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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Invasion of the Neptune Men (aka: Space Greyhound)

Posted by: Stephen
Date Submitted: Thursday, June 3, 1999 at 11:26:38
Date Posted: Sunday, June 6, 1999 at 05:02:18

"Invasion of the Neptune Men" is somehow related to "The Prince of Space." I'm not sure how, but I am positive the two are interconnected in some way. My guess is that in Japanese they were direct sequels but that was lost in the dubbing (not an unlikely scenario). But really it doesn't matter, "Neptune Men" is a blast if you're a fan of cheesy sci-fi flicks. Our wispy hero from "The Prince of Space" returns (this time he's called "Space Chief") once more beating down alien scum (no longer the birdmen from Krankor -- we get horrible costumed aliens with huge coneheads). Sadly the infamous, "Your weapons cannot hurt me!" line is missing, but there are plenty of cheesy fights and annoying kids to make up for it.

The plot is something like this: aliens from Neptune invade, and Space Chief destroys them with the help of his gang of short shorts wearing children. Space Chief's contribution is to punch in the air, several feet away from everybody, and watch the aliens fall down. He also has a rocking car/jet this time, a far cry from his egg-saucer in the other movie. The kids' contribution is to get Level 5 security clearance and wear short shorts.

The other hilarious scene is the "climactic" space battle which lasts for about twenty minutes despite the fact that it is obviously about three minutes of footage looped. The alien mothership blows stuff up, Space Chief flies up there, two alien ships come out, Space Chief shoots them down, repeat seven times. Among stuff blown up: a huge building with a picture of Hitler. No explanation is offered for this, but it is one of the funniest moments in the movie.

This flick is bound to be hard to find; however the MST version is a riot, and I highly recommend it. Four and a half turkeys (for whatever reason I like this just a bit more than "Prince of Space").

Scene to watch for: The opening fight.

Things that make you go "Huh?": The Hitler building.

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