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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

On Deadly Ground

Posted by: microbe
Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 12:13:08
Date Posted: Monday, February 14, 2000 at 08:03:01

When first the promo for the movie "On Deadly Ground" way back when in 1994, I thought to myself: "Wow! that is gonna' be a great action piece!" Boy, was I mistaken. "On Deadly Ground" is a weak, meandering dribble. It has a strong message about the environment, delivered with mass automatic weapons fire and explosions when a simple press conference would do.

As if the useless action sequences weren't enough, the plot (a bad one at that) has holes big enough to fit the entire known universe though with room to spare, and the characters are cartoonish. There's the greedy, evil, and zealous oil tycoon, Mr. Jennings; the Native Americans that are assumed to have some "mystical powers;" the psychotic and politically incorrect cohorts of Mr. Jennings, and -- oh! -- the arrogant, foulmouthed, racist, beer-guzzling, fat rednecks (who make John Rocker look like the Pope) that Seagal's character fights in a local tavern. To make matters even worse, almost everyone who works for the oil tycoon is a racist pig except our "hero."

What's even worse than the characters is the truly disturbing fact that Seagal's character shoots down a helicopter and collapses a side of a mountain all on horseback. Then he destroys an oil rig the size Pittsburgh, while methodically killing at least three dozen of Jennings' total frickin' idiot hired goons. Then Seagal takes down his former boss by tying him up and throwing him into a pool of crude oil, only to escape the doomed oil refinery without a scratch, scar, and any loss of blood.

Bottom line: This movie completely is a waste of time. What the heck are Joan Chen and Michael Caine doing in this movie?

Response From RinkWorks:

You actually expected a Seagal movie to be *good*?

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