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LaZorra: I'm sure ThePhanBot will be next.
Crystal109: ThePhanBot. Awesome.
Zup: That can go in the Dreeeeamy class!
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: ThePhan is dreeeeamy.
Nyperold: RinkDreeeeeamy. :)
Randy: What else we playing tonight?
Counterpoint: MathBot.
Crystal109: JumbleBot, ???Bot, MathBot, WhoBot
: And now-- And now, we move on to our next bot. Right, honey schmupkins? *cuddle*
LaZorra: Ew.
nessachan: :|
* Counterpoint readies the pencil.
: Why yes, smoochy nose. Our next bot is called MathBot. We play in quiz mode, so the race against time is out.
ThePhan: Ew. Math.
Counterpoint: Pencil and paper is still allowed?
Crystal109: It was last tourney.
* Zup is purposely not taking math at college...and it shows...
* Counterpoint is a math major, but that doesn't mean he's actually any good at arithmetic.
* nessachan is beyond belief terrible at math
ThePhan: You could play PhanBot so as to not forget me while I am gone.
LaZorra: Awww.
LaZorra: We are going to miss you like crazy.
* Randy makes a motion to tie Phan to her chair so she can't leave.
* Maryam seconds the motion.
LaZorra: Motion carried.
* LaZorra gets the rope.
Crystal109: TP: I'm going to miss you because you support me when I say I never saw something. =P
* Maryam holds ThePhan down.
Randy: Make sure she can still get to her computer.
ThePhan: Yeah... If you tie me to my chair, I can't get to my computer, because my computer is sitting on my bed, and so am I.
: *ties ThePhan to her chair* HA HA HA!
Crystal109: Hahahaha.
Zup: lol
nessachan: AHHH
ThePhan: EEP! The demon dog is holding me captive!
: Hey, I want in on that action! *ties ThePhan up some more*
Maryam: Ok, EW.
Crystal109: That's horrible.
: You can't AFFORD MY tie-up services!
Ciaran: Meep.
ThePhan: LOL
Gharlane: LOL
Randy: LOL
nessachan: :o
* LaZorra thinks "Hey, I want in on that action" followed by tying someone up is probably not Chat-appropriate, kthx. :-p
Crystal109: Hahahahaha I agree with LaZ.
ThePhan: LZ: LOL, yes, I was thinking the same thing.
* Zup echoes LaZorra's sentiments.
Nyperold: Hey, is this where the tie-up sale is being held?
Maryam: ThePhan is not for sale. We're keeping her forever and ever.
Nyperold: I heard it had something to do with a movie...
* Nyperold makes a Ballyhoo joke. :)
: We'll be playing to 30 points. Sam, please start the bot in one minute.
MathBot has been summoned by Sam.
MathBot: Starting a new quiz game:
MathBot: Question (use /b): Which digit occurs in all three numbers? 7008450, 9257538, 7691700
Crystal109: 7
Crystal109: CRAP. Sorry.
LaZorra: Psst. /b
LaZorra: Hehe.
Crystal109: Obviously, I can't read directions.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Revan wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: nessachan wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 7.
LaZorra: We are all 7's.
Maryam: LOL!!
Gharlane: LOL
Ciaran: Rinkies are automatic 7s!
nessachan: wow, I got a point at MATH BOT
nessachan: mark this day with a white stone
MathBot: Question (use /b): Reduce the following fraction: 312 / 312
: Remember, the bot only accepts your last answer.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: Revan wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 1 / 1.
Counterpoint: Oh, good. I submitted "1," but I guess it took.
Maryam: Same here.
Crystal109: We are ALL WINNING.
* ThePhan actually does know that answer. She was just too busy copying over email addresses. Hehe.
Crystal109: TP: LOL.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Calculate: 35 x 90
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 3150.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 3150.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 3150.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 3150.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 3150.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 3150.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 3150.
MathBot: Revan wins a point with answer 3150.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 3150.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 3150.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: However, that 'un I didn't know because for some reason I multipled it by 9.
ThePhan: Incorrectly.
LaZorra: Oh, shoot. I hit the 2 instead of the 1. :-(
* LaZorra should play MathBot as prep for the GRE.
* nessachan bombed the math section of the GRE in the worst way possible but still got into Grad School. ;)
MathBot: Question (use /b): Find the missing term: 338, 219, 100, ... , -138, -257, -376
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer -19.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer -19.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer -19.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer -19.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer -19.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer -19.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer -19.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer -19.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer -19.
Ciaran: ...Oh, I put 19, not -19 :(
: Remember, you're on your honor not to use calculators or computers to assist you. You can, however, use pencil and paper to work out your answers there.
* LaZorra doesn't have a pencil and paper. :-/
MathBot: Question (use /b): Solve for x: -7x + 19 = -51
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Reduce the following fraction: 40 / 160
Ciaran: Oh, right, it said +, not -. I wondered how that would be possible without fractions.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 1 / 4.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing operators: (1 ? (8 ? 0)) ? 6 = 14
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer x - +.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Reduce the following fraction: 27 / 15
sharris70 has left.
DemanusFlint: poor shar
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 9 / 5.
Ciaran: Hmm.
Ciaran: Silly me.
* Crystal109 is actually winning.
* LaZorra is actually getting pints. This is scary.
LaZorra: Er. *points, not pints.
Maryam: PINTS
Gharlane: Ooooh, pints. ;)
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: That could be scary too, though.
* LaZorra is NOT drinking, thank you. :-p
Maryam: Hey, I was excited because that's how my ice cream is measured. :-)
* Zup just thought LaZ was eating ice cream...
LaZorra: LOL, good point.
Crystal109: LOL
MathBot: Question (use /b): Which digit does not occur in these numbers? 6439416, 6314620, 3984748
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 5.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Calculate: 72 x 49
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 3528.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 3528.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 3528.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 3528.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 3528.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 3528.
DemanusFlint: Wow, that was way too close at the end.
Ciaran: Oopsie.
Crystal109: OH WOW.
: Ricky, I need to talk to you. Now.
: Sure, Brianna, what--
: In private. Quickly now, he could be back any moment.
Ciaran: Ooo?
Crystal109: Janet!
Ciaran: Who?
MathBot: Question (use /b): Reduce the following fraction: 480 / 384
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 5 / 4.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 5 / 4.
: Brianna, what's wrong?
: I'm sorry, Ricky. I'm so sorry for what I have to tell you.
Counterpoint: NOOOO
MathBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing operators: ((7 ? 8) ? 6) ? 4 = 54
: Brianna, this sounds serious. I assure you, whatever it is, you couldn't possibly change how I feel about you.
: We'll see.
Zup: Dramamamamamma
Zup: She's definitely a drama mamma.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer x - +.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer x - +.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer x - +.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer x - +.
Maryam: Oh man.
Maryam: I submitted that a second too late.
LaZorra: WHy does that happen to me so often?
DemanusFlint: Oh, right. Not minus minus.
vballgirl: Man! I'm just a hair slow...
Counterpoint: That's so disappointing. Argh argh argh.
MathBot: Question (use /b): List the prime factors of 63
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 3, 3, 7.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 3, 3, 7.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 3, 3, 7.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 3, 3, 7.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 3, 3, 7.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 3, 3, 7.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 3, 3, 7.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 3, 3, 7.
: *sigh* There's no good way to ease into this. *deep breath*
: I'm not who you think I am. Your pageant win was a set-up. So was mine.
LaZorra: Hey! You mean we were USED?
Crystal109: The pageant was RIGGED?
DemanusFlint: it was me guys i rigged the pageant
* Zup pounces on DF.
Zup: Hey, SAM, why did you fix it, huh?
Gharlane: Whoa! Sam, you mean someone haxx0red the pageant code?
Sam: Hey, this is news to me too.
Sam: I'm going to go scour my code. See if there are any security leaks in it.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Calculate: 90 + 98 - 29
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 159.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 159.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 159.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 159.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 159.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 159.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 159.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 159.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 159.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Solve for x: 11x + 2 = -64
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer -6.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer -6.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer -6.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer -6.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer -6.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer -6.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer -6.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer -6.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer -6.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer -6.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer -6.
LaZorra: Forgot the minus sign.
: A set-up? What are you talking about--
: A set-up, a set-up. Half the voters were plants. Crystal... Gahalyn... Kysle... Gharlane... Zup... ThePhan... LaZorra.... Half the contestants were planted in the tournament to vote us together, so that I could get close to you.
Crystal109: HEY. Don't drag me into this!
LaZorra: HEY
Revan: AHAHa
Sam: Uh. Seriously? Come to think of it, you WERE the people that rated them most highly....
* LaZorra is not a plant, thank you. She's not even a mineral.
* nessachan is a flake xD
MathBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing operators: 0 ? (0 ? (3 ? 4)) = -7
Ciaran: This could be two answers. :/
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer + - +.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer + - +.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer + - +.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer + - +.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer - + +.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer + - +.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer + - +.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer + - +.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer - + +.
Ciaran: Oh, but it counts both. Cool.
vballgirl: I have a hard time with those.
LaZorra: Sam: But no one was paying us.
Crystal109: Sam: Yeah. Where's my money?
Sam: LaZ: Sucker.
LaZorra: Sam: Of swords.
Sam: You apparently could have gotten cash for it.
LaZorra: Speaking of which, get anthrax. :-p
Sam: You are fat.
LaZorra: Go eat yourself.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Reduce the following fraction: 80 / 100
DemanusFlint: 384 / 480
Maryam: Man, I didn't see that it was negative 7.
Crystal109: Okay, the sad thing was that I had to calculate that.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer 4 / 5.
: Brianna, that's crazy--
: My name isn't Brianna. It's Janet. Janet Winslow. Brianna Day was an alias. She doesn't exist, Ricky. I'm so sorry.
Zup: I could have gotten cash...now I REALLY despise Brianna!
Zup: Er, Janet!
Ciaran: Hey, let up on Janet, guys, she's trying to do the right thing here.
Gharlane: I agree with Ciaran.
