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Liface really should have capitalized "Day," as it's a proper name.
BlankBot: Liface answered day care.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed day break and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed day light and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed day light and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed day for night and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed day light come and me wanna go home and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed day time and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed day -for-night and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed day s of out lives and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed day SMACK ACK and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed day dream and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed day break and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed day , Brianna Day and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted day light come and me wanna go home and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Liface loses a point for submitting and not voting.
BlankBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: w00t
Ticia: Oooh. I almost put Day Care.
[BlankBot->Randy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: flow ______.
BlankBot: How do you think Randy completed the following? flow ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for flow river flow.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for flow ing water.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for flow gently.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for flow ers.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for flow of ideas.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for flow with the go.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for flow chart.
TalkingDog: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 7
Zup: vote 4
Sam: vote 1
Dude7581: vote 2
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: *snark**giggle*
Crystal109: Ewwwwwwww.
Crystal109: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 7
Ticia: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 4
Liface: vore 7
Gharlane: vote 4
Ticia: I almost put #6, that time.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 5
Counterpoint: Lif: vote.
Randy: vote 5
Liface: vote 7
Liface: Right, I typed vore.
Liface: Which is still a word, I believe.
BlankBot: Randy answered flow river flow.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed flow chart and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed flow chart and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed flow chart and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed flow chart and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed flow with the go and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed flow ers and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed flow ing water and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed flow chart and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed flow chart and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed flow chart and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed flow gently and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed flow of ideas and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted flow with the go and wins 1 point!
Randy: Mine stunk. heh
Crystal109: Randy: Heh I liked it though. =P
Ticia: LaZorra: It's disturbing how much we think alike.
LaZorra: Ticia: We would be disturbing even if we didn't think alike. :-D
Ticia: Hehe
[BlankBot->Not-a-Fairy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: lady ______.
BlankBot: How do you think Not-a-Fairy completed the following? lady ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for lady bird.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for lady fingers.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for lady of the lake.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for lady killer.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for lady in the water.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for lady and the tramp.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for lady like.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for lady luck.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for lady sings the blues.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for lady bug.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for lady of Spain, I adore you....
Liface: vote 6
Dude7581: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 6
TalkingDog: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 11
Zup: vote 3
Ticia: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 8
: I can't believe zis game is still runnink. In my day, ve vas qvicker to score.
Crystal109: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 2
Nyperold: More food.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 6
LaZorra: Almost put #6.
Randy: vote 3
Liface: Hahahaha the images enlarge, genius
Sam: vote 2
Sam: vote 3
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy answered lady fingers.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed lady fingers and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed lady fingers and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed lady killer and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed lady luck and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed lady sings the blues and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed lady bird and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed lady bug and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed lady of Spain, I adore you... and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed lady and the tramp and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed lady like and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed lady in the water and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed lady of the lake and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed lady killer and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted lady and the tramp and wins 1 point!
Counterpoint: Mmm, tiramisu.
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
LaZorra: Sam: You are wrong. There is nothing ladylike here.
LaZorra: Big Bertha there proves it.
: Now you are insultink me? Such impertinence. You should be strung up by ze fingerrs and beat vit a forklift.
Liface: Ugh. So eine Hässliche Deutsche Frau...
* TalkingDog screams.
[BlankBot->Zup] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ pit.
BlankBot: How do you think Zup completed the following? ______ pit
Gharlane: LOL
Liface: I have a good one.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for money pit.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for bottomless pit.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for the money pit.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for snake pit.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for arm pit.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for cock pit.
ThePhan: vote 4
Liface: vote 6
TalkingDog: vote 2
Dude7581: vote 2
Zup: vote 2
Sam: vote 2
Crystal109: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 1
Not-a-Fairy: vote 2
Ticia: vote 2
Randy: vote 5
LaZorra: Aww, my formatting didn't come through.
* TalkingDog is totally a bottomless pit.
BlankBot: Zup answered cock pit.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed snake pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed snake pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed arm pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed the money pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed ARM!!! pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed snake pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed bottomless pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed arm pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed snake pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed arm pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed money pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted bottomless pit and wins 1 point!
Zup: I always panic and think I don't have enough time.
: No scores for me? Come on!
: It's no use. They actually don't love our pits. I just don't understand.
Ticia: Not only do I hate your pits, I hate your guts, too.
Dude7581: That was my entry, thank you veery much. I'm not interested in guy arm pits.
LaZorra: It was also my entry. I am also not interested in armpits, male or otherwise.
: :-(
[BlankBot->Gharlane] Your turn! Fill in the blank: fore ______.
BlankBot: How do you think Gharlane completed the following? fore ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for fore arm.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for fore sight.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for fore lock.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for fore play.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for fore head.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for fore bearance.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for fore ground.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for fore hand.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for fore !!!!!!!!.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for fore shadowing.
Sam: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 9
TalkingDog: vote 10
Ticia: vote 10
Counterpoint: vote 3
Randy: vote 10
Gharlane: vote 9
Dude7581: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 10
Not-a-Fairy: vote 2
Zup: vote 5
Counterpoint: vote 10
BlankBot: Gharlane answered fore arm.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed fore bearance and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed fore sight and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed fore hand and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed fore lock and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed fore ground and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed fore shadowing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed fore head and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed fore lock and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed fore head and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed fore head and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed fore play and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed fore !!!!!!!! and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Not-a-Fairy submitted fore shadowing and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Liface loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: Wow, someone else actually *did* guess "forelock."
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
Gharlane: I was sure 'arm' would get a vote or 2 after last round.
: And still, we are stuck in the single digits. Brianna, is there some kind of glass ceiling on the scores, here?
: Well, Ricardo, it's tough, because you can score high early with a landslide round, but unless you get another one like that, you might stall out for a while, as others catch up.
Ticia: Brianna: Yeah, tell me about it.
: Ticia: I'd like to tell you about it. Maybe over dinner?
LaZorra: Oh-ho!
Zup: Oooh, and the show begins.
Ticia: Cute guy whose name I don't remember: Sorry, married. Three kids.
Crystal109: Ricardo, you already have a queen.
: Hey, we're king and queen professionally only, ok? Let's just clear that one up right away.
: Erm...right.
[BlankBot->Dude7581] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ rave.
BlankBot: How do you think Dude7581 completed the following? ______ rave
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for stark rave.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for The Cheat's Lightswitch rave.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for rant and rave.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for acid rave.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for c rave.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for party rave.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for eng rave.
Sam: vote 3
Liface: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 3
TalkingDog: vote 3
LaZorra: vote none of those
[BlankBot->LaZorra] Your vote was not correctly formed.
whitehelm: vote 2
Dude7581: vote 3
Ticia: vote 7
Liface: come on acid rave is a real thing
Gharlane: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 7
Counterpoint: vote 2
* Zup can't get past a measlely 3. And I do mean Measle-y. Yuck.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 2
Randy: vote 2
Zup: vote 5
BlankBot: Dude7581 answered party rave.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed rant and rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed c rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed c rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed rant and rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed acid rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed The Cheat's Lightswitch rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed rant and rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed stark rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed rant and rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed eng rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed rant and rave and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Counterpoint submitted rant and rave and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted rant and rave and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted rant and rave and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Ticia submitted rant and rave and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted rant and rave and wins 1 point!
Ticia: Yay point!
LaZorra: Yes!
Randy: Wow!
Zup: Yahoo!
Crystal109: Gharlane: Whoa. We did the same thing!
Gharlane: Crystal, Yep!
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
[BlankBot->Ticia] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ text.
Zup: So, Brianna, you're, ah, single?
: And you, Zup, have four points.
Liface: ouch
Zup: Burn...
BlankBot: Ticia timed out. Asking someone else for an answer....
Ticia: ARG
Ticia: I was trying to think!
Counterpoint: Eek.
[BlankBot->Crystal109] Your turn! Fill in the blank: lady ______.
BlankBot: How do you think Crystal109 completed the following? lady ______
Crystal109: Um, what happens if it's a blank already happened?
LaZorra: Again?
ThePhan: Again?
Sam: Didn't we already get this?
Crystal109: Yeah.
ThePhan: Yeah.
* ThePhan is going to stop just echoing people now. Heh.
* Ticia is going to stop just echoing...
* LaZorra is going to stop . . .
* gremlinn is going...
gremlinn has left.
Ticia: LOL
LaZorra: Poor gremlinn! He's too young to go!
: BlankBot must be hung up on the ladies.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for lady bug.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for lady for a night.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for lady fingers.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for lady in the water.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for lady of the lake.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for lady or the tiger.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for lady vanishes, the.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for lady lady.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for lady of the evening.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for lady luck.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for lady Diana.
BlankBot: Vote 12 for lady love.
ThePhan: vote 1
Sam: vote 6
Sam: vote 7
Randy: dang
Liface: vote 10
Ticia: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 6
Dude7581: vote 1
whitehelm: vote 4
TalkingDog: vote 8
Zup: vote 7
whitehelm: vote 5
Counterpoint: vote 10
Not-a-Fairy: vote 11
LaZorra: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 5
Randy: vote 12
Nyperold: vote 7
BlankBot: Crystal109 answered lady in the water.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed lady vanishes, the and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed lady luck and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed lady fingers and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed lady of the evening and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed lady lady and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed lady love and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed lady Diana and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed lady or the tiger and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed lady for a night and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed lady fingers and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed lady fingers and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed lady bug and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed lady of the lake and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Counterpoint submitted lady vanishes, the and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted lady of the lake and wins 1 point!
Crystal109: No matches. =(
Counterpoint: Whoa, totally didn't expect to win on that.
Zup: More pointz!
[BlankBot->Liface] Your turn! Fill in the blank: tool ______.
BlankBot: How do you think Liface completed the following? tool ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for tool cool for school.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for tool shed.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for tool kit.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for tool time.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for tool ed leather.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for tool box.
Dude7581: vote 2
TalkingDog: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 4
whitehelm: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 3
Ticia: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 2
Zup: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 4
Randy: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 2
whitehelm: Liface did 1 didn't he?
Crystal109: Yeah.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 3
LaZorra: I am SO glad we're not playing to 30.
ThePhan: Same here.
Sam: This game has historically taken 78 and 92 minutes in the past tournaments.
Liface: vote 3
BlankBot: Liface answered tool shed.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed tool shed and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed tool shed and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed tool time and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed tool box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed tool kit and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed tool ed leather and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed tool box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed tool Time and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed tool time and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed tool kit and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed tool box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed tool time and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed tool box and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed tool cool for school and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Dude7581 submitted tool box and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Not-a-Fairy submitted tool box and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted tool box and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: whitehelm submitted tool box and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Counterpoint submitted tool time and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Nyperold submitted tool Time and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted tool time and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Ticia submitted tool time and wins 1 point!
Zup: Haha, you guys were wrong!
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah! Points for everyone!
Crystal109: WOOHOO POINT.
Liface: Obviously ya'll don't spend much time around tools.
Counterpoint: Two people did.
Crystal109: Liface: It got guessed twice.
Liface: oh nm
LaZorra: I guessed "tool shed" and overwrote it. :-(
[BlankBot->Randy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ pipe.
BlankBot: How do you think Randy completed the following? ______ pipe
: Congratulations, Ticia, for being the first to reach 10 points.
Zup: Aw man, I want to be congratulated.
Ticia: Thanks, Brianna. And congrats on your double digits.
Ticia: I can't believe I just typed that.
Gharlane: LOL
Randy: Ticia: LOL!
: Ohhh...*blush* uh, thanks.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for warp pipe.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for tobacco pipe.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for half pipe.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for bag pipe.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for corn cob pipe.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for drain pipe.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for lead pipe.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for Peace pipe.
ThePhan: vote 5
whitehelm: vote 3
Dude7581: vote 3
LaZorra: "Colonel Mustard, in the conservatory, with the lead pipe"
Randy: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 7
Ticia: vote 4
Zup: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 4
TalkingDog: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: ?
Crystal109: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
BlankBot: Randy answered tobacco pipe.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed corn cob pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed lead pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed lead pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed Peace pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed peace pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed half pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed peace pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Warp pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed drain pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed warp pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed lead pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed half pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed bag pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed warp pipe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: whitehelm submitted bag pipe and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Liface loses a point for submitting and not voting.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
BlankBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
whitehelm: score
Liface: I keep looking away at other stuff :(
Not-a-Fairy: :(
Liface: ticia ur a leet skater
Liface: that's why you guessed half pipe
Ticia: lifache. thks man
Liface: yeah do a kickflip up in this piece
[BlankBot->Not-a-Fairy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ race.
Counterpoint: I love that icon.
LaZorra: That is a SCARY icon.
LuckyWizard has entered.
Liface: yo luckywizard do a kickflip dawg
BlankBot: How do you think Not-a-Fairy completed the following? ______ race
: Hey there, LuckyWizard.
Zup: Oh yeah, She greets him. What do you have to do?
: Aww, sorry, Zup. You're cute, too.
* Zup blushes.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for losing the human race.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for human race.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for rat race.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for libe race.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for drag race.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for The Amazing race.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for dog race.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for horse race.
Crystal109: vote 3
TalkingDog: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 7
Sam: vote 7
Crystal109: Lots of animals here.
whitehelm: vote 6
Dude7581: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 6
Not-a-Fairy: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 2
Liface: vote 2
Zup: vote 5
Ticia: vote 1
Randy: vote 5
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy answered dog race.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed losing the human race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed horse race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed drag race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed rat race and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed rat race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed horse race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed The Amazing race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed rat race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed horse race and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed horse race and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed rat race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed rat race and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed libe race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed human race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Nyperold submitted The Amazing race and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted human race and wins 1 point!
Gahalyn has entered.
Gharlane: Hi Gahalyn!
Nyperold: Hello! :)
Crystal109: Hey Gaha!
Zup: Hey Gaha!
Gahalyn: Hello all
Not-a-Fairy: Greetings!
Randy: GAHA!
TalkingDog: Gahaha!
LaZorra: HALYN
Gahalyn: What happened to hahaha?
Gahalyn: Hee
Crystal109: Hey, where's her grand welcome from Ricardo? =P
: What? OH! Gahalyn! Sorry, I didn't see you enter. The door's on my left, you know. Hi!
Gahalyn: Oh sorry. Not a problem.
Gahalyn: I mean.
Gahalyn: Why did I say sorry.
Gahalyn: I was distracted.
Sam: LOL
[BlankBot->Zup] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ half.
BlankBot: How do you think Zup completed the following? ______ half
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for better half.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for first half.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for dark half.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for pipe half.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for other half.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for Gahahahaha half.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for half and half.
Ticia: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 1
Dude7581: vote 7
TalkingDog: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 6
Liface: vote 7
Gahalyn: vote 6
Not-a-Fairy: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 5
Zup: vote 6
whitehelm: vote 7
Randy: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 5
Dude7581: vote 6
BlankBot: Zup answered half and half.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed half and half and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed half and half and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed half and half and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed half and half and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed half and half and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed half and half and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed better half and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed first half and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed better half and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed other half and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed better half and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed dark half and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed pipe half and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed Gahahahaha half and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup's answer was guessed 6 times for 6 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: whitehelm submitted Gahahahaha half and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Crystal109: Zup: Man.
Counterpoint: Zooooom.
Ticia: Nice.
Zup: Landslide, baby!
Liface: I knew you guys were going for that.
: Well look at that. Zup has emerged into the lead, with 12 points. Our very own poor Sam trails, with -4.
: Sam, apparently you would actually do better at this game if you didn't play it. What's that about?
Ticia: LOL
[BlankBot->whitehelm] Your turn! Fill in the blank: book ______.
Gahalyn: HI LIFACE
Liface: HI
BlankBot: How do you think whitehelm completed the following? book ______
: Brianna, does your neck feel as sore as my elbow?
: If you only knew how excruciating it is to keep my head at this angle for so long.
Crystal109: LOL
Ticia: Hehe
LaZorra: That's what you get for living in a tiny house.
Zup: No, Ricardo, her back's more sore than her neck.
: Er...ahem. *awkward*
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for book -a-minute.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for book store.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for book s are good.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for book review.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for book a room.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for book mark.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for book worm.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for book 'em Danno.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for book of the dead.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for book keeper.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for book s are tasty.
Dude7581: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 1
Liface: vote 1
TalkingDog: vote 1
Crystal109: vote 1
Zup: obligatory vote 1
Ticia: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
whitehelm: vote 3
Gahalyn: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 1
Randy: vore 8
Randy: vote 8
Not-a-Fairy: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 1
BlankBot: whitehelm answered book -a-minute.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed book a room and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed book store and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed book worm and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed book review and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed book of the dead and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed book s are tasty and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed book store and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed book 'em Danno and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed book keeper and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed book s are good and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed book worm and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed book mark and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed book store and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: whitehelm submitted book -a-minute and wins 1 point!
