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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

I Married a Monster From Outer Space

Posted by: Darien
Date Submitted: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 at 13:47:40
Date Posted: Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 14:21:58

I adore AMC. AMC shows lots of wonderful old movies...and lots of horrible old movies that I can watch and laugh at. This one is pretty darned bad.

Have you ever seen "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"? The plot is the same. Aliens come down from outer space and "insidiously" (i.e., no one ever notices, despite how obvious it may be) replace the native population. These particular aliens cannot breathe oxygen (one of them is killed when the doctor gives him oxygen after a swimming accident), and if it ever explains how the doppelgangers survive in Earth's oxygenated atmosphere, I missed it.

The plot centers around this one woman whose husband is replaced by an alien the night before their wedding. (She doesn't realize this for a year, by the way.) She tries to convince the townsfolk of the alien invasion, but they don't believe her for two reasons: one, she is saying very crazy things, and two, half of them are aliens anyway. She finally convinces the doctor, who, for some reason, has no trouble getting a bunch of other people to believe the story, and they set out to "unplug" the aliens (that's actually how they kill them -- they unplug them!).

This movie is definitely a B-grade classic. There are a few interesting things about it: first of all, the movie was conceived as a title. Some execs were at lunch one day, and one of them threw out the title "I Married a Monster From Outer Space," and it was decided that a movie should be made for that title. Also, the special effects are quite good when you consider the time and the budget (nothing at all).

Rating: four turkeys.

Scene to watch for: Anything with the black haze; the slut "comes on" to an alien.

Best line: "I'm looking for a new address." / "You found one: the city jail."

Things that make you go "Huh?": How the doctor knows what all the machinery in the ship does just by looking at it.

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