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Ultimate Bot Tournament #3: Session 5

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Sam: What are we playing, anyway?
Counterpoint: Acro?
Randy: Acrobat
Maryam: Sam: You'll have to ask the hosts.
Sam: Oh, cool.
Sam: Yeah, they might change the itinerary on me.
nessachan: can't trust them.
* Maryam can't wait to see what ???Bot is.
Randy: Yeah
* Zup can. It's only one more day.
* Sam looks at his watch. Man, they never start these things on time.
Backstage, in Brianna's dressing room....

Randy: uh oh
Zup: Oooh, prologue!
: I hate how this angle makes my arm look deformed. Well, there's no help for i--Oh! What are you doing here? I'm due on in a minute.
Maryam: We all just trooped back here to see what the holdup was.
DemanusFlint: I was just... uh, nevermind. Uh, hey.
Maryam: Also some of the guys were hoping to see you not totally dressed.
gremlinn: "Not totally" or "totally not"?
vballgirl: I don't like that angle much, Bri. Face the other way!
Counterpoint: vbg: That's her twin.
Zup: Her EVIL twin.
: Just a social courtesy. I want to wish you luck.
vballgirl: Thank you Pretty Boy.
nessachan: Who let him backstage?
Counterpoint: The guy needs to remove the plastirubber chest.
: You mean you were checking up on me, Sheldon. I know what I'm supposed to do, and I can do it without you breathing down my neck.
Zup: Sheldon? New developments...interesting...
: Things are progressing as we had anticipated, then? Your acts with the doctor, the beach bum, and the bubble boy all drove him mad with jealousy?
Nyperold: (Something tells me we're not back here with them.)
: You should have seen him. He practically turned green. But he swallowed all my excuses, and now he's all the more obsessed with me. I was worried for a while, though. I caught him with other women. The plan won't work unless he's completely devoted to me. So I threw a hissy fit and pouted and played the poor betrayed little girl, and it ate him up from the inside. And it turned out you were right about him. He's too virtuous, too starry-eyed, and too smitten to be unfaithful.
Zup: Ooooh. SHE'S the evil twin.
: Noble fools are such easy prey. So he is ready to pop the question, then?
* Maryam watches the lighting get all glowy-like as it does on bad soaps.
: Bursting at the seams. He almost asked Tuesday night, but we were interrupted. He'll work up the nerve to try again soon.
Zup: Aw man, I voted for her too. And now she's evil.
: See that he does. I have a lot riding on this. The Von Steppenwergens are filthy, stinking rich. Too rich. They think it makes them better than everyone else. But I won't be made a fool of. I'll have their money, all of it. So just make sure you play this right.
Counterpoint: Look at the line over his right pec. That chest ain't real.
: I know how to do my job! You just make sure you do yours.
: You'll do well to remember who you're talking to.
: Yes, I know who you are -- and what.
: I would hate to have to bring Sandy into this.
: You wanna screw this up for both of us? Keep your cool, and we'll both get what we want.
LaZorra: Sheldon is my brother's Scoutmaster. Picturing him like this dude is disturbing.
: I have to go on. The tournament should have started by now.
: Janet?
: What?
Randy: JANET?
Counterpoint: Interplanet Janet.
: You'll also do well to remember who you are.
: Oh, I know who I am, Sheldon. I'm Brianna Day.
Zup: Deception! O, deceiver!
LaZorra: Not the REAL Brianna Day, I'll wager.
Maryam: LZ: I was just about to say that I bet she's got the real Brianna tied up in a box somewhere.
vballgirl: A shoe box.
In the tournament room....

: Ah, there you are, Brianna. I was just about to begin. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! I'm Ricardo von Steppenwergen. And here is your co-host and my bunny-sneeze-a-boo, BRIANNA DAY!
: Welcome to Ultimate Bot Tournament #3, Session 5, everyone! Sorry I'm late. The...the...physical therapy on my arm ran late.
: Liar? Oh, don't be silly, Zup. Why would Brianna lie about that? Brianna, I think your arm is coming along nicely. Why, I bet you'll have an ulna in just a few more weeks.
Zup: Ricardo: Okay then, your funeral.
* LaZorra strikes the opening chords to Funeral March of a Marionette.
Zup: Not like I'm the one losing money or anything...*grumbles*
: Heh heh heh, oh, Zup, you're such a dear. *stare*
Zup: Hey, why are you staring...
Zup: I mean, I'm attractive, but Ricardo is MUCH better looking...*hides*
: Let's get started with our first bot. It's AcroBot, a local favorite. We play to the customary 30 points at the default settings. One minute countdown, Sam?
Sam: Sure thing.
AcroBot has been summoned by Sam.
whitehelm: /msg Ricardo Do you know anyone named Sheldon?
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym BPHWI might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Baked Potatoes Have White Inside
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Brianna's Pretty; However, We'll Intervene.
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Bot Playing Helps Wake Idlers.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Bunnies Prancing Have Won It
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Brianna Perhaps Has Wily Intentions!
Zup: vote 5
DemanusFlint: vote 3
whitehelm: vote 5
Sam: vote 3
TalkingDog: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
Maryam: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 1
nessachan: vote 1
Not-a-Fairy: vote 2
Randy: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 1
AcroBot: Sam wins 5 points for Brianna Perhaps Has Wily Intentions!
AcroBot: TalkingDog wins 3 points for Baked Potatoes Have White Inside
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for Bot Playing Helps Wake Idlers.
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Brianna's Pretty; However, We'll Intervene.
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Bunnies Prancing Have Won It
Maryam: 5 entries, 12 votes.
: Oh Sam, you are such a kidder! Ha ha! As if Brianna-bunniana-bumper-boodle could possibly be anything but the wonderful, pure, beautiful, wonderful, pure woman she is....
: Awwww. *bats eyes*
LaZorra: *blech*
Randy: LZ: I think you need to get that canoe paddle..
LaZorra: Also, I'm not sure "bumper boodle" is entirely complimentary.
Counterpoint: LZ: LOL
Sam: Hehehe
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym LWWLD might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for "Let Winners Weep!" Losers Declaim.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Lo! We Will Lose! Darn!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Ladies Will Willingly Lie, Dude.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Look What Women Like Doing!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Last Week Was Less Dull
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Lucky Wizard, What's Love Dude?
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Laugh Wildly. Women Languish Devishly.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
TalkingDog: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 4
Sam: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 5
Zup: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 3
nessachan: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 5
whitehelm: vote 3
Randy: vote 1
Maryam: vote 3
AcroBot: Randy wins 5 points for Ladies Will Willingly Lie, Dude.
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for "Let Winners Weep!" Losers Declaim.
AcroBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for Last Week Was Less Dull
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Look What Women Like Doing!
AcroBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Lo! We Will Lose! Darn!
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Laugh Wildly. Women Languish Devishly.
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for Lucky Wizard, What's Love Dude?
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym OLCD might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
: *hoink*
nessachan: KITTY!!#$!#
: *hoink*
Zup: Birdykiller!
: *hoink*
Randy: Archie!
DemanusFlint: Oh, look. Cat's dying.
[AcroBot->DemanusFlint] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
: (Hairball.)
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Oh, Look. Cat's Dying.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Old Ladies Can't Dance!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Over Lakes, Clouds Drift.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Old Ladies Crochet Daily.
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Oh Lady, Clever Drama
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Only Love Conquers Death.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Ominous Loser Craves Dough.
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Obsessive Love Compulsion Disorder
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Okay, Let's Calm Down!
Zup: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 9
Maryam: vote 3
whitehelm: vote 8
Sam: DF: LOL. I didnt' catch that that was a submission.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
LaZorra: Nice, DF.
Sam: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 5
TalkingDog: vote 2
Revan: vote 9
DemanusFlint: 9
nessachan: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 3
DemanusFlint: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 3
Randy: vote 4
whitehelm: vote 1
Sam: 6 is cool, too.
AcroBot: DemanusFlint wins 3 points for Oh, Look. Cat's Dying.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Over Lakes, Clouds Drift.
AcroBot: TalkingDog wins 3 points for Okay, Let's Calm Down!
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Old Ladies Crochet Daily.
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Obsessive Love Compulsion Disorder
AcroBot: Revan wins 1 point for Old Ladies Can't Dance!
AcroBot: Zup wins 1 point for Oh Lady, Clever Drama
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Only Love Conquers Death.
AcroBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Ominous Loser Craves Dough.
Counterpoint: Such pessimists. ;)
LaZorra: Hehe.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym PID might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
: That reminds me. I have business at the litter box. Excuse me, please.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Put IPod Down.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Pathetic Idiot, Dont!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Pigs Indemnify Distaste.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Play It, Dog!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Pffft! I Default!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Pause! I'm Distracted.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Points In Demand!
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Paring Is Dangerous.
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Puddles In Denial?
DemanusFlint: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 1
Counterpoint: (Principal Ideal Domain.)
Maryam: vote 7
Sam: vote 1
TalkingDog: Dangit. Too late for "Powered Iced Doughnuts".
Zup: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 4
nessachan: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 8
whitehelm: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Nyperold: Mmm.
Maryam: TD: Powered or powdered?
Revan: vote TD
Randy: vote 1
TalkingDog: Er, powdered.
Sam: These are are those new electrical doughnuts!
Nyperold: Powered by Stonehenge!
whitehelm: Sam: They're in high demand on Stupid Day
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for Put IPod Down.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Pause! I'm Distracted.
AcroBot: Randy wins 2 points for Play It, Dog!
AcroBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for Paring Is Dangerous.
AcroBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Pffft! I Default!
AcroBot: whitehelm wins 1 point for Points In Demand!
AcroBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 0 points for Puddles In Denial?
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Pigs Indemnify Distaste.
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for Pathetic Idiot, Dont!
: Distracted? A fatal error, gremlinn man. Never let your guard down!
: Oh, Brianna, I love you so much the word love is a paltry thing compared to the love I love you with.
: Oh, Ricky, from the moment I saw you, you were the man I love more than love itself.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym HTDRD might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Have To Destroy Rod Dude...
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Hi There DemanusFlint. Really? Don't!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Hi! Too Depressing... Ricardo's Dilemma
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Hot Toast Done! Ready, Dale?
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Heckle The DJ, Rap's Distasteful!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Here, Talking Dog, Radio Doughnuts.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Have The Dogs Rocked, Dear?
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Hi! Tough Day Reading Doggerel.
AcroBot: Vote 9 for "How's The Dysentery?" "Really Dehydrating."
AcroBot: Vote 10 for High Tides Deter Real Dudes.
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Hot Tamale! Dip *Really* Dangerous.
Counterpoint: vote 9
Sam: vote 3
Maryam: vote 6
whitehelm: HALT! The dame reeks deviousness!
vballgirl: vote 3
Not-a-Fairy: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 4
whitehelm: but I finished too late
TalkingDog: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 11
Nyperold: Meaning "wreaks"?
Randy: vote 5
whitehelm: no, reeks
Zup: vote 10
nessachan: vote 9
whitehelm: vote 3
* TalkingDog spies a Sinbad reference.
DemanusFlint: vote 5
AcroBot: nessachan wins 4 points for Hi! Too Depressing... Ricardo's Dilemma
AcroBot: DemanusFlint wins 3 points for "How's The Dysentery?" "Really Dehydrating."
AcroBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Heckle The DJ, Rap's Distasteful!
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Hot Tamale! Dip *Really* Dangerous.
AcroBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for Hot Toast Done! Ready, Dale?
AcroBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Here, Talking Dog, Radio Doughnuts.
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Have The Dogs Rocked, Dear?
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for High Tides Deter Real Dudes.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Have To Destroy Rod Dude...
AcroBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Hi! Tough Day Reading Doggerel.
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for Hi There DemanusFlint. Really? Don't!
Counterpoint: It seems that R for Ricardo and B for Brianna is a winning stratagem.
LaZorra: I hate it when people second-guess me. I really, really hate it.
Sam: LaZ: You don't mean that.
Liface has entered.
DemanusFlint: hi liface
Liface: aaah
Liface: I keep having a life outside of RinkChat. It sucks.
Sam: Liface: That's a bad habit to get into.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym MRDZBJC might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
Sam: That's a heck of an acronym.
Liface: Make ready demon zordon's bed, julius caesar.
[AcroBot->Liface] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
Liface: darn these are hard
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Make Real Decisions: Zap Brianna - Judas! Crucify!
AcroBot: Vote 2 for May Rain Delays Zestful Boaters. June Clears.
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Madly, Ricardo Denounces Zup Because Jealousy Controls.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Mr. Ricardo Day? Zounds, Brianna Just Can't!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Make Ready Demon Zordon's Bed, Julius Caesar.
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Maybe Randy Digs Zoos. But Jazz Classier.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Maybe Ricardo Doesn't Zee Brianna's Juicy Crime!
AcroBot: Vote 8 for My Room? Dark Zebra & Bold Jungle Carpeting.
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Monkeys Revel Destroying Zoo's Barred Jail Cells.
whitehelm: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 9
Counterpoint: vote 9
Liface: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 4
Sam: vote 3
Liface: You guys are really good at this.
DemanusFlint: vote 5
Randy: vote 7
Liface: vote 8
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
nessachan: vote 6
Maryam: vote 9
DemanusFlint: Wow, Liface, I didn't realize that was your submission. It fit so well contextually!
Liface: i didn't like it but thanks
Zup: vote 9
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 4 points for Monkeys Revel Destroying Zoo's Barred Jail Cells.
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for My Room? Dark Zebra & Bold Jungle Carpeting.
AcroBot: Zup wins 2 points for Madly, Ricardo Denounces Zup Because Jealousy Controls.
AcroBot: Liface wins 1 point for Make Ready Demon Zordon's Bed, Julius Caesar.
AcroBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Mr. Ricardo Day? Zounds, Brianna Just Can't!
AcroBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Maybe Ricardo Doesn't Zee Brianna's Juicy Crime!
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Maybe Randy Digs Zoos. But Jazz Classier.
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Make Real Decisions: Zap Brianna - Judas! Crucify!
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for May Rain Delays Zestful Boaters. June Clears.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym ERWIF might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Extended Repair Warranty! It's Fantastic!
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Eager Riders Win In Florida!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Every Rinkie Wins! Its Final!
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Enter, Rich Women I Finagle!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Expire Right When I Fire!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Eeesh! Ricardo's Wife Is Fickle!
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Erstwhile, Rinkchat Writes Infinite Functions.
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Every Rinkie Was In Fits...
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Ew... Rink Works Is Fetid.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Exacerbate Ricardo With Irate Females.
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Erstwhile, RinkWorks Was Insanely Freaky.
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Erm. Revan Will Immolate 'Flint.
AcroBot: Vote 13 for Eternally, Rink Works Is Fun.
AcroBot: Vote 14 for Easy, Revan. Wait. Idiots Falter.
AcroBot: Vote 15 for Eat Ravenously When In France.
Nyperold: Elegantly, Ricardo walks into flames.
DemanusFlint: vote 12
whitehelm: vote 13
Liface: vote 5
Zup: vote 3
whitehelm: So true.
vballgirl: vote 7
TalkingDog: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 8
Maryam: vote 13
nessachan: vote 3
Sam: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 15
Randy: vote 15
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Liface: I'm still laughing at the expire one.
Revan: vote 9
: I really don't understand why these submissions are so against dear...sweet...Brianna. It's just so silly!
: Oh, Ricky, they're only joking. It's funny, see? Ha ha?
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Expire Right When I Fire!
AcroBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for Eternally, Rink Works Is Fun.
AcroBot: Randy wins 2 points for Every Rinkie Wins! Its Final!
AcroBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for Extended Repair Warranty! It's Fantastic!
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Eat Ravenously When In France.
AcroBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for Ew... Rink Works Is Fetid.
