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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Q: the Winged Serpent

Posted by: Jason K. Averill
Date Submitted: Wednesday, September 6, 2000 at 00:53:44
Date Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 08:17:56

Our film takes its first step with a lovestruck (and clueless) window washer getting his head bitten off. And so begins the saga that is: "Q: the Wing-ed Serpent." From this we move to a Squirrely Robber (SR) debating a new job. Then we are introduced to our cops-chasing-a-serial-killer subplot. Our buddy Q kills some more.

SR helps some goons rob a diamond store. As he runs away, a cab sort of nudges him, and the briefcase filled with diamonds is sent flying across the street (the guy would have had to have THROWN the briefcase for it to go as far as it did, but no matter). A minute later, SR is being chased through the top of the Chrysler Building where he discovers a nest with a gigantic egg in it. He also discovers the skeletal remains of a Q victim. The skeleton is remarkable in its ability to have absolutely no flesh on it but still hold together good and strong.

A little later, our White Cop (WC) is being lectured to at a museum about Aztec religion. This is where I think WC starts connecting Q's killing with the Serial Killer.

SR goes to his girlfriend's to get some rest. Another serial killer victim is found, and WC introduces Black Cop (BC) to his idea that these murders are actually ritual sacrifices.

Two of SR's goon friends stop by to rough him up a bit, and, although he runs away, they still catch him, despite having absolutely NO idea where he was running. They beat him up a bit because they want the diamonds he lost (of course they don't believe he lost them), so he takes them up into the Chrysler Building where the nest is, and the two goons get eaten by Q. On his way home, SR is picked up by the police, where he is berated by BC.

While there, BC and High Up Cop (HUC) are told by WC of his report connecting Q's killing and the ritual murders. SR bargains with the information he has on where Q is nesting. A small army of cops find the egg and fill it full of lead, but there is no sign of Q. While WC waits for Q, BC and some other cops interrupt another ritual murder. They nail the sacrifice, but the killer gets away. Q eats BC.

Eventually Q comes back to Chrysler Building, and there is a big fire fight where we get to see lots of shots of Q. Finally Q is so shot full of lead that it dies. The ritual killer goes after SR and tries to make him want to die, because he can only be sacrificed if he really wants to be (??), but then WC comes along and kills the ritual killer. We then get a parting shot of New York, and I wouldn't dare give away the final ending.

I guess my main thing with this movie is the effects. It was made after "Dragonslayer," but the monster looks like something out of a 60s fantasy flick. Also, you're never really sure the sacrifices are connected to Q -- it's just sort of assumed.

Rating: 2.5 turkeys.

Scene to watch for: the end.

Best line: "And stick it, stick it up your brain! Your small little brain."

Things that make you go "Huh?": Why they thought they needed that ending.

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