Maryam: Now I'm worried about the mysterious Sandy.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing operators: 5 ? ((2 ? 0) ? 6) = -3
Ciaran: - + +
Ciaran: ..
Ciaran: GAH
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer - + +.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer - + +.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer - + +.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer - + +.
Zup: Ciaran: but she stiffed me! After I helped her!
Sam: I think what you did was help Sheldon.
Sam: You evil Zup.
Zup: er...I know NOTHINK'!
LaZorra: Zup: Will you know something if I give you a chocolate bar?
* Zup is intrigued by LaZorra's offer...he takes it under consideration...
Zup: What KIND of chocolate?
LaZorra: Zup: American chocolate. WIth raisins and nuts.
Zup: LaZ: I politely decline then. I STILL KNOW NOTHINK'!
LaZorra: Zup: How about if I let you borrow the general suit so you can get a date with that pretty fraulein at the hofbrau?
Zup: LaZorra: Hmmmm....veeeery interistink.
* Zup takes LaZorra up on her offer, but she escapes behind his back! Ohno! HOGAAAANNN...I mean, LAZORRRRRRAAA!
LaZorra: hehehe
* ThePhan comes back from talking with her parents to discover she was a plant. Whoa.
* LaZorra waters ThePhan.
* Nyperold talks to ThePhan.
* Crystal109 plays music to ThePhan.
ThePhan: Feed me, Seymour, feed me now!
* Sam watches ThePhan blossom into a beautiful flowering tree.
* LuckyWizard finds a nice corner that could use a plant, and puts ThePhan there.
* Crystal109 wants ThePhan in her corner!
ThePhan: LW: You might have to untie me from this chair first. Heh.
MathBot: Question (use /b): List the prime factors of 99
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer 3, 3, 11.
: ...
MathBot: Question (use /b): Solve for x: -2x + 48 = 52
: Ricky, do you know anything about a man named Sheldon Harris?
: I, uh...well, I don't think so....
Zup: Wait, Harris?
LaZorra: LOL
Zup: sharris came in here earlier!
DemanusFlint: SHARRIS?!
LaZorra: sharris07! He was spying on us!
Crystal109: OH MY GOSH.
DemanusFlint: As long as Scruffy's not involved...
Crystal109: The plot grows thicker.
ThePhan: LOL
* Zup is pretty sure Scruffy's not involved...I mean, he was weight lifting tonight...
Maryam: Zup: That's just what he wants you to think.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer -2.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Reduce the following fraction: 12 / 240
[Sam->Zup] THANK you SO much for noticing that. I was half worried that one would slip by.
DemanusFlint: And how about ssidney70?
[Zup->Sam] No prob!
Sam: I'll tell you a story about ssidney70 later.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 1 / 20.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Which digit occurs only once in these numbers? 3024813, 5018752, 2699473
* Zup has stopped paying attention to the bot.
Revan: DF: Me too.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 6.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 6.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer 6.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 6.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 6.
MathBot: nessachan wins a point with answer 6.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 6.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 6.
Gharlane: ack.
Crystal109: AHHHHH I was distracted!
: Well, Sheldon knows you, and he's got some kind of grudge against your family. I don't know why. But he blackmailed me into helping him con you out of your money. I was to flirt with you, get close to you, get you to marry me, then disappear in the night with whatever assets I could lay my hands on, everything from joint checking accounts to the silverware.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Solve for x: 1x + 41 = 51
: But I can't do it, Ricky, I can't. Not even to save my sister.
Ciaran: Woo Janet!
Crystal109: Awwwww.
Revan: Hehe.
Revan: Wow, really? You can't steal from an idiot to save your sister? You suck.
SorrowMan: Is this a true story?
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 10.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 10.
DemanusFlint: duh
Crystal109: SorrowMan: Yes, of course.
* LaZorra cracks up.
Counterpoint: SM: It's based on my life.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing operators: (6 ? (8 ? 2)) ? 2 = 30
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer x + /.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer x + /.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer x + /.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer x + /.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer x + /.
: Because you love me.
: Yes, because I lo--
: Ricky? Ricky, why don't you look surprised?
: You already know, don't you?
LaZorra: Oooh.
Crystal109: OH MY GOSH the plot is thicker.
Zup: Birdkiller, baby!
Ciaran: Yay Archie!
MathBot: Question (use /b): Solve for x: -3x - 88 = -52
Crystal109: But what happened to Archie? =(
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer -12.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer -12.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer -12.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer -12.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer -12.
MathBot: DemanusFlint wins a point with answer -12.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer -12.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer -12.
nessachan: Archie had better be safe >:|
* Crystal109's pen is also running out of ink.
scruffy has entered.
Crystal109: SCRUFFY.
Zup: Hey Scruff!
Gharlane: Hi Scruffy!
MathBot: Question (use /b): Calculate: 369 + 95 + 443
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 907.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 907.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 907.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 907.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 907.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 907.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 907.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 907.
MathBot: nessachan wins a point with answer 907.
: Yes, Janet. I already know.
: But how...? ...... Archie. Archie found out and told you, didn't he?
Counterpoint: And now Archie is dead.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing operators: 3 ? ((1 ? 6) ? 0) = 21
* Ciaran decides to be different from everyone else in his answer.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer x + -.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer x + +.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer x + -.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer x + -.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer x + -.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer x + +.
Sam: Ci: You weren't!
Ciaran: Oh, apart from some.
LaZorra: HAH
Crystal109: Ciaran: Heh.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Which digit does not occur in these numbers? 3468449, 2898356, 6305047
: Digits? I got digits.
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: hehehe
Gharlane: LOL
Randy: LOL
* nessachan definitely does NOT want his digits
* Counterpoint is having fun imagining an MST3K overlay to the proceedings.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: nessachan wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 1.
MathBot: scruffy wins a point with answer 1.
: Yes, Archie overheard you in your dressing room last night and told me after the session was over. But I knew even before that. You see, I overheard you myself.
Crystal109: WOW we didn't see that!
LaZorra: Oooh. That left hand doesn't obscure the eardrum on that side.
Zup: Ricardo and Sheldon are LONG LOST COUSINS
Crystal109: Ricardo is ARCHIE.
LaZorra: O.o o.O
Zup: All that and more, folks! If you want a wacky conspiracy theory, ask Zup! Zup! Providing quality, if outlandish, conspiracy theories at low, low prices!
Sam: Zup: LOL
LaZorra: hehe
MathBot: Question (use /b): Reduce the following fraction: 168 / 132
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 14 / 11.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 14 / 11.
Ciaran: Dang, one second too late :(
Ciaran: I had *just* calculated it.
MathBot: Question (use /b): List the prime factors of 295
Crystal109: I almost gave up at 56 / 44 heh.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 5, 59.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 5, 59.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 5, 59.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 5, 59.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 5, 59.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 5, 59.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 5, 59.
Sam: Zup: I'll take one about the CAN'T AFFORD lady.
Crystal109: Sam: You're have to PAY.
Zup: Who's she? Zup needs critical information before dispensing valuable (but cheap) conspiracy theories.
Sam: Are you really asking me that?
Counterpoint: Greenshirt lady.
LaZorra: The lady with the shirt that says "You can't afford me" and has a lazy eye?
* Zup can't remember...there's been so many strange pictures...
: You can't AFFORD MY conspiracy theories!
LaZorra: GAHH NO
Gharlane: LOL
LaZorra: How can you not remember that?
Zup: Ah, now I see.
Zup: Sam: The Can't Afford Lady is, in actually, Sam. Yes, the Sam we know and love is really that lady.
Zup: Or maybe, She's Sam from another dimension. Things get wacky in other dimensions.
Sam: Zup: I hate you.
Sam: *haet
LaZorra: hehehe
Randy: LOL
Zup: lol
* Maryam glues LaZorra back together.
MathBot: Question (use /b): Which digit occurs only once in these numbers? 6278009, 5980663, 6350087
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: Counterpoint wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: vballgirl wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: nessachan wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: Ciaran wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: scruffy wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: Zup wins a point with answer 2.
MathBot: Gharlane wins!
Crystal109: Whoooooo Gharlane!
Maryam: Yay Gharlane!
vballgirl: Congrats! No missed answers!
ThePhan: Yay Gharlane!
Randy: Go Ghar!
Ciaran: Yay Gharlane!
Counterpoint: Woo, congrats.
Nyperold: Woo, 24 points.
Zup: Yay GHAR
Crystal109: Respectable 3rd place heh.
: I was on my way to your dressing room to present you with three dozen red roses. I'm afraid they wound up in the garbage shortly afterward.
: ...But...but then why didn't you-- Ricky, that was before you proposed to me! Why on earth did you propose if you knew then what I was?
: And what are you, Janet, but the woman I love? Ok, what if I had accused you yesterday? The jig would have been up. You would have gone away, and I would have been left without you. Yes, I was hurt at first. It was a brave face I put on my opening remarks at yesterday's session. But ultimately it all came down to having you in my life or not. I love you, Janet. The choice was easy.
Crystal109: Awwwwww.
LaZorra: *hurk*
Crystal109: Lookit the sickeningly sweet discussion.
* Crystal109 hurls instead.
* Counterpoint hands LZ yet another bag.
nessachan: pffft you want a liar like her to mother your children?
Crystal109: I bet he HIRED Henrietta.
Gharlane: Forget all this, I want to know what happened to Archie!
nessachan: yeah, Archie is the true hero
Zup: Archie is the true VILLAIN you mean...he is Sheldon's personal lapdog...er, lapcat!
Nyperold: Archie is a cartoon character who attends Riverdale High.
Sam: Hmmm. Looks like our hosts are busy, busy, and absent, respectively.
Sam: Looks like I'd better introduce this next bot myself.
Crystal109: Forget the BOTS.
Crystal109: I want to know the story!
Ciaran: Yeah, I want to know about Archie...
Revan: He's dead. No saving him.
Randy: Arhie is NOT dead.
Randy: er...Arcie
Maryam: LOL Randy.
Sam: So, hey folks, the scores for the first two bots are posted. The next one is WhoBot.
Revan: WhoBot!
