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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

The Evil Dead

Posted by: Cathryn
Date Submitted: Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 19:17:12
Date Posted: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 08:26:08

Yeah. I know. It's been done to death. But I've just finished watching it (at night, home alone, and me a huge horror movie wuss -- slick thinking on my part!), and I'd like to bang out a few thoughts while they're fresh in my mind.

- In the scene where Ash(ley) heads down to the cellar to check on Scott, he takes down this little lantern. Coleman, it's not -- it has a little smoky orange flame that's just barely lit in some shots and blazing merrily in others. But even at its merriest, it could not have cast all that light. During the (long and boring) circular pan shot of the cellar, I was watching for a window. (And even that wouldn't have helped, since it was nighttime.) As Ash moves, holding the lantern in front of him, the light shining on the wall stays still. It's so bright that the bit of light the flame may have been casting doesn't even touch it.

- The Cheryl/tree scene has been described in various RinkWorks reviews as "stupid," "disgusting," "disturbing," and "gratuitous." May I add "depraved" to that list?

- Dave's review mentions various foodstuffs that were used. I think we can add creamed corn to that list, though I truly didn't feel like rewinding to double check. (By the way, the usage of milk is truly awesome; I think that was one of my biggest laughs.)

- My major concern during the drawing of the rhombusoid was that Cheryl was wasting some really nice drawing paper.

- Linda, freshly possessed, sits cross-legged (neatly and carefully, in her white flannel nightie) in the middle of the hallway and laughs maniacally. (This becomes a recurring theme.) Ash doesn't even bat an eyelash, which makes the already incongruous image even funnier.

- I counted at least five names also associated with Hercules and Xena. (For those of you who care: Renaissance Pictures, Joseph DeLuca [music], Raimi, Tapert, and of course Bruce Campbell.) Is it just me, or does this explain a lot?

- I loved the music. It sounded like the soundtrack to a horror movie parody episode of some sitcom.

Rating: three turkeys. I'd give it more, but I apparently have a weak stomach.

Scenes to watch for: Linda in the hallway; Linda spraying milk.

Best line: "Join ussssssss," ad nauseam. It kept reminding me of the witch on the soap opera "Passions."

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