[BlankBot->gremlinn] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ holder.
BlankBot: How do you think gremlinn completed the following? ______ holder
Liface: or enchanted forest or whatever
Crystal109: Heh.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for card holder.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for eye of the be holder.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for place holder.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for cup holder.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for record holder.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for ticket holder.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for file holder.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for share holder.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for pot holder.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for Beauty is in the mouth of the be holder.
whitehelm: vote 10
Gahalyn: vote 10
Liface: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 3
Gahalyn: LOL 10.
Zup: um...
whitehelm: wait
Ticia: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 4
LaZorra: I don't get 10.
whitehelm: vote 2
TalkingDog: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 1
Zup: LOL
Randy: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 8
whitehelm: EYE not mouth
Zup: vote 9
Liface: it's supposed to be EYE
Not-a-Fairy: vote 10
Dude7581: vote 4
whitehelm: you lost my vote buddy
Nyperold: vote 4
Crystal109: LOL I just noticed that.
Gahalyn: No it's not
Gahalyn: Because
Gahalyn: a beholder is chompy
Gahalyn: And eats you to death
* LaZorra still doesn't get it, but that's OK.
Gahalyn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beholder
BlankBot: gremlinn answered share holder.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed place holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed cup holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed card holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed ticket holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed place holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed place holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed cup holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Beauty is in the mouth of the be holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed record holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed cup holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed pot holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed place holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed file holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed eye of the be holder and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Crystal109 submitted cup holder and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Liface submitted cup holder and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: TalkingDog submitted cup holder and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted eye of the be holder and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: gremlinn loses a point for submitting and not voting.
BlankBot: Gharlane loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Zup: Point +1!
Crystal109: Yes, a point!
: Zup, two points from the finish line now.
[BlankBot->Gahalyn] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ coat.
BlankBot: How do you think Gahalyn completed the following? ______ coat
* Ticia cries, for her lost turn.
Crystal109: I need a better turn. Both of mine were really awful, heh.
Ticia: I had a really hard one and couldn't think of anything. Hehe
Zup: I messed up on ____pit! PIT!
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for fur coat.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for rain coat.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for New AGL game from grem: coat.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for trench coat.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for sugar coat.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for winter coat.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for turn coat.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for fur-lined coat.
Ticia: vote 3
Gahalyn: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 5
Liface: vote 4
TalkingDog: vote 2
Sam: vote 1
Liface: ah 4 is good
Not-a-Fairy: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
Zup: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 3
whitehelm: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 3
whitehelm: vote 2
Counterpoint: There's already a COAT.
Dude7581: vote 6
Counterpoint: There is just an I appended.
There's a COAT, too: Commander-In-Chief, by Eric, went by that code name.
BlankBot: Gahalyn answered turn coat.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed turn coat and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed turn coat and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed fur-lined coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed fur coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed fur coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed winter coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed winter coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed fur coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed fur coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed rain coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed winter coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed trench coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed fur coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed New AGL game from grem: coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed sugar coat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: whitehelm submitted New AGL game from grem: coat and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Randy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sam: hey there was an i down there
Liface: an I AT THE BOTTOM
Liface: there really was
Liface: i remember it clear as day
Sam: Liface: LOL!! You remember that?
Liface: yeah man
Liface: it's in the dord of liface
Liface: which still makes me laugh from time to time
Sam: A capital I? At the end of the user list?
Liface: Yeah, there was some character down at the bottom of the user list.
Liface: It appeared for a second, and disapparated or something
Liface: probably a house elf
Crystal109: Heh. Disapparated.
Sam: Possibly the user list hadn't fully loaded, and the last user in the list had a name starting with I? I'm just guessing off the top of my head.
TalkingDog: I'm guessing that's back when Chat would put random characters at the end of the buffer, back in the day?
[BlankBot->ThePhan] Your turn! Fill in the blank: touch ______.
BlankBot: How do you think ThePhan completed the following? touch ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for touch screen.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for touch the button.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for touch y feely.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for touch tone.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for touch and go.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for touch of Evil.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for touch me.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for touch Brianna.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for touch pad.
Dude7581: vote 1
Liface: vote 8
Ticia: vote 1
: *frown*
Zup: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 4
TalkingDog: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 6
whitehelm: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 9
: Hey, hey, let's be chivalrous here. Brianna is a lady.
: Aww, thanks Ricardo. You know, you're awfully nice.
Gahalyn: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: vote 5
LaZorra: I have a feeling that there are several burly security guards who will prevent #8 from happening.
Zup: LaZ: and me. I'll stop it too.
Gharlane: vote 4
BlankBot: ThePhan answered touch pad.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed touch pad and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed touch and go and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed touch screen and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed touch me and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed touch screen and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed touch y-feely and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed touch me and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed touch screen and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed touch the button and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed touch of Evil and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed touch screen and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed touch tone and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed touch Brianna and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed touch y feely and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Counterpoint submitted touch and go and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: LuckyWizard loses a point for submitting and not voting.
[BlankBot->Counterpoint] Your turn! Fill in the blank: street ______.
BlankBot: How do you think Counterpoint completed the following? street ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for street photography is pretty cool.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for street lights.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for street walker.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for street smart.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for street s of gold.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for street car named Desire.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for street light.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for street lingo.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for street smarts.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for street of dreams.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for street sign.
Sam: vote 11
Liface: vote 10
Gahalyn: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 6
whitehelm: vote 6
Liface: kevin costner is dreamy.
Chrysanthemum: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 9
Not-a-Fairy: vote 6
Dude7581: vote 2
TalkingDog: vote 2
Zup: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 9
Ticia: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 9
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 8
Dude7581: I think Desire won.
Zup: No, Love does in the end.
BlankBot: Counterpoint answered street light.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed street light and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Chrysanthemum guessed street car named Desire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed street walker and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed street sign and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed street photography is pretty cool and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed street of dreams and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed street car named desire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed street smarts and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed street lingo and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed street lights and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed street smart and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed street s of gold and is wrong.
BlankBot: Counterpoint's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Chrysanthemum submitted street car named Desire and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted street car named desire and wins 1 point!
ThePhan: Oh, POOH. I had the plural instead of the singular.
* LaZorra high-fives Chrysanthemum!
Chrysanthemum: LaZ: Great minds... ;)
LaZorra: hehe
Counterpoint: I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
: And Ticia closes the gap between her and Zup, still in the lead. And, well, Brianna, you're...you're nice, too.... *covers part of his face*
Ticia: LOL
[BlankBot->Nyperold] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ watch.
BlankBot: How do you think Nyperold completed the following? ______ watch
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for digital watch.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Night watch.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for pocket watch.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for Bay watch.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for wrist watch.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for don't watch.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for flood watch.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for stop watch.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for neighborhood watch.
Dude7581: vote 4
Gahalyn: vote 6
TalkingDog: vote 8
Sam: vote 2
Crystal109: vote 6
* Zup slaps himself.
LaZorra: vote 9
whitehelm: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 3
Zup: vote 8
: *also slaps Zup*
Chrysanthemum: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 8
* LaZorra slaps Zup too, for good measure.
Counterpoint: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
: *also slaps Zup*
ThePhan: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 1
* Ticia also slaps Zup.
* whitehelm slaps Zup
* Zup is slapped silly.
gremlinn: Also Slap Zarathustra.
LaZorra: AHH poor Zup
LaZorra: He has no head now, I'm sure. Wonder Woman there probably slapped it clean off.
Sam: grem: LOL LOL
Gharlane: LOL
* Zup's head is still spinning.
BlankBot: Nyperold answered Night watch.
BlankBot: Chrysanthemum guessed night watch and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed night watch and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed don't watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed stop watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed stop watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed wrist watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed stop watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed pocket watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed digital watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed pocket watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed flood watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed stop watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed Bay watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed neighborhood watch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Crystal109 submitted stop watch and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Dude7581 submitted stop watch and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted stop watch and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted stop watch and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Liface loses a point for submitting and not voting.
BlankBot: Ticia loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Ticia: ARG
Liface: but i thought nyperold would be a dapper chap w/ a pocket watch
[BlankBot->LaZorra] Your turn! Fill in the blank: spit ______.
BlankBot: How do you think LaZorra completed the following? spit ______
* LaZorra bets maybe one person will get this. Brilliant strategist, she is. :-p
Liface: i got a good one
Crystal109: Heh.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for spit on boys.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for spit ball.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for spit oon.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for spit fire.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for spit and polish.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for spit take.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for spit roast.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for spit shine.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for spit toon.
Liface: vote 1
TalkingDog: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 6
Sam: Crud, I typoed.
LaZorra: vote 1
whitehelm: vote 1
Zup: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 7
Sam: Sorry, LaZ.
Gahalyn: vote 3
Dude7581: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 1
LaZorra: Dang.
Sam: vote 1
Not-a-Fairy: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Ticia: vote 1
Crystal109: vote 2
Liface: vote 8
BlankBot: LaZorra answered spit toon.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed spit toon and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed spit toon and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed spit toon and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed spit and polish and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed spit ball and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed spit on boys and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed spit roast and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed spit ball and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed spit fire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed spit oon and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed spit take and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed spit shine and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed spit and polish and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed spit shine and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra's answer was guessed 3 times for 3 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Gahalyn submitted spit on boys and wins 1 point!
LaZorra: Wow.
Crystal109: Yes!
whitehelm: ...I put spittoon first then changed it
LaZorra: Good job, everyone.
Crystal109: Heh I was thinking of your game, LaZ.
[BlankBot->Chrysanthemum] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ wire.
: I like the way you think, Gahalyn.
BlankBot: How do you think Chrysanthemum completed the following? ______ wire
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for chicken wire.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for This game is down to the wire.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for hot, just like Brianna, wire.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for electric wire.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for barbed wire.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for live wire.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for high wire.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for fire wire.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal, send me a kiss by wire.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for Mountain Dew's Live wire.
Chrysanthemum: vote 7
Sam: vote 9
Liface: vote 7
Zup: vote 9
Crystal109: vote 9
TalkingDog: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 9
Counterpoint: vote 5
Gahalyn: vote 6
Dude7581: vote 7
Ticia: vote 9
LaZorra: 9 WINS
Not-a-Fairy: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 7
* Crystal109 approves of 9.
ThePhan: vote 9
whitehelm: vote 5
LaZorra: Except now I'm going to have that stuck in my head.
Nyperold: vote 10
Counterpoint: What is 9?
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 8
Crystal109: Yeah, it's stuck in my head too.
Ticia: me. too
: Baby, my heart's on fire!
BlankBot: Chrysanthemum answered live wire.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed live wire and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed live wire and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed live wire and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed electric wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed hot, just like Brianna, wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed Mountain Dew's Live wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed high wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed high wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Liface guessed barbed wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed chicken wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal, send me a kiss by wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed fire wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed fire wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed fire wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed This game is down to the wire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Chrysanthemum's answer was guessed 3 times for 3 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Nyperold submitted Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal, send me a kiss by wire and wins 1 point!
Zup: 1 more to go!
Liface: I'm going to go listen to this song
[BlankBot->LuckyWizard] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ of the day.
LaZorra: . . . baby, my heart's on fire! If you don't use me, honey, you'll lose me, then you'll be left alone. So, baby, telephone. Tell me you'll be my own.
Gharlane: Old Looney Toons cartoon had a singing frog that sang that...
Crystal109: I have the sheet music for piano.
Nyperold: It's sung by Michigan J. Frog in "One Froggy Evening".
Counterpoint: OH, the Michigan Frog.
Counterpoint: Yeah.
LaZorra: It's also an actual ragtime song.
LaZorra: :p
Gharlane: True. :)
gremlinn: They used it near the end of Spaceballs.
Zup: Grem: Sadly, that was my first thought.
Dude7581: ewww.....
Zup: LOL
Counterpoint: LZ: LOL
BlankBot: How do you think LuckyWizard completed the following? ______ of the day
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for Many happy returns of the day.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for quote of the day.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for end of the day.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for remains of the day.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for the time of the day.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for catch of the day.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for soup of the day.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for at the end of the day.
Counterpoint: vote 6
TalkingDog: vote 7
Gahalyn: vote 2
Dude7581: vote 3
Chrysanthemum: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 6
* Crystal109 sings the song from Les Miserables.
whitehelm: vote 2
Ticia: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 7
Ticia: Now I have the song from Les Mis stuck in my head.
Zup: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 4
* Zup agrees. That picture is Hell personified.
: oooh, you think so, Zup? You ain't seen nuthin'....
Zup: Again, proven wrong by the wiles of the Sam.
Gharlane: vote 4
Not-a-Fairy: vote 7
* TalkingDog changed his answer four or five times. Heh.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard answered at the end of the day.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed at the end of the day and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Chrysanthemum guessed quote of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: Counterpoint guessed end of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: Crystal109 guessed end of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: Dude7581 guessed catch of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed catch of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed catch of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: Not-a-Fairy guessed the time of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Many happy returns of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed catch of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed remains of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: whitehelm guessed end of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed soup of the day and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Chrysanthemum submitted quote of the day and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Dude7581 submitted catch of the day and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Gharlane submitted catch of the day and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted catch of the day and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: TalkingDog submitted catch of the day and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted remains of the day and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted soup of the day and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup wins!
Ticia: YES
Ticia: I mean... NOOOOOOOOOOO
Counterpoint: DPME
Crystal109: Darn!!!!
Liface: wowww
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah for Zup!
Counterpoint: Uh, DONE
Crystal109: Go Zup!
Ticia: Dang it.
Gharlane: Nice one, Zup. :)
Ticia: I was all excited about my one point, lol!
: Congratulations, Zup!
Zup: Thank you all, it was really all that half and half...
Nyperold: Woo! So that's 20 for me.
Crystal109: I wanted to at least get double digits heh.
Zup: and half and half and half and half and half...
Crystal109: Grrr. Heh.
LaZorra: Whoa, I was at 13. Didn't realize that.
Zup: So, I win the very first bot game I play. This is looking good for me!
BlankBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Crystal109: MoooooooooleBots!
LaZorra is away.
TalkingDog is away.
: Very well done. And well congratulated, Brianna.
: *blush*
: Well, let's move right along to a little bit of craziness we like to call the Mole family. All three MoleBot games, played simultaneously, to 10 points apiece.
TalkingDog: Whoa.
TalkingDog is back.
ThePhan: Heh. This is going to be interesting.
Liface: YES
Zup: For once!
* Crystal109 hopes her internet won't crash.
: Go /away if you don't want to be kicked from the room by KickMoleBot, but you won't be able to score any points in KickMoleBot if you do. You will, however, be able to score in the other two games while /away.
Counterpoint is away.
* Crystal109 eyes TP warily.
Liface: it's been so long
Gahalyn is away.
Zup is away.
MoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
KickMoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
SinbadBot has been summoned by Sam.
Crystal109: Wait, we're playing them at once?
Crystal109: Ack.
Dude7581 is away.
* Zup cannot play Moles on this stupid wireless internet.
Liface: hold on let me read these instructions
TalkingDog: Whack, whack, and budge. That's all you need.
Crystal109: So it's either whack or budge.
Crystal109: I need to choose between Chrys and Not-A-Fairy.
Chrysanthemum: LOL
: The rules are simple. Whack people in MoleBot, whack people in KickMoleBot, and budge people in SinbadBot. Easy, right?
: Why, it's downright trivial! Obviously, whacking just might take effect in both MoleBot and KickMoleBot at the same time.
: Oh, obviously. So let's get the show on the road. In one minute, all three bots will 'kick' off. Heh heh heh.
: *groan*
Crystal109: This will be much much harder.
Liface: So capitals matter?
: No, Liface, these bots are case-insensitive.
Liface: ah
The MoleBots section, which follows, was left largely unedited. It was such an insane flow of chat lines that even if you responded to something immediately, what you were responding to would have scrolled off the screen by the time the response appeared. It would have been absurdly tedious to try to uninterleave the different conversation threads, and it would have destroyed the sense of utter chaos anyway. So the following lengthy section is left as it was, with no rearranging of lines for convenience of reading.
MoleBot: Gharlane pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
whitehelm: whack gharlane
MoleBot: whitehelm slaps Gharlane with . Score!
TalkingDog: whack gharlane
SinbadBot: Gharlane glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 escapes safely underground.
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
SinbadBot: Gharlane remains safely in place.
Crystal109: whack crystal109
Liface: what Garhalane
MoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Chrysanthemum: whack crystal109
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
KickMoleBot: whitehelm pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack sam
MoleBot: Chrysanthemum socks Crystal109 with . Bonus score!
ThePhan: whack crystal109
LaZorra: NICE
whitehelm: whack whitehelm
Liface: budge Garhalane
KickMoleBot: whitehelm whacks whitehelm with . Ouch!