Sam: Also, we're getting close to the moment when we'll probably have to take a short break. That could be in a couple minutes, or another half hour. Not sure.
Sam: Anyway, WhoBot will be played to 30 points. Read the instructions for this one if you don't know how to play.
Maryam: Want to take a break now since it's a good stopping point?
Maryam: We can come back in like 45 minutes.
Sam: Maryam: Nah.
Maryam: Ok.
Sam: Besides, I want to find out what happened to Archie.
Sam: If at all possible.
Maryam: Hehe.
WhoBot has been summoned by Sam.
Crystal109: Quick, I need to get to know all of you in the next minute!
Counterpoint: Cry: I am 32 years old. I live in Botswana and I make wheelbarrows for a living. My family hit on hard times in 1983 when my wife found out about Desdemona.
Crystal109: CP: Heh thanks. =P
Counterpoint: Yes, I married when I was, uh, 8. :-P
DemanusFlint: Crystal: I'm fanatically religious, except for my strange tendencies to bury live animals. I'm half-Burmese, and all I eat is caramel icing.
Crystal109: LOL yeah uh-huh.
Crystal109: DF: Do you even know where Burma is? =P
DemanusFlint: I don't keep in touch with my dad, Crystal, and I'd prefer if you not bring up his homeland.
Crystal109: DF: Oh. Whoops. Sorry.
Zup: Crys: I live in Antarctica. I'm four years old and enjoy swimming with the penguins.
Crystal109: Zup: Are you a penguin? How cute. =P
Zup: Crys: How'd you guess? teehee!
Revan: Crystal: 43/f/Botswana
Gharlane: 15/f/ Nepal
Zup: My daddy's a sciencetists!
Ciaran: I'm Ciaran. I'm 15/f and I live in Antarctica.
Nyperold: Crys: I am actually Steve Martin.
Randy: I have a large tattoo of a snake on my back.
ThePhan: Crystal: I don't watch The Addams Family. That's all there is to know about me.
Crystal109: LOL You guys are awesome. =)
* Crystal109 is going to hold all of you to your stories.
* ThePhan is okay, then, because her story is true.
* LaZorra *is* CamouFairy.
Sam: LaZorra: You are SOOOOOOOOOOO dreeeeeeeeeeeamy.
Zup: How come LaZ didn't win at CFBot then?
LaZorra: Zup: Would have been too obvious.
Crystal109: LaZ: You sent a cow to spy on yourself?
* Sam sighs longingly.
LaZorra: Okay, I lie. But I did have a cow in my front yard.
Sam: Oh.
Sam: *ahem*
LaZorra: Sam: Get the hell away from me, you creep.
Sam: Right, sorry.
* LaZorra has cracked up so much tonight that she thinks it's permanent.
LaZorra: Tanks Mrrym, but ah hink oo gloo m' mot ta m' eer.
Maryam: LZ: Oops.
Maryam: LZ: At least we'll know which ones are your answers.
LaZorra: Mmm.
Crystal109: Maryam: Heh. Good plan.
* Randy is typing with the lights off....
* Crystal109 is a touch typist. She thinks.
LaZorra: WhoBot is going to suck with this many people.
Sam: Up to date scores now: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=3
Sam: The Academic Class is officially over. Gharlane is the winner on both scales.
Maryam: Go Gharlane!
LaZorra: Whoo Gharlane!
vballgirl: Heavy-handed, huh Ghar?
Crystal109: Gharlane, you are cool.
Nyperold: That'd be an interesting variation, though.
Nyperold: The bot gives you an alter-ego and you answer as him or her.
Counterpoint: Nyp: That's like Let's Make a Date on Whose Line.
: *stunned* ...But...Ricky, you proposed to me? Would you have just let me steal from you and disappear?
: If that's what you would have done, yes. But I was rather hoping that you'd change your mind. I was rather hoping that you sensed what I sensed, that we were made for each other, that we were meant to be together.
nessachan: *headdesk*
LaZorra: He really is dense, isn't he?
Gharlane: Hehe.
Revan: She's going to just steal from him and disappear anyway, isn't she?
Maryam: I think it would have been smarter of Ricky just to not set up any joint accounts.
Sam: We will begin in one minute.
WhoBot: nessachan asks: What item in your refrigerator is most likely to go bad?
Crystal109: I'm totally guessing on all y'all.
Crystal109: Hehe I said y'all.
* Gharlane randomly guesses
Crystal109: I probably was way off but it's hard with so many respondents.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Skim milk.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: My vast collection of unhatched spider eggs.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: I have no idea; I don't really know what's in there, as I'm not the person who does that sort of thing much.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Well, ALL of it will go bad eventually... but the one likely to be in there the longest is any kind of leftover.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: I dunno, the human liver and sacrificial goat are both nearing their expiration dates.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: The milk. We don't drink enough, fast enough.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: cheddar cheese
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Red meat, because uh.. I don't eat red meat..
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: The cheese. Especially if I forget and get that one kind I don't really like.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Milk; we hardly use it.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: The garlic and onions and vegatables, if I have any say about it. Unfortunately, I don't.
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Milk most likely. Happens more than I'd like to admit.
WhoBot: Answer 13 is: Well, probably the stuff in the back that no one looks at. I dunno, I don't live here anymore.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) vballgirl, (B) ThePhan, (C) Randy, (D) nessachan, (E) Nyperold, (F) Gharlane, (G) Revan, (H) scruffy, (I) Counterpoint, (J) LaZorra, (K) Zup, (L) Crystal109, (M) Ciaran
Randy: OH! We were cleaning up the old place where we used to work. Found a month old pot of coffee.
Counterpoint: Randy: Did you drink it?
Randy: NO
Sam: hehehe
Sam: Hot chocolate is the nastiest smelling thing ever, after just leaving it out cold for no more than a few hours.
Eric: The nastiest smelling thing ever is when you have a knife or something that has peanut butter on it, and you get it wet.
Eric: For some reason that just makes this horrible, horrible smell.
Crystal109: The nastiest smelling thing ever is the dumpster.
Crystal109: Made me want to throw up.
WhoBot: Counterpoint (I) answered (1) Skim milk.
WhoBot: LaZorra (J) answered (2) My vast collection of unhatched spider eggs.
WhoBot: Ciaran (M) answered (3) I have no idea; I don't really know what's in there, as I'm not the person who does that sort of thing much.
WhoBot: ThePhan (B) answered (4) Well, ALL of it will go bad eventually... but the one likely to be in there the longest is any kind of leftover.
WhoBot: Revan (G) answered (5) I dunno, the human liver and sacrificial goat are both nearing their expiration dates.
WhoBot: vballgirl (A) answered (6) The milk. We don't drink enough, fast enough.
WhoBot: scruffy (H) answered (7) cheddar cheese
WhoBot: nessachan (D) answered (8) Red meat, because uh.. I don't eat red meat..
WhoBot: Nyperold (E) answered (9) The cheese. Especially if I forget and get that one kind I don't really like.
WhoBot: Gharlane (F) answered (10) Milk; we hardly use it.
WhoBot: Crystal109 (L) answered (11) The garlic and onions and vegatables, if I have any say about it. Unfortunately, I don't.
WhoBot: Randy (C) answered (12) Milk most likely. Happens more than I'd like to admit.
WhoBot: Zup (K) answered (13) Well, probably the stuff in the back that no one looks at. I dunno, I don't live here anymore.
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 5 points for guesses: A2, J3, B4, G5, D6, H7, C8, E9, F10, K11, L12, M13.
WhoBot: scruffy scores 2 points for guesses: C3, F5, A6, K9, L11.
WhoBot: Zup scores 2 points for guesses: A1, E2, I3, D4, M5, L6, H7, B8, C9, F10, G11, J12.
WhoBot: Ciaran scores 1 point for guesses: D1, K2, H7, F8, I12.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 1 point for guesses: E1, C2, H3, F4, G5, D6, I7, J8, B9, A10, K12, M13.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 1 point for guesses: A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, G6, H7, I8, J9, K10.
WhoBot: Revan scores 1 point for guesses: A1, J2, L3, E4, M6, C7, H8, K9, B10, D11, F12, I13.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 1 point for guesses: A1, K5, D7, L8, J9, C12, M13.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 1 point for guesses: J1, M2, G3, F4, K5, H7, D10, C11, I12, B13.
WhoBot: nessachan scores 0 points for guesses: A1, K2, C4, J5, F7, B9, E10, G11, H12, I13.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 0 points for guesses: K7.
WhoBot: Randy scores 0 points for guesses: B3, J5.
: Ricky, you fool. You poor, romantic fool.
Counterpoint: Whoa, cool.
Crystal109: Lol the one I got was a total guess.
Maryam: Oh man, you can't guess if you didn't submit an answer?
Sam: Right. You can't score unless you give others an opportunity to score off you.
Counterpoint: Maryam: Right, so you can't score free points.
Maryam: I guess that makes sense.
: Well I was right, wasn't I? You wouldn't have told me what you just told me unless you loved me, too. And that's the other reason I couldn't accuse you yesterday. Doing so would have deprived you of the chance to redeem yourself by coming clean. We couldn't have been together then. You wouldn't have forgiven yourself, and I wouldn't ever be able to trust you, though I'd have loved you foolishly all the same. But it's different now, don't you see? We can be together.
Crystal109: Oh, Ricky. You poor, poor, fool.
WhoBot: Ciaran asks: Name a simple thing that you are unable to do.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: I cannot stand on my head.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: A cartwheel. I have no gymnastic ability. I bet *you* could all do cartwheels when you were kids. Hmph.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: I cannot hammer a nail very well
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Nothing. I can do EVERYTHING. ... Actually, I can't exactly cook much.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: I can't roll my tongue into a tube. :(
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Swim. Or, sometimes, walk without bumping into things.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: I can't whistle. Well, I can a little, but only one note and it's not really whistling as much as it is looking stupid.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: I can't cross my eyes or whistle.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Lick my elbow. I just....can't....quite....reach...
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Snap the fingers on my right hand.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Ride a bicycle.
