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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Posted by: Nita
Date Submitted: Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 10:41:10
Date Posted: Monday, November 8, 1999 at 06:52:00

As a treat to my little cousins for bringing home good grades, I took them to see "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers." While they were watching, I fell asleep in the middle of it. That was just how boring and ridiculous this movie was. It was nothing but noise, bad acting, pitiful action sequences, six irritating teenagers in bad suits, and that annoying "Go, Go, Power Rangers" thing.

If you are not familiar with the Power Rangers, here is a quick summary. It's about a group of geeky teenagers who were recruited by a big head named Zordon to be the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The Rangers are as follows: Tommy (White Ranger and leader of the Rangers), Kimberly (Pink Ranger and Tommy's airheaded girlfriend), Billy (Blue Ranger and the group's geek), Rocky (Red Ranger, an OK guy), Adam (Black Ranger, has low self esteem even though he is cute), and Aisha (Yellow Ranger, the most pitiful of the rangers). On the TV show, the last three color rangers were Jason (Red), Zach (Black), and Trini (Yellow). They were smart enough to leave the show before this waste of tape.

They have to keep their identity a secret, and they do, even though they wear the same colors as their ranger color. The rangers have to stop some guy who spreads purple ooze all over the place. There is just one problem. Zordon is dying and, as a result of this, the rangers lose their powers. So they go on a quest to find their powers. Meanwhile, the purple guy turns everyone evil with the ooze. They go to this place and meet this chick who holds the key to unlocking their powers. To make a long and boring story short, they get their powers back -- but with a twist. The last part of this film is the usual cliche: they go back to Angel Grove (the fictional city where this takes place), fight the evil guy, helps Zordon, and everybody's happy.

This is one of the most dumbest movies I have ever seen in my 22 years on this Earth. Even the fight scenes are phony. There is a lot of whining from the pink ranger, and the yellow ranger has no clue. To make matters worse, they have the nerve to make a sequel to this mess. Go power rangers. Go off a cliff, that is.

Rating: 4 turkeys each.

Scenes to watch for: The ending when the mega-zord kicks the bad guy.

Best line: "Tommy, get your butt down here!"

Things that make you go "Huh?": The ooze.

Response From RinkWorks:

It's nice to see Filmmaker's Exam question 74 in action.

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