Counterpoint: whack whitehelm
TalkingDog: whck whitehelm
Crystal109: whack whitehelm
ThePhan: whack whitehelm
Ticia: whack whitehlep
Nyperold: budge gharlane
Gahalyn: whack crystal109
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Liface: what whitehelm
Dude7581: whack whitehelm
SinbadBot: whitehelm glitters and makes weird noises.
TalkingDog: LOL
Crystal109: whack whitehelm
Not-a-Fairy: whack whithelm
SinbadBot: ThePhan transports whitehelm with a shout. ThePhan is WINNING!
whitehelm: whack whitehelm
Crystal109: budge whitehelm
Liface: budge whitehelm
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
KickMoleBot: Not-a-Fairy pops out of the ground.
TalkingDog: budge whitehelm
Chrysanthemum: budge whitehelm
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Crystal109: budge sam
whitehelm: whack sam
Zup: whack sam
Counterpoint: whack sma
MoleBot: whitehelm pummels Sam with . Bonus score!
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Liface: what sam
Chrysanthemum: whack sam
Ticia: whack sam
Counterpoint: whack sam
Gahalyn: whack not-a-fairy
Crystal109: whack sam
KickMoleBot: Not-a-Fairy escapes safely underground.
Chrysanthemum: whack not-a-fairy
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: LaZorra pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: whack Not-A-Fairy
Zup: whack sam
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Counterpoint: whack lazorra
MoleBot: Counterpoint belts LaZorra in the jaw with . Score!
TalkingDog: whack lazorra
Chrysanthemum: whack lazorra
whitehelm: whack luckywizard
Gahalyn: whack luckywizard
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: whitehelm flogs LuckyWizard with . Score!
Liface: waack luckywizard
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
Counterpoint: whack luckywizard
Liface: whack lazorra
Zup: whack sam
LaZorra: YES
LuckyWizard has left.
Crystal109: whack whitehelm
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
whitehelm: whack nyperold
Dude7581: whack Lazorra
Gahalyn: whack nyperold
Liface: budge nyperodl
ThePhan: budge nyperold
MoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
LuckyWizard has entered.
Chrysanthemum: budge nyperold
Crystal109: budge Nyperold
SinbadBot: ThePhan propels Nyperold with long fingernails. ThePhan is WINNING!
Not-a-Fairy: whack LuckyWizard
SinbadBot: Counterpoint glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
KickMoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
Gharlane: budge nyperold
Crystal109: whack Crystal109
SinbadBot: Counterpoint remains safely in place.
Chrysanthemum: whack crystal109
Counterpoint: whack crystal109
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
MoleBot: Crystal109 smooshes Crystal109 with . Ouch!
Liface: whack crystal9
ThePhan: whack nyperold
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
: Pardon me, LaZorra.
[RinkChat] User Nyperold has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan slams Nyperold with . Score!
Gahalyn: whack nyperold
LaZorra: I got whacked by a hot guy and not a not guy!
Counterpoint: whack nyperold
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
Chrysanthemum: whack nyperold
Nyperold has left.
Dude7581: whack nyperold
ThePhan: whack crystal109
whitehelm: whack crystal109
Counterpoint: whack crystal109
Chrysanthemum: whack crystal109
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
LuckyWizard: whack crystal109
[RinkChat] User Crystal109 has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan whoops Crystal109 with . Score!
Crystal109 has left.
MoleBot: gremlinn pops out of the ground.
Gahalyn is back.
SinbadBot: Gahalyn glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Not-a-Fairy pops out of the ground.
Counterpoint: whack gremlinn
Zup: whack sam
whitehelm: whack gremlinn
Crystal109 has entered.
TalkingDog: whack gremlinn
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
ThePhan: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: Counterpoint whacks gremlinn with . Score!
whitehelm: whack gahalyn
LuckyWizard: whack Not-a-Fairy
Counterpoint: whack gahalyn
ThePhan: whack not-a-fairy
Gahalyn: budge gahalyn
Crystal109: whack Not-A-Fairy
TalkingDog: budge gahalyn
[RinkChat] User Not-a-Fairy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard smacks Not-a-Fairy with . Score!
SinbadBot: Gahalyn transports Gahalyn with a shout. HA!
Not-a-Fairy has left.
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
MoleBot: ThePhan pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack sam
SinbadBot: Liface glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: whitehelm pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: ThePhan escapes safely underground.
TalkingDog: whack thephan
whitehelm: whack thephan
Counterpoint: whack tehphane
Liface: whack ThePhan
ThePhan: whack thephan
Chrysanthemum: whack thehpan
SinbadBot: Liface remains safely in place.
Crystal109: whack ThePhan
Dude7581: whack thephan
whitehelm: whack liface
Gahalyn: whack thephan
Nyperold has entered.
Counterpoint: whack whitehelnm
Not-a-Fairy has entered.
ThePhan: whack whitehelm
Liface: whack whitehelm
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum: whack whitehelm
[RinkChat] User whitehelm has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan pummels whitehelm with . Score!
whitehelm has left.
MoleBot: Counterpoint pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
LaZorra: Ricardo: Hey, better you than Tan and Hairy Old Guy.
LuckyWizard: whack whitehelm
whitehelm has entered.
KickMoleBot: Ticia pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: whack Counterpoint
Counterpoint: whack counterpoint
Chrysanthemum: whack counterpoint
Gahalyn: whack counterpoint
ThePhan: whack counterpoint
Liface: whack Counterpoint
MoleBot: Crystal109 bashes Counterpoint with . Bonus score!
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Counterpoint: whack ticia
[RinkChat] User Ticia has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint smashes Ticia with . Score!
ThePhan: whack ticia
Gahalyn: whack ticia
Liface: whack Ticia
Ticia has left.
Zup: whack sam
Crystal109: whack ticia
SinbadBot: Gahalyn glitters and makes weird noises.
Chrysanthemum: whack ticia
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard pops out of the ground.
Gahalyn: whack gahalyn
MoleBot: Chrysanthemum pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
whitehelm: whack gahalyn
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: Gahalyn remains safely in place.
Liface: whack Luckywizard
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
LuckyWizard has left.
KickMoleBot: Liface whomps LuckyWizard with . Score!
Crystal109: budge gahalyn
TalkingDog: budge gahalyn
ThePhan: budge gahalyn
Chrysanthemum: budge gahalyn
Ticia has entered.
Gahalyn: whack luckywizard
LuckyWizard has entered.
Counterpoint: whack chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: Crystal109 glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Zup: whack sam
MoleBot: Counterpoint conks Chrysanthemum with . Bonus score!
Chrysanthemum: whack chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: Crystal109 remains safely in place.
Dude7581: whack luckywizard
Liface: whack crystal109
whitehelm: whack crystal109
Nyperold: whack counterpoint
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: budge crystal109
KickMoleBot: Liface pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: budge Crystal109
SinbadBot: Ticia glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
LuckyWizard: whack liface
Gahalyn: whack liface
SinbadBot: Ticia remains safely in place.
[RinkChat] User Liface has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard thwacks Liface with . Score!
Ticia: whack liface
ThePhan: whack ticia
whitehelm: whack ticia
Crystal109: whack lifcae
Counterpoint: whack liface
Liface has left.
Zup: whack sam
Chrysanthemum: whack liface
Dude7581: whack liace
ThePhan: budge ticia
TalkingDog: whack liface
Not-a-Fairy: budge Gahalyn
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum: budge ticia
Ticia: budge ticia
Liface has entered.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack sam
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Gahalyn: whack thephan
ThePhan: whack thephan
[RinkChat] User ThePhan has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn bashes ThePhan in the head with . Score!
MoleBot: gremlinn pops out of the ground.
Liface: whack ThePHan
whitehelm: whack thephan
Crystal109: whack thephan
Counterpoint: whack tehpah
LuckyWizard: whack thephan
Ticia: wach thephan
Chrysanthemum: whack thephan
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
Dude7581: whack thephan
ThePhan has left.
TalkingDog: whack thephan
Not-a-Fairy: whack Liface
Counterpoint: whack gremlinn
Gahalyn: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: Counterpoint whacks gremlinn with . Score!
Crystal109: whack gremlinn
Liface: whack germlinn
TalkingDog: whack gremlinn
ThePhan has entered.
SinbadBot: gremlinn remains safely in place.
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
Chrysanthemum: budge gremlinn
TalkingDog: budge gremlinn
LuckyWizard: budge gremlinn
Ticia: budge gremlinn
Crystal109: whack talkingdog
[RinkChat] User TalkingDog has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 slugs TalkingDog with . Score!
Gahalyn: whack talkingdog
Chrysanthemum: whack talkingdong
TalkingDog has left.
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
whitehelm: whack talkingdog
Liface: whack talkindogn
Counterpoint: whack talkingdog
Not-a-Fairy: budge gremlinn
Gahalyn: whack nyperold
TalkingDog has entered.
Crystal109: whack nyperold
Counterpoint: whack nyperold
ThePhan: whack nyperold
Chrysanthemum: DOG
Ticia: whack talkingdog
Liface: whack nyperold
MoleBot: Gahalyn beats up Nyperold in the face with . Score!
TalkingDog: whack nyperold
SinbadBot: Zup glitters and makes weird noises.
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Ticia: whack nyperold
ThePhan: whack zup
Counterpoint: whack zup
Crystal109: whack zup
MoleBot: Zup pops out of the ground.
Liface: whack zup
LuckyWizard: budge zup
Chrysanthemum: budge zup
ThePhan: budge zup
TalkingDog: budge zup
SinbadBot: LuckyWizard displaces Zup with long fingernails. LuckyWizard is WINNING!
Crystal109: budge zup
LaZorra: NICE
Counterpoint: budge zup
MoleBot: Liface punches Zup with . Score!
Gahalyn: whack zup
whitehelm: whack zup
Chrysanthemum: whack zup
Counterpoint: whack zup
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
KickMoleBot: ThePhan pops out of the ground.
Gahalyn: whack thephan
[RinkChat] User ThePhan has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Chrysanthemum: whack thephan
Crystal109: whack thephan
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn socks ThePhan with . Score!
ThePhan: whackt hephan
whitehelm: whack thephan
TalkingDog: whack thephan
Counterpoint: whack thephan
Liface: whack thephhan
Not-a-Fairy: whack Nyperold
LuckyWizard: whack thephan
ThePhan has left.
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack sam
Crystal109: whack nyperold
Counterpoint: whack nyperold
whitehelm: whack nyperold
Liface: whack nyperold
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum glitters and makes weird noises.
LuckyWizard: whack nyperold
ThePhan has entered.
TalkingDog: whack nyperold
Gahalyn: whack nyperold
MoleBot: Crystal109 slugs Nyperold with . Score!
Chrysanthemum: whack nyperold
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Ticia: whack nyperold
SinbadBot: Gharlane displaces Chrysanthemum with evil. Gharlane is WINNING!
SinbadBot: LuckyWizard glitters and makes weird noises.
Dude7581: whack anybody
Gharlane: HA!
KickMoleBot: Chrysanthemum pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: LuckyWizard remains safely in place.
LuckyWizard: whack luckywizard
Zup: whack sam
Liface: whack luckywizard
whitehelm: whack luckywizrar
Ticia: whack luckywizard
ThePhan: budge luckywizard
Gahalyn: whack chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: budge luckywizard
MoleBot: whitehelm pops out of the ground.
[RinkChat] User Chrysanthemum has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn whacks Chrysanthemum with . Score!
ThePhan: whack chrysanthemum
whitehelm: whack whitehlem
Zup: whack sam
Chrysanthemum has left.
Counterpoint: whack whitehelm
SinbadBot: TalkingDog glitters and makes weird noises.
TalkingDog: whack whteihelm
MoleBot: Counterpoint whonks whitehelm with . Score!
Gahalyn: whack whitehelm
LuckyWizard: whack whitehelm
Zup: whack sam
Chrysanthemum has entered.
Liface: whack talkingdog
TalkingDog: budge talkingdog
Crystal109: budge talkingdog
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: TalkingDog transports TalkingDog with no help from Soukra. HA!
Not-a-Fairy: whack Zup
Liface: whack
ThePhan: whack talkingdog
Zup: whack sam
Counterpoint: whack talkigndog
Gahalyn: whack talkingdog
SinbadBot: Liface glitters and makes weird noises.
Chrysanthemum: whack talkingdog
TalkingDog: whack talkingdog
Crystal109: whack talkingdog
[RinkChat] User TalkingDog has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Ticia: whack talkingdog
KickMoleBot: ThePhan slugs TalkingDog with . Score!
TalkingDog has left.
Liface: whack talkingdog
TalkingDog has entered.
whitehelm: whack liface
Crystal109: budge liface
Zup: whack sam
Gharlane: budge liface
Counterpoint: budge liface
Chrysanthemum: budge liface
LaZorra is back.
SinbadBot: Crystal109 transports Liface with a yell. Crystal109 is WINNING!
Liface: buidge lifa
MoleBot: whitehelm pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack sam
Crystal109: whack whitehelm
Liface: whack whitehelm
MoleBot: Crystal109 socks whitehelm with . Score!
TalkingDog: whck whitehelm
whitehelm: whack whitehelm
Gahalyn: whack whiteheml
Ticia: whack whitehelm
ThePhan: whack whitehelm
Counterpoint: whack whitehelm
SinbadBot: TalkingDog glitters and makes weird noises.
Chrysanthemum: whack whitehelm
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: whack whitehelm
LuckyWizard: whack whitehelm
Zup: whack sam
MoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: LaZorra pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
whitehelm: whack talkingdog
Chrysanthemum: budge talkingdog
Zup: whack sam
Liface: whack talkingdog
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum displaces TalkingDog with mental powers. Chrysanthemum is WINNING!
ThePhan: whack crystal109
Counterpoint: whack crystal109
whitehelm: whack crystal109
Chrysanthemum: whack crystal109
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
Gahalyn: whack lazorra
MoleBot: ThePhan clocks Crystal109 with . Score!
LuckyWizard: whack lazorra
Crystal109: whack lazorra
[RinkChat] User LaZorra has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn wallops LaZorra with . Bonus score!
LaZorra has left.
Counterpoint: whack lazorra
Chrysanthemum: whack lazorra
Zup: whack sam
ThePhan: whack lazorra
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard pops out of the ground.
LaZorra has entered.
whitehelm: whack luckywizard
Crystal109: whack luckywizard
Counterpoint: whack luckywizard
Zup: whack sam
Gahalyn: whack luckywizard
Sam: Note: You might need to /purge if your chat window is jumping around a lot.
TalkingDog: whack luckywizard
Liface: whack luckywizard
ThePhan: whack luckywizard
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: whitehelm mashes LuckyWizard with . Score!
Chrysanthemum: whack luckywizard
LuckyWizard has left.
MoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
Counterpoint is away.
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: whack sam
Not-a-Fairy: whack LaZorra
LuckyWizard has entered.
Chrysanthemum: whack talkingdog
whitehelm: whack talkingdog
SinbadBot: Crystal109 glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: whack talkingdog
Liface: whack talkigndog
MoleBot: Chrysanthemum clobbers TalkingDog with . Score!
TalkingDog: whack talkingdog
KickMoleBot: Ticia pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Zup: whack sam
ThePhan: whack talkingdog
Liface: whack cys
Chrysanthemum: budge crystal109
Gahalyn: whack ticia
Gharlane: kick talkingdog
ThePhan: whack ticia
Crystal109: whack ticia
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum relocates Crystal109 with luck. Chrysanthemum is WINNING!
[RinkChat] User Ticia has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn skins Ticia with . Bonus score!
Ticia has left.
Liface: whack ticia
Chrysanthemum: whack ticia
Zup: whack sam
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: whack ticia
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard pops out of the ground.
* LaZorra got whacked with Happy Guy. :-(
Ticia has entered.
Liface: whack luckywizard
LuckyWizard: whack luckywizard
Crystal109: whack luckywizard
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Liface slaps LuckyWizard with . Score!
LuckyWizard has left.
Chrysanthemum: whack luckywizard
Gahalyn: whack luckywizard
TalkingDog: whack luckywizard
: Hey, lucky you, LaZorra! You got slammed into ME! Ha ha!
SinbadBot: Gahalyn glitters and makes weird noises.
LuckyWizard has entered.
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Counterpoint: whack sam
Crystal109: whack sam
whitehelm: whack sam
MoleBot: Counterpoint slaps Sam in the gut with . Score!
ThePhan: whack sam
Liface: whack sam
Zup: whack sam
Chrysanthemum: budge gahalyn
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum budges Gahalyn with all that is evil. Chrysanthemum is WINNING!
Gharlane: budge gahalyn
Counterpoint: budge gahalyn
ThePhan: whack gahalyn
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: budge gahalyn
Not-a-Fairy: whack LuckyWizard
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog escapes safely underground.
TalkingDog: whack talkingdog
whitehelm: whack talkigndig
Counterpoint: whack talkingdog
Liface: whack talkingdog
LuckyWizard: whack talkingdog
Chrysanthemum: whack talkingdog
Zup: whack sam
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: whack talkingdog
* ThePhan is NOT WINNING
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: whack nyperold
MoleBot: TalkingDog pops Nyperold with . Score!