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Listen to music from the Spice Girls.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Maryam, (B) Ciaran, (C) Eric, (D) ThePhan, (E) Randy, (F) Gharlane, (G) Crystal109, (H) Revan, (I) Zup, (J) vballgirl, (K) Counterpoint, (L) nessachan
Eric: vote 11c
Eric: Um, oops.
Nyperold: Not I, #2.
Ciaran: Well, I know my thing was wrong now.
Eric: Number 9: No one can. Except me.
Crystal109: Heh. My system is I try for the first few and then the rest I just guess.
Crystal109: Randomly.
Counterpoint: I don't know any of you.
WhoBot: vballgirl (J) answered (1) I cannot stand on my head.
WhoBot: Counterpoint (K) answered (2) A cartwheel. I have no gymnastic ability. I bet *you* could all do cartwheels when you were kids. Hmph.
WhoBot: Randy (E) answered (3) I cannot hammer a nail very well
WhoBot: Crystal109 (G) answered (4) Nothing. I can do EVERYTHING. ... Actually, I can't exactly cook much.
WhoBot: nessachan (L) answered (5) I can't roll my tongue into a tube. :(
WhoBot: ThePhan (D) answered (6) Swim. Or, sometimes, walk without bumping into things.
WhoBot: Ciaran (B) answered (7) I can't whistle. Well, I can a little, but only one note and it's not really whistling as much as it is looking stupid.
WhoBot: Maryam (A) answered (8) I can't cross my eyes or whistle.
WhoBot: Zup (I) answered (9) Lick my elbow. I just....can't....quite....reach...
WhoBot: Gharlane (F) answered (10) Snap the fingers on my right hand.
WhoBot: Eric (C) answered (11) Ride a bicycle.
WhoBot: Revan (H) answered (12) Listen to music from the Spice Girls.
WhoBot: Randy scores 2 points for guesses: I1, D2, B6, A7, G8, F9, C11, H12.
WhoBot: Revan scores 2 points for guesses: B1, G2, L3, D4, J5, E6, A7, I8, K9, F10, C11.
WhoBot: Zup scores 2 points for guesses: F1, L2, H3, G4, E5, K6, C7, A8, B10, J11, D12.
WhoBot: Ciaran scores 1 point for guesses: F2, E4, I5, G9, C11.
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 1 point for guesses: A1, B3, F4, D5, L6, G7, J8, H9, E10, C11, I12.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 1 point for guesses: F1, D2, B3, H5, I6, A7, J8, E9, K10, C11, L12.
WhoBot: Maryam scores 1 point for guesses: F1, D2, L3, H4, J5, B6, C7, I9, E10, K11, G12.
WhoBot: nessachan scores 1 point for guesses: B1, E2, C3, A4, D6, F7, K8, G9, H10, I11, J12.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 1 point for guesses: J1, G2, L3, H4, A7, E8, B9, C10, I12.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 1 point for guesses: I2, H3, F4, L5, E6, G7, B8, D9, K10, A11, C12.
WhoBot: Eric scores 0 points for guesses: E12.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 0 points for guesses: A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, G6, H7, I8, J9, K10, L11.
Sam: Oh. I just realized, I had originally scheduled CrackBot for tonight and swapped it with MathBot. We would have done WhoBot and CrackBot on the same night. Eesh. Serious burn out in that event.
: Ricky, how can you talk about being together? I just told you I was playing you for your money.
: Yes, at first. But it's different now, and you've proven it by confessing. You love me now, don't you?
: ...Yes, Ricky, I love you now.
: So what's the problem?
Revan: The problem is the big muscular guy who's pullin' the strings!
Nyperold: The problem is, if she doesn't follow through...
Revan: Also the problem is you have to break the news that you KILLED ARCHIE while still having him love you!
WhoBot: Randy asks (custom question): What is the best dream you've ever had?
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: The one I had the other night, in which the characters from "The Wild Wild West" pulled off a Sting-like heist in a modern strip mall.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: That I met my guardian angel.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Don't dream much.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: That's private information, mister!
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: My best dream was a whole plot of me going to a School of Evil. It was really quite fun.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Being a character in Grease
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: A lucid one.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: No idea: I don't usually remember them.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Once I dreamed that I was really, really angry. Except I knew it was a dream and nothing I did would have any consequences in real life. So I went around and smashed everything in sight and hit everyone. I woke up feeling much better.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: I dreamt that the people I cared for were all together and happy. It was awesome
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: I love flying dreams. Flying on my own is something which would be so awesome to do if I could.
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: I dreamed that **********************************
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Crystal109, (B) Counterpoint, (C) scruffy, (D) Gharlane, (E) ThePhan, (F) vballgirl, (G) Eric, (H) LaZorra, (I) Zup, (J) nessachan, (K) Randy, (L) Ciaran
WhoBot: LaZorra (H) answered (1) The one I had the other night, in which the characters from "The Wild Wild West" pulled off a Sting-like heist in a modern strip mall.
WhoBot: Counterpoint (B) answered (2) That I met my guardian angel.
WhoBot: vballgirl (F) answered (3) Don't dream much.
WhoBot: Zup (I) answered (4) That's private information, mister!
WhoBot: Crystal109 (A) answered (5) My best dream was a whole plot of me going to a School of Evil. It was really quite fun.
WhoBot: scruffy (C) answered (6) Being a character in Grease
WhoBot: nessachan (J) answered (7) A lucid one.
WhoBot: Gharlane (D) answered (8) No idea: I don't usually remember them.
WhoBot: ThePhan (E) answered (9) Once I dreamed that I was really, really angry. Except I knew it was a dream and nothing I did would have any consequences in real life. So I went around and smashed everything in sight and hit everyone. I woke up feeling much better.
WhoBot: Randy (K) answered (10) I dreamt that the people I cared for were all together and happy. It was awesome
WhoBot: Ciaran (L) answered (11) I love flying dreams. Flying on my own is something which would be so awesome to do if I could.
WhoBot: Eric (G) answered (12) I dreamed that **********************************
WhoBot: nessachan scores 4 points for guesses: H1, L2, C3, A4, I5, E6, D8, B9, K10, F11, G12.
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 2 points for guesses: H1, D3, E4, C5, G6, K7, F8, I9, A10, L11, J12.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 2 points for guesses: L2, A3, I4, B5, K6, D7, E9, C12.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 2 points for guesses: G1, C2, E4, J5, I6, H7, D8, K9, B10, L11, A12.
WhoBot: Ciaran scores 1 point for guesses: B1, D4, G7, J9, K10, C12.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 1 point for guesses: B1, E2, J3, K6, C7, D8, G9, F10, H11, I12.
WhoBot: Randy scores 1 point for guesses: H1, C2, A3, B4, E6, F9, D12.
WhoBot: Eric scores 0 points for guesses: K1, F2, D3, H4, E5, B9, A10.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 0 points for guesses: A1, C2, B3, F5, E6, I7, H9, J10, K11, L12.
WhoBot: scruffy scores 0 points for guesses: D1, J3, B5, H6, F7, I8, G10, A12.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 0 points for guesses: D1, A2, G3, H4, L5, J6, B7, I8, F10, K11, C12.
WhoBot: Zup scores 0 points for guesses: G1, J2, B3, E5, F6, K7, L8, A9, D10, H11, C12.
ThePhan: I SUCK. Oh well.
Gharlane: It's hard playing with this many people.
: Ricky, you are more than I deserve.
Zup: Ack, pthbbbt.
Zup: And yes, I dare give you the raspberry!
: Nonsense. I'd have done the same thing for Ivy, if it ever came to it. That is, if I didn't crack under the pressure first, but you didn't. You obviously love your sister very much, and it does you credit. Now, what's this Sheldon got on her?
WhoBot: vballgirl asks: What would you never eat for breakfast?
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Bacon (allergic)
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: I could never eat chicken noodle soup for breakfast.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: YOR HED
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Bugs. I would never eat bugs for breakfast. Or lunch, or dinner, for that matter.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: asbestos.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Fried eyeballs...with garlic....and nonfat cottage cheese.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Pickles. But that's because I hate pickles in general. Nastiness.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: A Loaded Omelet.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Steak. One, it's too filling. Two, I don't eat red meat.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Eggs because they are disgusting and I hate them.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Boudan sausage. It is made out of the spiciest stuff imaginable. ITS SCARY HOT.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) nessachan, (B) Randy, (C) Nyperold, (D) Eric, (E) Counterpoint, (F) vballgirl, (G) Crystal109, (H) LaZorra, (I) Gharlane, (J) Zup, (K) Revan
Maryam: Dang, I keep not having time to formulate my answers.
ThePhan: HEY. I was too late submitting. Alas, alas.
Crystal109: DARN. I forgot to check who was the vegetarian.
Crystal109: I remember there was a vegetarian in another previous round too.
* Maryam is betting it's someone else this time.
ThePhan: It wasn't me.
* ThePhan is helpful.
Crystal109: TP: For future ref, are you vegetarian?
ThePhan: I am not.
WhoBot: nessachan (A) answered (1) Bacon (allergic)
WhoBot: vballgirl (F) answered (2) I could never eat chicken noodle soup for breakfast.
WhoBot: LaZorra (H) answered (3) YOR HED
WhoBot: Crystal109 (G) answered (4) Bugs. I would never eat bugs for breakfast. Or lunch, or dinner, for that matter.
WhoBot: Revan (K) answered (5) asbestos.
WhoBot: Gharlane (I) answered (6) Fried eyeballs...with garlic....and nonfat cottage cheese.
WhoBot: Zup (J) answered (7) Pickles. But that's because I hate pickles in general. Nastiness.
WhoBot: Nyperold (C) answered (8) A Loaded Omelet.
WhoBot: Counterpoint (E) answered (9) Steak. One, it's too filling. Two, I don't eat red meat.
WhoBot: Eric (D) answered (10) Eggs because they are disgusting and I hate them.
WhoBot: Randy (B) answered (11) Boudan sausage. It is made out of the spiciest stuff imaginable. ITS SCARY HOT.
