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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review


Posted by: Nick
Date Submitted: Friday, April 20, 2001 at 19:19:08
Date Posted: Wednesday, July 3, 2002 at 18:14:05

Yikes, what a mess this film is. A giant, telepathic snake (known as N'gana Simbu) is captured and smuggled into the U.S. by a tycoon who wants to study the terrible beast. And guess what -- the demon serpent escapes!

Peter Fonda plays a scientist who tries to track down and kill N'gana Simbu before the giant reptile viciously mauls yet another helpless female victim. Meanwhile, the tycoon (Oliver Reed) suffers from violent mental episodes (quite laughably) as the demon serpent transmits strange telepathic messages to him. A very confused, meaningless side plot involving the CIA and a bizarre religious cult fails to do anything for this doomed plot but only serves to further muddle things. After plenty of bad acting and silly dialog, our hero (Fonda) finally confronts the deadly beast in a showdown, man vs. supernatural snake.

The movie, made in 1983, purports that it uses "the most advanced techniques in the field of cinematic special effects," which apparently includes constructing large snakes out of papier mache. The film's unsuspenseful and abrupt ending leads one to believe that the film budget suddenly ran out -- or that maybe the actors just stormed off the set in complete embarrassment.

It's a mystery as to how good actors like Fonda and Reed got mixed up in this cinematic debacle. True entertainment for those who enjoy watching astonishingly bad films.

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