Liface: whack nyperold
Gahalyn: whack nyperold
Crystal109: hack nyperold
ThePhan: whack nyperold
LaZorra: Dude, you are WAY to happy to have me slammed into you.
whitehelm: whack nyperoidl
SinbadBot: LaZorra glitters and makes weird noises.
Counterpoint: whack nuyperold
Chrysanthemum: whack nyperold
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack sam
whitehelm: whack lazorra
Liface: budge lazorra
Crystal109: budge lazorra
LuckyWizard: whack lazorra
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: budge lazorra
SinbadBot: Liface pushes LaZorra with a devastating act of magical madness. Liface is WINNING!
Liface: whack luckywizard
Chrysanthemum: whack luckywizard
ThePhan: whack luckywizard
Counterpoint: whack luckywizard
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Liface crunches LuckyWizard with . Score!
LuckyWizard has left.
Crystal109: whack luckywizard
MoleBot: Zup pops out of the ground.
Dude7581 is back.
Zup: whack sam
SinbadBot: Zup glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
LuckyWizard has entered.
whitehelm: whack zup
LaZorra: LOL
Counterpoint: whack zup
Crystal109: whack zup
Gahalyn: whack zup
MoleBot: whitehelm skins Zup with . Score!
ThePhan: whack zup
Ticia: whack talkingdog
ThePhan: budge zup
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: whack zup
Counterpoint: budge aup
Crystal109: budge zup
SinbadBot: ThePhan budges Zup with all that is evil. ThePhan is bonusly WINNING!
Zup: whack sam
TalkingDog: budge zup
MoleBot: Counterpoint pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn pops out of the ground.
Counterpoint: whack counterpoint
MoleBot: Counterpoint crushes Counterpoint in the head with . Bonus ouch!
Gahalyn: whack counterpoint
ThePhan: whack gahalyn
whitehelm: whack gahalyn
LuckyWizard: whack gahalyn
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Crystal109: whack gahalyn
Counterpoint: whack gahalyn
Chrysanthemum: whack gahalyn
[RinkChat] User Gahalyn has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan whomps Gahalyn with . Score!
Liface: whack gahalyn
Gahalyn: whack gahalyn
Gahalyn has left.
Nyperold: whack counterpoint
Gahalyn has entered.
Not-a-Fairy: whack Liface
Zup: AAAACK! It's the slapping all over again!
SinbadBot: Not-a-Fairy glitters and makes weird noises.
Liface: whack lfiace
Counterpoint: whack not-a-fairy
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: whack Not-A-Fairy
Zup: whack sam
ThePhan: budge not-a-fairy
Gahalyn: whack not-a-fairy
whitehelm: whack not0a0fairy
MoleBot: Zup whonks Sam with . Score!
Liface: whack not-a-fairy
TalkingDog: whack sam
SinbadBot: ThePhan dislodges Not-a-Fairy with the winds of utter destruction. ThePhan is WINNING!
Counterpoint: whack sam
Gahalyn: whack sam
Liface: whack sam
Chrysanthemum: budge not-a-fairy
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Dude7581 glitters and makes weird noises.
Gahalyn: whack gahalyn
TalkingDog: whack gahalyn
Counterpoint: whack gahalyn
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Chrysanthemum: whack gahalyn
LuckyWizard: whack gahalyn
Crystal109: whack gahalyn
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn swats Gahalyn with . Ouch!
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Liface: whack gahalyn
ThePhan: whack gahalyn
Counterpoint: whack sam
SinbadBot: Dude7581 remains safely in place.
whitehelm: whack dude7581\
Chrysanthemum: budge dude 7581
MoleBot: Counterpoint thwacks Sam with . Score!
Gahalyn: whack dude7851
ThePhan: budge dude7581
Crystal109: budge sam
whitehelm: whack sam
SinbadBot: LuckyWizard glitters and makes weird noises.
LaZorra: Zup whonked Sam with a yell!
Crystal109: whack sam
LaZorra: And ew.
Liface: whack luckywizard
ThePhan: budge luckywizard
TalkingDog: budge luckywizard
SinbadBot: ThePhan transports LuckyWizard with a spell. ThePhan is WINNING!
Chrysanthemum: budge luckywizard
Liface: budge luckywizard
Zup: whack sam
LuckyWizard: budge luckywizard
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard pops out of the ground.
Gahalyn: whack luckywizard
TalkingDog: whack luckywizard
Chrysanthemum: whack luckywizard
Crystal109: whack luckywizard
Liface: whack luckywizard
ThePhan: whack luckywizard
LuckyWizard: whack luckywizard
Counterpoint: whack luckywizard
MoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
Not-a-Fairy: whack Zup
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn pops LuckyWizard with . Score!
Crystal109: whack crystal109
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
LuckyWizard has left.
MoleBot: Crystal109 beats Crystal109 in the jaw with . Ouch!
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
Gahalyn: whack crystal109
Zup: whack sam
LuckyWizard has entered.
Liface: whack crystal109
SinbadBot: TalkingDog glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Liface pops out of the ground.
TalkingDog: budge talkingdog
SinbadBot: TalkingDog nudges TalkingDog with luck. HA!
Ticia: whack talkingdog
Liface: budge talkingdog
whitehelm: whack talingdog
ThePhan: budge talkingdog
KickMoleBot: Liface escapes safely underground.
Gahalyn: whack liface
TalkingDog: whack liface
Liface: whack liface
Chrysanthemum: whack liface
Not-a-Fairy: whack Crystal109
Crystal109: whack liface
LuckyWizard: budge talkingdog
MoleBot: Dude7581 pops out of the ground.
Counterpoint is back.
Ticia: budge talkingdog
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Crystal109: whack dude7581
TalkingDog: whack talkingdog
MoleBot: Crystal109 beats up Dude7581 with . Score!
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog whoops TalkingDog with . Bonus ouch!
Dude7581: whack dude7581
Gahalyn: whack dude7851\
Zup: whack dude7581
ThePhan: whack dude7581
LuckyWizard: whack dude7581
MoleBot: Gahalyn pops out of the ground.
Counterpoint: whack talkingdog
Chrysanthemum: whack talkingdog
Liface: whack dude7851
Crystal109: whack Talkingdog
Gahalyn: whack talkingdog
Not-a-Fairy: whack Liface
LuckyWizard: whack gahalyn
Counterpoint: whack gahalyn
Crystal109: whack gahalyn
SinbadBot: LaZorra glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: LaZorra remains safely in place.
whitehelm: whack gahalyn
MoleBot: LuckyWizard skins Gahalyn with . Score!
Gahalyn: whack gahalyn
ThePhan: whack gahalyn
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Liface: whack gahalyn
Zup: whack dude7581
Chrysanthemum: Gharlane, you're just hoping, aren't you? ;)
KickMoleBot: Chrysanthemum pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack dude7581
Gharlane: budge lazorra
MoleBot: whitehelm pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Not-a-Fairy: whack Gahalyn
MoleBot: whitehelm escapes safely underground.
ThePhan: whack chrysanthemum
Crystal109: whack whitehelm
Chrysanthemum: whack chrysanthemum
whitehelm: whack whitehelm
TalkingDog: whack chrysanthemum
Counterpoint: whack whitehelm
Gahalyn: whack chrysanthemum
Liface: whack whitehelm
: The leading scores are 8, 8, 6 in each of the games.
ThePhan: whack whitehelm
Zup: whack dude7581
Chrysanthemum: whack whitehelm
[RinkChat] User Chrysanthemum has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan pummels Chrysanthemum in the neck with . Score!
LuckyWizard: whack whtiehelm
Gahalyn: whack whitehelm
Chrysanthemum has left.
Gharlane: Yes, I am, heh
Zup: whack dude7581
Liface: whack thephan
Chrysanthemum has entered.
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
Zup: whack dude7581
ThePhan: budge gremlin
Counterpoint: budge gremlinn
Crystal109: whack gremlinn
whitehelm: whack gremlinn
SinbadBot: Counterpoint displaces gremlinn with long fingernails. Counterpoint is WINNING!
Liface: budge gremlinng
Gahalyn: whack gremlinn
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack dude7581
MoleBot: Gahalyn pops out of the ground.
Counterpoint: whack counterpoint
whitehelm: whack counterpoint
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Liface: whack counterpoint
Crystal109: whack counterpoint
ThePhan: whack counterpoint
Chrysanthemum: whack counterpoint
Gahalyn: whack counterpoint
TalkingDog: whack gahalyn
LuckyWizard: whack gahalyn
Zup: whack dude7581
MoleBot: TalkingDog conks Gahalyn with . Score!
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint smooshes Counterpoint with . Ouch!
whitehelm: whack gahalyn
Crystal109: whack gahalyn
Liface: whack gahalyn
Counterpoint: whack gahalyn
ThePhan: whack gahalyn
TalkingDog: whack counterpoint
Zup: whack dude7581
SinbadBot: ThePhan glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: ThePhan remains safely in place.
Crystal109: whack thephan
whitehelm: whack thephan
Counterpoint: whack counterpoint
ThePhan: whack thephan
Liface: whack thephan
Zup: whack dude7581
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint flogs Counterpoint in the face with . Ouch!
TalkingDog: budge thephan
Chrysanthemum: whack obleeperpoint
MoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
Liface: budge thephan
ThePhan: whack counterpoint
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge thephan
Counterpoint: whack crystal109
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Gahalyn: whack crystal109
Crystal109: whack crystal109
Liface: whack crystal109
SinbadBot: gremlinn remains safely in place.
Zup: whack dude7581
MoleBot: Counterpoint punches Crystal109 with . Score!
whitehelm: whack gremlinn
KickMoleBot: LaZorra pops out of the ground.
Gahalyn: whack gremlinn
ThePhan: whack crystal109
Gharlane: vugde gremlinn
Chrysanthemum: budge gremlinn
Crystal109: whack lazorra
Dude7581: budge gremlinn
[RinkChat] User LaZorra has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
ThePhan: budge gremlinn
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 slams LaZorra with . Score!
Gahalyn: whack lazorra
whitehelm: whack lazorra
TalkingDog: whack lazorra
LuckyWizard: whack lazorra
Zup: whack dude7581
Counterpoint: whack lazorra
Chrysanthemum: whack lazorra
LaZorra has left.
Not-a-Fairy: whack LaZorra
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
Zup: whack dude7581
LaZorra has entered.
Sam: Counterpoint: Dude, you should have just let somebody score off you. Doing that to yourself was NOT worth it.
KickMoleBot: Not-a-Fairy pops out of the ground.
Liface: whack m
TalkingDog: budge nyperold
ThePhan: budge nyerpold
Chrysanthemum: budge nyperold
Gharlane: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: TalkingDog budges Nyperold with an electronic whirr. TalkingDog is WINNING!
Liface: bidge my[
Counterpoint: whack not-a-fairy
Zup: whack dude7581
MoleBot: Ticia pops out of the ground.
Gahalyn: whack not-a-fairy
TalkingDog: whack not-a-fairy
ThePhan: whack not-a-fairy
Chrysanthemum: whack not-a-fairy
Crystal109: whack Not-A-Fairy
[RinkChat] User Not-a-Fairy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint whacks Not-a-Fairy with . Score!
LuckyWizard: whack Not-a-Fairy
MoleBot: Ticia escapes safely underground.
Ticia: whack talkingdog
Crystal109: whack ticia
Liface: whack ticia
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: whack ticia
Zup: whack dude7581
Not-a-Fairy has left.
Zup: whack dude7581
SinbadBot: ThePhan glitters and makes weird noises.
LaZorra: Man, why can't I get whacked by a hot guy instead?
Not-a-Fairy has entered.
SinbadBot: ThePhan remains safely in place.
KickMoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
whitehelm: whack thephan
Gharlane: I type too slowly for this, hehe.
Zup: whack dude7581
Liface: whack thephan
TalkingDog: budge thephan
Chrysanthemum: budge thephan
ThePhan: budge thephan
Counterpoint: whack nyperold
Crystal109: whack nyperold
Liface: whack nyperold
Chrysanthemum: whack nyperold
Gahalyn: whack nyperold
[RinkChat] User Nyperold has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
whitehelm: whack nyperodl
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint pounds Nyperold with . Score!
ThePhan: whack nyperold
TalkingDog: whack nyperold
Zup: whack dude7581
MoleBot: Gahalyn pops out of the ground.
Nyperold has left.
Not-a-Fairy: budge ThePhan
whitehelm: whack gahalyn
TalkingDog: whack gahlyn
ThePhan: whack gahalny
Gahalyn: whack gahalyn
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum glitters and makes weird noises.
LuckyWizard: whack gahalyn
Counterpoint: whack gahalyn
Crystal109: whack gahalyn
MoleBot: whitehelm clocks Gahalyn with . Score!
Zup: whack dude7581
Chrysanthemum: whack gahalyn
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum remains safely in place.
TalkingDog: whack gahalyn
Nyperold has entered.
Chrysanthemum: budge chrysanthemum
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Dude7581: I had trouble, my scroll wasn't working properly.
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint pops out of the ground.
TalkingDog: whack counterpoint
SinbadBot: Liface glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
whitehelm: whack counterpiont
[RinkChat] User Counterpoint has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog beats up Counterpoint with . Score!
ThePhan: whack counterpoint
Chrysanthemum: whack counterpoint
Counterpoint has left.
LuckyWizard: whack counterpoint
: Stop talking nonsense, LaZorra! Ha! You were whacked by ME!
Crystal109: whack counterpoint
Gahalyn: whack counterpoint
TalkingDog: budge liface
ThePhan: budge liface
* Zup can only cut-and-paste and hope for the best!
SinbadBot: TalkingDog transports Liface with the winds of utter destruction. TalkingDog is bonusly WINNING!
Gahalyn: whack liface
Not-a-Fairy: whack Counterpoint
MoleBot: LuckyWizard pops out of the ground.
whitehelm: whack liface
Zup: whack dude7581
Chrysanthemum: whack luckywizard
Liface: whack luckywizard
LuckyWizard: whack luckywizard
MoleBot: Chrysanthemum whoops LuckyWizard with . Score!
whitehelm: whack luckywizard
SinbadBot: Zup glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: whack luckywizard
Counterpoint has entered.
whitehelm: whack ziup
ThePhan: budge zup
Crystal109: whack zup
Liface: whack zup
SinbadBot: ThePhan dislodges Zup with mental powers. ThePhan is WINNING!
Dude7581: budge zup
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn pops out of the ground.
Chrysanthemum: budge zup
Crystal109: budge zup
TalkingDog: budge zup
Nyperold: And Staff Guy knocks me out of the rrom.
Liface: budge zp
Gahalyn: whack gahalyn
Gharlane: budge luckywizard
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn wallops Gahalyn with . Ouch!
LuckyWizard: whack gahalyn
whitehelm: whack gahalyn
Counterpoint: whack gahalyn
ThePhan: whack gahalyn
Liface: whack gahayln
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint pops out of the ground.
Not-a-Fairy: whack Gahalyn
Counterpoint: whack counterpoint
Zup: whack dude7581
MoleBot: Chrysanthemum pops out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack counterpoint
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint pelts Counterpoint with . Ouch!
TalkingDog: whack counterpoint
Crystal109: whack counterpoint
LaZorra: Happy Guy: Yes, but you're freaking HIGH on something.
Liface: whack counterpoint
ThePhan: whack chrysanthemum
Zup: whack dude7581
MoleBot: ThePhan whacks Chrysanthemum with . Score!
TalkingDog: whack chrysanthemum
Crystal109: whack chrystanthemum
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: Not-a-Fairy glitters and makes weird noises.
Zup: whack dude7581
Chrysanthemum: budge not-a-fairy
TalkingDog: budge not-a-fairy
Zup: whack dude7581
Sam: Counterpoint, you are masochistic in the worst way.
Crystal109: budge Not-A-Fairy
ThePhan: budge not-a-fairy
Liface: budge not-a-fairy
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum transports Not-a-Fairy with no help from Soukra. Chrysanthemum is WINNING!
Gharlane: budge not-a-fairy
KickMoleBot: Dude7581 pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: Counterpoint pops out of the ground.
scruffy has entered.
Zup: whack dude7581
ThePhan: whack dude7581
Gahalyn: whack counterpoint
KickMoleBot: Dude7581 escapes safely underground.
Liface has left.
Liface: whack counterpoint
Chrysanthemum has left.
TalkingDog: whack dude7581
Counterpoint: whack counterpoint
Not-a-Fairy: budge Not-a-Fairy
MoleBot: Gahalyn whacks Counterpoint with . Score!
Chrysanthemum: whack counterpoint
Gahalyn has entered.
Gahalyn has left.
Liface has entered.
KickMoleBot: Dude7581 pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises.
Gharlane: whack counterpoint
Crystal109: whack counterpoint
Zup: Hey Scruffy!
Nyperold: Hey, it's scruffy!
