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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Superman IV: The Quest For Peace

Posted by: J.Noble
Date Submitted: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 19:56:33
Date Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 08:06:31

This movie is laughably make-your-sides-hurt bad. Here's the lowdown: the world's countries are arguing about the growing arms race. Nukes are everywhere, and negotations break down. The USA declares that it will continue to build up its weapons. Enter (dunt dunt DAHH!!) Superman. He steps up to the U.N. podium and announces that he will single-handedly disarm the world. Everyone applauds. Not a single country has a problem with Superman butting in to their foreign policies, apparently. In some bad blue screen shots, we see Superman grabbing a plastic nuclear missile in space (after some stock footage of it being launched), placing it in a net with hundreds of others, and throwing it into the sun (which it reaches within five seconds despite the fact that the sun is millions of miles away). Meanwhile, Lex Luther (played by Gene Hackman, who deserves better than this) creates a bad guy called "Nuclear Man" out of some play-dough and a toy lab kit. Nuclear Man and Superman fight it out. Guess who wins? On a technical level, this movie has many many flaws that any kid past fourth grade science can point out, such as when Superman takes Louis Lane out for a romantic ride IN OUTER SPACE. Apparently the freezing temperatures, lack of oxygen, and scorching atmosphere re-entry have no effect on the human body when it's held by Superman! The shot where Superman carries a 5,000,000 ton mountain top by the edge like a cup saucer and it doesn't tip over is a howler, too. And there's much more.

Scene to watch for: the cheaply done blue screen scenes of Superman flying, which would look fake even for a 1950s film. Also the talking in space scenes with Lois Lane, which break every physics law in the book.

Best line: When Superman stops a runaway subway and then goes on an odd tangent about public transportation. Was this supposed to be funny?

Response From RinkWorks:

Still, my all-time favorite Superman stupidity was when he flew around the world really fast and went back in time or something. Which movie was that in? Two? Three? -- Dave.

The first, actually. I don't really think it's all that bad. Assuming his superpowers extend to exceeding the speed of light without turning into pure energy (which, for that matter, the comics have recently had him turn into), going back in time that way isn't THAT crazy, especially with the other methods of time travel we're asked to accept in movies. -- Sam.

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