WhoBot: Revan scores 3 points for guesses: A1, B2, H3, D4, G6, F7, C8, I9, J10, E11.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 2 points for guesses: F1, H2, J3, I5, D6, E7, C8, A9, K10, B11.
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 1 point for guesses: D1, A2, G3, C4, K5, J6, F7, B8, H10, I11.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 1 point for guesses: A1, B2, D3, C4, E5, F7, G8, H9, J10, K11.
WhoBot: nessachan scores 1 point for guesses: B2, E3, C4, D5, I6, F7, J8, G9, K10, H11.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 1 point for guesses: H3, A5, K11.
WhoBot: Randy scores 1 point for guesses: C1, G2, A3, I4, J6, F7, E8, H9, D10.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 1 point for guesses: C1, J3, K4, A5, D6, B7, H8, E9, G10, I11.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 0 points for guesses: B1, E2, A5, C6, D7, K10, J11.
WhoBot: Zup scores 0 points for guesses: B1, I2, K3, H4, C5, E6, D8, A9, F10, G11.
* Counterpoint isn't actually vegetarian. He just doesn't eat beef.
* Zup continues to not score.
: *sigh* You have to understand. Sandy -- my sister -- is a...special child. Well, I guess she's no longer a child, but I still think of her that way. I raised her myself, you know. She's more a daughter than a sister. Our parents died when we were very young, and we went from foster home to foster home as one foster parent after another found Sandy too much to handle. She...lives in her own world. She needs very special care. I think I'm the only one that understands her.
Maryam: Ha, I was right.
: One night, she ran away, wandered the streets for a while, and a strange man tried to take advantage of her. She killed him and ran away. I'm sure she didn't mean to. When I found her, she was crying, with blood all over her hands. She told me everything, and that was the last time she ever admitted to remembering what happened.
Crystal109: Awwwww.
Counterpoint: Whoa.
Crystal109: I bet there's a twist and Sandy was framed.
Gharlane: Wow, that sounds like something out of Raymond Chandler, heh.
* Crystal109 wants to see Sandy.
* ThePhan wants to... Crystal said it first. Goodness, she can't say ANYTHING first tonight.
Revan: Sandy is probably the weird goth chick in the purple whatever-the-heck-it-was.
Eric: The man she killed WAS RICARDO'S BROTHER
WhoBot: Nyperold asks: What would you look for at a garage sale?
* Counterpoint's is going to be so obvious.
* Revan was going to go back and put "asbestos a second time." for the previous round, but it was too late.
* Crystal109's answer will be pretty easy to guess...if no one else says the same thing, she guesses.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Old video game systems. Either that or new kitchenware.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: A record player or a manual typewriter.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: I hate garage sales.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Books. I can't resist books.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Garages - not to buy, obviously.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Books, music, or board games.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Videogames. What, garage sales have other things?
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Suitable hosts to feed upon to join the legion of the vampires.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Old LPs of obscure classical music, old math textbooks, perhaps an Apple II, and old computer text games.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Dolls, toys, books, pixieware, kitschy stuff, vintage clothing, whatever, I love Garage Sales :D
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Interesting books.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Maryam, (B) Ciaran, (C) nessachan, (D) Zup, (E) ThePhan, (F) Revan, (G) vballgirl, (H) Eric, (I) Counterpoint, (J) Gharlane, (K) Crystal109
Crystal109: LOL I got left with the most unlikely person for 8.
Crystal109: Or maybe that person is likely, and I didn't know.
Crystal109: My apologies to that person if you are that kind of person.
WhoBot: Maryam (A) answered (1) Old video game systems. Either that or new kitchenware.
WhoBot: Eric (H) answered (2) A record player or a manual typewriter.
WhoBot: vballgirl (G) answered (3) I hate garage sales.
WhoBot: Crystal109 (K) answered (4) Books. I can't resist books.
WhoBot: Ciaran (B) answered (5) Garages - not to buy, obviously.
WhoBot: ThePhan (E) answered (6) Books, music, or board games.
WhoBot: Zup (D) answered (7) Videogames. What, garage sales have other things?
WhoBot: Revan (F) answered (8) Suitable hosts to feed upon to join the legion of the vampires.
WhoBot: Counterpoint (I) answered (9) Old LPs of obscure classical music, old math textbooks, perhaps an Apple II, and old computer text games.
WhoBot: nessachan (C) answered (10) Dolls, toys, books, pixieware, kitschy stuff, vintage clothing, whatever, I love Garage Sales :D
WhoBot: Gharlane (J) answered (11) Interesting books.
WhoBot: Ciaran scores 4 points for guesses: F1, H2, A3, D7, K8, I9, C10.
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 3 points for guesses: A1, E2, H3, C4, B5, D6, J7, F8, K10, G11.
WhoBot: Maryam scores 3 points for guesses: E2, H3, K4, D5, G6, I7, F8, J9, C10, B11.
WhoBot: Eric scores 2 points for guesses: A4, B5, D7, E8, J9, I10.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 2 points for guesses: F1, I2, A3, G4, K5, B6, D7, H8, E9, C10.
WhoBot: Revan scores 2 points for guesses: E1, B2, H3, A4, J5, K6, G7, I9, C10, D11.
WhoBot: Zup scores 2 points for guesses: B1, F2, H3, G4, C5, E6, K8, I9, J10, A11.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 1 point for guesses: J1, B2, F3, I5, G6, D7, C8, H9, E10, A11.
WhoBot: nessachan scores 1 point for guesses: K1, F2, J3, A4, I5, B6, D7, E8, H9, G11.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 1 point for guesses: B1, I2, A3, K4, H5, F7, D8, J9, G10, C11.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 1 point for guesses: C1, D2, E4, I5, J6, H7, F8, B9, K10, A11.
Ciaran: Oh hey, I got points :O
ThePhan: Whenever I say "I got a point" I hear it in my sister's voice. She was once putting on a play with my other sisters where she was just supposed to be an extra who's fishing, but at one point she just couldn't keep from talking anymore and screamed, "I GOT A FISH!" So that's what it always sounds like in my head.
ThePhan: End of random story.
Maryam: Crys: That conversation last night totally helped me score a point today.
Crystal109: Maryam: You totally didn't help me. LOL. =P
Maryam: Heh, sorry!
Maryam: Most people tend not to read the kind of stuff I do.
nessachan: I thought Crystal would say "crystal" if it was going to be easy to guess!
Crystal109: Hah, no. My screen name isn't based on the physical crystal.
Counterpoint: Wow, I must not make my presence known in Chat if people don't realize that the three centers of my life are math, music, and text games.
Zup: CP: I knew. I knew.
LaZorra: Cp: I guessed it, but I didn't submit an answer, so it didn't take it.
WhoBot: ThePhan asks: How emotional are you?
* Gharlane thinks the Phamily would be fun to know, hehe.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Not very. In fact, I tend to be very unemotional. But I do have emotions, don't get me wrong.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: I cry at a good movie or when I'm angry.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Depending on the moment, not very or extremely emotional. ... That didn't help, did it?
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: *cries*
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Usually not very, but I can be.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: I'm obviously just a big emo kid. http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a168/piperpup/emo.jpg
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: I have two emotions: Calm and silly, and cynical and cranky.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: I act pretty emotional but I'm never sure if I actually feel them.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Averagely, I suppose. Boring, I know.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Not very, at least around other people. But, man, you should see my journal.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Depends. Have you broken my heart lately?
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: I used to be really really really emotional. Then in middle school and high school I hardened up and feared that I would never be in touch with my emotions again. Recent events, however, have shown (thankfully) that I've retained some of my old characteristics.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) vballgirl, (B) Maryam, (C) nessachan, (D) Gharlane, (E) Eric, (F) Revan, (G) Ciaran, (H) Nyperold, (I) Crystal109, (J) LaZorra, (K) Zup, (L) Counterpoint
ThePhan: /b I have a tendency to acknowledge and analyze all my emotions but then shove them off to the side. So I'm .... HEY! I wanted to submit something!
Sam: Awww, heh.
WhoBot: Ciaran (G) answered (1) Not very. In fact, I tend to be very unemotional. But I do have emotions, don't get me wrong.
WhoBot: vballgirl (A) answered (2) I cry at a good movie or when I'm angry.
WhoBot: Crystal109 (I) answered (3) Depending on the moment, not very or extremely emotional. ... That didn't help, did it?
WhoBot: nessachan (C) answered (4) *cries*
WhoBot: Gharlane (D) answered (5) Usually not very, but I can be.
WhoBot: Revan (F) answered (6) I'm obviously just a big emo kid. http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a168/piperpup/emo.jpg
WhoBot: LaZorra (J) answered (7) I have two emotions: Calm and silly, and cynical and cranky.
WhoBot: Maryam (B) answered (8) I act pretty emotional but I'm never sure if I actually feel them.
WhoBot: Nyperold (H) answered (9) Averagely, I suppose. Boring, I know.
WhoBot: Eric (E) answered (10) Not very, at least around other people. But, man, you should see my journal.
WhoBot: Zup (K) answered (11) Depends. Have you broken my heart lately?
WhoBot: Counterpoint (L) answered (12) I used to be really really really emotional. Then in middle school and high school I hardened up and feared that I would never be in touch with my emotions again. Recent events, however, have shown (thankfully) that I've retained some of my old characteristics.
WhoBot: Maryam scores 5 points for guesses: I2, C4, F6, J7, H9, E11, L12.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 4 points for guesses: L1, A2, B3, C4, F6, J7.
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 2 points for guesses: D1, I2, C3, A4, B5, K6, J7, F8, H9, G10, E11.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 2 points for guesses: E1, A2, K4, B5, L6, G7, C8, H9, J10, D11, F12.
WhoBot: Revan scores 2 points for guesses: H1, E2, I3, L4, A5, G7, B8, J9, K10, C11, D12.
WhoBot: Ciaran scores 1 point for guesses: B4, E6, J7, K12.
WhoBot: Eric scores 1 point for guesses: B1, D2, A4, G5, J6, I11, L12.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 1 point for guesses: K1, B2, A3, L5, F6, G11, E12.