ThePhan: budge not-a-fairy
TalkingDog: whack counterpoint
KickMoleBot: Dude7581 escapes safely underground.
LuckyWizard: The heck?
Dude7581: budge gremlinn
Chrysanthemum has entered.
SinbadBot: Sam remains safely in place.
SinbadBot: Dude7581 glitters and makes weird noises.
Chrysanthemum has entered.
Crystal109: budge Not-A-Fairy
MoleBot: Ticia pops out of the ground.
TalkingDog: budge dude7591
LaZorra: Happy Guy: Yes, but you're freaking HIGH on something.
whitehelm: whack dude7581
Ticia: whack ticia
SinbadBot: Dude7581 remains safely in place.
Chrysanthemum: whack ticia
whitehelm: whack ticia
Crystal109: Wow I totally lagged there.
MoleBot: Ticia blasts Ticia with . Ouch!
TalkingDog: budge dude7581
Liface: whack ticia
Counterpoint: whack ticia
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn pops out of the ground.
TalkingDog: whack ticia
Liface: me too
Counterpoint: whack gahalyn
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
[RinkChat] User Gahalyn has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint smooshes Gahalyn in the head with . Score!
whitehelm: whack gahalyn
ThePhan: whack gahalyn
Liface: i lagged
Crystal109: whack gahalyn
SinbadBot: LuckyWizard glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: scruffy pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: ThePhan pops out of the ground.
TalkingDog: budge luckywizard
KickMoleBot: scruffy escapes safely underground.
SinbadBot: TalkingDog displaces LuckyWizard with an electronic whirr. TalkingDog is WINNING!
Chrysanthemum: whack luckywizard
Counterpoint: whack scruffy
whitehelm: whack scruffy
ThePhan: whack thephan
Crystal109: whack scruffy
Gahalyn: whack scruffy
Liface: whack luckywiarx
MoleBot: ThePhan pelts ThePhan in the head with . Ouch!
TalkingDog: whack thephan
LuckyWizard: whack scruffy
Gahalyn has left.
SinbadBot: Dude7581 glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: Dude7581 remains safely in place.
Dude7581: I can't play this...
Zup: And he's gone...
Gharlane: budge luckywizard
KickMoleBot: Chrysanthemum pops out of the ground.
Nyperold: whack dude7581
MoleBot: Ticia pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Crystal109: whack dude7581
TalkingDog: whack scruffy
Gharlane has left.
whitehelm: whack dude7581
Counterpoint: whack ticia
ThePhan: whack chrysanthemum
Not-a-Fairy: whack ThePhan
[RinkChat] User Chrysanthemum has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
TalkingDog: whack chrysanthemum
Liface: whack chrysanthemum
KickMoleBot: ThePhan bashes Chrysanthemum with . Score!
Dude7581 is away.
Ticia: whack talkingdog
MoleBot: Counterpoint smacks Ticia with . Bonus score!
MoleBot: Counterpoint wins!
Chrysanthemum has left.
ThePhan: whack ticia
Crystal109: whack ticia
whitehelm: whack ticia
Liface: whack ticia
Gharlane has entered.
Ticia: whack ticia
Zup: whack ticia
SinbadBot: TalkingDog glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: TalkingDog remains safely in place.
Liface: whack talkingdog
TalkingDog: budge talkingdog
Liface: budge talkingdog
Crystal109: budge talkingdog
: Congratulations, Counterpoint, on winning MoleBot!
Counterpoint: budge talkingdog
Gharlane: budge talkingdog
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Ticia pops out of the ground.
Nyperold: whack crystal109
Not-a-Fairy: whack Liface
Zup: whack nyperold
Crystal109 has left.
Ticia: budge talkingdog
Counterpoint: budge sam
KickMoleBot: Ticia escapes safely underground.
TalkingDog: whack ticia
Liface: <b>i'm lagging so bad
SinbadBot: Sam remains safely in place.
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
whitehelm: whack sanm
Gharlane: budge sam
TalkingDog: budge sam
Zup: budge lazorra
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
Nyperold: whack whitehelm
* Counterpoint is lagging horribly.
Crystal109 has entered.
LuckyWizard: Anyone else lagging?
Zup: budge lazorra
KickMoleBot: Liface pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: gremlinn remains safely in place.
Liface: budge gremlinn
ThePhan: budge gremlinn
Gharlane: Darn it, chat keeps hanging on me
TalkingDog: budge gremlinn
Counterpoint: budge gremlinn
Nyperold: whack thephan
whitehelm: whack gremlinn
Ticia: liface: me too
Chrysanthemum has entered.
TalkingDog: whack lifacce
Gharlane is away.
Counterpoint: whack liface
LuckyWizard: whack liface
[RinkChat] User Liface has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint conks Liface with . Score!
Liface has left.
Zup: budge lazorra
Crystal109: I'm lagging like heck.
SinbadBot: LaZorra glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: Oh, so it's not just me.
Liface has entered.
Not-a-Fairy: whack Liface
SinbadBot: LaZorra remains safely in place.
TalkingDog: budge lazorra
whitehelm: whack lazorra
Nyperold: whack talkingdog
ThePhan: budge lazorra
Counterpoint: budge lazorra
Crystal109: budge lazorra
Zup: budge lazorra
SinbadBot: Zup glitters and makes weird noises.
Liface: whack zup
SinbadBot: Zup remains safely in place.
whitehelm: whack ziup
TalkingDog: budge zup
Crystal109: budge zup
Chrysanthemum: budge zup
Liface: budge zup
ThePhan: budge zup
Counterpoint: budge uzp
Zup: budge lazorra
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
Gharlane: budge zup
Zup: budge lazorra
KickMoleBot: Liface pops out of the ground.
TalkingDog: whack gremlinn
ThePhan: budge gremlinn
Chrysanthemum: whack g
Counterpoint: budge gtremlinn
Crystal109: budge gremlinn
Nyperold: whack ticia
whitehelm: whack liface
[RinkChat] User Liface has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: whitehelm whacks Liface with . Score!
Liface has left.
ThePhan: budge liface
TalkingDog: budge gremlinn
Zup: budge lazorra
SinbadBot: ThePhan moves gremlinn with a spell. ThePhan is WINNING!
Not-a-Fairy: buge LaZorra
Gharlane: budge gremlinn
Liface has entered.
TalkingDog: whack liface
Zup: budge lazorra
Zup: budge lazorra
SinbadBot: Gharlane glitters and makes weird noises.
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: budge lazorra
Chrysanthemum: budge gharlane
Crystal109: budge gharlane
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint pops out of the ground.
ThePhan: budge gharlane
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum propels Gharlane with long fingernails. Chrysanthemum is WINNING!
TalkingDog: budge gharlane
Liface: budge gharlane
Zup: budge lazorra
Nyperold: whack lazorra
ThePhan: whack counterpoint
TalkingDog: whack counterpoitn
Counterpoint: whack coun terpoint
whitehelm: whack counterpiont
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
LuckyWizard: whack counterpoint
[RinkChat] User Counterpoint has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan pummels Counterpoint with . Score!
Zup: budge lazorra
Not-a-Fairy: whack Counterpoint
Counterpoint has left.
Zup: budge lazorra
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: budge lazorra
Nyperold: whack not-a-fairy
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: budge lazorra
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard escapes safely underground.
Counterpoint has entered.
SinbadBot: Not-a-Fairy glitters and makes weird noises.
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: budge lazorra
LuckyWizard: budge Not-a-Fairy
Crystal109: budge Not-A-Fairy
SinbadBot: LuckyWizard budges Not-a-Fairy with a shout. LuckyWizard is WINNING!
ThePhan: budge not-a-fairy
Counterpoint: budge not-a-fairy
Zup: budge lazorra
TalkingDog: budge not-a-fairy
Liface: budge not-a-fairy
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Nyperold: whack luckywizard
: Vhen you are pummeled by me, you STAY pummeled.
Zup: budge lazorra
KickMoleBot: whitehelm pops out of the ground.
Zup: budge lazorra
Not-a-Fairy: budge Not-a-Fairy
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
whitehelm: whack whitehelm
TalkingDog: whack whitehelm
KickMoleBot: whitehelm whacks whitehelm with . Ouch!
Crystal109: whack whitehelm
Chrysanthemum: whack whiteehlm
Counterpoint: whack whitehelm
Zup: budge lazorra
ThePhan: whack whitehelm
SinbadBot: Counterpoint glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
Zup: budge lazorra
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Liface: budge counterpoint
TalkingDog: budge counterpoint
Chrysanthemum: budge counterpoint
SinbadBot: Liface dislodges Counterpoint with a yell. Liface is WINNING!
ThePhan: budge counterpoint
Liface: whack crystal109
SinbadBot: Gharlane glitters and makes weird noises.
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
whitehelm: whack crystal109
Zup: budge lazorra
ThePhan: whack crystal109
Chrysanthemum: whack crystal 109
Crystal109: whack crystal109
[RinkChat] User Crystal109 has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Liface crunches Crystal109 with . Score!
Counterpoint: whack crystal109
Gharlane: vudge counterpoint
TalkingDog: budge gharlane
Crystal109 has left.
SinbadBot: TalkingDog moves Gharlane with luck. TalkingDog is WINNING!
Nyperold: whack scruffy
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
Zup: budge lazorra
LuckyWizard: budge gharlane
Crystal109 has entered.
Counterpoint: budge gharlane
ThePhan: whack talkingdog
[RinkChat] User TalkingDog has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan crunches TalkingDog in the gut with . Score!
TalkingDog has left.
whitehelm: whack talkingdog
Chrysanthemum: whack talkingdog
Ticia: whack talkingdog
Liface: whack talkingdog
Zup: budge lazorra
Counterpoint: whack talkingdog
TalkingDog has entered.
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Not-a-Fairy: budge Gharlane
Zup: budge lazorra
KickMoleBot: ThePhan pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Counterpoint: whack thephan
Zup: budge lazorra
Liface: whack thephan
whitehelm: whack thephan
Chrysanthemum: whack thephan
[RinkChat] User ThePhan has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
SinbadBot: Gharlane budges Chrysanthemum with evil. Gharlane is bonusly WINNING!
KickMoleBot: Counterpoint whonks ThePhan with . Score!
Crystal109: whack thephan
ThePhan has left.
TalkingDog: whack thephan
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: budge lazorra
TalkingDog: budge chrysanthemu
ThePhan has entered.
: ThePhan pulls into the lead for KickMoleBot, one point from victory.
Nyperold: whack crystal109
Zup: budge lazorra
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Crystal109 glitters and makes weird noises.
Zup: budge lazorra
LuckyWizard: whack talkingdog
SinbadBot: Crystal109 remains safely in place.
[RinkChat] User TalkingDog has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard swats TalkingDog in the jaw with . Score!
Counterpoint: whack talkingdog
Chrysanthemum: whack talkingdog
Crystal109: budge crystal109
TalkingDog has left.
ThePhan: whack talkingdog
Zup: budge lazorra
Liface: budge crystalk10-9
ThePhan: budge crystal109
TalkingDog has entered.
Zup: budge lazorra
Not-a-Fairy: whack TalkingDog
SinbadBot: TalkingDog glitters and makes weird noises.
Zup: budge lazorra
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Nyperold: whack chrysanthemum
ThePhan: budge talkingdog
Liface: budge talkingdog
Chrysanthemum: budge talkingdog
Crystal109: budge talkingdog
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
Zup: budge lazorra
SinbadBot: ThePhan propels TalkingDog with a yell. ThePhan is WINNING!
Gharlane: budge talkingdog
ThePhan: whack talkingdog
TalkingDog: whack talkingdog
Zup: budge lazorra
LuckyWizard: whack talkingdog
Counterpoint: whack talkingdog
[RinkChat] User TalkingDog has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan whoops TalkingDog in the head with . Score!
KickMoleBot: ThePhan wins!
Chrysanthemum: whack talkingdog
Liface: whack talkin
TalkingDog has left.
Liface: argh
Zup: budge lazorra
Not-a-Fairy: whack TalkingDog
TalkingDog has entered.
SinbadBot: LaZorra glitters and makes weird noises.
Zup: budge lazorra
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
ThePhan: Oh, man. Sorry I hit you with the beer guy.
SinbadBot: Zup relocates LaZorra with mental powers. Zup is WINNING!
Crystal109: budge lazorra
TalkingDog: budge lazorra
Counterpoint: budge lazorra
LuckyWizard: budge lazorrra
ThePhan: budge lazorra
Zup: budge lazorra
whitehelm: budge lazorra
Gharlane: budge lazorra
: Now she has 9 at SinbadBot, too! And wins KickMole!
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
Liface: budge lazorra
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: budge lazorra
Liface: budge
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Nyperold: whack liface
Zup: budge lazorra
SinbadBot: ThePhan glitters and makes weird noises.
TalkingDog: budge thephan
Liface: budge thephan
Counterpoint: budge tehphan
whitehelm: budge thepahn
SinbadBot: TalkingDog displaces ThePhan with wild gesticulations. TalkingDog is WINNING!
Crystal109: budge thephan
ThePhan: budge tehphan
LuckyWizard: budge thephan
Chrysanthemum: budge thephan
Zup: Oh, I got one!
Not-a-Fairy: budge ThePhan
Nyperold: budge counterpoint
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: Dude7581 glitters and makes weird noises.
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: budge dude7581
Zup: budge crystal109
LuckyWizard: budge dude7581
ThePhan: budge dude7581
whitehelm: budge dude7581\
Liface: budge dude7581
SinbadBot: TalkingDog displaces Dude7581 with wild gesticulations. TalkingDog is WINNING!
Gharlane: budge dude 7581
Zup: budge crystal109
Zup: budge crystal109
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: budge crystal109
Liface: May I please ask what is happening here?
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Zup: budge crystal109
Liface: wtyf
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Counterpoint: budge nyperold
TalkingDog: budge nyperold
Chrysanthemum: whack
ThePhan: budge nyperold
LuckyWizard: budge nyperold
whitehelm: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: Counterpoint removes Nyperold with luck. Counterpoint is bonusly WINNING!
Zup: budge crystal109
Chrysanthemum: budge nyperold
Gharlane: budge nyperold
Zup: budge crystal109
Not-a-Fairy: budge Nyperold
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: budge crystal109
Zup: budge crystal109
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: budge crystal109
SinbadBot: TalkingDog glitters and makes weird noises.
Zup: budge crystal109
TalkingDog: budge talkingdog
SinbadBot: TalkingDog remains safely in place.
Counterpoint: budge talkingdog
Chrysanthemum: whack t
Liface: budge talkingdog
ThePhan: budge talkingdog
Crystal109: Wow my internet died for a moment there.
whitehelm: budge talkgindog
LuckyWizard: budge talkingdog
Chrysanthemum: budge talkingdog
Gharlane: Budge talkingdog
Zup: budge crystal109
Zup: budge crystal109
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: Zup glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Counterpoint: budge zup
Crystal109: budge zup
TalkingDog: budge zup
LuckyWizard: budge zup
ThePhan: budge zup
whitehelm: budge zxup
SinbadBot: Counterpoint pushes Zup with the winds of utter destruction. Counterpoint is bonusly WINNING!
Chrysanthemum: budge zup
Liface: budge zup
Ticia: budge zup
Gharlane: budge zup
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
Zup: budge crystal109
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
Nyperold: budge counterpoint
TalkingDog: budge nyperodl
Counterpoint: budge nuyperold
Liface: budge nyperold
Chrysanthemum: budge nyperodl
Zup: budge crystal109
SinbadBot: Liface moves Nyperold with melodramatic supplication. Liface is WINNING!
Crystal109: budge nyperold
whitehelm: budge nyperodl
ThePhan: budge nyperold
LuckyWizard: budge nyperold
Counterpoint: budge nyperold
Zup: budge crystal109
Zup: budge crystal109
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: Dude7581 glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Zup: budge crystal109
TalkingDog: budge dude7581
ThePhan: budge dude7581
SinbadBot: TalkingDog budges Dude7581 with the winds of utter destruction. TalkingDog is bonusly WINNING!
Counterpoint: budge dude7581
Crystal109: budge dude7581
Liface: budge dude7582
Chrysanthemum: budge dude 7581
Zup: budge crystal109
Gharlane: budge dude 7581
SinbadBot: LuckyWizard glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
LuckyWizard: budge dude7581
Gharlane: Budge Chrysanthemum
ThePhan: budge luckywizard
Crystal109: budge luckywizard
TalkingDog: budge luckywizard
Zup: budge crystal109
Counterpoint: budge luckywizard
Liface: budge luckywizard
LuckyWizard: budge luckywizar
Chrysanthemum: budge luckywizard
SinbadBot: ThePhan removes LuckyWizard with a devastating act of magical madness. ThePhan is bonusly WINNING!
SinbadBot: ThePhan wins!
Gharlane: budge luckywizard
Zup: budge crystal109
Not-a-Fairy: budge LuckyWizard
Zup: budge crystal109
Liface: aah
Counterpoint: woooo
* TalkingDog collapses.
Ticia: Woo!
Liface: SO CLOSE
Crystal109: Wow, that was crazy.