AcroBot: Liface wins 1 point for Erstwhile, Rinkchat Writes Infinite Functions.
AcroBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Eeesh! Ricardo's Wife Is Fickle!
AcroBot: Revan wins 1 point for Erm. Revan Will Immolate 'Flint.
AcroBot: whitehelm wins 1 point for Every Rinkie Was In Fits...
AcroBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Enter, Rich Women I Finagle!
AcroBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 0 points for Eager Riders Win In Florida!
AcroBot: Sam wins 0 points for Erstwhile, RinkWorks Was Insanely Freaky.
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Exacerbate Ricardo With Irate Females.
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for Easy, Revan. Wait. Idiots Falter.
Maryam: Mine was a Producers reference.
Sam: Maryam: Ohhh, NICE.
* TalkingDog shoulda gotten more points for his. *pout*
Zup: Ricky-boy: Wake up and smell the pringles. Brianna's no good. Rotten. A scoundrel. But then, you won't listen to ME, will you. Of course not. Stupid railroad plot...
DemanusFlint: She's fetid.
: Wanna Cheeto? I'll give you an Extended Repair Warrantee on it. If it breaks within 30 days, mail it bad with a UPC code for a full refund. Keep the cheez powder stuck to your fingers at no charge!
TalkingDog: LOL
Counterpoint: Am I supposed to eat them *whole*?
Zup: Cheeto Girl still scares the daylights aout of me.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym CNPBJ might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for C'mon, Now. Poor Brianna's Joking!
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Can Naked People Bring Jewelery?
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Canaries Need Peanut Butter& Jelly.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Can No Politician Be Just?
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Central Nebraska Pens Bleed Juice
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Could Nyperold Please Be Jolly?
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Clearly, Nessachan Purchased Blue Jeans.
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Come Now, Pray Before Jesus.
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Cat Nabbed Peanut Butter & Jelly!
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Can Noone Prove Brianna's Joking?
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Cooking Newbie: "Peanut Butter & Jelly?"
TalkingDog: vote 4
Maryam: vote 4
Not-a-Fairy: vote 11
vballgirl: vote 6
Liface: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 11
Sam: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 2
Zup: vote 8
whitehelm: vote 11
nessachan: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 9
DemanusFlint: vote 5
Randy: vote 4
DemanusFlint: I'm voting for 5 because I thought it said "bleeds justice."
Liface: Darn, I should have said bleeds justice.
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for Can No Politician Be Just?
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Cooking Newbie: "Peanut Butter & Jelly?"
AcroBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for Come Now, Pray Before Jesus.
AcroBot: whitehelm wins 2 points for Could Nyperold Please Be Jolly?
AcroBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for Clearly, Nessachan Purchased Blue Jeans.
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Cat Nabbed Peanut Butter & Jelly!
AcroBot: Liface wins 1 point for Central Nebraska Pens Bleed Juice
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Can Naked People Bring Jewelery?
AcroBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Can Noone Prove Brianna's Joking?
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Canaries Need Peanut Butter& Jelly.
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for C'mon, Now. Poor Brianna's Joking!
: ...snuggy-wuggle-bunnie-smoogoo-puddle-beanie-lumpie...
: ...pookum-mimmy-nookie-wunny-booboo-snoogle-pantsie...
: ...schnookum-lover-sweetum-wuddle-cakey-mimsy-porpington...
TalkingDog: oof
nessachan: *gag*
Counterpoint: Nick!
Zup: Mimsy Porpington the Third, you mean.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym CDABTL might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Clearly Defeated = All Bot Tournament Losers.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Crazy Dragons Aren't Barely Trogdor's Level.
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Cheetos Drowned A Big Tub Lady.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Cute Dudes Ask Brianna To Lie
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Call DemanusFlint A Boy That Lurches.
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Cash Desired, And Brianna Tries Love.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Cease, Desist, And Ban The Lawbreakers!
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Central Database A Buggy, Total Loss!
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Circus Dogs Aren't Bad Tightwire Leaders.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Charlie Daniels And Band Talk Loudly.
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Clearly, Dear Attractive Brianna Tells Lies
whitehelm: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
TalkingDog: "Cartoon Dies. Anvil Blamed. Tons L___."
Liface: TD: hahahah
DemanusFlint: Lament?
Zup: Lost?
Nyperold: Aw, man, too bad you couldn't finish that in time. :D
Maryam: TD: That would've been great.
* TalkingDog grumps.
DemanusFlint: vote 3
Maryam: vote 3
Revan: vote 1
whitehelm: vote 7
Sam: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 3
Liface: vore 3
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
nessachan: vote 2
Randy: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 8
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 4 points for Cheetos Drowned A Big Tub Lady.
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for Clearly Defeated = All Bot Tournament Losers.
AcroBot: Maryam wins 3 points for Central Database A Buggy, Total Loss!
AcroBot: Zup wins 2 points for Cute Dudes Ask Brianna To Lie
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Cease, Desist, And Ban The Lawbreakers!
AcroBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Clearly, Dear Attractive Brianna Tells Lies
AcroBot: Revan wins 1 point for Crazy Dragons Aren't Barely Trogdor's Level.
AcroBot: Liface wins 0 points for Call DemanusFlint A Boy That Lurches.
AcroBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Cash Desired, And Brianna Tries Love.
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Charlie Daniels And Band Talk Loudly.
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Circus Dogs Aren't Bad Tightwire Leaders.
AcroBot: Liface loses a point for submitting and not voting.
DemanusFlint: VORE
Zup: I can't seem to get many points this time around.
LaZorra: . . .
: I cannot tell a lie. I killed the birds.
Maryam: Oh Archie, you know we'll forgive you. You cute little rascal!
: Maryam: *purrrrrrrrr*
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym TCOU might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for TalkingDog Clearly Owned Us.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for The College Of Universities!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for That Cat Opens Unlikely
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Terrible Cartoons On U-Tube!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Texans Cool Off Underground
AcroBot: Vote 6 for This Could Optimize Umpires.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Try Cleaning Overdirty Underwear!
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Touche! Cat Offs Unfairly!
AcroBot: Vote 9 for The Cat Owns Up.
whitehelm: vote 9
Zup: vote 9
DemanusFlint: vote 9
LaZorra: vpte 1
Maryam: vote 1
Sam: vote 7
* TalkingDog is too stinkin' slow.
LaZorra: vote 1
Liface: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 9
* LaZorra would rather not try 7.
Revan: vote 5
nessachan: vote 5
Counterpoint: vote 8
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 9
Randy: vote 4
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 6 points for The Cat Owns Up.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for TalkingDog Clearly Owned Us.
AcroBot: nessachan wins 2 points for Touche! Cat Offs Unfairly!
AcroBot: Randy wins 2 points for Texans Cool Off Underground
AcroBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for Try Cleaning Overdirty Underwear!
AcroBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for Terrible Cartoons On U-Tube!
AcroBot: Zup wins 1 point for The College Of Universities!
AcroBot: Liface wins 0 points for That Cat Opens Unlikely
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for This Could Optimize Umpires.
Zup: I just wish I could get some good answers, and soon.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym FGDA might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Flapping Greatly Diminishes Airfare.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Find Good Dialogue: ACROBOT!!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Forget Gallantly DemanusFlint's Atrociousness.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Fine! Go Drown Aphids!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Flee, Good Damsel! Away!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Family Guy's Dangerously Accurate!
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Funny Gremlinn Dominates Awards.
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Freakishly, Guys Date Animals!
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Fuh Ge Dabboutit, AcroBot!
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Felt Good. Died Anyway.
Randy: Dangit. Flaming guitars destroy amps
whitehelm: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 1
Maryam: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 1
Liface: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 10
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 5
Zup: vote 8
Nyperold: "Fiddler gets down, accidentally."
Counterpoint: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 10
Sam: vote 10
nessachan: vote 6
Randy: vote 6
nessachan: Nyperold: haha
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 5 points for Felt Good. Died Anyway.
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for Flapping Greatly Diminishes Airfare.
AcroBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 2 points for Family Guy's Dangerously Accurate!
AcroBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for Fine! Go Drown Aphids!
AcroBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Freakishly, Guys Date Animals!
AcroBot: Zup wins 1 point for Funny Gremlinn Dominates Awards.
AcroBot: Liface wins 0 points for Forget Gallantly DemanusFlint's Atrociousness.
AcroBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Fuh Ge Dabboutit, AcroBot!
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Flee, Good Damsel! Away!
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Find Good Dialogue: ACROBOT!!
: ...cutey-snuggle-boogle-cheekie-stickle-thunder-pinchie-toes...
: ...twinkle-squeezy-dimple-bonbon-tickle-bumpkin-licky-goo...
LaZorra: Get a ROOM.
: Blehhh. They talk to each other like everybody else talks to me.
Randy: hehe
nessachan: Archie poochie baby head~
Not-a-Fairy: When I talk to animals, I talk to them with dignity.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym AGT might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
Counterpoint: Adventure Game Toolkit!
[AcroBot->Counterpoint] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
DemanusFlint: Archie, ge tout!
[AcroBot->DemanusFlint] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
DemanusFlint: *get out
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Augh! Green Tofu!!
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Argh, Giggling Teenagers.
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Adventure Games Tournament!
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Another Good Tournament!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Alright Gremlinn - Touchdown!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Adventure Game Toolkit!
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Ah, Gaming Tonight!
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Archie, Ge Tout!
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Ack. Gremlinn = Terminator.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Aargh! Get Tongs!
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Another Game, Tim?
AcroBot: Vote 12 for All Gooshy Talk.
Counterpoint: Oh, man.
Revan: vote 4
* Counterpoint couldn't think of a better one in time.
whitehelm: vote 7
LaZorra: Dang, I was just changing mine.
Maryam: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 9
Zup: vote 12
nessachan: vote 2
DemanusFlint: vote 9
Counterpoint: vote 12
Maryam: I keep voting 3 this bot.
LaZorra: vote 12
Not-a-Fairy: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 4
Randy: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 2
AcroBot: Liface wins 3 points for Argh, Giggling Teenagers.
AcroBot: Revan wins 3 points for Ack. Gremlinn = Terminator.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Another Good Tournament!
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for All Gooshy Talk.
AcroBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Adventure Game Toolkit!
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Adventure Games Tournament!
AcroBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Augh! Green Tofu!!
AcroBot: Zup wins 1 point for Ah, Gaming Tonight!
AcroBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for Archie, Ge Tout!
AcroBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Aargh! Get Tongs!
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Another Game, Tim?
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Alright Gremlinn - Touchdown!
AcroBot: Liface loses a point for submitting and not voting.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins!
LaZorra: Nice, grem.
Maryam: Yay grem!
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah for Gremlinn!
* Nyperold thinks an "All Gooshy Talk" podcast would get old fast. ;-)
: *casts ThePhan an acid glare* Why, Ricky dear...*toys with his dimples*...tell me again how much you love me?
: More than words can say, though I try in vain anyway.
: Yes, and tell me again how you're going to take me around the world, and how we'll stay in all the ritziest places, and have the most wonderful things....
: All that and more, my darling.
LaZorra: Man, Ricardo, you don't ever watch soap operas, do you?
Zup: Or, you know, have eyes? or ears?
: Ricky...?
: Yes?
: The game's over.
: OH!
: Congratulations, gremlinn! Great job! Well, Sam, looks like you've got some work to do with the scoreboards, while the rest of us move on to our next game....
LaZorra: (psst. What *is* the next game?)
: Yes, and our next game is just the cutest thing!
: ...other than you, baby...
LaZorra: Oh, augh.
: It's CuteBot! We'll play triples mode to 30 points.
: Sam, the bot, please?
CuteBot has been summoned by Sam.
AcroBot has been dismissed by Sam.
: Remember. Rate honestly. If you accidentally submit ratings publicly when you are asked for them privately, simply let the round time out. Do NOT resubmit your ratings, even if you change them.
: One minute, and we'll begin.
Zup: When is the next RU?
Counterpoint: 2008.
gremlinn: It'll be aligned next year. RU8 in '08.
Randy: Sweet
LaZorra: On second thought, I'm busy that weekend.
ThePhan: Um. If that guy's there, I will DEFINITELY still be on tour.
* Revan regurgitates.
nessachan: Uncle Slouch looks like my neighbor
: I'll bring the snacks!
Revan: LOL
gremlinn: I think those Cheetos grow out of her hair and fall off.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think nessachan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
LaZorra: Awww!!!
TalkingDog: 7 2 6
Sam: 7 6 7
ThePhan: 6 3 5
gremlinn: 6 2 5
Counterpoint: 6 5 7
LaZorra: 7 4 7
Zup: 6 3 7
Not-a-Fairy: 7 5 5
Revan: 7 2 6
Maryam: 7 2 6
* LaZorra wants #3.
DemanusFlint: 4 7 6
Randy: 6 3 5
whitehelm: 5 3 6
vballgirl: 6 5 6
CuteBot: nessachan's ratings were: 1 3 2.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 3 6 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 6 3 5 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 6 3 5 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 6 2 5 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 3 7 (off by 10) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 4 7 6 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 6 5 6 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 7 2 6 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 7 2 6 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 2 6 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 7 5 5 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 6 5 7 (off by 12) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 4 7 (off by 12) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 6 7 (off by 14) and does not score.
CuteBot: No scores.
nessachan: sorry >_>
LaZorra: !!!
Sam: WHAT?
* ThePhan blinks.
Counterpoint: nc: Did you rank them?
gremlinn: Did you rank them?
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: Ohh.
ThePhan: OH.
nessachan: I read it wrong
ThePhan: I wondered how in the world that kitty was given a 1.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
LaZorra: PONY
Counterpoint: 7 5 5
Maryam: 4 6 7
Revan: 3 5 6
TalkingDog: 5 4 6
Zup: 6 7 7
DemanusFlint: 6 5 7
whitehelm: 5 6 6
gremlinn: 4 3 6
Counterpoint: Autocannibalism.
nessachan: 5 6 7
Not-a-Fairy: I remember when my cats were that age.
ThePhan: 5 6 7
* TalkingDog wants a kitty.
LaZorra: 4 6 6
vballgirl: 6 5 5
Counterpoint: 7 6 5
Not-a-Fairy: 5 4 5
LuckyWizard: 5 4 7
Randy: 5 6 6
CuteBot: Sam's ratings were: 3 7 6.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 3 5 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 6 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 6 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 5 6 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 6 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 5 6 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 5 6 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 4 3 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 5 4 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 5 4 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 4 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 6 5 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 6 5 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 7 6 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so Sam earns 2 points.
Revan: Woot.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think gremlinn rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Sam: COATI!!!!
Revan: 1 1 5
whitehelm: 3 5 6
TalkingDog: 3 2 4
Maryam: 1 1 3
Zup: 4 1 4
Counterpoint: 4 5 4
TalkingDog: 2 2 4
Sam: 6 2 4
Not-a-Fairy: 1 3 6
Sam: 7 2 4
whitehelm: 3 3 6
nessachan: 1 1 6
ThePhan: 2 2 4
vballgirl: 2 1 2
LaZorra: Coati get 7's automatically.
DemanusFlint: 5 4 7
LuckyWizard: 1 1 6
Randy: 4 3 4
LaZorra: 4 3 3
Sam: LaZ: That wasn't a 7.
LaZorra: In theory, at least.
CuteBot: gremlinn's ratings were: 2 1 2.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 2 1 2 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 1 1 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 2 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 2 2 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Revan guesses 1 1 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 4 1 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 1 1 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 1 1 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 3 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 4 3 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 1 3 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 3 3 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 4 5 4 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 2 4 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 5 4 7 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so gremlinn earns 5 points.
gremlinn: Good job.
ThePhan: Whee! I have a point!
* gremlinn is not afraid to give ugly animals the 1s and 2s they deserve.
