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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Army of Darkness

Posted by: Slanter
Date Submitted: Friday, March 30, 2001 at 21:36:10
Date Posted: Monday, July 1, 2002 at 17:24:44

This is not a movie that took itself seriously and wound up being a bad movie -- this movie is purposely bad. The last deliberately bad movie I'd seen (Attack of the Killer Tomatoes) was disappointing, but Army of Darkness proves that it is indeed possible to create a movie with all the endearing awefulness of the worst B-movies even when the movie attempts it on purpose.

Bruce Campbell delivers a spectacular performance, looking like some comic book caricature of a hero. His lines range from absurdly pretentious to just plain weird and are always entertaining.

The movie includes much B-movie zaniness, from events that work out in ways that are beyond belief (Ash attaching the chainsaw to his arm instead of his severed hand, for example) to strange goofs (come on, he just scraped his face off a hot stove with a spatula -- shouldn't it have burn marks on it?). There are even touches of B-movie-esque special effects, such as the Styrofoam tombstones blasting off like so many bottle rockets. It also spoofs many common cliches in fantasy and horror movies. What happens when a mirror would produce an evil and opposite reflection of you, but it gets broken before the reflection can step out?

Rating: 4 turkeys.

Scene to watch for: Ash splits into himself and an evil duplicate.

Best line: "Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my boom stick!"

Things that make you go "Huh?": What Ash says after the above line.

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