: And that's the end!
Gharlane: Yay! I got 3 whole points. :)
LuckyWizard: You'd think I could spell my name right, wouldn't you?
Liface: i've been in a coma for the last 20 minutes
Zup: Eh. I got two purely by luck. Good job me!
Gharlane: Best I've ever done on this.
Crystal109: My internet was totally dying on me. =\
* Chrysanthemum is massively confused.
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah for the winners!
* Counterpoint at least has his own name in his fingertips.
Liface: You guys must have great connections.
Crystal109: There was lag in the middle, right? Not just me?
* TalkingDog assumes everyone was feeling the lag.
Liface: Because I was lagging out hardcore.
Liface: yeah
ThePhan: Crystal: Definitely not just you.
Counterpoint: Crys: Yeah, it was really bad.
LuckyWizard: I lagged too.
Gharlane: Serious lag in the middle;
: You know, Ricardo, a remarkable thing happened here. In two of the three games, the winner actually scored 11 points -- one point beyond the winning score of 10, which can only happen on bonus rounds. Counterpoint did it in MoleBot, and ThePhan did it in SinbadBot.
Crystal109: Yeah, for a while there I couldn't even type.
Liface: TD The Phan and Counterpoint seemed to be getting them fast
Not-a-Fairy: I think I'll stick with Whack-a-Mole's non-internet version.
ThePhan: Whoa. That is pretty cool.
Liface: I wish there was a way to make the chat refresh faster even on streaming.
Crystal109: Yeah, my connection sucks here at this new house.
Counterpoint: Will the scoreboard be updated before State? I want to see how I did in those.
Crystal109: I actually lost internet for a moment. =(
: That's interesting, Brianna. Well, we'll have to wait for Sam to add up the scores from all three games to know who won the MoleBots event. Sam, could you do that during the next game?
Sam: Sure.
: Thanks, Sam. You're so awesome. Next up is a game that's downright slow by comparison. It's StateBot, to be played in quiz mode, so everybody will have a chance to think about their answers.
Liface: YESS
StateBot has been summoned by Sam.
Crystal109: Ohhh, blankbot!
Zup: Alright, state trivia!
Liface: ah
Liface: The Robots will kill us all.
Liface: Ain't you seen i robot
Zup: Liface: He actually comes on chat every once in awhile.
Not-a-Fairy: Robots are awesome.
: Unlike past tournaments, where StateBot was played with all question types enabled, we're going to disable some this time, such as Union Years and Ranks, the State Birds, the State Bees, the State Flowers, and the State Trees.
Crystal109: Woohoo! I might have a chance with guessing!
Liface: How long till this starts I gotta grab food
Crystal109: Except it's on quiz mode. =(
Liface: gotta get some of dat dere peanut butter
whitehelm: Oh good, I know all the other stuff
: Will we have State Doughnut questions?
: Not those either, I'm afraid. We'll be sticking to the core question types.
StateBot: Questions will be restricted to the following types: Capitals, Largest Cities, Postal Abbreviations, Nicknames, State Mottos, State Borders.
ThePhan: Oh, okay. Then I might actually get some.
Crystal109: Oh, never mind. I should know these.
Counterpoint: Wow, Ricardo. Your mind reading abilities are pretty good for you to answer Brianna in the same second.
: Let's begin in one minute.
Ticia: Cp: It's all scripted.
: No it isn't.
Ticia: You know how those game shows hosts are.
Crystal109: Can't think for themselves.
Ticia: Ricardo: There's obviously some ad libbing going on.
: I can too think for myself. I have a brain and comment improviding...impromisa...what does that say here? Oh! ...improvisationally as the games progress.
StateBot: Starting a new quiz game:
StateBot: Question (use /b): What state(s) border Michigan? (3 answers accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Wisconsin (TalkingDog, whitehelm, Dude7581, Nyperold, LuckyWizard, Gharlane, ThePhan, Liface, Chrysanthemum, Counterpoint, Not-a-Fairy)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Indiana (ThePhan, whitehelm, TalkingDog, LuckyWizard, Gharlane)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Ohio (TalkingDog, Liface, Zup, ThePhan, Ticia, LuckyWizard)
StateBot: Scores this round: LuckyWizard: +3, TalkingDog: +3, ThePhan: +3, Gharlane: +2, Liface: +2, whitehelm: +2, Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Dude7581: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1, Nyperold: +1, Ticia: +1, Zup: +1.
TalkingDog: Woo!
Counterpoint: Whoa, fast.
: Remember, if it says there are, for example, 3 answers accepted, that means only the last three answers you submit with /b will be considered. All other answers you supply will be ignored.
* ThePhan knows the midwest states fairly well. Heh.
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah
StateBot: Question (use /b): Albuquerque is the largest city in which state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: New Mexico (Chrysanthemum, ThePhan, Liface, Counterpoint, TalkingDog, Gharlane, Dude7581, Nyperold, whitehelm, LuckyWizard, Zup, Ticia, Crystal109, scruffy, Not-a-Fairy)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1, Nyperold: +1, scruffy: +1, TalkingDog: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
* Nyperold should've made a left toin.
Crystal109: Weird Al. =P
TalkingDog: Weird Al rules.
Not-a-Fairy: Yes, he does.
* TalkingDog still has Albuequerque (the song) memorized word for word.
Crystal109: Only way I knew that one.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What state(s) do not share borders with any other states? (2 answers accepted)
Liface: Who here is not from the US?
StateBot: Claimed answer: Alaska (Gharlane, whitehelm, Crystal109, Liface, ThePhan, Ticia, Chrysanthemum, Counterpoint, TalkingDog, Nyperold, Zup)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Hawaii (Liface, Ticia, ThePhan, whitehelm, Gharlane, Crystal109, Chrysanthemum, Counterpoint, TalkingDog, Nyperold)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +2, Counterpoint: +2, Crystal109: +2, Gharlane: +2, Liface: +2, Nyperold: +2, TalkingDog: +2, ThePhan: +2, Ticia: +2, whitehelm: +2, Zup: +1.
Sam: I'm from El Salvador.
StateBot: Question (use /b): IA is the postal abbreviation for what state? (1 answer accepted)
Liface: sam you're from lebanon
StateBot: Claimed answer: Iowa (Counterpoint, Liface, Crystal109, whitehelm, Nyperold, Dude7581, Gharlane, LaZorra, Chrysanthemum, Ticia, ThePhan, scruffy, Not-a-Fairy, Zup, LuckyWizard)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1, Nyperold: +1, scruffy: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
* TalkingDog always forgets Iowa exists.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of North Dakota? (1 answer accepted)
Zup: Just like Guam and the Virgin Islands.
* ThePhan just got back from Iowa.
ThePhan: And used to live in North Dakota.
Dude7581: how do you spell it?
Nyperold: n-o-r-t-h-d-a-k-o-t-a
StateBot: Claimed answer: Bismarck (Counterpoint, Liface, ThePhan, LuckyWizard, Gharlane, Crystal109, Nyperold, Dude7581, Not-a-Fairy)
StateBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1, Nyperold: +1, ThePhan: +1.
* TalkingDog forgets ThePhan exists.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Poor me.
TalkingDog: Oh, there you are.
TalkingDog: It must have rubbed off on you.
ThePhan: Too much Iowa makes me forgotten!
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the nickname(s) of Hawaii? (1 answer accepted)
Crystal109: I was going to go to a creative writing workshop in Iowa.
* Chrysanthemum had all the states' capitals memorized in third grade and now feels really guilty when she can't remember one. :(
StateBot: Claimed answer: Aloha State (Counterpoint, Gharlane, Ticia, LaZorra, Zup, Dude7581, Chrysanthemum)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, Ticia: +1, Zup: +1.
Liface: wow i have no idea
Crystal109: That one was...yeah.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation is the state motto of what state? (1 answer accepted)
Crystal109: Chrys: I somewhat have the state capitals still memorized.
Crystal109: But I still forget easily.
StateBot: Claimed answer: Georgia (whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: whitehelm: +1.
Crystal109: Wow.
Gharlane: I'm horrible on the mottoes.
LaZorra: Go whitehelm.
whitehelm: I only know a few...
LuckyWizard: I only know a few mottoes too.
Crystal109: I was going to guess Georgia, heh.
Not-a-Fairy: I have relatives in Georgia.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Michigan? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Detroit (Liface, ThePhan, Gharlane, Counterpoint, whitehelm, TalkingDog, Zup, Crystal109, LuckyWizard, scruffy, Dude7581, Nyperold)
StateBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Nyperold: +1, scruffy: +1, TalkingDog: +1, ThePhan: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What state(s) border Rhode Island? (2 answers accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Massachusetts (ThePhan, whitehelm, LuckyWizard, Gharlane, Zup, Dude7581, Chrysanthemum, Nyperold)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Connecticut (whitehelm, Gharlane, Counterpoint, Ticia, ThePhan, Nyperold, Dude7581, LuckyWizard, Chrysanthemum, LaZorra, Zup)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +2, Dude7581: +2, Gharlane: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Nyperold: +2, ThePhan: +2, whitehelm: +2, Zup: +2, Counterpoint: +1, LaZorra: +1, Ticia: +1.
Crystal109: Bah.
LaZorra: Misspelled it, heh.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable is the state motto of what state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: North Dakota.
Crystal109: That's a cool motto, actually.
Counterpoint: "One and Inseparable" ... says the north half.
Crystal109: LOL
Liface: haha
LaZorra: Cp: LOL, I was just thinking that.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Alabama border what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Mississippi (Chrysanthemum, whitehelm, Counterpoint, Zup, LaZorra)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, LaZorra: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
Ticia: DANG IT
Liface: darn i thought OK
Crystal109: Ack. I thought it was Georgia...
Ticia: I was trying to remember if it was double p.
LuckyWizard: Gah, same seconded.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Charleston is the capital of what state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: West Virginia (Liface, Zup, whitehelm, Gharlane, Dude7581, LuckyWizard, Crystal109, scruffy, Counterpoint)
StateBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, scruffy: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
Counterpoint: Whew, said South Carolina first.
Nyperold: I did.
Crystal109: Heh I still remember my mom's pnemonic devices for these. So silly, but still memorable.
* TalkingDog was missing the "West" part.
LaZorra: I was just changing from South Carolina to West Virginny. :-/
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state motto of Nevada? (1 answer accepted)
Dude7581: we all have gambling problems.
Ticia: .b what happens in Nevada, stays in Nevada
Zup: [->Bots] what happens in vegas, stays in vegas
LaZorra: "No Gold Left Here"
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: All For Our Country.
Ticia: Hehe
Crystal109: All "Money" for our country.
Liface: sycopantic.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Treasure State is the nickname of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
Sam: "Gold Left Here"
LaZorra: LOL!
Ticia: Hehe
ThePhan: LOL
whitehelm: lol
Crystal109: Heh.
Liface: SAm: lolll
StateBot: Claimed answer: Montana (whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: whitehelm: +1.
Counterpoint: Wow.
Counterpoint: Go, wh.
Nyperold: Not Arrrkansas?
Sam: Good job, whitehelm. Do you live there?
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
Gharlane: LOL I was laughing too hard to answer that, heh.
* LaZorra wants to live there.
Crystal109: Wow whitehelm how did you study this up?
whitehelm: No
whitehelm: There's some that I remember
StateBot: Question (use /b): Our Liberties We Prize, and Our Thoughts We Will Maintain is the state motto of what state? (1 answer accepted)
Sam: That'll be a great Die Hard title.
LaZorra: LOL
Crystal109: 1 out of 50 chance to get it right!
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Iowa.
LaZorra: IOWA
TalkingDog: Curse that sneaky Iowa.
* ThePhan didn't learn the state motto while she was in Iowa. Heh.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Hawkeye State is the nickname of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
Dude7581: hmmm....
whitehelm: see...now this one I don't know
Liface: i have this one on the tip
Liface: its one of about 10
StateBot: Claimed answer: Iowa (Gharlane, LuckyWizard, Crystal109)
StateBot: Scores this round: Crystal109: +1, Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1.
Counterpoint: LOL!
Liface: WHAT
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Sam: LOL
TalkingDog: Gah!
Liface: SEE
Crystal109: LOL TOTAL GUESS.
Liface: i was going to say that
ThePhan: LOL
Ticia: Hehe
Liface: but i was like "wait we just had it"
Liface: i got motto and nickname confused
: When in doubt, guess Iowa, I guess.
Crystal109: It's always Iowa.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the postal abbreviation for Delaware? (1 answer accepted)
TalkingDog: \b iowa
Liface: handbell
Ticia: Hehe
: State abbreviation for Delaware, huh? I guess Iowa.
StateBot: Claimed answer: DE (Liface, Counterpoint, Dude7581, Gharlane, Ticia, Chrysanthemum, whitehelm, LaZorra, LuckyWizard, Zup, Crystal109, Nyperold, ThePhan, TalkingDog, Not-a-Fairy)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1, Nyperold: +1, TalkingDog: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
Ticia: They can be cold as their falling thermometer in December if you ask about their weather in July!
Counterpoint: One point away.
Counterpoint: Tie!
: That's what you think, Counterpoint, dear.
Counterpoint: Did this once go to 15? I seem to recall that it did, once upon a time.
Counterpoint: I guess it's 30 now.
Sam: Tournament games normally go to 30.
Counterpoint: Ah.
Sam: Normal StateBot is 15.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Kentucky? (1 answer accepted)
scruffy: frankfort
Liface: you have to say bbb
Liface: /b
StateBot: Claimed answer: Frankfort (Gharlane, Liface)
StateBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +1, Liface: +1.
Ticia: Hehe
Counterpoint: "Frankfurt."
whitehelm: dang dang dang
Dude7581: I wish spelling didn't count.
whitehelm: CP: me too
LaZorra: Lexington, heh.
Zup: [->Bots] frankfurt
Crystal109: I put Frankfurt too. Heh.
ThePhan: *headdesk*
TalkingDog: Frankfurt here.
Not-a-Fairy: Frankfurt, Germany!
Liface: Deutschland
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state motto of Minnesota? (One point each for the motto and its translation.) (2 answers accepted)
Counterpoint: We wish we were Iowa.
Ticia: .b we're just south of canada, eh?
LaZorra: "It's frigging cold here"
Liface: GO WILD
Gharlane: We got your ice right here!
Ticia: "It's frigging cold here, eh?"
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: L'Etoile du Nord.
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Star of the North.
Crystal109: Heh Star of the North works too.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Texas? (1 answer accepted)
LaZorra: hehe
whitehelm: austin
scruffy: austin
Dude7581: San Antonio
Counterpoint: Please use /b before you answer.
Liface: whitehelm, scruffy, you have to guess using /b
whitehelm: AHHH
StateBot: Claimed answer: Austin (Liface, ThePhan, Counterpoint, Dude7581, LuckyWizard, Nyperold, Gharlane, Crystal109, Ticia, Zup, scruffy, LaZorra, whitehelm, TalkingDog)
StateBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Nyperold: +1, scruffy: +1, TalkingDog: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
Liface: heh
whitehelm: I thought I did
whitehelm: sorry
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the postal abbreviation for Massachusetts? (1 answer accepted)
Liface: 02135 Boston MASS
StateBot: Claimed answer: MA (Counterpoint, LuckyWizard, whitehelm, Ticia, Crystal109, Liface, ThePhan, Zup, Gharlane, Dude7581, Nyperold, scruffy, Not-a-Fairy, Chrysanthemum)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1, Nyperold: +1, scruffy: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
Nyperold: Boston, Mass! 0-2-1-3-4!
Liface: NYPEROLD yes
Liface: that's it
StateBot: Question (use /b): Carson City is the capital of what state? (1 answer accepted)
Sam: /b Carson
Liface: hah
StateBot: Claimed answer: Nevada (Liface, Crystal109, LaZorra, whitehelm, Gharlane, Chrysanthemum, Zup, Counterpoint, Ticia, Dude7581, ThePhan, Not-a-Fairy, Nyperold, scruffy, LuckyWizard)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1, Nyperold: +1, scruffy: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
LaZorra: My bro's city!
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state motto of Louisiana? (1 answer accepted)
Crystal109: Mardi Gras
LaZorra: watch out for the gators
Ticia: "We got mosquitas"
Counterpoint: "We used to be enormous."
Gharlane: "get your gumbo here"
StateBot: Claimed answer: Union, Justice, and Confidence (whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: whitehelm: +1.
Sam: NICE.
ThePhan: LOL
Crystal109: Wow, whitehelm. You're awesome.
LaZorra: Gees, go whitehelm.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Montana? (1 answer accepted)
* ThePhan gave the postal abbreviation for some reason.
* Ticia realizes she hasn't eaten in... a while.
ThePhan: "La" would be a terrible state motto.
Counterpoint: Montana has cities?
TalkingDog: Montana has cities?
TalkingDog: LOL
Crystal109: CP: LOL I was going to say that.
Ticia: LOL
Not-a-Fairy: :O
StateBot: Claimed answer: Billings (LaZorra, LuckyWizard, Chrysanthemum, Zup, whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, LaZorra: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
Ticia: We really should have some questions about Utah. Come on, statebot!