WhoBot: nessachan scores 1 point for guesses: D1, I2, B3, G5, J6, A7, H9, F10, E12.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 0 points for guesses: C1, H2, L3, A4, B6, E7, I8, K9, G10, F11, J12.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 0 points for guesses: I1, G3, J4, H5, E6, L7, C8, K9, D10, F11, B12.
WhoBot: Zup scores 0 points for guesses: E1, J2, H3, F4, G5, C6, L7, I8, B10, D11, A12.
Maryam: Oh wow. And I didn't even finish guessing.
Crystal109: Maryam: Wow.
LaZorra: Maryam: NICE.
: I couldn't turn her over to the police, Ricky, don't you see? She couldn't have gone through that, and they wouldn't have understood her anyway. She'd have been locked away for sure. But a few days later, Sheldon appeared. He'd seen everything, he said, and he played us a tape of the incident to prove it.
Crystal109: Who carries around a recorder randomly?
Eric: Crystal: Perverts and weirdos.
Nyperold: A reed musician?
Eric: Har har
nessachan: guys named sheldon
Crystal109: Sheldon certainly is a weirdo.
WhoBot: Maryam asks: What was the happiest year of your life?
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: 2005.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: 2005, the year I finished high school and started college.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Every year I don't get everyone killed in a collision. Honestly, I couldn't suck more at driving if I tried.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: My junior year of high school. I felt the most connected to my friends and family that year, without the responsibilities of adulthood.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Not sure. My life, or my life *so far*? If the former, I'll wait to amswer. If the latter... don't know that either. Meh.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: 2002. I had a great time traveling, I got myself a lady-friend, and I finally accepted certain things about myself I'd been avoiding for a long time.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: I got married in 1998; 'nuff said. :)
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: When my baby was born. It was also the most sleep depraved year of my life.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: The happiest year of my life is this one, so far. I finally feel like I have my life on track.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: I'm hoping it hasn't happened yet...
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Age 3.Then I became conscious of my actions, and all hell broke loose.
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: My happiest year was in second grade. That would be my 7th year. My teacher was awesome, and I lived like Hakuna Matata was my life story.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Revan, (B) Zup, (C) vballgirl, (D) Ciaran, (E) Maryam, (F) nessachan, (G) Crystal109, (H) Counterpoint, (I) Gharlane, (J) LaZorra, (K) ThePhan, (L) Eric
Nyperold: Depraved sleeping?
Counterpoint: One person here is older than I realized.
Sam: Somebody's older than 3?
WhoBot: LaZorra (J) answered (1) 2005.
WhoBot: Counterpoint (H) answered (2) 2005, the year I finished high school and started college.
WhoBot: Revan (A) answered (3) Every year I don't get everyone killed in a collision. Honestly, I couldn't suck more at driving if I tried.
WhoBot: ThePhan (K) answered (4) My junior year of high school. I felt the most connected to my friends and family that year, without the responsibilities of adulthood.
WhoBot: Ciaran (D) answered (5) Not sure. My life, or my life *so far*? If the former, I'll wait to amswer. If the latter... don't know that either. Meh.
WhoBot: Eric (L) answered (6) 2002. I had a great time traveling, I got myself a lady-friend, and I finally accepted certain things about myself I'd been avoiding for a long time.
WhoBot: Gharlane (I) answered (7) I got married in 1998; 'nuff said. :)
WhoBot: vballgirl (C) answered (8) When my baby was born. It was also the most sleep depraved year of my life.
WhoBot: Maryam (E) answered (9) The happiest year of my life is this one, so far. I finally feel like I have my life on track.
WhoBot: nessachan (F) answered (10) I'm hoping it hasn't happened yet...
WhoBot: Zup (B) answered (11) Age 3.Then I became conscious of my actions, and all hell broke loose.
WhoBot: Crystal109 (G) answered (12) My happiest year was in second grade. That would be my 7th year. My teacher was awesome, and I lived like Hakuna Matata was my life story.
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 4 points for guesses: B1, L3, E4, D5, I6, J7, C8, K9, F10, A11, G12.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 3 points for guesses: J1, K2, L3, F4, B5, H6, D7, C8, E9, I10, A11.
WhoBot: Eric scores 2 points for guesses: B2, E3, H4, D5, J7, C8, K10.
WhoBot: Maryam scores 2 points for guesses: K2, F4, H6, I7, C8, A11, B12.
WhoBot: Revan scores 2 points for guesses: B1, D2, C4, J5, L6, H7, I8, E9, G10, K11, F12.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 1 point for guesses: A3, B4, D6, C7, I8, E12.
WhoBot: nessachan scores 1 point for guesses: D1, E2, J3, G4, B5, I6, K7, C8, L9, H11, A12.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 1 point for guesses: L1, E2, G3, H5, B6, F7, C8, I9, J10, A11, D12.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 1 point for guesses: G1, D2, L3, F4, H5, E6, I7, B9, J10, K11, A12.
WhoBot: Ciaran scores 0 points for guesses: L1, H6, F8, I10, J11.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 0 points for guesses: A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, J6, F8, K9, G10, H11, L12.
WhoBot: Zup scores 0 points for guesses: L1, D2, K3, F4, A5, H6, E7, I8, C9, G10, J12.
Counterpoint: LZ: Incidentally, I know you weren't married in 1998. I think I typoed.
: He didn't ask for anything at first. He wasn't interested in money. He only wanted to hold it over our heads. But then one day he asked me for a favor, and that's where you come in.
* Gharlane is horrible at guessing or at keeping track of so many different people's answers.
: So if you agreed to swindle money out of me, he'd turn over the evidence on your sister, and you could go your separate ways.
: That's what he said. I didn't trust that he'd hold up his end of the bargain, but what else could I do?
WhoBot: Crystal109 asks: What's the most creative use for nightgowns?
Crystal109: Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Sam: LOL
LaZorra: Ummmm. . .
Maryam: Uh.
[Sam->LaZorra] Indian Barbie clothes!
[LaZorra->Sam] LOL LOL
Crystal109: AHHHHHHHHH.
Sam: Oh, wrong picture.
Eric: It still works!
Crystal109: I hate you, Juanita.
nessachan: lol that works too
Crystal109: I hate you with a passion.
Sam: Well, she works, too. She just doesn't say EEEEEEEEEE.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: White flags of surrender.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Well, they're one thing I'd never eat for breakfast.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Seatcovers for your car. Speaking of, I recently got my first one! hurrah!
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: As a sail to get you off of that deserted island. Assuming you have a raft or something.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Makeshift curtains.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Nightgowns are best for blocking the space under the door and putting out fires. No other use to them, really.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Scrapbooking. Because if it's in a scrapbook, it has to be creative, right? RIGHT?
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Wearing to sleep in. Gosh, what a novel idea.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: To commit suicide. Wear 'em to bed and they'll choke you by morning!
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: painting and putting over your bunker to create a screen so that enemy snipers can't pick off your entrenched troops.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Indian Barbie clothes.
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Using them as a fort cover?... o.O
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Counterpoint, (B) nessachan, (C) Zup, (D) ThePhan, (E) Ciaran, (F) Eric, (G) Nyperold, (H) Crystal109, (I) Maryam, (J) LaZorra, (K) vballgirl, (L) Revan
Crystal109: nessa: I need to get to know you better, because I'm consistently left with you at the end.
nessachan: hehe, that could be because I only ever show up for botting ;)
* ThePhan's last few are completely random guesses. Heh.
* LaZorra's are all random.
* Gharlane totally went braindead on that question.
WhoBot: Counterpoint (A) answered (1) White flags of surrender.
WhoBot: ThePhan (D) answered (2) Well, they're one thing I'd never eat for breakfast.
WhoBot: Zup (C) answered (3) Seatcovers for your car. Speaking of, I recently got my first one! hurrah!
WhoBot: Nyperold (G) answered (4) As a sail to get you off of that deserted island. Assuming you have a raft or something.
WhoBot: Eric (F) answered (5) Makeshift curtains.
WhoBot: Crystal109 (H) answered (6) Nightgowns are best for blocking the space under the door and putting out fires. No other use to them, really.
WhoBot: nessachan (B) answered (7) Scrapbooking. Because if it's in a scrapbook, it has to be creative, right? RIGHT?
WhoBot: Maryam (I) answered (8) Wearing to sleep in. Gosh, what a novel idea.
WhoBot: vballgirl (K) answered (9) To commit suicide. Wear 'em to bed and they'll choke you by morning!
WhoBot: Revan (L) answered (10) painting and putting over your bunker to create a screen so that enemy snipers can't pick off your entrenched troops.
WhoBot: LaZorra (J) answered (11) Indian Barbie clothes.
WhoBot: Ciaran (E) answered (12) Using them as a fort cover?... o.O
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 4 points for guesses: A1, C2, E3, F5, H6, I7, K8, L9, B10, J11, D12.
WhoBot: Ciaran scores 3 points for guesses: L1, B2, C3, D4, F5, G6, I7, A8, H9, K10, J11.
WhoBot: Maryam scores 3 points for guesses: A1, D2, H3, E4, K5, F6, G7, L9, C10, J11, B12.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 3 points for guesses: A1, B2, C3, L4, I5, F6, D7, J8, H10, G11, E12.
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 2 points for guesses: I2, B3, C4, G5, E6, F7, K8, H9, L10, J11, D12.
WhoBot: nessachan scores 2 points for guesses: C1, I2, E3, G4, A5, F6, H8, L9, D10, J11, K12.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 1 point for guesses: J1, A2, D3, I4, B5, K7, G8, E9, L10, F11, C12.
WhoBot: Zup scores 1 point for guesses: L1, A2, K4, J5, H6, I7, G8, F10, D11, B12.
WhoBot: Eric scores 0 points for guesses: B3, D4, K8, C9, A10, H12.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 0 points for guesses: D1, G2, L3, A4, I5, F6, E7, K8, C9, B10, H12.
WhoBot: Revan scores 0 points for guesses: H1, J2, I3, D4, G6, K7, A8.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 0 points for guesses: G1, H3, L4, E5, F6, I7, J8, C9, B10, A11, K12.