* Counterpoint must be inflating.
LaZorra: The coati from the other night was cute.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think DemanusFlint rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
whitehelm: 6 4 6
Counterpoint: 6 3 5
gremlinn: 3 3 2
nessachan: 7 6 7
Maryam: 6 2 2
TalkingDog: 6 3 6
Sam: 7 3 3
Zup: 6 6 4
gremlinn: 4 3 2
Not-a-Fairy: 5 3 3
TalkingDog: 6 3 5
ThePhan: 7 2 3
vballgirl: 7 1 5
LaZorra: 6 5 6
LuckyWizard: 7 4 4
Maryam: Sam: You're exactly one point more generous than me on each of those.
LuckyWizard: 7 4 5
Randy: 7 2 3
Revan: 7 4 4
CuteBot: DemanusFlint's ratings were: 6 4 4.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 7 4 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 6 3 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 6 3 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 6 4 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 6 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 4 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 5 3 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 5 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 3 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 2 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 7 2 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 7 2 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 4 3 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 7 1 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 7 6 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so DemanusFlint earns 3 points.
DemanusFlint: Wow, some dudes were close.
* ThePhan is not doing very well this game.
Not-a-Fairy: Points! Yayers!
Zup: Yay points!
* nessachan is doing worse. ;)
: A close game so far, and lots of points scored, but still no one above 5!
Zup: This is by far the highest number of people I've seen so far this tourney.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think LaZorra rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
LaZorra: #3 disturbs me. A lot.
Zup: LOL
Maryam: 3 7 1
TalkingDog: 5 7 3
ThePhan: LOL!
whitehelm: 3 6 4
DemanusFlint: 4 7 1
Revan: 1 7 1
LuckyWizard: 2 7 1
Sam: 2 6 2
ThePhan: LZ: Me too.
Counterpoint: 4 7 1
Not-a-Fairy: 1 6 3
nessachan: 5 7 4
gremlinn: 2 5 3
Sam: 1 6 1
TalkingDog: 4 7 3
ThePhan: 2 6 1
Zup: 2 6 1
vballgirl: 3 6 1
whitehelm: 3 6 2
LaZorra: And #1 looks like it's unhinging its jaw so it can swallow the viewer whole.
TalkingDog: #1 looks like the world's happiest doggy.
Maryam: 2 7 1
Randy: 3 6 2
Counterpoint: 3 7 1
CuteBot: LaZorra's ratings were: 2 7 2.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 7 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 2 7 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Revan guesses 1 7 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 2 6 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 2 6 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 3 6 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 3 6 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 3 7 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 1 6 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 1 6 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 2 5 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 3 6 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 4 7 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 4 7 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 5 7 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so LaZorra earns 3 points.
gremlinn: It looks like a stuffed animal to me.
LaZorra: Yeah, it does.
TalkingDog: poek teh kitty
* LaZorra just realized that for optimum tournament play, she should probably keep comments to herself on her own rounds.
Maryam: LZ: Hehe.
Counterpoint: LZ: Yeah, I lowered my guesses because of it.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think whitehelm rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Sam: 1 6 7
Maryam: 2 6 6
Counterpoint: 2 5 6
TalkingDog: 1 7 7
Crystal109: 2 5 7
vballgirl: 1 5 7
gremlinn: 1 4 4
Revan: 1 7 6
DemanusFlint: 5 7 7
Gharlane: 4 7 6
Zup: 1 6 7
ThePhan: 1 6 7
Not-a-Fairy: 2 6 6
LuckyWizard: 3 7 6
LaZorra: 2 6 5
Crystal109: #3 is so cute.
nessachan: 2 7 5
gremlinn: 1 5 4
Randy: 5 7 7
CuteBot: whitehelm's ratings were: 2 6 6.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 2 6 6 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 2 6 6 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 2 5 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 2 6 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 1 6 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 1 6 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 1 6 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Revan guesses 1 7 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 2 5 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 2 7 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 7 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 1 5 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 1 7 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 4 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 1 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 5 7 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 5 7 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so whitehelm earns 5 points.
* TalkingDog purrs paradoxically.
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
vballgirl: Wow. Two people guessed it exactly!
ThePhan: Whoa. Nice, Maryam and NaF.
Not-a-Fairy: Thanks, ThePhan!
: That puppy was one of my fellow contestants. He was nice, for a dog. Stupid, of course. Slavishly devoted to his master, instead of to string.
nessachan: hehe
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Randy rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Crystal109: 1 6 7
Maryam: 3 5 6
Revan: 2 5 6
TalkingDog: 2 4 6
Counterpoint: 1 6 6
DemanusFlint: 1 4 7
Not-a-Fairy: 3 5 7
Zup: 3 4 4
Sam: 2 2 2
whitehelm: 3 6 5
vballgirl: 1 7 1
Zup: 3 4 5
nessachan: 5 5 7
LuckyWizard: 2 4 7
LaZorra: 5 6 7
ThePhan: 1 3 7
Gharlane: 3 5 4
gremlinn: 2 4 3
CuteBot: Randy's ratings were: 2 4 6.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 4 6 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 4 7 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Revan guesses 2 5 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 1 4 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 3 4 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 3 5 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 1 3 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 1 6 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 2 4 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 3 5 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 6 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 3 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 3 6 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 5 5 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 2 2 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 6 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 1 7 1 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so Randy earns 5 points.
Not-a-Fairy: #2 is just too wonderful. :D
* Randy high-fives TalkingDog
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Crystal109 rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
gremlinn: 3 4 2
ThePhan: 5 3 3
Zup: 7 5 7
Sam: 7 2 3
Maryam: 7 5 5
Counterpoint: 7 3 4
DemanusFlint: 7 5 5
Not-a-Fairy: 7 5 4
DemanusFlint: DIET COKE
nessachan: 5 5 5
TalkingDog: 7 6 5
whitehelm: 5 4 3
vballgirl: 6 2 5
LaZorra: 6 4 5
Revan: 7 3 4
Sam: Would have been an 8 if it had been Mountain Dew.
Gharlane: 6 6 6
Randy: 5 3 5
LuckyWizard: 5 5 5
CuteBot: Crystal109's ratings were: 4 2 6.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 5 3 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 6 2 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 5 3 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 5 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 5 5 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 4 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 4 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 6 6 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 2 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 7 3 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 7 3 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 3 4 2 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 7 5 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 7 5 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 5 7 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 7 5 4 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 6 5 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 1, so Crystal109 earns 1 point.
Gharlane: :evil:
Crystal109: I gave minus points for the Diet Coke. =\
Sam: This game is going to put serious archival ratings in the...archival ratings.
: Silly dog. Never do for yourself what a human will do for you.
Zup: Birdkiller: You get your owner to give you Diet Coke?
: Of course not, Zup. I have a sense of taste. Milk, whole, with a twist of butter.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think vballgirl rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Revan: 3 6 1
TalkingDog: 2 6 5
Maryam: 2 3 2
nessachan: 4 6 4
Counterpoint: 1 6 4
Crystal109: 2 4 1
gremlinn: 1 5 2
Sam: 2 3 1
Zup: 2 7 1
Not-a-Fairy: 2 6 4
ThePhan: 1 5 2
whitehelm: 4 6 3
LuckyWizard: 3 5 4
DemanusFlint: 2 2 2
Gharlane: 3 5 3
LaZorra: 2 4 2
Randy: 2 3 2
Kysle: 3 7 4
Crystal109: #2's pretty cute...without the jacket.
CuteBot: vballgirl's ratings were: 3 5 1.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 3 6 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 2 4 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 3 5 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 1 5 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 1 5 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 2 3 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 2 4 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 2 7 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 2 3 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 2 3 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 6 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 2 2 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 2 6 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 3 7 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 4 6 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 1 6 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 6 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so vballgirl earns 3 points.
: Say, pick out a lady dog for me, wouldja? RUFF RUFF!
LaZorra: DevilBoy: How about Goggle Princess?
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Revan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Maryam: 4 7 5
Sam: 6 6 4
TalkingDog: 3 7 7
Counterpoint: 3 7 5
vballgirl: 5 7 5
whitehelm: 4 6 6
ThePhan: 4 5 5
Kysle: 5 5 6
Zup: 6 6 4
LaZorra: APPY
Not-a-Fairy: 2 6 4
TalkingDog: 2 7 7
Crystal109: 5 7 5
gremlinn: 4 3 2
LuckyWizard: 4 7 5
nessachan: 3 7 3
Gharlane: 4 7 7
Sam: 7 6 4
Gahalyn: 3 5 6
nessachan: that kitty looks like my kitty! :D
LaZorra: 5 6 4
DemanusFlint: vote 5 7 6
DemanusFlint: 5 7 6
Gahalyn: That kitty is *adorable*.
CuteBot: Revan's ratings were: 3 7 5.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 3 7 5 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 7 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 7 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 3 7 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 7 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 5 7 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 2 6 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 7 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 3 5 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 4 5 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 6 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 4 7 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 5 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 6 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 5 5 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 6 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 6 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 4 3 2 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so Revan earns 5 points.
LaZorra: 3? Harsh.
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
LaZorra: It's actually a pretty cute horse. But not much of a tail, being an appy.
Not-a-Fairy: 4 5 5
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Not-a-Fairy rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Sam: 3 5 4
TalkingDog: Erm. Is this round valid?
whitehelm: 6 4 6
Maryam: 6 4 2
nessachan: 5 5 5
gremlinn: 5 4 2
DemanusFlint: 6 3 4
Counterpoint: 4 4 4
LuckyWizard: 7 4 4
Zup: 5 5 5
vballgirl: 5 5 2
ThePhan: 5 4 4
Revan: 6 6 3
TalkingDog: 7 6 5
Crystal109: 6 6 5
Counterpoint: 4 5 4
Gharlane: 6 6 4
LaZorra: 6 2 4
whitehelm: 4 5 5
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy's ratings were: 4 5 5.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 5 5 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 4 5 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 5 5 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 5 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 3 5 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 5 4 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 6 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 5 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 6 6 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 6 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 5 4 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 6 3 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 6 6 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 4 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 2 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 4 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so Not-a-Fairy earns 5 points.
Maryam: TD: What wouldn't be valid about it?
CuteBot: Game is paused.
whitehelm: Sam: Not valid
* TalkingDog calls attention to the public 4 5 5 before the round.
* LuckyWizard points to NaF's post just before the bot post.
Maryam: Ohh.
ThePhan: OH.
ThePhan: I missed that.
Zup: Yeah, it's not valid.
Crystal109: Lol OH I didn't see it.
: We have a disqualification of this round, I'm afraid.
Not-a-Fairy: :(
LaZorra: Aww.
nessachan: Oh well
: Stand by, and we will adjust the scores accordingly. Sorry, Not-a-Fairy.
Not-a-Fairy: Oh dear, my apologies folks,
gremlinn: No problem. Happens to lots of people from time to time.
nessachan: no worries
Crystal109: It's okay, NAF. =)
Zup: No problem.
CuteBot: Crystal109's score has been decremented by 1 point.
* Crystal109 waves good-bye to her point. Come back soon!
CuteBot: ThePhan's score has been decremented by 1 point.
* ThePhan watches the point go swirling down the drain, lost forever.
gremlinn: TP: no, it's going to China.
ThePhan: Well, lost to me.
CuteBot: Sam's score has been decremented by 2 points.
CuteBot: Zup's score has been decremented by 3 points.
CuteBot: nessachan's score has been decremented by 3 points.
nessachan: alas!
CuteBot: Counterpoint's score has been decremented by 3 points.
CuteBot: whitehelm's score has been decremented by 5 points.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy's score has been decremented by 5 points.
Not-a-Fairy: Going...going...gone.
* ThePhan tries to figure out a joke that mixes points from CuteBot getting sucked down the drain with sucking away cuteness, but can't quite figure out how to do it.
: We're ready to resume.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think ThePhan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Counterpoint: MUMMY
TalkingDog: 2 3 7
Kysle: 6 1 2
Crystal109: 6 2 2
Maryam: 3 2 4
DemanusFlint: 6 3 1
Counterpoint: 5 3 3
DemanusFlint: 6 1 1
nessachan: 2 2 3
Not-a-Fairy: 4 1 1
gremlinn: 4 1 2
Crystal109: # 2 and 3 scare me.
vballgirl: 5 3 1
Zup: 7 2 2
whitehelm: 6 3 2
gremlinn: #2 is a Malboro.
TalkingDog: 2 2 6
whitehelm: 6 3 1
Gharlane: 5 3 2
LuckyWizard: 4 2 5
vballgirl: They put a kitty in a sock.
Revan: 4 1 2
CuteBot: ThePhan's ratings were: 2 2 3.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 2 2 3 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 3 2 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 2 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 4 1 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 4 1 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 2 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 5 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 4 1 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 5 3 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 2 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 5 3 1 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 6 1 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 2 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 6 1 1 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 6 3 1 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so ThePhan earns 5 points.
nessachan: woah!
nessachan: yay!
ThePhan: Yay!
Crystal109: Ah. Figured.
Crystal109: Nice!
* ThePhan gratefully high fives nessachan.
Crystal109: Heh. High -five-.
nessachan: :D
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Gharlane rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Crystal109: Whoaness.
Maryam: 6 7 5
Crystal109: #3's a pretty cute angle.
whitehelm: 6 6 4
Zup: 6 4 3
Revan: 7 6 5
Counterpoint: I really loathe 1.
TalkingDog: 6 7 5
Sam: 5 4 2
Counterpoint: Look how smug it is.
Not-a-Fairy: 5 5 7
Crystal109: 6 4 6
ThePhan: All cats are smug.
vballgirl: 6 5 1
nessachan: 6 7 6
Zup: 1 looks like my cat. Only my cat likes baskets that are too small for him.
ThePhan: 5 4 6
LaZorra: 6 7 4
gremlinn: #1 looks like it would fit in an Escher painting somewhere.
Counterpoint: 6 4 5
gremlinn: And #2 already is.
LuckyWizard: 7 5 4
LaZorra: grem: LOL, I was thinking that about #2.
Maryam: grem: Lots of cats all smushed together?
gremlinn: Yeah, tesselated.
Maryam: That was the word. I couldn't think of it.
gremlinn: 5 3 1
DemanusFlint: 7 2 5
CuteBot: Gharlane's ratings were: 5 5 6.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 5 4 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 5 5 7 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 4 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 6 4 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 6 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 6 6 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 7 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 6 7 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 7 6 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 5 4 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 4 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 7 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 6 5 1 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 7 2 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 5 3 1 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Gharlane earns 3 points.
nessachan: either my laptop or my stomach is making a noise rather like a pigeon...
: What do I want out of life? Why, to give you whatever you want in life, of course. What are your dreams? What have you always wanted in live?
: *smile*flutter*cuddle* Ohhh, I can remember ever since I was a little girl. A place on the ocean. A ranch. A place to call my very own, where I could walk all day and not traverse the whole of it. A place where I could own a stable of horses and ride through the woods or along the beach....
* Zup gags.
Counterpoint: A place *on* the ocean?
LaZorra: Wait, a RANCH on the OCEAN?
TalkingDog: For seahorses.
: *chuckle* You don't want much, do you?
LaZorra: THere are like, two of those in the US, you know.
: *giggle* Well, such are silly girlhood dreams. I know it'll never happen....
whitehelm: Ricardo: SHE WANTS YOUR MONEY
* Zup then gags both Brianna and Ricardo for good measure.
: You never know.
nessachan: oh brother
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think LuckyWizard rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
TalkingDog: 7 7 6
Maryam: 3 3 4
Revan: 6 5 7
Sam: 1 7 4
Zup: 7 7 7
Crystal109: 7 5 6
gremlinn: 1 7 3
whitehelm: 4 2 3
ThePhan: #1 is SAD.
vballgirl: 6 6 5
gremlinn: #1 is disturbing.
nessachan: 7 5 6
ThePhan: 2 5 2
Not-a-Fairy: 5 5 4
Gharlane: 3 4 3
DemanusFlint: 6 7 7
Counterpoint: 3 5 5
LaZorra: 4 6 6
TalkingDog: #1 is teh fuzzy!
