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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Cool As Ice

Posted by: JunJun
Date Submitted: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 21:19:00
Date Posted: Friday, August 6, 1999 at 07:33:13

I saw this and had to rent it. I believe it is the first and last movie starring Vanilla Ice, which is a *darn* shame because he's such a great actor. It has the lamest plot I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a few movies, let me assure you. The whole movie plays out like a giant Vanilla Ice music video.

It starts with Vanilla Ice and some random dancers dancing in a random club in an all-round random scene. So afterwards he and his friends go randomly riding random early 90s motorcycles to a random small town. En route, they see a girl riding a horse, so Vanilla does what any "bad" dude does, he jumps the fence on his bike and makes the horse throw her to the ground. Smooth.

So they get to the small town, where everyone is "square." It's priceless to see the slow motion shots of various "squares" staring at his gang, open-jawed and bug-eyed. Then, GASP! One gang member's motorcycle breaks, so they take it to an old couple in the town to fix it (naturally). The couple lives in a truly bizarre house; their lawn is lined with spinning globes on poles, and their house contains giant salt and pepper shakers, etc. Somewhat eluding details, since they are a rather conservative old couple, the old man makes it clear that he will take a LONG time to fix the bike, so they have to stay in the town, vanquishing all hope that the movie may take a more interesting twist.

Vanilla finds that the girl on the horse lives just down the street. He is interested, and she obviously isn't, since she's a "good" girl and he's a "bad" dude. OF COURSE they will never end up together!

She, obviously, has a "square" boyfriend, which he almost immediately gets rid of. Her parents don't approve, yada yada. NO WAY they will EVER get together.

The movie contains some other meaningless plot twists and side characters, so meaningless that I don't feel like mentioning them. Of course, I will not reveal whether Vanilla and the girl ever get together and spoil the surprise.

If you like to make fun of the early 90s (and who doesn't?), this is definitely a renter.

Rating: 4.5 turkeys

Scene to watch for: Any with slow motion gaping jaw "squares."

Best line: ANYTHING said by the most eloquent Vanilla Ice.

Things that make you go "Huh?": Where are they in the beginning scene? Why are they going anywhere? Where do they end up in that last scene? Why is it cool to make a girl fall off her horse?

Note: Vanilla's ever-present black jacket has some favorite phrases of his printed all over it, such as "Oh yeah." Only part way through the movie did I realize that that jacket may be his own personal cue card (in case he forgets to say "oh yeah" or something -- although, that would be the true sign of him losing his 'cool').

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