Ciaran: I didn't know most of them so I picked a few then randomly did all the rest.
Crystal109: I'm getting the hang of Revan's answers, heh.
nessachan: Maryam: I knew that was yours but I hit the wrong number
Sam: The problem is, my keyword for Henrietta is "crazed" and my keyword for Juanita is "hideous." So it's easy to swap the two around. Now that those characters have names, I should just change it to their names.
Crystal109: LOL crazed and hideous!
Maryam: LOL Sam!
Sam: Ok, my parents are here. I'll leave you with one more bit of the story, and then we'll take a 15-30 minute break.
WhoBot: Game is paused.
: Ricky, I've got to stop him. I don't know how. But I don't know what he'll do when he finds out I've betrayed him. I don't care what he does to me -- I've acted bossy and belligerent around him in case, if he ever does snap, he'll take it out on me instead of Sandy. But now I think he'd try to hurt both of us, just because he can. I have to stop him, Ricky.
: No, Janet. We have to stop him.
: No, Ricky -- you don't understand how dangerous he is. I've seen such cruelty in his eyes, it frightens me. Sandy and me, we're in this already. But don't put yourself in his line of fire, too!
* Counterpoint shoots Ricardo.
: There's no help for it. He's obviously got something against me already, to send you after me. I'm in this as much as you are. And to get out of it, we need to find him. Do you know where he can be found?
: I wish I did. But I only meet him where he arranges to meet me, and it's never the same place twice.
: Hmmm. We need to catch up with Archie.
: Oh. Um. Yes, about Archie....
Crystal109: OH NO. ARCHIE.
Revan: SAY IT.
* Crystal109 sobs.
Crystal109: Cliffhanger!
nessachan: GRRR
nessachan: ARCHIE
Eric: wait who's archie
So, it really wound up being more like a 62 minute break.
Sam: OK, I'M BACK.
Sam: Ok, we'll restart straight away.
Sam: And now, back to the Ultimate Bot Tournament....
WhoBot: Revan asks: Name something you'd hate to feminize.
Crystal109: I hope it only takes the last submission.
Crystal109: I had to clarify.
Sam: Yeah.
Eric: It does.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Demon Man, because one Henrietta is more than enough for the world.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Men, of course. That would defy the whole definition of female.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Myself.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: My body.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Cuff links. They look really good on men.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Hulk Hogan
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Myself.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: I don't think there is anything. I want to make everything associated with machoness sparkly pink because it just amuses me so.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: The Marlboro Man. It would just be wrong, somehow.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Shotguns. they'd probably be retrofitted to instantly apply makeup to someone's face from ten feet away. Poof!
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: My father. Because that's weird, creepy and gross. Why, oh why did I think of THAT?
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) nessachan, (B) Crystal109, (C) Eric, (D) Maryam, (E) Nyperold, (F) LaZorra, (G) 10Kan, (H) Zup, (I) Revan, (J) vballgirl, (K) Counterpoint
Eric: vote 4c
10Kan: vote 11
Crystal109: Okay, I can't exactly match anyone to 3 and 7 lol.
Eric: P.S. #10 I remember that episode of the Simpsons.
* LaZorra glares at the author of 10.
Maryam: I don't think I guessed any of these right.
Crystal109: Me neither.
: Oh yeah, babes. I'm all man, and I'm all yours. Or...you're all mine! Muhuhahahahaah!
Revan: Ugh, look at his face, it's... Ugh...
WhoBot: Nyperold (E) answered (1) Demon Man, because one Henrietta is more than enough for the world.
WhoBot: Crystal109 (B) answered (2) Men, of course. That would defy the whole definition of female.
WhoBot: Counterpoint (K) answered (3) Myself.
WhoBot: Eric (C) answered (4) My body.
WhoBot: vballgirl (J) answered (5) Cuff links. They look really good on men.
WhoBot: nessachan (A) answered (6) Hulk Hogan
WhoBot: 10Kan (G) answered (7) Myself.
WhoBot: Maryam (D) answered (8) I don't think there is anything. I want to make everything associated with machoness sparkly pink because it just amuses me so.
WhoBot: LaZorra (F) answered (9) The Marlboro Man. It would just be wrong, somehow.
WhoBot: Revan (I) answered (10) Shotguns. they'd probably be retrofitted to instantly apply makeup to someone's face from ten feet away. Poof!
WhoBot: Zup (H) answered (11) My father. Because that's weird, creepy and gross. Why, oh why did I think of THAT?
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 4 points for guesses: A1, B2, H4, J5, D6, E7, G8, C9, I10, F11.
WhoBot: Zup scores 4 points for guesses: G1, A2, K3, C4, J5, I6, E7, F9, B10.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 3 points for guesses: D1, K3, C4, F5, E6, H7, G8, J9, I10, A11.
WhoBot: Maryam scores 3 points for guesses: B1, J2, E3, C4, K5, A6, H7, G9, I10, F11.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 2 points for guesses: D1, B2, A6, C8.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 2 points for guesses: B2, F5, D8, G10.
WhoBot: nessachan scores 1 point for guesses: I1, J2, K3, H4, E5, C7, F8, D9, G10, B11.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 1 point for guesses: I1, B2, H3, A4, K6, D7, E8, G9, C10, F11.
WhoBot: 10Kan scores 0 points for guesses: F1, J2.
WhoBot: Eric scores 0 points for guesses: H3, E7, B8, F11.
WhoBot: Revan scores 0 points for guesses: C1, A2, H3, K4, D5, F6, E7, B8, G9, J11.
Crystal109: nessa: Once again, you were at the end of my guessing sequence. =(
LaZorra: Man, didn't finish guessing.
10Kan: Me neither.
Counterpoint: Eric: Wow, I thought you were lying.
Counterpoint: About vote 4c.
: Archie's not here because I asked Archie to do a favor for me.
: A favor for you? I asked Archie to do a favor for me!
: Yes, yes, you each asked me to do a favor. In fact, you asked me to do the same favor. Best of all, Janet bribed me with toys and food to do job I was already doing for Ricky. Thank you, Janet, the buttermilk was delicious.
Maryam: Archie!
nessachan: ARCHIE IS ALIVE!!!
Gharlane: Yay Archie!
nessachan: *snorgle*
10Kan: Wacky hijinks!
ThePhan: Archie!
Crystal109: ARCHIE
Eric: Janet?
* Crystal109 HUGS Archie!
WhoBot: LaZorra asks: You're just turning in for the night when you discover a big hairy spider on the bed. What do you do?
Eric: One time my sister's friend, who lives with us for some reason, called my cell phone from downstairs when I was in my room upstairs and asked me to come kill a spider on the stairs.
Counterpoint: That should say, "you discovered the CLOCK SPIDER on the bed."
Crystal109: Heh.
Eric: It wasn't that big of a spider. And our stairs are wide. But she refused to go upstairs while it was still there.
Crystal109: I like how spiders have to be hairy.
Crystal109: They aren't scary unless they're big and hairy.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Go wake up my brother and make him kill it. And then sleep downstairs anyway.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Move! No really, flip the blanket over it and smash the blanket with a shoe.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Scoop it onto a piece of paper, throw it outside, and go to bed.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Cry, in hopes of drowning it. Just kidding. Actually, I'd try to catch it in something to release it outside.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Chase it off, but don't kill it. If it's more than 2 inches in length, probably try to trap and release it.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Eat it. I mean, I'm supposed to eat 6 of them a night on accident, so I s'pose I can eat one then and only eat five while I'm asleep!
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Cuddle it like a teddy bear and go to sleep.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: I put on my slipper and STOMP the thing, then slide my foot across the sheet to make sure it's absolutely crushed in every way, take the sheet off, crumple it into a ball and only touch the underside where the spider wasn't sitting, put it in the dirty clothes hamper and sleep on the plain mattress that night.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Attempt to catch it and put it outside, and then sleep. What else?
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: I scream and make my mom kill the spider before resolving to sleep on the couch. Although since I seem to be getting a lot of strangely placed bug bites on me...I might already have arachnids in my bed. Scary thought.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Scream, run away screaming, shudder for several minutes, sleep in the spareroom, avoid my bedroom for several weeks
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Flick it off onto the floor and go to sleep.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) 10Kan, (B) nessachan, (C) Maryam, (D) Counterpoint, (E) Revan, (F) Eric, (G) LaZorra, (H) ThePhan, (I) Nyperold, (J) Zup, (K) vballgirl, (L) Crystal109
LaZorra: Dangit, I have chocolate on my shirt.
Crystal109: LOL @ 6.
Crystal109: And 7.
LaZorra: LOL
Gharlane: LOL
LaZorra: Put a shoe on, girl!
Crystal109: This is harder than I expected.
Revan: 12: You'd actually flick it off and let it stay in your room, not knowing where it is and how it could come back at ANY TIME? Yeurgh.
10Kan: 12i
10Kan: Oops. Probably wrong anyway.
WhoBot: ThePhan (H) answered (1) Go wake up my brother and make him kill it. And then sleep downstairs anyway.
WhoBot: vballgirl (K) answered (2) Move! No really, flip the blanket over it and smash the blanket with a shoe.
WhoBot: Eric (F) answered (3) Scoop it onto a piece of paper, throw it outside, and go to bed.
WhoBot: Nyperold (I) answered (4) Cry, in hopes of drowning it. Just kidding. Actually, I'd try to catch it in something to release it outside.
WhoBot: Counterpoint (D) answered (5) Chase it off, but don't kill it. If it's more than 2 inches in length, probably try to trap and release it.
WhoBot: Zup (J) answered (6) Eat it. I mean, I'm supposed to eat 6 of them a night on accident, so I s'pose I can eat one then and only eat five while I'm asleep!
WhoBot: 10Kan (A) answered (7) Cuddle it like a teddy bear and go to sleep.
WhoBot: Revan (E) answered (8) I put on my slipper and STOMP the thing, then slide my foot across the sheet to make sure it's absolutely crushed in every way, take the sheet off, crumple it into a ball and only touch the underside where the spider wasn't sitting, put it in the dirty clothes hamper and sleep on the plain mattress that night.