ThePhan: That is a miserable-looking cat.
Counterpoint: 3 5 6
vballgirl: #1 almost has mouse facial features.
Crystal109: vballgirl: I was thinking the same thing!
Kysle: 6 6 3
CuteBot: LuckyWizard's ratings were: 6 7 5.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 6 6 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 6 7 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 7 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 6 6 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 7 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 6 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 5 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 6 5 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 5 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 7 5 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 1 7 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 3 5 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 1 7 3 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 3 3 4 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 3 4 3 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 2 5 2 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 2 3 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so LuckyWizard earns 3 points.
ThePhan: Whoa. I was off by 9. Yikes.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Maryam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
DemanusFlint: 7 7 7
TalkingDog: 1 4 4
gremlinn: 4 3 3
Revan: 2 3 5
Crystal109: 1 3 3
Zup: 7 6 5
Counterpoint: 4 3 4
ThePhan: 2 3 4
vballgirl: 7 1 2
Crystal109: 1 is a scary angle.
nessachan: 6 7 7
TalkingDog: 2 3 4
LaZorra: #1 looks like it has like six legs.
Not-a-Fairy: 3 1 5
Gharlane: 3 3 3
LaZorra: 2 5 4
Counterpoint: How many legs does that duck have?
Sam: 7 3 4
nessachan: it has 4 legs.. :o
LuckyWizard: 5 5 4
whitehelm: 5 4 6
Maryam: LZ: Actually, it only has four...
gremlinn: 3 3 3
LaZorra: Ahh.
DemanusFlint: Four legs?
DemanusFlint: eek
gremlinn: Minus a point for that.
CuteBot: Maryam's ratings were: 2 3 6.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 2 3 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 3 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 2 3 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 2 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 3 1 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 3 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 3 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 4 3 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 4 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 5 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 3 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 6 7 7 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 6 5 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 7 7 7 (off by 10) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 7 1 2 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Maryam earns 3 points.
LaZorra: Dangit, I keep being off by four.
Maryam: The duck would have been way cuter if it weren't for the extra legs.
Crystal109: The better to swim with.
Crystal109: Or something.
nessachan: It's the freaky duckling
Sam: Hey, yeah, why DOES it have four legs?
LaZorra: LOL, you just noticed?
Sam: Well. Yeah.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kysle: 1 4 2
Sam: 1 7 7
Revan: 1 4 3
Crystal109: Is that a horse in 3?
DemanusFlint: 1 3 1
Not-a-Fairy: 5 6 5
LaZorra: YES
Counterpoint: 1 4 6
gremlinn: 2 5 5
whitehelm: 3 5 6
Maryam: 1 5 3
nessachan: 6 6 5
vballgirl: 2 5 3
LuckyWizard: 2 5 5
Crystal109: 2 4 5
* LaZorra wants a little baby pony.
TalkingDog: 3 5 4
ThePhan: 1 4 4
Gharlane: 2 4 5
Maryam: 1 5 4
LaZorra: 1 4 7
CuteBot: Zup's ratings were: 2 5 5.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 2 5 5 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 5 5 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 2 4 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 2 4 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 1 5 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 2 5 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 3 5 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 3 5 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 1 4 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 1 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Revan guesses 1 4 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 1 4 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 5 6 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 1 4 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 1 7 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 6 6 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 1 3 1 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so Zup earns 5 points.
LuckyWizard: Wow, right on the mark.
Zup: Nice job Grem, LW!
gremlinn: I mainly liked the pattern in #2.
Maryam: grem: It would have been better if the two pale dogs were opposite each other.
gremlinn: Maryam: I thought so too.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Counterpoint rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Sam: 1 1 5
Kysle: 3 5 5
Revan: 6 5 2
ThePhan: 3 3 1
ThePhan: 3 3 2
Maryam: 1 3 3
whitehelm: 3 5 5
Zup: 7 3 3
nessachan: 6 6 4
vballgirl: 5 2 5
gremlinn: 1 3 1
LaZorra: 4 4 4
TalkingDog: 2 6 4
Crystal109: 4 5 2
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: grem: LOL LOL
LuckyWizard: 5 6 3
Gharlane: 5 5 4
Maryam: LOL LOL
Not-a-Fairy: LOL!
* LaZorra giggles helplessly.
CuteBot: Counterpoint's ratings were: 7 4 5.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 3 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 4 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 5 2 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 5 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 6 6 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 3 5 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 3 5 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 6 5 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 6 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 4 5 2 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 6 4 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 3 3 2 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 1 1 5 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 1 3 3 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 1 3 1 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 1, so Counterpoint earns 1 point.
Counterpoint: Clearly you don't know of my weakness for dogs and fondness for rodents. ;)
gremlinn: Wow, 11.
gremlinn: And I almost got #2 right.
Counterpoint: I am a dog person through and through. Cats don't do anything for me.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
TalkingDog: 7 5 3
gremlinn: 7 2 2
Maryam: 6 5 2
Zup: 3 2 1
Revan: 5 3 1
nessachan: 7 6 6
Counterpoint: 6 3 5
vballgirl: 7 5 6
Not-a-Fairy: 6 5 3
whitehelm: 5 5 2
Sam: 4 3 4
Crystal109: 6 4 4
LaZorra: 6 4 2
gremlinn: That might be the first one I rated a 7.
ThePhan: 3 1 3
: Hey, that's Philbert! *giggle* That alpaca was funny.
Gharlane: 7 5 2
Crystal109: It's strange to think of a giggling kitten.
LuckyWizard: 6 2 4
CuteBot: Kysle's ratings were: 6 3 7.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 6 3 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 2 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 4 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 7 5 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 4 3 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 7 6 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 4 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 6 5 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 5 3 1 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 5 2 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 7 2 2 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 5 3 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 5 2 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 7 5 2 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 3 1 3 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 3 2 1 (off by 10) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so Kysle earns 2 points.
Revan: That's totally not a 7.
Kysle: Alpacas are the cutest things ever.
: I wanna eat the mouse! // No, I wanna eat the mouse! // No, I wanna eat the mouse! // No, I wanna eat the mouse!
nessachan: AHHH
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think TalkingDog rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
DemanusFlint: haha dog eat corn :)
gremlinn: 3 4 2
Maryam: 5 6 7
Counterpoint: 5 4 7
Kysle: 2 2 7
whitehelm: 4 6 6
DemanusFlint: 3 3 7
Revan: 5 3 4
Zup: 3 4 6
Sam: 4 4 6
Not-a-Fairy: 3 5 7
Crystal109: 5 4 7
ThePhan: 4 5 6
vballgirl: 4 4 7
nessachan: 4 4 5
LaZorra: 4 7 6
Gharlane: 4 5 4
LuckyWizard: 4 5 6
CuteBot: TalkingDog's ratings were: 4 5 7.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 3 5 7 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 4 4 7 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 5 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 4 5 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 4 4 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 6 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 5 4 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 4 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 6 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 3 3 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 3 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 4 4 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 4 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 2 2 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 5 3 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 3 4 2 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so TalkingDog earns 3 points.
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
TalkingDog: 2 4 7
Revan: 2 1 7
Sam: 5 1 7
DemanusFlint: 1 1 7
Counterpoint: 5 2 7
whitehelm: 4 2 6
ThePhan: 2 1 7
Crystal109: 2 4 6
Zup: 5 1 5
gremlinn: 3 1 5
nessachan: 1 2 6
Maryam: 5 4 7
vballgirl: 3 1 4
Counterpoint: Face eater!
LuckyWizard: 4 3 7
Gharlane: 4 5 6
Not-a-Fairy: 4 2 5
LaZorra: 4 1 6
CuteBot: Kysle's ratings were: 2 2 6.
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 1 2 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Revan guesses 2 1 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 2 1 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 2 4 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 2 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 1 1 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 4 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 3 1 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 1 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 4 2 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 3 1 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 3 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 5 2 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 4 5 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 1 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 5 1 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 4 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Kysle earns 3 points.
DemanusFlint: Kysle: Your fetish for high socks is pretty unique, I think.
Kysle: Huh. The first one is somehow cuter when enlarged.
: Remember ladies, you can click on me to get a better look!
: Yes, and men, don't miss out on Mama Juanita. COME to me!
ThePhan: GAH NO! Not her!
Crystal109: AHHH It's JUANITA who can't COUNT.
LaZorra: Somebody gouge out my eyes for me.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Maryam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
TalkingDog: 7 2 7
DemanusFlint: 7 1 3
Counterpoint: TINY DEER again.
Sam: 5 2 7
whitehelm: 5 2 5
Revan: And I love the O.o dog.
Crystal109: 6 5 4
Zup: 3 2 6
DemanusFlint: I've never felt so judged by a puppy.
Not-a-Fairy: 5 5 1
Sam: DF: LOL
Kysle: 4 2 5
ThePhan: 6 1 5
LaZorra: 6 3 7
Counterpoint: 6 4 7
: I can too count, Crystal107.
gremlinn: 3 1 6
Revan: 5 2 4
Crystal109: Juanita: Oh, yeah? You ruined my submission for me. Hmph.
nessachan: 4 4 6
vballgirl: 6 4 4
LuckyWizard: 5 1 4
Gharlane: 5 5 7
CuteBot: Maryam's ratings were: 5 1 6.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 3 1 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 1 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 2 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 5 2 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 6 1 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 3 2 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 4 2 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Revan guesses 5 2 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 4 4 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 3 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 2 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gharlane guesses 5 5 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 6 4 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 7 1 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 6 4 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 5 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 5 5 1 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so Maryam earns 2 points.
Maryam: #1 would have been a 7 if not for the disgruntled expression.
nessachan: Maryam is anti-pig
Maryam: Nessa: That is a hideous pig.
TalkingDog: That isn't a cute pig.
nessachan: I think it's cute!
ThePhan: That is an UGLY pig.
nessachan: hehe
Crystal109: The eyes are scary when enlarged, though.
Revan: Heh! Yeah.
nessachan: awe poor piggy
: Les piggons, c'est la stinque, ew la la.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Gharlane rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
DemanusFlint: 5 7 7
gremlinn: 4 3 7
Revan: 3 1 4
Counterpoint: 6 5 6
DemanusFlint: death = cute
Sam: 6 7 6
Zup: 7 7 6
Kysle: 5 5 6
Maryam: 6 5 7
Crystal109: 7 2 7
ThePhan: 6 5 5
nessachan: 4 5 6
whitehelm: 6 6 6
vballgirl: 3 6 1
Not-a-Fairy: 6 5 7
Crystal109: #2 looks dead.... =(
LuckyWizard: 6 5 6
gremlinn: Yeah, it does.
gremlinn: Probably not, though.
nessachan: I hope duckersons is just napping
TalkingDog: 7 7 7
CuteBot: Gharlane's ratings were: 6 5 7.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 5 7 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Not-a-Fairy guesses 6 5 7 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Counterpoint guesses 6 5 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 5 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 5 5 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 6 5 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 6 6 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: nessachan guesses 4 5 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 5 7 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 6 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 7 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 4 3 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 2 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 7 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Revan guesses 3 1 4 (off by 10) and does not score.
CuteBot: vballgirl guesses 3 6 1 (off by 10) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so Gharlane earns 5 points.
CuteBot: Maryam wins!
CuteBot: Portrait of Counterpoint: . Portrait of Crystal109: . Portrait of DemanusFlint: . Portrait of Gharlane: . Portrait of gremlinn: . Portrait of Kysle: . Portrait of LaZorra: . Portrait of LuckyWizard: . Portrait of Maryam: . Portrait of nessachan: . Portrait of Not-a-Fairy: . Portrait of Nyperold: . Portrait of Revan: . Portrait of Sam: . Portrait of TalkingDog: . Portrait of ThePhan: . Portrait of vballgirl: . Portrait of whitehelm: . Portrait of Zup: .
CuteBot: Cutest: Least Cute:
Kysle: Nice, Maryam!
TalkingDog: YAY
Maryam: Wait, that was me winning?
Gharlane: Yay Maryam!
Maryam: Cool!
nessachan: awe I'm adorable
Zup: Duckling!
ThePhan: I am the sad cat who's friends with Ernie.
DemanusFlint: haha im an alpaca
Zup: DF: Como te llama?
* TalkingDog is TINY DEER.
Revan: Ooh, I'm a cat. I'm instantly a 7.
Kysle: Everybody's so cuuuute.
Crystal109: NAF is so cute!
Not-a-Fairy: Crystal: Thank you!
Maryam: HEE! I'm cute little kitty!
Not-a-Fairy: Cats rule!
gremlinn: Dog bride was not that bad.
Crystal109: I'm a CUTE KITTY.
Crystal109: Or a person...
Kysle: LW: Are you strangling yourself?
gremlinn: Sure, silly-looking.
vballgirl: Good job Maryam. Bummer LW.
whitehelm: At least LuckyWizard is apparently the cutest
Crystal109: I ended with a decent score, so I'm glad.
Portrait of :
TalkingDog: LOL
ThePhan: Hehe
Crystal109: Awwww.
ThePhan: That is very true.
nessachan: So what happened to our hosts?
Zup: Ness: they're usually snogging backstage when we're not paying attention.
: Congratulations, Maryam, for winning CuteBot!
: Sam, have you finished tallying the scores for AcroBot yet?
Sam: Uh. I sort of forgot.
: Oh. Well. Maybe you could do both that and CuteBot during our next and final game, CaptionBot!
ThePhan: Oh, dear. It's Caption. That means I have to be funny and clever.
Crystal109: Darn, CaptionBot.
* ThePhan is not good at Caption. :-)
* Crystal109 sucks at Caption too.
: We'll be playing to 30 points, and then it'll be time to wrap things up for this session. But there are still two more sessions to go, and the rankings are highly competitive.
ThePhan: I will only be at ONE more session. Gasp!
whitehelm: This will unfortunately be my last session
Crystal109: MYSTERYBOT tomorrow!
ThePhan: Yay!
Counterpoint: There are five people on my tail in the game rankings.
vballgirl: Cp: Pull your tail in. It might get stepped on!
: That's right, I'm glad you've mentioned it. We have a secret bot to play during tomorrow's session. I'm really excited about it, aren't you, Brianna dear darling honey dear?
* nessachan's teeth rot from the schmaltz
: Oh yes. I am very excited about a great many things happening these days.
: Sam, let's start this next game in one minute.
Sam: Ok.
CaptionBot has been summoned by Sam.
* TalkingDog prepares to lose.
* Crystal109 prepares to be horribly uncreative.
* Zup bets that Janet AHEM Brianna is going to steal mysterybot!
: Janet? That's quite the typo for Brianna! Heh heh!
: Er, yeah. Heh heh.
CaptionBot: Zup chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for A computer is a tough crowd.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Download this!
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Getting Horny Online.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Trying to make an mp3 of his playing, the clown decided that since he could hear music, so could the computer.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Bozo wasn't very clear on the concept of speech recognition software.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for In a last-ditch attempt to extract the viruses from his dying computer, Krusty gives up on McAfee.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Dr. Bobo chuckled fiendishly as he prepared to enter the correct sequence of honks, activating his doomsday device.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for The clown prepared to squeeze the horn's blub, blissfully unaware of the ineffectiveness of such an action.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Obviously, the computer couldn't be fixed by just fooling around.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Since the government can, of course, hear us and see us through our computers, Frank decided he might as well give them a good show.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for "Hmm. Maybe it can understand musical notes better than my voice?? Stupid voice recognition."
