here...
Nyperold: No, a Who. :)
* Randy goes obscure
Chrysanthemum: THIRD BASE!
Ticia: Chrysanthemum: Shame on you!
Chrysanthemum: "Who's On First" references not accepted here? ;)
Ticia: I thought you were just yelling out how far you'd... never mind.
Chrysanthemum: *snerk*
Ticia: LOL
Chrysanthemum: I don't think my boyfriend would be too happy with my doing that. ;)
ThePhan: WhoBot issues commands that only Horton can read.
ThePhan: Until suddenly there's a big "YOP" at like 98 point font in the middle of the screen.
Ticia: It's a good thing my kids are sleeping upstairs...
Lirelyn: I thought WhoBot could make a chatroom that was bigger on the inside.
* Randy tries again
Ticia: LOL
Randy: Will the bot play "My Generation"?
WhoBot: Ticia asks: Name a morning activity you cannot do without.
* Ticia makes hers easy.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: sleep
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: A morning coke. Its my wakey medicine
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Getting out of bed.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Scripture study!
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: I cannot do without sleeping in until the very last minute.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Getting dressed.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: I am a snoozer. I set my alarm to go off at seven-minute intervals for at least an hour before I can wake up.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Trying to sleep in while the kids watch cartoons.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Brushing my teeth. I'd rather wear blue socks with brown slacks.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Searching for gold coins.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) vball, (B) LaZorra, (C) Goosey, (D) Randy, (E) Chrysanthemum, (F) Kalimeris, (G) Haplay, (H) ThePhan, (I) Ticia, (J) Lirelyn
* Ticia makes random guesses.
WhoBot: LaZorra (B) answered (1) sleep
WhoBot: Randy (D) answered (2) A morning coke. Its my wakey medicine
WhoBot: Lirelyn (J) answered (3) Getting out of bed.
WhoBot: Goosey (C) answered (4) Scripture study!
WhoBot: Kalimeris (F) answered (5) I cannot do without sleeping in until the very last minute.
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum (E) answered (6) Getting dressed.
WhoBot: ThePhan (H) answered (7) I am a snoozer. I set my alarm to go off at seven-minute intervals for at least an hour before I can wake up.
WhoBot: Ticia (I) answered (8) Trying to sleep in while the kids watch cartoons.
WhoBot: vball (A) answered (9) Brushing my teeth. I'd rather wear blue socks with brown slacks.
WhoBot: Haplay (G) answered (10) Searching for gold coins.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 5 points for guesses: H1, E2, J3, F5, B6, D7, I8, A9, G10.
WhoBot: Randy scores 5 points for guesses: F1, A3, C4, B5, E6, H7, I8, J9, G10.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 4 points for guesses: G1, A2, J3, C4, F5, D6, I8, E9, B10.
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum scores 2 points for guesses: A1, G2, H3, B4, F5, J7, I8, C9, D10.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 2 points for guesses: A2, C4, I8.
WhoBot: Lirelyn scores 2 points for guesses: A1, C2, D4, H7, I8, E9.
WhoBot: Ticia scores 2 points for guesses: A1, D2, E3, C4, J5, F6, B7, G9, H10.
WhoBot: vball scores 1 point for guesses: H1, C2, F3, D4, B6, G7, I8.
WhoBot: Kalimeris scores 0 points for guesses: C7, E8, H9, A10.
* ThePhan feels like she MIGHT have a better chance of getting some points this year, as opposed to other years' rounds of Who.
Ticia: Ha! I got goosey's!
Randy: Woo! 5 points!
Ticia: Nice
Goosey: Woo!
WhoBot: vball asks: What is your favorite activity in the pool?
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Not being in it. I don't swim, really. (I CAN. I just don't like to.)
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: I like to pull my nieces and nephew under the water, or throw them around like pool darts
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Big slides.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Swimming underwater.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Floating around, doing nothing.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: I don't go near water if I can help it.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Swimming deep underwater for as long as I can.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: I like to soak.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Randy, (B) vball, (C) Chrysanthemum, (D) Kalimeris, (E) Goosey, (F) Lirelyn, (G) Ticia, (H) ThePhan
Ticia: Making out is not an acceptable answer, right?
ThePhan: LOL
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: Sure it is, if it's your answer ;-)
LaZorra: Aw, man, I was going to say lifeguard training.
LaZorra: But in a funny way.
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum (C) answered (1) Not being in it. I don't swim, really. (I CAN. I just don't like to.)
WhoBot: Randy (A) answered (2) I like to pull my nieces and nephew under the water, or throw them around like pool darts
WhoBot: vball (B) answered (3) Big slides.
