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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Comet, Butterfly, and Sword (aka: Butterfly and Sword)

Posted by: Carlos G. Lamas
Date Submitted: Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 09:35:38
Date Posted: Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 04:19:31

This is a Japanese movie dubbed into English about a martial artist, Comet, who has his wife convinced that he's just a merchant.

The opening scene immediately sets the pace for the rest of the movie. A clip of a snake is shown for one second, a clip of some rustling in the trees is shown for one second, a clip of a man writing a letter is shown for one second, and then a ninja bursts through the trees and slices the letter-writer's face off. Not his head, mind you, just his face. The next clip shows a bloody latex mask lying on the ground. Hilarious.

The next scene is a war scene in which some ninjas ride on horseback, and other ninjas run just as fast next to them. Late in the scene, Comet decides the best course of action is to shoot his sword out of his bow. Or something.

Throughout the movie, physics are completely ignored. Ninjas fly using their sword blades as helicopters; Comet holds up a rock seven times his size with one hand; ninjas have no problem leaping to the tops of trees; the list goes on.

The interesting thing is that the movie is very well produced, and despite the lack of regard for physics, it tries very very hard to be a serious, compelling movie. The result is one of the best bad movies I've ever seen.

This movie is very strongly recommended to fans of bad movies. It's a five turkey bad movie if I've ever seen one.

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