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Bozo was proud to finally get his Online Certificate of Clownology and Bugling.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Bazookahorn locked and loaded. Ready ... aim ...
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for It's not accepting my password!
whitehelm: vote 9
vballgirl: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 14
Revan: vote 14
ThePhan: vote 1
Crystal109: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 5
Zup: vote 12
Gharlane: vote 6
Maryam: vote 1
Kysle: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 9
nessachan: vote 13
gremlinn: vote 3
scruffy has entered.
DemanusFlint: vote 3
Crystal109: SCRUFFY.
Kysle: Scruffy!
Gharlane: Hi scruffy!
Zup: Scruffster!
whitehelm: Scruffy!
ThePhan: Hey scruffy!
Zup: DF: He did last time.
CaptionBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Dr. Bobo chuckled fiendishly as he prepared to enter the correct sequence of honks, activating his doomsday device.
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 2 points for It's not accepting my password!
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for Getting Horny Online.
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 2 points for A computer is a tough crowd.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 2 points for Obviously, the computer couldn't be fixed by just fooling around.
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Bazookahorn locked and loaded. Ready ... aim ...
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Bozo wasn't very clear on the concept of speech recognition software.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Bozo was proud to finally get his Online Certificate of Clownology and Bugling.
CaptionBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for Download this!
CaptionBot: Revan wins 1 point for In a last-ditch attempt to extract the viruses from his dying computer, Krusty gives up on McAfee.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Since the government can, of course, hear us and see us through our computers, Frank decided he might as well give them a good show.
CaptionBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Trying to make an mp3 of his playing, the clown decided that since he could hear music, so could the computer.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for "Hmm. Maybe it can understand musical notes better than my voice?? Stupid voice recognition."
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for The clown prepared to squeeze the horn's blub, blissfully unaware of the ineffectiveness of such an action.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was clown.
: Brianna, I have a very important question to ask you.
: Now, in the middle of the tournament?
: I can't wait any longer.
whitehelm: Roberto: DONT DO IT
whitehelm: NO NO NO
Gharlane: Ricardo, I don't think she does windows.
Maryam: He's going to ask her to hide their affair from his current wife.
LaZorra: Don't worry, he's only going to ask if he can go potty now.
Zup: Ricardo: Please tell me you're asking her where she gets her hair done.
Zup: LOL
: *surreptitiously sticks a sock in everybody's mouths*
* whitehelm sticks a sock in Roberto's mouth!
: What's everybody clamoring about?
: Nothing, Ricky, nothing. You were saying?
ThePhan: LOL
CaptionBot: CaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
gremlinn: Don't eat this star.
Sam: Don't eat th...beaten.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for a shooting star
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Flying entrances are heavenly.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Fame! I'm gonna live forever! I'm gonna learn how to fly...
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for They're The Stars With Five Points!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for The alien trapeze artist dives from the stars.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Not everyone's a star in this gymnastics team!
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Stardom is not easily attained anymore, as these three poor gymnasts would find out.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for When they announced that they were all out of flaming rings, the gymnastics tournament got a whole lot weirder...
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for The Angleton River Gymnastics Club owes their success to the pact they made with Satan.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for The minimalist dance troupe's rendition of Peter Pan was slightly less than successful with the general populace.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Wondertwin powers activate! Shape of a star, heat of a star...OUCH, OUCH!
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for The power of the pentagram was unleashed, and Beelzebub's three ugliest minions emerged.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for The gymnasts truly aspired to be air traffic controllers.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Momma said I was a little star, but this is insane!
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for On a flag patriotic, in the field of dark blue, live a bunch of Who men and Who women, too!
DemanusFlint: vote 1
whitehelm: vote 12
Sam: vote 11
Not-a-Fairy: vote 9
Zup: vote 12
ThePhan: vote 12
Crystal109: vote 8
scruffy: vote 9
Eric: vote 12
Revan: vote 10
vballgirl: vote 13
nessachan: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 7
Gharlane: vote 15
Maryam: vote 11
Counterpoint: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 13
Kysle: vote 14
gremlinn: vote 11
Sam: The Wonder Twins rule.
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 4 points for The power of the pentagram was unleashed, and Beelzebub's three ugliest minions emerged.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for Wondertwin powers activate! Shape of a star, heat of a star...OUCH, OUCH!
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for The gymnasts truly aspired to be air traffic controllers.
CaptionBot: Eric wins 2 points for The Angleton River Gymnastics Club owes their success to the pact they made with Satan.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for The minimalist dance troupe's rendition of Peter Pan was slightly less than successful with the general populace.
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Momma said I was a little star, but this is insane!
CaptionBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for Fame! I'm gonna live forever! I'm gonna learn how to fly...
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for On a flag patriotic, in the field of dark blue, live a bunch of Who men and Who women, too!
CaptionBot: Revan wins 1 point for When they announced that they were all out of flaming rings, the gymnastics tournament got a whole lot weirder...
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 1 point for a shooting star
CaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for Stardom is not easily attained anymore, as these three poor gymnasts would find out.
CaptionBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Not everyone's a star in this gymnastics team!
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Flying entrances are heavenly.
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for They're The Stars With Five Points!
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 0 points for The alien trapeze artist dives from the stars.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was cheerleading.
Eric: Oh good job DemanusFlint.
DemanusFlint: Wow, we think alike!
: Brianna, we haven't known each other long, but it feels like my life only began when I met you. You're everything I've dreamt about my entire life without realizing it -- heart, mind, and soul. I know this is sudden, and I've never been one to act rashly, but...well, I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life.
nessachan: oh brother
Crystal109: LOL DO IT DO IT DO IT.
Zup: We warned ya, dude.
whitehelm: /msg Zup It's time for drastic action. I'll take one side, you take the other.
Zup: /msg whitehelm deal, but remember not to put a space before /msg
whitehelm: /msg Zup Oh..right
nessachan: Ricardo, acting rashly will give you a rash! :|
Revan: Rashly? At this rate it'll be tomorrow.
Zup: The wedding will be tomorrow, you mean.
Eric: "I think we should see other people."
Sam: Yeah, seriously. Imagine thinking about a proposal for a full day before popping it. CONSERVATIVE!
Counterpoint: Sam: Yeah, I married my seventh wife after knowing her four hours.
Sam: CP: Exactly. And if you had been overly cautious, you'd probably only be up to four now. As if!
CaptionBot: whitehelm chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Can you say VROOM VROOM!!!1
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Lillian thought that her hair stylist's technique was a little aggressive, but she was ready to try anything.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for The June image in the popular Supermodels and Chainsaws 2007 calendar.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for "You dare to stand in front of the exercise room TV? I *will* run you over with my stationary bike!"
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Brianna's true form.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for I'm mad.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for She's a really hot... Hedge-clipper thingy... And she's got huge - uh - Horsepower...
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for I HATE old growth forest!
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Oh no, she saw me! (PUN COPYRIGHTED BY KYSLE)
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for The celebrity was tired of people ordering her around. Since she happened to be starring in a chainsaw-massacre type movie...
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Coming this fall, a new horror franchise: HEDGE TRIMMER
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for You Said You Wanted A Haircut. You're Up.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Brianna on a bad day. Oh, if Ricardo only knew!
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Yes, this is a firearm. Yes, these are bullets. Now *get out of my house.*
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for After her husband refused to trim the hedges in favor of watching football, Bettina took matters into her own hands
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for Watch out! She's got a...a... a thing! Run for your lives!
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for What do you mean, hedge clippers aren't as scary as a chainsaw?
CaptionBot: Vote 18 for Topiary struck a downtown office today when it was discovered that one of the side effects of Barbara's medication was making peoples heads look just like shrubs..
vballgirl: vote 13
LaZorra: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
Eric: vote 8
DemanusFlint: vote 1
whitehelm: vote 14
Revan: vote 17
Crystal109: vote 6
Zup: vote 3
Not-a-Fairy: vote 2
Maryam: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 18
gremlinn: vote 16
Kysle: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 18
Liface: vote 18
Gharlane: vote 2
* ThePhan finds it amusing that not only is Brianna mentioned twice, but two of the other three women's names mentioned also begin with B and end with A.
nessachan: vote 2
gremlinn: I noticed the lead B.
whitehelm: It's code.
Crystal109: Brianna's taking over our lives!
ThePhan: Bettina and Barbara... Brianna's fake sisters?
Crystal109: Triplets, maybe.
ThePhan: Really named Jessica and Julie?
Crystal109: Since parents appear to be fond of same-letter-starting names for twins/triplets/etc.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 4 points for Lillian thought that her hair stylist's technique was a little aggressive, but she was ready to try anything.
CaptionBot: Eric wins 3 points for The June image in the popular Supermodels and Chainsaws 2007 calendar.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for Topiary struck a downtown office today when it was discovered that one of the side effects of Barbara's medication was making peoples heads look just like shrubs..
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Yes, this is a firearm. Yes, these are bullets. Now *get out of my house.*
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for I'm mad.
CaptionBot: Liface wins 1 point for I HATE old growth forest!
CaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for What do you mean, hedge clippers aren't as scary as a chainsaw?
CaptionBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for Watch out! She's got a...a... a thing! Run for your lives!
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 1 point for Can you say VROOM VROOM!!!1
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Brianna on a bad day. Oh, if Ricardo only knew!
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 1 point for Brianna's true form.
CaptionBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for The celebrity was tired of people ordering her around. Since she happened to be starring in a chainsaw-massacre type movie...
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for Oh no, she saw me! (PUN COPYRIGHTED BY KYSLE)
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for "You dare to stand in front of the exercise room TV? I *will* run you over with my stationary bike!"
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 0 points for After her husband refused to trim the hedges in favor of watching football, Bettina took matters into her own hands
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Coming this fall, a new horror franchise: HEDGE TRIMMER
CaptionBot: Revan wins 0 points for She's a really hot... Hedge-clipper thingy... And she's got huge - uh - Horsepower...
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for You Said You Wanted A Haircut. You're Up.
CaptionBot: scruffy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was crash.
: Ricky, what is it?
: Brianna, I want you to marry me, and be the mother of my children.
Counterpoint: Noooooooooo.
whitehelm: AHH
Crystal109: GO RICKY GO.
Maryam: Gasp! It's... not a twist at all. Oh.
: *blush-grin-gasp* Oh, Ricky.... I thought you'd never ask. I've been dreaming this moment for what seems like so long.
nessachan: *gag*
Gharlane: Whoa! Ricky, you went and did it, didn't you.
Revan: Ooh, not only did you dig yourself in the hole, but you nailed the coffin with children. Nice.
* Zup takes trhe hedge trimmer and GOES TO TOWN ON THE LIARRRRRRRRRRRRR
ThePhan: Ricardo, you are condemning yourself to a life of Brianna's someone stealing your money!
gremlinn: Good job not saying "father" by accident. That would be quite embarrassing.
Not-a-Fairy: :O
* whitehelm uses a ventriloquist technique. "But I don't want to marry you"
LaZorra: You know what? If Ricardo is stupid enough to get himself into this mess, he deserves Brianna.
nessachan: Ricky is doomed
Eric: I'd just as soon marry a wookiee!
gremlinn: Ricardo: don't listen to these fools. They're just messing with you.
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Star Wars extras often felt like they were always on camera. Because they were. George Lucas is a perv.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for This is more difficult than you may realize.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for TK-421, why aren't you at your post? TK-421, why aren't you at your... oh! Sorry.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Potential Troopers must pass strenuous tests to be admitted into the real ranks.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for I just wish for once that darth would get off my back.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for We're all fine here now, thank you.. how are you?
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for "So where were you when the rebels attacked the Death Star?"
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Restrooms stormed today!
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for The Storm Troopers hadn't realized the downside of Take Your Father to School Day.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Hey! Aren't you a little short to be using this restroom?
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for A pair of Storm Loopers.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for "What? You can wait in line, just like everybody else."
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Taking a short break takes longer in these outfits.
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for A janitor's worst nightmare.
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for If these two had been at their posts like they were supposed to, the Death Star would never have been destroyed.
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for That's no moon, it's a urinal cake!
gremlinn: vote 10
Eric: vote 10
Eric: Did I miss something? Why is it suddenly a bad idea to marry Brianna?
whitehelm: vote 3
Maryam: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 1
Zup: vote 15
ThePhan: Because it turns out she is a lying gold digger.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 13
DemanusFlint: vote 10
Liface: vote 17
Counterpoint: vote 11
Crystal109: Heh I finally read over that transcript in extra detail.
Crystal109: Tricky, tricky.
Crystal109: SAY NO NOW, BRIANNA.
vballgirl: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 2
Revan: vote 13
scruffy: vote 17
LaZorra: vote 2
Crystal109: But wait. That means that Ricardo needs an alternate love interest!
Kysle: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 1
Crystal109: The plot thickens.
Crystal109: vote 5
nessachan: vote 7
CaptionBot: Revan wins 3 points for "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for This is more difficult than you may realize.
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 2 points for That's no moon, it's a urinal cake!
CaptionBot: Eric wins 2 points for "So where were you when the rebels attacked the Death Star?"
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for "What? You can wait in line, just like everybody else."
CaptionBot: Zup wins 2 points for Star Wars extras often felt like they were always on camera. Because they were. George Lucas is a perv.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Hey! Aren't you a little short to be using this restroom?
CaptionBot: Liface wins 1 point for TK-421, why aren't you at your post? TK-421, why aren't you at your... oh! Sorry.
CaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for The Storm Troopers hadn't realized the downside of Take Your Father to School Day.
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 1 point for I just wish for once that darth would get off my back.
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Restrooms stormed today!
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 1 point for A janitor's worst nightmare.
CaptionBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Taking a short break takes longer in these outfits.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Potential Troopers must pass strenuous tests to be admitted into the real ranks.
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 0 points for We're all fine here now, thank you.. how are you?
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for A pair of Storm Loopers.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for If these two had been at their posts like they were supposed to, the Death Star would never have been destroyed.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was bloopers.
whitehelm: You get it? Cause stormtroopers can't aim...
nessachan: shoot, I thought mine was good
gremlinn: wh: heh.
Liface: haha
nessachan: xD
Revan: wh: LOL
: Then you accept?
whitehelm: SAY NO NONONO
: Oh Ricky, of course I do. I do I do I do!
Revan: No, that was a typo! She said NO NO NO.
nessachan: This can only end badly!
ThePhan: Her n and ' and t keys are just all broken.
Crystal109: TP: LOL.
* LaZorra is disappointed in herself for thinking Ricardo had better taste than most men.
: WHHOOOPEE! Brianna, you've made me the happiest man alive!
whitehelm: Not for long
Crystal109: RICKY I changed my mind! Don't do it!
* Crystal109 gets pretty involved in movies and plotlines that she can't seem to ever change. Heh.
CaptionBot: vballgirl chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The "Hit and Run" event at the Olympics never really caught on.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for All of the curbs in Switzerland are striped red and white for added visibility.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for The sidewalk just got a lot smaller with that truck coming through town.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for WHACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Say, you'd tell me if there was a truck following me, wouldn't you?
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for This man's doom is imminent. More importantly, that is one strangely painted curb.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Ricardo had the strange feeling the DUMP truck following him was a sign
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Truman was walking quickly to escape the dome...
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty... ya you know the rest.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Man, I wish my boss would get off my back! I was only late once.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for It was a hard day for George. First, his girlfriend stole HIS MONEY, then he got ran over by a GIGANTIC TRUCK. See the parallels Ricky?