StateBot: Question (use /b): Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona border what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
Crystal109: I thought it was Helena. Whoops, heh.
Ticia: I put helena
Crystal109: I feel stupid.
Counterpoint: Oh.
* Counterpoint is dumb.
StateBot: Claimed answer: California (LuckyWizard, Liface, whitehelm, Zup, Dude7581, Crystal109, Ticia, Chrysanthemum, scruffy, Nyperold, LaZorra)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, LaZorra: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Nyperold: +1, scruffy: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
: Brianna, whitehelm is doing really well at StateBot, tonight.
: He certainly is, Ricardo. whitehelm has been practicing all season for this event, and it really shows. On these hard questions, he's right there with the answers.
: Yes, and that's going to help him a lot tonight.
: Plus, he's cute.
: Er...hrm.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the nickname(s) of West Virginia? (1 answer accepted)
TalkingDog: .b the other virginia
Zup: We used to be Virginia, but now we aint
StateBot: Claimed answer: Mountain State (Gharlane)
StateBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +1.
Counterpoint: Oh, I knew that.
Counterpoint: Once upon a time.
* Counterpoint is determined to wear out that phrase.
Crystal109: Nice, Gharlane!
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
Gharlane: Had to make up for missing that last question, heh.
Nyperold: Ooh, I said "Mountain Mama". I was close.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the postal abbreviation for Tennessee? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: TN (Liface, Counterpoint, Crystal109, Dude7581, whitehelm, Nyperold, ThePhan, Gharlane, TalkingDog, Ticia, LaZorra, scruffy, Chrysanthemum, Not-a-Fairy, Zup, LuckyWizard)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1, Nyperold: +1, scruffy: +1, TalkingDog: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What state(s) border Montana? (4 answers accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Idaho (Counterpoint, Gharlane, Crystal109, LaZorra, Nyperold, Dude7581, TalkingDog, Zup, LuckyWizard, Liface, Chrysanthemum)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Wyoming (Gharlane, Crystal109, LaZorra, TalkingDog, Dude7581, Liface)
StateBot: Claimed answer: North Dakota (ThePhan, Counterpoint, Ticia, Gharlane, LuckyWizard, Crystal109)
StateBot: Claimed answer: South Dakota (ThePhan, Gharlane)
StateBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +4, Crystal109: +3, Counterpoint: +2, Dude7581: +2, LaZorra: +2, Liface: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, TalkingDog: +2, ThePhan: +2, Chrysanthemum: +1, Nyperold: +1, Ticia: +1, Zup: +1.
Ticia: darn.
Crystal109: Ah, too slow by a second.
Counterpoint: Agh, just too late for the last one.
Liface: aw i was still typing
: That question has hurt whitehelm. He's been knocked out of the lead, and Gharlane has pulled ahead by three points!
Ticia: I'm too slow at typing in the dark.
Crystal109: Ticia: Get a glow in the dark keyboard.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the nickname(s) of Virginia? (1 answer accepted)
Ticia: We miss West Virginia
* Gharlane had better not get this one wrong
StateBot: Claimed answer: Old Dominion (Gharlane, whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +1, whitehelm: +1.
Counterpoint: Augh, that was it.
Counterpoint: I knew it was something that meant big swath of land.
Liface: Big tract.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Augusta is the capital of what state? (1 answer accepted)
: Hey, I wonder if the answer to this one is Calenda. Heh heh heh.
: Someday I'm going to slap you silly.
StateBot: Claimed answer: Maine (Liface, ThePhan, Ticia, whitehelm, LaZorra, Dude7581, Zup, Chrysanthemum, Nyperold, Crystal109)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, LaZorra: +1, Liface: +1, Nyperold: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
Liface: Augusta wind just knocked me INTO THE ELAD
LaZorra: ELAD
Liface: yeah the elad.
Crystal109: Heh.
Counterpoint: Whoops. Augusta, GA.
Liface: i was thinking GA too
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the nickname(s) of Maryland? (2 answers accepted)
Liface: The Crawfish State
Liface: ooops
Nyperold: \b The Tommy Gun State
LaZorra: "We Miss Josephland"
StateBot: Claimed answer: Old Line State (LuckyWizard, whitehelm, Gharlane)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Free State.
StateBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, whitehelm: +1.
Counterpoint: Augh, "freedom state."
Not-a-Fairy: To think, I was in Maryland a few weeks ago.
Ticia: hehe
StateBot: Question (use /b): Honolulu is the capital of what state? (1 answer accepted)
Counterpoint: Iowa.
whitehelm: ...I don't think I have time to catch up
Crystal109: I will cry if I spell this wrong.
Gharlane: LOL
: You can't AFFORD Honolulu!
StateBot: Claimed answer: Hawaii (TalkingDog, LuckyWizard, whitehelm, Liface, Counterpoint, Crystal109, Gharlane, LaZorra, Ticia, Chrysanthemum, Nyperold, Zup, Dude7581, scruffy)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Nyperold: +1, scruffy: +1, TalkingDog: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
* Crystal109 does not cry!
* Nyperold remembers by pronouncing it like Balki does. :)
ThePhan: And as I learned from my music appreciation teacher, you can count Honolulu on one hand!
Sam: TP: LOL
Counterpoint: TP: What?
ThePhan: Counterpoint: He never really made much sense. One day he told us that Indonesia had over 15,000 islands, "which is a lot, considering you can count Honolulu on one hand."
Not-a-Fairy: LOL!
Ticia: LOL
Crystal109: LOL
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Gharlane: TP: That's awesome, LOL LOL
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state motto of Alaska? (1 answer accepted)
TalkingDog: "Brr."
Liface: /b The Nascent State
Ticia: "We're kinda lonely up here"
StateBot: Claimed answer: North to the Future (whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: whitehelm: +1.
Liface: HAHAH
TalkingDog: Great Scott!
LaZorra: LOL!
Nyperold: We've got to send you north! North to the future!
: Another amazing play by whitehelm, and now he's only one point behind!
: But Gharlane is three points from winning -- can whitehelm catch up in time?
StateBot: Question (use /b): Memphis is the largest city in which state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Tennessee (Counterpoint, TalkingDog, Liface, LaZorra, ThePhan, Gharlane, Ticia, Zup, Chrysanthemum, Not-a-Fairy, Dude7581, Crystal109, Nyperold)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, Liface: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1, Nyperold: +1, TalkingDog: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, Zup: +1.
whitehelm: TYPO NOOOO
Liface: :(
: A crushing typo puts him behind again. It looks like it's all over now.
: But it ain't over, till it's over.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Washington? (1 answer accepted)
Liface: thats my state son
Liface: (although only for 2 more days)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Olympia (Liface, Counterpoint, whitehelm, Dude7581, Chrysanthemum, Gharlane, Zup, Crystal109, scruffy, LuckyWizard)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, scruffy: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
* Ticia is going to blame her losing this game on her lack of food today
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the nickname(s) of Delaware? (2 answers accepted)
Crystal109: This one I know! Thank goodness for state projects in 3rd grade.
StateBot: Claimed answer: First State (Liface, Crystal109, Dude7581, Counterpoint, Not-a-Fairy)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Diamond State.
StateBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Liface: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1.
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
: Nice play, Crystal. *wink*
: *glare*
Crystal109: O_o
LaZorra: LOL LOL
[whitehelm->Sam] I SAID both of those
[Sam->whitehelm] You have to submit answers on separate lines.
[whitehelm->Sam] They were...
[Sam->whitehelm] Let me check the logs.
Ticia: Rhode Island was my fifth grade state report...
Ticia: The only thing I remember about it is that it's the smallest state.
StateBot: Question (use /b): WI is the postal abbreviation for what state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Wisconsin (whitehelm, Counterpoint, TalkingDog, LaZorra, LuckyWizard, Liface, Zup, Ticia, Gharlane, Not-a-Fairy, Dude7581, Chrysanthemum, ThePhan, Crystal109, Nyperold, scruffy)
StateBot: Scores this round: Chrysanthemum: +1, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, Liface: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Not-a-Fairy: +1, Nyperold: +1, scruffy: +1, TalkingDog: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
StateBot: Gharlane wins!
Liface: aww
Crystal109: Yay Gharlane!
* Ticia claps for Gharlane.
Zup: Woot! congrats, ghar!
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah for Gharlane!
LaZorra: Go Gharlane!
Liface: that's a fun boy
Liface: This is probably my favorite Bot so far.
LaZorra: We're watching the A-Team, and Mom makes he random comment, "I just love the MP's little white belts."
Gharlane: O.o
Ticia: La...
Crystal109: Whew my score got a lot better with the exclusion of the other categories.
LaZorra: Sorry, whitehelm. -/
Gharlane: Wow, I was expecting whitehelm to win, knowing the mottoes like he did.
[Sam->whitehelm] Oh, it needs the word "State" in there, too. Ouch, that's a terrible way to lose.
Liface: Yeah, tell us the deal with the mottos!
Not-a-Fairy: I must admit I was disappointed by the lack of Florida questions
Crystal109: And there was only one California question!
Sam: whitehelm actually got First State / Diamond State right, except he didn't put "State" for either. If he had, he'd have tied for the win.
whitehelm: So, apparently telling the bot "first" and "diamond" didn't count
Liface: aw
Sam: That's brutal.
Gharlane: Wow, that's harsh.
Counterpoint: wh: Did you study the mottos beforehand?
whitehelm: Cp: Not really, I don't remember most of them
: And so the cruel forces of botting deprive whitehelm of a tie.
: Yes, but in the points ranking, 28 is nearly as good as 30. Those 28 points will help a lot.
Liface: so, folex just called me
Liface: right at the end
Liface: he's really mad that he missed it but he's coming tomorrow and every other day
LaZorra: BUTTS
: Where IS that 'kick me' sign?
Gharlane: LOL
Crystal109: LOL
Ticia: LOL
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: hehehe
Counterpoint: Oh, wow. I was only one point shy of a tie in the Moles.
KickMoleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
MoleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
SinbadBot has been dismissed by Sam.
StateBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=3 has everything except StateBot.
Crystal109: Woohoo still in 10th place!
Crystal109: Wow Counterpoint is way up there.
ThePhan: Whee! I've moved up to 7th!
LaZorra: Wow, I'm in 6th overall? Geez.
: LineBot is last for tonight. We'll only be playing this to 15 points, to keep the game length down. Let's kick this off right away. Starting in one minute....
* Gharlane runs to get a glass of water.
ThePhan: MysteryBot! I accuse... LaZorra in the Mountain Stream with the Op Powers!
whitehelm: That would be an awesome game, Sam gets murdered and you have to figure out who did it
Crystal109: Like ClueBot or something.
LineBot has been summoned by Sam.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words provided, die. (1/* accepted)
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for The Count had provided for almost every possibility, except that she would die and take her young child with her.
LineBot: Vote 2 for MysteryBot is a good idea provided that someone will die.
LineBot: Vote 3 for With this insurance policy, we guarantee you will gain five million dollars, provided that first you die.
LineBot: Vote 4 for You will die, provided you don't find the key to immortality.
LineBot: Vote 5 for Provided you don't die, you can win a million dollars. Now let's play, Survivor: Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?
LineBot: Vote 6 for Provided he didn't die, Sam thought it was a great day for a funeral in West Lebanon, New Hampshire.
LineBot: Vote 7 for Sure, staging our own bull fight will be a TON of fun... provided we don't die in the process!
LineBot: Vote 8 for Provided I don't die, that's a really good idea.
LineBot: Vote 9 for I provided you a dagger and you die.
LineBot: Vote 10 for You might win, provided you don't die first.
LineBot: Vote 11 for provided the circumstances, just roll the die!!!!!!!111
LineBot: Vote 12 for Provided that I die soon, my dear, all of my vast wealth will be yours. Now, put that red, hot fire poker down and make me some tea. What are you-ack-PHBBT!
whitehelm: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 6
Dude7581: vote 12
Not-a-Fairy: vote 12
Crystal109: vote 12
ThePhan: vote 6
Zup: vote 4
scruffy: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 6
Liface: vote 9
Ticia: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 12
Liface: this game is neat.
Nyperold: vote 5
Sam: vote 3
Counterpoint: Multiples of 3, multiples of 3 ...
LineBot: Liface wins 4 points for Provided he didn't die, Sam thought it was a great day for a funeral in West Lebanon, New Hampshire.
LineBot: Zup wins 4 points for Provided that I die soon, my dear, all of my vast wealth will be yours. Now, put that red, hot fire poker down and make me some tea. What are you-ack-PHBBT!
LineBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for Provided you don't die, you can win a million dollars. Now let's play, Survivor: Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?
LineBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for With this insurance policy, we guarantee you will gain five million dollars, provided that first you die.
LineBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for I provided you a dagger and you die.
LineBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for You will die, provided you don't find the key to immortality.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Provided I don't die, that's a really good idea.
LineBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for You might win, provided you don't die first.
LineBot: scruffy wins 0 points for provided the circumstances, just roll the die!!!!!!!111
LineBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Sure, staging our own bull fight will be a TON of fun... provided we don't die in the process!
LineBot: Ticia wins 0 points for The Count had provided for almost every possibility, except that she would die and take her young child with her.
LineBot: whitehelm wins 0 points for MysteryBot is a good idea provided that someone will die.
* Ticia needs to reread the Count of Monte Cristo, as she couldn't remember the name of the character who killed herself and her son.
LaZorra: Nice, Liface.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=3 has the StateBot results now.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words four, liquefying, locket. (1/* accepted)
ThePhan: Ooh. StateBot puts me up to 4th. Even funner.
Crystal109: I'm doomed to stay at 10th.
Liface: Can we use plurals?
Counterpoint: No.
Liface: Liquefying the locket, four mages cast their final spell.
[LineBot->Liface] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
Liface: whoooops
Liface: so bad
Liface: ok
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for When I was four, all I wanted was a locket that would grant my every wish -- like liquefying my brother.
LineBot: Vote 2 for Just four drops of my secret formula, and everything in this jewelry box will start liquefying, including her precious little locket! BWAHAHAHA!
LineBot: Vote 3 for the locket needed four keys to open. It was a liquefying experience.
LineBot: Vote 4 for Liquefying your girlfriend's locket will end your relationship in four seconds.
LineBot: Vote 5 for After we're done liquefying the remains, count to four and add the contents of the deceased Mr. Boddy's locket.
LineBot: Vote 6 for The Locket of Four Liquefying Soapsuds is extremely dangerous. Make sure you don't open it, or the witches in this world will all DIE!
LineBot: Vote 7 for Liquefying the locket, four mages cast their final spell.
LineBot: Vote 8 for Slytherin's locket was in the hands of three teens, four if you count the painting they stole from the mansion. They had to find some way of liquefying it, and quick!
Crystal109: The word liquefying looks strange now.
Liface: 4
Dude7581: vote 8
Liface: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 4
Ticia: Doh, typo
whitehelm: vote 8
scruffy: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 1
Ticia: vote 1
Zup: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 5
Gharlane: This is my first time playing it, I think, hehe.
LineBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for Liquefying your girlfriend's locket will end your relationship in four seconds.
LineBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for When I was four, all I wanted was a locket that would grant my every wish -- like liquefying my brother.
LineBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for After we're done liquefying the remains, count to four and add the contents of the deceased Mr. Boddy's locket.
LineBot: Zup wins 2 points for Slytherin's locket was in the hands of three teens, four if you count the painting they stole from the mansion. They had to find some way of liquefying it, and quick!
LineBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for The Locket of Four Liquefying Soapsuds is extremely dangerous. Make sure you don't open it, or the witches in this world will all DIE!
LineBot: Dude7581 wins 0 points for the locket needed four keys to open. It was a liquefying experience.
LineBot: Liface wins 0 points for Liquefying the locket, four mages cast their final spell.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Just four drops of my secret formula, and everything in this jewelry box will start liquefying, including her precious little locket! BWAHAHAHA!
Ticia: I had "Nancy Drew, number four: The Case of the Liquifying locket."
* LaZorra didn't even have a brother at age four, heh.
Crystal109: I was never very creative.
: Well, Ricardo, the last game of the evening is underway.
: Yeah.
: It's been such a long evening, and I haven't had a thing to eat for dinner....
: Oh?
: Yes. ... Uh, I hear there's a nice bistro down the road, but, it's dark now, and I'm a little nervous being out alone at night.
: Oh.
: . . .
: . . .
: . . .
: So you're just gonna go home, then?
Ticia: Remember when those two crazy hosts of ours hated each other?
Counterpoint: Ticia: Good times, good times.
Ticia: (Brianna: You might want to stop hinting and just ask him out to dinner.)
Ticia: (Guys can be really dense about these things.)
LaZorra: (About everything.)
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words consequently, Crystal109, eggs, olives. (1/* accepted)
Crystal109: Uh-oh.
Sam: "Crystal109" and "eggs" together in a sentence. Cool.
Crystal109: Sam: Now I'm really scared.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for Crystal109 mixed up the eggs and the olives; consequently, the cake turned out a bit...olive-y.
