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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

The Prince of Space

Posted by: Stephen
Date Submitted: Monday, May 10, 1999 at 08:38:10
Date Posted: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 11:38:01

Ah, "The Prince of Space." This movie is a prime choice for bad movie lovers as it is a very stereotypical Japanese sci-fi movie from around the '50s. Poor dubbing, lame monsters, and a bunch of kids in short shorts make this (and its sequel/prequel, "Invasion of the Neptune Men") one of my favorite bad movies.

The general plot is that Earth is being invaded by these evil aliens from the planet Krankor. They are led by the "menacing" Phantom of Krankor, who looks a lot like a person with a badly made up large nose (it looks strangely similar to a beak). Krankor's trademark is that he has a very annoying laugh, and you will hear "Eh heh heh heh" many times throughout the flick. On Earth's side is the bootblacker/superhero who calls himself "The Prince of Space." Yes, that's right -- when he's not fighting off aliens, he's busy shining shoes. But throw him into his shiny foil suit, and he's ready to go. His main power is the ability to be not hurt by pretty much everything. In fact, everytime the aliens shoot at him he declares, "Your weapons cannot hurt me!" although he still feels the need to roll around and dodge the weapons that will obviously have no effect.

The plot specifics are hard to remember exactly; it's something about the aliens kidnapping a bunch of scientists. In the end, Prince of Space flies in his egg-like spaceship/hover-car/badly-made-model to Krankor, gets in a fight with a really cheesy monster, and saves the day. Throw in some incredibly random lines, some funny/annoying kids, and you've got an entertaining bad movie.

Best scene: The Phantom and Prince of Space "jump" up onto a ledge.

Best line: "I like bootblacking very much!"

Things that make you go "Huh?": Why does the Prince of Space keep dodging the weapons?

4 Turkeys

Response From RinkWorks:

My favorite part about this movie is that the Prince of Space never takes advantage of the fact that he can't be hurt by the bad guy's weapons -- as you said, he just jumps around, avoids them, and then lets them all run away. He never *once* tries to capture or otherwise hinder one of them -- his only purpose is to make everyone fire their weapons at him so he can dodge them and eventually make them all flee. Some superhero.

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