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Some people are about to be run over. Jimmy has about five seconds.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Stanton didn't know why the truck had been following him all day, but even more bizarre were the checkered boundary lines that kept blocking him.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for GET OUT OF THE WAY
Liface: darn
Eric: vote 14
DemanusFlint: vote 5
Sam: LOL @11
DemanusFlint: vote 4
Zup: vote 14
gremlinn: vote 14
ThePhan: vote 11
Counterpoint: vote 12
Crystal109: vote 12
Revan: vote 10
Kysle: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 14
ThePhan: vote 12
vballgirl: vote 1
scruffy: vote 14
Liface: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
Maryam: vote 1
whitehelm: vote 11
nessachan: vote 12
Kysle: vote 7
Gharlane: vote 5
Zup: vote 8
Zup: I love the Truman Show too much.
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 4 points for GET OUT OF THE WAY
CaptionBot: Revan wins 4 points for Some people are about to be run over. Jimmy has about five seconds.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for The "Hit and Run" event at the Olympics never really caught on.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Truman was walking quickly to escape the dome...
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for All of the curbs in Switzerland are striped red and white for added visibility.
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Ricardo had the strange feeling the DUMP truck following him was a sign
CaptionBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for Say, you'd tell me if there was a truck following me, wouldn't you?
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Man, I wish my boss would get off my back! I was only late once.
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 1 point for WHACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for It was a hard day for George. First, his girlfriend stole HIS MONEY, then he got ran over by a GIGANTIC TRUCK. See the parallels Ricky?
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for This man's doom is imminent. More importantly, that is one strangely painted curb.
CaptionBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for The sidewalk just got a lot smaller with that truck coming through town.
CaptionBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Stanton didn't know why the truck had been following him all day, but even more bizarre were the checkered boundary lines that kept blocking him.
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 0 points for Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty... ya you know the rest.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was tightrope.
gremlinn: I like that movie.
Eric: grem: Humpty Dumpty?
Zup: It's my favorite movie.
: *blush*
: Say, um...are you sure everything's all right with that CaptionBot game? There seems to be an unusually loud commotion going on over there.
: Oh, it's fine! Really! You know how CaptionBot gets. All the funny pictures! Let them have their fun.
: Ok, honey. *dreamy grin*
* whitehelm holds a giant sign in front of Ricky saying, "SHE'S LYING TO YOU!!!"
: So...the mother of your children, eh?
ThePhan: "How about just the spender of your money?"
CaptionBot: Maryam chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for The alpaca stir-fry his wife made was awful, but he ate it anyway and... tried not to let it show.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Sammy Jr. couldn't consume another morsel of this horriblly tasting extremity.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Ricardo after ALL HIS MONEY GETS STOLEN
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Even he is disgusted by Ricardo's obliviousness.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Jimmy learns why crab is traditionally eaten outside of its shell.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Though Edward loved taco salad, it tasted like paste in his mouth as he thought about Ricardo's fate!
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for The downside of having a paper plate as a hand beame apparent as soon as Lee tried a taste.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for This man is eating jellyfish. Please do not attempt.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Put it on your head. That's sexy, right?
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Kim was disgruntled when a news crew suddenly appeared in his house, taking his picture to be added to this edition of the paper.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Here at Denny's, we have only the best quality in... Ew.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for "Is this a fork I see before my mouth? Out, out darned pork chop!
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for First, the infidels come and take our land. Then, they take our women. Then, they take silly pictures of us eating ethnic food! When does the tyranny end, folks? Where?
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for As you can see his silently making the noise made by every kid in Americam who eats brocolii BLECH!!!
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for Eww. So this is what Fettichini tastes like after sitting out for three days...
whitehelm: vote 14
LaZorra: vote 12
ThePhan: vote 6
scruffy: vote 10
Revan: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 2
LaZorra: 12 cracks me up.
Maryam: vote 6
Not-a-Fairy: vote 6
Zup: vote 4
DemanusFlint: vote sam
vballgirl: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 13
whitehelm: vote 9
[CaptionBot->DemanusFlint] Your vote was not correctly formed.
Counterpoint: vote 8
Zup: vote SAM
Eric: vote 14
Sam: Yeah. I know. *sigh*
Kysle: vote 6
[CaptionBot->Zup] Your vote was not correctly formed.
Eric: vote 10
Revan: vote Sam
nessachan: vote 13
[CaptionBot->Revan] Your vote was not correctly formed.
DemanusFlint: vote 10
LaZorra: vote sam
[CaptionBot->LaZorra] Your vote was not correctly formed.
Gharlane: vote 11
Revan: vote 5
Liface: vote 9
Liface: argh, buffer keeps filling p
Revan: vote 4
Sam: Collectry, nice.
* Zup keeps getting his hopes up, then people change their votes on him. Sadness...
Zup: LOL
CaptionBot: Eric wins 5 points for Jimmy learns why crab is traditionally eaten outside of its shell.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for Put it on your head. That's sexy, right?
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for This man is eating jellyfish. Please do not attempt.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for "Is this a fork I see before my mouth? Out, out darned pork chop!
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 2 points for Ricardo after ALL HIS MONEY GETS STOLEN
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for The downside of having a paper plate as a hand beame apparent as soon as Lee tried a taste.
CaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Kim was disgruntled when a news crew suddenly appeared in his house, taking his picture to be added to this edition of the paper.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for The alpaca stir-fry his wife made was awful, but he ate it anyway and... tried not to let it show.
CaptionBot: Revan wins 1 point for Here at Denny's, we have only the best quality in... Ew.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Sammy Jr. couldn't consume another morsel of this horriblly tasting extremity.
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Though Edward loved taco salad, it tasted like paste in his mouth as he thought about Ricardo's fate!
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 0 points for As you can see his silently making the noise made by every kid in Americam who eats brocolii BLECH!!!
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Even he is disgusted by Ricardo's obliviousness.
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Eww. So this is what Fettichini tastes like after sitting out for three days...
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for First, the infidels come and take our land. Then, they take our women. Then, they take silly pictures of us eating ethnic food! When does the tyranny end, folks? Where?
CaptionBot: The search keyword was eating contest.
: Sure! You'd be a wonderful mother! Would you like to meet them?
: Wh--huh?
: They're waiting outside!
Eric: LOL
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
Maryam: LOL
Zup: Yes ricky!
ThePhan: LOL!
Counterpoint: LOL
Gharlane: Yeah!
Gharlane: LOL
Eric: DOG!
Revan: LOL
ThePhan: Take THAT, Brianna!
Crystal109: LOL YEAH.
Sam: DOG!
Crystal109: DOG!
ThePhan: DOG!
Revan: DOG!
Counterpoint: DOG!
whitehelm: DOG
TalkingDog: DOG!
CaptionBot: gremlinn chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Crystal109: Ironically enough...
gremlinn: He has a dog too!
DemanusFlint: Wait, how did Eric say dog before the dog?
Sam: Eric is prescient.
ThePhan: Magically.
Liface: hahah nice eric
Crystal109: Eric has premonitionary power....yeah.
gremlinn: Or I altered my choice to make him prophetic!
gremlinn: But I didn't.
LaZorra: Hehe.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Don't tell on me! I'll never pet you again!
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for "Look, Jimmy, you can have the pony next year. In the meantime, you can ride Ol' Scruffs here!"
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for DOG!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for This child is not laughing, but crying. Crying tears of joy! At the wonderful twist Ricky just revealed!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Although you can't hear him, the child is yelling "DOG!"
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Charlie and his dog subscribe to RinkWorks.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Ricardo's trump card.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Hound!
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Mommy Mommy look a doggy, oh a big doggy.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for "Premonitionary" is totally not a word.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for That dog needs an optometrist. He claims he sees spots.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Tragedy struck when, without warning, little Trevor mauled Rover.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Little Jimmy hugs his dog pal Rex, celebrating another win in the steeplechase.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Little Timmy was heartbroken when he found out Miss Moffet had only ranked a 3 on CuteBot
LaZorra: vote 2
whitehelm: vote 6
scruffy: vote 1
Revan: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 6
Zup: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 13
gremlinn: vote 2
Eric: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 12
Nyperold: vote 13
nessachan: vote 13
Eric: What's a steeplechase?
Gharlane: It's a race with jumps.
Sam: A horse race on a track where they jump big hedges.
LaZorra: Horse race of sorts.
DemanusFlint: It's like a flyingbuttresschase, only on the ground.
Revan: I saw one of those. A horse flipped over and crushed its rider. It sucked. :-(
Sam: Steeplechases are very dangerous.
LaZorra: I knew two girls who died that way.
Sam: LaZ: Wow.
LaZorra: They were sisters.
Sam: That's terrible.
Crystal109: Aw.
Eric: Geez.
nessachan: yikes
Maryam: vote 5
Sam: vote 1
DemanusFlint: vote 9
Crystal109: ROFL at #10. Thanks.
Crystal109: I knew it wasn't a word, tyvm.
DemanusFlint: sry crys
DemanusFlint: (Nearly palindromic, neat)
Gharlane: vote 2
Kysle: vote 1
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 3 points for "Look, Jimmy, you can have the pony next year. In the meantime, you can ride Ol' Scruffs here!"
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for Little Jimmy hugs his dog pal Rex, celebrating another win in the steeplechase.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for Charlie and his dog subscribe to RinkWorks.
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 3 points for Don't tell on me! I'll never pet you again!
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Although you can't hear him, the child is yelling "DOG!"
CaptionBot: Eric wins 1 point for Tragedy struck when, without warning, little Trevor mauled Rover.
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 1 point for Mommy Mommy look a doggy, oh a big doggy.
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 1 point for Ricardo's trump card.
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for "Premonitionary" is totally not a word.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Hound!
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Little Timmy was heartbroken when he found out Miss Moffet had only ranked a 3 on CuteBot
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for That dog needs an optometrist. He claims he sees spots.
CaptionBot: Revan wins 0 points for DOG!
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for This child is not laughing, but crying. Crying tears of joy! At the wonderful twist Ricky just revealed!
CaptionBot: The search keyword was hug.
: Who is waiting outside?
: My children!
ThePhan: "All thirteen of them!"
Counterpoint: :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL.
gremlinn: He has Little Timmy and Little Jimmy.
: Well...yeah, that's what I.... Uh. I guess I should have brought this up sooner, huh?
Gharlane: LOL
* LaZorra is giggling like crazy.
: ...
Zup: TP: LOL
whitehelm: WOOOO
ThePhan: They're all going to be shrunken versions of him.
* Crystal109 is SO AMUSED by this twist.
Maryam: Phan: LOL LOL
[Sam->ThePhan] THAT would have been AWESOME
Crystal109: TP: So true.
[ThePhan->Sam] Heh. It would have. With maybe one who was a shrunken Mrs. von S. Poor kid.
Eric: Their mother is Granny Bikini.
* Zup hopes that they are a test for Brianna, who will fail miserably!
CaptionBot: nessachan chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Crystal109: LOL That already has a caption. =P
Maryam: Hey, no fair. That image already has a-- beat.
LaZorra: *snerk*
* TalkingDog cracks up.
Revan: LOL
gremlinn: Some genius is going to submit that verbatim.
Sam: Oh man, that is HILARIOUS.
DemanusFlint: grem: I doubt that.
Crystal109: grem: And now that genius will frantically change it.
gremlinn: If you want weird, play AGL.
gremlinn: And be it.
LaZorra: LOL
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Let's not alienate him, now.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Admittedly, I was a little harsh when I wrote that caption about Ricardo's kid.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Rock n' roll Martian! I'm a rock n' roll Martian!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Unbeknownst to the previous captioner, this chiild *is* an alien being.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Ricardo's children were all perfect bundles of awesome
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for that verbatim
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Or better yet, Ricardo's kids.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Could it get any more true.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Billy Stephenson, Alamogordo, N.M., 1952.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for "Mommy? Can I take them off now?" "No honey, you have to wear them through fifth grade. Being mercilessly mocked builds character."
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for "Billy! I *told* you not to stick the communion cups in your eyes!"
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for This one in particular lives natively in four dimensions. To see in three, he has to wear special glasses.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Still, alien kids such as this one might infiltrate our populace, so remain vigilant.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Revan subscribes to RinkWorks.
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Dad! I've watched Finding Nemo too many times. I'm morphing into a fish!
gremlinn: DF: told you.
Zup: vote 13
Crystal109: LOL @ 6.
TalkingDog: vote 14
whitehelm: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 11
vballgirl: vote 11
nessachan: vote 11
scruffy: vote 13
Revan: vote 3
Kysle: vote 10
Counterpoint: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 3
Eric: vote 13
Maryam: vote 12
DemanusFlint: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 10
Not-a-Fairy: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 10
Gharlane: vote 14
Revan: Sweep.
LaZorra: Uh, not really.
Counterpoint: Doesn't look like it.
Sam: It's a sweep in the sense that a lot of votes are cast on different things.
Revan: Yes. Exactly.
Zup: And no one voted for me. :(
Sam: Wait, you're not supposed to agree when I'm making fun of you.
ThePhan: Hehe
Crystal109: LOL.
whitehelm: LOL
Revan: Heh. I saw all the 11s up there and then I switched windows & came back.
Revan: Without looking. Obviously.
CaptionBot: Maryam wins 5 points for "Mommy? Can I take them off now?" "No honey, you have to wear them through fifth grade. Being mercilessly mocked builds character."
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 3 points for Still, alien kids such as this one might infiltrate our populace, so remain vigilant.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for "Billy! I *told* you not to stick the communion cups in your eyes!"
CaptionBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 2 points for Rock n' roll Martian! I'm a rock n' roll Martian!
CaptionBot: Revan wins 2 points for Revan subscribes to RinkWorks.
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for that verbatim
CaptionBot: Eric wins 1 point for Billy Stephenson, Alamogordo, N.M., 1952.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for This one in particular lives natively in four dimensions. To see in three, he has to wear special glasses.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Unbeknownst to the previous captioner, this chiild *is* an alien being.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Let's not alienate him, now.
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Ricardo's children were all perfect bundles of awesome
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 0 points for Could it get any more true.
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Dad! I've watched Finding Nemo too many times. I'm morphing into a fish!
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 0 points for Or better yet, Ricardo's kids.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Admittedly, I was a little harsh when I wrote that caption about Ricardo's kid.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was funny.
: Uh. See, it's like this. I was married once before. It went bad. I was young and foolish, and she...well.... Anyway, we had kids. I have them during the week and every other weekend. I told them about you, and they really want to meet you. They're nice kids, really.
Revan: LOL LOL
Revan: Awesome.
: ...
Crystal109: You have kids every week?????
Zup: LOL
Crystal109: That must add up to a LOT of kids!
LaZorra: Crystal: BAHAHAHA
Sam: Cry: LOL LOL
whitehelm: Zup: I don't think referencing Ricardo every time is working...
Zup: wh: I've started to realize that. Unfortunately, it's the only thing that ever comes to mind now.
CaptionBot: Nyperold chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Revan: Okay, it has to be rigged at this point.
Revan: Heh.
Sam: I promise it's not.
Sam: Man. CaptionBot is like sentient or something.
TalkingDog: Nyp chose the image.
Sam: Well. True.
DemanusFlint: Wow, Nyperold is like sentient or something.
Sam: DF: LOL
Crystal109: DF: LOL LOL.
ThePhan: DF: LOL LOL
LaZorra: hehehee
Zup: LOL
Gharlane: Hehe
TalkingDog: LOL
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Ricardo and Brianna. Insert obvious joke here, I'm tired.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for This is Ricardo's first wife one week along. There's actually sixty or so pseudo-Ricardos in there.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for 1 3. 5 for the unborn baby.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for "Dear, I think I need to get you a rear view mirror for those trunks. My sister was trying hers out on this beach earlier, and it looked fabulous!"
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for And this is Ricardo and his wife, about to have their kid for the week.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun...
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Comeon, honey, we decided before that Ocean Birth was our dream, remember?!
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for "Come on! Arch your back more so your stomach sticks out as far as mine, okay?
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Brianna in a year (if she wasn't evil)
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for "My water broke!"
