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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Planet of the Dinosaurs

Posted by: Andrew Hazi
Date Submitted: Sunday, October 24, 1999 at 18:41:56
Date Posted: Thursday, November 4, 1999 at 04:32:38

Well, the first thing you should notice about this movie is the incredibly corny title. What exactly can you expect from a movie called "Planet of the Dinosaurs"? I figured out after watching it that it was a comedy. Well, it was supposed to be a horror movie, I think.

The movie starts out with the main characters traipsing through space in a ship reminiscent of the Winnebago in "Spaceballs." They crash on some planet out of range of rescue for a reason that I couldn't decipher. For some reason now the ship has changed into a long Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile shaped object. The crew swims to shore (they crashed in a lake) and goes through all of their belongings, taking out these hilarious-looking sort of Starship Enterprise shaped lasers. Then they realize they left all of the communication equipment on the ship, and two of them jump into the water to retrieve it, where the female member is promptly eaten in a scene that involves a lot of splashing and some bright red dye. Well, now everyone is depressed, and they wander around, periodically losing supplies for no reason whatsoever. When they finally meet a dinosaur, the bad stop motion animation kicks in.

They have this argument about being hunted and some pointless stuff, and they decide to climb a mountain so no dinosaurs can reach them. When they finally reach the top (if they ever did I'm not sure) the dinosaurs still come anyway. At some point they start getting chased by a Tyrannosaurus Rex, who becomes the main antagonist. They think up a bunch of stupid ways to kill it, including stuffing the body of a dead Stegosaurus with poison berries and putting it outside the T-Rex's cave. They run around, the dinosaur chases them, and everyone falls down a lot. They eventually kill the T-Rex, and the worst thing is they end up living on the planet. The plot and acting in this movie made me laugh to begin with, but the cheesy animation really tops it off. This movie is a definite must-see.

Best line: "Are we having lizard again tonight?" / "No lizard was last night."

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