LineBot: Vote 2 for Crystal109 fell down the stairs while carrying her groceries home. Consequently, Crystal109 had no eggs. Nor olives.
LineBot: Vote 3 for Crystal109 ran a cooking show, but she mixed up eggs and olives before a live audience; consequently, ratings skyrocketed.
LineBot: Vote 4 for Crystal109 made an eggs and olives sandwich as she read her latest Harry Potter fanfic. Consequently,--- GRRRRYYYYFINDOR
LineBot: Vote 5 for Crystal109 made a wonderful salad with eggs and olives. Consequently, she was chosen to be "The Next Food Network Star!"
LineBot: Vote 6 for Consequently Crystal109 likes olives on her eggs in the morning.
LineBot: Vote 7 for Crystal109 hated eggs, consequently she had olives for breakfast...it was rather disgusting.
LineBot: Vote 8 for Crystal109 decided to make an omelette. Consequently, she needed eggs, olives, and bell peppers.
LineBot: Vote 9 for The angry mob threw eggs filled with olives at Crystal109, who consequently escaped but had to spend an hour in the shower.
LineBot: Vote 10 for Crystal109 was hungry. She looked around her kitchen, but found only eggs and olives. Consequently, she decided to eat out (and unlike Brianna, she met Ricardo for some fish and chips at a nearby eatery).
LineBot: Vote 11 for Crystal109 had intended to make a fancy Italian antipasto, but she had no olives. Consequently, she just had scrambled eggs for dinner.
LineBot: Vote 12 for Chef Sam prepared a meal with the finest ingredients: eggs, olives, and Crystal109. Consequently, he ate it.
LineBot: Vote 13 for Crystal109 loves her eggs scrambled, her olives poached, and consequently, both of them together.
Liface: vote 12
Dude7581: vote 11
Crystal109: vote 10
whitehelm: vote 12
Ticia: vote 12
Zup: vote 13
Not-a-Fairy: vote 12
LaZorra: vote 12
Counterpoint: vote 8
scruffy: vote 12
Kysle: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 10
LineBot: Sam wins 6 points for Chef Sam prepared a meal with the finest ingredients: eggs, olives, and Crystal109. Consequently, he ate it.
LineBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Crystal109 had intended to make a fancy Italian antipasto, but she had no olives. Consequently, she just had scrambled eggs for dinner.
LineBot: Zup wins 2 points for Crystal109 was hungry. She looked around her kitchen, but found only eggs and olives. Consequently, she decided to eat out (and unlike Brianna, she met Ricardo for some fish and chips at a nearby eatery).
LineBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for Crystal109 loves her eggs scrambled, her olives poached, and consequently, both of them together.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Crystal109 decided to make an omelette. Consequently, she needed eggs, olives, and bell peppers.
LineBot: whitehelm wins 1 point for Crystal109 hated eggs, consequently she had olives for breakfast...it was rather disgusting.
LineBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Crystal109 ran a cooking show, but she mixed up eggs and olives before a live audience; consequently, ratings skyrocketed.
LineBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Crystal109 mixed up the eggs and the olives; consequently, the cake turned out a bit...olive-y.
LineBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for The angry mob threw eggs filled with olives at Crystal109, who consequently escaped but had to spend an hour in the shower.
LineBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Crystal109 fell down the stairs while carrying her groceries home. Consequently, Crystal109 had no eggs. Nor olives.
LineBot: Liface wins 0 points for Crystal109 made an eggs and olives sandwich as she read her latest Harry Potter fanfic. Consequently,--- GRRRRYYYYFINDOR
LineBot: scruffy wins 0 points for Consequently Crystal109 likes olives on her eggs in the morning.
LineBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Crystal109 made a wonderful salad with eggs and olives. Consequently, she was chosen to be "The Next Food Network Star!"
LineBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Gharlane: People misusing consequently trumped the multiple sentence thing for me.
Crystal109: I actually hate olives, guys. Just for future reference. =)
Kysle: All olives?
Ticia: Mmm.... olives
Ticia: But how do you feel about salt?
Zup: Ticia: LOL
LaZorra: hehehe
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words arraigns, infant, ethical, the, eggs. (1/* accepted)
LaZorra: eww
Sam: Eggs again.
Sam: Now there's an easy sentence to compose.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for The ethical way to make eggs is by using a skillet. Crystal109 uses her skillet with one hand, her infant in the other, and her arraigns, well, somewhere else.
LineBot: Vote 2 for The ethical infant was nevertheless called before the court with an arraigns because he had broken the eggs while playing on the floor.
LineBot: Vote 3 for The judge arraigns anyone who throws eggs at his infant. He finds it not to be ethical.
LineBot: Vote 4 for The ethical infant arraigns eggs. Yeah, it's a cheesy sentence...so what?
LineBot: Vote 5 for The eggs were fertile, the infant, ethical... and the judge called for multiple arraigns.
LineBot: Vote 6 for An ethical judge arraigns the infant who ate 30 eggs.
LineBot: Vote 7 for The campaign manager was in a tizzy. He had to make arraigns on an infant (with which the ethical dilemmas were HUGE), and he had spilled eggs all over his best suit. Sucky.
Liface: AW
Liface: i got it right before time up
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
Ticia: [->Bots] The judge thinks it was funny, and ethical, to charge the infant with a crime that happened when he and his brothers were still eggs. (23:53:06)
whitehelm: vote 1
Liface: 1
Liface: vote 1
Sam: vote 3
Crystal109: Ticia: LOL I'd vote for yours.
Dude7581: vote 6
Ticia: I missed arraigns, though
Sam: 3 is great.
Kysle: vote 3
Zup: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 4
Ticia: vote 3
scruffy: nite all
Kysle: Goodnight, Scruffy
* LaZorra sings "Goodnight, Scruffy," to the tune of "Goodnight, Ladies."
scruffy has left.
LineBot: Counterpoint wins 5 points for The judge arraigns anyone who throws eggs at his infant. He finds it not to be ethical.
LineBot: Dude7581 wins 3 points for The ethical way to make eggs is by using a skillet. Crystal109 uses her skillet with one hand, her infant in the other, and her arraigns, well, somewhere else.
LineBot: whitehelm wins 2 points for The ethical infant arraigns eggs. Yeah, it's a cheesy sentence...so what?
LineBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for An ethical judge arraigns the infant who ate 30 eggs.
LineBot: Zup wins 1 point for The campaign manager was in a tizzy. He had to make arraigns on an infant (with which the ethical dilemmas were HUGE), and he had spilled eggs all over his best suit. Sucky.
LineBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for The ethical infant was nevertheless called before the court with an arraigns because he had broken the eggs while playing on the floor.
LineBot: Kysle wins 0 points for The eggs were fertile, the infant, ethical... and the judge called for multiple arraigns.
Ticia: I really really really need food now.
Ticia is away.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words some, mothballs, hologram. (1/* accepted)
Kysle: Some mothballs got into the hologram projector. Consequently, Crystal109 had problems viewing her olive-skinned mother.
[LineBot->Kysle] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
Kysle: Noo
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for Darryl thought the ghost was but a hologram, but the smell of mothballs convinced Lea that some spirit truly lurked in the gloom.
LineBot: Vote 2 for After eating some rotten mothballs, everything seemed to appear to Ticia in hologram mode.
LineBot: Vote 3 for Take a laser beam, add some fresh mothballs and voila! You've got a hologram.
LineBot: Vote 4 for The space archaeologists were amazed to find a primitive, yet functioning, hologram generator packed up in some mothballs.
LineBot: Vote 5 for Some mothballs got into the hologram projector. Consequently, Crystal109 had problems viewing her olive-skinned mother.
LineBot: Vote 6 for I had a wild dream last night about a crazy hologram kidnapping me. Turns out it was brought on by breathing the scent of some old mothballs.
LineBot: Vote 7 for In the far-and-distant future, some mothballs became sentient and decided it was time they got their voices heard about the Perils of Being a Mothball in the popular hologram channel, Torturous Ways of the Rich and Weary.
LineBot: Vote 8 for The mother put some mothballs out on her front porch to scare the hologram moths away. It never works cause they can't smell.
LineBot: Vote 9 for I was able to create a hologram, sadly all it contains are some mothballs.
LineBot: Vote 10 for In the year 2061, technology had hit an all-time high. Some people had even forgone the use of clothes, and used a hologram instead. Which meant that Kysle really had no use for his mothballs any longer.
Dude7581: vote 3
Not-a-Fairy: vote 3
Zup: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 2
whitehelm: vote 10
Ticia: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 10
Sam: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 2
Sam: vote 2
Kysle: vote 8
Liface: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 7
LineBot: Liface wins 3 points for After eating some rotten mothballs, everything seemed to appear to Ticia in hologram mode.
LineBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for In the far-and-distant future, some mothballs became sentient and decided it was time they got their voices heard about the Perils of Being a Mothball in the popular hologram channel, Torturous Ways of the Rich and Weary.
LineBot: Dude7581 wins 2 points for The mother put some mothballs out on her front porch to scare the hologram moths away. It never works cause they can't smell.
LineBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Take a laser beam, add some fresh mothballs and voila! You've got a hologram.
LineBot: Zup wins 2 points for In the year 2061, technology had hit an all-time high. Some people had even forgone the use of clothes, and used a hologram instead. Which meant that Kysle really had no use for his mothballs any longer.
LineBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Some mothballs got into the hologram projector. Consequently, Crystal109 had problems viewing her olive-skinned mother.
LineBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for I had a wild dream last night about a crazy hologram kidnapping me. Turns out it was brought on by breathing the scent of some old mothballs.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for The space archaeologists were amazed to find a primitive, yet functioning, hologram generator packed up in some mothballs.
LineBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Darryl thought the ghost was but a hologram, but the smell of mothballs convinced Lea that some spirit truly lurked in the gloom.
LineBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 0 points for I was able to create a hologram, sadly all it contains are some mothballs.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words extraordinary, while, lamp. (1/* accepted)
Gharlane: LOL
: You frightened my kitty, you red terror. Rrrrrrr.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for While I was sitting quite innocently by my reading lamp, I saw the most extraordinary people screaming at me from my computer screen.
LineBot: Vote 2 for It is extraordinary that while one man can work in Hollywood all his life, and never make an impact, another can become famous for simply saying "I LOVE LAMP."
LineBot: Vote 3 for "Extraordinary! While we've been fiddling with this confounded lamp, it seems that the police have already surrounded the house! I suggest we evacuate immediately."
LineBot: Vote 4 for The extraordinary lamp that Aladin had found in the "cave," while useful, was rather hard to keep polished. Wheretoherefor, he threw it away, wherebytofrom, whitehelm found it and wished himself into RinkChat!
LineBot: Vote 5 for While a lamp that doubles as a USB hub is wild enough, what truly made this one extraordinary was the ability to make telephone calls from it.
LineBot: Vote 6 for While Dude7581 was working (out), his lamp lamp exploded. it as an extraordinary sight to see him buffed up.
Gharlane: Bah, typed too slowly.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
Sam: vote 1
Zup: vote 5
Kysle: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 3
Dude7581: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Dude7581: who used me?
LaZorra: You did.
Counterpoint: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 2
LineBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for While a lamp that doubles as a USB hub is wild enough, what truly made this one extraordinary was the ability to make telephone calls from it.
LineBot: Zup wins 3 points for It is extraordinary that while one man can work in Hollywood all his life, and never make an impact, another can become famous for simply saying "I LOVE LAMP."
LineBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for "Extraordinary! While we've been fiddling with this confounded lamp, it seems that the police have already surrounded the house! I suggest we evacuate immediately."
LineBot: Kysle wins 1 point for The extraordinary lamp that Aladin had found in the "cave," while useful, was rather hard to keep polished. Wheretoherefor, he threw it away, wherebytofrom, whitehelm found it and wished himself into RinkChat!
LineBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for While I was sitting quite innocently by my reading lamp, I saw the most extraordinary people screaming at me from my computer screen.
LineBot: Dude7581 wins 0 points for While Dude7581 was working (out), his lamp lamp exploded. it as an extraordinary sight to see him buffed up.
Dude7581: how did you know?
LaZorra: Call it a hunch.
Sam: LaZ: I can't believe yours didn't get more votes.
LaZorra: Sam: I thought it was pretty relevant.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words burp, elitist, darkly. (1/* accepted)
Sam: LOL
LaZorra: LOL!
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for In a darkly lighted room, Sam gave a wild "BURP" that scared off any elitist that happened to be in his path.
LineBot: Vote 2 for Patricia Lane glared darkly at her colleague. "If you must burp," she imperiously intoned, "remember, dear, that it must still be an *elitist* burp. We have standards to maintain."
LineBot: Vote 3 for The Burp Club is extremely elitist! I got kicked out for not belching horror soundtracks darkly enough.
LineBot: Vote 4 for Those that laugh at a loup burp are probably not darkly elitist in their veiws.
LineBot: Vote 5 for The elite burp-artists have, in today's world become true arttists. The most elite of them, the ELITIST is known for his darkly serious continence and tremendous burping talents.
LineBot: Vote 6 for "It is incredibly difficult to burp in an elitist manner," she said darkly in response to his sudden belch.
LaZorra: vote 1
Zup: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Kysle: LOL. I, um, think I misspelled that word.
Sam: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 3
Dude7581: vote 6
LineBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for Patricia Lane glared darkly at her colleague. "If you must burp," she imperiously intoned, "remember, dear, that it must still be an *elitist* burp. We have standards to maintain."
LineBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for The Burp Club is extremely elitist! I got kicked out for not belching horror soundtracks darkly enough.
LineBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for In a darkly lighted room, Sam gave a wild "BURP" that scared off any elitist that happened to be in his path.
LineBot: Kysle wins 1 point for The elite burp-artists have, in today's world become true arttists. The most elite of them, the ELITIST is known for his darkly serious continence and tremendous burping talents.
LineBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for "It is incredibly difficult to burp in an elitist manner," she said darkly in response to his sudden belch.
LineBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Those that laugh at a loup burp are probably not darkly elitist in their veiws.
LineBot: Kysle loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Kysle: vote 3
Zup: Durnit.
: I don't know what an elitist burp is, but I'm an elite burpist! LISTEN TO THIS ONE! *CrrrRRRRrraaawwwWWWWpkp*
LaZorra: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwewwwwwwwwwwwww
Sam: Awww?
Sam: The elite burpist is cute?
Sam: You meant ewwwwww didn't you?
LaZorra: That was decidedly NOT a Cute Aww.
LaZorra: More like an Aww as in "Aww, man!"
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words recognizing, deports, hooligans, playdough. (1/* accepted)
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for The nation is finally recognizing its true enemy. Therefore, it now deports hooligans who dare to smuggle out playdough.
LineBot: Vote 2 for The Immigration Service deports hooligans, recognizing that eating playdough is a serious offense.
LineBot: Vote 3 for The border guard deports hooligans on a regular basis. However, some of them are in the habit of recognizing some playdough smugglers as citizens, just to get their playdough fix.
Zup: vote 1
LaZorra: The Homeland Security Department is recognizing the danger of hooligans who employ playdough for their nefarious purposes, and now deports them.
Nyperold: "Those hooligans! They put playdough all over their faces so I wouldn't recognize them! I hope somebody deports those Mummenschanz!"
Sam: Nyp: LOL
Sam: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 1
LineBot: Counterpoint wins 3 points for The nation is finally recognizing its true enemy. Therefore, it now deports hooligans who dare to smuggle out playdough.
LineBot: Zup wins 2 points for The border guard deports hooligans on a regular basis. However, some of them are in the habit of recognizing some playdough smugglers as citizens, just to get their playdough fix.
LineBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for The Immigration Service deports hooligans, recognizing that eating playdough is a serious offense.
LineBot: It's a tie! The winners are: Counterpoint, Zup.
Zup: Woot!
LaZorra: w00t
Kysle: Nice, you two!
Crystal109: Haha good job CP and Zup!
Gharlane: Good job!
* Zup high fives Cp!
* Counterpoint high fives Zup!
Crystal109: Counterpoint's going to be a formidable opponent heh.
Dude7581: nice job all.
Zup: Heh, we voted for each other too.
: And that's it for this evening! What an exciting finish to an exciting night of botting. Well, stay tuned for the posting of the scores, and come back tomorrow ni-----
Counterpoint: I think someone shot Ricardo.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OHHHHH! Uh...uhh.... Briannawouldyoulikegobistrowime?
Counterpoint: Not so suave as you look, eh, Ricardo?
: YES--uhh, that is, sure. I-if you're walking that way anyway?
: Well, I'm not.
: Oh.
: ImeanI...that is...um, I'm kind of hungry myself, you know?
: ....
: ...
: Ricardo?
: Huh?
: You should probably finish closing the show tonight.
: Oh. Right. Um, see you later...tomorrow, I mean. 9:30, I think. Burble.
: Good night, everyone. *leaves*
: I'm such a stupid head. *buries part of face in hand*
Zup: Stupidhead is one word, dude.
LaZorra: Hey, at least it's a pretty stupid head.
Counterpoint: There, there, Ricardo.
Counterpoint: If you're lucky, you may get or give a @-`-,--`,--`-,----.