WhoBot: Goosey (E) answered (4) Swimming underwater.
WhoBot: Ticia (G) answered (5) Floating around, doing nothing.
WhoBot: ThePhan (H) answered (6) I don't go near water if I can help it.
WhoBot: Lirelyn (F) answered (7) Swimming deep underwater for as long as I can.
WhoBot: Kalimeris (D) answered (8) I like to soak.
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum scores 3 points for guesses: H2, B3, E4, A5, D6, F7, G8.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 3 points for guesses: E1, A2, C3, D4, G5, F7, B8.
WhoBot: Ticia scores 3 points for guesses: D1, A2, H3, E4, C6, F7, B8.
WhoBot: Lirelyn scores 1 point for guesses: H1, E2, B3, C4, A5, D6, G8.
WhoBot: Randy scores 1 point for guesses: H1, C3, F4, G5, B6, D7, E8.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 0 points for guesses: G1, H2, C3, A5, F6, D7, B8.
WhoBot: Kalimeris scores 0 points for guesses: A1, G2, C3, B4, H5, F6, E7.
WhoBot: vball scores 0 points for guesses: A1, E2, D4, H5, F6, C7, G8.
vball: Ugh!
Ticia: I was going to put "Making sure my kids don't drown" but that's not exactly my favorite activity. It's just what I always end up doing.
Goosey: Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: Heh
Ticia: I was all "What, there are fun things to do in the pool?"
ThePhan: I did teach some friends who were playing in a pool some of my disturbing childhood games (the ones where everyone died), and they played those in the pool.
Ticia: (This is why they are taking swimming lessons)
ThePhan: That was fun to watch...
WhoBot: Lirelyn asks: What's the most creative use for swords?
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Sword swallowing is pretty cool, I guess.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Dicing potatoes.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: KILLING VENTRAISES!!!
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Bashing random rinkies at the RU.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: ... *blush* ...
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Pipe bombs!
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Kalimeris, (B) LaZorra, (C) Ticia, (D) Haplay, (E) Chrysanthemum, (F) Goosey
ThePhan: /b I would want to figure out how to use them like chopsticks. That would be unbelievably impressive and... WHAT I RAN OUT OF TIME?
Chrysanthemum: ?!
Chrysanthemum: Oh.
Randy: [->Bots] Beyond using them for their intended purposes? Pretending they are lightsabers. (23:15:55)
vball: Me too.
Chrysanthemum: Never mind, heh.
Nyperold: So I'm not the only one?
Lirelyn: Way too fast
ThePhan: That was weird.
Chrysanthemum: No, I just thought I'd missed the matching round somehow.
Randy: And now its acting weird when I'm guessing
Ticia: What, 34 seconds isn't long enough for you guys?
ThePhan: You can't guess unless you've submitte.
ThePhan: d
Randy: oh
WhoBot: Kalimeris (A) answered (1) Sword swallowing is pretty cool, I guess.
WhoBot: Goosey (F) answered (2) Dicing potatoes.
WhoBot: Haplay (D) answered (3) KILLING VENTRAISES!!!
WhoBot: Ticia (C) answered (4) Bashing random rinkies at the RU.
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum (E) answered (5) ... *blush* ...
WhoBot: LaZorra (B) answered (6) Pipe bombs!
WhoBot: Ticia scores 3 points for guesses: D1, F2, A3, E5, B6.
WhoBot: Kalimeris scores 2 points for guesses: C2, D3, B4, E5, F6.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 1 point for guesses: E1, D3, B4, A5, C6.
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum scores 0 points for guesses: F1, C2, A3, B4, D6.
WhoBot: Haplay scores 0 points for guesses: E4, B5.
Ticia: Woo!
ThePhan: Well, you can, but it doesn't count.
Sam: Ventraises!!!!
Haplay: YEAH!
Ticia: HA! I knew Pipe bombs had to be someone from the Denver RU.
Randy: LOL
Chrysanthemum: Okay, so that WAS an in-joke, and not something to worry about. ;)
Ticia: Hehe
Ticia: Yeah.
WhoBot: ThePhan asks: What TV character do you most identify with?
Randy: I still reguarly beat people with my foam sword thing
Goosey: Um
Ticia: Hehe
Goosey: I can't think of any TV characters now, let alone any I identify with.
