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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Chill Factor

Posted by: J.Noble
Date Submitted: Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 09:34:16
Date Posted: Friday, October 15, 1999 at 05:06:11

This one will probably be in the video store before you even read this. An absolutely forgettable action flick that painfully pairs Skeet Ulrich with Cuba Gooding Jr., this movie just DARES you to watch it. As for the plot, just follow the bouncing ball, because we all know this drill by now: good-intentioned scientist develops new biological weapon. That's good. Miscalculates exact power of said weapon. That's bad. Army guy takes the blame of the deaths of soldiers in testing grounds and goes to jail for ten years, all the while plotting revenge on good-intentioned scientist. That's bad. Angry army guy gets out of jail and goes after scientist to get biological weapon back. That's very bad. Scientist hands weapon over to innocent shopkeeper Skeet Ulrich who takes Cuba Gooding Jr.'s Ice Cream truck to transport weapon, which, in a "Speed"-like twist, must be kept below 50 degrees at all times. Chases and explosions ensue. Good guys get biological weapon back, and evil army guy is killed. That's good. The film ends. That's good. In between explosions, Cuba Gooding Jr. spends the whole film screaming his lines. Skeet Ulrich preens and struts, because he knows just how Johnny Depp cool he thinks he is.

Things that make you go "Huh?": Skeet Ulrich is shot in the leg at close range, but all this injury does is cause him to limp a little. No massive bleeding or shattered bones. In a testament to just how cool he is, he refuses help getting in the ambulance.

Things that make you go "Huh?" continued: The boat that falls off the cliff into the ravine with the two heros lands upside down, but in the very next scene it is right side up with all the equipment back in it.

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