WhoBot: Maryam (C) answered (9) Attempt to catch it and put it outside, and then sleep. What else?
WhoBot: Crystal109 (L) answered (10) I scream and make my mom kill the spider before resolving to sleep on the couch. Although since I seem to be getting a lot of strangely placed bug bites on me...I might already have arachnids in my bed. Scary thought.
WhoBot: nessachan (B) answered (11) Scream, run away screaming, shudder for several minutes, sleep in the spareroom, avoid my bedroom for several weeks
WhoBot: LaZorra (G) answered (12) Flick it off onto the floor and go to sleep.
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 5 points for guesses: H1, C2, F3, B4, J6, A7, G8, E9, L10, K11, I12.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 3 points for guesses: H1, C2, A3, I4, E5, F6, D7, B8, J9, K11, G12.
WhoBot: Maryam scores 3 points for guesses: H1, A2, G3, F4, I5, E6, J7, K8, L10, B11, D12.
WhoBot: 10Kan scores 2 points for guesses: H1, D2, G3, B5, F6, J7, L8, C9, K10, E11, I12.
WhoBot: nessachan scores 2 points for guesses: I1, D5, A6, H7, C8, E9, L10, F12.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 2 points for guesses: B2, I3, K4, D5, A6, E7, J8, G9, L10, C11, F12.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 1 point for guesses: L1, E2, A5, D6, J7, C8, B11.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 1 point for guesses: J1, I2, C4, D5, H6, F7, L8, A9, B10, G11, E12.
WhoBot: Eric scores 0 points for guesses: B1, D2, E4, A6, H8, G9, K10, L11.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 0 points for guesses: G1, L2, H8, C10, K11.
WhoBot: Revan scores 0 points for guesses: B1, L2, C3, K4.
WhoBot: Zup scores 0 points for guesses: B1, G2, A3, C4, H5, D7, L8, I9, K10, E11, F12.
Maryam: I keep mixing up Zup's and Revan's answers.
Eric: BAH
Crystal109: I'm becoming more and more easy to guess, aren't I?
vballgirl: I didn't even match my own answer up right. My screen isn't set right...
Nyperold: I don't know, but you managed to guess me. :)
LaZorra: Revan: Yeah, I would.
Revan: *shudder* Crazy.
LaZorra: Unless it was like the size of my fist.
* LaZorra is a country girl. There aren't too many creepy-crawlies that bug her. ;-)
: We both asked--
: --you to tail--
: --Sheldon?
: Yes, and I have returned because I've found out where he lives. Anyway, did I mishear, or are you two finally actually talking to each other instead of cooing and gurgling like human babies?
Revan: Go Archie.
10Kan: That kitten's got claws!
LaZorra: Archie: It's only momentary.
Crystal109: Archie: I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU.
WhoBot: Counterpoint asks: What two books would you want with you on a deserted island?
* ThePhan knows her answer immediately. Heh. There are only two books she likes rereading.
* Crystal109 has tons of books she likes rereading.
Maryam: Crystal will guess mine.
Crystal109: Maryam: Heh. I don't know if you will guess mine.
Maryam: And Revan if he was here and paying attention.
Crystal109: And I hope I can guess yours. =P
* Nyperold Tree-Felling for Dummies and Knots for Dummies.
Nyperold: Oops. Abstaining.
Crystal109: Nyp: Nice books, though.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: My Bible and Cyrano de Bergerac.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: I have to pick only TWO? Uh... By the Sword and Sunshine. By this time tomorrow, that answer will have changed.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: The Bible and Ulysses by Joyce.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Speedboat Making out of Common Island Materials for Dummies and The Fellowship of the Ring for the ride.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Crown Duel and The Truth About Forever. They're my comfort books, and I bring them with me on trips away from home anyways.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: The Bible, and the SAS Guide to Survival.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: The Left Behind Series (counts as one book) and Louis L'amour series.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: "How to Get Off a Desert Island" and "The Annotated Alice"
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: The Bible and Fahrenheit 451
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Escaping a Deserted Island for Dummies and Living Out the Rest of Your Life as a Hermit on a Desert Island for People Too Dumb for the First Book
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook and a book with lots of pictures of pretty girls.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Counterpoint, (B) Revan, (C) Eric, (D) ThePhan, (E) vballgirl, (F) nessachan, (G) LaZorra, (H) Maryam, (I) 10Kan, (J) Zup, (K) Crystal109
Gharlane: Books 1 and 5 of The Wheel of Time so I could get thoroughly angry and find a way back to civilization.
gremlinn: Gharlane: heh.
Crystal109: Maryam: Lol I found yours before I found mine.
WhoBot: ThePhan (D) answered (1) My Bible and Cyrano de Bergerac.
WhoBot: Maryam (H) answered (2) I have to pick only TWO? Uh... By the Sword and Sunshine. By this time tomorrow, that answer will have changed.
WhoBot: Counterpoint (A) answered (3) The Bible and Ulysses by Joyce.
WhoBot: Revan (B) answered (4) Speedboat Making out of Common Island Materials for Dummies and The Fellowship of the Ring for the ride.
WhoBot: Crystal109 (K) answered (5) Crown Duel and The Truth About Forever. They're my comfort books, and I bring them with me on trips away from home anyways.
WhoBot: LaZorra (G) answered (6) The Bible, and the SAS Guide to Survival.
WhoBot: vballgirl (E) answered (7) The Left Behind Series (counts as one book) and Louis L'amour series.
WhoBot: nessachan (F) answered (8) "How to Get Off a Desert Island" and "The Annotated Alice"
WhoBot: Zup (J) answered (9) The Bible and Fahrenheit 451
WhoBot: 10Kan (I) answered (10) Escaping a Deserted Island for Dummies and Living Out the Rest of Your Life as a Hermit on a Desert Island for People Too Dumb for the First Book
WhoBot: Eric (C) answered (11) The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook and a book with lots of pictures of pretty girls.
WhoBot: 10Kan scores 5 points for guesses: D1, H2, G3, A4, F5, K6, E7, B8, J9, C11.
WhoBot: Counterpoint scores 4 points for guesses: G1, H2, J4, I5, D6, E7, F8, K9, B10, C11.
WhoBot: Revan scores 3 points for guesses: A1, K2, C3, H5, D6, E7, F8, G9, I10, J11.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 2 points for guesses: D1, A3, B5, E8, I9, C10, J11.
WhoBot: Maryam scores 2 points for guesses: F8, J9.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 2 points for guesses: K2, F3, A4, H5, G6, E7, C8, I9, J10, B11.
WhoBot: Crystal109 scores 1 point for guesses: H2, J10, A11.
WhoBot: Eric scores 0 points for guesses: A8, E9, G10.
WhoBot: nessachan scores 0 points for guesses: G4, E6, K9, H10, A11.
WhoBot: vballgirl scores 0 points for guesses: C1, B2, G3, I4, F5, D6, J8, K9, H10, A11.
WhoBot: Zup scores 0 points for guesses: H1, D2, B3, K4, F5, C6, G7, I8, E10, A11.
WhoBot: Counterpoint wins!
LaZorra: Yay Counterpoint!
Sam: Congratulations, Counterpoint!
Maryam: LOL, I was so slow on guessing.
Maryam: But I got them both right!
gremlinn: Maryam: but 100%.
Sam: Maryam: 100% rate of success!
Gharlane: Congratulations. :)
Counterpoint: Maryam: Fortunately, I was there, too.
vballgirl: Good job CP.
Counterpoint: Thanks. :)
Crystal109: Maryam: LOL I only got yours right.
nessachan: whee
ThePhan: Ooh, yay, 10K and LaZ guessed mine right.
10Kan: Yay CP!
nessachan: I'm surprised I got that many points considering I only actually know one of you
Zup: Yay CP!
Crystal109: Oh yeah, and congrats CP. =)
: Archie, that's great! Great work! We've got him now!
: Yes, but let's be careful. We'll need a few days to plan our move. Let's not make any mistakes by acting in haste. In the meantime, we'll keep up the act, pretend everything is going as he wants it to.
: And in the meantime, we'll be marshalling our forces!
ThePhan: Yes! Bring him down!
LaZorra: Forces?
Crystal109: Wow, they're actually talking to each other.
LaZorra: You're involving MuscleWoman in this?
Nyperold: His family, for one.
Crystal109: The KITTEN CREW.
: Ricky, thank you.
: Nonsense, dear. Thank you. Thank you for invading my life and turning it all upside down and...and wonderful.
: You, Ricky dear, have a strange idea of wonderful.
: Ok, guys? Game's over?
: *kiss*
: *kiss*
LaZorra: Ew.
: *rolls eyes*
Zup: Yay Birdkiller!
: Clearly I need to take care of this. Congratulations, Counterpoint. Sam, could you take care of the scores before we retire for the evening?
Sam: Certainly, Archie.
: Night, everyone!
: Night!
: Ok, Janet, let's get out of here. We've got your sister to save! *leaves*
Crystal109: LOL
nessachan: lol
Counterpoint: Revan: NO SPOILERS
LaZorra: What Counterpoint said.
10Kan: Is that a spoiler or a vote?
: *leaves*
LaZorra: AHH
ThePhan: EEP.
TalkingDog: Dun dun DUN!
Maryam: Noooo!
Eric: What's going on?
: Well? Report!
Crystal109: OH NO the dog is part of the plot!
: She's betrayed you, master.
: They're plotting treachery against you.
: It almost actually made me swallow my dog bone from the shock of it.
nessachan: lol
: ...
ThePhan: Oh, no, Sheldon is aware now!
* 10Kan suffers a drama overdose and collapses.
: You have done well, Nimsy. Continue to spy for me. I'll handle the rest.
LaZorra: . . . Nimsy?
ThePhan: He looks like a Nimsy, yeah. Hmm. Or not.
Counterpoint: All nimsy were the borogoves ...
Gharlane: And the momerathes outgrabe.
: I live to serve, master.