ThePhan: Heh'
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: I have clearly always been Monica from Friends. With a little bit of Adrian Monk thrown in.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: I think that I most identify with... um... um... ugh.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: I... don'twatchTV. *hides*
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Piper Halliwell.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: wilma Flinstone
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: As much as I hate to admit it, JD from Scrubs
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Simon Tam (Firefly)
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: The doctor on House.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Kalimeris, (B) Randy, (C) Lirelyn, (D) Ticia, (E) vball, (F) Chrysanthemum, (G) ThePhan, (H) Goosey
WhoBot: ThePhan (G) answered (1) I have clearly always been Monica from Friends. With a little bit of Adrian Monk thrown in.
WhoBot: Kalimeris (A) answered (2) I think that I most identify with... um... um... ugh.
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum (F) answered (3) I... don'twatchTV. *hides*
WhoBot: Goosey (H) answered (4) Piper Halliwell.
WhoBot: Ticia (D) answered (5) wilma Flinstone
WhoBot: Randy (B) answered (6) As much as I hate to admit it, JD from Scrubs
WhoBot: Lirelyn (C) answered (7) Simon Tam (Firefly)
WhoBot: vball (E) answered (8) The doctor on House.
WhoBot: Lirelyn scores 3 points for guesses: F1, G2, H3, A4, D5, B6, E8.
WhoBot: Randy scores 3 points for guesses: G1, H2, F3, E4, D5, A7, C8.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 2 points for guesses: A2, H3, F4, E5, B6, D7, C8.
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum scores 1 point for guesses: E1, H2, D4, A5, B6, G7, C8.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 1 point for guesses: D1, G2, C3, F5, A6, B7, E8.
WhoBot: Kalimeris scores 1 point for guesses: C1, H3, F4, D5, E6, B7, G8.
WhoBot: Ticia scores 1 point for guesses: H1, F2, G3, A4, E6, C7, B8.
WhoBot: vball scores 1 point for guesses: C1, F2, H3, B4, D5, G6, A7.
ThePhan: :-(
Ticia: Dang. Only one point.
Goosey: Man.
* ThePhan likes the answer "the doctor on House."
ThePhan: Oh, THAT doctor.
Goosey: LaZorra ANSWER
vball: I couldn't think of anything.
WhoBot: Kalimeris asks: Name something womanly.
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: Oh my.
ThePhan: heh
Ticia: This is going to be interesting.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Women.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Nylons are "womanly".
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Childbirth
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Curves.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: ME
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: ...hips? I don't know...
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: The song "I Enjoy Being a Girl" is pretty womanly.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Rosie the Riveter.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Worry over elbow creases.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: wha- how am I supposed to know??
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Haplay, (B) Kalimeris, (C) Goosey, (D) Chrysanthemum, (E) vball, (F) Ticia, (G) Randy, (H) ThePhan, (I) LaZorra, (J) Lirelyn
Goosey: This game is like a giant communal inkblot test.
LaZorra: LOL LOL, mine was a joke that I was going to overwrite.
ThePhan: LOL
Goosey: LOL LOL
Sam: LOL
LaZorra: Also, everyone is probably going to get mine wrong now, heh.
ThePhan: I am going to get them all wrong.
ThePhan: I have no womanly intuition.
Ticia: I tried to make mine easy for you guys.
* Sam recalls Animal, chanting, "WO-MAN! WO-MAN! WO-MAN! WO-MAN!"
WhoBot: Randy (G) answered (1) Women.
WhoBot: vball (E) answered (2) Nylons are "womanly".
WhoBot: Ticia (F) answered (3) Childbirth
WhoBot: Goosey (C) answered (4) Curves.
WhoBot: LaZorra (I) answered (5) ME
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum (D) answered (6) ...hips? I don't know...
WhoBot: ThePhan (H) answered (7) The song "I Enjoy Being a Girl" is pretty womanly.
WhoBot: Lirelyn (J) answered (8) Rosie the Riveter.
Randy: hehe
WhoBot: Kalimeris (B) answered (9) Worry over elbow creases.
WhoBot: Haplay (A) answered (10) wha- how am I supposed to know??
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum scores 5 points for guesses: G1, C2, E3, J4, I5, H7, F8, B9, A10.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 5 points for guesses: G1, B2, F3, D5, E6, H7, J8, I9, A10.
WhoBot: Randy scores 3 points for guesses: D2, F3, B4, J5, I6, H7, C8, E9, A10.
WhoBot: Ticia scores 2 points for guesses: G1, D2, J4, H5, E6, B7, C8, I9, A10.
WhoBot: vball scores 2 points for guesses: C1, F3, J4, D5, I6, H7, G8, A9, B10.
WhoBot: Kalimeris scores 1 point for guesses: A1, D2, F3, J4, C5, G6, I7, H8, E10.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 1 point for guesses: J1, C2, G3, I4, F5, B6, D8, E9, A10.