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Grar's sister and her husband go for a walk on the beach.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Oh baby, literally.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for By wiping her skin oils on the male, the hive queen marks an alpha male for herself.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Dianne kids Bruce about his lovehandles, knowing that he would never call a pregnant woman fat.
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Honey, I think that jellyfish sting is swelling...
scruffy: vote 13
DemanusFlint: vote 15
Zup: vote 15
whitehelm: vote 10
Eric: vote 10
Revan: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 15
: Hey, thanks! But gosh, I'm so embarrassed. Somebody was looking at my butt?
Eric: vote 13
gremlinn: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 15
LaZorra: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 13
Crystal109: A bit too many Ricardo/Brianna jokes now, I'm afraid.
vballgirl: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 7
Crystal109: In the captions, I mean.
Maryam: vote 10
Gharlane: vote 13
Zup: CryS: Yeah. I'm going to refrain from here on out.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
Maryam: vote 2
nessachan: vote 11
ThePhan: Wait. Grar's sister? That's a whole new character.
Crystal109: GRAR is the COOLEST name ever.
Sam: TP: I think it's supposed to be Ricardo saying that to Brianna.
ThePhan: Hmm, okay.
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for By wiping her skin oils on the male, the hive queen marks an alpha male for herself.
CaptionBot: Maryam wins 4 points for Honey, I think that jellyfish sting is swelling...
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 3 points for Comeon, honey, we decided before that Ocean Birth was our dream, remember?!
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for "Come on! Arch your back more so your stomach sticks out as far as mine, okay?
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for "My water broke!"
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Grar's sister and her husband go for a walk on the beach.
CaptionBot: Revan wins 1 point for This is Ricardo's first wife one week along. There's actually sixty or so pseudo-Ricardos in there.
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 1 point for Ricardo and Brianna. Insert obvious joke here, I'm tired.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Dianne kids Bruce about his lovehandles, knowing that he would never call a pregnant woman fat.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for "Dear, I think I need to get you a rear view mirror for those trunks. My sister was trying hers out on this beach earlier, and it looked fabulous!"
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for 1 3. 5 for the unborn baby.
CaptionBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 0 points for We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun...
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 0 points for Oh baby, literally.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for And this is Ricardo and his wife, about to have their kid for the week.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Brianna in a year (if she wasn't evil)
CaptionBot: The search keyword was goof.
: Uh. See, it's like this. I was married once before. It went bad. I was young and foolish, and she...well.... Anyway, we had kids. I have them during the week and every other weekend. I told them about you, and they really want to meet you. They're nice kids, really.
Sam: Whoops.
LaZorra: Uhm.
Sam: Pretend you didn't see that again.
LaZorra: LOL
* nessachan pretends
ThePhan: "See, it's like this. I told you once before."
* TalkingDog looks around for Matrix edits.
Crystal109: LOL that was like so many dramas.
Crystal109: After a cliffhanger, they go back to the previous scene.
ThePhan: In last minute's episode...
Zup: Ricardo: You have some memory loss. It's okay, proposing to pure evil does that sometimes.
* Sam thwacks Ricardo.
* Gharlane jogs Ricardo since he seems to be stuck.
Sam: Zup: LOL
: Brianna? This...this doesn't change anything between us, does it? I mean, we still love each other, right? And that's what counts?
: ...
ThePhan: Oh, come on, Brianna. Stop pretending like you care. He's still rich and you're just going to dump him anyway.
Crystal109: Except now he has child support.
Crystal109: And with the amount of kids he probably has...
Crystal109: Not so much money now, huh, Brianna?
[Sam->TalkingDog] Ok, the Matrix edit remark was GREATLY AWESOME.
CaptionBot: Not-a-Fairy chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Maryam: Batdog!
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for "Someday soon, Human, BatDog will descend on your hapless flesh and wreak vengeance for all animals upon whom degrading costumes have been inflicted through the years."
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for I think this rivals the Dog Bride.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for "Some days, you just can't get rid of a dog!"
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Batdog poses for the camera after defeating the Jokepup and marking his territory. Ruff!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for VOTE 7 OR I EET YOR HED.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Am I cute or what?
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for This outfit is bull.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for At one point, Batman was replaced by a canine doppelganger in the Hall of Justice, but no one noticed because he wasn't really a "super" hero anyway.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Man. What a lousy gig. I thought I was signing up for a batting part?
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Nahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnah BatTravesty!
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Why would you do this to me? WHY??
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for A late arrival to the Botcomming Pet Pageant. Oh well, he'd probably lose.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for . . . and Paris Hilton as Batman.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Psh Batman he looks more like the Pug-men .
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for "What, this? I fetch your newspaper and mail and slippers every darned morning and you make me wear THIS? That's it. You're going down."
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for Bat Pug hopefully wished to win the Cute Pagent, but nobody wanted to crush his dreams..
DemanusFlint: vote 13
Crystal109: Am I supposed to vote 5 or vote 7?
gremlinn: vote 7
whitehelm: 5, 7, 5, 7...
ThePhan: LOL
DemanusFlint: vote 14
Maryam: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 7
Eric: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 15
ThePhan: vote 15
Sam: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 13
DemanusFlint: vote 7
Revan: vote 13
whitehelm: vote 9
DemanusFlint: vote 14
ThePhan: I am not afraid of my head being eeten.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 12
Zup: vote 15
Kysle: vote 16
Counterpoint: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 15
scruffy: vote 15
Gharlane: vote 6
Crystal109: I'm afraid that I'm very afraid.
nessachan: vote 8
Maryam: I liked 3's reference.
Crystal109: What was the reference? I didn't catch it.
Maryam: The 60s Batman movie.
Crystal109: Ah. Well.
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 5 points for "What, this? I fetch your newspaper and mail and slippers every darned morning and you make me wear THIS? That's it. You're going down."
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 4 points for This outfit is bull.
CaptionBot: Eric wins 2 points for . . . and Paris Hilton as Batman.
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for Man. What a lousy gig. I thought I was signing up for a batting part?
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Bat Pug hopefully wished to win the Cute Pagent, but nobody wanted to crush his dreams..
CaptionBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for Am I cute or what?
CaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Why would you do this to me? WHY??
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 1 point for Psh Batman he looks more like the Pug-men .
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 1 point for A late arrival to the Botcomming Pet Pageant. Oh well, he'd probably lose.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for At one point, Batman was replaced by a canine doppelganger in the Hall of Justice, but no one noticed because he wasn't really a "super" hero anyway.
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for Nahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnah BatTravesty!
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Batdog poses for the camera after defeating the Jokepup and marking his territory. Ruff!
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for "Someday soon, Human, BatDog will descend on your hapless flesh and wreak vengeance for all animals upon whom degrading costumes have been inflicted through the years."
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for "Some days, you just can't get rid of a dog!"
CaptionBot: Revan wins 0 points for VOTE 7 OR I EET YOR HED.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for I think this rivals the Dog Bride.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was funny animals.
ThePhan: Heh, heh. Look how much I'm not winning.
Revan: *sigh* I hadn't anticipated that...
Kysle: Dang. Thanks, Revan.
Revan: Thanks for being cute but I LIKE POINTS TOO. GRR.
LaZorra: Man, I liked mine.
: Why, no, Ricky. I've always wanted to be a mother. I guess I get to be one sooner than I thought, huh? Yes. Yes, I'm...excited.
: *smile* I knew it would be ok! And to think how much I've worried about telling you. Come on! They won't miss us here for a moment. Let me introduce you!
: Uhhh...ok!
Nyperold: Charlie and Holly, right?
Eric: Mama Mia is his ex. Sam is his kid.
Crystal109: Ricky: YOU HAVE TO HAVE AT LEAST 20 KIDS.
gremlinn: And they each have to write 10 AGL games.
Crystal109: Just wait for an image overload.
ThePhan: The surprise twist: WE are all his children!
LaZorra: LOL
Sam: LOL
LaZorra: :-.
nessachan: hehe
TalkingDog: Oh, so this *is* All My Children.
Zup: TP: YES!
nessachan: the holly and the charlie when they are both full grown~
Sam: Charlie is like Liface. I don't think he's allowed to grow up.
CaptionBot: Counterpoint chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
DemanusFlint: Counterpoint, what is this a picture of?
Maryam: I can't tell what the picture is.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The "baby" of the Autobots was tired of being left behind on all the missions.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for BIG BANG,BIG BANG,BIG BANG.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Bubba wasn't as ready to be a crash test dummy as he thought he was.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Geez, this post-modernist dance sure is hard to follow.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for The mosquito didn't fare well against the Paparazzi...
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Counterpoint sucks at picking pictures. That's not ambiguous.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for George was on auto-pilot.... Unfortunately his ride had no wheels.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for This relationship is not unlike a car wreck
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for There are a lot things you can learn from a dummy.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for In the New Era, safety dummies test bumper safety by kicking the car in hovercraft rather than crashing it.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Sigourney Weaver's stunt double in Aliens goes crazy-go-nuts on a new automobile.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for The Crash Dummy version of "Pimp My Ride" did not go over very well with the owners of the "rides".
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for The car...IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zup: vote 10
DemanusFlint: vote 5
Counterpoint: vote 5
whitehelm: vote 7
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 5
Revan: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 13
Kysle: vote 13
Maryam: vote 1
scruffy: vote 9
nessachan: vote 10
Sam: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 4
Eric: vote 7
scruffy: vote 9
Counterpoint: 5 is the first caption ever to make me actually laugh.
Zup: I'm not as hard to please as CP.
Zup: I've laughed several times- ask Scruffy.
CaptionBot: Eric wins 4 points for Geez, this post-modernist dance sure is hard to follow.
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 3 points for This relationship is not unlike a car wreck
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 2 points for Counterpoint sucks at picking pictures. That's not ambiguous.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Bubba wasn't as ready to be a crash test dummy as he thought he was.
CaptionBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 2 points for There are a lot things you can learn from a dummy.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for The "baby" of the Autobots was tired of being left behind on all the missions.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 2 points for The Crash Dummy version of "Pimp My Ride" did not go over very well with the owners of the "rides".
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for In the New Era, safety dummies test bumper safety by kicking the car in hovercraft rather than crashing it.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Sigourney Weaver's stunt double in Aliens goes crazy-go-nuts on a new automobile.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for George was on auto-pilot.... Unfortunately his ride had no wheels.
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 0 points for BIG BANG,BIG BANG,BIG BANG.
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for The mosquito didn't fare well against the Paparazzi...
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 0 points for The car...IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CaptionBot: The search keyword was falling over.
Out in the lobby....

Zup: More drama!
: Hi there, Holly! How's my favorite little girl?
: I'm fine, Daddy. *pirouette* Is this Miss Day?
Crystal109: WOOHOO.
ThePhan: Hehehe
Not-a-Fairy: Aww, I think Holly is just precious. :)
Crystal109: Holly is so cute. =)
: It certainly is. Miss Day, this is my daughter Holly.
: ...Hi...Holly....
Eric: Oh, wow.
TalkingDog: Uh-oh.
Crystal109: Eeeeee Holly and Charlie!
* TalkingDog awaits Charlie.
Kysle: Eek.
Counterpoint: Ricky's Family Subscribes to RinkWorks.

CaptionBot: Gharlane chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: Oh man. Gharlane, you HAD to spoil things and post the picture of Ricardo's other kid.
Maryam: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Now THAT kid takes after his grandparents.
Zup: LOL
: AND A FINE UPSTANDING BOY HE'D BE, TOO, if he were really ours.
TalkingDog: So is Ricky related to Gomez?
Gharlane: LOL
Crystal109: Is that the front or the back of the person?
LaZorra: Front.
* LaZorra knows this from experience. :-.
Crystal109: LaZ: Haha, awesome.
: Really, all the hair. Why, landsakes, it's downright UnAmerican!
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee! ...Wait...
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Living in an Amish paradise.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Dr Spud's Miracle Hair Gro<tm> is a valuable tool to the FBI's Witness Protection Program.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Weird Al always has a bad hair day...but this takes the cake!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Who put glasses on the mop?
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Cousin It gets a perm. To his horror, the Addamses decide to nail him up as a decoration.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Cousin It got a haircut! Cross my heart.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Cousin Itt tried to find himself during the 60s, and became a Deadhead for a while.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Hey, it's Cousin It!
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Should we put this one in CuteBot or HotOrNotBot?
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Trying to reject Fred on their first date quickly turned into a rather hairy situation.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Oh, for the love of --- can we PLEASE get this transporter fixed?!
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Cousin Itt felt much better after his haircut.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for LaZorra's "Cousin Itt" impersonation.
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Rowlf tried hiding behind sunglasses, but his years with the Muppets had made him too much of a celebrity to hide.
LaZorra: vote 12
gremlinn: vote 10
Crystal109: Hey, what's the reference to Cousin It/Itt?
Zup: vote 1
Maryam: vote 12
Counterpoint: vote 15
whitehelm: vote 12
vballgirl: vote 5
scruffy: vote 9
DemanusFlint: vote 5
Eric: vote 10
LaZorra: (Cousin Itt. From the Addams Family.)
ThePhan: vote 14
Revan: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 5
nessachan: vote 4
Crystal109: OH.
Crystal109: ....And now I'm stupid.
Gharlane: vote 12
Kysle: vote 12
vballgirl: vote 12
Sam: Crystal! You're not stupid.
Nyperold: vote 12
LaZorra: Crystal: If you're stupid, I have the intelligence of a vole.
: Yeah, really. I've always admired Crystal's integillence. uhhhhhh
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: Crystal: You are certainly not stupid. I never watched Addams Family either. I only know who Cousin It is because my mom used to call us that if we had a weird hair day. ;-)
Zup: heh
CaptionBot: Eric wins 7 points for Oh, for the love of --- can we PLEASE get this transporter fixed?!
CaptionBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Who put glasses on the mop?
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 2 points for Should we put this one in CuteBot or HotOrNotBot?
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for Rowlf tried hiding behind sunglasses, but his years with the Muppets had made him too much of a celebrity to hide.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for LaZorra's "Cousin Itt" impersonation.
CaptionBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for Hey, it's Cousin It!
CaptionBot: Revan wins 1 point for I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee! ...Wait...
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 1 point for Living in an Amish paradise.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for Weird Al always has a bad hair day...but this takes the cake!
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Cousin It gets a perm. To his horror, the Addamses decide to nail him up as a decoration.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Dr Spud's Miracle Hair Gro<tm> is a valuable tool to the FBI's Witness Protection Program.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Trying to reject Fred on their first date quickly turned into a rather hairy situation.
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Cousin Itt tried to find himself during the 60s, and became a Deadhead for a while.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Cousin Itt felt much better after his haircut.
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Cousin It got a haircut! Cross my heart.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was caption contest.
Counterpoint: Wow, Eric. Nice.
ThePhan: LOL! Awesome.
Gharlane: Loved that caption, Eric, hehe.
Eric: DF: For some reason I read "Rowlf" as "Revan". Otherwise I would have voted for it.
DemanusFlint: Eric: That would have been a crappy caption.
Eric: DF: Yeah, that's why I didn't vote for it.
: Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Day. *glissade dessous*
: Pssst. Daddy, I think she's pretty.
: Pssst. I do too.
Crystal109: I hope Charlie hates her for monopolizing his dad's time.
CaptionBot: ThePhan chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Jim Carrey's son grew up bitter thanks to the time being a star took him away.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for After 35 previous entries, Charley was about to 'return' this latest wine sample in a very disgusting manner.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for ITS MINE!!!!!1
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for So Bob, what do you think of the "Botgate" situation?
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for There is no wineglass.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for No! For the last time, I do NOT WANT BEER! And get this pizza out of here! And someone tell those girls to put on some clothes-- what do you mean, I'm kicked out of the fraternity?
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Brad was not hapy that his mom wouldn't let him have a sip of her beer. He was 32, after all.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Doug's herpes medication wasn't working.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for I am evil and depraved. Can I steal you a drink?
