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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Hercules II

Posted by: Daniel J. Linehan
Date Submitted: Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 16:03:36
Date Posted: Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 05:14:32

I originally misjudged the date of this movie by about ten years. The Internet Movie Database tells me it was made in 1985, but judging by the special effects, I figured it couldn't have been made after the special effects advances of "Star Wars" and ILM. The special effects reminded me of the old Apogee and id shareware video games from the late 80s. They are so amazingly bad, one wonders whether anybody on the project woke one morning and said, "Hey, all this computer effects are just crap!" Of course, that same thought could be applied to any aspect of the production.

Let's get the plot out of the way (which is, of course, what the director/writer said when he sat down to start work on the project). Four gods take Zeus' seven thunderbolts to strip him of his power, thereby releasing Chaos in the world, which causes the moon to hurdle towards the earth. Hercules (Lou Ferrigno) must collect the seven thunderbolts, but the gods unleash King Minos onto the world, who teams up with Chaos and uses "Evil Science" to kill three of the four gods (who are, surprisingly, alive afterwards). Then he tries to kill Hercules.

Scenes to watch for: Hercules as a gorilla fighting Minos as a dinosaur; Hercules separating the Earth and the moon.

Best line: Too many to choose from, and they're all in this faux-epic formalized style too.

Things that make you go "Huh?": "Evil science"; Hercules lives with the gods but can't come back in anything other than a loincloth?

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