WhoBot: Lirelyn scores 0 points for guesses: A1, B2, C3, H4, F5, G6, I7, D9, E10.
Lirelyn: Wow. I failed MORE.
ThePhan: Hehe... I hoped my use of a showtune would make mine obvious :-)
Randy: hehe
Randy: My answer ruled
Goosey: Tp: It helped me!
Lirelyn: I thought I might know about three of them, and then guessed the rest pretty much at random.
ThePhan: That sounds like the beginning of a terrible commercial.
ThePhan: "Have you ever wanted to have lemonade AND sexy elbow creases AT THE SAME TIME?"
WhoBot: Goosey asks: Name something you'd like to inebriate.
Ticia: I don't understand the question.
Goosey: Sam: Can we pause after this round please?
Randy: Goosey: You know that means "To get drunk", right?
Goosey: Randy: Yup!
Ticia: LOL
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Hm. That stupid troll guarding the treasure room.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: A teacher, so they don't give homework.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: A tree. What would an inebriated tree be like? Would it grow kinda wobbly?
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: LaZorra.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Umm... I'd like to inebriate my... fridge... oi.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: My Disco Bandit.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Myself, at some point, to see what it's like.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) vball, (B) Chrysanthemum, (C) Lirelyn, (D) Haplay, (E) Goosey, (F) Nyperold, (G) Kalimeris
LaZorra: HEY
Sam: I'd rather plow through to the end here. It ends at 15, so it could be any round now.
Randy: DRAT
ThePhan: [->Bots] Nobody really. But I think if I inebriated my sociology professor, I don't think he'd make any less sense or be more rambly than he is now.
Sam: Somebody wants to get LaZorra drunk.
ThePhan: But I was trying to take out the multiple "I (don't) think"s.
Lirelyn: d4
Lirelyn: bah
Haplay: Yay KOL reference!
WhoBot: Haplay (D) answered (1) Hm. That stupid troll guarding the treasure room.
WhoBot: vball (A) answered (2) A teacher, so they don't give homework.
WhoBot: Lirelyn (C) answered (3) A tree. What would an inebriated tree be like? Would it grow kinda wobbly?
WhoBot: Goosey (E) answered (4) LaZorra.
WhoBot: Kalimeris (G) answered (5) Umm... I'd like to inebriate my... fridge... oi.
WhoBot: Nyperold (F) answered (6) My Disco Bandit.
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum (B) answered (7) Myself, at some point, to see what it's like.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 4 points for guesses: D1, G2, C3, A5, F6, B7.
WhoBot: Kalimeris scores 4 points for guesses: D1, B2, C3, E4, F6, A7.
WhoBot: vball scores 3 points for guesses: C1, B3, E4, G5, F6, D7.
WhoBot: Lirelyn scores 1 point for guesses: A1, B2, D4, E5, F6, G7.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 1 point for guesses: D1, G2, E3, B4, A5, C7.
WhoBot: Chrysanthemum scores 0 points for guesses: F1, D2, A3, G4, C5, E6.
WhoBot: Goosey wins!
ThePhan: Yay Goosey!
* Ticia thinks it's time to put the candy hearts far far away from her.
Ticia: yay Goosey!
Randy: Yay Gooosey!
Sam: Congratulations, Goosey. And yes, we can break after this round after all.
Goosey: Yay me!
Lirelyn: Yay Goosey!!!
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: Break... FOREVER
Goosey: Good! *runs for the restroom*
Nyperold: d1 is the only one I was sure of.
Goosey is away.
* Randy wants another preview!
Haplay: YAY Goosey!
Sam: Transcripts of sessions 1-2 will hopefully be up soon. Stay tuned for the scores, but otherwise see you Thursday night, same time! Glad to see you all here, and again, sorry I couldn't actually be here for most of it.
ThePhan: 'Tsok, Sm.
ThePhan: Sam
ThePhan: Thanks for running the bots for us anyway! :-)
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=6
Ticia: Wait, no sneak peek at another comic?
Sam: No, not until Friday.
WhoBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Haplay: Whoa! I'm in next to last place! But it's close...
Lirelyn: sleep sleep sleep
Sam: I can't let SEVEN of them out of the bag early.
Lirelyn: Gnight all!
Sam: Night!
TalkingDog: BUDGE
Ticia: Hehe
Ticia: Dang.
Haplay: Bye!
Sam: Night!
* ThePhan is off to... do something.
Chrysanthemum: Bye all!
ThePhan: Night all.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #6, Session 3: Thursday, 2/19/2009, 9pm EST.' by Sam.