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Kevin doesn't subscribe to RinkWorks. Look how unhappy he is.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Ricardo after finding out the Brianna's a lying, thieveing, no-good, double-crossing poopiehead.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Please tell me that the glass distorts my face.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Champagne Cheaudown!
vballgirl: vote 7
whitehelm: vote 10
TalkingDog: vote 10
Sam: 1.5 stars
Eric: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 10
Maryam: vote 10
Zup: vote 10
scruffy: vote 10
Kysle: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 10
Revan: vote 7
Not-a-Fairy: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 6
Kysle: vote 12
nessachan: vote 6
DemanusFlint: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 7
CaptionBot: Revan wins 9 points for Kevin doesn't subscribe to RinkWorks. Look how unhappy he is.
CaptionBot: Maryam wins 6 points for No! For the last time, I do NOT WANT BEER! And get this pizza out of here! And someone tell those girls to put on some clothes-- what do you mean, I'm kicked out of the fraternity?
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 3 points for Brad was not hapy that his mom wouldn't let him have a sip of her beer. He was 32, after all.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Jim Carrey's son grew up bitter thanks to the time being a star took him away.
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Please tell me that the glass distorts my face.
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for There is no wineglass.
CaptionBot: Eric wins 0 points for Champagne Cheaudown!
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for After 35 previous entries, Charley was about to 'return' this latest wine sample in a very disgusting manner.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for I am evil and depraved. Can I steal you a drink?
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Doug's herpes medication wasn't working.
CaptionBot: scruffy wins 0 points for ITS MINE!!!!!1
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 0 points for So Bob, what do you think of the "Botgate" situation?
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Ricardo after finding out the Brianna's a lying, thieveing, no-good, double-crossing poopiehead.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was frown.
Sam: 6 is GREAT with the comic escalation.
Maryam: Sam: Thanks!
Not-a-Fairy: Good one, Revan!
: Where'd your brother get to, Holly?
: He went to the candy store next door with Mom. I told him candy is bad for you, but he didn't listen. *rond de jambe en l'air*
Crystal109: LOL a MOM.
* Zup should rond de jambe en l'air more often.
: Let's go meet them there, Brianna. Oh, here they come now.
: Hi Charlie!
: Charlie, this is Miss Day!
: *frown* Charlie, I can't echappés sautés en arrière if you're somersaulting around behind me.
TalkingDog: Not taking to the speech therapy, is he?
LaZorra: Are we going to get to meet the mother, too?
Crystal109: I bet that the mother is SEXSI.
nessachan: I hope it's Sexsi
Eric: Isn't Sexsi his sister?
ThePhan: Eric: Sister-in-law.
ThePhan: Or maybe just sister-in-law-to-be.
Sam: You guys should know who the mother is already.
Sam: Earlier in the tournament, Charlie's mother was established.
* ThePhan hopes to high heaven the mother is not Mama Juanita.
Crystal109: Oh man, not Juanita, please.
CaptionBot: Kysle chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for After years of leading gullible people on flights of fancy via the web and email, the Tall and Short girls went their separate ways
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Ricardo's first wife: "So, you're the one what thinks she can tame wild Ricardo, huh princess? After #20, I tell ya, they just walked out. You'll see soon enough..."
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Internet fetishes are awesome!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Mr Scott, fix the blooming transporter. NOW!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Look, clone, let's get one thing straight. You listen to me. I'm the boss. If you dare sass me again, it's back into the shrinking chamber for you.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for 1: Quit looking at my boobs! 2: I CAN'T!
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for They were identical twins...until something went horribly, horribly wrong.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for If mothers grew respective to their daughters growth, this might happen more often.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for So you're my double for Alice In Wonderland, huh? Are you sure the house is big enough?
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for "Someday, daughter of mine, with hard work and persistence, you might someday be a hooker just like Mommy!"
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for You want me to look up to you? That's a tall order.
whitehelm: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 6
Eric: vote 3
Kysle: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 8
Not-a-Fairy: vote 5
DemanusFlint: vote 9
Zup: vote 5
Revan: vote 11
Maryam: vote 9
whitehelm: Or the bronze bodybuilder
Counterpoint: vote 8
Crystal109: With the bellybutton ring.
Gharlane: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 6
Zup: It has to be the Cheeto girl.
nessachan: vote 9
Nyperold: The woman who called Kinegar "vinegar"?
TalkingDog: It's not grrrothbabie...?
ThePhan: There are TOO MANY horrific options.
Crystal109: Is there a female adult who subscribes to RinkWorks?
Counterpoint: Crys: Two.
DemanusFlint: Crys: No, only 15/f's.
Gharlane: Maybe it's Brianna's good twin?
Crystal109: It's Brianna with the purple shirt. =)
LaZorra: I am betting MuscleWoman.
CaptionBot: Eric wins 3 points for 1: Quit looking at my boobs! 2: I CAN'T!
CaptionBot: vballgirl wins 3 points for So you're my double for Alice In Wonderland, huh? Are you sure the house is big enough?
CaptionBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for Look, clone, let's get one thing straight. You listen to me. I'm the boss. If you dare sass me again, it's back into the shrinking chamber for you.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 2 points for If mothers grew respective to their daughters growth, this might happen more often.
CaptionBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for Internet fetishes are awesome!
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Mr Scott, fix the blooming transporter. NOW!
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for You want me to look up to you? That's a tall order.
CaptionBot: nessachan wins 1 point for After years of leading gullible people on flights of fancy via the web and email, the Tall and Short girls went their separate ways
CaptionBot: whitehelm wins 1 point for They were identical twins...until something went horribly, horribly wrong.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for "Someday, daughter of mine, with hard work and persistence, you might someday be a hooker just like Mommy!"
CaptionBot: Revan wins 0 points for Ricardo's first wife: "So, you're the one what thinks she can tame wild Ricardo, huh princess? After #20, I tell ya, they just walked out. You'll see soon enough..."
CaptionBot: The search keyword was funny women.
CaptionBot: Eric wins!
Eric: Whoa, wow.
Crystal109: Oh yeah. Awesome, Eric. =)
Gharlane: LOL
ThePhan: GAH NO
DemanusFlint: Wait, wow.
Maryam: AAH

It's funny how completely unable I was to predict what story elements people would guess and which ones they would be way off base on. It makes it difficult to know exactly how much hinting and foreshadowing I can get away with without spoiling the game. So far, people have obviously been able to predict a number of details, while others remained secret as predictions went all wrong.

Here, it's a funny thing. Nyperold predicted that his kids would be Holly and Charlie, and after Holly was introduced, more jumped on the bandwagon predicting Charlie. But I'd never said, within the tournament or without, that Holly and Charlie were siblings. In fact, when I created the ads, I had it somewhere in the back of my mind that they were not related, that none of the subscriber characters would have any particular relationship to each other other than maybe all being mutual friends. I had no story to tell about them, of course, so I never solidified this in my mind, but the general idea was, hey, here are a bunch of people rather like Rinkies themselves -- diverse strangers that came together over a web site and became friends. So Charlie shouldn't have been such a resounding guess to wind up as Holly's brother. But, of course, when you think of one, it's not much of a mental leap to think of the other.

Meanwhile, however, nobody seemed to know who Ricardo's ex-wife was going to be, and even those that guessed correctly seemed to be truly guessing instead of remembering facts already revealed. Way back in the Queen Pageant, I established that the muscle lady was Charlie's mother and also that her name was Henrietta. If I had known nobody would remember that, I wouldn't have had such trouble planning this sequence out. My dilemma was this: Charlie being Ricardo's son and Henrietta being his ex-wife were both funny developments to the story, and so to make them most effective, I had to figure out how to reveal them separately, so as to maximize the impact of each. But revealing one spoils the other -- we already know Charlie is Henrietta's son, so to reveal one is to reveal the other. So the question comes down to a matter of pacing. How much time do I separate the two revelations by, so that they don't stomp over each other's comic impact, but also so that the second revelation comes before readers make the connection themselves? In the end, apparently I had more time than I thought I would, but that's the advantage to telling stories live -- one can gauge the audience and adjust the pacing accordingly.

: Ex-husband, Henrietta.
LaZorra: Henrietta is his ex-HUSBAND???
Sam: No, goob. Ricardo is HER ex-husband.
LaZorra: Sam: OHHH
: Say, I been meanin' to talk to you about the pageant. There's somethin' wrong with the votin'. Imagine ME coming in LAST! AH-HEH-HEH-HEH-HEH-HEH----OH, LOOKEE HERE, THE WINNER, SPEAKIN' OF. Brianna, right?
: ...H...i?
Zup: LOL
Crystal109: LOL.
ThePhan: That expression on her face always makes me dissolve into giggles.
Crystal109: TP: ME TOO.
Crystal109: I see where Charlie gets his speech impediment.
nessachan: lol
: Well don't stand on CEREMONY, Brianna! Give us a HUGGIE!
: It's just a hug, Mom. A huggie is a diaper. *rélevé demi-pointe*
: Oof.
* LaZorra is losing it.
* Crystal109 is cracking up.
ThePhan: Henrietta would be equally satisfied if Holly gave her a diaper?
Sam: Apparently.
ThePhan: I think I'd take that option.
ThePhan: Just carry around a bunch of diapers in case you were asked.
* Zup fouetté en tournants to complement Holly's rélevé demi-pointe.
: Listen, Rickles, I gotta run. Got a HOT DATE WITH RANDY, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. They've had dinner. Try not to give Holly too much sugar. She gets hyper easy.
Revan: LOL
LaZorra: AHH LOL LOL LOL*giggle**snort*
gremlinn: Randy? Whoa.
Zup: Poor Randy.
Crystal109: Poor Randy.
: Ggggggggggggggudgudgudgudgududugdguudgdugududgugdudg bong bong bong bong bong bong boing boing boing boing boing bong boing bong boing....
Maryam: I don't think Holly's the one who gets hyper easily....
Gharlane: LOL
ThePhan: LOL LOL
* TalkingDog looks around and finds Archie huddling in fear.
: Ok, see you later, Henrietta.
: Well, Brianna, we'd better get back to the tournament. You kids wait here for me, ok?
: Ok, Daddy. *grand plié en dehors*
: Brianna? You look shell-shocked.
: Oh, sorry. I'm all right, Ricardo.
* Crystal109 cuddles Archie.
: ...
: ...
: You weren't ready for this, were you?
LaZorra: For Charlie? No one's ever ready for Charlie.
: No, I'm fine. Your kids are lovely. I just--
* Zup is waiting for Birdkiller to defuse the situation.
LaZorra: (Which maybe Charlie would benefit from. Hrm.)
TalkingDog: Charlie would eet his teachers' heds.
: I'm sorry I didn't find a better way to break this to you. It all happened so fast. Suddenly, there you were, and I didn't want to do anything to mess things up.
Counterpoint: Yes, it's always better to hide any important information until after the marriage.
: I'm ok, really, Ricky. I'm fine.
: Sure?
: Yeah.
: Oh dear. Look at that. The game's over.
: Oh! Uh...congratulations to...Eric!
whitehelm: Wait....Eric won?
whitehelm: I missed that
Zup: And maybe Ricky's evil too, trying to get Brianna's money! They're both evil!
: Yes, and congratulations to all the other winners tonight, and we'll see you again tomorrow night for session 6. Ok, uh, Ricky, I gotta go. I just remembered, I have to go help my sister out with something. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?
: Er...oh, ok. Bye?
: *kiss*
: *kiss*
: *gone*
Maryam: *gag*
* LaZorra is still cracking up.
Crystal109: I bet that this Brianna is the evil twin of the other Brianna.
: Strange. I wonder what all that was about.
ThePhan: We could always tell you, you know...
: Oh, it's obvious, isn't it, Daddy? *grand battement à la seconde*
: Is it? Well, then. What great mystery of the female mind can you help me out with this time?
nessachan: I WONDER
: It's us, of course. *brisé adagio* Me and Charlie. Well, mostly Charlie. You can't introduce a woman to your children and ask her to marry you in the same moment. It's too much to think about, all at once.
Crystal109: HOLLY IS SO CUTE.
Maryam: "Well, mostly Charlie." LOL LOL
: I suppose you're right. So I've screwed it up, have I?
whitehelm: Zup: Let's kidnap and brainwash him, it's for his own good
: I'm afraid so, Daddy.
ThePhan: Yeah, sheesh, Ricardo. You have to wait at least four minutes in between proposing and introducing her to the kids.
LaZorra: hehe
: All right, Holly. What can I do to salvage all this?
Crystal109: BREAK UP WITH HER.
: Be supportive, of course. Give her time to get used to the idea. Give her some space.
: Space, huh?
Nyperold: I think 4 light years is enough.
: Space. But not too much space. You have to be there for her, too. Women need to be supported enough to feel loved, but you have to respect their independence as well.
: And how did you become so wise, daughter of mine?
* Zup brainwashes Ricardo into loving Cheeto girl. At least she won't "cheat" him, eh?
: Oh, Daddy. *développé en avant* It's common sense, isn't it?
: *chuckle* Only in hindsight, I'm afraid.
Revan: *Lame de rotation de la mort*
Crystal109: Revan: Your move just....died?
Revan: My ballet moves rock so much harder.
ThePhan: Revan: If it rocks, it's probably not ballet.
: Mr. Von Steppenwergen?
Crystal109: Archie: You have to be the wise one!
: Yes?
: Tonight's session is over?
: Yes, it's over.
: Oh, good. I've wanted to speak with you, but I didn't want to interrupt. My mommy taught me not to interrupt.
whitehelm: GO ARCHIE
ThePhan: Archie is going to reveal it all!
: It's about Brianna, Mr. Von Steppenwergen.
nessachan: KITTY!!*#7!
Zup: Yes! birdkiller will spill the beans!
: You have some advice for me, too? All right, Archie. What can you tell me about Brianna that I don't already know?
Crystal109: YES ARCHIE!
Revan: Go Birdkiller!
ThePhan: LOL
: Quite a lot, I'm afraid. I overheard her having a conversation in her dressing room before tonight's session started.
Crystal109: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! YES YES YES.
ThePhan: HURRAH!
* whitehelm protects Archie with his LIFE
Crystal109: Okay, filter means that I need to calm down. LOL.
Zup: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
ThePhan: Brianna's evil friend is going to hunt down Archie and take him out!
* Crystal109 puts Archie on the witness protection program.
* nessachan's heart is exploding with love for Archie
: A secret conversation? How intriguing. *grin* Very well. But let's get home. Salad for me, fish for you, and we can talk all about it over dinner.
: Fish with milk, butter, and honey?
: Sure, Archie, any way you want it.
: Mr. Von Steppenwergen, as humans go, you are quite exemplary.
Revan: O.o
DemanusFlint: NO MORE CAT
Zup: Doors can talk?
Sam: No, they just walked home.
Crystal109: LOL I think Ricardo became a door.
ThePhan: Crystal: Well, to be fair, we never see anything but his head and arm.
ThePhan: Probably the rest of him is a door.
Maryam: Phan: Wait! We never see anything of Archie but his head and a paw, either...
Maryam: That's suspicious! Somehow.
ThePhan: Maryam: Hmmmm.
Crystal109: Archie = other half of Ricky?
Sam: Maryam: The door is the rest of Archie's body. He's like a turtle and can retract his cat parts at will.
LaZorra: Ooh, Archie and Ricardo are dopplegangers! Kind of.
whitehelm: No wonder Archie can talk, he's Ricardo in disguise!
TalkingDog: Or Ricardo's a ventriloquist.
Crystal109: Or Archie is Ricky's angel on his shoulder.
Sam: Archie and Ricardo are the same organism. A door with heads at both ends. Only they don't realize it.
LaZorra: Sam: That is disturbing.

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